Letter from applicant assigning new agent ZBA March 2016 Review Area Variance File No. AV 51-2015 PZ-0021-2015 Burnett Family Trust 11 Andrew Drive New Information Submitted Cross References: SB 8-2015 btu-4 -C‘z Atiert: V FEB 16 2016 L./ t TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 9520 Retriever Road 17Z -00 4/-01° PLANNING OFFICE Burke,Virginia 22015 February 8, 2016 Town of Queensbury Planning& Development 742 Bay Road Queensbury, New York 12804 Dear Mr.Craig Brown: We have been working with Ms. Laura Moore of the Town Planning Board regarding my request to subdivide property owned Tenancy-In-Common with my brother David W. Burnett who died April 16,2013. We were not in attendance at the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting where my request was being reviewed on January 20, 2016. Our attorney, Mr.Tom Knapp of Stafford,Carr&McNally, P.C. represented my interests at the meeting. We understand that Mr.Jackoski of the Zoning Board of Appeals is the point of contact for our action that has been tabled pending receipt and review of additional information that was not included in our application due to our lack of understanding how the process works and the fact that we live nearly five hundred miles from your office and being in Queensbury on weekday when your staff is at work is difficult for us. We are writing to inform you,the Town Planning Board,and the Town Zoning Board of Appeals that Mr. Knapp is no longer our attorney effective February 3, 2016. We are pleased to inform you that we have selected a new attorney to work closely with the Town of Queensbury and us, and to act as our agent in our absence. We requested that Mr. Knapp consolidate all records of his work representing our request to subdivide this property and the long hours he spent working on this action and forward them to us as soon as possible but no later than February 12, 2016. My brother's children have expressed no desire to keep the property but have yet to pay any bills for maintenance, repair or the estate's share of school and Town and County Taxes since 2011. We have not heard from Mr. Knapp after he receive his notice but as you know, having all the pertinent information available for review by our new attorney is extremely important in order to prepare for the next Zoning Board of Appeals meeting scheduled for March 2016,and the final Town Planning Board meeting scheduled for March 22, 2016. The attorney that we selected to be our agent is Ms. Deborah Slezak of Cioffi,Slezak and Wildgrube, P.C. Mailing address is 2310 Nott Street East, Niskayuna, New York 12309. Ms.Slezak's contact information is: 518 377-6700 and her email address is: DSlezak@cswlawfirm.com. We are pleased to be working with Ms. Slezak and trust that your staff will have a positive experience also. Thank you for your continued assistance and understanding as we work through our request. / Stephen A.and Barbara S. Burnett,Trustees The Burnett Family Trust Cc: Ms. Deborah Slezak