Faden update narrative 241r52 E3�T^,m 1�10UFTE as I�IL)117E'301 1 MAL-IA NY 120P-'Q T(!5'181 BP-14'3 F[5 18)98 B-5 24 E3 April 28,20116 LAura Moore Land Use Planner Town of Queertsbury 742 its Road Queensbury, NY 128,04 i Fa den Ente9wises Site]']an Update and llevisiorla Dear Mrs. Moore: Over the past several nionths the plans, for the above referenced project have been ti and revised to, address the comments from the Town of Qucensbury. '114c intent of this letter is to simintuarize the recent changes that have occurmd, The attached plan represents the tltvlijiflnary Developillent I'llan ror a located nt 75-791 Main Street ill t1le Tovim of Queensbury., The Plan illmal-i the gQllerat Intent ail`the site development and the coiafiguvation for the major elements io f the pruplosed,des ign program, "T'he proposed project is positioned oil three: existing lots. With a total of 1,08, aro's lociawd at tile Or'the interseetion Or main Street and Pine Street in theTown oil'( uaecsutsbliry, New York. The Propcrit am 7'9 Maiii Stmxt, 77 Main Struciti, and 71, Mafia SUvot with tax inap identil'ication nunibers ul' 30119.101-1,--47, 309J -4 and 3019.10-1-49, respuctivoly. Tho leaf is zolled MS --i Main Strut Zon,Jng D19100. The project area Curmill-v contains ffirm 14:Nidcnliul buildhi'L""s. i hu duvuilupfflullt 1"'s 4.t)nmsJcjiik wiLk dw Lurron ImAl, tl4,11 gal,u I iw uppilualki 1.1s pri ng,the Construction o f two bu i lid i ngs. The first blui Id i tig will be a single,story tx-tai I bu i Id ing 1,i un (lass c,astern Side oft'lle Overal I site. Tile second building will be as mixed use two story building lociatext oil (lie western, side or the Overall parcell. The mixed kise building is poposed,to include as bank with as drive-thru on the first floor and protessional ollice s1mce oil the seoi floor. A general update and outfine oftfie recent revisions to (lie proposed devdmipmont plivis are as rbllows:� 9 The Plan has bicen, revised from 3 buildings oil (lie overall pa=l to,2 buildings,on(lie Overall pamel."I'lle first building wil,I be it single story ri building located oil the eastern side of the overall site.This building,is cousistent with prior subinittals,and has not clianged. The second,buitcling will,be a mixed tune two,stoty building located oil the westui side of die overall parcel. The inixed use building is,Iii-allosed,to Include a bank with a drives thru on the ruist floor and profesgiona I office space oil the se onid floor,llie, mixed use building has beco pro,posed to replace the two buildings previously I=iposedon the:we5tevn side of the averall parcel, 0 Bu i ld i ng,#I rema i n the 5a me at 8,2 010 sf wh ich lincludes 6,000 sf of retail and 2,200 sf for ski biway a Building#2 is now as two story,structum at 5,4010 oaf which includes 2,700 sf for a biwik and drive di rough,on the first floor aml 2,700 sf fbr,office space:on the secolul flooi% 01 Building#3 has been mitnoved. 6 Ilie progmed two story building willbee proposed to incet all of the"town Arthitectural requircinclits, Fdden Era erm-ises 2 qf2 Apoll 28, 2016 Project Updale wpd Revislons The proposcd 2 story banklofficc building has been rev[sed fmin as O' .5otback fi-om the property finc along I'me Street to,a 10,65" seti-mck frum, the property time along Iline Streel. The proposed parking IIs been N.vised to,meet titan parking requirements,rt-viged Saari dings and uses. "I'lle proposed stormwater sys:Win has boon, revised pe:r the new layout., I tmst that the above outline proviks,an adeqtlaW description of tiro rt=nt project(level opments. Please conlael me if you have any questions,or require any additional hillenuatiom Thank you Sincerely, LANSING ENGINEERING, PC Ylltqp"§cl')It t"allsing, PE, ("PUSC, CPSWQ cc�' Russ Faden,