Assessors Office Property Description RPS Property Description 1 ep rt Page 1 of ueens,bur y 309.10-1- Main S 1Parcel Infra nation: I 1' reel ocaticeon crc r 1ass drool District �rrl i .5- i 9 Main t 8 _ Converted Res ueensbo Umfr•,sd Owner Inforan,ation: El Owner lOwner Ad iner Address Line 3 I ok rt d i n X36 oit n Landing :12$140636 Roxanna Goodwin 636 B-olto n Landing Y 12 8140636 ,J,201.5 Assessment Values: 1Preyig u� sL�gssmgntj,� Me ell cess Land Valruese serf Total Value �" ll g rl t Value 1309.10-1-47 JR -,400..0�0 111100.10% .� Images: Ell har auh tl u+n o. JJ� i ewer �j ur i AI„p imaeh _ wamillw H1Yi T' IW Wrxsihew l na,e Date: U27/2014 ]n7�o� late; /2-5/2014 � ] . Sales Information: rul ale e� ��rl�. rr � ����rcl � t» Value: ale Frice rrcerw Sul ' Erle 11��err„ s 'p�� lc quer .I�O Land ova"t � Goodwin, 1 0.I 111 tN r11 erre 37,800.00 134,600.00 Robert Lad Subst IFt Iauap 1 1M. 11 " tMl I 134, 00.0 1- Nl r�13 lnc u • a0 1 8 (relatives l,il .l 130,5110„00 lnttp.// r lsearcln. an nsbur .,neti PS-I F02. pit =3 h09.1 -1 7 1/19/2016 RPS Property Description Depot lugs 2 of 3 - h an �In LIL—] Iu�ilaliu I' 6:P4,-0 Situp Information- n- itu ud+ aurr Jnr bh(a- Road r unut 1 401I-Ey'tL1'ri�at� =Lee 'lu7�u;r--,E:] 18 - M iun Lump El Land Information: SI# I�gd 9 � L-0—"t � ulu sur i 1 J04-Residual = FK =n Residential Building,Information: ia Commercial Building Information: llu1 �t url 1�?Iu�dvel )Enuuilut Tar um•l tr " ^'all �:Il uu11I � r r�s� ld ° % 1 sty tr/off/apt 1990 l 4 , l00 t�Ma Improvements vemeGruts Iw fdrm ,ti lutea '"tunic t Codi bill) Irtn F`T our str lovera:11 ornnl ''fir`Buuil� I I0 ul I 1 FEF in d-mach.iru 3 0v rru e Eormal I 1 U-l-orebn-oap en/d cic E='= Ill l a ru al 1 Special District Information: C-111 � i�1IDpi �uri�� ulniu� �uu�i�lur~ EMOO,I-Emergen,py medical 15 700 FP007-Firepr tedi on 159700 _ LT007-W..q a nsbury light - rQby Sewer list . 4 0 "f"013-uu� ubury ter 100 Exemption Information: B ,w ermit Informadonn:, EI I errunit Numher kjrrrlt if rwiit Use http://parc ;l eh.qu.uo n lbuaary.,nn 1 .I S-INF .ASP?pnrin u -- 0 ,.l0-1-4 1/19/201 RPS Property Description Report Page 3 of 3 P001hh - -05 j , n (Better Way teal .f9t jP20050222 1105-03-05 ' tt,�r Way Realty Certificate of oc up " IP96-2066 109-1 -96 Sign .00 P93-012 10 t- 0-93 int r or Alterations rationP.00 The information in the 0 RPSdatabase is maintained b the Town e1' Queensbury Assessors Office, 'The iqffir�rha demtra-rrvicaedon fire`vve1 he Ofiv GlyAWRA1,1�'��"���ar'��s�°.'��PURPOSES ONLYshould rrw be relied dqXrrw in,herrQf a'a°,ddHra agar fa qffdcw,daddy raed'gjwe^sd Dmin(°rardv-s% Lovad Laws or whoa aawaddahle in 76wa Hall. 'tt ://pa cel e rch..q eensbur .rnet P' I iF «A P'? rin ey," 3 «10.1- 7 1/19,1201.6 RPS Property Description Report Page 1 of - ry rt cd ueensbury ' vw 309.10^1- * 77 Main St b Parcel Information: "arl ncaiinru Fr—onerty ciassIK'c:hoolFr—one District Inr� nverie:d Rei e bury UnSr.sd +" lE Owner Infoonation.- ncr .0, n wn r Adder iaegl * aim j 6361 elt n Landi�� 1 ' 1281.4 2015 Assessment Values: Frevious sst �� Lrcct sses ed Lood Value s Total Value kull Market Value .10-1-4 ],;Z—,200.00178,1 N.00 100.0%. 