Planning Board Staff Notes for 4-28-16 STAFF NOTES, PLANNING BOARD APRIL 28, 2016 Site PlPZ3-2016 & Spii I Use, Permit -2 , ' 79 Main Street Public Hearing Drat Resolution PlanningBoard to, t l until 'Town of Queensbury Planning Board GkI Community Development Department Staff'Notes April 2 , 2016 Application to be tabled to May 19''b' aunt reuest of applicant Site Plan PZ 7'3-2016, FADE N ENTERPRISES/ 75, 77, 79 Main Street/ SUP PZ 68'-2016 Main Street zoning MS SEQR: Type Unlisted Material Review: application, elevations, floor plan, narrative, signage Parcel History: BP ,124.2 Sewage Alt.; 2005-221 Sign Pennit; 2002-0208 Wall sign Requested Action Planning,Board, review and approval to redevelopment of three parcels,that includes lot arrangement of two lots,, removal of existing, buildings, a phased construct,ion of Resolutions Site Plan Review Project Des,cription App]ic,an�t proposes demolition of three main bui Idings, shed and some site:grading to construct three new 'buildings in three phases. First building to be 4,200 +/- sq. ft., with parking from Main St. to, Pine St. Project includes merging parcels creating two parcels. Second phase to, be remainder of first building 4,2011 ®u-J- sq. ft., then third phase is two additional buildings 2,400 sq. ft. and 1,600 sq, ft, with, a drive through. Project includes lighting and landscaping in phases,also. Stormwater to be completed for whole site in Phase one. Staff Carnments Site plan overall- The applicant proposes to develop a site for three newbuildings in three phases to inc,lude lighting, landscaping, parking and other associated site work. The firstbuilding is to be 4,200 +/- sq.. ffi with parking from Main St, to Pine St. Project includes, merging parcels, creating two, parcels. Second phase: to be remainder of first building 4,200 +/- sq. ft., then third phase is two additional buildings 2,400 sq. ft. and 1,600 sq. ft. with, a drive through. Project includes lighting and landscaping in Phases also. The applicant, proposes, the new buildings to be one story at, 30 ft in height. The first phase: building portion is to be a Subway restaurant lArith space for a secondary tenant, The other buildings include a corrunerciaUretail, a bank, and the remaining of 'buildin,g I to be cornmercial/retail. The site is to be developed for multi-tenant usage, The site is proposed to, have 57 parking spaces where after all phases are completed each use:/building will have their own parking,on each lot. Grading and drainage plan—The applicant's plans, show the grading and drainage will be installed in. the first phase. Lot 1. will be seeded prior to developm,ent as future construction. is dependent on the market. Sedftnent and erosion cono-ol —The applicant's site plan shows the location of the stock pile,, Construction entrance., Landscal7e plan —:the plans, show the location of plantings on the site for each, bui I ding and buffer area between uses. Stle liatingplan,-I Ie applicant proposes six light poles where three are on.the internal sidewaW, The other two are shown in the parking lot. Sile details—The project i's subject to Main. Street requirements,—refer to spreadsheet. Sgnage—The plans shows, location and type f signage for the first phase building and only signage location.for the other phases, True.project also in a free standing sign that requires an area variance due to setback Nevations and Floorplans The applicant has,provided.proposed elevations for a 17 4-/- ft in high building that includes,the roof fagade. The floor plans show tenant space arrangernent for building I phase 1. Summaty Application to be: tabled to, May 19th meeting pending zoning board of appeals meeting: C 0 1 yl rrI u r,I i t Y, Dar mr1aP nt �O M 742 Baay rRIoad, �NJIY 12804 Town of ueensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION — Tabille Site Plan PZ 73-216 & Special Us�e Permit PZ 68-2016 Faden Enterprises Tax Map ID 3W10-1-47, -48, -49 /Ptoperty Address: 75, 77 & 79 Main. Street / Zoning. MS MOTI TQ, TABLE SITE PLAN PZ 73-2016 & SPECIAL USE PERMIT PZ 68-2,016 FADEN ,NIERPRISES, Introduced by who moved for Its adoption, seconded by Tabled until the May 19, 2016 Planning Board meeting, Duladopted this 2,8" day of April, 2016 by the following vote: AYES: NOES, llhonQ�, 518J61 -8220117ax-, &745,4437 d 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE DELIVERED E ED T THE APRIL 29THI PLANNINGBOARID MEETING. Site Plan RZ 105-2016 @ 543 Bay Road Public Fearing Scheduled' El.1 'TU'B'E 11 Draft Resolution -rant deny site plan approval Site Plan PZ 121-20'16 @ 110 Main Street Publlic Hearing ched l SEQR TYPE III Draft ft 1 e 11 t – grant deniy site, plan approvail Subdivision IP -20,16 @ Ellsworth Laurie Public Dearing Scheduled E ,i unlisted Draft Resolution – grant deny preliminary and final stages of subdivision ,approval Site Plan PZ 1,09-20116 @ 33 Silver Circle Plubl�ic Hearing Scheduled SEAR Unlisted Draft I r �r ant/'deny, site, plea approval Town ofQueensbury Planning Board Community Development Department Staff Notes, April g, x,0,16 Site Plan PZ 109-2016 SILVER.CIRCLE, LLC 33 Silver Circle/ L1 —Commercial Light Industrial Zoning/ Ward 4 SEQR Unlisted. Material Review: application, strmwater and pollution prevention.plan, site drawings. Parcel History: Threw SUB 20-1999 12/21/99 a 24.71 ac parcel divided into five lots 197, 148, 2.49, 7.816 and 7.78 ar, Requested Action Planning and rview and approval for vegetation clearing of 6.8 acres of a 738 acre site. Removal of 18" soft wood, 12" hard wood. Resolutions 1. Environmental Review—short fbi-m 2. Site Plan Project Desgdption Applicant proposes vegetation clearing of 6.81 acres of a 7.78 acre site. Removalof 18" soft, wood, 12" hard wood. Intent to market area fbt sale. Pursuant to Chapter 1793-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, clearing for future site development is subject to Planning Bo,ard,review and approval, 'Staff COMMIOnts Applicant