Assessors Office Property Description RPS Property Description Deport Page. 1 of ey 309.10-1- Main S 1 Parcel Information: I 1' ureel ocaticeon arcs r Class drool District �rr9 . -Ti 9 'I da i 8 _ Converted Res ueensbuLy Ury.i nsd Owner Ir>dforanation.: Owner Owner Address ner Address Lime 3 o rt i 636 l hon Landing NY :12$140636 Roxanns Goodwin 636 Dolton.Landing Y 12 8140636 ,J,201.5 Assessment Values: ( reyio a sL�gssmgntj,�, CceT ss sled Land Value Assessed Total Value niform % Full Mar t aluae 1309.10-1-47 JR ,400..1 _ 1 9 11.11 10 TOO/. 1 9,7�I .191 Images: Ell har auh A a: m+ar o '�Ie W po RI„p imamh _ warm Mxx H1Yi T' IW Wrxsihew lu D uatc: 127/2014 1.1na c D,at . 8/2,5/2014 ales nl�rormation: La rule ale e� ��rl�. rr —rrcl t. Value: Price Fii Erle 11��err. " 's�� I�ue .I�O Land ova"t o � 134,600.00.L134,600.00 ,�aod n, '�tN � 3Ia ' 111�.1�1�N I �11wI�N.l11 r11 erre 8w. __J� l�ar�d ubst I Iauap LM.1111 " tME 1 134,600.00 X11- N1 my Winne eft •l1 aiJl 1 Il ( elaties 1,111 .11 130,5110„00 http.// r lsearc ,. ueensbur .neti PS-I F02. pit =3 h09.1< -1 7 1/19/2016 RPS Property Description Report Page 2 of 3 an "O""InJ I LP-,=r=t LILJ lu�iVaiu Situp Informati n- itu a d+ aur r sut r u ilio i sura bh( ��� � � 1 408-Exit �usr lu7tu;r 18 - Main !F�= Iii ___jinsp ` Land Information: SitsI�uru� k lEi ro ut u Vlu ur i 104mR aiu uu V 10 ,0 a Residential Building,Information: ia Commercial Building Information: l �ti duo~1 )E r�ilut PA �r wm•l t r " ' 1l ill all C FY-r---] r�s� 1d mug % IB°" % 1 11-2sty tr/off/aput 19901- load sup J" Improvements lwi fdraru ati ru• wiiXtTuct Code m1S F'T ffliconstr 10vera:11 fond ''fir`Buuil� 1I0 ver tial 1 =IFEFEj-_machiney e Eorma[ 1 � 1 U1-Porcb-op ru/d ck '= I l a rurual l Special District Information: i i 1 Bisturiet uuiut ul lur~ 1 MOO,,'I-Em rmedical 15 700 FP007-Firepur tedi on 159700 _ 13001 r ndiailI Ii brary dst 1 00 T 07-W..q a nsbury li hit159700_ 00- w' tQby Sewer Dist L9 4, 15 "f"013- a eensbury ter 15 700 i; �c ru°up tion Information: B Permit Informatirwn:, EI IlPermit Nurml r P r`rrri,t if t P irwit Use ut s>tai:r ate httpa://parc l eh.qu.uo n lbuaary.,net/.l S–INF .AP?print u -- 0 ,.10-1-4 1/19/201 RPS Property Description Report Page 3 of 3 IP2002211 - -0 �, n (Better Way Realty) M �' �N 0 , - 1105-03-05 r Way Realty Certificate of oc tiup10A IP96-2066 109-1 -96 Sign .00 P93-012 101- -93 interior Alterations rationsP.00 The information in the 0 RPSdatabase is maintained by the Town e1' Queensbury Assessors Office 'The irffirawdrrr t"Irrrvica'edon fire`retie ,i?e isjbr G"E"NERA 1, NMPOSI?�S0AILYand shovId Pow be rehed drpgX)n dam lien Q f II-q,kr•a-dwr adopted 1�)w n a~rardesrr Loved Laws or whot'draa"0rrxrarrrarw a v aihihde in Hed). 'tt ://pa cel e rch..q eensbur .rnet/RP I iF «A P'? rin e ,�3 «10.1- 7 1/19,1201.6 RPS Property Description Report Page 1 of -tl In ii c ueensbury k1w, . , 309.10-1- * 77 Main St b � Parcel Information: 1'ar a neai nn Fr—onerix Fr—one +MassK'c:hooI District nr� 55.5-IL- 11 77 Iain j Conve ked des een bury UnIr.sd P neertr, * , Poi wn r Address Lineul 1? Q win Melton Landing NY 1281.4 X 2015 Assessment Values: lFrevia us s��d Lrcel assessed' Load Value Total Value kull Market Value .10-1-411 I , 00. 0 178,100.00 100.0%. 178,100.00 r T Y. y.