RC-000245-2016 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 OL Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Permit Number: RC-000245-2016 Date Issued: Monday, June 20, 2016 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number RC-000245-2016 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 302.14-3-51 Location: 57 DIXON RD Owner: WILLIAM ST.JOHN Applicant: Kelly Homes This structure may be occupied as a: Residential Alteration By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Occupancy DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance,or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. 1-OWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road.,Queensbury,NY 12.804-5004 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building& Codes (5 18) 761-8256 BUILDING PERrvIIT Permit Number RC-000245-2016 "fax Map No: 302.14-3-51 Permission is hereby granted to: Felly I lcnms For property located at: 57 DIXON RD ht the Town o�f QucensbUry,to construct or place at the:above location in accordancewith application together with plot plans anti other inforrnadon hereto tiled and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance "fyoe of Construction Owner Name: WILLIAM ST.JOI IN Single Farnily-Alteration $0.00 Owner Address: 57 Rixon RD 'total.Value $0.00 Queensbury,N`a' 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address F;lectrical Inspection Agency Kelly Homes 110 Box 4381 Queensbury,NY 12804 Plans&Specifications Residential Alteration I IL117 Shelter Planning $2.5.00 PIIRMIT FET' PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Friday.April 2.8,2017' (11'a longer period is required.an application for an extension must be made to the code.Enfiarcement Officer ofthe'rowrr of°Queensbury belbre the expiration(ote.) Dated at the Town ejeensbury; 016 SIGNED BY: 1`or the Town ol`Queensbury. Director ol'Building cit Code :rufarcein t ­­ ­­ ­.- " . — . _A . 1111.1k; uou 4J111 y �atc: Ilermit No. ?-C - t�0 7 st Permit Fee 95 11- Tax Map ID 3 .1y)Vz kck-,7 z1one Historic? Yes No Rec Fee a �q'464 Subdivision Name Lot# Site Plan 4 4' Subdivision Project Location TOWN BD. RESOLUTION 86-2013: $850 recreation fee for new dwelling units—single family,duplexes/two-family, multiple family, apartments,condominiums,townhouses,and/or manufactured&modular homes, but n tm,,obile:,b,omes–,This i--.in,addition to,the permit fee(s). L U E E. Primary Owner(s) Address J U AITN Z' UID el /ul Phone/Email I C; c n F:s Applicant 2 p 47 y Ile Address Phone/Email Y)" Contractor C C Address 4�" Phone/Email 0 Contact Person for Building& Codes Compliance:,_S'4' TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION v"Cheek all that apply New Addition Alteration V floor sf 2nd floor sf Total sf Height Single Family Two-Family Multi-Family (4 of units C/ Townhouse Business Office A"r I It Lt Retail-Mercantile Factory-Industrial Attached Garage (1, 2, 3, 4+) Other Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Principal Structure Application revised January 20116 If commercial or industrial please indicate name of business Proposed use of building or addition Source of Heat(circle one) Gas Oil Propane Solar Other Fireplace: Complete a separate application for Fuel Burning Appliances&Chimneys Are there structures not shown on plot plan? Are there easements on the property? Site Information: a. Dimensions or acreage of lot b. Is this a corner lot? Yes No c. Will the grade be changed as a result of construction Yes No d. Public water or Private well(circle one) Public Private e. Sewer or Private Septic System(circle one) Sewer. Private Value of all work to be performed(labor or materials) $ o DECLARATION.- 1. DECLARATION.1. I acknowledge no construction shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit and will be completed within a 12 month period. 2. If work is not complete by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees and department approval. 3. I certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement / description of the work proposed, that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes,local building laws and ordinances,and in conformance with local zoning regulations 4. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed, I or my agents will obtain a certificate of occupancy. 5. I also understand that I /we are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: 4 qce- 4 DATE: el' SIGNATURE: DATE: For office use only Operating Permit Issued: Yes No Occupancy Type Construction Classification Assembly Occupancy Limit Special Conditions Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Principal Structure Application Revised January 2016 TOWN OF QUEENSBIJRY M.Jllw.DNG rD&�AW1�IEtl'l' IMPROVEMENTS TO Based On Ot kr' l rE ��;d��r�duir��rtA��u'r,��rd��rl�Ud�nrd'���a 57 Dixon Rd. With sl ,,DRi pial car a it dduu aQueensbury, NY 12804 h flM r'I� rg aue un Ild���"�I dil)ViwgI ,,dllddcth : agi it 4rul d wry i' PROPERTY OWNER William St..John 57 Dixon Rd. Cueensbury, N�Y 92St a� i 110,,l;✓i /r'�i,Fr/ r � ° �� � Y� s r�, �rlr Iii 1�✓^'`9v �'Y�� ^ as ' 4 �a 'r r 1v' id% �✓/rr �1� �� ilr Phone: 538-0999,-1-1111 TOWN F RY � �II � IL � NOTE 1: All work is to be performed in accordance with manufacturer's 'instructions, NYS building and local building codes and attached standard specifications in addition to below. NOTE 2: UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, "INSTALL" MEANS TO PROVIDE AND INSTALL. ALL NEW MATERIALS ARE TO BE USEDC. Some or all of the rehabilitation work called for in these specifications is subject to HUD regulations governing the reduction of lead-based paint hazards and must be accomplished pursuant to lead-safe work practices. LEAD-BASED PAINT HAZARDS Regulations The Department of Housing & Urban. Development (HUD) has issued regulations regarding the ,......."Red'uction of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in .... .. Housing Receiving Federal Assistance." The rehabilitation work called for by these work specifications will be paid for in whole or part with Federal assistance. Therefore HUD's regulations governing the reduction of lead-based paint hazards apply to this project(24 CFR Part 3 ).. Risk Assessment A risk assessment has been performed for this property and project(attached) which has identified lead hazards which must be corrected. These hazards and the rehabilitation work to remedy these hazards is spelled out in the work specifications. The Contractor is responsible for reading the attached Lead- Based Paint Risk Assessment Report. This is one reason why the report is attached to this document. The contractor is responsible for addressing all property components listed as lead hazards. Contractor Certification This project will require the contractor to undertake improvement activities that require lead-safe work practice. Therefore the contractor must be trained and certified in accordance with regulations issued by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The contractor must provide the Village of Scotia or its representative with evidence of such certifications prior to execution of the contract for improvements. Interim Controls The work to be done in accordance with these specifications that addresses identified lead hazards is 302.14-3-51 RC-0100245-2016 57 Dixon Rd. 1 St. John, William 57 Dixon Road Res. Alt.--HUD Shelter Planning designed to result in a lead-safe dwelling. The measures called for to reduce temporarily human exposure or likely exposure to lead-base paint hazards are called Interim Controls. Clearance Examination A visual inspection and dust wipe sampling is required after the lead-based paint has been rendered intact. The inspector will look for visible dust and debris in areas where the defective lead-based paint has been stabilized. Dust wipe samples in at least four rooms are required. Dust wipes shall be taken in all roams where lead-based paint has been stabilized. The contractor is responsible for obtaining a Lead-Based Paint Clearance from a certified firm. The contractor is required to provide the owner/and the Town of Queensbury with evidence that a Lead Hazard Clearance Examination was done after completion of the rehabilitation work. Clearance is required before final payment to the contractor will be approved. This Clearance Examination must be done by an individual or firm licensed or certified to conduct such an examination and must certify that the hazard reduction activities are complete and that no soil lead hazards or settled dust lead hazards exist in the dwelling unit or work site. The cost of such Clearance Examination is to be Included as part of the contract total bid price for the rehabilitation work. It is the contractor's responsibility to obtain such clearance. Final payment for completed work will be withheld until such clearance is provided. Recommendations Please refer to the risk assessment report for recommendations, which are also incorporated into specifications for each work element. Following each days work and at the end of the project, any areas affected shall be properly cleaned using HEPA vacuums and wet wiping. Shop vacuums are usually NOT HEPA vacuums. It is the contractor's responsibility to keep the site cleaned throughout the work process and pass final dust wipe sampling and/or soil sampling at completion. All defective lead-based paint areas should be rendered intact by the following methods: 1. Wet scraping and wet sanding,or 2. Removed and replaced,or 3. Kept intact and covered with an impermeable layer(vinyl,aluminum,etc.) LEAD-BASED PAINT INTERIM CONTROLS 1. Garage • Wet scrape and install vinyl siding over appropriate backing. • Homeowner will have choice of stock color. (f • Prepare walls,as required, prior to siding. Lo'Y4 2. Trim • Wet serape and install white coilstock at all trim. 1. Side Porch • Wet scrape and safid interior window sill that has deteriorated paint LIST LEAD-BASED PAINT INTERIM CONTROLS PRICE HERE$ 57 Dixon Rd. 2 NOTE: Refer to the attached lead-based paint risk assessment report pertaining to areas that have tested positive for defective lead-based paint. The items listed above note where lead-based paint interim controls need to be followed. The original intent of the specifications for such items as listed below was to require work for energy efficiency, health and/or safety/security reasons and would have been specified whether or not deteriorated lead-based paint was found.Therefore, any such items are to be priced separately as indicated below. ELECTRICAL All work is to be performed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, NYS Building Code, Local Building Code and attached ELECTRICAL STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. 