Agenda - Revised ZBA Agenda for Wed May 18 2016 5.13.2016 Queensbury oninc Board of Appeals Agenda Meeting: Wednesday, May 18, 2016 Time: 7,00- 11:00 prn Queens Wry Activities Center-742 Bay Road Agenda subject to change and may be found a1; www.queensbury.net Approval ol`rn"Ong niinutes. April 20,2017 arid April 27,2016 RE Old Business: ED�l.3 �Q ! A a aticxnt s Maurice Cambs Area Vnriance No 11-2415 Owner(s) Maurice Cambs SEQRA Type I—ZBA consented to PB 3118/2015 Agent(s) Haktehins EngineeriU/ McPh il lilLs, Fit raid&Cull um Lot Size 9.09Acres Location 636 Corinth Road-Ward 4 Zoning MDR Wflyd No. Tax Id No 308.18-1-1 Sectio„ 179-3-040 Cross Ref SB 6-2015,UV 71-]996 War County Planning March 2015 Public Hearing April 22,2015;August 19,2015,October 21,2015 T*Ie(l Adirondack Park Agcncy n1a to March 16 2016,May 19,2016 Project Description Applicant proposes removal of existing single-family dwelling and dcvclopmerat of a 7-10t residzntial subdivision with lot sizes ranging from 1.01 acres to IA5 acres_ Re I ief requested frau, minimum lot size requirements Cor the NI1)P.district. Plann i ng Board, Subdivision review re aired for subdivision. A licant s Burnett FamilyTrust Aren VAriance fro51-2415 Owners Burnett Family Trust Jae.Estate David Burnett SF RA Type _ 11 Agernt(s) Deborah Slczak Lot Size 1.32 Acre(s) Cioffi,Slc7ak and Wildgrubpe,11_C. Location I I Andrew Driuc—Ward l Zoning RVR Ward No. Tax id No 239.19-1-12 Section 179-4-050, 179-3-040 Cross Ref SB S-2015; BP 2044-677 Dock Wnrren County Planning September 2015 Public HenringSeptember 16,2015,November 18,2015 Tabled to Jan. Adirondack Pnrk Agency ALD 20,2416; March 15,2015;May 18,2016 Project Description Applicant proposes a 2-lot subdivision; lot size 28,639 sq. tti Lot A and 28,754 sq_ft.Lot B; no changes to existing liornes or features,driveway. Relief requested from minimum road frontage,water frontage, lot width requirements,and lot A for not having physiCtal road frontage. Also,relief is requested from minimum lot size,property line setbacks for the WR zoning district. Subdivision approval is required for the creation of Mro lots from the one parent lot_ A licnnt s Russell Fadca I Fadcn Entc rises Aran Variance No PZ-0471-2016 Qwner S Robert Goodwin Sl: RAT )e II A ent s Lansing Engineering,PC l.,pi Size 0.2.4;0.42;4.46 Ac s) Loention 75-79 Main Strect-Ward 4 zolking NIS Ward No. Tax Id No 309.10-1-47,48,49 Section 179-3-040, 179-7-030, 179-7- 070; 179-10-044 Cross fief SP PZ-0073-2416. SV PZ-0472-2016 Warrcaa ount y CP - _ } Planning February 2016 SUP PZ-0068-2016 Public I lowl ng March 16,2014'1'abled to May 18,2016 Adirondack Pork Agency n1a Profut Description Applicant proposes demolition of three train buildings,shed and some site grading to constructtltree new buildings in three phrases. Project revised;First phase a portion of an 8,204 sq It building to be 4,300+1-sq. it.with parking from Main 5t.to Pine St. Project ineludcS merging parcels creating two parcels_ First Building for food service and retail. SeeondfThird phase to be