CO-000004-2016 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Permit Number: CO-000004-2016 Date Issued: Friday, May 20, 2016 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number CO-000004-2016 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 302.5-1-38 Location: 527 AVIATION RD Owner: HESS RETAIL STORES LLC Applicant: Speedway, LLC This structure may be occupied as a: CO only- Speedway gas station/convenience store By Order of Town Board 527 Aviation Rd. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Occupancy DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (51.8)761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: CO-000004-2016 "fax Map No: 302.5-1-38 Permission is hereby granted to: Speedway,LLC For property located at: 527 AVIATION RD In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Type of Construction Owner Name: )"'LESS RETAIL STORES LLC Certificate of occupancy $0..00 Owner Address: I Hess Plaza Total Value $0.00 Woodbridge,NJ 07095 Contractor or Builder's Name 1 Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications CO only-Speedway gas station/convenience store 527 Aviation Rd. $50.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: (If a longer period is required„an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the piration eat .} Elated at the Town of Qucc ry; T r January 7,2016 tM SIGNED BY: for the'rown of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement Office Use QDniy Town of Queensbury Fire Marshal Received; ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEW BUSINESS Tax Map ID: CERTIFICATE 4F OCCUPANCY PERMIT APPLICATION Permit No.: Permit Fee: *Note: This application is for occupancy only,with no work requiring a building permit. Name of Business Address Type of Businessr: hy Manager A () 6 201 OR Person in charge C II Lee M� r Lb/NG, C�P� �) LVA C o C or,)STtA CO Business phone No. l t,62— Property 2—Property Owner ,Address . CG) .5= Phone ,"Provide an accurate layout of your store showing all walls,exits, stockrooms, rest rooms,counters, and fixture layout on a separate sheet of paper. Print Name: V AT6 t t_biN C,% CarµPAr "-f Signature: Date: i 61s, Notes P Comments: IMPORTANT: The business owner is responsible for keeping exits clear and maintaining exit signs and emergency lights. Fire extinguishers,fire sprinkler systems,and fire alarm systems require annual inspections by an outside contractor and the corresponding documentation must be provided to the Fire Marshal's office, Fire extinguishing systems found in kitchens and'gas stations require semi-annual inspections. Any violations noted during an inspection,re uire immediate corrective action. CONTACT NUMBERS: Director,Building and Codes-761-8253 Zoning Administrator-761-8218 Zoning-761-8238 Fire Marshal-761-8266 planning-761-8220 Town of Queensbury Fire Marshal-New Business Permit 518-761-8205 EMERGENCY CONTACT UPDATE TO: Warren County Sheriffs Department 1. This form is used to assist Emergency Service personnel who may be called to your business after hours. Please be sure that the persons listed on this form will be willing and available to respond during off-hours to assist Police and/or Fire personnel in gaining entry to your building. 2. Please be advised that failure to respond to assist emergency service personnel may result in damage to your building to facilitate entry by police and/or-fire personnel. PLEASE PRINT DATE: 121 30 1 15 BUSINESS NAME: .5 4pj�!Eh VXIA�j BUSINESS ADDRESS: 52.1 A%A A noQ P—D , O,A-F OSS , 2�j Ny BUSINESS PHONE: SIR-- -745 — AIRD CONTACT 1: HOME PHONE ADDRESS: CONTACT 2: HOME PHONE ADDRESS: Town of Queensbury Fre Marshal—New Business Permit 518-761-8206 FIRE MARSHALS OFFICE 742 Pay Rowl, QiiecnStniry, NY 12804 of N a t it r a I B e a it f y — A G o o d P 1 a c e to L i v e PLAN REVIEW Speedway #7789 527 Aviation Road 1/7/2016 CO-000004-2016 • Fire extinguisher locations to be determined • All egress door hardware shall comply with Chapter 10 of the NYS Fire Code • Verify operation of all exit and emergency lighting fixtures, • Verify aisle and storage • Carbon monoxide detection is required • Verify emergency fuel disconnect is still accessible and proper signage is affixed to the same • Verify cashier line of sight to dispensing area Michael J Palmer Fire Marshal 742 Bay Road QUeensbury NY 1280,4 firemarsha] ,queensbury.net flhone518-761,5200 ?(,tvuu G= John O'Brien January 5, 2O15 Code Enforcement Office 74ZBay Rd, Queensbury, NYI28O4 / y 6 �0�� ~=^o / Re: Speedway-Hess Remodel Project ^ � Subject Building Permit Application Speedway Gas Station/Convenience Store No.7789-5Z7Aviation Rd. ]oho: Per our recent discussion, enclosed please find our application for a Certificat of Occupancy Permit for the Speedway gas station remodel 1obedone at527Aviation Rd. Included |nthis submission are the following documents: 1) Certificate ofOccupancy Permit Application 2) (l)copy ofthe project documents 3) Check for Fifty Dollars ($SO.0]) Should you have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, \. Kate Casey Project Engineer W Gi|baneBuilding Company (518) 258-3532