RC-000132-2015 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY r 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Permit Number: RC-000132-2015 Date Issued: Friday, July 1, 2016 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number RC-000132-2015 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 227.17-1-9.4 Location: 27 SUNNYFIELDS LN Owner: James Meyer,Joan Meyer Applicant: V&H Construction, Inc. This structure may be occupied as a: Single Family Dwelling 3649 s.f. Garage 896 s.f. By Order of Town Board Fireplace TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 1� k' Issuance of this Certificate of Occupancy DOES NOT relieve the x /� / property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, i r / Variance,or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 r Community Development- Building& Codes (518)761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: RC-000132-2015 Tax Map No: 227.17-1-9.4 REVISED Permission is hereby granted to: Joan Meyer For property located at: 27 SUNNYFIELDS LN In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Type of Construction Owner Name: James Meyer Single Family-New $621,600.00 Owner Address: 24 QUEENS LN Total Value $621,600.00 Queensbury,NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name I Address Electrical Inspection Agency V&H Construction,Inc. PO Box 126 Fort Edward,NY 12828 Plans&Specifications Single Family Dwelling 3649 s.f. Garage 896 s.f. Fireplace PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Wednesday,September 21,2016 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the T 4,of Queens M day,September 21,2015 SIGNED for the Town of Queensbury. NZI Director of Building Code Enforcement ' , % cr._, 6-- c t ,i ( -7 , -0-)/- -i --(-cick ,LaiLf,L._ PRINCIPAL STRUCTURE APPLICATION Office Use Only cl ere '��e_ Received p i' Tax Map 9/2/z /5 /�,�/ ID Tax Map ID Z Z 7, /7/— 7, `/ Permit No. 2,QI 5-aetoct:r Permit Fee4.2 Zone Gi/i2 Rec Fee — 11/Gi - sitjy,nor-d -e--- Historic Site Yes A' No Site Plan# 7Z J Subdivision# /,,:� Subdivision Name Lot# `, TOWN BD. RESOLUTION 86-2013 $850 CREATION FEE FOR 5 D'' iEIliG?NES IN FAMILY, DUPLEXES/TWO-FAMIL , ULTIPLE FAMILY, A P TMENTS, CONDOMI. UMS, TOWNHOUSES,AND/OR MANUFACTURED&MODULAR HOME , JT 9i11 t Tags HO. . THIS IS IN ADDITION TO THE PERMIT FEE. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY RUU a'1;& CODES Applicant W//C®„I 5/koro/o/! /n‘, Owner lar„es & Jo a n //1 ye'✓ Address 4a, ga,X 72C Address Zy Qu ee/I Za//e 16V/ 2-0//ka/dsVA// /2fer O a e e rI S ki r l /"//7,4 y Phone/E-mail 90 7 VZ —15—ZD Phone/E-mail Contact Person for Building&Codes Compliance: h41 ---Y'A/ -..S 1j Phone 7f�-7.,.. -- Z 2 'o 10 FC VI I-4Q t drec It, Jr TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION ✓Check all that apply New Addition Alteration 1st floor sf 2'floor sf Total sf Height Single Family V /6 .3-49 /, 9, 369'7 z7 Y" Two-Family Multi-Family (#of units ) Townhouse Business Office Retail -Mercantile Factory-Industrial Attached Garage �y q p q 7/ � �� (1, 2, 3, 4+) V lS / O / Z Other Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Principal Structure Application Revised September 2014 If commercial or industrial please indicate of business Proposed use of building or addition Se/In m �a,,?e Source of Heat(circle one) Gas Oil Yro a Solar Other Fireplace: Complete a separate application for Fuel Burning Appliances & Chimneys P/e"5 Are there structures not shown on plot plan? �p Are there easements on the property? 