1975-09-09 6
Gordon S . Streeter-Supervisor
Daniel Olson-Councilman
Robert Barber-Councilman
Harold Robillard-Councilman
Hammond Robertson-Councilman
J. David Little-Town Counsel
PRESS : Tri County, Lee Coleman, Norman Mjaatvedt
GUESTS : League of Women Voters Mrs .Mary Barrett
Mr. & Mrs. Denton Mr. Frey Mrs .Frey Tyr. Greeno
Mr. Donald Clements
TOWN OFFICIALS : George Liapes Harold Boynton
Meeting Opened: 7; 31 P.M. Salute to the Flag.
owner of the property Donald W. Clements
P-4 Mr. Clements question if an application was necessary in that Mr.
Creeno was going to convert the Mobile home into a house. . .
Mr. Robillard-There will still be a mobile home thei-w and this is
what the Board will act on. . .
RESOLUTION NO. 134 Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved
its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson
WHEREAS, Glenn G. Greeno has made application in accordance with paragraph
2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinanee of the Town of Queensbury entitled
TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home outside
at property situated at Luzerne Road, and
WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that said application complies with the
requirements of said ordinance, and
ITHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said
application are sufficient to justify further consideration by this
board, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance,
the town board shall conduct a public hearing on said application on
October 14, 1975 at 7: 30 P.M. in the Queensbury Town Office Building;, Bay
Road, and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give
proper notice of said public hearing in accordance with the provisions
of said ordinance.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
_Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barbed, rsr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter
Noes : :None
Absent: Hone
RESOLUTION NO. 185 Introduced by Mr. ?Harold Robillard who moved
its adoption, seconded by Ir. Daniel Olson
WHEREAS, there are obligations of $2100. 00 due and payable under
the General Fund Drainage Account A3540.4 and there is a zero
balance in this account, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that $2100. 00 be appropriated`:to A3540.4 from the Contingent
Account, thereby reducing the Contingent Account balance to $14,411. 20.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes : ?`fir. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter
Noes : None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 136 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson:
WHEREAS, the Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury has urged the adop
tion of the Sign Ordinance regulating existing and proposed out-door adver_:�1*1
tising signs and out-door signs of all types, consistent with the
general policy of the Town of Queensbury, to protect the property
values, create a more attractive economic and business climate, to en-
hance and protect the physical appearance of the. community, and to pre-
serve the scenic and natural beauty of designated areas and providing
a more enjoyable and pleasing community, and
WHEREAS, it is provided by Section 130 of the Town Law that the Town
Board may make ordinances, rules , and regulations regulating the promo-
tion of the Public Welfare including the protection and preservation
of property of the Town and of its ' inhabitants and of the peace and
good order, and the benefit and trade and other matters related thereto,
WHEREAS, Section 130 of the Town Law requires a Public Bearing upon
all proposed ordinances upon due notice as provided for therein,
RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held upon the following proposed
sign ordinance to be held on the 30th day of September, 1975 at the
Town Hall of the Town of Queensbury, Bay and Haviland Roads, Glens j
Falls, New York at 7: 30 o'clock P.M. est, and that the Town Clerk
give notice of this hearing by publication of a notice thereof in the
official town newspapers, once at least ten days (10) prior to the
date specified for such hearing, specifying the time when and the
place where such hearing will be held, and in general describing the
Proposed Ordinance to be enadted by the Town Board of the Town of Oueens-
bury, briefly described as Sign Ordinance of the Town of Queensbury,
a copy of which is hereto annexed and made part hereof and designated
as Schedule A.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter
Noes: None
Absent: None
NOTE: Schedule A will be found on pages 70 to 70 Q.
T,ESOLUTION NO. 137., Introduced by 2r. Hammond Robertson who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Gordon Streeter : 1,
RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to Thomas Flaherty to
attend the ATR%TA Convention to be held at Kutsher' s Resort, Catskill,
N.Y, on September 22, 23, and 24th, 1975 and that the actual and?
necessary expenses incurred in such attendance is a proper town charge.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter
Noes : None
Absent: done
RESOLUTION N0, 188, Introduced by Mr. Gordon Stteeter who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson:
RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to Carl Carb to attend
the Highway Supt. Conference to be held at Kiamesha Lake, New Fork
on September 17, 18 and 19th, 1975 and that the actual and necessary
expenses incurred in such attendance is a proper town charge.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Robill:ard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter
Noes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber
Absent : None
RESOLUTION 'rdO. 139 Introduced by Mr. Gordon Streeter who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber:
IgHEREAS annually in September of each year the Town Board of each town
tO shall appoint a resident or residents or designate the Police Department
to prepare a list of persons in such town owning; or harboring; dogs,
therefore be it
RESOLVED, that James Davison be and he hereby is appointed Dog Enumerator
under the provisions of Section 108 of the Agriculture and Markets Law
for the year 1975.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson Mr. Streeter
Noes: None
Absent: None
Councilmen Olson and Barber-commended the Dog garden of the Town for his
work. . .
