Planning Board Staff Notes for 4-26-16 STAFF NOTES, PLANNING BOARD APRIL, 26, 20116 Minutes of February 16, & February 23, 20,16 Draft Resolution — grant/deny minutes approlval Site I 5-20114 @ 819 State Roue Public Hearing Continues, DEQUn�listed ' Dr lsolu i — grant/deny site plan approval 'Fown of Queensbury Planning,Board Cornmunity Developm, ent Department Staff Notes April 26, 016 Site Plan, 75-20,14 M.CT, ONALD"S 'USA, LLC, 819 State Route 9,/ Cl — Commercial Intensive zone /Ward 2 S Unlisted Material Review- narrative, site plan set C 1-14, Lighting,plan, survey, colored rendition of sarnple McDonald's Parcel History: AV 8-14, V 87-2014, SP 16-93; B,P 1101, BP 1535 Requested Action Planning Board review and approval to rernove: existing 4,800, sq. ft., building witb drive tl.u-u and construct a, new 3,9001 sq. ft. McDonald's building along with associated site work,parking, I ighti ng and land scapi ng. Resolutions 1. Environmental review 2. Planning Board decision Proicet Description Applicant proposes, to remove existing 4,800 sq. ft, building with drive thrUrand construct a new 3,900 sq. ft. McDonald's building along with associated site work, parking, lighting and landscaping. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance Fast Food establislunent shall be subjeet to Planning Board review and approval. Staff Comments The, applicant has proposed a revised project for the demolition and, new build for the McDonalds Restaurant oil Route 9. The applicant proposes a 3,900 sq ft building with,2 drive thru. order areas and to reduce the curbouts from 3 to two. The access, off of Old Aviation Rd will be relocated, to closer to route 9 and as an entrance only. The: Route 9 curbeut:s include a one way drive-in, access, and, a two way access point. The applicant has provided additional building information indicating the exterior will include brick exterior and stucco accents along with canopy awing's at certain areas of the building. The applicant received area variance for permeability and sign variances,.. The site is serviced by municipal water and sewer. The project occurs on two properties that includes the construction of'32 parking spaces. The stomwater will include two new drywells,and stormwater piping to flow to the Route:9 NYSDOT drainage., SUMMO The applicant has completed a site plan application for the demolition of the existing McDonald's restaurant with a new 3,900 sq ft McDonalds,'s,, Zoning Board of Appeals,—Record of Resolution Town of Queens bur„ 742 l ay Road t tueensbaury, NY 12804 (518) 761-81238 ioik Area Variance Resolution To: Approve Applicant Name: McDonald's USA, LLC File Number: ,area Variance No, 8 8-20,14 ]Location: 81'9 State Route 9 W,ARD'2 Tax Map Number: 302.6,.1.48 &4 ILIA Meeting lute: Wednesday, Felur°uaveyf 17,21116 110Zoning Beard of. ppeals of the Towvun,of Queensbury has received an application frorn McLtonald"s USA,LLC'. Applicant proposes deunmolition of existing 4,801 O sq.ft. restau raat as 'wrelI as demolition of the existing 4i1.1 sq.ft., detached garage. Applicant proposes construction of a new 3,90110 sad, rL rest:auuranL Relief requested furorn minimum f uuat yard Whack requirements as well as from maxi:umuuunn permeability requirements in the CI zoning distriet. .EQR Type 11 —no fuuuther review,required; pub lie hea ri ng was,advertised and held on: December 1.7 14 and Tqhjed�_'to l` ar h 11i. 201,5 and fuurt6r r Tabled to February 17.,2016 Upon review unf'the application materials, information supplied during the public hearing, and upon consideration of the criteria specified in Section 179-14- SO(A)of the Queensbury Town Code and Chapter 267 of NYS Town l,awv and after discussion and deliberation,we flood as loIlows: 1, here is not an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood nom a detriment to nearby properties auuse the changes will result in a better looking,facility,. 2. Feasible alternatives have been considered by time Board, but are not reasonable. . 'The requested variance 1 substantial because it's essentially an improvement on the existing structure , There is not an adverse iunpact on'the physical or environumental conditions irn the neighborhood ordistrict,. 5. 15 the alleged difficulty is, of course,self-erected. 6.. In addition the board finds,that the benefit to time applicant from granting the requested variance would outvreiLi (approval the rel"3ulting detriment to the health„safety and welfare of"the neighborhood or community; 7. 'The Board also finds that the variance request under consideration is the tninimum necessary 8, The hoard also proposes the following conditions: a) That if control and use of Lot Oneis lost,tinea the applicant untist immediately seep approval of"the variances that would be applicalbN.e at that time for the remaining lot. Page '.l off'2 Continued Area Variance Approval Resolution Applitant Name: McDonald's USA, LLC FileNumber-, Area Variance No. 88-2014 Location: 8 19 State Route 9 'WARD 2 Tax Map Number- 302.6-1-48 &49 ZBA Meeting Date. 'Wednesday, February 17, 20 16 BASED. THE ABOVE F1 1311�L , A MOT[-Q—N 10 APPROVE AREA VA&L&NC -20,14, MC QaLM&KE L_j4Q_8,8 DQNLLD— SA,LLC Introduced by Michael McCabe, who moved for its.adoption,seconded by Kyle Noonan: Duly adopted this 17* day of February 17, 2016 by the following,vote. AYES: Mr. Urfico, Mr, Henkel, Mr. McCabe, Mr, Noonan, Mr.. Jackoski NOES. NONE ABSENT: Mr. Kuhl, Mr. Freer Page 2r of 2 Zoning,Board of A ppLals—Record of Resolution Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road QueensbUrry,NY 1.2804 18)761-8238 Sign Variance Resolution To: approve. Applicant Name: McDonald',s t18 , LL File Number: Sign, Variance No. 87-201.4 Location- 819 State Route Tax Map Number; 3022.6-1-48 &4 ZBA Meeting D' ate Wednesday, February 17, 217116 TheZoning Board et Appeals of the Town of Queensbury Inas received an application from McDonald's,>11 ,, LLX for a variance from Chapter 140 of the Sign Code of The Town of Queensbury'. Applicant proposes installation of 6 new signs. Three wall sins proposed to read as a single letter" Pir1"" and two wall signs to read "McDonalds" where wall signs total 148 sq.ft in lien of tine maximum m allowable tarn wall signn$ to total 0 sq, 11..each.. Relief is requested for the number of allowable wall signs for a business and maximum silk. Sl:;QR Type:'Unlisted Motion regarding Sign Variance Ne. 87-21114 McDon,atd°s.USA, LL base4 upon the:information and the analysis is f the above supporting documentation provided by the applicant,this Board linins that this will not result in any significant adverse environmental impact. So we gime it a Negative Declaration, Introduced by Michael McCabe who moved for its adoption, seconded by John Henkel. el. Duly adopted lf'dau'yl`februuary'2111.6.,by the following vote: " ESl., Mr.Noonan, Mr. Urrico, Mr. McCabe,Mr. 1°°lenlrel, Mr,,laelroslai ES: NONE ABSENT, Mr. Kuhl!, Mr.Freer A.public hearing was advertised and held on December 17, 2014 and Tabled to March 18, 20 15 and further Tabled February 17, 2016,; Upon review ol'the application materials, information supplied during the public:hearin&and. upon consideration of the criteria specified in Section 17944-080(A)ofthe Queensbury Town Code and Chapter 267 off'NYS Town Law and after discussion and delibaeration,we find as fol lows: I. There will be no undesirable change produced in the eharaeter ofthe neu;ghborhou nor will there be a detxiun7eunt to the nearby properties created by granting the Sign ''variance. 2. The benefit sought by the applicant cannot really I a hieved by any feasible method rather than a;Sign Variance,since this is standard corporate policy. 3� The requested Sign Variance Is not substantial.. 4. The proposed Sign Vanance will not have an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district. Pape 1 of 2 s. "rhe alleged difficulty is,of course, self-created. 6. In add 1 ti on,the Board finds,that the bene fit to,the applicant from granting the req Liested variance woul cl 2H1WS-'W1 the resulting detriment to the health, safety and welfare of the neighborhood or corninunity; 7. The Board also finds that the variance request under consideration is the minimum necessary; Based on the above findings 11 make a MOTION TOAPPROVE Sign Variance No.87-20,14 McDonalds tJSA,,LLC,Introduced by Michael M,,cCabe,who moved foi-its adoption,seconded by John.Henke]: Duty adopted this 1,7""day of Februar-y 20,16 by the following vote, AYES. Mr. Urrico, Mr. Henkell, Mr. Noo�nan, Mr. McCabe, Mr.Jackoski NCIES, NONE ABSENT. Mr. Kuhl,Mr.,Freer A. The variance approval is valid,for one (1)year fro the:date of approrval; you may request an extension of approval before the one(1)year time frame expires; B. If the property is, located within the Adirondack Park,the approved varian is subject to review by tile Adirondack Park Agency(APA). The applii=t is cautioned against taking any action until,the APA's review is completed; C, Final approved plans in compliance with an approved variance must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any further review by the Zoning A,d:m i nistrator or Bu ilding&Codes personnel; D. Subsequent issuance of further perinits, including sign permits are dependent on receipt of these final plans; S. Upon approval of the application;review and approval offinal plans by the Community Development Department the applicant can apply for a sign permit unless the proposed project requires review, approval,or permit fro the Town Planning Board and/or the Adirondack Park Agency, Laloe George Park Commission or other tate agency or department. Page 7 of 2 'THE North Country Office 375, Bay Road,Queensbury, NY 12804 I E-1NAIL P., (518) 812-0513, F,. (518) 812-2205 COMPANIES ww��w.ch�azenc,omp,an,les,.coim Enineer$ Hudson Valley Office (8451)454-3980 g Land Surveyors Caplital Dist:Hct Office 273-0055, Manners Environmentall P,rofess,lopals Landscme Architects Ap'rill 7, 201 Mr.,Craig Brown Zoning Administrator and Code Compliance Officer Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, New York 128D4 Delivered via email only :,'grafi&B Re: McDonald's, Restaurant—819 State Route 9 Town of Que'ensbury, Warren County, New York Chozen Project#91400,31 Queensbury'Ref#SP75-2014 Dear Mr., Brown, The, ha en Companies (Chaizen) has received a submission package from, your office for the above referenced projeect. The applicant intends to demolish an existing rest,auirant, construct a new restaluran't and change,site layout on a�0.72 acre parcel. 'Submitted information includes the following: * Coer letter/Project Surnimary by Boehler Engineering, Decernber 1, 2014; 0 Project Narratiive, 2 pages, undated; 6 Site Plans and Details prepared by Bottler Engineering, May 9, 2.014; and, 0 BuRding ellevaifion, ptains,, undat�edl. Your office has requested that we limit our review to the design of stormwater system as it relates, to compliance to, loicall, state or relevant codes and regulations. rased upon our review, Chazen offers the followling comments for the Town's consideration: Stormwateir Management & Erosion and Sedimient Control: 1. The proposed site improvementsdisturb less than 1 acre of land and willl not be subo,ctto N[YSDEC Phase 11 Stormwater Regulations. Comments relating to the' submitted documents are offered below. 