06-07-1978 June 7,1978 9 :00am Present: Prime, Dougher, Edwards and Supt. Dunn After a discussion the following motion was made by Prime and seconded by Dougher; that the Quality Nursery be engaged to do some modest planting to the left of the entrance road and the total cost of the work shall be $1324.50. Mrs . Dougher is working with Mr. Tomely at the Town Hall so that we can know exactly what is left from the sale of the Bochuck Property that was earmarked for the beautification of the cemetery. Mr. Wertime is still waiting for the Bureau of Audit and 6ontrol on the small sums that belong the cemetery from bequests in the past. The one large project which has been worked on for several years is an entrance sign. Paul Cushing will be invited to our next meeting to discuss our ideas . The July meeting of the Cemetery Commission will be held on ThursdayJuly 6 at the request of Mrs . Prime. Interments 940 Sale of Lots 750 • Foundation 1277 2967 Margaret /Prime, Secretary