178,1011.00 x r rat N r w y u ".."u A: iii. 1/27/201,4 20 14 i 1' tpi-�//p,ar'. l,s sa „"�h.que bn .ne –INF .dim" P"p' r1 nt ey=309'.10-1-48 1/19/2016 RPS Property Description Report Page 2 of 3 FE-2 I ma,Lt, Date 1/2/20,15 Sales Information. Arms Tat'. Value Prior, i d. Code, Vaj CoouC Len. I TOS TOS wneE Lelatives Estate, n I Roxann G Goodwin 00 Buyer--Seller No 128,300.00 Estate, Roxann G Site Information: Nl hd T Nbhd onion Tvw Rai—inLy L I 408-Ex Private Gas& lir it M aa]in Elec, L,0817L�'�" E�=] MS �Land Information: itna Iran 4 [T L-Priannn ,10 IE==12 [04-Residual Jal Building Information: El Commercial Building Information: M�� rcl l1Bldg ection all C # ist 2 sty Str/off/apt EF-11--lCosa'd sup -1H1F]F]F1F:1L---j L"P11 Improvements Infomadow Cl http.i/pareel,search.queensbury,,neURPS–INF02.ASP?print0 .10-1- 1/1,9/2016 R-PS PropertyDescription Report Page 3 of Mtn tr•uret Corte �� &-nustr Gree ^yell Coad r wilt l [RG4ar-1. ffiyerage rm l 1975 l -Pprc -e 1 p4-P rcb- I er 1 197,5 -Porc-h-e Isd 1 11 , era- e durnal 1 Special District Information: I FS v+ee1lAisttiet rrltsxarle 1 '1-' mer enrc medical [0______ �1178100 li 1' -1 ire prewteetu da I 17810 1 01- randa11 library dot 1178 100 LT07- '`°. ueetlnsbuvy lint 1'x8100. 0-West Qby Sewer lit *0 [��TOB-Queensbury wate:r __j 1178100, Exemption I of rr ation I Permit Information: ell erniit Number Permit t Date Fast stlrnrnte L2222208 -08-02 gn L�,1D _ L0020179 01 - -0 rti Bate of occupancy x.00 The information.in the 4D 1 PS database is maintained by the Town of Queensbury Assessors Office The ro#iyrjuevrrrn pre wided ou this wcRvite rr �d��A �����,�:�f���� d��������������.)�1�5�°Oi'''k'L)°andshoul d'not be refied rapm M!MIaof, 14 Ufa ra°dajf day aaadoly d Town d~'err, "Y„ Loa.oi "L,er"my or 01her donumwra au,adrrbIG ho 7,611-0j,Hall, ttp:,d,'parce:lee ch.qulbu,ry.ne#/RP -1 'F » P?per n-ttkey:=30x.10-1-4 S 1/1912016 l Property Description keport Page i of kjwlw cd ueensbury New York 309.10-14Mair. S Ad Parcel Information: I . tarel ocatioara ro er + School District '"au 009.10-1aain St20 _2 Family Res &Queensbury Un,.frsd1 � 6 Owner Information: LAO mer aw are ress jjg.O. Bo Ilowner Address Line l�ober i Goodwin 3 6 ®� Bolton Landing 12$14 : 015 Assessment Val uc : f Prey kius A ssessanneants) �I Ear—eel: ITs;Wsed Land amusssressed, Total anlue Uniform % Full �a�` t Value ,300,00 IImages: U ; a Orr w� 7g Nlr IlI 11/��f��(•, Image Date:-: 1 J q apt : /25/201 Sales les I nformationn: 07 aaa� la et Sale Price Ga Site lrnfcrarn tiara: Fe Mph S w r � r tllitiwean Sits bh Nbhrdrrrirr, � agut Code,� nave sirs° btttw:// a reelsearch.quee naib�.rust/ _�: " ` ASP?'nl `= 0 '.1 Aft...i 49, 1119/2016 IPS Property t Description Report Page 2 of 195- tris Comm/ Comm/ Gas& nter 1 Busy, public public Flee Typical, Suburban I Average ImprovedIns pee IIS Res Found Infi rmatioru: w I� il e iI rauuut tDge tIx Aerest 1I l 1-I'rir11h Residential Building Infevrrrurution:: BI Ite Id IeW Marries atlus ) e lr Fire 1. Dld ' t le um/ in l E1 ,FL=K= Ite iliffeat Type Fuel + en-tr;1 tr smut 1Q` aJE reran coadj,,Constr Grade Hot Air haus JE�rr al ver e 1902 lid Commercial mereial B uildin Information: I )' Irnprcr ements Informaati �� 1°T" arwr tr a°aala +C waMrr Il crud Yr uuilt ute trruet urde �uuY IL erre 1, I - ar-1 n Flet 've N rmal l 11 l I :I' I'a relu-eu verEl I ver a EM, al 71 1.1 -pure1r- a I��ia�rraa l 1911 u e� I ; ea , =jFC I-Slued-rra i irue 1 [fl, eonom Fair 1. 1.1 Special District Information: ISPecial District aaNts a ��le Oft l-Emergency medical I1 1[126300 x'1007-F ire protection j'jj6300 LBOO I-Crandall library dst E216300 I T007-W.queens'bur light 11216300 020-"fest Qby Sewer Dist WTO 3-Q ueens ur water 126300 e ipti n Information: . Permit Information- Permit Number JPermit D a:rwit Usar Lo- t Estimate I' 1- . -06-91epti Alteration, EO The information In the 49,RPSdatabase is maintained by the Town n o1" Queensbury ssesso rs Office http://par elseme ,. ueensb ur ,aiet/RP INF . SP?pritke =309.10-1- 1/'1912016