Application F -7o A-) �4i?J,- sign p1 � vised June,X009 , Tax �� Numbi r Lot 13M1D-1 .Lot309.10-1-48,Loi 3)309.10-1 9, °������m I" Zoning District: ire ruin Street Detailed Desaiption of Project,(Includes currant&pr oposed use] �x Demolition of 3 existing residenfiad homes.Consolidation of 3 hots to,21ots.Construction,of 3 buildings.,a B, sf(qJalVSubway bulbding,a 1,600 sf c9fice buNdncg,and a 2,400 st bank w fth assadate appLn roan s. Locationlet projector 7 -79 Main Sueel.QAjaensbury„ Y 12W4 NO . . Russell F,ad i Fadenu n rases " �` 11x Ann Drive, anali� wings., NY 1286 1 F d �' , ,,J ,�� � 3 aux � rT4i'N4 �� -41M dd �W'w Lansing ngineng"� �. �.. 24 �te � 9, gni �3'x'1,Make, ^x'129 d Y a r orry u k$P,! (51,B)699.5243 ` f^! � ` alt 3 34 smf@lbnrAngengineering.com °� eyk"ti.° Mi G .i row. Lending,�� �2�1 4 Robert odvra�a PC)tax 6 ,1�ora 12814 ,,55'H'" t ✓ -14 t�daa�✓C"�7° �,,";fes '� � � _.an � ,��� v�y ° � w Via ✓ ° Tom of QueensWry-Zonis Office-742 Say Road-Queermbuiry,NY 12804-616-761-6238 1 Signi Varianoe Revised June 2009 SiteDievelopment Data r /Type, $hAin i...� ff. h o d Total ,ff,: g ddiffon A. Building footprint Lot 1)2,081,iiot 2) WA Bldg 1)8„200.Bldg 1e4'1 „twat 3) 1,902' 2.400,Bldg 3) 1.800 B. Detached Garage NIA 0 . .Accessory ' ctuO . Lut.SII y 320 INIA 0 D. Paved,gravel er other hard surfaced area Lot 11)1,600, Lot 2) NA 7,897 00.,Last 3),200 E. Perches/Decks Leat 1) 11i S.Leat 2) NIA 179,Lot )2'50 rt F. Other 0 NIA 0, G. Total I re®Permeable [Add -P]i 8.466 WA 9,147 H". Panel area [43,560, �ft.1,acre], 48,787 NIA 47,1044 1Iµ Percentage of Impermeable Area of Site I:=G/H] 17.4% NIA 80% Setback RequiremleMks .. p � C r o d k N, u Front,[1] 4,0'Malin Street 49 Main Stteet 40'Main Stmet V aria Steat "+1-Pine,Street i06 Piune Street Front[ 1 NIA N horei rae 50' Side Yard [1] 1 ' Oil Side Yard [21' / Rear Yard [1110_ /A 10 Deer Yard [ ] NIA _ N/A I/ Travel Corridor NIA Height[Max] 40 11 30 s 30 1 Permeabifty No. of Paving, spaces 68 6 7 Town of Queensbury ry Zoning Office•742 Bay Road Oueensbury. NY 12804•518-761-6236' Sign,Varia nce Revised Mune 2009 Comp Maass witb! Sign Ordinance min( that apply; 140 What;signs are you allowed to have? Sign Type How many allowed Square Feet Height Wall % OF'WALU N/A EI Freestanding 5 SQ FTI 60SQ FT 12' This application, its for a-ch�in the: — Numlber of Signs: fru (currently): t (posed): x— - Setback for sign size of Sign i e� ht f Sign Other(sperm), If you are.prqposing to.install wall sigins,1 provide a ale drawing.of the fagadw the sign(s)will be located on,with their location shown. If you, repropbsidig more thigh two,( ) sig ns, the fbilowing iMbrmation must p i,d d for each igen (please use additional sheets rn cer Sign Number: you are applying fear m ore than orae sign) Sign Type E fisting Proposed Length Width Total Height Depth for feat ti iq Freerst aandir1 9a. 72" 45 sr 134' 0 PLOT tin illuminated wnirn Property Line Setbacks: Front 51 Sidi ; lignWording: Usubway" and potential tenant names "sign o4 Queensbury,-zoning Once 742 Easy Road Chu s