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TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE October 21, 1975 Town of Queensbury Supervisor ' Town Board Dear Sirs: In the process of issuing purchase orders and making deductions `from town accounts through-,: my office, I would like to bring to your attention that there are approximately seventeen accounts or more that have been overdrawn. The total figure, which is an approximate one for these accounts, is $48,000.00. In order for the town to be purchasing legally, each of these accounts should have its appropriations increased to cover the over- expenditure and-estimated expenditures for the rest of 1975. If this is done as soon as possible it will alleviate the necessity of making one large resolution before December 31, 1975 and will also put us back on the right foot in regard to purchasing legally. C11 Respectfully, -r, DAC:dmd Donald A. Chase CC: Town Supervisor Town Clerk Councilman Purchasing Agent Bookeeping Dept. Town Counsel On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 28, 1975 MEMBERS PRESENT: Gordon S. Streeter-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman Harold Robillard-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman Robert Barber-Councilman-Absent J. David Little-Town Counsel Salute to the Flag. . .Meeting opened 7 :31 P.M. GUESTS: Attorney McCann, Mayor Robert Cronin, Mrs. Cutter, Glen Gregory, Frank Bly, Lesr Baird, Geneva Elmore PRESS : Lee Coleman, Norman MJaatyeft TOWN OFFICIALS, Raymond Buckley, Carl Garb, George Liapes, Harold Boynton PUBLIC HEARING-Nancy L. Cutter of Big Boom Road to locate a mobile home on Howard Street property owned by Geneva K. & Ralph Elmore. . .Building and Zoning Office recommends - Mr. Garb and I visited the site on Sept- ember 15, 1975. It was established that this piece of property is on a Town Street, namely, Howard Street off Sherman Avenue. Hearing opened-7: 32 P.M. Notice Shown. . .Mrs. Cutter was present-no one spoke for or against this application. . . Councilman Robillard -will approve the application with the stipulation that before the mobi3t home is placed its outside will be refurbished before it is set on the lot. . . 96 RESOLUTION, TO AUTHORIZE PERMIT FOR MOBILE HOME RESOLUTION NO. 209, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved for its adoption, secon e by Mr. Gordon Streeter: WHEREAS, Nancy L. Cutter has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled; ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home at property situated on Howard Street, and WHEREAS, this town board has conducted a public hearing in connection with said application and has heard all persons desiring to be heard in fauor of or against said application, and ._J WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application and at said public hearing are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit requested by said application with the following situpulation-that the outside of the mobile home be refur bished before it is placed on the lot, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, permission is hereby given to Nancy L. Cutter to locate a mobile home at property situated at Howard Street, and that the Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and conditions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Noes : None Absent: Mr. Barber REOPEN PUBLIC HEARING ON THE CITY OF GLENS FALLS APPLICATION FOR A LANDFILL i Supervisor Streeter-the purpose of the adjoa+rnment was to allow the 3 city of glens Falls to provide the town with certain information that was requested. .. Mayor Cronin-requested that the City attorney speak for the City of Glens Falls. . . Attorney McCann-I have since the last heating presented to the Board I believe the answers to all the questions that were proposed at the last hearing. A week and a half ago I presented to the Beautification Committee the application concerning the questions asked from that committee one week ago . . I sent copies of that correspondence, tonight I have presented to you a seven page document that details the preparation, operation and finalization of the landfill project which we are proposing I believe you will find in those documents all the answers to the questions that you have raised and if got we will be happy to present further infor- mation. . . . Supervisor Streeter-noted that he did receive the information from the city. . .we have received more information tonight but in no war can we read and digest this at this time. .Asked Town Engineer to speak. . . Rsybibad Buckley, Town Engineer-At the close of the last public hearing the additional information that was requested was an Environmental Impact Statement to be filed with the Queensbury Environmental Manage:mftt Counsel, the beautification plan for the Sherman Avenue ; Gravel Pit and the proposed and existing landfills and the mining ____J permit application for the Sherman Avenue Gravel Pit this information was requested by the chairman of the Beautification Committee. The Town Board and myself asked for additional data regarding the landfill itself which was the life expectancy, the volume of the existing landfill and proposed landfill, information to show the direction of ground water flow, hydraulic radiant and depth of the ground water, procedures to follow to close out the existing landfill and a copy of the data required by the depart- ment of ENCON for a permit to operate the new landfill. As of last week we had received all of the data concerning the existing gravel pit on Sherman Ave. We have received data on the screening olf the gravel pit in the landfill area, we have received a statement on the procedures used in closing out the existing landfill , we have not received any information as required by EN CON for the new landfill. Rp Most of the information apparently is covered in tonights submittal. Looking at it briefly the only item still unclear,although there is a statement that there is a measurement to indicate that the ground water is three foot below surface, this seems to be in conflict with the map filed previously, it shows a pond on the site, it shows a large area labeled as swamp, it does not indicate any well drilling or test holes that would show where this measurement was taken. I think inoorder to reach any decision on whether how much of this property would be acceptable for landfill purposes, we do need more data on ground conditions, ground water and how much of it is• swampy. That is one item that is still missing in the report. There has been some questions raised about the.