remainder of first building 4,200+/- sq. ft., then Secondff*d phase is a two-story bu ilding 2,700 sq ft foot print(5400 sq It floor area)with a drive tf7rougb{500 sq ft+/-). Re]ief rcqu ested; Bld 2 rec uires relief from minimum setback requircirntnts Pine Stmet silo and drive-thru window greater than 500 It from 1-87. Plage 1 of 3 Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda Meeting: Wednesday, N'l€ y 18, 201 ,, Time; 7:.0.7- 1 1:00 pm C�?tiet?nsbury Activities Center— 742 Bay Road Agenda subject to change and may be found at: www.queeri-5bury.net A plicnut s Russell f adc.n? adc.n CntcrJrrisus Sign Variance No PZ-0472-2016 Owuer(s) Robert Goodwin SEQRA Type Unlisted-Coordinate%vith Planning Bogard A enlfs Lansing En incerin , 11C Lot Size 0.24;0,42,0.46 Acre(s) Locntion 75-79 Main Street-Ward 4 Zoning MS Ward No Tax ld No 309.10-f-47,4$,49 Section Cha ler 140 Cross lief AV PZ.-0071-2016; SP PZ-0073-2016; Warren County Planning February 2016 SUP PZ-0068-2016 Public 143611 March 16,2016 Tabled to 141 18, 2016 - Adirondack Park A genc y n!a Proieet DEscriptiou Applicant proposes construction of 45 sq. ft. freestanding sign(Subway Arid nature tenant naoies),-vit.1r a 5 ft. front setback ori M-1)Jr1 Street. Relief re nested iron si o setback, restrictions ror the Hain Street Zoning district. Applicant(s) Bi Bay Loci in .LLC Aron Variance Na Owner(s) Frkmk J.Parlllo SEQRA Ty1ic i:nlisicd Coordinaw tivith Nannin,G 130arI Agcot(s) Bohler Engineering MA, LLC Lot Size barred fw 23 acre;of-6.7 acxes Acre(s1 Locatiau 13i9 13a [taaci,soutl}east orthe intersection of Corinth 7.l11ling C1-18 Word No, Road-Ward 4 Tnx lei Na 309.13-2-2, 3,4, 5,6, 7,8.&9 Section 179-3-040 Cross Ref SP PZ-0054-2016;BP 2012-240 Com'l Bldg(Taco Bell Warren Crrun;y Planning February 2016 site) Public HeaTing Mare1t 16,2016 Tabled to May I$,2016 AdirotOick Park AKenc y n/a Pro Oce t Duseri1)tion App Iicinnt proposes eonsvuctioai of 15,095 sq, ft- footprint; 60,3L96 sal. D. foo,area,99-room,4-story hotel(66 ft.)(Hilton Homc2)and associawd siwivork. Rchufrcquestud from mininnum road lrunutge.regr!irecr7cln . Plarnine,Board Site Plan Rcvicwand Spacial Use Permit reg uired for commercial devclo incnt o C a hotel in a Cl zone. New Business: Applicant(s) Frank&Kalhi Miller Arta Varianm No PZ-0067-2016 Owners Frank& Kali Miller SEQRA Type 11 Agent(s) Gihan Let Size 0.31 Acres) 1�ocaliurt 22 Nacy Road -west shore of Glcn Lakc-Ward I Zoning WR Ward No. Tax Id Nu 2$9.6-1-35 scetiolr 179-3-040 Cross Ref SP PZ 127-20116, BP 2414-204 Dock Worrell County plftkk11ing rt1aM Public Hearing May 19,2016 Adiroodack Pork A Ck1k y � n."a Promeet Description Applicant proposes demolition of existing structures ad Construction of (2,644 sq. ft. footprint): (3,925 sq. ft.,floor arca) single-fainily dwelling-Project includes installation of nnv septic system and well. RelieCrcqucst€gid (roan 111i0i [111rr)sideline and shoreline setback raquirerriLmts,inaximoin Floor Area Ratio,and the minimurn permeability requirements fo the 1,Y R zoning district. Silc Plan: proicct within 50 ft., I3va.slope, A licanl s AnthonyM. Muscatello Arco Variance No PZ-135-2016 Owners Anilioo y M. Muscatallo LhLQRA 1'vp Il Agent(s) I IMCI)iNIS I-,ngi noeving Lot Size 7.89 Acre(s) Location �l Mannis [toad - Ward 1 zokking RR-3A Wnrd No. Tnx Id No 289.18-1-30 Section 179-5-020 (Toss Ref SP PZ-Q 128-2016:BP 87-781 AlteHrlions I Warren Count •Plan nin g it}a P11k11ie Henring, May 18, 2016 Adirondack Park Agency rya Proie Descripfiou Applicon I proposes Collslr€iction of ki 936 set. 11. cli:tachecl garage twith 2 bays and workshop arca. Existing home with attached era cto remain. Site Plan: construction within 50 R.; Iso¢sloe Pc 2 of 3 Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Agenda Meeting: Wednesciav, Moy 18, 2016 Time: 7:00- 11,00 prrt Queensbury Activities Center- 742 Bay Road Agenda .subject to change and may be found at: wvvw.queensbury.net Applicant(s) Great Meadow l edcral Credit Union. PAren Variance NoOwners K-'I\vin Holdin s RAT aA ent s Ethan I lall ize Acre(s) Location Meadowh7xwk Road—north side ofQua� ng C;[ Ward No. side ofMeodowbrook Rood— '�+ Tax Id No 296.20-1-10 Santion 179-3-040 Crass itef SP PZ 0131-2016;FW%V 0 4 Warren County]Manning May 2016 AV 5-2048; SP 7-2008 Public Hearing May 18,2.01G Public 11c;kring mill hu OPENED Adirondack Park Agency n/a PrameetDescription Applicant proposes construction of a 1,915 N.ft,new coromcrcial building for a brancli office I credit union and associated site work. Building to also have a 24 ft, by 24 ft,upstairs office area. Relief rquested from front and/or shoreline(wetland)setback requirements for the Cl zoning district. SitcPlan_ nc+commrrciatstructure RL+ UESTTOTABLEUNTILSEPTEMBER2016 Applicant(s) Joseph P.Gross Area Variance No PZ-OM-2016 Owners Joseph P.GrossIS{ 1(A®l�y a !1 Agent(s) Ethan P. Hali Lot Size 3.43 Acre(s) Rucinski Hall Architecture Location 27 Silvcr Circle—of3-BlgBay Road—Subdivision of Zoning Current; CLI Ward No. Drank Kineke- Ward4 Sub. Approval! [A-IA Tax Id Nu 349.17-1-17-2 Section 179-3-040 Crass Ref SP PZ 140-2016; SB 11-2002 Frank Kincke 2-1at Indus. WFtrren County Planning May 2016 Subd.;BP 2015-272 Comm]Ndg.;BP 2414-538 Com't Hcatcd Bldg.,BP 2009-044 Com'I unheated storage bldg,; IN,2004-783 Neev Office Bldg_;BP 2004-365 storage bldg. Public Hearin May t 8,2616 Adirondack Pork A enc ala Premed Description App Iivaal proposes COrkStruntion of two-story 5,044 sq_ft_(2,520 sq_ft. footprint)addition to the existing6%095 sq, 11.Gross Electric Office building. The cxisEing buildings and site arc to remain with no changes. Relief requested from minimum setback rcquiremernts for the CLI zoning district, Site Plan: new construction to an already approved site plan. Any further business that the Ghairmair determines may be properly brought before the Zoning Board of Appeals, Revised 05.13.2016 C Wsh Air PZrt1139-2016 request to be tabled until Suptrk:mbrr 2016 ur Ir,nger Revised; 05.04,2016 sh(correction otAgent for Burnett Family) Revised: 45.43,2016 Ltvllsh Final ZBA Agenda: 05,02.2016 LMJsh Page 3 of 3