nsbwy, NY 12804•618-761-a23B Sigin ria nice Revised June 2009 The following questions reflect the criteria,for granting this type of variance. Plbase, comptetw them; use additional sheets If needed., I Whether an undesirable change Mil be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby property willbe crested by the granting of this sign variance? T mpasO sign fccar*n is vAloonect in from of the pmposad buildings to nolify the pedesirlons,and molarlds s6mg Main SIMN Of than uses busannse%on Me 3ft The proposed sign verlaince Is relsfively insignificant and it is consistent w1th the generalf sign locatians Iri[Uw area.Asa muft the variance will not pn3duca an undesirable change In the doracter&this naighbodmel of a deldmeM M the nearby proparties. 2. Whether the benefit sought the applicant can be-achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to, pursue, other thah a sign variance? The mcitgrad building,Sal:backs for Me property arm rel,a"shallow.The placement of the sign kn sirict complainge vOlh the cadawoutd place Me proposed sign bwllon behind the*6M plan of the buildiNis and 00 of a�i of pedeabiams aind moMs%IraveMg milong Main Street,Pis iaa,of idefaMwioin would nol be degirable for The projov lailara or The gmat AM stsinabBiLy of the commardal coffwor, 3. Whaftr the,requestedsign variance Is sUbstantial? The re ed variance,vA have mWirnal Impact on that surrounding prqmrties and vAll allow for the sign to be YWR*to pedestrians and rnowdisis traveling alonig Main Sveet. 4. Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district? The,verianws will not have an adverse affed or impaci on low Physical or environmental condldiws in the nolghborhocd as the prapased variances wIIF aflow rwl;;d;;;Fo;;Tant all tho propartyio bo canisistentwilftsurna4mang uses. 5. Whether the alleged difficulty was self-preat,ad? The dOwly was not seff-cre;plWd as Ite required building setback rina will rodumd the vistIlItyof the proposed rAgA if this pUcement of the-09n Is placed fn svia comOlance with the code, Additional Projpr 3 Information 1. If the parcel has, previous approvals, fist application nurriber(s): IW. 2. Does th�is, project.require coverage under the NYS DEC Stormwater Pollufion Prevention Prograr,n? NO 3. Estimated'project duration,: Start Date 4=m� End Date s2wi� 4. Estimatedt0tal cost Ofproject: wA To of Queenabiury,,Zoning Office 1-742 Bay Road uaalrisbuiry, NY 12804-51B-761-8 sE 4 Sign Variance ReMsed June 2009 ,' u1a ffdat of a slarrr 9d"and s&ned SURVEY MAP depicting"sting and propoeed condMons shall Induudle a it ms'as not ad 1'i '. GENERAL OwC 6 M '#, I Title,Name,Address cf applicant person respo ntlble for preparaiiorn of drawing -1 2 'Deed Attachedl 77 North arrow„Tax Map IID,date preparedand scale[:relnnimurn, 11n.