10-04-1978 Oct.4, 1978 9 :00 am Present: Dougher, Edwards ,. Prime and Dunn with Paul Cushing joining us Paul Cushing brought the preliminary plans for the sign and the board heartily approved them. He' ll now bring the plans to the point of being biddable. The board had some discussion of possible new pricing for the sale of lots at Pineview. There has been no raise in prices since 1974. The Town Board has asked us to consider this move. There will be a resolution on new pricing next month. The secretary was asked to write the Robert Monahans with our sincere thanks for their donation of black paint for the iron fences for the outside cemeteries . Our next meeting will be on Nov.8 to accomodate Mrs . Prime who' ll be out of toen on the first Wednesday. Interments 880 Sale of Lots 850 Foundations 335 2065 Margaret Prime, Secretary , /jiLs.�JL y