08-05-1996 QUEENSBURY CEMETERY COMMISSION AUGUST 5, 1996 PRESENT: Rodney Mosher, Superintendent Commissioners : Sylvia Dougher, Bob Edwards, Terry Higgins Comptroller: Bill Burns The July meeting was canceled. Regan & Denny inquired if we would remove the temporary markers after one year. We will not remove them unless requested by the family. The new blinds and carpet are installed at the office. The Commission has agreed to purchase a 30 ' flag pole for $846 plus $100 shipping for a total of $946 . 00. The cost will be covered through the Boychuk Fund and Mr. Burns will advise us of the balance. Mr. Burns has promised to look into our telephone problems . Summer Help - The two students, Orban Harrington and Nate St. John have done an excellent job. Mr. St.John cleaned up the placques at Friends ' Cemetery very nicely. All the overgrown shrubs have been removed and replaced from the Reothke mausoleum. The honey locust trees have been trimmed. Rod is preparing the budget which is due August 19th . The cemetery is in need of a new truck and we would like to retain the old truck as well . The Vault was hit by a backhoe on August 7th. No one was hurt and the insurance company has been notified. Adirondack Construction will shore up the Vault and Pinchook & Buckley will also come and look at it. A statue of the Virgin Mary is missing from the Cardell lot. We are going to get a water line from Sweet Road which runs down our right-of-way. Rod contacted the surveyor and the Water Department. Money has been set aside for the running of the water line from Sweet Road to the back of the Cemetery. Toni Higgins and Mary Alice Klickner will be invited to attend our next meeting regarding repairs to the cemetery located at the Harrisena Church. Page 2 . Queensbury Cemetery Commission August 7, 1996 June 1996 Cemetery: Crematorium: Interments $2, 560 Cremations $5, 830 Lots 1, 750 Containers 175 Foundations 941 Miscellaneous 115 Miscellaneous 25 Totals: $5,276 $6, 120 July 1996 Cemetery: Crematorium: Interments $2 , 675 Cremations $8, 885 Lots 8, 400 Containers 550 Foundations 983 Miscellaneous 45 Miscellaneous 25 Totals: $12,083 $9,480 Theresa Higgins Secretary