-40 ft.) V-1 4 Boundaries of the prop"platted to s afe,zoruipg bound" w -t,Llai -1 5 Principal structures,accessiory siructures ri+llln a erlurdi'marnsiorus L# -11 fi ,Site iMproweeae!nls Nims,euntdoor storage areas„dIrt ewa,ys,,parldgg areas,etc,., WsTJnq j.proposed L -11 7 Setbacks for all structures and lmoroveirneqlsrIsting 4pro!pCN99rt LM, -'1 6, Elevations andfloor(plains of all,proposed and affected structures I Attached Qj t nWATER&SEWER r Mia .. �SHEE fwd", m ' 1 Project she dlsposal faeilities deslgjrn,detalls„oon9truucd1Iparn delalis„dl rates,and ruumbw of bedrooms,proposed LIT-"N 2 Mer supply,[l.em Il]&seplii orn airs-6lrrg Nola Wtin separation distances to existing or,proposed'on-stile nater suppilir and LNIG-11 se go Ilon lista nc9s,for proociii—seuMp disposal system to Harsh and—water bandies !/A 4 Edlstling pud to or pAia-b yvater sun [woAll; take. 9t 7,„ N hnod of nudn!g public cr error t9 water, location, design and LMG-1 aysttuoulon of water supply Includie ,dailusage 5 'P,ei aagorn teat kwAdicti aandl m'`Is LMG-1 ,ole ' ' .. r s d f-,,7,5' a l� i G f PER NM F 13 SIiCJ NI �V 1 Number capsula o n aadjustiiic'alion e7xtsv5g pr,p d CV-1 Iw',o"of e istIn arKn r nuumWr,to he removed,7number to maintain gjtypqofsorfacln 'maleiiit9. . gr n2LLavedL -1 t Provision for pedestrian and handicap auk and parlrJdY exisfingfi,prope^seut ILM -"i Desigrn d!etag$of ipgres,egress,loading areas and qMing. existing A proposed DT-,1 `LocaUon anid character of green areas[eWatiung and pfoposedj,rrn IfC orn to>greeh area,buffer zonae to remain stuurbed LM -1 d Ligblft,location and design rof'alp existing sial prp:pos 1 outdoor Ilgtnlinp LT-1 i �ti ar a I ki aILOPMENrtrAN, �t � � �I�61 r�� .'� �� s iv 1� 1 Oro-asKe A adjacent walorcqursps,s ,rivers,l e.arn:d w fandis / 2 U110i Yehar y dabibudon system[gas,eleddcsolax,telephone]: a Nsttng&proposed ,ECD-1 Locallon,des[90 d[90and consIrtiptIoR details o, and proposed 9119 Improwerrrarls Grnsluid'urngr ralins.-wharts.relatinIng nrwraltsa far ns,Niluaa 8 amergaicy zones sand hydrants,e1c.. DT-1-DT-4 - 4 Square fboWge,of Triqarep;proposed for office, marJn4acluJiring, retall sales or ot4ar° commercial ad es: iids ins, LMGmm1 r areal e Slgn4ge, Lecailo n,size„ty'p'e,derslgni and : eaul:stiag&proposed Lail -1 f r tarsi uaest: pro vide letter 'applkalion r"yesgng arra^v alwers. plaaae refar9nace apeMIC(terns Letter attached �p orrnraerdalllrndtaslutall DeWr p-meat requC ii submiselorn of Lsnulscaplund,stomwater Manag&W—W, uading&Lighting Pigs- LP-I,. LM -1 h—, Identification of ped al,Slate or County Penis requuked for the project kQieftr With a record of appll tlunru or a i necessaryI ttac4�ed etntlts. Town of Queensbury,-Zoning Office-742 Bair RoadQueensbury, NY 12804.518-761-8x,35 5 Sign' '' ,ri Kice Re'vised,June 2009 i re-aubmIs ion C12gference FormIL9=4.04 7. Tax Map ii]. i A 2. anlingi Classification ' . 3. Reason for Review. 