- of the pit on the Ricciardelli property. Based on the mapping submitted I find the volume of the pit to! be about 100 to 150 thousand cubic yards , depending on how much property is to be utilized which will be determined by finding out just what areas have to be rejuvenated bec-ause of high ground water. The volume of the existing landfill that is above the surrounding grade is approximately 400 thousand cubic yards. The approximate amount of material that would need to be removed .from the existing landfill to reduce the slopes to a one on three gradient as suggested by ENCON will between thirty and fifty cubic yards of material. This would indicate that the pit on the Ricciardelli property is large enough to contain the material that should be removed from the existing landfill and still have a volume` beyond that, but I do not believe it is large enough for five years of the output of the city at fifty tons per day. I think we need more data on how this additional u:) material will be handled, what area of the Ricciardelli property will be utilized. . . . .and the procedure to be used, which portion will be used first and what stage it will be at in another year. Mr. Robertson-My feelings are these, number one, I do not feel that the ground water level table will be within the guidelines of DEC and Number two, we need an agency to help us with our decision to find a solution that will last for ten, fifteen or twenty years and not for five years. I will move to deny this application. Mir. Robillard-I feel that a two to three year solution is not the solution. I am concerned about soil conditions .and the water table. I .am also concerned about the fact that it is stated that they have no intention at all of reducing the pile of debris, so we have another monument to West Glens Falls. _. Mr. Olson-I agree with the Councilmen but I also believe that we should get in touch with the city and county as soon as possible to start a program of solid waste disposal. Mayor Cronin-We worked together when Mk. Solomon was supervisor. We will work together on this. Mr. Streeter-It seems to be that the only decision to be made is a compactor- type common use landfill. Mr. Robillard-moved that the hearing be closed, seconded by Mr. Olson. Resolution No. 210 is not available at this time but will be forthcoming from Attorney J. David Little, Town Counsel and will be found on Page i/ q . Supervisor Streeter recessed the meeting at this point and repoened it at 8:08 P.M. . SUPERVISOR' S BUDGET MESSAGE 1976 Budget Highlights New Programs : 1. Senior Citizens Transportation Program $3,000.00 appropriation of which $1,500. 00 will be reimbursed by the Federal Government. 2. $5,000. 00 appropriation for a landfill study. 3. An additional attorney to handle Zoning, Planning etc. , will be added in order to reduce the work load and at no additional cost to the Town. 4. $5. 00 for Inspectors for Election Day. 5. $500.00 - (Celebrations) for repair 66rcemeteries. 6. Provisions $1,000.00 for the Queensbury Conservation Advisory Council. Additional ApproPtiations: 9 , 1. Highway improvement appropriations increased more than $20,000.00. 2. Appropriation of $25, 700.00 included to cover purchase of new highway equipment. 3. A $250. 00 cost of living bonus will be granted to all full-time permanent employees in order to recognize increases in the cost of living on an equitable basis . Despite the above increases in General Appropriations, the General Town Tax Rate will remain at $3.40/m. It is proposed to increase 2 policemen this year - this , with the additional purchase of 3 cars from the 1975 budget, will provide more vehicles and reduce need for 2 patrolmen in police cars during the day- ; time hours. E Special. Benefit Districts will show some increase in charges --1 due to debt-service, increase in power and operating costs that have escalated substantially this past year. Negotiations with the Q.P.A. have been going on for some time, and presently are at Impasses following Mediation. C. S.E.A. and Fire and Ambulance service financial requests are presently under consideration and will continue through the normal negotiation process. Any increase in financial benefits or aid to the above organizations, required by final agreement, will mandate the necessity for Town Tax Rate increases. (Copies of the Budget will be made available by October 31st.) RESOLUTION REGARDING PREPARATION AND APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY BUDGET RESOLUTION NO. 211, Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: RESOLVED, that this Town Board does hereby prepare and approve as the preliminary budget of this Town for the fiscal year beginning on the first day of January, 1976 the itemized statement of estimated revenues and expenditures hereto attached and made apart of this resolution, and be it further RESOLVED, that such preliminary budget shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk where it shall be available for inspection by any interested person at all reasonable hours and be it 'further RESOLVED, that this board shall meet at 7 :30 P.M. on the 6th day of November, 1975 at the Queensbury Town Office Buildting for the purpose of holding a public hearing upon such preliminary budget and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk give notice of such public hearing in the manner provided in Section 113 of the Town Law, and that such notice be published and posted in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF HEARING ON PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR TOWN OF QUEENSBURY FOR THE YEAR 1976 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the preliminary budget of the Town of Queens- bury, County of Warren, State of New York for the fiscal year beginning January 1 , 1976 has been completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town where it is available for inspection by any interested person at all reasonable hours. FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Town Board of said Town of Queens- bury will meet and review said preliminary budget and hold a public hearing there at 7 : 30 P.M. on the 6th day of November, 1975 and that at such hearing any person may be heard in favor of or against the preliminary budget as compiled, for av against any item or items therein contained. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 113 of the Town Law that the following are proposed yearly salaries of Town Officers of this Town: Supervisor: $ 8,250. 00 Councilman (4) 3,250.00 Town Clerk 10,460.00 Supt.of Highways $ 12 ,650.00 By order of the Town Board Donald A. Chase Town Clerk Date: October 28, 1975 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr...-0l-aoii ,Mr. Btobillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Noes: None . Absent: Mr. Barber (Budget to be found on page 102 .) RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT A DEED 7O-RA HIGHWAY RESOLUTION NO. 2120 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, seconded y Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, Demetrius N. Vamvalis has executed and offered a Deed for Town roadways, not less than fifty (50) feet in width, which is described in Schedule. "A" attached hereto and made part hereof, and uz WHEREAS, Carl A. Garb, Superintendent of Highways, has advised that he r-+ recommends to this Board that it accept this land for highway system, and C2 WHEREAS , the deed has been approved by J. David Little , Esq . , Counsel to the Board, Now therefore bei_tt RESOVLED, that the aforesaid be, and the same is hereby accepted and approved, and the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause said deed to be recorded in the Warren County Clerk' s Office, after which said deed shall b-e properly filed in the office of the Town Clerk, and be it further RESOLVED, that these new roads are hereby added to the official inventory of Town Highways, and described as follows : ROAD NO. : 353, 352, 351 Name: Laurel Lane, Marigold Drive and Bellews Circle Description: 353-Luzerne Rd. northerly to Marigold Dri. 354-hates€ i LLvasterly to Labe&1 351-Laurel Lane westerly to Dead End. Mileage: 353- .42 352- .19 353- .10 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Noes : None Absent: Mr. Barber RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH PETTY CASH FUND FOR JUSTICE DEPARTMENT SOLUTION NO. 213 Introduced by Mr.Streeter who moved its adoption, seconded by .Mr. o illard: WHEREAS , the Justice Department has requested a Petty Cash fund for Judge Davidson for the purpose of making -change only, and WHEREAS , such a fund may .be granted by the Town Board under Town Law Section 64 (a) therefore be. it RESOLVED, that the sum of $25. 00 be granted to the Justice Department for the establishment of a Petty Cash Fund, and be it further RESOLVED, that Judge Davidson shall account for said fund as provided for in Town Law Section 64 (a) . Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Robllard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Noes: None Absent; Mr. O A Q,,B L R, Mobile Home Application of Florence and Albert J. Brown of 10 Briwood Circle to locate a mobile home on Luzerne Road - Mr. Brown was present Councilman Robillard requested that the mobile home be tabled until November 6th. . .for further study. . . Mobile Home Application of James J. Coffey-42 Homestead Vil. to place a mobile home on Pinello Road-Mr. Coffey was present. . . RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PUBLIC HEARING RESOLUTION NO. 214 Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, James J. Coffey has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES hND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home outside at property situated at Pinello Road, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that said application complies with the requirements of said ordinance, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application are sufficient to justify further consideration by this board, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, the town board shall conduct a public hearing on sAid application on November 13th, 1975 at 7: 30 P.M. in the Queensbury Tnwn Office Building , Bay Road, and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to give proper notice of said public hearing in accordance with the provisions of said ordinance. ' Duly adopted by the followin g vote: Ayes : Mr. Olsnn, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Noes : None Absent: Mr. Barber Communications: -Ltr. received from Nolan and Hendley attornies at law- re: the bond of Colonial Cablevision, Inc. w-as attached to the contract to indemnify the town against any damage caused by either above ground or below ground installations. . .re: possible installation in the Twicwood Area. . . - Ltr. A.P.A. Local Government review Board- asked that Supervisor fill out questionAit�_. . . . -Offer of BOCES for repair and other activities at minimum cost. .referred to Highway and Water Dept. . . -Ltr. from Warren County Bicentennial Commission- re: Knox Trail trek-will notify town on their participation in the project. . . -Ltrs. received from Susan Goetz, and Colin H, Gray Jr. supporting the sign ordinance and land use plan. . . A.P.A- Permit to Harry B. Pulver was received. . . -Invitation to the Grand Opening of the Aviation Mall on Wednesday October 29th. . . -Rist Frost request a letter of intent feem the Town of Queensbury in regard to water for Kingsbury. . . -State Board of Equalization and Assessment- temporary certification in lieu of a certificate for Mr. Gerald Sawn Acting Assessor. . . -Ltr. from Pride Motors re: spec for Police Cars . . . Town Board drew up new specifications to allow proper bidding. . . -Request from State University of New York to fill out form in regard to A.P.A. -Open Hduse - Queenbbury High%7School- November 2, 1975 2-4 P.M. -List of General Recreation Project by Planners Diversified. . . -Traffic Engineer Workshop-turned over to Councilman -Supervisor noted receiving mail from United State Post Office- addressed to Queensbury, N.Y. 12801. . . Announdements : +Noted list of meetings to be attended by Councilmen. . . -Noted Elec«tion Inspectors School-October 29th, 30, 31st. at the Town Office Building. . . 