1975-11-06 REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 6, 1975 MEMBER PRESENT: Gordon S. Streeter-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman Robert Barber-Councilman Harold Robillard-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman J. David Little-Town Counsel PRESS : Lee Coleman, Norman Mjaatvddt, Mr. Blackman TOWN OFFICIALS: Carl Garb, Thomas .Flaherty, Jerry Sawn, George Liapes, Harold Boynton GUESTS: Mr. Brown, Mr. Krebs, Mr. Brandt, Mr. Seelye Meeting Opened 7:30 P.M. Salute to the Flag. . . ,V PUBLIC HEARING-Krebs Imperial Furniture-Quaker Road from M-1 to C-3 Notice Shown Hearing Opened 7 :32 P.M. Mr. Krebs-noted for the record that he wished to change the zone from tlj M-1 to C-3 to allow for the establishment of his business on Quaker •-+ Road . .noted that the traffic flow in that area was in favor of a business establishment instead of industrial. . .also noted that this a thange would be in line with the new master plan for the town. . Councilman Robertson-what is your time table for building? Mr. Krebs-as soon as a purchaser for the building is found I will start. . . if it is sold by January a July lst. Around breaking is forseebUle. . .if Sold later the next July. . . Councilman Olson-we do not see this area as residential it looks asTHOU(,H it would be commercial. . . .we would suggest to have the beautification committee go over the plans of your building. . . Mr. Krebs- this will be a strand steel building. . . Mr. Seelye-supported Mr. Krebs rezoning. .`. The Warren County Planning Board and the Queensbury Planning Board gave approval of the rezoning. . . Councilman Barber recommended approval with the stipulation that the property to the east is also included . . . Town Counsel-noted that the advertising on this rezoning was strictly for the Krebs property. . .the board can not rezone-more property with this property. . . Councilman Barber-I will change my motion in favor of legal counsel. . . I rescini my first motion and make a motion to rezone the Krebs property from M-1 to C-3. . .Seconded by Mr. Olson. . . RF.R01111TnN NQ—;-IfL, will be forth coming from the Town Counsel and is to be found on page 12-,T- . PUBLIC HEARING-Town Budget 7 : 34 P.M. Notice Shown Supervisor Streeter-thanked all those that worked on the 1976 budget. . . including the assistance of Mrs. Sylvia Dougher. Supervisor Streeter went through the budget page by page and indicated that if anyone had any questions during the course of going over the pages to please raise their hand. Mr. Brandt abked a question regarding workmen' s compensation as to why the appropriation for 1976 in the tentative .budget was $14410.00 and then reduced to $7,000.00 in the preliminary budget. Mr. Streeter stated that the $14,000.00 .figure was in error. He not-ed that the budget was trimmed $129,862.00 from the first draft changing the tax-,,-rate from $4.23 to $3.40. He discussed special districts noting that the Queensbury Water Dist. has a $148,000 deficit, this was trimmed from $190,000. 00. The town has obtained 1a4 revenue anticipation notes for two years that will result in an increase in ad valorem taxes in the district by $2.46 per thousand. This means a $6.01 per thousand assessed valuation ad valorem on tax rate. Mr . Krebs.asked the board if the water rates would be reduced after the two year period. Mr. Streeter, the water rates will be raised for some time and then -will be decreased. Mr. Brandt asked why the bond anticipation interest does not show a substantial increase from 1975 to 1976. Mr. Robertson explained that state Audit and control laws state that the town cletnot anticipate money that will not be paid in the fiscal year in question. Mr. R�dgrtson explained that in several special districts such as the West Glen And Shore Colony Water District the rates will have to be raised to reflect the cost of water paid to the city and also for badly needed repairs. Mr. Krebs-asked if the $250. 00 would be the only raise that the fmll time employees would be receiving. Mr. Streeter- it was felt that an across the board increase of $250.00 would be the fairest. Some of our employees will also receive increments. Mr. Krebs-noted that in his personal feelings that this raise was totally .inadequate. He saw that two positions in the list in the budget, that this was their total income and that the others on the lists had other full time jobs. I would like to suggest to the board that .they change these salaries. Mr Robertson noted by law that they could not change these salaries now. The public hearing on the budget was closed at 8:47 P.M. RESOLUTION TO APPROPRIATE MANPOWER .REIMBURSEMENTS RECEIVED FOR FEBRUARY, MARCH, APRIL AND MAY, 1975 11F.ROUITT(1N NO--21-7. Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, prior to June 1, 1975 Manpower employees of the Town were paid from the payrolls of their respective departments (General, Highway or Waver) and WHEREAS, the Town was reimbursed by the County of Warren for wages plus fringe benefits for such employees, and WHEREAS such reimbursements were deposited into the General Town fund and credited to Manpower Account codes and WHEREAS the instrucitons of the Department of Audit and Control called for establishment of a separate General Fund Manpower Payroll after June l and the repayment of the various departmental codes for Manpowereex�eKses ncmrred prior to that date, therefore be it RESOLVED that t (1) Reimbursements applicable to the General Department increases the 1975 appropriations totals as follows : I A1620.1 by $8636.60 from 5700.00 to $14,336.60 A1220. 