4/0 Site Information a. Dimensions or acreage of lot AO/ //CreS b. Is this a corner lot? /v 6 c. Will the grade be changed as a result of construction Yes sV No d. Public water or Private well P,-/ 71.& e. Sewer or Private Septic System � / v c2 /e Value of all work to be performed (labor or materials) $ 32// SDP, 'a DECLARATION: 1. I acknowledge no construction shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit and will be completed within a 12 month period. 2. If work is not complete by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees and department approval. 3. I certify that the application,plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement/description of the work proposed,that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes,local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations 4. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed, I or my agents will obtain a certificate of occupancy. 5. I also understand that I/we are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: RZ, j l L- L J, DATE: ?il SIGNATURE: • ,f,t L i L DATE: ?I//,/,(- For office use only Operating Permit Issued: Yes No Occupancy Type Construction Classification Assembly Occupancy Limit Special Conditions Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Principal Structure Application Revised September 2014 Fuel Burning Appliance & Chimney pltIc,I I 15 Q r,e Use Only / D 16 114�� R dyed DATE: /Z//Zo/f K Vlap ID TAX MAP ID: Z Z 7, /7-/- 9, y SEP 0 2 2015 rrnit No. ZONE: A/ Permit Fee TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ` ` BUILDING & CODES OWNER ,i2 8_5 j ,7 2 s eye' PHONE/E-MAIL � ADDRESS Z Queer2 G a/2 e QCf ee/l eer(/ INSTALLER/ US(// C6/95/ref G fi®/7/ 7 c PHO /E-MAIL (5/8) ,91-/5z BUILDER 06j1). CONTACT PERSONFOR BUILDIN/G&CODE COMPLIANCE: / PHONE/E-MAIL l Cii) BUILDING ADDRESS Z ,,n)/j/e Zan ROOM OF INSTALL: / �/ ,/ PLANNED INSTALL DATE: e0/#5 — FUEL BURNING APPLIANCE INFORMATION WOOD COAL PELLET GAS OIL NOTE: ROUGH-IN& STOVE FINAL INSPECTION ARE FIREPLACE INSERT REQUIRED. FIREPLACE,FACTORY BUILT* NOTE: MANUFACTURER'S FIREPLACE,MASONRY INSTALLATION MANUAL FURNACE(GARAGE ONLY) MUST BE AVAILABLE AT TIME OF INSPECTION *If factory built provide manufacturer name: ; Model#: Listed by: Number: Ct ►ni9 CHIMNEY INFORMATION Masonry** (check one) BLOCK BRICK STONE Flue TIE x STEEL Size in inches Material DOUBLE WALL TRIPLE WALL INSULATED ** If non-masonry provide manufacturer name: ; Model #: DECLARATION: Construction/installation must conform to NYS Fire Prevention & Building Code and/or manufacturer requirements. The applicant or owner agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations,and all conditions that are part of these requirements and also will allow inspector's to enter premises to perform required inspections. I HAVE READ AND AGREE TO THE ABOVE: J PRINT NAME: /?c7 eR YY ria 16- ea IGS DATE: f/i/JSP SIGNATURE:— /71,,e-/ 4 DATE: �'//Pr- Town //'r- Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Principal Structure Application Revised September 2014 SEPTIC DISPOSAL APPLICATION Office Use Only Received DATE: / 2 /i&75 Tax Map ID TAX MAP ID: ZZ , /2—/—y, 7 Permit No. ,'/ Permit Fee ►r'1L ZONE: lw `/ APPLICANT j/c y cm�s//�Gl//O/Jly yl G. / PHONEfi /E-MAILEE-MAIL �5 n/'7y1�S�Z O ADDRESS f 2, gO,I LL/Zp ,t ,, 20/07a r //" y ,2120 INSTALLER/ L slya,c P7a0,i