2, There is an existing catch basin near the northwest cornier of the existing building. Based on,the information provided in the plans it is undlear if this catch basin drains to, the existing NYSD,GT storm s,8wer or infiltrates runoff on site?Applicant toclarify. 3, The proposed redevelopment incl'ude5 three new catch b'asins conveying stoirmwater flow to an existing conveyance system aloin g NYS, Route 9. The Applicant shall demonstrate that no Chazen ErVioeehhg Land Surveying&Land�scqpo Architecture Co.,D-P.C, Chazen Ehv*anmentat Services, 0c. Ths,Chazen Comp&Mes, gnu. rr'Qwn of Quueembury MrDuinarld s Restaurant Rage 2 additiioruall peak fllow is conveyed to the l'NSD T storm systema. The applicant shall confirm the existing pipe Inas capacity to handle the proposed! flews (if an, increase is proposed) as well as coordinate with the owner(NYS,DOT)T)foir approval. A f YSD,OT utility work(permit will be requiredl for this,worlk. 4. The erosion control measure details Provided our sheet C-8 are not corusiisterrt with the dletaills provided in the Blue, Book.Specifically,the details shall include the construction specifications fuer each respective measure.Additioraall , the "toe-ill, methods" shown in the detail shall he revised' such that the embedIded mer thod, its the only one shown. n. In,the event the Planning Board or Town staff have any questions,or require additional information please do not hesitate to,contact me at(518) 824-19,26. Sincerely,, Seam M. Doty, P" E., L,EED AP, CMIS4S Principal lan.ager", Municipal Engineering Services cc: 'Sunny Sweet, Town Plainming Off iice Administrator(via,ernail) Laura Moore.,Town, Land Use Planner(via e-mall) File 'w„Ng919 a9�ai9"hw1+1t9CA i-T,.Queensbury PBE: Im®orrkSWO31-SP7S-2994-WV0flplds$39Rte%ENG%fleYiews191400,91,IMAd¢Ekamm&'ghs„„21�idl5d--°7',.i4,�- coo. III�I 11,1 L 2 G'1 1 X2 V 0 1('oI11)-1 C.'11. 1 e Q Town of Queensbury Planning Board SEER RESOLUTION—Grant Positive or Negative Declaration Site Plan 7'51-2014 McDonald's USA, LLC Tax Map ID 302,6.1-411,449 / Property Address- 8 1,9 State RL 9/Zoning,. C1 The applicant proposes to rennin existing 4,800 s . ft. building with drivethru, and construct a new 3,,90,0 sq. ft. McDonald's building along with associated site work, parking, Lighting and landscaping. Pursuant to Chapter, 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance Fast Foodestablishment shall 'be subject to Planning, Board review and approval. The: Planning Board :has determined that the proposed project and Planning Board action is subjeotto review under the State EnvironmenW, Quality Review Act; The proposed action considered by this Board is Unlisted in the Department of Enviromnental Conservation Regulations implementing the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the regulations of the Town of Queensbury; 'No Federal or,other agencies are involved; Part I of the Short EAFbas been completed hy the applicant; Upon review of the information recorded on this Ems", it is, the coniclusion of the Town of Queensbui-y Planning Board as lead Ekgency that this project will result in no significant adverse impacts on the environment, and, therefore, an environmental impact statement need not be prepared. Accordingly, this negative declaration is issued MOTION TO GRANT A POSITIVE, DECLARATION OR NEGATIVE DE4 CLARATION r1,0R SITE PLAN 75-2014 MCDONAill 'S USA, LLC, , Introduced by who moved for its adoption, seconded, by As per the resolution prepared, by staff. 1. Part 11 of the Short EAF has been reviewed an,d com,pleted by the Planning,Board. 2. Part III of the Short, 1;AF has been,reviewed and completed by the Planning Board. Or Part III of the Short EAF is not necessary because the Planning Board did not identify potentially moderate to large: impacts. Duly adopted this,26" day of April, 2016 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: Phone: 5 18,76 1,8220 1 17a 18.745.44,3'71742 Bay Road..Queensbur, DIY 128�04 �,vy"rw.queensbt1rY.naris 'Town of Queensbury Community Development Office 742 Bay Road.. Queensbury,NY 12804 Towne of Queensbury Planning Board SOLUTION— Grant I Deny Site Plan ,approval for Site Plan 75-2014 McDonald's USA, L1, Tax Map Ili 302.6-1- 8,-4 / Property dd,r ss: 111 Mate Rt® J nninng: 1 The applicant has submitted are application to the Planning Board for Site Plan approval, pursuant to Article of the Town zoning Ordinancefor: Applicant proposes to remove existing 4,800 sq. fl. building with drive tlnruu and construct a new 3,9110, sq, ft, McDonald's building along with associated site work, parking, lighting and landscaping. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinancepast Food establisfu n n t, shall be subject,to Planning board review and approval. Pursuant to relevant: sections of the Town of Queensbury ZoningCode-Chapt r 179-9-080, the Planning Board has d to tni n d that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; As required by General Municipal Law Section 239-rnn the ,site plan application was referred to the Warren County Planning Department nt for its recommendation; The Planning guard has reviewed ed. flus potential environmental impacts of the project, pursuant, to the State Environmental Quality Review Act ( E and adopted a SEQR.A Negative Declaration -- Determination sof on-Significance The Planning Board opened a public hearing on the Site platin application on 12/18, 14; 2/24/15, /24!15, 8/25/15 and continued the public hearing to 4/26/2016 when it was closed, The Plarnnning, Board has reviewed the application materials submitted by the applicant and ,all comments made at the public hearing;and submitted in writing through. and including 4/26/2. 1 The Planning Board determines that the application complies with the review considerations and. standards set forth in Article 9'of theZoning Ordinance for Site Plain appio a.l, MQT10N TO APPROVES / DBAPPROVE, SITE PLAN 75-2014 1' CDONA D, Ul LL Introduced by who moved for its adoption, seconded b Acc�ording,to the Pratt;resolution prepared by Staff with the following,,. 1') Waivers requested granted/denied .. Adherence to the items outlined in the follow-up letter.sent with this resolution. a if applicable, the Sanitary Sewer connection plan must be submitted to the Wastewater, Department for its review, approval,, permitting and inspection; Page 11 of Pho° tine:; 518-761.8220'� Fax, 518.745.44371 742 Bay Road. Queensbury.N ' 12804 dwww-peensbunry„mn u b) Ifeurb cuts are being added or changed a,driveway permit is required., A build,ing permit will not be issued until the approved driveway permit,has been provided to the Planning Office; c) If application was,referred to engineering then Engineering sign-off required prior to signature of Zoning Administrator of the approved plans d), If required, the applicant must submit a copy the following to the Town: a. The project N0 (Notice:of Intent) for coverage under the current "'NYSD EC SPDE, eneral Perin it from Construction Activity" prior to the start of any site work. b. "I'he project NOT (Notice of Termination) upon completion of the project;, c. "I'lie applicant must maintain on their project site, for review by staff'. i. The approved.final plans that have been stamped by the Town Zoning Administrator, These plans must include the project SWPPP (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan) when such a plan was prepared and approved; H. The project N and proof of coverage under the current NYS DEC SPITS General Permit, or an individual SPDES permit issued Ior the project if required. Final approved plans, in compliance with the Site P Ian, must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any,further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes personnel; f) The applicant must meet with. Staff after approval and prior to issuance oll Building Permit and/or the beginning of any site work; g) Subsequent issuance of further permits,, including building permits is dependent on compliance with this and.all, other conditions of this resolution; h) As-built plans to certify that the site plan is developed according to the:approved plans to be provided prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy. i) This resolution is to he placed in its entirety on the final plans Duly adopted this 26P day of April, 2016, by the following vote. AYES'. NOES: Page 2 ort Phone., 51,8.761'.8220 1 Fay 518-7'45,44371 742 Say Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 1 www.queen,,s,bury.net Silte Plan PZ 77-2O�16@ Lot 3 I Valley Way Public Hearing Sicheiduled S,EQR, Type 11 Draft Resolution r nt n site plan appirl ...................................................... Town of Queensbury Planning Roard et Community Development DepartmentS,taffNotes April 26, 20,l Site Flan P 77-2016 TED& SHARI HRI 'lE / Lot 3 forth 40 Subdivision/ Freshwater,Wetlands Permit PZ 10 1-20,16 Rural Residential 3 Acres —RR-3,A Zoning Sly : 'Type 11 Material Review: application materials and drawings,—Survey, Sheets I.A.0 to L7. Parcel History: Subdivision 3-87 Requested ActillOW, P'lann'ing Board review,and approval for the residential development of a single family home with site work Rtsrnlutiorns: 1, Site Plan review and decision. Project Description- Applicant escri tion:Applicant proposes construction of a 4,398 sq., "t. home with a 431 sq. ft. patio area to the rear of home, There is a wetland and several setbacks on the property limiting the area in which the home can be constructed. Project includes earthwork, erosion and sediment control, stornnwvater management, 'utility installation and planting including additional vegetated buffer along the wetland edge. staff Comments Site Marr overall -The project occurs on a 2.76 acre parcel pert of the North Forty subdivision.noted as Lot 3, The plan is to construct,a 4,398 sip it home away from the wetlands and neighboring homes. The applicants plan showvs the approximate huildirn;,envelope that would be allowed in the site within the re uniremee nts. Site layout and utility plan- The newhome is situate to be closer to the west side property line, and near the wetland. The plansshow the location of the new septic system and well along wvith the distances to the adjoining neighbors andcomplaint with the requirements. 