proposes, to clear 6.8 acres, of land on a 7.78 acre parcel of Lot 5 Sub 20-1999 "I"hrew subdivision. Along with, the clearing the applicant proposes,to have stockpiles for woodchip and topsoil. Applicant proposes site work for future marketing of the property, The applicant proposes to maintain a IN vegetative buffer oil. the North and, West property lines 'then, a 30 ft buffer on the Soutli and no buffer on EaStr. The applicant has submitted a, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan along, with the ,Site Plan. The Site Plan also provides information on erosion and sediment control methods to, be used during and after site clearing. The applicant has requested waivers from e. location of uses and structures, g. site lighting,, h. signage, k topography, 1. landscaping, o., commercial alterations,/construction details, and p floor plans. Sinceno development is,proposed at this time waivers,from providing lighting and landscaping plans seem. reasonable. Summary 'The applicant has completed a,site plan application for the proposed clearing of 6.8 ac of a 7.78 ac parcel. THE, North,Country Office E-M, AILED 375 Ray Road, Queensbiury, NY 1,2804 Cb- P� (518) 812-05,13 F: (5,18) 812-2205 COMPAN IES www.c,ho,zenicom,�painies.com I'E OoO Po,4)c Em"'57'777 07ocd Hudson Valley Office X8451454-39,80 Engineers Land Surveyors Capital District Office (518) 273-10055 Planners EnvIrDnmental;ProWsionalls Landscme Architects Apr,il 7, 2016 Mr.. Craig Brown Zo n ing Administrator and Code Colm ph a nce Officer Town,of Queen sbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, New York 12804 Delivered via email only. Cra;ig ,@Quleensburv,.net Re: 33 Vver Circle, L LC Town of Qu.reernsbury, WarrenCovnty� New York Chozen Project#91 600.25 Queenisbury Ref#SPP Z 109-2016 Dear Mr,., Brown: The Chazen Companies (Chazen), has received a s,ubmI,5,51,on package from, your office for the above referencc-d project. The applicant intends to clear approximately 6.,8 acres in order,to market the property for sale. Submitted information includes the following: • Site Plans and Details prepared by Hutchins Engineers,, dated March 10, 2016 and last revised March 15,201.6; • Stormwater Pollution, Prevention Plan prepared by Hutchins Engineers, dated March, 14, 2016; and, • Site Plan Review Application,Short EAF and Project INarrative dated March 20,1 6. Your office has requested 'that we limht our review to the design of 5tormwater system as it relates, to compliance to local, state or relevant codes and regulations. Based uipon our review,, Chazein offers the following comments for the,Town's consideration; Storm, water Management&Erosion and Sediment Controk I� The project proposes to disturb an area of 6.8 acres and requires the preparation of a Stormwaiter Pollution Prevention Plan (S !'PPP) in accordance with GP-0-15-002 that includes erosion and sediment controls only(basic SWPPP), A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) has been providled. Comments,relating to,the SWPPP and corresponding plans,are offered below,, 2. Part II.F.4 of General Permit GP-0-15-002 states that projects which, adversely affect an endlangeredl or threatened species are in elligible for coverage under the General Permit. As such, correspondence regarding the presences of endangered or threatened species,shall be included Chazen Engineefing,-Land Surveying&Landscape AmJfifecfeom Co,� D,PC, Chazen Environmentaf Services, kuc. The Chazer compar)�5s' Im. Town of Omeensbury 33,3ilver Clrcte,LLC April 71 241116 Plage,2 [in the SWPPP, 11 is noted that the Applicant has made an Inquiry to N�YSDEC regarding this matter and Is awaiting a deteirrninaflon regarding the. presences,of endangered or threatened species. 3, Part I.F.8 of General Permit GP-0-15-010,2 states that projects which have the potential to adversely affect historic property are in eligible for coverage under the General Permft, As such, correspondence regarding the potentiall affect of historic property shall be included in the WPPP. It is, noted that the Applicant has made on, inquiry to NY50PRHP regarding this, matter and is awaiting a detern-lination regarding the presences of endangered or threatened species. 4. The Applicant states In the WPPP that erosion on the site will be managed using slit fence and sediment basins;however,the tocation,of these practices has not been shown on the clearing and erosion control plan with the i--xceprflon of the silt fence around the soil stock pfle). We recommend that the clearing and erosion contro] plan be revised to show the locations of the silt fence and sediment basins. In the event the Planning Board or Town staff have any questions or require additional jnforrnztion�, please do not hesitate to,contact me at(518) 824-1926. Sincerely, Sean M. Doty, P.E., LEED AP,CMS4S Principal Mainager, Municipal Engineering Services, cc: Sunny Sweet,Town Planning Office Administrator(via eirnail) L,aura Moore,Town Land Use Planner(via,e-maill) -SPI09-2016 33 511,W*rCiptle, I ,D'04 74 Bav Rmad- -0 'Town of"Queensbury Plannfi.ig Board, 4 SEAR RESOLM ION—Grant Positive or Negative Declaration Site: Plan P 1019-2016 33 Silver Circle LLC, Tax Map 11) 309.17-11-18.5 / Property Address, 33 Silver Circle/Zoning. CLI The applicant proposes vegetation clearing of 6.8, acres of a 7.78, acre site. Removal of']8" soft wood, 12" hard wood,, Intent to market area for sale. Pursuant to Chapter 1793-0140 of the Zoning Ordinance, cleaning :for future site development is subject to Planning Board review and approval. The Planning Board has, determined that the proposed project and Planning Board action is subject to review under the State Environmental Quality Review Act; The proposed action considered by this, Board is Unlisted in, the Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations, implementing the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the regulations of the Town of Queensbury; No,Federal or other agencies are involved; Part I of the Short EAF has, been completedb the applicant; y Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF, it is the conclusion of t.he Town of Queensbury Planning Board as. lead agency 'that, this project will result in no, significant adverse impacts on the environment, and, therefore, an environmental, impact statement need not be prepared.. Accordingly, this negative declaration. is issued- MOTION TO GRANT A POSITIVE DECLARATION OR NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR SITE PH I" PZ 109-2011 SILVER ORCL E MC., Introduced by who m oved four its adoption, seconded by As Peer the resolution prepared by staff. 