4 Zoning Section c) , free- .ubmii ion seting Nates; Olutstan4ing Items To Be Addressed Include. Deed Yes No General Information mpieU� a yes No ~Site Development fate Complete v,-'Yes iia Setback Requfrementt aimpiete �Yes � a arnpfinnce with;sign Ordinance zlye$ �No Ch, iist items addressed Yves �iwia fnOranrneTtai Foy completed Yes fV0 Sig natum;Page completed! Yves a P COD r .,,, C_ r 44,j 0- 01 StaffRepresentative: ' i . Applicant/Agent. ;t Date: t Town of Queen brury au ZwIng,Office 7-42 Bay Road-Quieensbury, NY 12,804-:518-761.82,38 Short Envir' Onmental Assessment Forint, Fart I - Project Information, Instructions coons forori plgLn Part I Project Information. The applicant or project sponsor,is responsible for the completion of part I.. Responses become part of the application,for approval,or funding,are subject t to public review,,and may be subject to further verification, Complete Part l bad on irnfo n:nation,currently avai:Lable, if additional research or investigation would be needed to fully respond to any item,,please answer as thorougluly as possible based on current iunformnation. Complete all itemns in park. 1. You may also provide any additional information which you believe will be needed by or useful to the lead agency;attach additional pages as necessary to supplement any item. Part,I Projeet and Sponsor Information l arae of otion or Project: Fad!en Enterprises 8419 Plan Project Location i(describe„and attach a location rmapj: 75.70 Maim Street„Queensbury..Ni Brief Description of Proposedlection: Thai a project site 18,1-.081 acres and currently contains 3 residential buildings.The eppti W proposes#m damno'lition of the 3 residential buildings, and co nstruuckiran of 3 bunlidd'ingYs:a 8,200 square foot dnuuitdi ng with aSubway annd ra'talt space,aI 1,600 mere toot entre lau lldiiturg„end a 2,401) square foot bank With drilwrs-ttnnu,Site ingres&bgress wind be from one polnt from Main Stns and a iurn'k trorn Fline Street,The site shall the sendicedi by proposed connections to public water and serer.Stornwatcar will be managed ere site,and beset In to,the existing stormi stormsystem tested on Main Street,"ire ww11i be a lot consolidationfrom 3 lints to 3 lots. fiere will the a slgan variance reqummst to the setback twain tine property line from IS to 5 Name of supplicant or Sponsor Tolephorne: 518.796,3710 RA.isisell Fadewn t Fedien Enterprises Inc &MaiL rusdtiede yaatnee. rni ddress� 39 Ll'z Ann Drive ity/po. State, Zip 'ode: Saratoga Springs NY 12&66 I. Does the proposed action only involve the legislative adoption,of a plan,local law,ordinance, NO administrative:rule,or regulation? If Yes„attach a narrative id=.ription of the intent of true proposed action n and the imvironnien.tal resources that may be affected:in the municipality and proceed to Part 2., If ince,,continue to question 2. ., Does the proposed action require a permit,approval or founding from any other governmental Agency? NO If Yes,list agency(s)name andpermit or approval: Town n anning Board,Town Planning Board Sit, Plan Review.,&Special Use Pi Revieww Li 3..a.dotal acreage of the site of the proposed action? 11,06 acres b, Total acreage to be physically disturbed? 4'.9 ,acres e."fatal acreage(project site and any contiguous properties)owned or controlled by the applicant or projectsponsor? 