- Ltr. re: replies to Cable T.V. Francise-the cut off' date will now be
September 13, 1975 and time for _filing replies to the initial comments
October 9 , 1975. . .
_ August 25 , 1975
Dear Mr. Streeter:
Thank you for your letter of August 7th concerning revenue sharing.
Congressman Fountain introduced an administration backed bill, N.R. 6558,
to extend the revise the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972.
This bill was referred to the Government Operations Committee' s Subcommittee
on Intergovernmental Relations and is pending action.
Nearly ten years of debate preceded enactment of the State and Local Fiscal
Assistance Act which authorized the Federal Government to share a protion of
its revenues derived from personal income taxes with State and Local Govern-
ments. Relatively few Federal controls governed how receipients of these
funds were to spend their allotments.
Policy questions that have arisen relating to new legislation are:
(1) Does Federal revenue sharing represent the best menAs of assisting
State and Local Governments or are there better alternatives?
(2) Are general revenue sharing funds being used wisely and for the most
essential needs of our citizens?
(3) Should this legislation be extended beyond its termination date?
(4) If general revenue sharing is to continue beyond 1976, should it
be funded at the same level of $6 billion annually?
(5) Should this program continue to be funded by permanent appropriations,
or should it be financed by regular annual appropriations which would sub-
ject it to yearly review and action by the Appropriations Committees?
(6) Whether the formulas governing distribution of these funds make the
most equitable allocation of Federal revenues in areas where there is the
greatest need.
These are all questions that have to be considered very carefully before
enanting new legislation. I certainly will consider your views and can
appreciate your interest in this program' s continuance .
Edward W. Pattison
Mr. Gordnn S . Streeter, Supervisor
Town of Queensbury
Bay at Haviland Road, P.D. One
Glens Falls, New York 12801
Mr. Goronn S. Streeter August 29, 1975
Tsgn of Queensbury
Oueensbury,Town Office Building
Bay at Haviland Road, R.D. 1
Glens Falls , New York 12801
Dear Mr. Streeter:
Thank you for your letter regarding the renewal of the federal
general revenue sharing program.
I fully recognize that funds received by towns and villages have
provided an important source of revenue, On the other hand, it is
important to understand that the current revenue sharing program is
costing New York State taxpayers approximately half a billion dollars
more in federal taxes than is returned to New York State in the form
of revenue sharing funds.
I am studying the whole general revenue sharing program and will 11
carefully reveiw its performance when it comes before the Congress for
possible renewal. I am grateful to you for providing me with your views
on this subject.
James L. Buckley
-Ltr. Loren Rhodes-Queensbury School request to have traffic cnntrol
in certain areas. . . turned over to the Police Committee and Police Chief. . .
-Notice A.P.A. re: application of Harry Pulver for a single family dwelling-
-Notice A.P .A. approval of permit for Harold Holliday. . .
-Adirondack Park Local Government Review Board will have series of
"Speak Outs" -Saratoga Co. Oct. 6 and Warren Co. Monday Sept. 29th at
the Municipal Center. . .
-ltr. Dept. of Transportation-notified the town of proposed changes
at grade cross-ing at Lake George branch tract and Bay Road. . . as per
automatic signals. . .
-The Town has received the Digest of 1975 Laws affecting Local Govern- _l
ment. . .
-The Town has received approval of our Flood Insurance Program by HUD
effective 9-8-75. . .
-Mr. Krebs of Imperial Furniture Store has presented the Town Board with
an application to rezone a parcel of property from M-1 to C-3 in the Town
of Queensbury-Turned over the the Town Planning Board and County Planning
Board for review. . .
-Raymond Buckley is representing the Town of Queensbury at a meeting
of the Greater G.F. Transportation Committee at City Hall 9-9-75 . . .
-Arnold Dansky will hold a Hunter' s Safety Course September 22, 1975
at 6: 30 P .M. Queensbury High School. . .