1. Part.11 of the Short EAF has been reviewed and completed by the Planning,Board. 2. Part:III of the Short EAF has been reviewed and completed by the Planning Board. Or Part III of the Short EAF is not necessary because the Planning Board did not identify potentially moderate to large:impacts. Duly adopted this 8"' day of April, 2 016 by the following vote: AYES: NOE&� Phone: 5 M76 1.8220 1 Fav 518,745.4437¶ 742 Bay Road, Qutviisbary. NY 1,2804 1 Nvww..queem17kjry.net 7� P',o,,ut r -`u-,,10 Town of Queensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION—Grant/Deny bite Plan Approval for Site Plan PZ 1091-2016 33 :Silver Circle, LLC Tax Map ID 3,09,17-1-18,5 /;Property Address. 33 Silver Circle /Zoning: CLI The applicant has submitted an application to the: Planning Board fo�r Site:Plan approval puursuant to Article 9' of the Town zoning Ordinance for: Applicant proposes vegetation clearing of 6.8 acres of a 738 acre site. Removal, of'18" soft wood, 12"' hard wood. intent to market area for sale, Pursuant to Chapter 1793-040 of the Zoning,Ordinance, clearing for future site development is, subject to Planning Board review and approval. Pursuant to relevant sections of the To of Queensbury Zoning 'ode-Chapter 179-9-080, the Planning Board has determined that this proposal satisfies the requiiements,as stated in the Zoiling,Code; As re!quired by General Municipal Law Section 2319-m the site plan application. was referred to the Warren County Planning Department for its recommendation; 'The Planning Board has, reviewed the potential environmental impacts 1` the project, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), and adopted a SEt RA Negative Declaration — Deterinination of Non-Significance The Planning Board opened a public hearing on the Site plan application on, 4128/2016 and continued the public heari ng tun,4128/20,1 , when it was closed, The Planning Board, has, reviewed the application materials submitted by the applicant and all comments made at the public hearing and submitted. in writing through and including 4/28/2016; the Planning Board determines, that the application complies with the review considerations and standards. set forth in Article 9 of theZoning Ordinance for Site Plan approval, MOTION TO APPROVE / DISAPPROVE SITE PLAN, PZ 109-20,16 33 SILVER CJRCI,E,, LLC , Introduced by__.1111.1 who moved for its adoption, seconded by I Per the draft provided by staffconditiolined upon the .following conditions: 1) Waivers request ranted / denied- 2. Adherence to the items outlined in the follow-up letter sent with this,resolution. a), he limits of clearing will constitute a no-cut buffer one, orange construction fencing shall be installed, around these areas and field verified by Community Development staff; b) If applicable, the Sanitary Sewer connection plan must be submitted to, the Wastewater Department for its review, approval, permitting and inspection; c) If curb cuts are being added or changed a driveway permit is required. A building permit will not be issued until the approved driveway permit has been provided to the Planning Office; Page I of 2 Phone 518.761.82,20 q Fa�c 518.745.4437 � 742 Bay Rood. Queensbijiry'. NY 1280 +queensbury,,net d) If application was referred to engineering then Engincering sin off required prior to, signature of Zoning Administrator,of the approved plans; e) If required, the applicant must submit.a copy of the following to the Tow n- The project N01 (Notice of Intent) for coverage under the current "NYSDEPDE S General Permit from Construction Activity" prior,to the:start of any site work. b. The project NOT (Notice of Termination) upon completion of the project; c. The applicant mus I maintain on their project site, for review by, staff- i. The approved final plans that have been stamped by the Tow Zoning, Administrator. These plans must include the project SWP'PP (Ston-n Water Pollution Prevention Plan) when such a plan was prepared and approved; S G ii. The project 'NOI and proofol,'coverage under the currenNYSD t EC S,PD-� eneral' L Permit, or an individual SPDES perrnit issued for,the project if required. �f) Final approved plans, in compliance with.the Site Plan, must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any further review'b the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes personnel; g,) The applicant must meet with Staff after approval and prior to, issuance of Building Perinit and/or the beginning of any site work; h) Subsequent issuance of farther permits, including building pennits is dependent on compliance with this and all other conditions of this resolution; i) As-built plans to certify that the site plan is developed, according to the approved plans to be provided prior to issuance of the certificate of'occupancy. I) This resolution is to be placed in its entirety on the final plans Duty adopted, this 281h day of April, 201.6, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: Page 2 of�2 Phone, 518,761,8220 p F,ax., 518,745.4437 q 742 Bdy.Road. Queeinsbuiry, NY 128104 � ,www-queensbury-net SNsn Modification PZ 110-2016 @ West Drive & Lazarus Road Public Hearing Scheduled SEQ,R Unlisted Drift Relsoluii — grant/deny su � iso n modificiation, approval Town of Queensbury Planning Board, Community Development Department Staff Notes April 28, 2016 SUB klodification: LUZERNE HOLDING, IN'C. West Drive/Luzerne Road /CLI—Commercial Light Industrial Zone �Ward 4 SEQR Unlisted Material Review, tetter of request, subdivision map Parcel History: SPI?Z-0019-201 5 returnedto applicant; DDC 8I1B 4-2012 3-logit 15.21 ac for lots of 3.52, 3,95 and 7'.87,ac, Luzerne I Ioldings SUB 18-2005 24ot subdivision 33.64 ac for lots of 186 and 29.78 ac Reguested Action Planning Board review and approval for a subdivision modification of two parcels. 