1.08 a s 4: Check all land msec that occur on,adjoining and near the proposed,action. Urbain E3,Punral no n-a, ricuultuuni E]Industrial 10 Commercial rA.Residential(suburban) ®Forest Cls,gricrultaure CIs,quatic Elther(specify). Oparklarnd Page I . is the proposed action, NO YES NI . a,A permaitted use under the acuving re uulatiouu . Consistent with the adopted Comprehensive plan? 6. Is the proposed action consistent:with the predominant character of the existing,built or natural NO YES landscape? 1 V 1 ?. Is the site ofthe proposed action located in,or does it adjoin.,a state listed Critical Envpirom. . ental Area? NO YES' If Yes,iderutif p: . a. Will the proposed action result in a substantial increase in traffic above present levels? NO, I–YES b,ATe public transpomtion ser vices)available uat or near the site of the prrupcsed action? NL�®V C cn ease any pedestrian acctuza inodations cr bicycle routes available on or near site efthe proposed action? �I N , Does the proposed action Aaq"t or exceed due state energy crude requirements? NO YES If the proposed action,will exceed requirements,descnbe design features and technologies, 10. Will the propoisedaction connect to,an existing puyblic/private'mater supply? NO YES If No,describe method for providing potable water: 11,, Will the proposed action connect tc existing wastewater utilities?' lit? S If No,describe method for providing wastewater treatment: El 21 12. ua.. Does time site contain a structure that is lasted on,oithor tho Stato or National Register of Flistcuric NO YES Places? b. is the proposed.action located in an aTcheological sensitive area? 13.a. Does any portion of the site of the proposed action,or lands ad jaiming the proposed action,,contain I NO, YES wetlands our other waterbcdies regulated by a federal, state or,local agency? b.Would uld the proposed auction physically Ater,our encroach into,any existing rodamd or w terbcdy9' If Yes,identify the wetland or v aterbody and extent of alterations in square feet or acres,' 2 " i 14. Identify the typical habitat types that occur on,or are likoly to be found on the project site. Cleck all that apply: D Shoroline 0 Forest El Adooltaralt rasslands Earlymid-suucrcessionid 0 Wetland O Urban 0 Suburban 15,Does the site of the proposed action contain any species ofanirnal,crr associated habitats,.listed YS by the'Mate or Federal government as threatened or endangered? I& is the project site located in the 100,year flood plain' g-6 YES IT Will the proposed action ereate storm water discharge,either from point or non-point sources? NO YES Il`YoLt, f aW Will stone water discharges flow to adjac t puropouties ' NO [:]YES Li b. Will storm nater dasch,arges be directed to established conveyance systemsruunoffand shorn drains)? I'f's' ,briefly descrihe: ` W]YES a u a 3,. P'ag of 1,& Does the proposed action inQludc construction or other octivi fies that result in ffie irnpoundment of —R—�S water or offier liquids(e.g.retention pond,waste lagoon,dam)? If Yes,explain purpose and size:, 19.Has Ow site of the proposed action or an adjoin in&property been throe location of an active or closed NO YES solid wosto m=agemen,t facifityl If Yes,describe, 2 El 20,Has,the site of the pposed aotion or an adjoining property been the subject of remdediation(ongoing or NO YES colmpleted)for hazardokis,wasto? If Yes,describe: I AFFIRM TRAM""THE INFORMATION PROVEDED ABOVE IS TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE BST OF MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant/vonsor Damol 'Lie Dabate.