1 by $2423.06 from $21400.00 to $23,823.06 A9030.8 by $646.99 from $20,400.00 to $21,046.99 A9040. 8 by $58. 23 from $8957.00 to $9015.23 A9060.8 by $1061.45 from $13,300.00 to 14,361.45 (2) Reimbursements 6fsr$4113.48 .ire made to the Highway Fund from the General Fund and credited to increase the 1975 appropriations totals as follows : 10 DR5110.1 by $1431.11 from 89,000.00 to 90,431.11 DS5142.1 by 2000.00 from 70,600. 00 to 72,600.00 DR9030. 8 by 83. 73 from 5200.00 to 5283. 73 DS9030.8 by 117. 00 from 4300.00 to 4417.00 DR9040.8 by 154.40 from 4000.00 to 4154.40 DR9060.8 by 327.24 from 5900. 00 to 6227.24 _ (3) Reimbursement of $5757.09 to be made to the Queensbury Water District and credited to .increase the 1975 appropriations totals as follows : SW1 8310.1 by 1629. 60 from 19,100.00 to 20, 729.60 SW1 8320. 1 by 2596. 83 from 35,900.00 t6 38,496. 83 SW1 8330.1 by 1120.00 from 10,000.00 to 11,120.00 SW1 9030.8 by 312.77 from 9,200.00 t0 9,512. 77 SW1 9040. 8 by 8.56 from 2500.00 to 2508.56 SW1 9060.8 by 89. 33 from 7200.00 to 7289. 33 (4) Reimbursements received from the County of Warren for Retirement benefits in the amount of $1957.50 be encumbered for 1976 under the Manpower Benefits Appropriation Account A6256. 8 since billing from the State Retirement System will not be made during the current fiscal year. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. -Barber, ..Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter tIJ r4 Noes : None C Absent: None MOBILE HOME application of Florence and Albert J. .Brown of 10 Briwood Circle to locate a mobile home on VanDusen Road on property owned by Russ Kingsley. . .Building Inspector-A hardship is evident in this case. There are several trailers in the vicinity. The lot will be conforming. . . Mr. & Mrs. Brown were present. . . RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PUBLIC HEARING 41+UT1nN wn-, _9" introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard.who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, Florence and-Albert .J. Brown has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled-ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home outside at property situated at VanDusen Road, and WHEREAS , it is hereby determined that said application complies with the requirements of said ordinance, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application are sufficient to justify further consideration by this board, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, the town board shall conduct a public hearing on said application on November 25, 1975 at 7 :30 P.M. in the Queensbury Town Office Building, Bay Road, and that the Town Clerk is hbreby authorized acid directed to give proper notice of said public hearing- in accordance with the provisions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following. vate: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Noes: None Absent: None COMMUNICATIONS: -D.O.T. meeting on November 6th. Town Engineer will attend re: mass transit -D.O.T. lower speed limit from Quaker to Cronin 6n Ridge Road signs will soon be placed. . . -A.P.A. project permit application completion for Tourist Accommodations for Arthur E. Brown. . . -ENCON ltr. re: Septic Tank cleaners Joseph Wells, J. G. Piscitelli and Action Septic Service. . .septic tank disposal at Queensbury landfill. . . -Ltr. ENCON re: proposed environmental quality review. . .a hearing will be held November 17, 1975 at Hearing Room B. Legislative Office Building Albany, New York -Ltr. Dept. of Commerce form to be filled out regarding labor relations. . . ltr. from Glenn H. Harris Minority Whip State Assembly re: public j hearing on Adirondack Park Agency. . December 2nd. 1975 at 7:00 P.M. Supreme Coutt Room Municipal Center ANNOUNCEMENTS: -Bi-CentenniAi Flag and Sctall have been received and will be presented at an appropriate ceremony by the Queensbury Bi-Centennial Committee. . . -Special Town Board Meeting November 13th, 1975. . . OPEN FORUM Mr. Krebs-when will cable T.V. be placed in Twicwood Supervisor Streeter-reviewed the situation in Twicwood and noted that work should start soon. . . Town Counsel-reported on the no smoking law noting that it .did not . effect Town Board meetings. . .there could be smoking during the lAeeting. . . Mr. Seelye-requested that the Town Board review the idea of no smoking in the court room. . . Councilman Barber- voiced his concern over the approval of Mr. Joseph Wells and the J. G. Piscitelli they. are allowed only to dump in the Queensbury Landfill. . .it is very possible that material outside of Queensbury is being dumped into the Queensbury landfill . . .I would advise that Mr. Corliss be notifieduof this . . . I would like this: application amended until then Mr. Wells and J. G. -Piscitelli only dispose sewage waste in Queensbury that comes from Queensbury. . . Supervisor Streeter-asked Councilman Barber to contact Mr. Corliss on this problem. . . Councilman Barber-hoped that each citizen in our community attends the meeting on November 17 , 1975 in regard to the State Environmental Quality Review Act which will be in effect on January 1st, 1976. an effective movement on the part of the citizens could cause a change in the strength of this stringent law. . . REPORTS: -Town Clerk's monthly report-October, 1975 read and placed on file -Rec. of Taxes- report on settlement of water rents-reviewed by water Superintendent. . . -Justice report read and placed on file -Building and Zoning report for October read and placed on file. . . -Dog Warden' s report on file-October 1975. . . On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase Tovm Clerk, Town of Queens- bury