308.12-7.13 to be reduced to 5.0 acres, 308.12-1-7.2 to be increased to 6,46 acres. Resolutions 1. Subdivision Modification Froject Description Applicant proposes a subdivision modification oftwo parcels, 308.12-7.13 to be reduced to 5.,0 aur , 3,08,1 - 1-7. ,08,12- 1-7.2 to be increased to, 6.46 acres. Pursijant to Chapter 1.8.3 of the Zoning Ordinance, subdivision modificaticyn shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. StaffComments The applicant proposes to modify the existing DKC Subdivision 4-2012 of a three lot subdivision. The applicant proposes to modit. lot 3 by reducing the lot to 5.09 ac (308,12-1-7,13) and will still maintain road frontage on West Dr, The adjoining lot not part of the subdivision is proposed to be increased to 6.46, ac (308.12-1-72). The parcel 308.,12-1-7.2 currently has 1,0 storage building facilities and a new cold storage bluilding is proposed under a separate site plan,, The lot will have access on Luzerne Rdfor the storage facility and access on.West Dr for the proposed new building. surnma The applicant has completed a request for subdivision modification,, L— 7-1, P, 1, i's,h i0 i i V '� 2 0 4 Town of Queensb�ury PlanningBoard SEAR RESOLUTION - Grant Positive or Negative Declaration Subdivision Modification PZ 110-2016 Luzei-nt- Holding, Inc. Tax Map ID 3011,1,2-1-7.1,3, -T2 / Pr rt Address- West Drive/Luzerne Road/Zoning: CLI The applicant proposes a subdivision modification of two piarcels. 308.12-7.13 to be: reduced to 5.0 acres, 30812-1-7.2 to be increased to 6.446 acres. Pursuant to Chapter 183 of the Zoning Ordinance, subdivision modification shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval, The Planning Board has determined that the: proposed project and Planning-Board action is, subjject to review under the State! Environmental Quality Review Act; The proposed, action considered by this Board is, Unfisted in the Department ofEnvironmental Conservation. Regulations imple:memting the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the regu'lations of the Town of Queensbury; No Federal or other agencies are involved-, 'Whereas the Planning Board adopted SUB 4-2012 on 8/28/2012. SEQR determination of non-significance; Upo.n review of the information recorded on the EAF, it is the conclusion of the Town of Queensbury Planning Board as lead. agency reaffirms that this project will result in no significant adverse impacts on the environment, and, therefore, an environmental impact statement need not be prepared, Accordingly,this negative declar,ation is issued. MOTION TORE A]FF IRM. A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR SUBDIVISION MODIFICATION PZ 110-20,16 LUZERNE HOLDING, INC., Introduced by __............. who moved for its adoption, seconded by As per the resolution, prepared by staff. Du,ly adopted this 28"' day of April, 201,6 by the following vote: AYES: NOES. Phone- 51 K761-82,20 1 Fax: 5 18-745.44371742 Bay Awad,Queensbury, NY 12804 1 www-cllueensburymet i�pl%%t I V b I"(")I I i,'°t.I''s�)�T,i") '' 1 j 1�e v t 142 Rtv 'rown of Queensburyl Planning Board RESOLUTION—Approve /Deny Subdivision Modification PZ 110-21016 Luzerne 110 Iding, Inc. Tax Map ID 308.12-1-7.13, -7.2 /Property Address: West Drive/Luwere Road Zoning: CLI A, subdivision application has been. made,-.: Applicant pr poises. a subdivision modification olf two plarcels. 30,8.12-7.13l to be reduced to 5.0 acres, 3108.12-1-7.2 to be increased to 6.46 acres, Pursuant to Chapter 183 oft ue Zoning Ordinance, subdivision modification sh,all be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Pursuant to, relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Code-Chapter A-183, the Planni ng, Board has determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in.the Zoning Code; The requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered and the Planning Board has reaffimied a SEQRA negative declaration; A.public hearing was,scheduled and held on 4128/2016; This application is, supported lwith, all documentation, Public comment, end application material in the file of record; MOTION, TO APPROVE / DISlAPPROVE MODIFICATION FORSUBDIVISION P,Z 110-2016 LUZEIRNE HOLDING, INC. Introduced by who moved its adoption secianded bly As per the resolution prcpared, bly staff. Duly adopted this 28'h day of April,, 2016 by the following vow AYES: NOES: Phone, 519.71511-82201 V FLN,, 519,745,44,37 1742 Bay fkoad, Queensbury, NY 12804 Site Plea PZ 93-2016 @ West Drive L z me Rei , Public Hearing Scheduled SEQIR Unlisted Draft ciin — great/deny site plan approval 'Town of Queensbury Planning Board, Community Development Department Stain:dotes April 2: , 20,16 Site Flan p' 2-2016 LUZERNE HOLDING, INC. . West Drive/l.,ur me Road / Commercial lai ht Industrial Zone l Ward 4 SEQR Unlisted. Material 'Review; application, narrative, Parcel History: SP p, -00119-2015 returned to applicant; SUB Mod. PZ 110-2016 Rtguested Action Planning Board review and approval for ar new 4,800 sq, ft. cold storage building on a 6.46 acre parcel with access from ''Fest Drive. Resolutions I,. Environmental Revia w—short frrrrn 2. Site plan Project Description Applicant proposes a new 4,800 sq. Vit. cold storage building on a 16.46, acre paricel with access from 'Fest Drive„ .An existing storage facility is to :rernain on site. Site work.is only for new cold storage Wilding. Pursuant to Chapter 