'Trading and drainage plan® The plans show the areas to be ,graded for the house and patio location. The apnpulicarnt proposes to install five rain garden features to assist with the new house and driveway drainage.. Sediment and erosion control-Also included in,the plan set was erosion and sediment control measures. Landscape plan—The applicant proposes additional plants along the wetland area, around the site and house. Elevations—the plans showy thus house elevation at 35, ft. The front elevation faces the west side,the garage elevation faces the south side area, and,the rear elevation faces the wetlands with a walkout area to the patio. The applicant as indicated the orientation and location are to minimize impacts on the neighbors} views and the wetlands. Wetland -The project also involves work within 1:00 ft of a wvetlaand with disturbance and patio installation that requires a wetlands permit, The applicant has completed the permit application., The applicant has requested waivers for the following items g• ,site lighting, h, signage, run Land use districts„ n. traffic.,o. eornmercial alterations/ construction details. Mature of tine ''Variance Granted, )March 2016. Theapplicant requests a shoreline setback; is relief is requested where 7 : is re u.uired and 43 t3,is,proposed, Suxmun�ry The applicant has completed a site plan application for the construction of a single family home and associated site work. Zoning Board of Appeals —Record of Res,olution "fown of ueesbury 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, 'N'Y '12804 (518) '761-8238 T011,11 of(beens Ur'41, Area Variance Resolution To: Approve Applicant Name: Ted and.Shari Chrimes File Nujmbcr. PZ-0087-20 16 Locatiori: Lot 3, Oak'Palley Way-North Forty Sub,division Tax Map Number; 266.1-1-1 .' ZBA Meeting Date-, Wednesday, March 23,2016 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Queensbury has,received an application from Ted and Shari Cbritnes. Applicant proposes construction,of a 4,398 sq. ft. (footprint)single-familly dwelling on as vacant 2.76 acre lot. Relief requested from shoreline I wethand setback requiremenits. Planning Bardl, Site Plan Review required for hard surfacing within 50 ft.of wet.land; project occurs within the 100 ft. wetland area.. S.EQR Type 11-ono further review reqUiTed.; A public hearing was,advertised and hold on Wednesday,March 23,20,16; Upon review of the app lication mated a1s, in formation supplied during the public hearing,and upon consideration Of the.criteria specified in Section 179-14-OSO(A),of the Queensbixy Town Code and Chapter 267 of NYS Town Law and after discussion and del iberatico,we find as fb I lows. I. There "is nue an undesirable change in Elie character of the neighborhood nor a detfirnent to,nearby properties,becau the design of the house basically fits the neighborhood. 2. Feasible altematives are very limited and have been considered by the Board, but they"Te not particularly feasible. 3. The requested variance iLEgg substantial becausecifthe limitations ofthe lot. 4. There,is not an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district, 5. Is the alleged difficulty his of cotirse,self-created. 6. In addition.the Board finds,that the benefit to the applicant fi.oin granting the requested variance)yqW.4-W.w-gjgb-Ca2, (provaj)the resulti ng detriment to the health,satety and we I fare of the neighborhood or commun ity; T The Board also finds that the variance request under consideration is the mininiurn necessary; 8. The Board also proposes the following conditions, a) The structure, in its final phase, will not encroach into tine bufferzone by any more than 5%(square footage)of the plan.as show to us on this particular day, bAdherence to,the items outlined in,the follow-up letter.sent with this,resolution. BASED,O1j-HE, AP-QV91-INDll~GS, I MAKE MOTION TO APPROVE AREA Y I AN99,N—Q, PZ-0087-2:016,Ted and Shari Chrimes,Introduced by Michael McCabe, who moved for its,adoption,seconded by Kyle Noonan: Duly adopted this 234 day of March 2016 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Freer,Mr, Heokel,Mr. McCabe, Mr.Noonan NOES: Mr. Urrico,,Mr_lackoski ABSENT: Mr. Kuhl Warren County Planning Department Proleet Review andRderrall Forin Reviewed by Department on March 15, 2016 Project Name; Chrimies, Ted & Shari Owner: 'Ted hart CCrimes ID Number: GBY-16-SPR-77 County ProjecM MarIB-23 Current Zoning: RR-3A Community: Queensbury Project Descriptiow Applicant proposes Construction of a 4,398,9q,ft home with a 438 sq ft patio area tothe rear of home!,, Project includes earthwork, erosion,and sediment control,stoirmwater management, Utility installation and planting incloding ad�djflonol vegelated buffer along the wetland edge, Site Lo'cation: :Lot 3 Oak Valley Way "rax Map Nurnber(�): 266J-11-147 Staff Notes: The issues here appear to be of a Vocal nature involving focal isru8s without any signifirant impacts on County propertie,s or resources,, Staff recommends no county impact based on the information submitted according to the suggested review Maria of NYS GenerW Mlunlcipail Law Section 239 L applIed to the proposect project, Local actions to date (lf'any): County Planning Mpartment: NII Locat Action:lFinal Disposition: W a r =oi i n,t'Y r Planning Department Date: i nner Local Officlal (late Signed PLEASY RETURNTMS FORMTOTHE WARREN COUNTY PLANNING 01-'TA14TNIENT WITHhN IftDAYS OF FINAL ACTJ01N 1281)4 Town of ueensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION —Gi-ant/Deny Site Plan Approval for Site Plan PZ 77-20,16 Ted & Shari Chrimes, Tax Map ID 266.1-1-14.7/ Property Address: Lot 3 Oak Valley Way/Zoning- RR-- The R-The applicant has, submitted an, application to the Planning Board for Site Plan, approval pursuant to Article 9 of the 'Town zoning Ordinance for: Applicant proposes construction of'a 4,398 sq. ft. home with a, 438 sq. ft. patio area to the rear ot"home. There is, a wetland and several setbacks on the property limiting the area ill which the home can, be constiticted. Project includes earthwor�k, erosion and sediment control, stormwater management, utility installation and planting in additional vegetated bufler along the wetland edge. Pursuant to, Chapter 94 & 179-6-050 of the Zon�ing Ordinance new construction shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Pursuant to relevant sections of the: Town of ueens,bury Zoning Code-Chapter 179-9-080, the Planning Board has determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; As required by General Municipal Law Section 239-run the site plan application was referre!d to the Warren County Planning Depailment for its recommendation; The Planning Board has reviewed the potential environmental impacts of the project, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and adopted a SEQR.A Negative Declaration ­ Detemination of Non-Significance The: Planning Board opened a public hearing. on the Site plan application on 4/26/201,6 and continued the public hearing to 4/2,6/201 , when it waselosed, The Planning Board has, reviewed the application materials submitted by the applicant and all comments made at the public hearing and submitted in writing through and.including 412612016; The Planning Board determines that the application complies with the review considerations and standards ,set forth in Article 9 of the Zoning Ordinance f6t. Site:Plan approval,, MOTION, TO APPROVE / DISAPPROVE SITE PLAN P,Z 77-2016 TED & S14A1 HRIM Introduced by__._ who moved for its adoption, seconded.by According to,the draft re5olution prepared by Staff with th8 following: 1) Waivers requested granted/denied; 2. Adherence to the items,outlined in the follow-up letter sent with this resolution. a) The limits of clearing will. constit�ute a no-cut buffer zone, orange construction fencing shall be installed around these areas and field verified by Community Development staff; b) if applicable,the Sanitary Sewer connection plan must. be submitted to the Wastewater Department for its review, approval,permitting and, inspection;, c) If curb cuts are being added or changed a driveway permit is required. A building pennit will not be issued,until the approved driveway perinit has been provided, to the Planning Office; Page I of 2 Phono: 518,761.8,220 II Fax,, 518,745,4437 j' 742 Bay Road,Queensbury, N�Y 12804 A wwww .quiLN,onsburymet d) If application was,referred to engineering then.Engineering sign-off required prior to signature of Zoning Administrator of the approved plans; e) If required, the applicant must submit a copy of the following to the Town: a. The project NOI (Notice of Intent), for coverage under the current "'NYSDPD.ES General Permit from Construction Activity" prior to the:start of any site ork. b. The project NOT (Notice of Terrnination) upon completion of the project; e. The applicant must maintain on their projectsite,, for review by staff",� i. The approved final plans that have been stamped by the Town Zoning Administrator. These plans must include the project SWPPP (Storm Water Pollution Prevention 11an) when such a plan was prepared and approved; ii. The project N and proof of'cove�rage under the current NYSDE C SME S General Permit, or an individual SPDES permit issued for the project if required. f) Final approved planus, in compliance with the Site Plan,, must,be:submitted to the Community Development Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes personnel; g) The applicant must meet with Staff after, approval and prior to issuance of Buildiqg Permit and/or the beginning of any site work; h) Subsequent issuance of fu�rther permits, including building permits is dependent on compliance with this and all other conditions of this,resolution; i) As-built plans to certify that the site plan is developed according to the approved plans to be provided prior to issuance of the certificate ofoccupancy. J) This resofution.is to be placed in its,entirety on the final plans, Duty adopted this 26"' day of April, 20,16, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: Page 2 of 2 Phone-:: 518.7611.8220 tl FaM. 518-745-443,71742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY' 12804 p www.quolensbury.fliet Site Plan PZ 9-20,16 @ 106 Bay Parkway Public fearing Scheduled SEAR Type 11 Draft 1 — at/'deny site pian, approval Town of Queensbury Planning Board Community Development Department StaffNotes April 26,2016 Site:Plan Rz 89-2016 BRET"m PAMELA WEST' 106 Bay Parkway/WR-Waterfront Residential Zone / Ward I SEAR Type H Material Review: application, narrative, site plan drawing, elevations, Parcel History, SP 39-2007, SiP 37-2,009,AV 47-2007, misc. 13,Ps - All for docks, boathouse, etc.; P20 -359 Res,. Alt.; BP 2007-1571 Deck RequestedAction: Planning Board review and approval for residential additions that are within 510 ft of the shoreline. Resolutions: 1. Site Plan P.roject Descrip,fion: Applicant proposes a 785 sq. ft�. three season porch addition on, shoreline side and an 880 sq. ft. new porch and parte cochere along the house frontage, Also, to maintain an.already eonstructed 158 +/-1 sq. ft. deck. Project includes new driveway permeable pavers, stormwater management around new construction. Project includes new plantings on Northeast shore, Staff Comments Location-The project site is located at 106 Bay Parkway on a 0,911 acre parcel. AiTangement-, The project includes new construction along the shoreline oil",a three season porch. The porch includes an area, similar,to enclosed gazebo with multiple doors an interior stone fireplace and access to the main home. Thefro nt,of the homewill be improved with upgrading the porch and a new carport., Site Design- The:project includes new,stoirmwate:r manageineriL The driveway is,to be redesigned with permeable pavers,. A new septic system is being installed on. site. Along the 3-season porch area either natural. stone or permeable pavers are to be installed. Other,areas of the building will include stone trenches, Shoreline plantings are also proposed, on the northeast side of the 3- season porch area. Elevations—The applicant has provide the front and rear elevations of the home and a photo simulation for the rear portion of the home with the new porch. Floor plans —floor plans show the arrangement of the rear and front additions., The applicant has requested one waiver for h. signage that is not associated with the residential development. The project includes hard surfacing within 50 ft of the shoreline and expansion of a non-conforming structure in. a CEA Nature of theRrjance Granted March 2016. The applicant requests relief'ftom tile building setback where 0, ft is required and 253 ft is,proposed for the porch. Additional relief is requested for an existing constructed deck that is, 19.6 it firom the shoreline and a a second garage. Storinwater relief is also requested where devices are to be greater than 100 ft and proposed is 49.16,ft, and groundwater separation is requested, where 2ft is required and I ft is,proposed. surnman The applicant has completed a site plan. application for residential additions and second garage where a portion of the project is within 510 .ft of theshoreline. Zoning Board of Appeals —Record of Resolution Town,of"Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 (518) 761-8238 Town a(( yeaasNorlv' Area Variante Resolution To: Approve Applicant Name; Brett R.