Trombley LGPC letter <,,E, YORK 'Arurr� w Park Agency Cj1-,)ir inn xecuitive Dlreoar February . 20116 Michaeland Cindy TrortnlMuu-ley 0 Ellsworth Larne Labe George„ NY" 12845 Dear fpr, and Mrs, Trounnbley. J uN'Isd,,Ictiiuurnant D tuermi;natiion Jl 016-0077 The (proposed two IIS subdivision and construction of a single family dwelling described in the materials received apn: February, 8, 2016 does not req uire a,perm it or,variance from the Adirondack Park Agency(Agency), provided the facts submitted are accurate, and complete, and provided there is compliance with the restrictions below, Althouu ,h a permit or variance is not required from this gierncy„ please be aware that a, permit arndlor variance may be required from the Town of Queensbury which administers anAgency- approved local land use program (AwLLLIP'). This meansthat the Town has authority over Class regional projects and administers the statutory shoreline restrictions as defined In the diro nidack d'ar'k Agency Act and tumt;her defined in the ALL UR. Please be advised that this Netter makes no representation, as to the approvability of your project pursuant to the Town administered,ALLUP, Be sure to contact the Town's a idle Enforcement Officer or Zoning Administrator to determine the Town's repuirernents and the procedures and standards to be followed for such projects, Allso, please be aware that variances approved by towns, acting pursuant to, an,ALLUP are, subject to review by the Agency' and under a ertai n circumstances can be reversed by theAgency. Description It is our understanding that the project consists of the foilo r`,,rl : 1, The property is a 13.1 " -acre parcell locatedire the Town of Queens,bury, Warren County, on Ellsworth Lane„tax map designation 265.-1.16. 2. The prop", is,owned, by Michael S. Ttombley and Grady Lyman; Marie Tromrn,biey„ as describledl in a deed) recorded on July 26, 2002 in Liber 1277 of Deeds, page 2;55 in the Warren CountyClerk's Office, 1. According to the Information your submitted",the property was part of a larger parcel as of the May , 1973 enactment date of theAdirondack Park Land Use and Development Plan in that the owners on that date, David and garnet Jenkins, used adjoining tax parcels 6 ,-1-12,1 and 265, 1-12,2. P.01,Box 99-,11.311 NYS Route 86- mn',ay Stook, NY 121977.Tan,618 8014,050+Fad:$118 8'91.3938„you°ap a ny.govr Michael and Cindy Tromble February 26, 2016 Page 4. The property is Improved by a single farnifly dnwvel ing constructed circa 2002 and a shed construuicted circa,2011. b, You propose to undertake a two lot subdivision and construct asingle family dl ening; as, shown on the snaps entitled„ "Map Showing Existing Site improvements Lands of Michael S. Trornbley a,ndi Cindy Lynn Made Trombley Situated in Torn of Queensbury, Warren County, New York,' dated December 19„ 2002 and 'Subdivision IP'lan Prepared for Mw ichaEL & Cindy Trornbley 80 Ellsworth Lane 'Town of uueensbu r , Warren County, , New York," last revised 213,1116, each received by the agency on February 81, 2'01116. For purposes of Agency review, these maps have been,stamped"Final", No dditi nal subdivision or new lead ruse and development Is proposed at this bine, If any of the above is incorrect, please contact the Agency as a different determination could resu ll. FOR YOU ,'INFORIiPtA'f'tON'. This determination Is based i upon the existing laws, regulations and Park Plan Map administered by the Agency., If they change before substantial commencement of lbe proposed project, anis determination may also change., The property is located) in a Low Intensity Use hand use area on the,Adlronda,clu Park Land Use and Development Plan Map. Agency staff have determined that there are no wetlands, subject to Agency jurisdiction on the property, based on interpretation of waand maps,available for Warren, County. However, field inspection by Agency stuff is the only,way to confirm the presence, location and size of Hands. If you have reason to 'believe that any wetlands would be subdivided or otherwise affected by the (proposal, your are encouraged to contact the Agency to arrange a site visit prior' to undertaking the project. The property Is not located In a statutory,critical environmental area, The property is not located In a designated raver area pursuant to the New York State Wild, Scenic and Recreational RIvers System Act, Since the Town, of Quelensbury administers an ALLUP, you should contact the local zoning administrator air code enforcement officer to determine the Town's requirement's and the procedures and standards to be followed for such projects„ If your protect,is determined to be a (lass B reglanal project, the local government,vvilll notify this Agency of your application and the ,agency may participate as a party of Interest in the local review, Michael and Cindy,Tromble February „ 201 Mage 3 Restrlc l n's A thougtn the proposed profect described above does not require an Agency permit, the following restrlctiorns, are impose!d by law. Please note that the Town of Queenswry may have more, restrictive requirements and standards than those administered by the Agency, 1 A new on-slice sewage disposal system may not be located m4thin 100 feet of any wetlands without an agency permit. Sewage disposal systems are measured horizontally from the closest part of a leaching facillity to the edge of the wetlands. The New York Stene Department of Wealth has addltiornal sewage dlsposal s stern'n standards which must also be meet„ , The local land nese regulations administered by the Town also limit the use of property and specify tot size and l dimensions, setbacks for structures, building height and septic system requirements. . No structure otheir than residential radio and folie inion antenrnas and certain agiricultural structures May emceed 40 feet in height without anAgency perrrnit,. ForAgency purposes, height is measured from the highest point of the structure to,the lowest point offinished or natural grade. Tine proposal may, require approvals from other government entities, a also recommend that you check with cou nt; , other state and with federal agencies as necessary prior to undertaking your project. If you have any questions,, please,feel free to contact the Agency again. Sincerely„ Denis, t' , ner Project Administrator DMW:DW .,mop Enclosure: Structure Height flier cc, Hutchins Engineering Craig Brown,, Towyn of Queensbury Code Enforcement Officer (via email)