-Queensbury Bi-Centennial Meeting 9-11-75 at 7: 30 P .M. Queensbury
Town Office Building. . .
-Planning Board Special Meeting on September 16, 1975 re: Zoning Map—
Proposed. . .
Councilman Robilard-The Town received a petition from approximately
21 residents of Fifth Street Extension requesting the paving of their
Street. . .
Mrs. Lois Denton of Fifth Street Extension- informed the Board
of the condition of her street and requested that something be done. . .
Councilman Barber- We will look into this . . .
Kathy Sullivan and Unknown from French Mt. Drive questioned the Board
as to the status of French Mt. Drive. . .
N Town Counsel-That Road will be ready for the Board by the nbxt regular
meeting. . .
Ray Wolfe-question the board as to the charge for water when a person
owns a pool. . .noting that he felt that it was a double charge -being
charged for a hose and a pool. . .
Hammond Robertson noted that the only fair way is to have a meter-what is
used is what is paid for—Meters will be installed as soon as it is
feasible. . .
Mr. Frey of 25 Buena Vista-noted that he had a drainage problem in front
of his house-
Councilman Barber- I will look into this. . .
Mrs. Frey of Bronk drive-noted a flooding problem on her street and
also asked if the Town Board could look into the problem of her driveway
as it intersects with the Town RHadwAY. . .
Councilman Barber- This will be looked into . . .
- The Police Report for July and August was placed on file . . .
- Highway Report July 1975 on file
-Dog Warden' s Report for August 1975 on file
-Building & Zoning Report on file. . .
-Town Clerk' s Report for August on file. . .
-Supervisor' s Budget Control-presented. . .
RESOLUTION d0. 190, Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoption
seconded by Mr. Daniel 0lson:
RESOLVED, that the Audit of Bills as listed in Abstract No. 75-9 numbered
1186 through 1291 be accepted with the exception -of •Audit number 1235A
and 1257 and totaling $38, 815 .25 be approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter
Noes: None
Absent: None
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Donald A. Chase , Town Clerk
August 18, 1975
ry 0ile of Kontn�ts --------------------------------------- 2
Porpose and intont -------------------------------------- 3
DoUnItions --------------;----------------- -------------
SQns Allowed Without Permit-RequireAents ---------------
Tepwarary UYA5 ------- ---------------------------- ------ 9
(4ners! Ugulations ------------------- ------------------
for �,Aljch Permits Shall be Required --------------- 12 , i
inig Signs ----- - --------------- -- -------------
- -------------------------- -- -- ----------- ------
peraltie4 ----- ----- - ---------- -------- -- - - -- - ---------- -
- --- --- ----- 2 ,
Effectioe Date
3 ,
The purpose oJL' this ordinance is to pro'iiote and protect the public
health, welfare an-d safety by regulating existing and proposed
,q.dv(:,.-rti;3ing, outdoor advertising signs and outdoor signs of Al
7-pes, It is intended to protect property values, create a more
atti..active economic and business climate, enhance and protect the
p3l�qsical appearance of the community, preserve the scenic a-nd natural
beauty of designated areas irmd provide a more enjoyable and p,31easing
Comsat i t Y.
Adve::tisinq Sign - A sign relating to a product, service, act_,vity,
business, or establishment that is not on the premises on whic.h 'cat:?
sign is locatO..
2. Build in Inspector - The Building Inspector of the Town of Qua ! '_nsburV
or his duly authorized assistant(s) .
3. Double-Faced 1:jn -- A sign designed to be viewed from two (24) directions
and which at no point is thicker than twenty-four (24) inches
measured from the exterior surface of each face, and the two ( 2) 'Jaces
of the sign are either parallel or the angle between them is thirt-,!
(30) degrees or less.
4. erect - To build, construct, alter, display, relocate, attach.. hang,
place, suspend, affix or maintain any sign, and shall also `,nclude
the painting of signs on exterior walls.
5. Flashin , Sign - An illuminated sign in which the artificial liQhtino
is not maintained in a stationary or constant Intensity.
6. Free-Standir._q Sian - A sign not attached to any building, pe�,nznerltly
affixed by any means, in or upon the ground,
7. Fzont or Face The outer surface of a building, which is visible from
any private or public street or highway.
B. Illuminated Sign - Any sign Muminated by electricity, gas 07, any
other artificial lighting.
9. Li Sjh
tlnR_jjqvic2 - Any light, string of lights, Or group of ghts
located or arranged so as to cast illumination on a sign .
jo,, LijiqE ;olleactor Street - State and County highways.