179—" -040 of the Zoning rdi.nance, new storage building shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Staff Comments Site plan overall—"the applicant proposes the construction of ar cold storage building for equipment storage . Site layout and unlit burr -The building is to be 4,800 sq pt with 4 bays, 'The access to the building will be from, "?west lir°ive, Grading and drainage plan 'rhe applicant proposes to utilize existing storrruwater retention area for the existing, storage buildings and the proposed burilding and site work. "e irneaut and o,osion control—silt fencing,will be installed along the area of theexisting stormwvater retention .area and a construction, entrance is to be installed, on 'west lir,. Landscape plan—tine applicant proposes limited cutting areas to be around the building parking and septic area --with no new landscaping,to be installed.. Site fighting pian, —the applicant proposes wall mounted lighting fixtures at the access doors .and loading areas— three show on sheet P-1. ,5i n e —no new signage is proposed. Elevations-The applicant has provided au photo showing a sample building, Moor pleas—the floor plans showy an open bay area, and sectioned areas fbr a bathroom,, storage and tool room,, The applicant has requested waivers for the following items g. site lighting, h. signage,. 1. landscaping, n traffic, r, construction/demolition disposal, Summary The applicant haus completeda site plan review for the construction of a 4'800 sq ft cold storage building, THE EMAIL 01 North Country Office ChLaKero 375 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 (518) 812-0513 R (518)8,12-22G5 COMPANI ES wwwchazencompaniescorn Pei:�ori ()wrlekl Hudson Willey Office (845)454-3980 Engiftearl nand Surveyors Capital District Office (518)273-0055, Kamm Environmenial Professionab Lzqdscape Architects March 9, 2016 Mr.,Craig Brown Zoning Administrator and Code Compliance Officer Town of Queenisbury, 742 Bay Road Queensbi.Ary, New York 128,04 Delivered via email only:graigB_@_queensbqrynet R e., Luzerne S toroge—Addition Town of Qlueensbury, Warren, County, New York Chazen Project#91600.18 Queensbury Ref#S -2016 Dear Mr. grown: The Chazen Cornpainles (Chazein) has receiived a submission package from, your office for the aboe referenced project. The applicant intends,to construct a new storage buillding, associated parking area, and access drive, off of''West Drive, north of an existing,storage facility, Submitted linformation includes the following: 0 Slite Plans and Details prepared by Mace Engineering, P.C.,dated February 16,2016, 0 Stormwater Management Report prepared by Nace Engineering,dated February 16,2016, 0 Short Environmental Assessment Form; 0 Town of Queensbury Site Plan Review Application,, and; 0 Project Narrative prepared by mace Engineering, P.C. Your off lice has re tested!that we limit our review to,the ciesigri of thestormwater system as it relates to compliance to, local, state or relevaint codes and regulations. Based upon our review, Chazen offers the following comments for the Tawn's,consideration- Stornawater IManagement&Erosion and Sediment Control: 1, The proposed site improvements d!5turb less than 1 acre of land according to the submitted stoirmwater report and t1 ups the piro,jlect iis not required to obtain coverage under the NY DE! SPIES General Permit for Storm Ater Discharges frown onstruiction Activity (GP-0-15-002), Comments related to the proposed storm Ater management and erosion,and sediment control f eatu res proposed for the site are offered below- Chazen Enghleen'rig, Land Surveying&Landscape Aichdecftore Go., DnF,C, Chioxen Envimnmemo Services,Inc. The U7&zen CwVaNes, Inc, Town,of Queensbury Lumerne$Jarage Addikjon Mamh 9,,I2036 Page,2 Z The S,tormwater Management Report Indicates that the 'existing infiltration pond on site will capture and infiltrate all] stormwater runoff from new impervious surfaces.The HydroCAD model doles not provide runoff totals for the infiltration basin,demanstrating that,the existing basin has, sufficient capacity to handle runoff from the,incew I impervious surfaces In addition,to the rilinoff It is currently receiviing, from tributary areas. Please provide addlitional IHydroCAD Calculations demonstrating sufficient capacity. 3. It applears,that a drainage area map has onlly been provided for the post-development conditions, The Applicant shalil also provide a drainage area map for pre-deve[opiment conditions. The drainage area maps shaill indicate design points) and time of concentration paths. 4. The HydlrolCAD Calculations provided are incomplete. The applicant shall evaluate storm,waiter runoff rates at the designated design point'(s). Runoff totals shall be evaluated for bath pre- and post-development conditions to ensure that runaff rates are not increased at the design point. The Applicant shall provide Hyd1roCAD ca I"atloin$that meet these requirements. 5. Additional topography/Inform at ion Is needed to substantiate, the drainage divide for subcatchment area I depicted on the developed conditions drainage map provided in the torr water Management Report. 61l, It appears that not all of the proposed parking area or driveway is tributary to the infiltration basin as graded (which appears, Inconsistent with the.subcatchment map,as some of the area appears toflow to the north). Proposed grades shall be reviewed and revised as needed. 7. It is unclear from the information provided, if the infiltration basinwill ever overflow, and if it does,where it Fill overflow tol?Additional information shaH be pravided to clarify this, 8. The Site Detail Sheet S P'2 applears,to conta in notes,that do snot apply to this proilect.The a ppl icant shall review all nates and revise as required. 9. The proposed Construction Entrance detail shall include a geotextile filter cloth beneath the 6- 1 nc hes of stone, as req uA red by the N ew'Yo rk State Sta nd a rds and Specificat Ions for Erosion, and Sedlimient Controll(NYSSSESC). 