&Pamela T. West File Number- PZ-0095-2016 Locations 106 Bay Parkway, northwog point of Assembly Point Tax Map Number: 226,15-1-1'7 ZBMecting Date: Wednesday, March 23 016 The Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of QueensIbury has received an application from Brett R. & Pamela T. West. Applicant proposes construction of'as 78% sq. ft. 3-season porch addition — shoreline side, and 880 sq, ft of new porches and a porte- cochere- Project includes permeable driveway, new septic systern, new stormwater management, an already construeted 138, sq. ft. +I- deck Prole ,t siob*t to Septic Variance from Town Board of Health. Relief requested fromshoreline setback requirements for previous constructed deck and new construction, and fora second garage where only one is allowed is the Wk zoning district. Planning Board: Site Plan, Review for hard surfacing within 50 ft. and expansion in a,CEA., SEAR Type 11,—no fuither reviiewreqwred; A public hearing was advertised and held on Wednesday, March 2&-ZQ Upon review of the application materials, information supplied during the public hearing,, and upon consideration of the criteria specified in Section 179-14-080(A) of the Queensbury Town Code and Chapter 267 of NYS Town Law and after discussion and deliberation, we find as follows: I. There is not an un4csin able change in the Character of the neighborhood noir a,detrimcot to nearby properties,because basieally the character of the old home was maintained. 2. Feasible alternatives, ha been considered but found.not to be reasonable or possible because of the attempts to incorporate the new design such that it didn't interfere with the old design of the home. It was,a difficult situation bocause the three season home was designed to ehininate'the necessity or the requirement for air conditioning in the surnmertime, 1 The requested variance jLnQt substantial because this property has existed in,essentially this orientation for quite a period ofime, 4. There QUA an adverse impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district. 5, The alleged difflculty is self-created, 6, In addition the Roard finds that the benefit to the app plicantfirom granting the requested variance would outer 9j,gb—CaXpmvajl the TOSUIfing detriment to the health,safety and welfare of the neighborhood or cornmun4; 7. The Board also finds that the variance request under consideration is the minimum, necessary; Further the practicarl diffil'CU'Ity Of the projiect application is to add a three:season morn to be constrained by the existing location. ABOVE FINDIN E NO. PZ-QQ2L2Ajfijkffj1 R. & Parne'la'I". Weit, Introduced by Michael McCabe, who moved for its adoption,seconded by Kyle Noonan: Du ly adopted Bois b the )11 : _,March 23 2016 y h-ft owing vote. AYES: Mr.,Henkel, Mr. Urrico,Mr.Nbonan, 'Mr, McCabe, Mr. Jackoski NOES: Mr.,J!"reer ABSENT: Mr. Kull] Warren County Planning Departnient MarI6-27 PI-Qjeet Review and Referral Form Reviewed by Department on March 15, 2016 Project Name.- West,, Brett& Parnelia Owner; 'Brett& Pamela West ID N u in be r: QBY-16-SPR-a,9 County Project#- Mar'16-27 Current Zoning,- 'WR Community: Queensbury Project Description: ApplIcant proposes a 785 sq ft three season porch addition shoreline side and 880 sq ft of new porches and a plorte loochere. Also,to maintain Niru already constrUded 158 +1- sq ft disick. Profeot tncludas new drIveway permeable pavers, stormwater management around new construction, Profact induides new plantings on Northeast shore. Site Localion.- 106 Bay Parkway Tax Map Number(s): 226.15-11-17 StaffNotes: The issues,here appear to be of a locall na.Nire involving [ocal issues without any sign,ificant impacts on County properties or res mmes., Staff rewrnmenids no county impact based on the information submitteld according,to thie sugge:sted review criteria oaf NYS GenerM Municipal Lave Section 23,81 L applitd to the proposed profea Local actions to date(Ill'any): County PlanningDepartn'ient,, N'CJ Local Attion./Final Dispusifiotv: Wart(Conrity Planning Department D-it c S ig tied Local Official D a to Signed PLEASE RETURN THIS�O'RM TO THE NVARREN COUNTYPLANT ING DEPARTIVILNT NVITHIN I'D LAYS OF FINAL ACTMN Olfkl'�_, QW ,7 L- lki) PoO, NY Town of Queensbury Planning Board RESOLUTU)N—Grant/Deny Site Plan Approval for Site Plan PZ 89-2016 Brett& Pamela West "I'ax Map ID 22 .1.5-1-17 / Property Address: 106 Bay Parkway /Zoni ng- WR The applicant has submitted an application to the Planning Board for Site Plan approval pursuant to Article 9 of the Town zoning Ordinance for: Applicant proposes a 785 sq. ft. three season porch addition shoreline: side, and 880 sq. ft. of new porches and a parte cochere. Also, to maintain an already constructed. 158 +/- sq. ft. deck. Project includes new driveway permeable pavers, stormwater management around, new construction. Project includes new, plantings on Northeast shore. Pursuant to Chapter, 179-6-050 of the Zoning Ordinance, hard surfacing within . of shoreline shall be subjed to Plannhig Board review and approval. Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Code-Chapter 179-9-080, the Planning Board has determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; As, required by General Municipal Law Section 239-m the site plan application 'was referred to the Warren County Planning Department for its recommendation; ThePlanning Board has reviewed, the: potential environmental impacts of the project, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and adopted a SEARA. Negative Declaration — Determination of Non-SSignificance The Planning Board opened, a public hearing on the Site plan application on 4/26/2:016 and continued the public hearing to V2612016, when it was closed, The Planning Board has reviewed the application materials submitted by the applicant and, all comments made at the public hearing and submitted in writing through and including 4/26/2,01.6,; The Planning Board determines, thatthe application complies with. the review considerations and standards set forth in Article 9 of the Zoning Ordinance for Site Plan approval,' MOTION TO APPROVE / DI,SAPPROVE SITE PLAN PZ 89-2016 BRE TT PAME LA WEST, Introduced by who, moved for its adoption, seconded by According to the,draft resolution prepared by to with the following, 1) Waivers requested granted/denied; 2. Adherence to the iterns outlined in the follow-up letter sent,with this resolution. a) The limits of clearing will constitute a,no-cut buffer zone, orange construction fencing shall be installed aromd. these areas and field verified by Community Development staff; b) If applicable,the Sanitary Sewer connection plan, must be submitted, to the 'Wastewater Department for its, review, approval, pennitting and inspection; Page 'I of 2 Phofl�, 518,761.8220,V Fax: '518. 45.4437 1 742 Bay Road, Qvieenwsbury, NY 12,804 II www.queensburymiA c) if curb cuts are being added, or changed a drivewayperi nit is required. A buildingpermit' ill notbe issued until the approved driveway permit has, been providedto the planning Office; d) 11'application was referred to engineering then.Engincering,sign-off required prior to signature:of Zoning Administrator of the approved plans; e) If required, the applicant must submit a copy of the following to the:Town: a. The project MOI (Notice of Interit) .for coverage under the current "'NYSDEC SPDL�'S General Peimit from Construction Activity" prior to the start of any site work. b. The project.'NOT (Notice of Termination)upon completion of the project; c. T lie applicant must maintain on their Project site, for review by staff. i. The approved final plans that have been stamped by the Town Zoning Adi-ninistrator. These plans must include the project SWPPP (Storm Water Pollutio'n Prevention Plan) when such a,plan was prepared and approved; ii. The project NOI. and proof'of'coverage under the current NYS DEC: SPDES General Permit, or an individual SPDE S permit issued for the project if required. f) Final. approved, plans, in compliance with the Site Plan, must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any furtherreview by the Zoning-Adi-ninistrator or Building aurtnd Codes personnel; g) 'The applicant must meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit, and/or the beginning of any site work; h), Subsequent issuance of further permits, including building permits is,dependent on compliance with this and all other,conditions of this resolution; i) As-built pla.ns to certify that the site plan, is developed according,to the approved p�lans to, be provided prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy. This resolution is to be placed in its entirety on the final plans Duly adopted this 20h day of April, 20 16, by the ro I lowing vote:� AYES: NOES: Phow: 518,761,8 20 G Fax: 518. 4 .4437'9 742 Bay Road, Queensbury.NY 128014 � www.queenisbiury.net Site Plan P 105-2016 543 Bay Road No Public Hearing Draft Resolution Planning Boardrecommendation Town of Queenshury Planning Hoard Community Development Department Staff Notes April 26, 016, Site Plan PZ 105-2016 PLANNED PARENTHOOD MOHAWK-HUDSON 543 Bay Road/0-Office one/W,ard 2 SEQR Unlisted Material Review: survey, drawing sheets S-I to S-4, D-1, A-1, and A-2 Parcel History- P 50- 4 900 sq.. ft. addition RNuested Action Recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for area variance required relief fromminimum setback requirements fbr the Office zoning district. Resolutions, L Plarming Board recommendation Proied Description Applicant proposes a 16 x 24 mechanical room addition, 8, x 16 addition and e�ntry way improvements. Also, 70 +/- sq, ft, new landing,and ramp relocation. Building to have interior alterations, fornew medical facility use. Parking to be amended for new spaces and arrangement of existing lot. Purs:ua:nttoChapter l,79-3-0400,fthe Zoning Ordinance alterations to an existing building and site work shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval, Sta,ff Comments Site plan overall -The applicant, proposes renovations to an, existing building at the corner of 543, Bay Rd and Baywood Dr. Site layout and utilily plan -the survey provided shows some of the existing conditions on, site. Sheet S-2 shows the proposed conditions and some of the Bay Rd side existing landscaping. G,rading and drainage plan -Sheet S-2 includes, new proposed drainage area along,the parking spaces. A new swale system is also to be installed on the north side of the property for the parking and addition to the building, The parking area is to be redone to accommodate the new access points to the building. Sediment and aro&ion confrol-'Sheet S-2 also ffic ludes,the erosion control details for the site work Landscape and lighting plan -Sheet S,-3 shows the arrangement of lights and landscaping on the site. 