- SignatuTe' PRINT Page 3 of,3 Signature Pa,98 Forum: .) Ting! '��� 4�oIor Sho. `�Ir1 r hIbAl . Iiaptwhda a� 4irM lbs a.) o � . % } OR I U 'ca ro a s fa a taa owxWo AoEW F*R . the 40ObW[ V tNOWNEft of the PmPortYIsm e "M91OW Oomor. For ox Map Noz IOW mat' _ek page o ftuWM 9 lho APPUCANT is:unelsd Vio MOOINor w W'0 'W WeW*�d by Mpw oymrti ._ �. Asa"M960M. aubdMskm CA !on" � 4'1 Lot Dood FWwwo: t ,._t, _ =p4la Dam 5-4, z A CANTDAM, . Ffrsrxarad r1r1 �c1 �� L i Iter By « or Tom: to da9or ol tfto figrtoo w.. W im, ,Ow appRadm m*mM4,,. jA I} r oWpomWu3 train 4e mqvfmd f9rc&WtWbA GrOwOO OWvV*O"ftWW 00 eopmvw by,ft ZwAW BowO w PW4V, Rowd. It fay lir s I �k re l'Oren Iha P 0 W = A I u 1 p'1 Ir M QI � I I,�I arty �" a W OW W'OwAftW JD f *Kft VMI ft WOOOMI . aur &qd I frd � WW ft w 'a3 mqO,3ond � Ira G awr,ltl bar ti I or,aV "www. 1 mtwwM UK@ nw w HqAttd bpwdoan Mbolft&MOY by 1 !awfloWhViod fooMWoprlaar to hauvwo cla owgbdo of wmpwff II rM7 k In. I" Flft Nam I r (fterl Prfnl Name[Agontj Tb"of M*Planft%%w le l° �2M4 P 742 Say P40, as �NY 12004 O-" 'f Phone: (5"1 )868-4411 : " �� °rr.r 'I (5,16), ig gg Web it : Prl elnt mfgombSouth aHr F reepost„pfd'l 152 WALL SRK64TS AND PARAPET hiO T ARM SELECTIONS. 1/'2" MALE THA m �Y cat#8S0Wbkl 15q'W'"Il! Cat#8.5150 WMI m#852parapet Yrl 22" 290 90 CIa NBS3 Wall Cat#,a54 parapet cat 55 W l ;a 41877 Ala I I I T2 Cat '8 Walt cat, ll Cat N Wall 1, , � IWfemale t,ms l IT, lr e a ; Cat#262 Wall Cm#863 Wal6 cat N864Nafl cac gwWall 'i , M 1 1 dR 14 3rT--� l IV, �» 33 112hh 2 % cat:4866WAR Cat#866 SCA WW,11 CIL't#868 VYWI Cat#869VVwl Na I Va � 22 10" µ�aJ r#070 Wall r#87 l Wall Cat#872 Wall Spocial asT,Alurritnum Cann o n , u r, Cat Ol b"Cam, Old Srylc Ca WsW�d 4 51 '. dM$WJrh(a4aCaetbereP+dtt&mvk c6nwn A FIzgo 4A I#p0 o and Hmd,%on h •�o 3 raa Nrib sl oralaon can,be,cambhwdlo make a mpI@rrf#'m'IV wr.,Al l minum manstrucilanforOadfause. Com"Wcolorchatar available cdom sI nds asw"Notom,upon raqum 't, , Mono-, (516)868A4111 FAQ (61,G) 868-4619 otI179ra Ir, Web Site. h II� rlf . rm Freeport,NY 11520 POST"LIGHI S,ARMS 11Z' MALE'IF'FTTIN' ALL ,MS ARE FOR W POSTS. SPECIAL SC170MS,AVAILABLE,FOR,OTHER POST DIAMETERS cat# 1850 cat#1a5?� c t 115 1 42" N r o m I Cat#1855 Cat#1856 cat 0 100 i 400 l ° Cox,1862 Cnt#1862 SCA cat#1861 'l a e.� Cat#1864 Cat#1 Aa't#1865 „mm.. . 