10, The construction specifications for the stabilized construction entrance shall be included on the plan in acr-ardance with the NYSSSESC. Conclusions and Recommendations It is our opinion that the applicant shoullid provide clarification,for the above Items and incorporate the changes in subsequent plan submissions. rown of Cwa mhulryl-5PH-MIS kmalll Add1WN,Z01G,G3AD9.dna 'town of Queensbury Luzeme Stafage AddItIon March 9,2016 Page 3 ifyou have any questions regarding the above, please do not lhes,itate to contact me at (518),824-192E Sincerely, Sean M. Doty, P.E., LEED AP.,CMS4S Principall Manager,iMuniicipail Engineering Services cc- Sunny Swt-et, Town Planning Office Administrator(via email) Laura Moore,,Town Land Use Planner (via e-mail) tMcimCrAd&Ianj*W03-Q9,mjNs p FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE 7"b7on of Queensbury 742 &7y .Road, Queonsbury, NY 12804 0Yua. of Natasra I Bea, astyA G and P1asm: 0 t0 V PL .. REVIEW Luzerne Holdings West Drive ,P 93 — 20' 6 4/5/2016 has no site issues at this tim.a J Michael J Paler F'ire Marshal 742a y Road ueensbu,ry'N'Y 12804 firemars1za1 nsbua�;a°y met F'°re M o r s h ra PIS O j f i e c - p 11 o ra ce 518-761-8206 F a x., 518-745-443 7 cr ra�r°,slaa,l r,eix,5brtri .ret - Il 041/4/241 17:29' d ) P.0081015 �,p+rala� Farren Cou nty Planning, epnrtrne:nt j Project Review and Refeml Form Reviewed by Department; On April 14, 2016, Project emir. Luzeme Holding, Inc. Owner- Luzernie HbIding„ Inc ID Number- O)BY-16-SFR-93 Current Zoning: CLI Community: Queenswry project D e.rig ra.: 11cant pwoses a new 4,800 eq it 0611d Storage bUldI g on a 6:45 ecm parte With access from West Drive.. An existing Worage facHity is to arer gin on site. Site work Is only fw new cid storage bull i;ng, Site'Location: West E)TWUzerne Road Tax Map Number(s): IStafr Notes; The applicant gir ing appmpnote attention to arm water for ther addifl anA storage building as proposed. Vocal caetions to date(it any)** County Planning Department: �IN' i c Locat a rtion.ffi u, Disposition; Warren County AM DepTdiment, D d eat Local Official Date Signed FUME KE"9 URN THIS FORM TO ''M WARM COUNrYPLANKMDUAWMENTWMUN 10 DAYS OF FINAL ACTION c 1 -1 CC Ow Town of Queensbury Planning Board SEQR RESOLUTION - Grant Positive or Negative Declaration Site Plan PZ 1913-21016 Lamm e Holding, Inc. Tax Map ID 3018.,I' -1-7,13, -72 /Property Addiess: West Drive/Luzerne Road/Zoning: CLI "rhe applicant proposes a new 4,8010 sq, ffI. cold storage building on a 6.46 acre parcel with access from West Drive, An existing storage facility is to remain on site. Site work. is onlfor new cold storage building. Pursuant to, Chapter 179-3-0140 of the Zoning Ordinance, new storage building shall 'be subject to Planning, Board review and approval. The Platining, Board has determined that the proposed project and Planning Board action is subject to, review under the State Environmental Quality Review Act� The .proposed action, considered by this Board is, Unlisted in the Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations implementing the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the regulations of the Town of Queensbury; No Federal or other agencies are involved; Part I of the Short EAP'has been completed by the applicant; Upon review of the information recorded on this IS I~, it is the conclusion of the Town of Queensbury Planning Bo,aW as Ilead agency that this project will result in no significant adverse impacts on the environment,, and, therefore, an environmental impact statement need, not be prepared. Accordingly, this negative declaration is issued. MOT]ION 'TRANT A POSITIVE DECLARATION OR NEGA:fIVIE' I C'LARAT,ION FOR SIT''E PLAN PZ 9,3-20,16 LUZERNE HOLDING, II" Introduced by who moved for its adoption, smon- ded by As per the resolution prepared by staff. I. Part 11 of the Short IS I~has been reviewed and, cotTkpletied by the Planning Board. 2. Part III of the Short LAMP has been reviewed and completed by the Planning Board. Or Part III of the Short EAF is not necessary 'because the Planning Board did not, identify potentially moderate to large impacts., Duly adopted this 28" daffy of April, 2016 by the following vote; AYES-- NOES,- Phone: .51&.7 1M20 1 F'ax, 5 18.745.4437 1 742 Bay Road, QueonsbUry, NY 12804 1 wmv-queembory,no Town of Queensbury Planning Board RE,SOLUTI ON–Grant I Deny Fite Plan Approval Jbr She Plan PZ 93-201.6 Luzeme Holding, Inc, Tax Map, ID- 308.12-1-7.13 /Property Address: West Drive/Luzerne:Road /Zoning: CLI The applicant has submitted an application to the Planning Board for Site Plan approval pursuant to Article 9 of the Town zrenin g Ordinance for: Applicant proposes to develop an existing vacant site with an 8,400 sq. ft, commercial building with associated parking and infrastructure. Cornmercial building for rock sport climbing, yoga, indoor recreation usage,. Project includes installation of an on-site septic system. Pursuant to Chapter 17 -3-04O of the Zoning Ordinance, new commercial development shall, be subject to Planning Board review and, approval.,. Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Code-Chapter 179-9-080, the Planning Board has determined that this,proposal satisfies the:re quirements, as stated in the Zoning Code; As re!quired by General Municipal Law Section '23' -m the site plan application was, m6erred to the Warren County Planning Department for its,recommendation; The Planning Board has reviewed the Potential environmental impacts of the project, pursuant to the: State Environmental. Quality Review Act (SEQR.A) and adopted a SEQRA Negative Declaration – Determination of Non-Significance The Planning Board opened a public hearing on the Site plan application on 4/28/2016, and continued the public,heming to 4/28/2016 when it was closed, The Planning Board, has reviewed the application materials submitted by the applicant and all. comments, made at the public hearing and submitted in miting through and including 4128/2016; The Planning Board determines that the application. complies with the review considerations and standards set orth in Article 9 of the Zoning Ordinance for Site Plan approval,, MOTION TO APPROVE / DISAPPROVE SITE PLAN, PZ 93-2016 LU ZE RNE 11OLDING2 INC., Introducedby, - ...