PHONE/E-MAIL (S/t) 272—.9.2r4 BUILDER Q YyJ OWNER da/r,e3 Oc V Occ� 1.17 yew ADDRESS Z' Su/dry 11/ / ZQne CONTACT PERSON FOR BUILDINN/d/&CODE COMPLIANCE: PHONE/E-MAIL (Cif) 75/S—/S7 t7 RESIDENCE INFORMATION Year Built #of bedrooms X gallons per bedroom =total Daily flow 1980 or older Garbage grinder installed _Yes X No 1981-1991l/ Spa or Hot Tub installed Yes No 1992-Present //0 �r� 7 70,,aZ PARCEL INFORMATION Topography X Flat rolling Steep slope %Slope Soil Nature Sand Loam Clay ,V Other Groundwater At what depth: Bedrock/Impervious material At what depth: Domestic Water Supply Municipal Well(if well,water supply from any septic system absorption is ft.) Percolation Test Rate: per minute per inch(test to be completed by licensed engineer/architect) PROPOSED SYSTEM FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION Tank size J0/2O gallons(min.size 1,000 gallons,add 250 gallons to size for each garbage cylinder or spa or hot tub System Absorption field with#2 stone Total length ft.;Each Trench Seepage Pit with#3 stone How many: ;Size Alternative System Bed or other type: Pal-cc f'2pu/ Pga Holding Tank System Total required capacity? Tank size #of tanks_ Notes: 1)Alarm system&associated electrical work must be inspected by a Town approved electrical inspection agency;2)We will no longer allow systems to be covered until such time as an As-Built plan is received&approved. The installed system must match the septic system layout on file—no exceptions. Declaration: Any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material representation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of an applicant,shall be void. I have read the regulations and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of ueensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance., PRINT NAME: R� W HO roa � J DATE: /�// SIGNATURE: � / -t/ DATE: 1 // r Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Principal Structure Application Revised September 2014 ECEilvE Town ofQ Yueensbur Thomas R. Van Ness Highway Department SEP Highway Superintendent 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12, ' 2U15 Home: 518-745-0929 Phone: 518-761-8211 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Fax: 518-745-4466 BUILDING& CODES David Duell Deputy.Highway Superintendent Home: - 518-745 0938 DRIVEWAY PERMIT Date: Applicant Name: v,( /9 Co"S 1,-ac- %O/nj Telephone No.: ( -/e) ?yZ -"/SZd Address to be Inspected Z 7 SGt/2,�/�2Zz"20/1e---Return Address: ��, /0/ //Ze /Cf 2��ewa(/////21W Applicant must show exact location and width of driveway(s) to be connected to the highway by placing stakes at the specified location The Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queensbury has reviewed this application. The following action has been taken: STEP 1: ( ) Preliminary approval NEED ( ) Slight Swale ( ) Deep Swale ( ) Level with the road ( ) Level with the top of the paved wing Size culvert pipe to be used (if necessary) ( ) 12" ( ) 15" ( ) 18" ( ) 24" ( ) 36" Preliminary inspection completed by: Date: Approval by Highway Supt.: or Deputy Supt.: Upon completion please resubmit this approval permit for a final approval. STEP 2: ( ) Final Approval ( ) Rejected Date: Thomas R. Van Ness, Highway Superintendent David Duell,Deputy Highway Superintendent Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Principal Structure Application Revised September 2014 I - 3 Foundation Inspection Report