1.1 . ;'Aarquee or Can,3py - These shall be considered roof structures ,
12. Person - P-.ny person, firm, partnership, association,
companv, Institution or ore anlzaLion of any kind .
-c o b e mo-4 a b I e z,no',"
pox t,,3�)Je, Sjori - A sign that is designed
-'.t sex r.";ed to the grourild , a
5 ?o 0,
y a v�,a 11 or 'root' of Ci bkAldinc ign
1,, struct-lure or s'
I jr,t-,_1 ri� anc/lllor prof ec t s tiorl zon t al 1y beyorid the eaves of a bul Iding
Plop rt tine
qL_y,--! --
a. Front Proverty Line - The line separating the property from the
boundary of the highway or right-of way upon which the property
b� Front Provertv Line of Corner Lot - The line facing the wider of 'J' c-
two streets abutting the lot, unless they are equal. 1n which cave: ,*
the front property line may be established on either street,.
c. Rear Property Line - The property line opposite and most distant,
from the front property line.
d� Side Property Line - Any property line other than a front or
property line.
Roof' Sion - A sign erected upon a roof or pay,apet of a building or
structure and extending above any roof ridge line or pAv,apet lyre_.
Center he
Sho Ding, Three (3) or more busfne!,,5,�,s rond-.�ctecl
zone lot.
--ription, d' splay,
_qa - A s i qr% a name, identification , des�.
merit.,, declaration, device, demonstration , or Ulustration whiOl 1%
affixeA to, or painted, or represpnt�d ly Or i-ndi-rertly k:pe,ao
building, structure, or parcel of proj:)P.:-,-ty and wH..ok -,.Ilrects
to an object ,, prodvCt , p1aco, �activlty, ne-rsov ,, tution ,
tion or, business.
Siqri Structure - The supports. uprights, bracing and frameworl, fe.� • t�.-,e
sign. In tho case of a strijt ture consist Ang of two 1, 2) or ;lor-e
sides, where the angle formed between any of the sides, or ti-lp
jections Oiereof ,, exceeds t,rkirtv ' 10 '. $010,-
ronsidereo a
POrimeter enclosing all elements of the sir:'7n h
part- of the display. The structure
4'J t
included unless the structure is designed in Y
bac=kground for the dis.).:?2Ay. Only one faces or a
s e 4
"iall b Ancluded as su--i�face or area of such a
"U. S+reet - A public way which :affords the principa:L
a'-)uttinq property, including avenue, place, Way, d:".Ve' I
bot,,,Ievard, highway, road and any other tlho--ouqhar's exct?p"'-'
22. Wall Sign - Any sign attached to, painted upon, o-r -:,q-,,ALnFt U
wall, roof or marquee of a building or
approximately parallel to the plane of
23. Window Sion - A sign maintained in or painted of
is -inside a structure, not in or on a windcw,
T.78-rking lot or roadway.
on The zones created by the Town of
sigas are pars ttad without a permit, providing sucli s-Igas
r Js Ordinance:
.,T.c,,)Iy w4th tLe Gene .al. Bf--gulations; of thk.
Signs posted by go-,,rern-,.iiental agencies or required by goverwm i a lau
ordf:,r or
incidental to the legal process .
uj .,,told c..J tablets , memorial plaques or emblems installed by goverame-i't"
agencieg, religious or recognized non-profit organizations , not tQ ex-
ceed s`%_x sq,.�are feet.
if, Trans--portation signs , includil,%g 'bus stops , etc. , not to exceed .2- sq, ft:
5, Ila-s or emblems of religious, educat-ional, governmental
or individuals shall be permitted and shall be flown from supports of
the buildings or grounds being occupied by the organization or
6 s 1-go peration or produ c t 1.
, ,s necessary for the identification . o
Public ul-'I_Uty_
7 , On—Dremises directional signts for the convenience of the gene.-:r..t,
ideritifying public parking, areas, loading., zones , eatrances 'and. ex".tf-_; end
similar Si&P.S , int-ernally illiuninated or non-illuminating, r�-,)t
Z; gq > ft, per face. Business names or personal names shall be
rjot,- to ir,,clude advertising r:> .1 " A.
messages , A 6 ft, mixxinruni height 3"la'A
a owe
8" private Oxive, posting anel no a'-respass'.'Lng signs, not"
q in surface area,
i7gri,s whex_th are &-i integ 0 1 JL C e
ral part of vending machines , suel _s gan�w
Pump s ma'.Iliaes, ?dot �w '-:Xc- e d 2 g q ft..
