Planned Parenthood Narative GARY McCooi—A, ARCHITECT, P'LLC 3 Broad StMet-U4 Floor 1:91,618-792-0060 Glens Falls,New York 12801 mocoola—archiftotOrnsmeam ........... I I March 2016 Planned Parenthood Mohawk Hudson 1040 State Street Schenectady, NY 12307 Projject Relocation of Glens Falls Clinic 543 Bay Road Queansbuiry, NY Project, Narrative The existing property at 543 Bay Road was devellop�ed with a medical office buildiing for an orthopedic practice in 1988. A one-glory wood frame building with a crawl space was constructed. 11 had a floor area of about 3,9201 square feet. In 2004, a 900 square foot addition,wa5 constructed on the north end of the building, The building has been varant for about one year. BuilkIlng Work The proposed project wiill cornPletelY renovate the Interior of the existing building to creata a, new medical office building for,Planned Parenthood Mohawk Hudson (PPIVIH), This,facility will relocate services from the current clinic in,Glens Falls,, The proposed construction work will add about.715 square feet of floor area and includes: * in-filling the existingcovered porch on the east side, * an add[tiorli on the southwest side that houses new toilet rooms,and a covered entry porch with an accessibility haft, removal of the existing wood ramp on the west sidle, a,new concrete ramp leadirngl to a covered porch addition on, the west side, an addition on the north side to house mechainicall and electrical equipment. The proposed additions on the west sidle will provide a covered accessible entry porch and a covered exit porch. These elements are being constructed to oomph with requirements of NYS DOH code g uidefines The existing building along the westsilde is,already within front yard setbacks,; tberefoire, the proposed work cannot be constructed without encroachment into the setback, The proposed entry porch addition on the southwest corner of the builftq will extend 10 feet into the setback. It is, noted that the existing wood ramp that,will be removed is 15 feet:into the same setback. All exterior modifications, in 41111 work and addiltions wl 11 be fi'Oish ed with horizontal wood s Iding with a painiltedi finish. The roof will retain the asphalt shingle finish. Overali, the building will retain its general style, blut the proposed new entryway is designed to be more prominent and welcoming. Buill,ding- mounted signage will be provided on, the south and west elevations adjacent to the entry. ,All[demolition and construction activity in;the bufldibg will utilize industry standards for collection of waste material.and all waste will be legally disposed off-site at an approved disposaiJacilily, Site Work The proposed project wilIll utilize an estimated staff of 8 to 12 people. The patient load is ostimated to be 8 to, 12 at one time, The,project estimates a need fQ,,r 24 parking spaces and 25, will be provided including one ADA accessible space. Eighteen of the parking spaces are provided on-site. The seven existing parking spaces on the south side o,f the propefty in the Baywood Drive right-of-way willi continue to, be used, Dave Duell, Town Deputy Highway Superintendent, has,approved of this uise, but PPMH will be re,sponsiblie,to remove snow andl maintain this paved area. Dave allso approved the proposed narrowing of the northwest driveway to,24 feet width. 543 Say Road-PrDject Narrative GARY MCCOOLA, ARCHItTF-CT, PLLC 3 Broad'Street-3rd floor 5118-792,-0050 Glens'Falls,New York 12801 Mccoola-0,rabitectomsn'COM The proposed site work includes modification,to the edge o�f the parking drive adjacent to the building that will remove asphalt pavIng and provide landscape bleds. N�ew concrete walkways will be provided to, direct USeTS to thenew entry canopy and from the exit porch. The north end of the parking area will, be expanded to provide three additional parking spaces on site. Pole-mounted, sharp,cut-loff Hights will be provided at the perimeter of the parking area. All of the proposed wor,k to the building and the site will Mcrease the impermeable area of the property,by, only l%,. However, the project includes the colliection ofstorm wateron-unite for the new parRinig spaces, at the west,edge of the existing parking lot and at the perimeter of the buillding. additions, Existing overgrown shrubs,and the pine tree on the west building sidle will beremoved. New landscape beds will be provid�e:d with low-height shrubs and ground;cover. New,trees will be planted allong the West, and north side of the pairki:ngi area,. A,4" high ornamental metal fence will be provided alongi parking areas at the south, west and north edges of the property. Building Services The existing buried gas service to,a building-mounted meter at,the-,jouth side afthe building will be retainedfor the proposed project. The domestic water is from the Town of Queensbury via buried pipe from, Baywood Drive to the west side of the building's crawl spaice. This service will be retained for the proposed project. The bullding !is currently,served from an underground single-phase, 3 wire 240V/1 20V service. The proposed project anticipates a new 400-amp 2G8V, 3-phase service will be provided underground to the new electrical roorn. A smalll stand-by generator is proposed to be pad-molunted on the north end of the building. The building Is served by a septic field on the southeast slide of the property. There Is a 1,260 gallon septic tank feeding an approximate 250 linear toot distribution field The,hank is serviced annually and the system is reported to,be function[rigi welll. Thiig septic bed should accommodate an effluent flow rate of �abo,uit 350 gallons,per day. The proposed project will confinve,to use this septic system. it is estimated that the propo�sedl program will)I use about 100.1 0 gallons per day, Summary The proposed building modifications and additions wiJ1 enhance the overall appearance of the buillding. The proposed site deve lopment work will improve traffic flow, improve storm,water rin itigation and wiill provide a secure environment for the building's users. The proposed project will1l enhance existing property and provide an updated healtbi care facility for the community. The project is oonsh5tent with the vision, goals and, policies in the Town's Comprehensive Plan,. End ofNarrative 543,Bay Road-Project Nwative 2 I, I III MA" Na o DL CL AL 0 f I t N m " i Qf w u P" " MAO? GARY McCOOLA,ii, ARCHITECT, FLLC 31 Iarosd street-w Elinor tell,51'8-192- DSO Glens Failllls,Now York 1X01 uu ccoolilctiom 10 March 2011 Planned: Parenthood Mohawk Hudson lie; Relocation of Glens FallA iiinuc. 543 Ealy Road ueens'buu y, NY 1179-9-0180, n quire en t for Site Plan Approval Responses 'The following are responses to the Standards, lusted on pagle 5 of the Site Flan Review Application„ ., The proposed project is consistent with the polliicies of the Town's Comprehensive Flan. The proposed project complies with, sill o�tber requirements of this Chapter, G. The site plan encourages pedestrian activity internally- Concrete paved walkways are provided at the edge of the parking area to idirect pedestrians to the main entrance and frorru exits, D, The site plan conforms,to Chapter 136 Sewage and Sewage Disposal, Chapter 1 47 stormwater Management Local Law, and other applicable local laws. E. The proposed use will be in harmony with the general purpose and ilntent of this Chapter, The proposed project Is ;a continuation of use as a medicaloffice building in an existing medical office park: F. The establlishment, maintenance and operation of the proposed use wil[ not create public hazards from traffic or the parking of vehicles. Traffic accessi and circual,ation will be adequate. Use of the existing parking spaces allong Baywood Drive will be by full-time staff se that traffic there is minimized, a G. Off-street parking is appropriately located and arTangedl and sufficient to rneet traffic anticipated to he generated) by the new use. The Owner anticipates the need for 24 perking spaces; 18 spades are providled off-street and 7 existing spaces on Baywood Drive will continue to be used, There is no provision for loading facilities as these services are not required for the prop^used project. The property will] not be linked to any adjacent property. H. The proposed project Will not have an undue adverse impact on thel natural,,sceniic, aesthetlic, eccia gical, wildlife, historic, recreational or opera space resource of the town, 1, The provision for and arrangement of pedestrian traffllo access and circullation is safe and adequate. J. Stormwater drainage facilities willl prevent an increase of post development drainage flows as compared to, pre-development fllow s. The proposed prof increases the impermeable area,of the site by only 1%. The,proposed bluilding additions and the expanded parking area will recharge groundwater on site by the construction of infiltration trenches, Existing surface waters flowing off- site to existing drainage structures iwill be unchanged. K. The existing rnu�nicipal water supply,w il�1 continue to be used for the proposed project_ The existing septic tank and abilsorption fieldll will continue to,be used for the proposed project. The s stern is reported by the servuu:e contractor to be functioning wvelll and the capacity of the system is adequaate for the proposed usage. L. (Existing deceased plants and trees will be removed, Overgrown shrubs will be: removed and replaced with low ground coverer sihrumbs and other suitable pilan'ntings at the front of the building. Landscape screening between this property and the adjacent property will not bie provider). „ The parking drive aisle will[ be adequate for emergency service providers. N. The design of structures, roadways,and landscaping will minimize poondlin,gl„ flooding and erosion, 0„ The site plan conforms to the design standards„ landscaping standards and performance standards of this chapter. End of Responsos Requbilmm einls for Site Rani Approval Responsesit