q/2-5(/ Office Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection request received: / Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: am/pm Depart. . •• pm 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: Y PERMIT#: '' f d 0 LOCATION: t e/ LNo INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comments Y N N/A Footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. -Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place / 7t� Footing Dowels or Keyway in place t, / L1 , , Foundation Dampproofing ���✓✓✓ Foundation Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. L:\Building &Codes Forms\Building &Codes\Inspection Forms\Foundation Inspection Report.doc Last printed 12/9/2014 �ntiL3z.-Z44� PUMP CONTROL,fNC EMMONS PUMP & CONTROL, INC. 453 NORTH PEARL STREET Albany, NY 12204 PHONE: 518-694-0404 * FAX: 518-6940405 www.emmonspump.com June 14, 2016 D.L. Dickinson Associates 7 Iroquois Street Lake George,New York 12845 Dear Mr. Dickinson, This letter is in reference to the ANUA (Puraflo) Effluent treatment system installed at the Meyer residence, 24 Queens Lane, Queensbury,New York on June, 10,2016. I Trent Emmons, Sales Representative for Emmons Pump & Control,Inc and Puraflo Product for Eastern N. Y. State was present at the installation and startup of the four(4) module pad drip type filtration system and certify that the system was installed and tested properly Ellsworth & Son Excavating,Inc., 57 Ellsworth Lane, Lake George,New York 12845. 1 presented Mr. Meyer with a packet of information on the proper use and maintenance of the Puraflo system. This letter of Certification applies only to the Equipment supplied by Emmons Pump & Control Inc. consisting of the following items: Puraflo Modules Sampling Chamber Zabel Filter H dromatic Pump, Check Valve Tru-union Ball Valve Float Bracket Junction Box and Time Dose Control Panel. Best Regards, Trent Emmons Surface Area Calculations: Town of Queensbury Zoning Requirements Deed Reference i Existing House = 1030± SF Zone: WR — Woterfront Residential J. David Michaels Proposed House = 2600± SF Increase in Impervious Surface Area = 1570± SF to Setbacks: Front = 30' James J. Meyer Existing Drive = 7100± SF E.J . 30Joan= Proposed Drive = 6460± SF Rear Meyer Decrease in Impervious Surface Area = 700± SF Shoreline = 50' (Non APA Rural) Book: 4467 Side = 20' (60-150' Lot Wldth) Page: 24 i � Q Net Increase in Impervious Area = 870± SF Date: 13 A ril 201 2 Maximum Building Height = 28' (primary) p 16' (accessory) ! DEED Floor Area Ratio (FAR) = 229 Map Reference c . Min Permiablility = 759 Map of... Note: Consult Town of Queensbury Town Code Leigh P. Beeman for full zoning requirements. 5y: VanDu5en *- 5teve5 Date: 29 June 1999 Map of... LAKE GEORGEof Iron P' a Found Ralph H. * Elizabeth C. 5choennerr Lake Elevation 3-23-15 = 319.05' � By: K.J. Duckley 79't along shoreline as it winds & turns. .\ \\ Date: June 1978 Wood Crip Dock t 5undeck i N41°18'45"F 75.92' H � , (Tie Line Oniy) �� / HOUSE / J (located 6-28-16) Mean High Water Line / / � , � moo• 6"g8, Iron Pipe Found / y,� Stone Monument Found 50' Shoreline Setback s+ iWow Mood Privacy Fence HOUSE iy / ��� / god, SHED \ S / \ G S i ♦ 63Lands N/F of Owen, et a! (671/561) g� 0.7* / 1 CARS Stale Monument Found NG1*21'DOWV ~~ ~~~\ �\ GRS / trop Pipe Found S. 2G.32' ` Iron Pipe Found GARAGE ` / GRS ABSORPTION BED / (located 6-28-16) GRS - Capped Iron Rod Set Area = ! .0 ! acres, Iran Pipe Found Lands N/F of Hoffman (1188/178) \ GRS \ Ac.r Stone M meet FounCOd V / QRS ~~\` \\ 1~ _ Deed to Centerfine of Cloverdale Road 24, ~ __ / Bk: 4467 Pg.