J i A S i, f- -,,,-Jvertishn& the sale, lease or rental of the premises upon which
the sigr_ is located, to be non-illuminating-,
as 1, zones one sign per owner and one sign per broker, each sign not
Lo cxcpaed 6 sq. ft,
b� C' or M zones - one sign, not to exceed 32 sq. ft. Setbacks from all
property lines shall be a minimum of 15 ft.
Sianti; shall be removed by 3 days after the sale, lease or rental of the
ll� Project signs , non-illuminating, denoting the developer, architect,
engirtefir, sub-contractors or contractor on the premises where ccnstruction
repair, or renovation is in progress. Each project shall be permitted
I sign, not to exceed 32 sq ti ft. surface area, to be removed upon
cf project,, Setbacks from all property lines shall be- a
Tu, -ainijn of 15 ft ,
12- One 0.". doublefaced sign for professional offices and permitted home
occniva-_-'�`.ons, not to exceed 2 sq. ft, a-urface area per face, stdi.-ing
name and Vocation only.'
13� -Nam(,_, raid number plates, identifying -residents, M-ounted on house, apa-.-I'.'-.-
men o-r vwil box, not to exceed I sq, f t t
1.4 , Lawn s--gas identifying residents, not to exceed 1 sq. ft- SU)7-F_ait9F; are-_a,
or 2 sq, I't, if double faced, Signs are- to be. non-illuminated exctejpt bb'Jr
a which is mi integral part of a lamp post if used as a i;upport,
wi,,,.-h no advertis-IlIg ruessage thereon.
1.5, Private-o-,,_mer merchandise sale signs for garage sales and auc{Aons , tL)
exe -Li 4 sq ft., for a period not to n.�Tceedl 1 days:.
All signs of a temporary nature, such as political posters, banners, pro—
motiona-1 devices and other signs of a similar nature may be granted a
te-zmporary permit for a peri-od not to exceed 30 days, provided that �Ich
,3igns are rot attached to fences , trees utility poles , rocks or other
_u,-Ji parts of the natural landscape, and further provided that such signs
are not placed in. a position that will obstruct or impair vision or tra.-.PlFic
or in ;my rianner create a hazard or disturbance to the health and welfare
of the general public. A fee of $25.00 shall be paid upon the issuaance of
* permit fcr such sign or group of identical signs, and a cash deposit for
* like amoiLint shall be deposited with the building inspector to insure re-
moval of such sign or signs at the expiration of the permit. If the nrwnber
of signs exceed ten (10) , the cash deposit shall be $100.00. The bvlilding
inspector, after 7 days written notice to the permit holder to remove such
sign or signs , and after the failure of the permit holder to do so, shall
cause said sign or signs to be removed, and the cash deposit s! .M be for-
feited to kelp defray the cost of removal,. The above fee shall not aPP]LY
to non-profit or charitable organizatl.ons; the above deposit shall apply -to
r,on-profit or charitable organizations ,
Shall zapp Y to all :tip&-rv_; '-
tlzat is located an a property where the goo(Is or
MIFt7lt`Lanej on the i-,igr, are not available are not permitted,,
Al L r�a t 10 n : A11 illixcni--Aated signs shall, ey'piploy only lights emixtingy
a of o-ai- tant intensity and no sign shall be illuminated b� -con-
intennittent sequences or moving lights.. No bare lampi or
b 1 8 orb ;iz, slign or string be allowed, Tha provision of this
'ir .1 1 ,(
-t te aPPIied so as to prohibit a sJI-ga changing to show time- or
89 r
No sign shall use reflective ma,:erial which sparks , g-,L
h'"3zalA :!'I. Zis'aac'E� : AO si,-,-n or illumination '-herefrom shall be 9!o
to tra"Tc or tl>e public ge er Ily, or a nuisai-.icz.-, o
-%-,E resJdek',-.s or occupants of any other building or
0100yai I-e ",) - -
Lrq S19TI project into any public right"-of-way,
red, yellow or grear not be placed with-'v, 100
o- traffic control %'aig-nals,
-n E ac'vertising matter of an indecent or obscene nature shall II)e
or :
proh'41:0 ted,
"o Agin sFall be permitted anywhere or at any time which, by varyli,!g t- e
size of print , by wording, by coloration or by arty other device gives a
normal vie-w--er � false or deceptive impression of the specific purpol9e 0_1
the sign,,
'Drding sm-eh as stop, look, danger or words of a similar natu7t,,�'
�7hich to confuse, mislead or resemble any governmental or duly
sign, shall be prohibited,,
sigri shall be erected or maintained From the face f a
a of iv;ra thwi 4 ft>
run, zPA"war ciJeuleor Whic-h uses a series of 2 or signs placed.