7: 00 P.M. -Complaint re: Burning leaves. . . it is necessary to have permit to burn outside a covered container. . . U-j OPEN FORUM: N -Glen Gregory- questioned the Supervisor. . .if the taxes are raised it is the fault of the Fire and Ambulance Services in the Town? -Supervisor Streeter-I did not single out fire or ambulance . . .what I said was that with the figures that are in the preliminary budget if any item in those areas in Police-Fire-Ambulances-CSEA or any other division. . . if any part raised this will reflect in an increase in the rate. . . -Glen Gregory. . .I think you should look over the budget and take out the nictties and look into the necessities. . . -Frank Bly-the corner of Second and River Street need repair. . . -Carl A. Garb-it will be repaired in the next two weeks. . . -Mr. Less Baiid-noted that on the off ramp on exit 19 when you turn left you can not get out. . .requested a patrolman there at peAk hours. . . -Supervisor Streeter-referred to Traffic Committee. . . -Geneva Elmore- noted that if no return bottles were banned that the landfill would not fill up as fast. . . REPORTS -Dog Warden' s Report-September 1975 RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS RESOLUTION NO. .215 Introduced by Mr. Streeter who moved its adoption, seconded y Mt. o illard: RESOLVED, that the Audit of Bills as listed in Abstract No. 75-10A. numbered 1422 and totaling $ 25031.00 is hereby approved. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Noes: None Absent: Mr. Barber On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk 102 a� .�J �1 i l t i 1 } h 1\ i �i • Jlt J\ �l . TOWN MUG"ET FOR THE pp AR 1976 6 ::N r "< OF T03,1N BUDGffLC CQDE PE RID AMOUNT TO BE APPROPRIATIONS LESS LESS RAISED BY TAX ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED REVENUES BALANCE 684f,722..00 100 000;04 . DR. HIGHWAYS� 'moo � 349.00 ,EPAIRS ,'11D I k'30 4: F �'S 227 415.00. .0,x`000.04 217 4I5.00 : D X AOHI'N.M'Y 136 354.00 16 000.00 X20 354,00 MKS SNOV All) MIST. 1192992.00 1 16 000.00 ;x..03 ,992F00 DE W'?R0V f X ITT PROGRA 4 36.000.00 14 400.00 21 600A0 per\ef'Ae.diRetM.W ee\¢s.ora.m.e a1+;trte: CF FEDE REVENUE 64 400.04 50 000.00 G PINE )'I'W 532-900600 0432000,00 1 0 a 0 S SPEC'LAL D tSTRIOTS. - SLI FORT A ERSU�G soya 3,190,-00, r 3 190�,00 SL2 CLEt'lJRDALE 400 994x04 9901,00 . SU PINY � 165.00 .1 SL4 SO. gUE3 SBURY 8 360.00 8 360 ,90 SL5 Wes' QU °.tSMTRY 9\020.00 9 020 00 SL6 QEJHLNSBTJ 31®350.04 00 . 4 25 ,354.40 SWZ NSB :�.��! TER 1.414.544.00 4 8 2.4 � b05 .6 58 n 00 SW5 Wa ;.F„E Z 763.,25 761.25 � . .W. 3 W. F.F. Water 11.508.00 � 9 42fi?n OCR 2�488�,00 S SH RE COLONY' 1�543.0 Z 543.00 _ e�p +emvvar rr \�ieror Heels s � w.vc _aeau.+.r✓:.annw, S FIRE PR( ECTION 142\693 36 1 800. 4 1 .4;893 0 36 P,,.- 574EB 1 500. � 1 „504 0 04 SDI QIZENSHURY DRAINA 5 .00 5121 .00 .:.e SS3 Rf SEB.VOIR PARR 1.300.00 800.01 500,1 00 TOTALS , 09,$ 61 �25 �527.00 .1191:5 0.00 1 v 3341 nay; ate. Bys. _Z_ U t s gy�a v r. 16A 6. . Budget ,' pre- Last This Year Off icer� in ina� dgpted L " 774 s as 'kebtative Budget . . b. .tended Budget I976 TO. A1016 error-s^tt S6 .1 12 .000.00 12,000.00 13,400.00 13 .000.00 pt .�.. . 1 .00 400.00 600.00 600.00 _.w_.. 12, 313.000 12 400.00 _14_000,00 13�4;�'a00 11 CiES ,15 722..59 161150.00_ 18 550000 1 EctiMtrpme'44i.-, .2 r r:c, t4al .4 100.00 2,204.86 2,490.00 35140.00 � t- ' 3 1400 s� :1 a_ 11,927.45 18,640.00 21 a3^vsviJ 2'i 41 i0 S!JF'�R;;IS()R X11220 -- . Se . . 1 17,600.00 2 1,400.00 16.626.00 16 ,42� 3.1 125,.56 310.00ion nn 17, X25.56 21, 710.00 17 ,?6,0^ 1£� "�a- OOH:L'� CTII ON .x.1330 ._ a w L Se v�. .1 8,1x2.. 40 8, 710.00 91060.00 8 964.00 ..4 ;9...,...fA- 2,930.15 2,675.A0 3 &50.00 A1355 I ftr b*Aa1 Sex v. .1 17., 19 17,225.00 1 13.375.00 i 5.r .. r+j��..i.t. •.f i. -i r o a nn 1 350 ��..� .5. .4 1--2 - 1 16 37 i 1 ,5 ?_ __.._.o . 2..30fl 00 1 9 ¢ 18,380.00 - -7 � ��enna3:, ... :.._.M._____. .� T 61,JM A1410 1 aA fin ## r . ...Q. ..,..,.15,908.58 1.7,_060.00 11 86- 6 o IUV1l ..6 o __._....�._._�..- .r.4 _ .___ _ . S A. 00 �, �„�._ z03 w __•_-�_wT � --- 3.,x.23.97 3970.Q t.8(),,.n 4 480_,,0f) 19.032 .55 21.,080.00 22.540,,00 22 ,330. " raOZ.! I SeVr. .1 � � _._ _ .: � . 4?00 00 ' 5 S 000.00 m ._.... _.�....._ � i IA 91L�6 33 1.2,000 00 15_000,.00 4+ 3 900,00 n�n^n An A1440 7 rSci Seer. .1 1.6,P; 30.00 17.630.00 Ed*111rj-ff!mnlk: .2 ,......_,._.�.. � a0®v 6V r-tj e 3 AI« Z 1vv o wv �- 4,497.49 8, 300.0C c, Rnn nn 6.8 00 043 1' . :, e r. 7Rtl Q 00 24.680.00 BUDGET A1240.1 _ 19 500.00 L 000.00 _ ,_ Total _2 19500.00 19,500000 GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL GOVEMENT SUPPORT u get ---Budget Actual This Year Officers Pre- Last as Tentative liminary Year Amended Budget Budget Adopted ACCOUNTS _ _ 1974 1975 976 1976 1976 ELECTIONS A1450 _ _ Personal Services .1 7,731 a 36 8,065.00 � 6 10 230.,0 __ Equipment . 2 _ None __`450.w l�.� 100.66 ,--.....--.-. Contractual .4 1 PUBLIC WORKS AD14IN7STRATION AI490 Personal Serviee§ . l Equil.)ment . 2 Con ractual .4 - nrl SGv ic T07VAL rC —-�„j-g BUILDINGS A1620 Personal Services .1 10 567.25 5 700.00 ° - ► . 9,513,100 Equipment . 2 w i Contractual .4 1 . 0. 0 - ' TOTAL $ `;i3 F 25 00- 5 ,CIAL I MS A1900 D.n1located Ins. 10 � 941.00 L 1,500.00 �.. 500,00 Mun. Assn. Dues . 20 � Contingent Acct. .40 -as-110� a 2� .i3 'i TOTAL 900.00 o TOTAL GENERAL GOVT. 03 S SUPPORT A1999.0 179,749.X37 208 510.00 25 864,,00 228 x-,,00 I i -3- /02 D Actual Budget a Year � � Budged j'reliminary► 1974 As"'°kris Year 0f-f tdt.s Budget Tent-a-tive 1976 leaded 1976 ACO PUBLIC qy r?� + ^ SAFETY Pers,axial., .=arvi e .1 87,341.42 117, 730.00 13611050.00 134,850000 h qA . � nti 2 8;,230,:45 7,500.00 300..00 300.00 COY") t,-ka�-Ipial .4 �13, 714.50 13,000.00 16000000 109;28 ;. 37 138,230.00 �:2a.'ay..00 151*lsn nn .� JAIL A3150 coa t'rac teal .4 174.00 300.00 300.00 3 0 00 Total 174.00 300.00 x'00..00 TRAFFIC cc)wrR) A3310 Contractual .4 13,723 221, 7, 700.00 5.000.00 52000.00 Tote; l 7213,22 7,700.00 _. nn no 5 (HY)..('0_ .. .p ;1 0 Pirs oval Strvice .1. 4,®0().00 49675.00 49,625.00 Contr&dtupi .4 207.60 500.00 990.,00 990,00 Total 207.60 4,500.00 5m.6.1►5.:vv 5 v15.vv ACC 14ARIiFN A3510 Persoral Services . 1 7,000.00 7,590.00 04 .pppp 799400.00 Hqu#,,r n -2 508,,0�3 49500.00 con. .iaetu .4 2,914.12 3,150.00 0 p 32570.00 Tork. 9,914.12 10,740.00 nln�nn TOTA', PUBLIC SAY&TY A3999 133.310.31 161,470.001 179 ,425040 178,075.00 -4- Actwil. <3u+dget Budget e- L a 9 t. This Year 0. Tc*rs imina I 1a�.��. � �Adopted I .. - T tat ve Budget 1�9�76 , , _ tended 1.975 et 1976 HEALTH ',ql l-1;D :O'PF ' LTR A4010 ona-L �e « .1. 