• 241 0oo►3L - yrs CARS += Capped Iron Rod Set ~ / Approximate Highway Boundary of a survey for PApe Founj JUN Joan . MeyerJames J. &. . , Situate In Town of Queen5bury County of Warren IMapping Notes State o New York i Note: Survey performed without the benefit of an Scale: 30 feet D te: 24 February 201 5 a� ab5tract of title. Subject to any rights of others and any facts or findings of record. I Survey ar d Map by Rev15ed : 28 June 201 6 Note: Only title surveys bearing the maker's embossed seal should be relied upon since /\ 5-lal1 ,. / other than embossed-seal copies may contain t'1 �, 4 � unauthorized and undetectable modifications, A5 iATES ��' .-�•�s �- c,��, deletions, additions, and changes. Surveyors Engineers LAKE GEORGE, N W YORK 12845 J ; bearing a licensed land surveyor's seal 15 a violation Unauthorized alteration or addition to a survey map of section 7209, sub-dm5ion2, of the New York State r S ') Rr' 1 Education Law. QU: 12327.4 (old) QU: 227. 1 7_ 1 _9.4 (new) ' Wood Post J= u ►� ���� 4' Max Spacing Geotextile Fabric as (AASHTO, M 268) s Ln 3'W x 0_3D (typ•) Ln Backfill i. Up Slope Down lope Ir- I �I ,t -0 _.., ...- 24' mh Extend Geotextile Fabric a min. 6" Vert, do 6* Horiz. I- Insitu Soil Silt Fence Notes: I. Silt fence shall be placed at those locations shown on the site plan. 2, Overlap Geotextile fabric by 6 inches and fold where two sections adjoin. 3. Inspections of silt fences shall be at least once per weekand after rain events in excess of � inch, Repair o replacement shall be made promptly as needed. 4. Sediment trapped by the silt fence shall be removed (and promptly disposed of) whenever significant sediment accumulation occurs. 5. Material (geotextile do post) installation, maintenance, and silt fence removal shall comply with AASHTO, M 288 requirements. 6. Silt fence shall be maintained in place until completion of construction and the upslope area has been stabilized. LAKE, GEORGE Lake Elevation 3-23-15 = J19.05' 79't along shoreline as it winds & turns. Wood CrO DOGi: i junde:cr; It- N4I°I8'45"E V`�✓ /, 75.92' �a (lie! Lire Ociy) T- 4 Mean High Water Line t� - Lawn wooded iron Pipe Found M' 50' Shoreline Setback S/ / - ` Ci 0.7' I / I I t i 7250 gallon Conci Sep tic Tangy (traffic ro 1000 gallon C Pump'JTank (traffic iron Pipe Found INFILTRATION BASIN -SECTION N.T.S. Build Berm to Create Basin Compact Fill in 6" Lifts Slope 0 2:1 to Existing Grade Use Coconut Blanket (or equivalent) 4" min. Topsoil See Soil Stabilization Detail - Sheet i Seed & Mulch I 346 i 344.6' TOP OF BASIN EXISTING GRADE: A ___.. . __._..._ w__._ .__-- _._ __..-- -•_-- - 3 3+3 6 _. t :;. 44 ._ ...__..._._ _..__ _._._ _..__ ..____ .___. __.._ ._.._.._ , >• � -_--. _ - -r-� - 342 DE EXISiiNG GRA T f j I Bottom o Basin,. Set 340 Level - - insltu Soil JNr rence musr De installed down gradient from al/ land disturbance. (see detail) i Proposed BioFilter 4'W x 28'L x 6 "D Volume = 721- CF (see detail below for ' construction and planting notes.) Stone Monument Found Below Wood Privacy Fence D . SG3Lands iV/F of Owen, et al (671/561) S y �30, GRAVEL DRIVE TO ` BE REMOVED = 700t,SF 30, \ U� Stone Monument Found '� � \�. oma, i• AI Lands N F of Hoffman 1188 178 ! i 1 J. -Iron Pipe Foun,d CIRS 34 l,i Woode BIOFILTER -SECTION (typ.) 8� N.T,S. ! 