oz- carrying a sl_ngle adv-ex-r iii ng messave, part o
slgn, shall be prohibited-
arpoi parts thereof s" all be stationary atid shall not be
to simulate movement, Flags, banners , pinwheels , posters , balloons ,
streamers , searchlights or ether similar fluttering, moving, or revol-N.,in&
devices for the purpose of advertising or at:tr ---.,ftting attention be
prohibited, except as may be permitted under Temporary Signs.
No permanent sign erected or maintained in the window of a In d
build-1.11F aria
visible from any public or private street or highway shall occupy more
than 25% of the area of said window.
`2z Only I sign designating credit cards acceptable at any one premise may be
displayed. Said sign shall be no more than 6 sq. ft. in area. Seid
area shall not be computed as part of allowable free-standing
sign footage .
k. Vehicles parked on the street or in locations on private property which
have attached t'hereto or suspended therefrom any advertising sign shall
not be allowed. This section shall not apply to permanent busines3
identification on vehicles.
14. Signs which project above any roof ridge line or parapet line shall not be
15 . The text on each sign shall be limited to the following:
a, The name or assumed name of the owner of the property on which
it is located.
b. Principal business or businesses conducted on the property.
c. Brief indication of the products or services available .
d. (No) Vacancy.
16. A wall sign shall not project more than 15 inches from the face of the
building wall nor extend beyond the outer edges of the wall to which
it is attached.
t,'eneral - No sign or other device for advertising purpose shall be erected
stablished, constructed, reconstructed, enlarged, extended, moved or structural.l
Itered after the effective date of this Ordinance without application 'i'r and
issuance of a perrai.t, except as provided for by this Ordinance,
Size Placement and Number.- Height, & Off-Promises DirectissnsL3 iitr'
U%mitations of Permitted Sims -
Vii,, Setback:
l., Free standing signs - The setback for free standing signs shall be
25 ft from any property 10ke,
D. Size:
to Free standing signs - The surface area of 1 side shall not exceed
50 sq. ft.
2. Signs attached to buildings (wall signs) - The surface area of signs
attached to any building shall not exceed 20% of the area of the wall
to which such sign is attached, or 100 sq. ft. , whichever is less.
3. Where the building in which the principal business of the applicant ie
a distance of 100 ft. or more from the front property line, an oversize
wall sign shall be permitted, with application for and issuance of a
permit, provided:
a. An oversize wall sign which faces an R zone or water frontage
shall not be permitted.
b� Where the building is 100 ftm or more from the front property
line, 1 oversize wall sign shall be permitted, not to exceed
20% wall surface, in accordance with the following table,
whichever is less:
Ft. from !Eoperty Line Maximum g. Ft:, of Wall. Sig
100 ft 110 sq. ft.
150 to 120 of at
200 of 130 it it
250 it 140 it es
300 of or more 150 r' Qg
":r w th a �-Voui) of storeE or sale!a
building ii oball rot be eligible for this pexTal t,
and Nur?ber '
ie standing signs shall be allowed in C and M zones only, except as
provided f,,.)r in this Ordinance.
Signs attached to buildings shall be allowed in C and M zones only,
e!,-,cept as provided for in this Ordinance.
is A business located on a parcel of property shall be granted a peg mk,'-- ;ft-r
2 signs : I free standing, do-Lt le-faced sign and 1 sign attached to a
building (wall sign) , or 2 signs attached to a building.