14« e .. ._ 30" � 2 lip czt#1 a6� Cat#1866, t#tiUl 16" G, 1, 13 la SIN dKq�q h m � d color � aM J*vmW^� 1,#o ia, pW I:Oxw m�„ octl A a $A mmm speciep aria be"O Oro Mdfalo UIKm r. Phone516)x 86 411 FAX: (616 8,684609 b 4,07 South,ronin,Stree , We Site: F`f!me1Re-M:fgt1rCQM Freepml,NY 11520 HEADS All fixtu !J, 1/2", female oonut ult top fitter & 5 FT leads, Dh;W'H, Cac#28j, ` 1127x 11[0 I IT'111150 or Pu Cat#15A az416A cacgIT44 Cat#P1116A Cai.919A = C3t#01116A Din 61,4",1HOW' Ma 6'A"Ht 94"' Qla 12 Hc 7" Dia 116"Hi T DA 12"HT 14" DU 167 Ht I$" 11100'.PLI 18 or GU24 16 witz 1%. IfI0Q,PLJ'11�„pr GU2Or[26watt 1 r°130 or PLT 4,"3'N)�y FIr"T gi A Zf� u,g'J'j, N"Yrs K 2A Cm 4QA 'Cal 020f1 'i rmp1VI6,ADI.iPV'1Hk9V j200p4QQr11LT Cat#2if 12A Car:926AWG at u# 11 CaL#24A MJ9 4 q 2 V�- iDia 12V, HE I I" DO I-k i: f7jr#?I)I tA,iN�i V r- oqM I'll F1 7 Din,RV,"Ht 6" wi. 1114"Ht T 11200 or PLT I 12W a�r KT 1:�t 0231.24A Dia W Ht U V1 Ij2W or PL7 RAW A I 1 14 P AX '0 Cm 03M6A Dia I WHE W 1190 v FLT Cjc g3i)f I 6A 16"At 7" 101150o, 71 1:g 040 1 4A CNa 14"'H;7" 110 1100 Cu 937011A Da, PHE IS' 10100 v V Cat OW 1 9A "'H arm 19L I iVtl" I MO or PLT Cm#30MDia 10"HE YW- I MD oll PL I (r,,it#,'IIRUAC)ii,�Q"l����,c71i�" 1200 IV' UM :v Cat 439f2'3A Dia�3"Kt,N viii.soo me Prr A Cay#57A Din Y-Hi 5717 MR .1160, Caca5,5A,Dia4Vi"Hc6W 195 Cat ftaM,Dia 5,Vj"HW Ic ;1:50or PLT fiog gr F110 Z'-,2em-111- .r. ...................... Cat#I1H?10A'(,9p IT WS" 17"t !e"Y,...��" 1'1�,— �7- Czr.:v110,113A Din.Z3"'ale 17"' if'1`00 o'r PLT C-4c iv H 9 11-;A F4a 14"H'fL 6"ut PLT C=4 1,8 1-I�164A Di:x 161.HtI 1" 113 .......... AL Ad 47 Cxv,27A lm,glbIlkCat m4 137A IN, v PqE tv- i f ryn H�� I' 13h]FRIC 11" 4.44 q2F&4A aa 147 i ijw Or F171 Cm g4M 1110A Din I V'HT RD" or PLT 41 10" Won*r hr Ste 5pcdain,D pap 35 for oicherecbes. i t#427116A Oda 16"Hh 12" 1 MOO Sm S"Lisn C3 Fop 35 for other s0m4m I L s" M Nammz.m=,z�,=im fa-�cu=! nr,".. momd�. d cdorl. S�ffon A Page,3 a Hlg*�r�Ohio mt--d—r----4 A 9 4,hl. —.16.. r—­ . 5 wr x W tanant panll I I cap I J i y 92" "Cheep 911 n CaWnot with removable torah p neiu L it,with 4 gon lameas Concrete Wsa will have a 12" v rl p lin all sides fleass ptog Ned#Ia ursfil a ,n recupprt,Cakws Vowed anmanWzrsnmyvary fillght y fnm actualcolors In firW production.Ifc ur tritAcal.psarie provWe jurat carr samploo(Im pantorm,paft marches,etc.)Signed"f lrwdicatsrasv as and amptance of OW pmf.Owe pfwf IS gMM md mewurned%ft apimvaf.vm tv not re fibtleforany discrepancles regardfog color, Ing or materfals used In praducrAom PROOFS MUST ST RE SIGNED AD,RETURNEDVIA EMAIL OR FAX BEFORE PROCEEDING ` -1 Customer Pr^ cifApp ah[ YES El NO SIGN COMPANYSubway-Ruse Faden NEEDS CHANGES 72&-distonAv .,Saratoga Springs,NY 1286 P.'5,1 g 409. [GN,(74°I6) f 51:M78.84891 teats igo"Aiw, II III e Everbrfte EVER'BRITE, OUTDOOR SIGNAGE 240" CHANNEL LETTERS- STANDARD FEATURES a Individual LED illi l 'ted channel letters, flush mtd, remofe p9weT15upplies o Faces are .118 acroicl black torr c a o SUB _ #7328 white o r ff WAY -02 _ ::' crylic a .040 alum. bliack return; .063 . ack, 'te irnt rkc r llluJmi n ratio n-. E�D's total; 1 drivers, remote power supplies 129-3/8 � ILS 3'1 #7378hate acrylic .118 #2037 y flow acrylic D 24fe 29 7/116"i _Bl ack 24"'"' I:LLUMD CHANNEL _LETTERS DIMENSIONSTMC letters; ,' High ra ANP 1 Power supplies Overall! Size, 29-7/16"H a� 10'-9 /8- x.,,5- `f X0,240 WAIT; . P (each) ShippingWeight. D 1 P kr aal