2,800.00 2,800.00 Z.800.00 2,800.00 or.ou Td t 4:l `'0� �". 4: 050 0 00 4 050 400 T r lCs A4020 89.i0 200.00 200000 200.00 Ly .2 .. d3 ? r.-actual .4 �. "r8a, 20F070-0 20 r4l"i'AL ',,SiZALTH A4999 3.819.50 00. 250 00 300 4 �► 4.250.00 UPT.. " zGHWAYS A5010 - Parsonal 5erv. .1. 22 200.00 23, 700.0+0 � 2�SOO.00 24 .300.00 .-ontractual, .4 16 . 300.0.00 300,00 .0 tal. 2._ 2 367.50 24,000.00 2e• s�ns0 u nn 24;600.00 -- GARAGE ;? 5132 Per onal. Berg. A Equipment .2 �Ggf�s a tual. «4 5,526.11 3500..00 . STREET Contractuva :-A51.82.4 9, 578.47 11,000.00 170,000.00 1790000.00 Tota=l. . -- TOTAL TRA14SPORTATIM 37,472.08 38 500.00 41 800.00 41 600.00 Budget Bu t Actual. This Year Officers Pre.- Last as Tentative liminarq Year Amended Budget Budget Adopted CCOMITS _ 1974 1975 1976 1976 1976 .6360 E.H.A. ' Personal Seri ic' es .1 468.07 CEETA (Title 6) Personal. Se-zvi.ces 6256.1 _ PUBLICITY Contrsctaa3. A6410.4 6,117.50 7,00 --007- "n.00 50 00QQ0 VBTEP.N3 SERVI Contraztual. A.6510.4 400.00 600.00 600000 600.00 TOTAT. }.C.01d0MI C ASST TANCM3 A6999.0 6,98-5.571 7 0°600.00 561,62-9a00 ,D., ..._. _ yr TH PROGRM A7310 Personal. Serv. .1 21,240.22 210735-00 26 ,�. Contractual. .4 . a�.y o ._ TOTAL 7310.0 37-:5-987- 10 0 -6- Actua . _ udget Buge `Pre- La. liminary 4dc� Year his Year ® :ie` Budget 1975ed 1974 s Tecate 976 mended 1975 Bum t .1976 PROD' QT Cont��w�,u� . A73.2{�.�a 2,1150.00 1,500.00 5. 0Q,!jO 1.500.00 } 2.150.00 500.00 � �noo 1 500Q00 Mont a� .#, _ A7410.4 22,250.00 250.00 , 25,300.00 300.00 17. d2" Ofl $,,.. a �, ,52's ISV. 22,250.00 25, 300.00 P�;,r s O"n al Sere. .1 250.00 250,00 . 50.00 250.00 F.quip'ti t ..t .2 P -�- 1.�% 0DO 50000 291.60 300.00 300,00 300.00 CEUBRAR' IONS A7550 ?ersonal. Serer. .1 E 32000.00 2 804 x 00 qu . m�nt .2 p _ . Contractual n4 a a Orso oo 800.00 Total Adult Recreation A7620 - - ,� a -�.- TOTAL �GULTIURE , 4 400 o Qty .ECRLv.a_ O!m A7999.0 55,2 ,7,83 64 188.10 r,?,, 263,00 789618000 L O A8010 Pti"30�13�. Equ�.'�nexit .2 2O9.4�a 300.00 3304 :3 300 00 Contractual .4 707W . Total 700�+0_n 00•fl0 760.7 !^ ,000.00 IX ON1,s o 3O 1.,000 0 00 1 PLANNING A8020 Personal Sere. .1 20 879.69 � 22,660.00 23 661 0,00 4 00 Equipment .2 � 200.00 � - Contractual .4 1.6.53 � x.20.00 QX.. ° Fes' �• � 0 2 : �4� Tote 23, 344.06 15,580.00 6 225..00 RESEARCH A3030 Fnviro� ntal Contr[ : "=' . 1.003.G0 1,OOfl o 0�1 aCont a..ctua. .4 4,987.38 Y or".000'..00 - 5.00n,.00 � 4,987.38 DO REFUSl c GAR3AGE A3160 Personal Sere. .1 25 750.30 36,040.00 25,450 ,00 25,050. 0 Contractual .4 � �.. Total. 20 360.32 20,000.00 .2'� 000.00 20 000,00 1 146.110.62� V;6,000.00 4.i A:.o o 00 45 450 4 00 CO�'�i�r �F,EA�'�'g. t�,8510 ---,�...�. _.... Personal Serve. .1 � Ca . ractua.l .4 --3747-.-tea" -0-0.0 1 'Ann -inn nn i nnn nn o 1 "Oddi:� E Dr wage x,8540.4 ' b nL. ICON AND CO COM,,jUjJjTY SERVICE _7_ �GENUAL FM �P XAT XONS 3get Budget Actual This Year Officers pre_ Last as Tentative IfAinary 'feat - Budget Budget Ardaapted 1974 1975 1976 1976 1976 .Y >IAmrY COµi/tti UNDISTRIBUTED'.; . . EMPLOYEE BENEFITS A9000 StatE . R ti're 10A I 3 .00J22.000.0 0 Z8.000 00 28.000.00 5 44 V 9 40000 ° 13 21 „00 A . SO CC Se:a 30,8 0 3 2 000 25.37 , WoAmwts, Cmp. 4008 3 .9 " 0 786157000.1 14M ;. 0 ,. hlosga 60A 1 .7 9' 340.04 242000--.00 TOTAIa Btu Benefits 4 1.549-- 742057.00 1 104x"5.00 3. 48 .e E:F.M'D TWSF= A9514.9 24 604 .00,L . 3 700 ..00 29 000.00 2 Caps Pund A95A b 9 .. ....100146 000 04 20 A600.00. caw,: s A95&0.9 1 O00100 ri4�r► K%boay A9540 0 9 36 2 :' 2 W. TOTAL 1 o25 300.00 0 Gti ;C RBT 'SERVIC -PRINCIPAL Serial. Bonds A9710.6 �Jtatutoxy Winds A9?20 0 4e2 -.5 04? . Bond. ti-. Hates ro 30.'( Capital NOW$ A974066 3510=00 , TOTAL Principal 1 1650 69 41205.001 - 5 705-.00 •, DEBT. SERVICE INTEREST Statutory Bonds A9710 l: 20 :`00 a U0 Butt Amt . NbtesA9730. 1 654 L400.00 n Gal Ca0*t1 Nets 3 15 Q Doi TOTAL lntnrest 1 4g0 ' TOTAL GENERAL FUND APPROPRIATICKS 719.317283 694. 210.:10 891-350.40-x.00. 848*094 a 00 .t E _ }y''ffee d6 yy ,C y Actual TBudget t Last This Year f?F,i�ers 'liminary 44.0pied Yetr As ntative Budget 1976 1974 Amended dtot 1976 :INTH,RE6 T AND PEt4A .f`-iES ON REAL PROP "R*,,.i ` A S A1.090 6,493.43 3,000.00 - 3,100.+00 3.100.00 AgON?PR AX I_j",jBU' Ole BY `COVJI WY A1120 235,869.31 200,000.00 300 000-00 300,0W,10 - ,10 r—tkTNi 14'zt3Ie INCOME TAX ,fit LLE I.ON FEES (NOT MEREST ON `SAKES) ,x,1232 707.34 600.00 700,100 700.00 CLKRk FEES A1255 - , --T;550.00 1 551D � �'OL AGE TEES A1520 395.00 �.00 0 CHARGES FOR DE1,40- LIT'ION OF UNSAFE BU11DINGS A1570 70.00 50.00 60.00 60000 'PARK AI`tO RELRL- ATION CR WES A2001 .450»00 ZONING JEES A.2110 1500.00 1 400.00 10400,00- 10400 -..IC SAFZTY X IGENCY EVGILOY- M 'l*fr PROGRAM A4780 468.07 USE OF 14ONEY AND PROPERTY INTEREST AND EARNINGS X12401 32 488.07 15,000.00 12 000000 12.0-05.0f) LICENSE AND-,P.F.P� j1,1,S A2545 4,000.00 R n,^, 0 , 000 0 80 ;tsINGO LICENSE A2540 947.12 700,00 . I- n BUILil- .4Gp PEMMITS A2555 � i`_. 700.00 700.00 DOG APP R COI � TI�tC X544 2 545.98 2 500.00 . 2 500000 .1590 . DV- FINgS AND F011YEITUR,ES FINES AND FORE" 7T U MIL A2610 23,971.50 20,000.00 28-000-00 2S 0 00 J UIP, SALF9 4P' PROPERTY AND CONMENSATION FOR LOSS MINOR SALES, OTHEM A,)6551 131.73 SALES OF P-^P'ERTY A2660 300500 50 SA 3 OF EQUIPMNT A266 -�-�- 07 t COMPEN. A2690 -9- 7r iL,Lizl..ik F,I1, sad Actual �udp e t Budget "Pre- Last This Year Officers Uminary Adopted Year As Tentative Budget 1976 1974 Amended Budget 1976 O PRIOR MRS EXPENSP.S A2 701, 652.00 CABLE T;.V A2770 I , '�� 0`00 ., a 43,500,00 1A E 5AJ E A2770 — 729.50 SOC. SEt . 112BATE MISQ:i A277J Fir .ot rex..t rogram A47 0 3 NTLRFU 1 1 R �EN UES 463.0� 63,237.00 63,02S7,00 OTHER tkiTERPRISEA2 14 7.46; HICWdAY A2840 19.80 SPECIAL, DISTRICT A2842 59.06 PER WI.TA A3001 13t�;�: a 3 V.�-�ile'Sl�uS UU P'IORTG.ICYE 'A A3005 i;�� 8V VOV V^ 80 010 YOU'3`H PRO-:rRAXT S A 38: 4, � t� g 8,0 00.0 0 .� PROGP,.V4S 'FOR � AG, s 1 ,000.00 (31W4D TOTAL y A5000 j_83,301.451 490,075.00 ..684,872-00 6 4 y_ IJ� ,Oended Ba,,.,.anc 73,186.4 100000.0." o 100,000700 1009000,00 -10 CEN %tL P D ENTERPRISE CEMETERY _.. ._...� �..__._._ u- get Budget Actual This Year Officers pro- Last as Tentative liminary Year Amendad Budget Budget Adopted ACCOUNTS 1974 1975 1976 1976 1976 APPV. PRIAT'ICPNS x$83.0 Personal Sarv. ";1 32 11 .46 37 920.00 392800-00 ;� f Equipment .2 . .GO 1) )a all Contractm,al .4 4 FXT : . TOT,S Employee Benefits 09000 State Retire. 