Shopping Center - I free standing sign, denoting the name of the shop -
pini, center, shall be permitted for each entrance fronting a -,11- ffercan-
A�,treet or highway, Each occupant of the shopping center sha"I *-_o
De,rai—:ed I wall sip
,n on the occupant's building. Wall sign.i em,.Ji
Qc(nnrai)t of a shopping center shall be coordinated as to mate ,.,ia",
shape, lettering, color and/or decorative elements,
J , Hotel,v? motels , golf clubs, ski areas, boat storage, amusawe-,off
and other substantial facilities in all zones shall be perw.i,'Iti, d 2
a faces of 50 cq�' ft. maximum ea:cho
6. Reads U., stands in all zones shall be permitted 2 signs : I
idenftfteatior. and I for current products for sale, each siga gnc-'t
tl:o excaed 24 sq, ft,
Apart.=,.ae-nt corq)lexes in all zones shall be permitted I sign for eaclh
,i on a different street or highway, each sign not to
50 sq -. ft. Apartment complexes shall also be permitted I sign , to
L,v-Aule charsgeji Ie text, not to exceed 6 sq� ft,
,h t z
I ., N"o ft st=,.ding sign shall exceed a height grsater theta the
a, R zones - 12 ft,-
b,, C and M zones - 20 ft
shall be measured fr(_.-P grade level., ;)r
I'n,�, .:)Y- structure, C,3-lchever is lower,
irf.clude si;pportiag structures..
J.,Z) L
"<J_-I to CIE;e of the general ptiblic and for the pl,�.�',,'O,,Fe_
F.7' 1-11
t:r zi Kis to business , activity-, service or coimu7mi'L;-y
'ar be arsicteed in any district, providing such sign dons
u It: Pit e, L01 S:� ft- orea per establishm.bit, not to exceed 100
o% r- ,in,, one loca"t.ion.
xt s aa'*'�
I ted to name or identification; arrow or
Te . I
d;io t":wi c e Advertising messages shall be prohibited,
P mits f,>r such sig-ns shall be subject to the approval of the
T os i-.Tn PJ weaning Board,
Si:�r_h si�,,ns shall be limited to major collector streets,
TtOr-cOnfOrming sign 1.6 a sign which is in conflict with the provi,-,-',, as
!�:his Ordinance. Such sign or signs in existance at the effective
,jate of this Ordinance shall be brought into conformity in all respects
t7i�:h the provisions of this Ordinance, or shall be removed, within 5
Years of said effective date.
Application for the permit shall be made in writin.-,
foxr,-�-- prescii.-bed and provided by the Building
--I d,t Z-p c a t,e, U C)'. J-
c,,o the Buildijag Inspector, and shall contain the following inform atioll:
Na-.-!, eddress , Fa-id telephone number of applicant and owner of
Loc-ation of building, strue—ure or land to which or upon whicl,
sigm, is to be erected,
A de!t iiled drxqiny
, or plan, to scale, sho,,Ang the area (size' end
the lettering and/or pictorial matter covViesing the sign; a
description of the construction details o the sign; method of
if any; the location of the sign on any building,
struo-.ure or land, and it's position in r,alation to nearby bu-J-3-1 di.a g s
structures , lot: boundaries and any private or public streets 01'
high,x?ays ; zxid n.iy other irformation teemed necessary by the
BuL.d,--rig Irspector.
41 Wril:ten consent of the owner of the building, structure or lar to
whii*t or- or;. which i-he sign is to be erected, in the event the sq--Plican-
is no-- the ovaer thereof.
5 A cha-ige of copy requires a permit.
Fees - A .Fee st.all I)e p-jid to the Buildir.- Tnspector for each siY 1 perlmit
issued as forth in the following sched-ule: Fee schedule (see 2
,elow) work for which a permit 4s required by this ordinan,.!e is
stared o--c 1p�-occ:edetd with, prior to obtaining a permit therefore,. the feea
spe--if ied :1-a thp fea Alchedule shall be doubled, but the payment of: Such
do-able fei�o :,+utll ri;n relieve any persons frem fully complying w-itl) I:Iin
requ,Are'rz-?i A'—, o:` this arCIU.nance in the ex •autAron of t-he work nor
p RnalttrP, -.)rnsca.i'fie d in this ordi-nmce
I. TeTrf,3orar- sign. or f1;roup o'C g-r' identical si .s - $25, 00 fee and 0,C
"S ,
derjosit, aiIWOO deposit for signs or more.,
2 All others - $10. 00 fee,
'20 P.