'The: applicant proposes 20 ft light poles. The applicant is requesting a waiver dor office area poles from 10 ft to 20 ft. Signage -The applicant has shown three signs. One free standing at 28 ,sq fi„ along Bay load., a 17.5 +/- sq,ft wall. sign on the south side, and, a'9 +/- sq ft wall sign on the west elevation. Elevations.-Sheet A-2 provides the elevations of all. sides of the building and the new addition. The plans also show the new entry ways where one will be a ramp an anotberwill have a wheel chair service systern. Floor plans- Sheet D­I shows the existing floor plan and Sheet A-I shows,the new arrangement of offices and new mechanical room for the building. Nature of the Variance The applicant requests setback relief where 75 ft is required and 13.6 ft is proposed to the South then 58,8 ft ftorn the west., Summary, The PB is to,Provide a recommendation to the ZBA in regards to the applicants request for setback relief FIRE MARSHAUS OFFICE 742 Bay Road, Qiteensbunj, ')" 12804 ' Hoarse of Natural Beauty — Good Ptasce tra � a rias P FLAN REVIEW Pl nned Parenthood 543 Bay Road SP 105 - 2016 4/5/2016, FM has site issues at this time Michael J Palmer Fire Marshal 742 Bay Road Queensbury 12804 firemarsh,al@quns,bLiry. t Fire 2 asrsharl",s Office pjaasa� e 5'8- G1-6206 Fax 5 8-745.4&, fi re,raad?,r.4 sraI fty gpa t Lia°ow"Aameem,5b Q ,net 04/1412016 17301 WarrClounty Planning Department Apr16-12 en Project Review and, Referral Form Reviewed by,Dep artmenton April 14, 2016 [ProJect Name: Planned,Parenthood Mohawk-Hiudson Owner- Planned Parenthood Mohawk-Hiudson M Number. BY-1 -SSR-lib CountyProjectN: APT116-112 Current Zoning-* 0 Community- Queenisbury Project Descriptinn: ApPlIcant Iwopolses a 16 X 24 mechanical rourn,addiflan, BX 1a addition and entry way Improvement, Akio, 70 aq ft new landing and ramp relocation. BuildIng to have Interior,altairations for,new medical fsOfty use. FarkIng to be am,ended for now"ces and arraingement of exTsUng lot, Site Location; 543 Bay Road Tax Map Namber(s): 29611111-1-42 Stuff Nutes; Local actions to,date(if so County Planning Department, Local ActionG/Fina!,,Di,spsitlain.- Warren Coun, P1,anning Department Date Signed Local Official Date Signed PLEASE RETURN T'HIS,VORM TO THE,WARREN COUNTY FLAN MrG DEPARTMENT WrMN 10 DAYS,OF FINAL ACTION 7-�2 lk Town of Queens,bury Planning Board RESOLUTION -Planning Board Recommendation to Zoning Board of Appeals Area Variance PZ 1:x;2- 016 for Planned Parenthood Mohave ilirk-Hudson. Ta lap ID 2'96.11-1- / Property Address. 543 Bay Road./ oning: , The applicant has subirnitted an application.for the following: Applicant proposes a 16 x 24 mechanical room addition., 8 x 16 addition and entry way improvernents, Also, '7 +/- sq. ft, new landing and ramp relocation., Building to have interior alterations for new medical facility use. Parking to be amended for new spaces and arrangement of existing lot. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-0410 of the Zoning Ordinance alterations to an existing building and site work shall bile subject lto Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief requested from minimurn setblaick requirernents fbr the Office zoning district. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals, The Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance, per Sel 179-4-070 J 2 b. requires the Planning Board to provide a, written recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for projecrts that require both Zoning Board of Appeals & Planning Board approval; The Planning Board has briefly reviewed and discussed this, application, the relief request in the variance application as well as the potential impacts of this project on the neighborhood and surrounding Community, and found that: MOTION TO-MAKE A RECOMMENDATION ON BFHALF OF THE PLANNING BOiAIW TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FOR AREA VARIANCEK NO. P'Z 1.22-20l16 PLANNED PARENHOOD MORAWK-HUDSOM Introduced by who moved its adoption, seconded by and a) The Planning Bloari, based on a limited review, has not identified any significant adverse impacts cannot be mitigated with current project proplosal - ,OR b) The Planning Board,based on a limited review, has identified the following areas of concern: I)l Duly adopted this 261h day of April, 2016 by the fol lowing vote: AYES. NOES: Phone,, 5 18 761.x220 1 Fax: 518.74 5.443 7 1742 Bay Road, Queensbthry, N Y 12,804 j www.q ulee risbury,net Site Plan PZ 121-2016 ' 110 Main Streit No Public Hearing Draft Resolution Planning Board recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appleals Town of Queensbury Planning,Roard Community Development Department Staff Notes April 26, 20,16 Site Plan PZ 121-2016 CUMBERLAND FARMS, INC. I I O .Main Street/MS-Main Street Zoning /Ward 2 SEQR Unlisted Material Review: application, narrative, site plan, sign images Parcel History: SV 951-2001, SP 49-2001, & AV 94-2001 Demo of bus. then const. of conv. store was pumps, SP 38-2001 Mod., For reb=ding, AV -11 19-20�16 .......... Requested Action Recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for relief from LED signae as not permitted. Resolutions L Planning,Board recommendation Project Dese,ripAjon Applicant proposes 8 additionalsigns that are LED lighted units on top of as pumps. The LED's) are for gas prices and will show price on each side. Pursuant to Chapter 140 of the Zoning Ordinance,, signage in main street zone shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. . Staff Comments The applicant proposes to change the manual gas, pump tqpper prices with. a digital topper. The information submitted shows that all eight e.xisting toppers would be removed and replaced with the LED toppers, The applicant has completed a, sign variance application requesting the use of LED siviage—the sign code prohibits LED signage in the Town. The sign code requires planning board review for signs in the M.ai,n Street zone. The proposed, LED toppers, are 12 in high and 25.75 in long and will have LED pricing figures on each side. The sign will also have permanent vinyl lettering with fuel type -"rcgular, mid grade,premium" with "9/10" for each price space, also at the bottom iArill be `sall taxes included" The applicant bas shown the signs on the 8 pump stations are tinder the canopy. Nature of the Variance The applicant requests, relief for placement of 8 LED price signs on top of existing gas, pumps, Section. 140 Sign Code: prohibits,LED signage Town-wide. Summary, The PB, is to provide a recommendation to the ZBA in,regards to the applicants request for type of signage, 13411412016 17:31 fa P.11131015 prX6xt,� Warren County Planning,Depa rtu n Project Review and Referral Form Reviewed by Department on April 13, 2016 Project Nerve. Cumberland Forme, Inc Ownem Cumberiand Farms, Inc 1D umber: OBY-I"PR-108 oumnty ProjectM nr16-14 �Cur,re:ntZoning: MS Community: Queensbury Project jeet escr n. 'Appllcant pmposes 8 edMilonsi signs that are LED tighten units on top,of gas pumps„ The LED's,are for las prioes and W11 show primo on each'allde. I bite tion® 110 Main Street Max Map Numbler(s): 309.14-1-W Stab' n The,T ovm Sign Drdllnance limits the uae of LEO slgurns and Inw rporates such reguatllons as,a l'patt of sh plasm r,eview. Localactions.to date (if any): County Planning Depa;rtrr,ent- pr 1'Local Ordnance ca1.Acti9on-Wi.eal Disposition .- Warren Caunty Plandng Deo'Qrlment- ate Maned Local Offi,clal ]ablate Signed PLEASE RETURN THISFORM 70 THE WAIN COUNTY PLANNING MEPA9TMENT 10 D F FINAL ACTION L 121 111M.1 Town of Queensbury Planning Board. RESOLUTION -Planning Board Recommendation to Zoning Board of Appeals Sign Variance PZ 119-2016 for Cumberland Farms, In.c, Tax Map ID, 309.1 -1- /Property Address. 11,0 Main Street/Zoning: MS, The applicant has submitted ani application I'Or the following. Applicant proposes 8 additional Signs that are LED, lighted units on top of gas,pumps, The LED's are for gas prices and will show price on each side., Pursuant:to Chapter 140 of the Zoning Ordinance, s I i I gn,age in main.street zone shall be subject to, Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief requested from LED ignag,e as not permitted. Planning Board �shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeak The Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance, per Soction, 179-9-070 J 2 b. requires the Planning Board to, provide a written recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for projects that require both Zoning Board of Appeals, & Plamiing Board approvM; The Planning Board has briefly reviewed and discussed this, application, the relief request in, the variance application as well as the potential impacts of this project on, the nisei ghborhe odand surrounding community, and found that- MOTION TO MAKE A RECOMMENDATION ON BEHALF' OFTIDE PLANNING II ,I TO, THE, ZONING BOAIW OFAPPEALS FOR SIGN VAMANCE P.Z 119-2016 CUMBERLAND FARMINC.: Introduced bmoved its adoption, seconded by and a) The Planning Board, based on a limited review, has not identified any significant adverse impacts, that cannol be mitigated with current project proposal - OR b) The Plamiing Board, based on a limited review, has identified the following areas,Ofconcern: 1), Duly,adopted, this 261h day of April, 2016 b'y the following vote: AYES: NOES: Phone� S 18,7 1.9220116 Fav 5 18.745-44371742 Bay Road, Qitkeensbury, 'NY 12804 1'www.queensbury-ji,et Subdivision P -2016 @ 80, Ellsworth Line No Public aria Draft Resolution Planning Board recommendation to the Zoning Board , I, Town of Qu.eensbury Planning Board Commun,ity Development Department Staff Notes April 26, 2016 SUB PZ 78-2016, MICHAEL & CINDY TROMBLEY Preliminary & Final 80 Ellsworth Lane /RR-3A-Rural Residential 3 Acres,Zone/ Ward I SEQR Unlisted Material Review- application, survey, site plan Parcel History- UP, 54-20,07 & AV -21007 Kennel; BP 3/28113 mm, Bldg. Voided by applicant.; BP 20102-781 Const, of single fa,mily w/garage Relluested Action Reconitnendation. to the .Zo,ning Roard, of, ppeals for relief from lot width, road frontage and also for second garage on Lot 9 1. Resolutions I. Planning Board recommendation Project Description Applicant proposes a two lot sutAivisionof a 6.97'acre lol. Lot one to retain owner occupied residence,,175 acres; lot rwo to become new vacant lot of 3.22 acres. Pursuant to Chapter 183; of the Zoning,01rdinance, subdivision of land shall be subject to Planning Board revieww and approval. Staff comments The applicant proposes a two lot subdivision of a 16.97 acre parcel located. in the runal residential 3 ac done. The project is located on Ellsworth Drive, The applicant has an existing home with a garage and other buildings that will remain on one parcel where the second parcel is vacant. $Refch Plan review,: The applicant has requested a waiver from sketch. Endiminwy Review: Preliminary plat subdivision lot layout shows the two lots arrangement. Layout plans 41ows tile existing, oanditions, oil the site including the existing horne and an already constructed second garage. 