10.8 2,296.00 .3.266.001 3.880.00 3.880.00, Soc. Sec. 30.8 �$ 2 q workmens Cowsp. 40.8 . Hosp. 60. 13 : O"�AX .,�.. 'DOTAL ENTERPRISE APPROPRIATIC-NS 44,165.12 1 51 770.00 54 874,00. ESTIMATED REV"EM ES Sale Cemetery Lots C2190 - 6,731..61 7,000.00 62000.00 62000.00 Ceinetery Se Y.. 02112 29 w , 0.00 80 00 r Gen. Fund Trans'. 02810 29-2000200 _ T-,terest C,21:-01 L r - . f 00O.L 00 3 A c+.iln --►-°� le P3roperty 02660 15,250.25 .._..v s Le Equip. . 02665 3 00 � kun. . Recovery 02680 Mi.se. C2770 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES PROM LOCAL SOURCES 59 337.72 39,700.00 442000-00 , 43 O&D Estimated Unexp de d Balance 35,181085 12 070.00 10 874 00 10 90q 0 8 HIf�H� AY D APPROPRIATIONS Repairs Improvemegits (item 1 ) Personal Seri*, DR5110.1 77 .x46.27 89 000:00 95 000000 q• ;'u0 O Contractual D'R5110.4 , TOTAL 1245.912.33 fl0 EMPLOYEE �ENE�'ITS 11tate Retire. 13R9010.8 9 000.00 11 500.00 120100900. s,�1 A e1 A 0 Soc. Sec. DF,9030.8 . . g Wor$ mens Comp.DR9040.8 r . an Hosp. DR9060.8 A . • 6 a T -U. 20,038.92 29:3980'00 Tk..-.L ITEM 1 .APPROPRIATIONS ° 65,951.2; 200 600.00 2590043.00 2 4 0 -I1- � 111MY AY '�gJ�1�3 ;t t?pFnPPT��°�?n?�S (Cont.) get Huaget Pre- Actual. This Year Officers liminary Last as Tentative Budget Year Amended : Budget 1976 Adopted ,- TS 1974 1975 1976 1976 Personal Serv.DI45130.1 13 387.50 201,OC)J.00 31 500000 p, Equipment D�d5130,2 �57�0. 0 0 X40 ontractual DM5130.4 _5 .6'4`� r 3 i Rc,v:al of .rage DM1.3 .,4 1,500.0(1 1,500.00 EW."(IYEE BENEFITS Star ` eti 'e '3x49010.8 1.000.!?t1 1 900.00 1.985.001 1 00 Soc. Ssc. W-19030,$ k_- Worla.ant Comp. DM9040.3 6 T, .' Hosp: D1,V,060.8 59 1* TOTAL DEBT �:Z�T. PRINCY,- T, Bond Ant'.eilat�ion -notes 7 X7';0,:6. 24 145.00 14 143200 . Capital 1)tes; DM9740.6 ;7"f.G:t_S'' Stat. Bot.' DM9720.6 11 67 00 ,+ . , TOTAL �"I','� � . 00h I 1TEREST )nd Ant*'.y )ation dotes D'11930.7 3,535.83 2y829 00 2 829000 Capital xaas DM9740.7 1 60 Stat, Sott.(DM9720.7 ` TOTAL TOTAL ApT'I)T; 1ATIONS Item III hgt 1 $9,� 5. 7I 131,132.68 1.87 809040 136 354000 Miscellaia us (Brush Contrac t r_:L DF1 i x.40.4 - 150.00 3 .000,001 4.000.001 4P OOO o 00 �T Snow Rey r °al I'tem Its ° Persona �- erv. 'i)S5142. 1 53 ! 0. 04 70 600.00 73- 000-00 72. 170 Contras u:�1 DS X142.4 ��J� 6 2 n TnTAL ':.7�;7 100_000001 qr. � EMPLOYI B4"WELTS Aetirf DS9 X10.8 331148.00 8 100.00 #3., Spt1.p0 81500.00 Soc. 'sc. �'Y,030. 8 `_ s: r,� o ,. ., i W. Ccp. DS)Llj.0.8 =,019�:�0- - - 1 .. Hosp ')S906'. '..`� [ G G n. nn ' TOTA t .1 ;�I'da'. 9 4 S1 t}0 # T .r I ),178.71 ;LTI I s T'7AL APPRO' RIATIOJIS Item TIF Fa," 1 100,095.78 114 400.0 0 123-515.00 119 1992.00 12- d q qp lob m. IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM T ` ACTUAL THIS YEAR OFFICERS PRE- LAST AS TENTATIVE LT11INARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED CODE 1974 1975 1976 J . 197 197 i Gleason Rd. Keadowbrook Sherman Av , (PROJECT 1,40. 5150 ?ERSONAL SERVICES DE5150.1 590.0 6.00020() CONTRACT10AL, EXP. DE5150.4 3000.0 000 EMP0 . E BEFEFIT'S DE5150.S TRANSFER TO HIGHWAY 'Fff.D DE5150.9 900.00 g 13500o00 1:3 501 s ift TOTAL PROJECT 3600.0 i j IlPPJt itSWT, PROGR rber Rd° ?erne R d (pRrAdT PER50NAL DE5151. 190.0 6 QO 00 0 CONTRACTUAL L" DE5151.4 ` ZIVLOYEE BEY— - I?�:'S DE 5151. S `TRANSFER TO HIC,WWAY tR?, a> DE5151:.9 TOTAL PROJECT; NO. ., 990.0 13t P°00 FRC VkKEfrr P eardon Fed.# RL-a.rdon ltd Glen Lake � r'RO,MCT II0 152) Rd. PERS6NAL SL?P DE5152.i 0.00 3T�Q QtD ?00,:: CQwrjt ,,CTuz�L Ex.��. DE5152.4 . ._. . EMPLOYEE BENT Mw E 515 2.S o TRAIS3F'ER `d.0 �.�. �4�►0 HZr,MgAY FURb DE5152.9 67 � TOTAL. PROJEC . "" 10 r 75�6 i fi; . ... ._�.. . _ 675.00 �1ftVRUVif4F.RT PlkiVR.. Hall Rdi ... Hall Rd'. ! (?�g:OACT NO. 5.1.3 PERSOi L SERV".�: "IS DE5150.1 1.50.00 J � CONTRACTUAL �',a..Y''.� DE5150 4 � .W'�'750.00 .MPL+OTT-AE BE FM DE 515 0. $ �:,�.,.. ......._.�..._ i_ rNo Ht°IFt4J1Y FUND' E51S®. 9 $90. 00 TOTAL rROJECT ' "'•'� ''''^ T .r�.. ,,�_..._r._... NO. TOTAL 41PP€F.OPR:IA1 0 S "?ZANSIF-It TOTAL PAGN 1) ., .. : .....�._.....a.....,.<T•.. .......w..ew.•sa+.n..-.sa*.-r.»:... .r.3: •.."`?`...a.r._.-.. ..._�._.._.____._._._..... -..ssJ+r ... I l�l 10t S ' T PROGRAM .. 7 — ACTUAL HIS YEAR OFFICE IMINARY LET AS A Vy, BUDGET ADOPTED YEAR AMENDED StJD 'E`� . CODE 197A 1975 1976'. ;. 197 197 XPI2.QV4: k%hf Ptbd Chestnut :std Gheatnut Rd �,'? OJECT NO 5 54. I DE5151.I Inn+nn 13WRkO,UAL E!:t, j DE 5151.4 i. . nn LCJ IWS, BHPTEk --I I DE5151.8 ZANgf-R TO :41C,fB4AY FUTHTI, DE5151.9 COTAI PROJECT X40. l son OO ,. Q {, � sggeq P [ y�� T'uthill--,:Rd,.. Old West Mt ,+ ''ERSOPAL SE ,t,, DE5152.1 2nnn,On :Ofl-TP.ACTUAL DE5152.4 3000.00 ITAPLOYEE DE 1152.8 4 ""° WSFtR TO ITY-W. AY F UT11D ' DE5152.9 250�;� :`?T.A.L P R.OJE C Ada. 259 ,,75 —5 not n0 _. ,. �vuEK E N' PR 0 AM Sanders Rd. Thunderbird ,e?tDJE CT° NO ➢aRSU1VAT., SERB DE5150.1 1500.00 nn ,,40NT'RAEAL F . . DE5150.4 °�--- _ _ s° LD BENE DE5150.8 _.. _0. __ A SF'IR8. TfO - -- - a '`J�a& Fim DE5150.9 1176.,.,33 `1) AL PROJECT 1181,2 4140.001 :14111ROVEMENT Ij -,lemson Rd. Bennett Rdo '.PROJECT PROGit' lK r Bridge 'M SONAL DE5151. l0n t,Oft "()NTl'2A.CTt1AL F S DES 15 .�i ..».. _ : 4P'LOYEE BRT:TE .S DE5151.8 -Q0.001 .. HT MAY FTJ14D IDE5151.9 110 :pn �A 70TAL PROJE(; hi y y [t4t a 0 /6� O• ITT NT PROGRAM BUDGET GET ACTUAL IS YEAR FFICE9S PRE- LAST AS 17.NTATIVE LIVIINARY YEAR AMENDED BUDGET BUDGET ADOPTED CODE 1974 . 197.5 1976. 197 197 I�TROV'KMP;i%viv rRO-RAr4 Eldridge Rd (PROJECT NO. .515,81") PERSONAL 1YE5152.1 2000.00 CONTRACTUAL E ' ;. DE5152.4' 3200.001 °'MPL(IY :EEl°F�+ ^S D:51-52.8_ ' TRANSFER TO HIGHWAY FUND DE5152.9 TOTAL PROJEC.I' NO. 5400.00 Gleason Rd. ' Gleason Rd TMPROVEME3T :i--T')cp1m4 < (PROJECT TIO. 51.59) PERSONAL SERV CES DE5150.1 500.00 CONTRACTUAL E.X'P. DE5150.4 2800.00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS DE5150.8 507W 75.00 � E TRANSFER TO HIGIVAY .FUND D{E5150.9 5620. 0 3 TOTAL PROJECT NO. 6 Transfer ey Lane IPROVEMENT PROGRAI Y'RO.7ECT NO. 5 a:-60) ?ERSO?IAL SEP.Vj�tS DE5151.1 ���� I3E515�..4 000. CONTRACTUAL ��4:r .. 0 0 EMPLOYEE BENEF;T` S PE5151.8 200.00 i TRANSFER TO HIt'M4AY 'IFUND. DE5151.9 TOTAL PROJECT - NO. 7200.00 TOTAL APP ROPRT.