3p., SOIL STABILIZATION & SEED DETAIL Use US Fabrics Inc. Straw Coconut , W Town of Queensbury Zoning 'Requirements (� 4 0' Blanket (SCB) to stabilize disturbed slopes when 2:1 or greater (Install per Zone: WR Waterfront Resjdentiol manufacturer's specs). Mulch all other disturbed areas. 1 'Setbacks: ) Fron t 30' t Rear = 30' qqJ _ 4" topsoil or Silty Shoreline = 50' (Non APA Rural) —1- �l = ! /• ..: \' ..' r',,/: /i%f/ "� ;• r%r / i.•/ f l/i /f % tri, Clayey Loam when specified , /: _ / :'•..:., \ r\ 6 _' �� ..:.'. ;-�=•_�__.� y�. �-._._�`1'; ii �.' ,. ��i v Side — 20' (60-150" Lot Width) i :... _' , ..i . ,:• ... . , .. _ . .::.,.•:"•: -'.;��::.:,: , ,.. .•...:a. :..:. _. 2"`.� .. ; ..: •: - ,i ! , ;_i' "- � 4 ` III 11268' ' (Primary)MaximumBurlding H rght inSltU011— (accessory ) Soil Media (see notes below)Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Geotexti/e...Filter Fabric tStone Storage Layer : III I I :I I I III I (I I Min Perm iablilit = 7590 III III III � I I � I I III III- y Geotextile Filter Fabric "I v' Note: Consult Town of Queensbury Town Code for full zoning requirements:: Typical Soil Stabi ization Detail 1 "o OUTLET PIPEt. - .; i — - 1) All areas of l excavation) shall be stabilized iin accordance with the LE ; detail above Set 2" above bottom 1 Of BlOfllter. 2) All oreas'of excavation shall be reseeded In accordance with the S q`guidelines., Sto r c mwater Calculations.- a)limearea to a pH of 6, 0 per dere, Net Increase in Impervious Apa = 8701 SF b) apply phosphorus free fertilizer Volume 870 SF x 0,2 CF/SF = 174 CF NOTES: c) where possible lime and fertilizer should be incorporated into Shallow In Basin: at least top 2" of soil 11 'W x 32 L x 12'D i Surface Ar 1. Soil media layer must be 50-70% sand(<5% clay), d) mulch with 2 tons of hay or straw per acre. Volume = 1601 CF 50-30% topsoil(5% organic), free of stones, roots, etc. e) use the following seed mixture: Existing 'Hi 8 lbs/acre birds foot trefoil BioFilter: Proposed I 2. Stone must be washed 1.5-2 inch diameter rock, 15 lbs/acre creeping red fesque 4'W x 28'L x 6"D Increase it Ponded Volume = 28t CF 10 lbs/acre perennial rye grass Existing Di Soil Media volume = 221 CF 3. Rain garden must be landscaped with water tolerant, or Stone Storage Volume 221 CF Proposed r native, non—invasive plants. 15 lbs/acre smooth brome grass Total Volume = 721 CF Decrease i 5 lbs/acre perennial rm gross Total Storage Volume = 232t CF Net Increa 10 lbs/acre 'birds foot trefoil ! } j ti X414 `� s .e i u- Carmen E1eto 1° 0 Robrt Yonney q Ic lnwold Enterpri°ea, LLC t � PROJECT SITE Amelia oven t u E] 1 eoecco alien s Hardd Kirkpatrick 46 4s Stonewood Development m s n Edward Gillis M Todd Laron Jean 1 - Joan Moynih Luke Sears ° Jean �P r e u t State of New York s. wO' CQQ SITE MAP - SCALE: 1 " = 400'± Grass Lined Emergency Overflow J= u ►� ���� Ln 3'W x 0_3D (typ•) Ln Ln -- -0 coI O ✓ Proposed Shallow Infiltration _ �\ 1 VVV w M0 �' J Q x 15'W x 21 'L x 12 "D L_ O LL LL_ Volume = 160.- CF`}- – > . see detail above for cross section) H I i . z CIRS = Capped Iron Rod Set - ® az :>,f Q O I N l\ 1— ml � „ C3 C3 L CO � O Q) to Q \ J e V�l rhe u `� v U) tJ) r� ti Grass Lined Emergency Overflow J= u ►� ���� Ln 3'W x 0_3D (typ•) coI N � Proposed Shallow Infiltration Basin � Q x 15'W x 21 'L x 12 "D L_ O LL LL_ Volume = 160.- CF`}- – > . see detail above for cross section) H I i . z CIRS = Capped Iron Rod Set :>,f