$ u• �r 5 L j 4 �.St�'L . rye.,.. h �mm 1� �"' A'rw.WNNxxr w l kp,//p,areel,s�l.que b .ne –INF . P? s n e =309'.10-1- 1/1912016 RPS Property Description Report Page 2 of 3 FE-2 I niq,Le Date 1/2/20,15 Sales Information. Cood. Code Arms Tot'. Val e Prior L en TOS Owne e. Relatives Estte, a I Roxann G I a Goodwin 00 Buyer--Selle r No E,7OO.0:0 128,300.00 Estate, UE]EIIEF19 Roxann G 4 site I nformation: T° d ' d i�nin F bhNbh R �te� P�] Tvu K�t—ing Code L I 408-Exi Private Gas& Inte�r X0'8-Exit M aa]in Alec, Inspec F�i L,0817L��,, �Land Information: clic �Land 4 J)dor x t th a Ft I ii LOI-Prima0 17 1 IE==12 [04-Residual. Jal Building Information: Commercial Building Information: ite Bldg 11 ection Boeck Model, ill ill all C V1 t�t % 2 t sty Sr./o s lo, EEIE�Ia'd r S U P !flE1F]F]F1F1F71LJ 1j,", Improvements Infomadow E) http.i/pareel,search.queensbury,,neURPS–INF02.ASP?print0 .1 -1- 1/1,9/2016 R-PS PropertyDescription Report Page 3 of Mtn trunet Codel ira i C nnstr ra,de fiverail Coad_j r nr11t 1 p'4-Porcb- s � ^ �I I�I ;� 1975 Pel-Porcb-e ncIsd Special District Information: FS-V+eel 1 Aistriet rntts rnxar lie EMOOI-Emergency medical P -1' ire pr teeti 1 1 x LB001- ran"nd alt library dot 0 1178104 1.T00 - `. nneensbu y lint 178100. 0- ^"est Qby Sewer lit °TO1, -Queentisbu water 0 178100 ,,. E ernnptio n Information: I P'ermit Information: ell erniit Number Permit Date ] 'cwt stimate T' , 0 8-0 ..__._..... 1J4m` 11 Si nn L�,-o ._ 1' 17 =-26-02 rti Bate e1"occupancy x.00 The information.rn in the 4D R�PS database is maintained by the Town of Quee'nsbury Assessors Office The fo#iPaa%mviooj p enkled on this wcbsrd'e ra �;����d����,�.�f������ ����d.��'�PURPOa A"S"ONd',Yaaadshoul d'not be refied rapm in fievtad' w of ra ing df)o "w�F"(Wj,P aa(folved Town d e',mh„ Loa.oi "L,awy or other,d'on'done.- a auvi'lr ble in Tolvoj Half, httpw:d,;parce:lsearch.queensbury.net/RPS—,INF02.ASP?print,key:=309.10-1-4 S 1/191201 l Property Description keport Page 1 of kju"Icd Ib"R ur ew ork 309.10-14Main S A Parcel Information: rug rer + School Districta rd �@ .1 -1 a�a,ia� � 0 - Family Rues na ans nn.ry Un.fr.sd l D a �i Owne Information: LAO meraw r ruess 11E.O. Bo rrer Address Line lob at Goodwin Bolton Landing 12$14 ,,� :2015 Assessment Val uc : (Previouus ssessnnnennts) E—gree:1 ]TsiWsed and Value ssressed, Total Value jjUnlform % P'nurll Market Value 11100.0% t , ,00 rI Images: s: wuq ,i .nr Dunne feu«: 1127/2014Lr�naa '.. 51 Sales Information: a1u 11aw � � � urn rrm ia. a�c1 t. Prior NF��] nn;aldirn emard. ®0® Site Information: Fe bh S waer � r litlaes Sits l I bh hd 'u�arnirn, naau Dse<ruee kRating T e Iffvve btttw://pareelsearch.quee naib�.rust/ _�: " ` ASP?'nl `= 0 '.1 Aft...149, 1119/2016 IPS Property t Description n Report Page 2 of 195- trisComm/ parr m/ Gas& nter 1 Busy, public public Flee Typical, Suburban Average a Impro edIns pee IIS Res Land l:rnfiornrnationn: lt�e l��ruil e il"rrnuut ]2 tln Aeres t 1 l 1-I'rir11h fa Residential Building Irnfvrrrnatiunnti:: EI Ite �Id '� le ~�tara�ies Dart'�4' Il l4'1�t r I ' t Iit.. 1#1/2 .Bath ) lr ! lre 1 tmDld t le 'I l � b--iteiliffeat Type Furl + en-tr;l Tr smut 1Q` a vernnll oarl onstr Grade lf+' [ Y lnl t Air JJN�rannalAverage I 1902 lid Commercial mereial Buildin Information: I , Irnprovera eats Info tion- lte trauet Eode in IL Yr Buuilt I - ar-1 n Flet 've N rmal l l 1 I'ereluerEl I veere EM 61 1 l l l lI' -purely- a I��ia�rran�w;l =11911 u e� I , e , =jFC I-Slued-rra Inirue 1 [De nomY Fair 1 1 1 Special District..Information: ISPecial DistrictNts urle OO 1-- rrnergerue medical I1 1[1 26300 P007-F ire protection j'jj6300 LBOOI- randal:I library dst E216300 I T007-'" ".clueenns ury light 1 020-"fest Qby Sewer Dist TOI 3-Q ueensbur water 126300 Exemption Innf rm ti rn: -'. Permit Information* Per it Number JPermit D erwit Use Lo-t Esthete F i- . -06-91 ILeptic Alteration, The information In the 49,RPSdatabase is maintained by the Town e1" Queensbury Assessors Office http://par elseme ,. ueensb ur .aiietfRP INF . SP?prirntke =309.10-1- 1/'1912016