'rhe new lot to be created is also shown with a proposed house location septic and well area. Construction details, [Ands'cape plans, and Grading and erosion plans are not provided as the plans show the site area,as a minimal change in grade. Clearing plan- there; is no additional clearing on the,eisting home lot and the plans shows a limited area for clearing on the proposed lot to accommodate the driveway for the new home. The Environmental report - the applicant has completed a Long Environmental assessment review. Statement of intent -deed provided, Storm,water management -there are no known storn.iwater management practices on the site. Fees-per application. Waivers-no waivers have been requested. Final Re Final plat -subdivision line proposes two tots. State/County agency -Planning and Zoning Board am the, only agency for two lot proposed subdivision. Other plans reports.-none identified Nature of Variance Tlie project as proposedrequires relief f1rom lot width Lot I is proposed for 303,8 ft and Lot 2 is,proposed for 250 ft where a 400 ft lot width is required. Road, frontage relief is also requested where, Lot I is proposed for 100 it and Lot 2 is, proposed for 2510 ft where 400, ft is required. The applicant requires relief for an already constructed 211d garage that was constructed in,20,06 under the previous zoning wNrc:the garage meets the setback for the zoning in 20,06, Summary, The PB is to provide a mcommendation to the ZBA in regards to the applicants request f6r lot width, road frontage and 2"d garage. (.0 OW Town of Queensbury Planning B=d RES OLUTION' -lPlan�ning Board Recommendation to Zoning Board of Appeals AreaVariance ?Z 83-2016 fior Michael & Cindy Trurnbley 'Tax Map ID 265.-1-16 lill'Property Address. 80 Ellsworth.Lane/Zoning. RR-3lA The applicant.has submitted an application.far the following: Applicant proposes a two lot subdivision of'a 6.97 acre lit. Lot oneol retain owner occupied residence, 3.75, acres„ not two to become new vacant lot of 3.22 acres,. P ursuan't to Chapter 18 3 of the Zoning Orldi nance, subdivision of land shall be subj ect to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought from lot width or road frontage. Relief is also for secand garage on lot number 1. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of'Appeals. The Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance, per Section 179-9-0l70 J 2 b. requires the Planning Board to 'provide awritten reconimendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for projects that require both Zoning Board of Appeals & Planning Board approval; The Planning Board has briefly reviewed and discussed this application, the relief iloquest in the variance application as well as the potential impacts, of this project n the: neighblorhood and surrounding emniriunity, and found that. TIO,N TO MAKE A RE COMMENDAXION ON BEHALF OF THE PLANNJNG BOARD TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FOR AREA VARIANCE, PZ 78-201,6 MICHAU, & CINDY TROMBLEY: IntToduced by who moved its adoption, seconded by ; and a), The: Planning Board, based on a limited review, bas not identified any significant adveme impacts that carmot be mitigated with current project proposal - OR b), The Planning Board, based on a,Ifinited review, has identified the following areaof concern, 1), Duly adopted this 26"day l of April, 2016 by the following,vote: AYES: NOES: Phonic: 51 �7f)I�8,220 1 Fa\,. 518.7'45.44.7 1 74 2 Ba: Road, Quele nsbu ry, N Y MW I mv w.q uleensbury.not 'Y Sal Use Fermat PZ 118-2016 @ 436, Quaker Road Public 'Hearing Scheduled No further ,action., Applicant not pursuing Special Use Permit at hi's ti e. Town, of Queensbuty Planning Board Commtmity Development Department taft'Notes Apri 126, 2016 SUPPZ 118-2016 NYSARC INC. WARRENWASHINGTON &ALBANY O1 T11 436 Quaker Road/ L1—Commercial Light IndustrialZone/' 'curd 2 SEQR UnfiAed Material Review: Narrative, Application, Map Parcel History: BP's, BP 12-445 " x 18' entryway to replace existing Yx 22.", BP 12-437: 900 sq, fi. Office space, BP 11-399. 3,975 sqw ft, commercial alteration,. 51-3-13, SB 13-2010. 2 lot subdivision, 11-16-10, BP 10-588: WWARC, CO only, 2nd floor, 2-4-11, N Y S DEC redemption center Reg. 4 5 7-03 0 Staff Comments The applicant is not pursuing a special use permit for the document destruction operation at this, time. The applicant 'will. complele the appropriate application materials for review if afuture project is identified. The applicant has provided a status letter as requested from the May 20, 2014 meeting, No further action is, initiated by the board or applicant. Site Plan PZ 2-20,1 @1 1500 State . 91 Puibilic Hearing Schedule SEQR TypeI I Craft Resolution — grant/cleny site plan approval Town of Queensbury errsbarr-y Plannrn nn Board, Community Development Department taaff'N tes April 26, 2016 Site Plan RZ 102-2016 LAURA FEATHERS (Family Footwear), 1500 State Rt. 9 f C1 — Commercial intensive Z / Ward I SEQR Unlisted Material Review. application, .site plan dravdng Parcel History. SP -204 5 1 ernov tianrn„s, 0015 to present multi Special Sales Events, latianesteaf .cnwvrarn. ---- Planning Baard review and approval for a 20 ft. ft. tent:sale for August 2016 & 2017. Resolutions 1. Planning Board decision Pro.ioct Description Applicant rpt proposes a 20 . x 20 ft. team sale for August'20,16 & 2017. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-0,40 & 179-9- 020 7 - -020 of the Zoning Ordinance, tent sales in excess of a maximum. seven consecutive days and more than tvyi.ce as year shall be subject:to Planning board review and approval, to ff Comments The applicant requests a tent sale operation for August 201.6 and 21017 in the parking last area of the Family Footwear. The applicant proposes to auti lite two parking spaces area on the North ''fest comer. The information submitted proposed signage for tlne tent at 54 sq ff and the tent is to have a red and white top. T°he tent will operate during rnernrrnaal business hours and have no electricity. The tent will have a sign attached to it that to be 18 ft. by 3 1 The application.is s:irrni.tar to past tent sales where the beard has granted two year anger ti ns, T7ne applicant had requested waivers in the past application and has meted them, as not applicable in this current application for grading, lighting, storrawater management, and landscaping. Summary The applicant has completed a site plan application for the operation of s tent sale during August of'2016 and 2,01°x. u I FIRE RS CE 742 Bay Road, Qtteensbury, NY 1,2804 PLAN REVIEW Famity Footwear 1500 Route SSP 102 - 20,16 4/5/2016 M has no site issues at this, dme Michael J Palmer Fire: Marshal 742 Bay Road Queensbury NY12804 fir marshal@q een tau ' .cruet Pi r-r_µ Ada r s h a'a I's 0f f c c - p �r da rr,�: 5 28'-761-820,6 a x_ 518-7'45-4437 0411141201 "17:30 GX) P.0091015 �►►�rtl�-1dlt� Warren o nw�r Pl�n�in Tie a ent >P�r j t )Z�eview and ReferrNornt Reviewed by Department on AprH 131, 2016 Project Name Family Footwear Owner: Gardon D t pment IID Number: BY-'1" -102 County Proj H6-10 urr ^ut alar C11 Community: Queensbury roject Description. APP11cent proPloses a 20'X X 20"teat salla for August 2016 2017, Site Louvumtlow 15'GO State Route Tax May Number(s): 11 .1 �1�1i Staff Notes. The use of a tent for to pormy retail Gal s dmurilug August vAll not sl rglfl=tly IImpat traffic In this patkIng aree or Dun NYS Route 9. It old be recommended tftart the mut location not impede Irrtemal trafflo filum and provide for pedestrian sale . Local actions to date (any): County Planning De artMenj- I -0 Local Miss. al Disposition. Warren ala >C a a ut Di to gu �d' gal 1w cialr 'ate'Signed, PLEASE RETURN THM FORM TO,TH WAPmEN Ci]PLANNING DEPARTMENT WIT It DAYS OF FI'N'AL ACTION two,%n or�'(),I It,o,Ishl ,I tpInl In I I I[i tv IN'.'% C,1 1)p I lne�,11. iec 742 Ro�,'].IJ, 1.2".,$,04 Town of Queensbui-y Planning Board RESOLUTION — Grant/ Deny Site Plan Approval for Fite Plan PZ 102-2016 Laura Feathers (Family Footwear) Tax Map ID 288.12-1-15 / Property Address, 1500 State Rt. 9 /Zoning: Cl The applicant has submitted an, application tothe Planning Board, for Site Plan approval pursuant to Article 9 of the Town zoning' Ordinance for: Applicant proposes a 20 ft. x 20 ft. tent sale four August 2016 & 201T Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 & 179'-9-020 of the Zoning Ordinance, tent sales, in excess, of a maximurn, seven consecutive days and more than twice a year shall be subject to Planning 13,oard review and approval. Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury or Code-Chapter 179-9-080, the Planning Board has determined that this propos at satisfies,the requirements as,stated in the Zoning Code; As, required by General Municipal, Law Section 239-m the site plan application was referred to the Warren County Planning Departmentfor its recommendation; The Plamidng beard has reviewed the potential environmental impacts of the pr(�Ject, pursuant to the State Environrnental Quality .Review Act (SEARA) and adopted a �SEQ�RA Negative Declaration — Determination of Non-Significance The Planning Board opened a public hearing on. the Site plan applicationu on 4/26/2016 and continued the public hearing to 4/26/2016, when, it was closed, The Planning Board has reviewed the application materials submitted by the applicant and all comments rnade at the public heari ng and su bmitted in writing through and i ne tud ing 4/2;61221110 ; The Planning Board determines that the application complies with the review considerations, and standards set forth in Article 9 of the Zoning Ordinance for Site Plan approval, MOTION TOAPPROVE/DISAPPROVE SITE PLAN PZ 102-2 1.6 LAURA FEATHE RS, Introduced by who moved for its adoption, Per the draft provided by staffconditioned upon the foltowing conditions. 1) Waivers request Lanted /denied., 2,) Adherence to the items outlined ion the fbllow-up letter sent with this resolution Duly adopted this,26, day of April, 20,16 by the following vote. AYES: NOES: Phone: 51A761,8220 1 Fax. 518.745,.4437 9 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY '12804 g www.q�upenis,bury.net Site Plan PZ 103-20,16 & Special Use Permit 1014-2016 Main Street Public Hearing Scheduled SEQR Type, I, 1 Orae Resolution — grant/deny grant/denysite plan approval Draft l ti , — grant/deny special use, permit ............ Town of Queensbv�ry Planning Board Community Development Department Staff Notes April 26, 2,016 Site Plan PZ 103-2016ADIRONDACK, REHABTLITATIONMEDICINE SUP PZ 104-2016 1,7 Main Street / MS- Main, Street Zone/ Ward 4 SF-QR Unlisted Material Review- application,narrative, Site pian drawings -1. to, C-4, A-I, A,-2 Parcel ffistory„ SP 68-20,05 1.075 sq. . addition, several signs kl'eiuested Action Planning Board review and approval Fbr a single story, 2,031 sq. I addition to an existin,g medical facility, including site alterations, grading, filling& parking arrangement. Also, a lot line adjustment- 151,795 sq. % to a 23,809 aq. ft. lot. Resolutions 1. Planning Boaqll decision PEoject Description Applicant proposes a single story, 2,031 sq. ft. addition to an existing medical facility, including site alterations,grading, filling& parking arrangement. also, part of the project ine I udes,a "lot Jim,adj ustnncnt- 15,7915 sq, ft.to a ,8�09 sq. ft. lot. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 & 179-10-040 of the Zoning Ordinance alterations to an existing building and site work Shral I be subject to Planning Board review and approval. staffco,"ru`ents The applicant proposes to construct a 2,031 sq ft single scour addition to the rear of the:existing 3,457 sq ft building, The site,alterations include additional parking,and rearrangernent of the existing parking area. The interior of the building will also be rearranged. The basement will remain as is,. The height will lie 22 ft for the new addition. The rigbt side (past) includes the niainentrance to the main building and at the rear is another entrance for usage. The parking spaces, are to include 5 handicap spaces along the east property line; additional parking is being developed on the north side of the proper ty behind the proposed building. The landscaping proposed removes paveinentsftorn the front of the, building and replaces the area, with lawnYlandscaped areas; the rear portion of the building also, will have new lan6caping, Clarification for the amount of green space is proposed at the front of tine building,. The plans also, include additional lighting for the building and site -light poles 15 ft height cutoff features 3 new and 2 existing and wall inounted. lights. The existing lot is to be increased from 1.5,795 sal ft to 23,809 sq ft. Special use permit requirements Construction of a one story addition and parking arrangement that is proposed to be on the side Harmony the addition is one story to an existing cane story building Compatibility-there are existing commercial retail and office area Access, -the site entrance is to rernain the, sarne with one curbcut. The building entrances occur on the side and the rear where the,associated parking is located on the site so patrons can access the building., Infrastructure -the project includes new storinwater infrastructure the project includes filling in the back of the existing building. See attached Main Street Spreadxheel review-- The board may request additional information on the following. building elevations heights for the existing and proposed; percent of the parcel that is to be landscaped and to,remain natural vegetation, additional landscaping at the front of the building currently hostas and daylilies, interconnect or shared parking with adjoining property to the east summary The applicant has COMpleted asite plan application and special use permitforthe construction ofa single story addition, ,and new parking arrangement on the side of the property and the rear of the property. Staff would,recommend a condition to have a I I lot I int a.0j ustments accomplished prior to CO-to be filed with the official file PZ 103® h 16. tp was 16 L, Ca 7E CL 10, r 10 ar 'n' 'D "' a in Vd It � _ " i *� ". caa a � "" rq Ea a _ , •} 7 ' �° .14 / " - s o ; , 0 g xa, �am ° 15 ,� an 77 7 F7 r ff� , Im fill " lu % Rlm Jr0 E " tj �nP. .� Z CZ asE ab , op U ED Ll m 0 CL rmJ 0cn Etda •; F" * '°" -", � + ff TI J j %j lz �o R eLa r 06 10 CL CL -0 mel 0 70,imiit, -S �n d 4tooa+' �+ a� - td ° . ' En' CL 2 " pn C5 , - _ c � �? 7g, Kr fir. � i1 . ,, vsL5n 4 s ac r a mss, q W ell �:NN' `� a to Eul '; E14. 2 W _ L ta me ° �r .—' IT + ti p 4A E as4A CL +� s � W 43 '� 9q � r� r- L .°-w 5+9 .-w, ems, rte, �• w i i I i rZ to4 + Nr a " " -- 0 �a 0Lj' ; jj - ` Tj ° as 7. 0 al m " Wa �: � a a OCL 3 En C - W, a �° UE o '42, - ; °te r En, s " iu, -lP _ "> eq - " a a�tin di — , NI — 47- aa tn r t 4 ' " �; CM lu ap� Wa0 C, o z waina 7a 6 4h' °T` "w d a 6 , '' . c ° 46 N,.cu, , a CL i u 7g ' 01 E An C. 0 P " .r 44 42 " meq. ' E�, ` .0 C � a 86 4p 0 + a« to, m M 42 0 5 Q � a 16, e. = as 0a ' a ,� Nin "° •^ " a 'mfn,w � a X m " tq If rr sir K/20 Q,, ip r rt%! �a fly i %% :. .. .. MAN rii riir Up/ U% Kiri LAY 4 ww Ez •�, " ;� "� �, � d^; �° �'°un '� � � �� � � ay � � � ray 4-u CDx, ED Nwdaxe 'Cprw 'bd � , a '{'J " ZO " m- y en ca aCL c 75 to ro „ " • w] � 114 r d ' n L� DCL r' tc co " y ? _ aR m ' ' Ch 0 114 CL " ' $, * r azi '" — ' EdE. CL R Cc 77- Ll ;3 E ,> 4on � ON- i j �i f A4- Ln 0 71 } LM � � SLI V: 18 g py ' 9q �2 C to la CL 'Kn7E Via ' 4 a a za C ' 1 ° ra ° Js .. tom ,® Dia " _ o � ' 4. — ' m CL 22 Do on . , FIRE MARSHAUS OFFICE Town of Qwenqbury 742" Bay Road, Qtwensbury, NY 12804 " HoasPc of Natural Beauty -, A Good' Phi ,,-r. la Live " PLAN REVIEW ' Adirondack, Rehabilitation 17 Main Street ' P 103 - 2016 / / 1 F'M has no site issues at this time Michael J Palmer 'pie Marshal 742 13ay Baud Queensbury NY 12804 fur ai ar hal@ a �,,nsbaur .iie't Ff e M a r s la a I's Off i c e • P l'a o ave, 518-761420 F a„': SIS-745-4437 a marsdial@.yea nsb rue aaaaaa ■ a r���������aan 0411412,016 77:30 AX) P.0101015 rl� lli. Warren County Planning Department Project Review,and Referral For Reviewed by Department on April 13, 2016 ProjectName: Adirondack.Rehabililakillon Medicine r1e,r. RPS Pmparty Holdings, d_I_,i Il Number;r -1 -, ,pR-ilk lCounty'Project k Aprll w11 Current Zooming,. MS project Description.. Applicant proposes a eingl'e story, .031 aq lit addifim to an existing medical facility. IlrrdludIng site a ere rano„grad'inga filling and parking arrangement. Alga, part of this p isat Includes a Wt line a iJunu tmeint- 15,,795 algl ft to a,23,1309 sq fl lot. Site Location: 17Main, beet Tax Map Number(s): 309.11-2-11 Staff Notes. lea prosect as desdbeid will be conalutent with ft ComprhansIve Filen and tlue'Town's dlaaire for time fuiluire development of flair. Suet:.New parking'to be developed to rear of the simoturs hill enable the projoct to be appropriatelly,linked to they adjolning uses and create agEorturdtles dor a walkable Main, tr el corrklor. Local actions to date(iiia any): County Planning lDepartru et: Approve Local Acttraml: Final Mp rtlionrl WarrenCounty P&n g De art ate l j�e,d Loeal Official Date Siped PLEASE U x'M$FORM'TO THE, A COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT WITHINADAYS OFFINAL ACTION Town of Queensbury Planning Board SE�QR RE SOLUTION—Gram Positive or Negative Declaration Site Plan PZ 103-2016 & Special Use Permit, PZ 104-2016 Adirondack Rehabilitation Medicine 'Tax Map ID 30'x.1.1-' -11, -10, -9 /PropertyAddress. 1.7 Mai n Street/Zoning. M S The applicant proposes, a sirs, ie story, 2,031 sq. . addition to an e.xisting medical facility, including site: alteratiGns, grading, filling and parking arrangement. Also, part of the project includes a lot line adjustment — 15,7 5 15,795 sq. ft, to a 23,80sq. ft. lot. Pursuant to Chapter 1,79-3-040 17 -1 -040 of the Zoning Ordinance alterations to an existing building and site work shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval, "I'he Planning Board has determined that the proposed, project and Planning Boa�rd action is subject to review under the State Environmental Qualit .eview Act; The proposed action considered by this Board is, Unlisted i:n the Department, of Environmental Conservation Regulations implementing the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the regulations of the To of Queensbury; No Federal or other agencies are involved; Part I of the Short EA F has been completed.by the applicant; Upon review of the information recorded on -this, EAF, it is the conclusion. of the 'Town of Queensbury Planning Board as lead agency that this project will result m no significant adverse impaels on the environment, and, therefore, an envirom-nental impact statement treed not be prepared. X=ordingly, this negative declaration is issued. MOTION TO GRANT A POS�IT'IVE DECLARATION RNEGA�rIVE DECLARATION FORSITE PLAN PZ 1 - 016 & SPECIAL USE P'ERMIT PZ 104-2016, ADIRONDACK RFHABILITATION' MEDICINE, Introduced by_ who moved fim its adoption, seconded by... ... As per the resolution prepared by staff. I. Part 11 of the Short EA F has been reviewed.and completed by the Plan.ning Board. 2. Part III of the Short EA,F has been reviewed and completed by the Planning Board. Or Part 11.1 of the Short LEAF" is not necessary because the Planning Board did not identify potentially moderate to, large impacts. Dully adopted20this,26'h day of April, 16 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: Phune. i 18.,761,8220 1 Fax: 5 18.745.4437 0742 Bay R oad,, Quee nsbu ry, ,NY 12804 To of uensbury Planning,Board RESOLU"rio'N —Grant/Deny Approval. for Site Plan,PZ 103-2016 & Special Use Permit PZ 104-2016 Adirondack Rehabilitation Medicine Tax Map, ID. 309,1 '1-2-11, -10, -9 /Property Address: 17 Main Street/,erring,: NIS The applicant has submitted anapplication to the Planning Board for Site Flan approval pursuant to Article 9 of the Town zoning Ordinance for: Applicant proposes a single story, 2,031 sq., ft. addition to an existing medical facility, including site alterations,, gradiqg, filling and parking arrangement. Also, part of the:project includes, a lot line adjustment, — 15,795 sq. & to a 23,809 sqt. lot, Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 & 1791- 10-040 of the Zoning Ordinance alterations to an existing building and site work shall. be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Pursuant to relevant section,,, of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Gado-Chapter 179-9-080, the Planning Board has deter-nined that this proposal, satisfies the tequi:rements,as stated in the Zoning Code; As required by General Municipal Law Section 239-m the site plan, application was referred to the Warren County Planning Department for its recommendation; The Planning Board has reviewed the potential environmental impacts of the project, pursuant to the State Enviromnental Quality Review ,Act (SEQRA) and adopted a SEQRA Negative Declaration — Determination ,of Non-Significance The Planning Board opened, a public hearing ovii the Site plan application on 4/26/2016, and continued the public hearing to 4/26/2016, when it was,closed, The Planning Board has, reviewed the application materials submitted by the applicant and, all comments made at the public hearing and submittedin writing through and including 4/26/2016; The Planning Board determines -that the application complies with the review considerations, and standards set forth in Article 9 of the Zoning Ordinance for Site Plan approval, MOTION TO APPROVE / DISAPPROVE 81T ' PLAN PZ 103-2016 & SPECIAL USE PERMIT PZ 104-20,16 ADIRONDACK RE HABILITATION MIEDICINE; Introduced by who moved for, its adoption, seconded by I Acordlbg to the draft resolution prepared by Staff with the following: 1) Waivers requested granted/denied; 2. Adherence to the items outlined, in the follow-up letter sent with this resolution,. a) The limits of clearing will constitute a,no-tut buffer zone, orange constniction fencing shall be installed around these,areas and field verified by Community Development staff; b) If applicable, the Sanitary Sewer connection plan. must be submitted to the Wastewater Department for its review,appmvM, permitting and inspection; Page I of 2 P,hone. 518.761.8220 g Fax: 518,745.4,437 1 742 Bay Road.Queensbury,NY 1,2804 jl www.,queeinsbuiry.net c) If curb cuts are 'la eing,added or changed a driveway permit is,required. A building permit will not be issued until the approved driveway permit has been provided, to the Planning Office; d) If application was referred to engineering then Ern gineed ng,sign-off required prior to signature of Zoning Administrator of the approved plans;If required, the applicant Tnust submit a copy of tile following to the'rown- a. The project.NO] (Notice of Intent) for coverage under the cm rent "NY SDEPDE Gener al, Permit from Construction Activity" prior to the start of any site work. b� The project NOT(Noticeoffermination)upon completion of'theprcject; c. The applicant must maintain on their project site, for reviewstaff,: i. The approved final plans that have been stamped by the Town ZoningAdillinistrator. These plans must include the projectSWP PIP (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan) when such a plan was prepared and approved; ii. r'he project NOI and proof of coverage under the current NYSDEC SPIRE S General Permit, or an individual SPIPE S permit issued for the project if required. e) Final approved plans,, in compliance with the Site Plan,,mustbe submitted to the Community Development Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes personnel; f) The applicant: must meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/onr the:beginning of any site work; g) Subsequent issuance of further permits, includin,g buildi ng permits is dependent on compliance with Anis and all other conditions of this resolution; h) As,-built plans to certify that the site plan is developed according to the approved plans to be provided prior to issuance of the:certificate of occupancy., i) This resolution is to be placed in its entirety on the final plans Duly adopted this 26t"day of April, 16, by the following vote: AYES: ME& Page 2 of 2 Phone,, 518.761,6220 I Fax. 518,.745.4437 B 142' Bay Road, Quieeinsbiury.NY 12804i,www.queen,s,bury.net. Site Plan PZ -2016 @ 974 Stets Public Hearing Scheduled SEAR Type 11 Draft Resolution — grant/deny grant/denysite plan approval Town of Queensbury Planning Roard Community Development Department Staff Notes April 26, 2016 Site:Plan PZ 106-2016 JASON SOUTHWOOD 974 State Route 9,/CM —Commercial Moderate Zone/ "hard 2 SE Q R, Unlisted Material Review: application, elevations, floor plan parcel History: SP PZ 53-2016, A,V PZ 65-2016 Requested Action Planning Board review and approval to use a portion of an existing building for a deli and the other half to be retail ins previously approved. Deli to be approximately 792, sq. ft. Resolutions, 1. Environmental review 2. Planning Board decision Pr9jectPescription Appl icant proposes to use a portion oil"an exi sting building for a,deli and, the other hal f to be retail as previously approved. Deli to be approximately 792 sq. ft. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 & 179-9-1,,20 of the 70ning, Ordinance, modifications, to an approved site plan shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. staff comments, Site plan overall- The applicant proposes a modification to an existing site plan to,after the: interior,for retail and deli. The applicant had, approval to renovate the existing building 2040 sq ft for a retail store and to, inidude exterior renovations,. The revised proposal is to have retail. on one side of the building and to use '7 sq if of the building for a deli counter. There is an existing storage building of 636 sq ft that is to remainand no cbange,s area.proposed. Site layoul and wilityplan—The applicant has indicated.the building is on municipal water and will connect to the municipal sewer linein the spring. The applicant has,indicated the building will be con n.ected to municipal sewer and is already connected to municipal water, Site fighting and landscaping plan —There are no changes; to the lighting,. There is no new landscaping or lighting for the site. Site d&ails -There are no changes proposed to the parking arrangement,, access drives or rear building area, and no changes to the exi sti ng green areas. The applicant proposes to maintain the existing g turki in, arrangem.ent of 1,3, spaces to accommodate the retail and food store space. Floor plans—The floor plan shows the: layout of for each use where,the retail will have a display, sales area, office, and an internal vestibule area; then the deli will have service counters and cold storage area. '[.'he applicant requests the following waivers g. situ lighting, h. signage, L utility tocationsj. stormwater, k. topography, 1. landscaping,, an traft'ic, o. carnmercial alterations/ construction details, p floor plans, q. soil logs, r. construction/dernolition, disposal s. snow removal Surnina The applicant has completed.site plan review for the modification.of an existing plan to allow for both a deli food services area and a retail store to operate in an existing building. 'The deli's service area is to, be 792 sq ft and the remainder is for retail operation a,nnd storage. 04/1412011 17 31 P.012101 �pr1��a-13, Warren my ' ment Pr jet Review and Referral Form Reviewed by Department on Aprf 13, 2016 Him Project Name; Jason Southwood Owner- JIadk Gall Do rsug rwn ID Number. QBY-116-SPR-106 County Project#: pmt -1 Community-. Queensbury Project Descriptin: Applicant propnsee to use mm portion of an,e4sting building for a dell and the other half to be ri as piroVIOUCIV apjpro"da. DON to be approximately 7912 sq fL Site Location: 974 Stats Route Tax M,ap Number(s): 'Staff Notes: This prmpuzed pri Is consistent w4h adjoining lend uses,that pmvide for troth neighborhood arnd higway samices. Fu!rM r roYlaw of this project should consider Llress and agress sa!� to Mei. g, 'Locsl a 'tlam to nate(if )m County Planning Department: NCI wl s4pulagon , i�scs1 ctiow/ innai i�1rm Won- 1 10 Warr n Counn'ty Pl a�n,g eblartment at Signed Lamt Official eats 'igen +d PLEASE RETURNTHIS NORM TO THE WARREN COUNTYPLAMNO DEPARTMINT WITHIN 10 DAYS OF FINAL fin, °rCON 74, Town of Queensbury Planning .Board SEQR RE' OLt[.!TI N --, Grant Positive r Negative Declaration Site Plan PZ 106-2016 Jason Southwood Tax Map ID 296.13-1-68 /Property Address: 974 State Rt., 9,/Zoning- CM The applicant proposes, to use a portion of an existing building for a deli and the other half to be retail as previously approved. Deli, to be approximately 7912 sq. ft. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 & 179-9-12.0 of the Zoning Ordinance, modificatio�ns to, an approved site plan shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. The, Planning Bord has detennined that the proposed project and Planning Board, action is subject to review under the State Environmental Quality Review Act; 'The proposed action considered by this Board, is Unlisted in the Depariment of Environmental Conservation Regulations impternenting, 'the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the regulations of the Town of Queensbury, No Federal or other agencies are involved; Part I of the: Short EAF has been completed by the applicant.;. Upon review of the information, recorded on this EAF', it is the conclusion of the Town, of Queensbui-y Planning Board as lead agency, that this project will. result in no, significant adverse: impacts n the environment,, and, therefore, an environmental impact statement need neat be preps ared, Accordingly, this negative declaration is issued, MOTION TO GRANT A POSITIVE DECLARAMON OR NEGATIVE DECLARATION F'OR SIT PLAN PZ 106-2016 JASON OUT WOO Intioduced by _._ who moed for its adoption, seconded As,per the resolution prepared by staff. 1. Part II of the Short E has been reviewed and completed by the Planning Board. 2. Part III of the Short EAF has been reviewed and completed by the Planning Board. Or Part III of the Short EA,F is, not necessary because the Planning Board did not identify potentially moderate to large impacts. Duly adopted this 26'h day of April, 2016 by the following vo,te:- AYES: NOES: 11honc: 51( ,761, 220 1 Fax. 51 .745.4,4311742 Bay 11cad, OLwensbury, NY 12804 1 www.queensbury.net 742. 11ty [�4oatL Town of Queensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION —Grant/Deny Site Plan Approval for Site Plan P7 106-20,16 Jason Southwood Tax Map,ID:2961.13-1-68 / Property Address: 974 State Route 9,/Zoning. CM The applicant has subinitted an application to the Planning Board for Site, Plan- approval, pursuant to Article 9 of the 'rown zoning Ordinance for. Applicant proposes to use a portion of an existing building for a deli and the other if to be retail as previously approved. Deli to be approximately 7sq, ft. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-0,40 & 179-9-120 of the Zoning Ordinance, modifications to an approved site plan, shall be subject to Plarming,Board review and approval. Pursuant to relevant sections of Town of'Queensbury Zoning Code-Chapter 179-9-0900, the Planning Board has determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code, As required by General Municipal Law Section 23,9-m the site plan application was referred to, the Warren County Planning Department for its mcommendation; The Planning Board has reviewed the potential environmental impacts of the project, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and adopted a SEQRA Negative Declaration — Determination olon- Significance The Planning Board opened a public hearing on the Site plan application on 4/2,612016 and continued the public hearing to 4/2,612016, when it was clo,sed,. The Planning Board hasreviewed the application materials, submitted by the applicant and all comments made at -the public hearing and submitted in writing through and including 4/2612016;, The Planning Board determines that the application complies with.the review considerations and standards set forth in, Article 9 of the Zoning Ord inance for Site Plan approval, Mr ISAP,PRO�VE OTION TOAPPROVE / D , SrfE PLAN PZ 106-2016 4A$ON $0VTHWOOD; Introduced by who moved for its adoption,seconded by-- Per the draft provided by staff conditioned upon the following conditions, 1) Waivers request grAntedMen ied-., 2 Adherence to,the items outlined in the follow-up letter sent with this resolution, a) Final approved plans, in compliance with the Site Plan, must be submitted to the Community Development Departinent before any further review by the Zoning Administrator,or Building and Codes personnel; b) The applicant: must meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/or the beginning of any site work; c) Subsequent issuance of further perinits, including buildling,permits is dependent on compliance with this and all other conditions of this resolution; d) Resolution to, be placed on final Plans in, its entirety and legible., Duly adopted this 26"day of'Apri 1, 20,16,, by the fol lowing vote: AYE- : NOES, Phone, 518,761,8220 d Fax 518-745,4437� 742 Bay Road. Queensbury. NIY 12'804 p www.queensbury.net DiscussionItem @ 2585 State Route 9L No Public Hearing Sched Scheduled T'Gwn of Queensbury Planning Board Community Development Department Staff Notes April 26,2016 Discussion Itern J & DMARINA, LLC 25,85 State Route 9L /Wk, -- 'Waterfront Residential alie/'Ward I SEQR, Unlisted Material Review: narrative, previous site plan/special use permit resolutionand drawing. Parcel, History SUP 56-2014 pern -­boat sales, service, storage in WR zone; BP20,09-099 Septic Alt. Requested Action Discussion of construction of a new indoor boat storage building to replace an existing storage garage. Prgied.Description SUP 56-2014 Penn.—boat sales, service, storage in WR zone; BP 2009-099 Septic Alt., Staff Comments The applicant proposes to maintain an existing boat storage operation on an, 11.147 ac parcel. '11c existing indoor storage occurs in a 2,600 sq fibuilding,where the applicant Proposes toremove the existing building and to construct a new 10,000 sq ft steel building in a shnitar location. The new building would be used to store approximately 50 boats. The exterior storage proposed would remain at 76 where 7 of the spaces will be reassigned to, the east side of the builiding, The applicant has indicated the storm titer management the existing, site conditions will also accommodated the new proposal. The narrative explains the exterior colors will be earth-tone shades of brown and gray.