- ATIONS (TRANS` tR) .TOTAL "ADDOPTE :" TO PAr.F,' 1)) 28v296.00 360000.00 -15- UIG'RW`AY FUNDS ESTIMATED REVx:WES AND ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE REPAIRS AND IMPROVEMENTS (ITEM 1) budget PRELIMINARY ADOPTED XOU`iTS CODE ACTUAL BUDGET OFFICERS BUDGET 1976 LAST THIS YEAR TENTATIVE 1976 YEAR AS BUDGET 1974 AMENDED 1976 _1975 LOCAL SOURCES NON.PROPERTY TAX ' Sale Gas DR112.0 10 085.76 INTEREST AND EARNINGS DR2401 1.000.00 1 000 0 00 iOQfl A2 oc�n nn INSURANCE REFUND DR2680 57.00 TRANSFER FROM "'•"'°'°°" '°'�""`°'°4 HIGHAY FUND IV DR2840 9,178681 MISCELLANEOUS Impro 24i390158 58 (SPECIFY) Personal & Equip. DR2770 1%,06L85. 5 O00.00 Tratkefer General DR2812 35 000 n 00 IATE AID ILEAGE AND --VALUATION .AID DR3507 9 192i,00. 9 000 -00 ®0 q. nn TOTAL ESTIMATED - REVENUE" (TRANSFER TOTAL ADOPTED TO PAGE 1) M65.% 15&000.00 10,000.00: 10,x.000.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED UNERPIMED BALANCE (TRANSFER TOTAL "ADOPTED" TO PAGE 1 None I v -16- ' WA FUlkIDS ESTIMATED REVIEN ES AND ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE FAGH IN RY (IT E141 3) ACTUAL DGET BUDGET PREP '`- LAST IS YEAR OFFICERS LIMINARY ADOPTED ACCOUNTS CODE YEAR AS TENTATIVE BUDGET 1976 1974 ENDED BUDGET 1916 ., ..� 1975 1976 LOCAL SOURCES NON-PROPI ATY TAX DISTRIBU710N BY COUNTY DMI120 INTEREST ARID EARNINGS DM2401 1.1,563.9A 10,000.00 00 SALE; DM2665 226.0 RENTAL OF EQUIPS DM2416 9 258.8 20 000,00 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FAD DM2810 1 715 0 3 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL -FUND _� etas DM2680 159.21 � 1f tfw IV , [IGHWAY FUND DE DM2840 3 :311®00 :SCELLANEtS --;'SPECIFY) Repayment Mechanic DM2770 4,,50 STATE AID TOTAL .EST AMATED REVENUES (TRANSFE 3. TOTAL "ADOPTED" TO PAGE 34 829.49 3fl 000,00 TOTAL ESTI ;TED P „" UNEXPENDED BALANCE (TRANSFER TOTAL "ADOPTED" TO PAGE 1) /off Il. lilGilfWAY FUNDS - ESTlW—if'&T) REVENUES AND ESi IMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE SNOW AND MIsGELLAN S ITEM 4)- _ �. ACTUAL F GET IRUDGET PRE- COUgTS CODE LAST HIS YEAR FFICERS LIMINARY AADOPTED YEAR AS ENTATIVE BUDGET l 1976 1974 EhiDED ZDGET 1976 11975 976 �. LOCAL SOURCl S NON -PROPERTY! TAX DISTRIBUTION r BY COUNTY DS1120 t SERVICES FOR k OTHER GJVTS o DS2 300 16,088.00 16 .000 00 INTERESx AND { EARNI!4GS DS2401 TRA,NS;?ER FROM GEMS ZRAL FUND- DS 2 810 � T:'k'�BNi OUTSIDE VILLAGE TRANSFER FROM HIGHWAY FUND DS2840 MISCELLAN0uS (SPECI': ") S2650 4094 85 s SALE OF GAS DS2650 409 485 CATE AID _ f TOTAL ESTIMATED 5 REVENUES (TRANSFER TOTAL �. "ADOPTED" TO a PAGE 1) 20 182.85 16 -000.00 a TOTAL ESTIMATED. UNEXPENDED BALANCE (TRANSFER TOTAL "ADOPTED" TO PAGE 1)�x 4 57 7 013 None M .��. .. I -18- fi5?' T,INDS E'STI!IATED REVENUE'S' XID ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE HIGHWAY IMPR.GVEMENT PROGRAM 30UNTS CODE BUDGET BUDGET PRE- ADOPTED actual THIS YEAR OFFICERS LIMINARY 1976 --- LAST AS TENTATIVE BUDGET YEAR AMENDED BUDGET 1976 1974 1975 1976 LOCAL SOURCES NON-PROPERIFY TAX DISTRIBUTION BY COUiVrY DE1120 INTEREST AND EARNINGS DE2401 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND a TOWN OUTSIDE VIRAGE DE2812 TRANSFER, FROM �. HIGHWAY FUND DE2840 MISCELLANEOUS (SPECIFY) E ATE AID GHWAY IMPROi - _,-ENT PROGRAM DE3521 4783.50 14 400.00 _14,400i'00 11; A �n TOTAL EST114ATED REVENUES HIGHWAY IMPROVE- MENT PROGRAM (TRAyNSvFe�E,R rT��OyTAL PAGE 1) 4783.50 14 400 00 14,400,00 i4 Ano inn TOTAL ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE - HIGHi�A IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (TRALNISF TOTAL "ADOPTED" TO PAGE L) 192.50 None None Nnn® -19- FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND APPROPRIATIONS Budget Budget Actual This Year Officers Pre- Last As Tentative lim'.nary Year Amended Budget Budget Adopted ACCOUNTS 1974 1975 1976 1976 1976 CP 1997. 3 Polic-4-Mighwa " Bldg. 150,768.98 80,000.00 602000,00 -692000to4i Sharer Services 1,000.00 , Recreation 1,556.75 .Recreation 3,179.04 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 156 504.77 80 000.00 60 000 00 60 OOOA00 .�_ `F ESTIMATED RE VENUES AND f STI14ATED XPENDED BA CE Interest & Earnings CF2401 11,760'.28 7 re dera.l Revenue a - Sharing CF4001 79,383.00 801000.00 - S'000P00 60.000'.0c — Total Estimated Revenues 91, 143.28 80 000.00 60-000-0-0-0- Es tiro-a ted Unexpended Balance 27,630.02 done New Nbus "20- ySVl. ISTRICTS U get Last This Year Officers liminary 1976 Year As Tentative Budget ---- 1974 bnended Budget 1976 1975 1976 TRIATIONS 51�s2.1�. Contractual Exp—. .__ 2,239. 12 2,704.00 3190.00 32190400 .704.00 3.120,QQ- ESTIt Ell REVENUES SLl 2401 Interest 88. 72 Bone -- ESTTMATED U,TEXPENDED BALANCE 137.99 none L2 CLEVER a LIGHTING DISTRICT 51.82.4 Contractual E � 647.25 666.00 990000 TotAl 00 29 ESTIMATED REVENUES SL.2 24.01 Interest 24.23. None None e ESTIMATED— 6 E ENDED BAIICE 47.05 I . None Note � .�.�..a.�....�.. .�L SL3 1.,I FII �'®OD GHTI�IG D TRICT ..._._....__r.,..._..�...D L �.._....n..a....�.... 51.$2.4 Contractual Exp- 95.34 104.00 165.00 165 0......_. �. .-�._. Total ----� ---� ESTIP'LkkD REVENUES _�_..._r.. . SL3 2401 Interest 3.07 gone No-ale. ESTIMATED UIEIXWPENDE D BAU;CE � 13.56 10.00 None Nana SL4 SOUTH ISBURY LIGHT .NG DISTRICT .>I.82.4 Con##--actual t 5,716.00 6 996.00 8360zQ( §m;360m00 ,C3 Ear t° _ f -Av-3w EST MATED REV'EN S STS. 2 ,01 Interest, 247.59 Done m eat ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED ALANCE 472.26 NbIne No" �oA d Actual Budget Budget Pre- Last This Year Of-fivers liminary Adopted Year As Tentative Budget 1976 1974. Amended Budget 1976 1975 1976 SL5 WEST () ENSBURY LIr ITING DISTRICT Contractual lEx�. 4979.39 8622.00 --%.020.00 Total !2:OU ESTIMATED RE VENUES SI,5 2401 a Interest 192.49 None Nons Notre ESTI ATED UNEXPENDED BALANCE 478.03 _ None Nome SL6 QUEENSEURY LlrHTIII( DISTRICT Contra-vtual 21,4.61 . 44 27 90000 3 «, _ `t 350 0. To tal, nn- ESTIMATED REVENUES 1921.24 None Hone ES . 1 AUD UNE. . ENDED BALANC 3 11,318.31 Done 4000.00. 6 0.00 -22- X02 W . SWI (VEENSBURY STATER DISTRICT actual, Budget Budget Pre- Adopted Last This Year Officers liminary 1976 Year As Tentative Budget 1974 Aided Budget 1976 ACCOUNTS 19 75 1976 AD IMIS`I ITION 8310 Personal Serv. . I 20,797. 60 19 X00.00 28,215 00 . 23.901200 � Equipment 2 Cont-actual . a �n nn "" a total y ` SOURCE 07" ST P11Y - -----... 'OTTER , P stl�P. iNC 8320 Personal. Snr,. . 1 28 156.22 35 900.00 54s897a00 Equipment Contractual 4 _45,584.2 - OOy t s A '?'`IjtItTFTrA.TX0N 8330 - Personal Seer. .1 _10,510.53 10 •000.00 l4 91.00 14 ,320400 Equipment ? Contractual. .4 AA' ._.....� '�' oa1 , TRANSMISS 0 i & -- -- 1jISTR.I. 8310 Personal. Sirv. . 