—who moved for its, adoption, seconded by According to the,d1raft resolution prepared by S,taiff with the following. 1) Waivers requested granted/denied; 2,. Adherence to the items,outlined in the follow-up letter sent with this,resolution. a) The limits of clearing will constitute a no-cut buffer zone, orange construction fencing shall be installed around these areas and field verifiled.by Community Development staff, 'b) If applicable, the Sanitary Sewer connection plan, must be submitted to, the Wastewater Department for its review, approval,permitting and inspection; c) 'if curb cuts are,being added or changed a driveway permit is required., A building permit will not be issued until the approved driveway permit has been provided to the Planning Office; Phioma: 518.761.82.20 l Fax: 518.,745.4437 R 742 Bay Road Queenoury., NY 12804 � wwwqueenjsbury.fin et d) If ap�plication was referred to engineering then Engine eturn; sig n-off required prior to signature of Zoning Administrator of the approved plans; c), If required,the applicant must submit a copy of the following,to the Town: a. The project NOI (Notice of Intent) four coverage under the current "NYSIDEC, SPDE S General Permit from Constructio�n, Activity prior to, the start of any site work.. b. The project NOT(Notice:offermination) upon completion of'the project; c. The applicant must maintain on their project site, f6r review by staff: i. The approved final plans that have been stamped by the TownZoning.Administrator. These plans must.include the prqject. SWPPP (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan) when such, a plan was prepared and approved; iL The project NOT and proof of coverage under the cunrent NYSDEC SPDES General Permit, or an individual SPDl ES, permit issued for the project if required. Final approved plans, in compliance with the She Plan, must: be submitted to the Community Development Department before any further review by theZoning Administrator or Building and, Codes personnel; g) The applicant must meet with Staff, after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/or, the beginning of any site work; h) Subsequent issuance of further permits, including building permits is dependent on compliance with this and all other conditions of this resolution; i) As-built plans,to,certify that the site plan is developed according to the approved plans to be provided prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy. j) This resolution is,to be placed in its,entirety on the final plans Duly adopted this,28"'day of'Aprfl, 2016 by the JbIl owing vote: AYE& NOES: Phione: 518.761.82,20 g Fax. 518.745.4437 fl 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 1 www.quoLN,nsbury'.net Subdivision P,Z 117-20,16 @ John Clendon Road Public 'Hearing Scheduled l SEAR Unlisted Draft Resolution — grant/deny subdivision i p,rova I Town of Queensbary Planning Board Community l eveloprrnent Department Staff Notes . ril 28, 2016 Site Plain "UB' PZ 117-2016 JOSEPH :LEUCl/John Clendon load / Sketch & Preliminary Stage, MD —Moderate Density Residential / Ward 4 S,EQR Type l Material Review: application, sketch and preliminary,, SheetsS-I to --li,: storm.water pollution preveantioru plan Parcel History. SUB 11-1992 pq uested Action Planning oard review and approval tosubdivide 66 acre parcel as a conservation subdivision with 24 lots —23 single family residential lots ranging from 1.6 +/'- acres to 0.70 acres with one lot of 40,51 acres to be used as open space parcel access through caser nernts with Rush Pond. Resolutions, L No,resolution for sketch plain . Environ unnerntal Review—long.fornn Preliminary Stage: e Prru.iect Description Applicant proposes to su.Wivide 66 acre parcel as a conservation subdivision with 24 leas—23 single family residential lots ranging frorn 1 A +/- acres to 030 acres with one lot of 40.5 acres to be used as open space parcel access through easements with Rush Pond. lots will rage 1,6 +/® acres to 0.70:acres single family. Pursuant to Chapter 183 Article X Conservation Subdivision ofthe 74ning Ordinance, subdivision o:l`land shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval.. Staff Comments Sketch Plan review. The appli=t proposes the subdivision of a 66 acre parcel under the conservation subdivision review. The lot is to be divided into 24 lots where 23 lots are to be single family homes and the remaining lot is to e 40.5 acres and to be open. space with access to the Rush Pond area. The Zoning Code Section 183 rt.cle X describes the following. The purpose of �a conservation subdivision, is to preserve lame areas, of open space along with the natural and scenic resources within. them. 'Fell-designed conservation subdivisions also leer building costs b " minimizing infrastruuctuure, increase home values for residents and, protect the overall Town n envirorn ent by, among other things, reducing stormwater runoff: reliminrua wr Review: Preliminary plat subdivision lot layout shows the 24 hots arrangement. Layout plans—shows the existing conditions on the site including the topograph , setbacks and associated work to be completed. The applicant has supplied information noting there are septic systems ras pr(posed for each lot and those lots will be connected to municipal water:. Co;nsirruclio details —drawings showy waterline area and road profile., '°l'"he maul is over 1000 ft and the site shows the slopes in the area of the road. Landscape plans, no landscaping plana is proposed. The board may requestadditional information on site access of the 40.5, acre parcel to connect to the Rush Pond trails. Clearing la —lot, clearings are sluownn so that the lints will maintain a certain buffer to neighboring lots proposed and existing, Grading pan dero.Oon ptans —plans, show site grading mid lot arrangement where lots 2-22 are proosed to have: p setbai*s of 15 It Terre Environmental reporl —the applicant has completed a I,ong Environmental assessrnent review. Sformm�afer ?nanagement --the applicant has completed a storm water pollution prevention plan. Fees—per application, WdiversW —no waivers have been requested. 