1. Kitchen • GFI protect all existing countertop receptacle,as required. z' • Provide dedicated 20A circuits for dishwasher, microwave and refrigerator,as required. 2. Dining Room • Provide 2 new duplex grounding receptacles,in double gang box,at computer desk, on dedicated 20A circuit l„I 3. First Floor Hall • install Lithium-ion battery operated smoke and CO detector. 4. Bedroom#1 (1s'Floor) • Install Lithium-ion battery operated smoke and CO detector. 5. Second Floor Hall • Install smoke and CO detector,as above. 6. Bedroom#2 • install smoke detector,as above. 7. Bedroom#3 • Install smoke detector,as above. 8. Basement • Install hard wired smoke and CO detector with battery back up. • GFI protect existing receptacle at panel. • Dryer and washing machine are on same circuit Separate dryer and provide new GFI protected receptacle for washer on dedicated 20A.circuit. • Secure loose Romex cable to floor joist(back comer). • Provide cover for junction box in ceiling, between boiler and water heater. 9. Back Porch • Secure and cover loose junction box above entry door. • Eliminate fuse for garage circuit. • Provide new wiring back to panel, as required. 10. Exterior(Deck) • GFI protect existing receptacle and provide appropriate weatherproof cover. LIST ELECTRICAL PRICE HERE$ 57 Dixon Rd. 3 ♦ WINDOWS All work is to be performed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, NYS Building Code, Local Building Code and attached WINDOW REPLACEMENT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. • Install new white vinyl, Energy Star-rated replacement windows(Pella Therma Star or equivalent) in the following locations. • Window U factor will not be greater than.30. • All new windows will have full screens. • Where combination storm windows are removed, exterior stops will be covered with coil stock or painted to match existing trim. o Kitchen(Slider) -1 (replace caseme • Basement(Slider) -4 Ak q mo of Replacement Windows -5 LIST WINDOWS PRICE HERE$ ENTRY DOORS All work is to be performed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, NYS Building Code, Local Building Code and attached DOORS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. Lead-Based Paint Hazards: The Risk Assessment identified the front entry(main)and side porch entry exterior doors,with lead-based paint hazards. Lead-Safe Work Practices to be followed as required. 1. Back Porch: • Install new pre-hung, 94ite, steel or fiberglass, Energy Star-rated (Pease,Therma Tru or equivalent)entry door. • Finish according to manufacturer's specifications with good quality latex paint. • Provide new entry lockset and deadbolt(Kwikset or equivalent), keyed alike. 2. Small Entry Area: • Install new entry door,as above. • Install new white vinyl-clad,wood-core storm door, mid 4iew style,with self-storing glass and screens(Larson or equivalent) 3. Living Room: • Install new entry door, as above. • Install new storm door, as above. Entry Door -3 Storm Door -2 LIST DOORS PRICE HERE$ NOTE: It is likely that these doors are not a standard size. 57 Dixon Rd. 4 INTERIOR CARPENTRY All work is to be performed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, NYS Building Code, Local Building Code and attached STAIRS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. 1. Basement: t • Install graspable handrail at stairs. i 7- • Door to basement is insulated with foil-faced board. Cover with plywood or other suitable material for fire code. 2. Attic: • Same as basement door. LIST INTERIOR CARPENTRY PRICE HERE$ EXTERIOR CARPENTRY t 1. Front Porch- • Install wrought iron railing at one side of steps. UST EXTERIOR CARPENTRY PRICE HERE$ PLUMBING All work is to be performed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, NYS Building Code, Local Building Code and attached PLUMBING STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS • install new gas water heater of same capacity. '�� " • Provide all electrical and plumbing connections to current building code. LIST PLUMBING PRICE HERE$ SIDING All work is to be performed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, NYS Building Code, Local Building Code and attached SIDING STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS Lead-Based Paint Hazards: The Risk Assessment identified exterior siding,and exterior window sills and frames,with lead-based paint hazards. Lead-Safe Work Practices to be followed as required. 1. Main House Dormer Front Porch • install vinyl siding over appropriate backing. • Homeowner will have choice of stock color. • Back dormer has slate on sidewalls. Remove slate and save for homeowner,as possible. Prepare walls,as required, prior to siding. 2. Trim • Install white coilstock or vinyl at eaves,fascia,soffits, casing,and all other trim. • Wrap 2 posts at front porch. LIST HOUSE SIDING PRICE HERE$ 57 Dixon Rd. 5 NOTE:ANY FINISHED SURFACES DAMAGED DURING THE COURSE OF REHABILITATION WORK SHALL BE REPAIRED AND FINISHED TO MATCH ORIGINAL CONDITION. CONSIDER THIS IN YOUR BIDS, DO NOT INCLUDE AS EXTRAS. Extras 1. Identify additional separate cost to install or remove additional items not mentioned in specifications that may be necessary to comply with code and complete the job in a satisfactory manner and list separately here. 2. Items not listed as additional are assumed to be included in contractors bid price. LIST EXTRAS PRICE HERE$ 57 Dixon Rd. 6