1 55,477.64 $ .46,.100.00 68 779 00 63 ,7474()0 Equipment .2 . . 95-- 12 OcA Inn Cofitractua. .4 © - -- --�--. - Total. - - EMPLOYEE HJNEFTTS State Ret:re. 9010.8 8,856.00- .1 '600.00 141"696.00 14 89'i.o;00 Soc.. Sec. 9030.8 , 9 9 0€} comp. �f.-na 9040.8 , .U0 306852.00 www .....� Hosp. 906) 4,131-.-5-2- , , .00 Total 9 s hr nn ^•+ ' AA DEBT SER1.CE g PRLNCV,A I 95 OOO.Ofl 74 OOq ®Q Statutory 97�?0.6 3, 76 0 0 3 X60 0 3 ;?60000 . Serial Bc. 971.0.6 5'D . .!r ...�.� .,., _. Bd, Anti. 9730i.6 IN,650 T37,T , Cap„ . No t4 s TA.BAdget Psi tc 6 p Total. P';-.n(ipal g -23- y e t',a''1'7 F'.Tr rE'T t_, '�`e 'iiv• '�-v�t `°�'T f 'a. < s i7,n,1,vie '3 Last 'I`his Year Officers l:iminary 1976 Year As Tentative Budget 1974 hmended Budget 1976 A (OUNT4; ___... ._._1_9775�. 1976 DEIST ,DER GE 9 500.00 7 40010 00 Statutory° '97VI, 7 s Serial. 3�� . 97: 0.1 . , s �.,. Bd. Asti. 973;'.7 �1 .� � Cap. 4otes 971.,0.7 Total TOTAL. WAMIER XSTRI . 649,254-47;.. -7 39 79 1 '? SW-. )UEENSBtTRY ?,ATER DDS It2 T ESTMA.TrD R.E. lES MET,tt�b 43,A,1:115 € ;; Sr,Y21'C3 . 48 i99 499,00 199 &7,666.1:6.131125,000-00 '-Qx 47 9 SUN Ciif s E S'a2144 5,457.49i C3f� '00 orsI :I Stl2� _ 82 . i ` .__` t :00 450700 4501600_, ...__ a_._.. � . . ST72 77 _._ �.._._...__._ 1, 532 S6 EAPULNG.S, S_11,2401 _ 3$999.321 500.00 1-000:00 1::9000 0o .�. w ... rCSSS pAI" vtIA1.S 400.00 .-M 400 0 T DS _.SV',2 _54_ 174,541 S_ M-12770 74.98 SY 72770 89 . 17 M-72342 _ _ _ _ 14,452.16 TRTC:T ESTIMATED REVEMIT 'S. TO `'AC4E 1 353, 832. 85 389.t250.00 6EXPENDED BALAN. CF. XPF, ,TPED IALANCE �0 PAGE 1__ _.__. _ 12,491.85 } NONE None -24- ,bar. YTE'ST ilL IRS FA US WMITR DIS T. BOND ACC°T EXT. 1 Wudg–e—t Budget"`"" ... ..._o.._ - Actual 111is year Officers Pre- Laet as Tentative Ii.mi nary Year Amended Budget Budget Adopted ACCOUNT'S w. ._.�.._ _ 1974 . 1975 1976 1976 1976 DEBT Serial. Boad-i 9710.6 525.00 525.00 Total "'rtacipal . V 525, lntere�t f+erial B<3ndz 9710.: 267 .75 252.00 nc � TOTAL Ds.ST. APPROP'.n,.IATIONS Page 1 792.75 777.00 �� ..•.: . . REN ENUES ESTZr TED � ..._,..�...w.. Page 1 None None � -- TINE ENDED BALMICE Page: 1 4.01 hone None � None SM QUEENSMY FIRE PROTECTION DIET. Payments on Fire Contracts 14.1,0.4 7 5 000.0011252057.00- 125"59-7.36 2.56 �.a .. Paymer� s on Ambulance �"" Contracts 7 500.Q0 7.500.00 lnsura:nva, Etc, 00.50 MOW Cal 9 EST WIMD REVENIES Page I 2$080. ;?9 tone ESTIMATE UNEXPENDED BALANCE Page I 1 1,,95 7.19 1,900.€i0 0^^ .. MA0 X00 ... �, Y c -2.5_ t' /off 2. x-acfc�T.t pl�a.;rwnmei.nt.sr+waar.«r� 'AnoaF+o'+s'doru�sfnnR�C«mFeaw%'.Y/0 'M .M Actual � Budget Budget Preliminavy Last. This Year officers Budget Year as Tentative 1976 Adopted 1974 Amended Budget 1975 1975 3,10 4 950.00 950,00 4nn_ nn ... 0� L Y w r ��yilmMMi1lmaMdoO�Ga TOTAL =JiLMO 9510 00 440.00 SOURCE 011 SU?PLY pOWUL & H1'MP]N0 Contact :9' 83204 ?' 00�00 " son 6 5.00 00 TOTNT, =.380.95 0 x 95 6 800.00 004-00 6 5Oj, M) TRAWS IS' OM 4 DISTRIW'i0N {�fit J 4AJ 0®atrac�:s��.l. I�c�ne 3 50000 TOTAL None 3 500 00 0. �. .� 2 0� 'Jr .DEBT SMC1C' 'xiy3c�.pa . �aoan a cnsa► n -2. 8.011) Interest —XTAL di-arief: Appropriatio ; 11.250 00 11 508 0 REVENUES ES MATED Metered I e s '2140 233670 M 400.00 400.00 Unmatare�,] Sales 2142 3 676.30 1�3 Penal tie.,e 2143 28.69 None " J° Ilya oate 4 . ®9s 35a oo'., 3 ., Sv oa � . TOTAL L777TIFE.-14 11.250.50 0 9 fl20 0 9,020.G6 'NS Gs1�A�d' tAl�lw:t .i'J.ti"�d�'l�L.l 7wt .. -26- SW4 SHORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT _._....__�..__.._.._._....�...,......_ � Budget u g®t p te Actual This Year Officers Pre- 1976 Last as Tentative liminary Year Amended Budget Ridget 3974 1975 1976 976 A?�N[IRISI'F'.�.TIti°�'�f � �,. .. Contractual 8310.4 665.00 920.00 96820 ��SR.. TOTAL 68 ...�..,..�... SOURCE OFx SUPPLY S POWER & 1•U.MP1'�G Contracmia.l 8320.4 53.19 30.00 so.-00. ,'�0, 0 TOTAL 0 00 6_1 ..... ���. s PtTR.IFI C `10N C+c ntract�;ial 3330.4 None 10.00 0 _ TOT.M.I, cgz3e TR.Aa.�Sl�t.l.`��ES�' 0-1 & 1 ""€S:T'�?IBM' ''I013 :ontract, al 8140.4 300.96 36th,00 TOTAL WATER 'DISTRICT 9qCRlCR_CAIJL 1,219.15 320.00 1 l 3n00 .,.... ESTIMATED REVEN S Penalties 2148 ?S 00 14� 0o 10 00 Relayed `eater 2770 �°�°"�`���"�.` ,,,'�""�,"°""'��a� Unmeter+ c. :>�t a_ 5 2142 ..�. ._7��' ) W .r�� 0 Water Core. Charges 214 _L40-5 Ll Interest 44al TOTALR sl: 'J�•S _.�_ '�., ., �.,p . ? M r UNEXPENDED, A.LANCE ESTIMATED Page 1 � 297.X37 1 I -27- s . ,_.._...._._ �..�,.�.... Budget u get Actual This Year Officers Pre- Last as Tentative liminary Year Amended Budget Budget Adopted 1CCOUNTS 1974 1975 1976 11976 1976 SSl PERSHING-ASFLEY-COOLIDGIP, SEWER DIS . Sewage Treatment & Disposal Contractual 5130.4 1,500.00 1 500.00 1 500.00 TOTAL 4 TOTAL Sr,1EF. DIST. APRROPI:IKCIONS 1 500.00 l 500.00 1 500,00, 10500.00 ESTIMATED REVENUE Interest 2401 28.32 None Nom Name Transfe- from Special Dist., 2770 117.98 None None TOTAL 146.30. None None ESTIMATED UNEXPENDED &UMCE ty'._. ..� 477.74 None «28.. Acti'aal This Year Officers Pre- Lass. as Tentative liminary Year Amended Budget Budget Adopted "MIPITS 1971, _—�- 1975 1976 1976 �._ . 1976 SS3 RESERVOIR PARK S :DER DIST. SE IMT, TT'w`M17 1T & '?ISI'nS.4L Contractual 921.30.4 368. 10 1300.00 300.00 TOTAL '!.. LANAI q�•*� - - 'roTAL Srf DI �^l.CT APPROPPIAT:MTS _ _ 368. 10 1,300. 00 � .3o. r 11300200 _ Tnterest 24n1 TOTAL SEAWER DISTRIC REVENUES Transfer rage 1 _ : 7456 None Nam Nang - ESTIMAT D Ur EVE.NDE BALANCE "errs 1 , 071.It.91 1 ,0on.np DEBT srpm'T cr, rRiNCiPAL Serial Bonds 97:10. 6 5,000.00 5 000.00 q n ��,000.00 —')TAI, ,0 ,ic? ,0,- 0. e� Art ` INTEREST E . i. Serial 'Ban.eu. 07111.7 _ 490.0!3 50. 0t? ._ TOTAL _ ?.,....,: s TOTAi, PRt-,, 3Ar,r,: PTST. 5 49I. �AT P OWRT, 21OvS RtkrE T .00 Mn- ES.'14ATED fiEVEN 7LS Interes. 2401 ' Transfff Page 1 _ _ 52.59 _ none w NOTke ESTIMATI D 'U TEXTIE.TIDED BALANCE '?aae 7 _ 656.69 None _29_ 7 EVU SCH LE OF SA-L-AME3 OF ELECTED Ma OFFICIALS (Article 3 of the Towns Law) 1974 1975 1976 SUPERVISOR 8.000.0n 3rY000�00 250000 COttNCL' t aSM 000.00 3 000,00 13"2.50.01�. CW' 3 0 , %0200 3 000.00 3,250,,00 aaa Ct1UATCIi� j.000.00 3 000 0 t}0 3 250 00 ..tea.., .....�..�..._r..�._ Ct NC 3 ,000®00 3 000 0 00 j 2 50,00 TOWN CLERK 9 540.00 10 210.00 10 460000 HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDEfiP Ll 700,00 12 400,00 M- 122650.00 ,. . . TOWN d JUSTICE 4 500.00 4 500 0 00 4 7 50.00 TOWN JUSTI 4 500000 4 500000 4 750000 r 4.