01,)en Space —the applicant propose to have am open space parcel of 40.5 ac to he conveyed to the 'T The board may request the:status of the discussion S'UMM2EY The applicant has completed a sketch plan stage application and a preliminary stage application for review as,a. conversation subdivision of a 66 are parcel into 23 residential lots and, one lot of op n space. 2- April 1, 201,6 Mr. Craig Brown, Administrator Town of Queens,bury Planning Board 742 .Ba,y Road Queensbury,New York 12804 Re- April 2016 Planning Board Applications Dear Craig.. My coninients regarding the agenda for the April 2016 planning board applications. SB P2 117-2016—John Clendon Road Su bdivision., This pr9ject is, located within the Queensbury consolidated water district and sufficient water is available to meet domestic needs. The water line is to be inspected prior to backfill. The contractor,must provide water services, to each lot that meet Queensbury COn.Stl`UdiGn standai,ds prior tau fiural acceptance, Connection frorn. old water main to new water main shall be constructed ill a manner that will not result in a Boil Water Order for ex,isfing residences on John Clendon, A detaid showing this, connection shallbe subnlilued with revised plans. Sincerely, Christopher T. Harrington Superintendent, CTH/tgs Cc: Scott Burnard, FWD Engineering Departmetat File 7 1 C lli�% ", V 3 .1 �I 1'.\. Town of Queensbury Planning Board SF-QR RESOLUTION - Grant Positive or Negative Declaration Subdivision PZ 117-2016 Joseph Levici Tax, Map ID 295.15-1-6/ Property Address: John Clendon Road /'Zoning- MDR The applicant proposes to, subdivide 66 acne parcel. as a conservation subdivision with 2,4 lots -23 single family residential lots ranging from. L6 +/- acres to 030 acres with one lot of 410.5 acres to, be used as open. space parcel access through casements with Rush Pond., Lots will range .1.,6 +/- acres to 0.70 acres single family. Pursuant to, Chapter 183 Article X Conservation Subdivis,ion of the Zoning Ordinance, subdivision of land shall 'be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Th,e Planning Board has determined that the proposed project and Planning Board action is subject to review under the State Environmental Quality Review Act; The proposed action considered by this Board is Unlisted in the Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations implementing the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the regulations of the Town of Queensbury; No Federal or other agencies are involved, Part I of the Long EAF''has been completed by the applicant; Part 2 of the Long EAF has been reviewed by the Planning Board; Upon review of the information recorded on thisEAF, it is the conclusion of the Town, of Queerisbury Planning Board aslead agency that this project will result in no significant adverse impacts, on the environment, and, therefore, an environmental impact statement need not be prepared. Accordingly, this negative declaration is issued., MOTION 'TO GRANT A POSI.TIVE DECLARATION OR NEGATINE DECLARATION FOR SUBDIVISION PZ 117-2016 JOSEPH LEUCIIntroduced by —------ who moved for its adoption, seconded by As per the resolution prepared by staff. 1. Part II ofthe Long EAF has been reviewed and completed by the Planning,Board. 2. Part III of the Long EAF has been reviewed and completed by tine Planning Board,. Or Part III of the Long EAF is not necessary because the Planning Board did not identify potentially moderate to large impacts,. Duly adopted this 281h day of April, 2,016 by the following vote- AYES: NO,ES: Phomn 5l 8,761.x^ �, F-uv '.518.745.4437 � 742 Bay Roud, Queensbury, NY 1280141�www.clueensbury r et 1 I � II q�I'()u t 111 s I s u�'d-.'r QW , To Am of Queensbury Planning Board REi SOLUTION —Approve/ Deny Preliminary Stage Subdivi si on PZ 117-2016,Joseph Leuci Subdivision Tax Map ID 295.15-1-6 /Property.Address: John Clendon Road /Z,oning- 'M—D,R .A subdivision application has been made to the Queensbury Planning Board for the fellow ing- The applicant propoto subdivide 66 acre parcel as a conservation subdivision with 24 lots,— 23 single farni ly residential lots ranginfrom 1,.6 i1- acres to 0.70 acres with one lot of 40.5 acres to be used as, open space parcel access through easements with Ru,sh Pond. Lots will range 1.6 +/- acres to 0.70, acres, single family. Pursuant to Chapter 183 Article X Conservation Subdivision of the Zoning, Ordinance, subdivision of land shall be subject to Planning Board reviewand approval.. Pursuant to relevant section,% of the Town of Queensbury, Zon,in,g Code-Chapter A-183, the Planning Board has determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; The requirements o�f the State Environmental uality Review Act have been considered and the Planning Board has determined that this proposal complies with the requirements as slated in the Zoning, Code and. adopted a SEA Negggive/Positive Declaration; A public hearing was scheduled and, held on 4/28/2016; This application is supported with all documentation, public comment, and application material in the file of record; MOTION TO, APPROVE / DISAPPROVE4 PRE,LIMINARY STAGE FOR SUBDIVISION PZ 117- 2016 JOSEPH LEU01, Introduced, by —who moved, its adoption seconded by Duly adopted this 28'h day of April,201 , by the following vote: AYES. NOES: Phone: 518.761.82 �11 Fax: 5 1I 8.745,4437 �74,213,ay Road,Queensbury, NY 12804 1wiviv.queensbury.net