0�7 P"ni-mit - It shall be, the duty of the Building Inspector, upc,-.�;,
tl.-ia of f an application for a permit to erect a sign, to exami-ne such
A n- - - I -
, -, Bpecificad-ans and other data submitted to him with the applic.,itiorks
Y I- -
a,nd, -!,.f i. ecassa-.: , the building or premises upon which it is prop,7��- d to
ercAo': the sign or other advertising structure. If it shall appear '.-hat the
proposed sigm t; in compliance with all the requirements of this Ordinarce
,mld other laws ,-iad ordinances of the Town of Queensbury and that the
re,zessary fee has been paid, the Building Inspector shall, within 7 days ,
is;iue a pernai'-- for the erection of the proposed sign. If the sign,
;aw--horized' un-der such permit has not been completed within six
from the (late of the issuance of such permit, the permit shall becraxe null
and void, but way be renewed once, within 30 days from the expiration thereof
for good cause Shown for an additional 6 months, upon payment of a7,-.i
additional fee oaf $5 A0
P,Z 3J., P U Toun-t s1i;'01 rimet the following requirements :
Rl "Zls IU eitalled in the To,m shall have attached to them a. naive
jivJ & the sign permit number and the name and address of
'-he person or corporation responsible for the general
s:-meats a- d maintenance as outlined in the Ordinance,
Such signs shall be constructed in
3 it' Illuminated Signs
' th the "Standards for Electric Signs (U.L. 48' of
Laboratories, Inc , " and bear the label of the Undex-
viriters 'Laboratories, Inc.
Wind Tlre!3stra Requi-remenn - ,ill free standing signs shall 1.4e
atv- <'�,'.,nstrvcted to wivhst&,td a wind pressure of not less thar
3;` Pc—irds per square foot of area.
Ge-P.F.,rall. i•'.'airiteaance - 11-Le Building Inspector shall require p-.-Cl er
,;:tai-rv,--erancs of all signs and shall inspect ev'ev-, sign within c�ays
aftez it is erected, All signs, together with all of their
braces, , guys and anchors shall bed kept in repair, in safe
"I in a proper state of preservtion,
lj-1.UTI Irnatkd signs shall be inspected and certified by the i'ew
Yr:xrt--. of Fire Undeywriters,
-2 0
f O- Fai i�o App J-7"-',r Si* --n Pe-4:rai - Any -p-a'rson yiho
"0 e-t"ec"c' r;a-C, catistruct struc-1. urally alter any sign-,
fcr aadl ob-1-,F4J-u:bag the necessa-ey perrtift, shall be
in vicllatiD-a of Z.-his ordinance and shall be liable for a fine of 7aoN
or more than $100.00 for each offense. Each day that
-q'-1Aj1at:ion. is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offal. .3,i:-t .
Fanalv,)r for Failtrce to %COmT,31y with Ordinance - In ease of a viola I.-SI-Xi
c thiz--, ordinanec, , the Town and its officers may, in addition to any
remedies coi-iferlred by law or arditnance, institute any appropriate
proceedings to preve-at unlwoful erection, construction, re cons tructio-.a,
or alter4-Xion ol any sign.
for 1`�ailure to Maintain - 'The Building Inspector may order tht�'
re-mov;,,1 of any si6m that is not maintained in accorda-ace with the Ord in--- 3.$'" .
Removal" of Ce-'-tain Si&q,.s Any sign now or hereafter existing which no
longer advertises a bona fide business conducted, or product sold, ahal%l bwa-
taken do,m and removed by the owner, agent or person having beneficia-3.
use of such building, structure or lot upon which such sign is located,
within a period of thirty (30) days after written notification from the
Building Inspector, after which period the Building Inspector is hereby
authorized to cause removal of such sign, and any expenses incidental
thereto shall be chargable to the owner of the building, structure or lot
upon which the sign is located.
5 . Unsafe and Unlawful Signs - If the Building Inspector shall find that
any sign or other advertisihg structure regulated herein is unsafe,
insecure, or is a menace to the px;alic, or has been constructed or
erected or is being maintained in violation of t1he provisions of t1-As or
any other ordinance, law or statute, he shall give written notice to the
a-mer of the sign and/orproperty thereof. If the owner fails to alter
the structure so as to comply with such ordinances, law or statute, and/or
remove such sign or structure, whichever is applic4ble, within th4ty (30)
�a S
days after such notice, the Building Inspector shall be authorized to
cause removal of such sign and any expenses incidental thereto stall
be chargab le to the owner of such sign and/or premises upon which the
sign is located.
ary SeVinn, oubsection, sentence, w1ause, phrase or other novsjoo 0,-
this ardiiance is , for any reason, hold invalid or unconstity0j;unk K-
Sn' Laurt j-,=is diction, such portion shall be deems !
Warats, diat%at and independent provision, and such holding shall r- :,
affect tie validity of the remaining portions hereof.
20 U .
x �
IbIG Ordinance snail take effect 10 days after publication in the
official newspaper of the Town of Queensbury.