Bhatti Stormwater Plan a Den,M5 L DckIn50n, 05�P (TEL,) 5 A - bAG7G Gavin T; Dickin,5on ICKI TAX) 5 W 8' - 5-4974 . 0I"US' Vropjcois '. tract P.O. Dox 365 Lake, G-,grge. New York. 12545 p" y . Storm at r ReporiforKing Hendrick Mate Town of Queensbury, Warren County, 'e ork 1 May 1 ,.evisi,onns: e 'I"he following rill serve as a Stormwater Management emer t and Pollution Prevention Plan. Iw IW ..: ProLect, Overvie This project site contains 3,95 ar sof partially developed land in the:Tom f' Queensbury. The site presently has ( ') single bedroom seasonal cabins, bedreomnn seasonal cabins, 1) 3 u,uunit motel, 1),office with managers quarters and (1) ,8 unit apartment building. The ;site also has paved and gravel parking areas to support the existing structures. A total, existing,irpervio s. area is 36,906 F with a proposed impervious area of 47, SR The devel praent area is characterized as having; moderate to shallow shapes, with deep well drained soils. Existing soil type is characterized as Bice fine sandy learn. These are characteri icd as well.drained with deep seasonal high ground wvater. This st rutin ratear report will analyze the catchment areas affected by the proposed new impervious areas only. This stormwater plan models the proposed dcvelopmImt site conditions fear ai 101 and 100 year storm exeunt, as required by New Y rlr 'Stateepar .ernt of Environmental Conservation re, uulatie s shown, in this report and supplemental calculations, the 10 & 10 year storm runoff velocities will be re-, uuced for post development nt connditio ns. Pre and Post development conditions have been modeled using Hydro CAD 1 O.0 Software. Pre Catchmrnernt Areas.A-C Areas -Ccontain 63,940: F of developed and uun velop d land. Pest Catchment Areas A I-C 1 also zontain 63,940;1; SF of developed and undeveloped land. A grass swvale and(2), infiltration basins have beemm'paropesed to met p or exceed predevcicpmernt conditions. A summavy,of the findings are as follows: ;re development 1 year Storm Event Peak Runoff= 1.18 of Post development 10 Year,Storm Event Peale Runoff=0.09 efs Pre develanpmemnt 100 year Storm Event Peak Runoff .90 el"s Post development 10,0 Year iormrn Event Peak Runoff 0,38 efs . Overview property development m lead to problems including flooding and erosion. Increases to impervious areas, such as roads, drives, parking and structures, and changing of land cover types from forest/forest duffto grassed la ms can result in less, infiltration, a decrease in the time of concentration of a storm and increase in the volume:and rate of runoff. With these increases come additional pollutants,and pollutant loadings, such as, sedirnent, nutrients and increased temperature, all, of which can impact the subject property and downstream water bodies., This stormwater management plan will analyze the runoff frorrn high intensity storms, up to a 100 year frequency. Control'fing runoff will be accomplished with properly designed and constructedt�o srmwa�ter facilities. This store; water management plan was, generated based on tine following: Modefing,of the, building site with pre and post development conditions, i.e. slope, soils type, areas,,, ground coverdrainage, patterns Determining of the affects of the proposed development on the mudels, Calculations were.made to detemiine peak flow rates,and,times of concentration based,upon, this,modefing, using Hydro,CAD v.10.0 l software. Design.of ponds, conveyances and outfl,ow,s are in accordance:with the "'New York State: Stor.mwAter Manag,ernent Design Manual", Temporary Erosion Cgntrpl Construction silt fencing,details have been included in the plan and details accompanying this, submission. Temporary erosion and sedime�nt control includes installation of silt fencing prior to any construction/clearing, on the downgrade from such activity' along coilltours, upgrade fto;m any environmentally sensitive areas, such as,, wetlands, and surrounding any soil stockpiles left overnight or longer, These barriers shall be left inplace and maintained until the disturbed areas, have been stabilized and ve:get,ation established. When 75% of final vegetation occurs,, silt fencin,g shall be removed,. All erosion devices and practices, shall comply with the New Yo�rk State: Guidelines for ' rban Erosion and Sediment contro'L Litter will be controlled using on site dumpsters, All storage of chemicals, must be in construction trailers. of See cores iruction sped ficafion,fiortypical erosio,n control devices alrached herewith. Er , ion Control Maintence Weekly inspections of all erosion control devices must be performed, as well as, inspections after storm events of 1/2" of rain or greater, Areas that have been re-vegetated must be maintained regularly. Gras,s areas and swales must be:mowed, on a regular basi,s, and watered, as needed. Silt fence maintenarice involves,the removal of sediment \)rhen 6 inches deep at the: base of the fence, the barrier is no longer erector,the toe tail is loose. Repair is necessary to maintain an, effective barrier. Temporar".V Stormwater.Manggemen Temporary storm water management will he accomplished with silt fences, as temporary surfacewater management,features, Silt fencing Fill be,utilized to control sedimentation, preventing and/or reducing silt loading in receiving ditches, and to prevent eroded soil transportation.. Lon Term 5tormwater Yana emeng Permanent stonnwater,management will be accomplished with the following features and capacities to accol=odate peak.flows from.a 100 year storm event(See drawings), Long terms stormwater management will be accomplished using (2) infiltration basins to collect and treat runoff generated by the proposed development. Both infiltration basi,ns will have an emergency outlet for overflow conditions, Lo,L?g Term Storrnwater Maintenance Long teim maintenance, after,completion ofcanstruction, should include the followffig * After a 24 hour rainfall event of 0.5 inches or raore or at a minimu m. of once per month, all erosion and sediment control devices,must be:visually inspected by the property owner and any necessary repairs,made immediately to maintain the efficient operation of same. * Inspect all vegetation for cover and, if necessary,, apply seed and mulch to, obtain and sustain dense, vigo,ro us vegetative growth. d n o Conq&vction Phar°L ' L Install Silt fence as, shown. 2. "ill. and ; r° d , as lnwun. 3. Excavate fir utilitiesand building, . Final grade,, gravel _ seed and,mulch. . Construct stonnwater controls, 6. Once site is stabilized,,remove temporary erosion controls. In surnmary, this proposed stormwater management storm will reduce the impacts the proposed d elo rnncrnt'by controlling and treating stormwat r, in accordance with the requirements of the stormw at r regulations cited within this report. Storn1water will not adversely affect adjacent downstream, properties. De:virn T. Dickinson o N a 4 x q 0