2005-12-19-2005 MTG 56 REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 239 REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING MTG#56 TH DECEMBER 19, 2005 RES#578-601 7:05 P.M. B.H. 37-38 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT SUPERVISOR DANIEL STEC COUNCILMAN ROGER BOOR COUNCILMAN THEODORE TURNER COUNCILMAN JOHN STROUGH COUNCILMAN TIM BREWER TOWN COUNSEL ROBERT HAFNER TOWN OFFICIALS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, MARILYN RYBA BUDGET OFFICER, JENNIFER SWITZER SUPERINTENDENT OF CEMETERIES, MIKE GENIER DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF WASTEWATER, MIKE SHAW PRESS TV 8, POST STAR PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY COUNCILMAN TIM BREWER SUPERVISOR STEC-Opened meeting. RESOLUTION ENTERING QUEENSBURY BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTION NO. 578, 2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. John Strough RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns from Regular Session and moves into the Queensbury Board of Health. th Duly adopted this 19 day of December, 2005, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec Noes: None Absent:None REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 240 PUBLIC HEARING SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL VARIANCE RICHARD & CYNTHIA SMITH PRESENT AGENT TOM CENTER, FROM NACE ENGINEERING NOTICE SHOWN OPENED SUPERVISOR STEC-This is in fact a new application. They had a similar proposal that we had the public hearing on and we did not take action on because the applicants had indicated that they were going to reapply. They did reapply so this is a new public hearing. The public hearing is open and I’ll turn it over to their engineer, Mr. Center. TOM CENTER, NACE ENGINEERING-This is a new application. From the last application, we have included a pump station to dose the absorption bed as per one of the comments from Mr. Navitsky. We’ve also moved the system within ninety-nine feet from the edge of the lake requiring a variance request for one foot of relief. That increases our request for relief along the road to two and a half feet of separation between the edge of the property line and the edge of the system. SUPERVISOR STEC-I know that one of the things that we had said at the previous application we were concerned about was the feedback from C.T. Male, which we have. I think everyone should have that dated December th 19. Also, we did get a letter although I cannot find my copy here I know we got one from Rick Missita. I know those were two key correspondences that we were looking for. Board members have questions for Mr. Center. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-What do you think of the two recommendations from C.T. Male, Tom? MR. CENTER-In regards to the sizing of the pipe. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-One is removal of the existing failed system that you excavated to the full extent of the material be identified or removed and replaced with suitable clean sand or gravel backfill. MR. CENTER-Yes, we will perform where we can find it in that area that we previously dug. We will dig down, excavate, and remove that material. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Somebody from the Town will be there to see the removal of this. MR. CENTER-I assume so if you make it conditional upon that. COUNCILMAN BOOR-I think that’s what this says that we should see that. MR. CENTER-I can go out there to verify prior to installing the backfill that it is completed and provide a letter to such. REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 241 COUNCILMAN BOOR-I would almost insist that Mr. Hatin see that it is removed fully. That our engineer identify that the lines are sized properly. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-The second recommendation is that the absorption field lines be sized in accordance with pressure distribution perimeters and New York State Department of Health Design Manual and the ends of the lines be capped. MR. CENTER-To that, I would answer that we are not providing the pressure distribution we are providing dosing to the system, which a four- inch pipe is applicable to dosing of the system. Pressure distribution requires a pipe sized one to three inches no distribution box for the system to be interconnected. We will be connecting the ends of the laterals as opposed to capping them to provide full circulation of the dose volume. The dose volume is eighty percent as per the DOH sizing criteria for dosing. We are not providing pressure distribution we are providing dosing of the system, which it is either/or. You can provide pressure distribution or dosing. COUNCILMAN BOOR-My concern is then it appears our engineer didn’t understand the system you were putting in. MR. CENTER-I will confirm it with Mr. Edwards in regards to how we’re sizing the system we did talk at length. I didn’t get an opportunity I got it late in the afternoon to reach him prior to coming to this meeting. I assure you the size we are using is the proper size for dosing in the system. The volume has been calculated to eighty percent of the volume of the field, which is all per the residential handbook standards. COUNCILMAN BOOR-The only thing is I think our engineer has to sign off on that. SUPERVISOR STEC-I was going to suggest if I might make a suggestion to the board then on both of these recommendations that C.T. Male had. Is that we condition the approval; I think we are heading in that direction. Condition the approval on the Town inspection of the excavation as remarked before. Number two, that we get some sort of clarifying letter from Jim Edwards stating if you are not on the same page with him stating that what exactly the understanding is. That recommendation that he made apparently was based on maybe not a hundred percent understanding of what your system was going to do. So, maybe if we could handle that with just an additional letter from him. MR. CENTER-I’ll make letter to Mr. Edwards in regards to how we’re sizing the system, what size pipe we are doing, how we’re dosing it, then wait for his response. SUPERVISOR STEC-We get a response from him saying that he agrees or whatever then I think would address that second one. Roger, John, will that work for both you guys. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Fine. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-Yeah, I was going to suggest that. REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 242 SUPERVISOR STEC-Any other board members have questions or comments right now before we hear from the public. Okay, the public hearing is opened. If there are any members from of the public that would like to comment regarding this sewage disposal variance for Richard & Cynthia Smith. Again, the location is 122 Rockhurst Road just raise your hand and we will hear from anyone that wants to comment. PUBLIC HEARING OPENED NO PUBLIC COMMENT SUPERVISOR STEC-Any further Town Board comments? COUNCILMAN BOOR-Who will write that condition in? SUPERVISOR STEC-I was going to say Bob can you accommodate. TOWN COUNSEL, HAFNER-I was going to volunteer to put some language in for you. I think what you are saying is adding a resolve that this variance is conditioned upon two items. First, that the Town employee shall inspect the excavation. Second, that Jim Edwards sends a follow-up letter from I think his December 19 letter confirming the sizing of the system and whether or not the system must be capped. SUPERVISOR STEC-Sounds good. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-The first one with the excavation Bob it doesn’t clarify if it is the excavation of the new or the old. What C.T. Male is concerned is about the failed system the old system gets cleaned out. COUNCILMAN BOOR-They want that material removed. TOWN COUNSEL, HAFNER-Okay. Then the first condition will be Town inspection of the excavation and removal of prior septic system. COUNCILMAN BREWER-The capping you said something about that it doesn’t need to be capped. MR. CENTER-We are going to interconnect the ends of the laterals. SUPERVISOR STEC-Any final public comment on this? We will close the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED RESOLUTION APPROVING RICHARD AND CYNTHIA SMITH’S APPLICATION FOR SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL VARIANCES RESOLUTION NO.: BOH 37, 2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 243 SECONDED BY: Mr. John Strough WHEREAS, Richard and Cynthia Smith filed an application for variances from provisions of the Town of Queensbury On-Site Sewage Disposal Ordinance, Chapter 136 to install a replacement septic system: 1.2.5’ from the west property line instead of the required 10’ setback; 2.1’ from the south property line instead of the required 10’ setback; 3.7.2’ from the basement instead of the required 20’ setback; and 4.99’ from Lake George instead of the required 100’ setback; on property located at 112 Rockhurst Road in the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, the Town Clerk’s Office published the Notice of Public Hearing in the Town’s official newspaper and the Local Board of Health conducted a public hearing th concerning the variance requests on December 19, 2005, and WHEREAS, the Town Clerk’s Office has advised that it duly notified all property owners within 500 feet of the subject property, and WHEREAS, in accordance with Town Code §136-20(E), if the Town’s Local Board of Health refers an application to a qualified consultant, the costs of such consultant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant before any variance shall be effective, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that 1.due to the nature of the variances, it is felt that the variances would not be materially detrimental to the purposes and objectives of this Ordinance or other adjoining properties nor otherwise conflict with the purpose and objectives of any Town plan or policy; and 2.the Local Board of Health finds that the granting of the variances is necessary for the reasonable use of the land and is the minimum variances which would alleviate the specific unnecessary hardship found by the Local Board of Health to affect the applicants; and BE IT FURTHER, REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 244 RESOLVED, that the Local Board of Health hereby approves the application of Richard and Cynthia Smith for variances from the Sewage Disposal Ordinance to install a replacement septic system: 1.2.5’ from the west property line instead of the required 10’ setback; 2.1’ from the south property line instead of the required 10’ setback; 3.7.2’ from the basement instead of the required 20’ setback; and 4.99’ from Lake George instead of the required 100’ setback; on property located at 112 Rockhurst Road in the Town of Queensbury and bearing Tax Map No.: 227.09-1-10, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that such application is approved and variance approvals shall not be effective until Richard and Cynthia Smith pay to the Town any costs incurred in accordance with Queensbury Town Code §136-20, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that such variances are conditioned upon: 1.the Town’s employees shall inspection the excavation and removal of prior septic system; and 2.James Edwards of C. T. Male Associates, P.C. send a follow-up letter to his th December 19, 2005 letter to the Town’s Director of Building and Codes Enforcement confirming the sizing of the system and whether or not the system must be capped. th Duly adopted this 19 day of December, 2005, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner NOES: None ABSENT:None RESOLUTION ADJOURNING QUEENSBURY BOARD OF HEALTH RESOLUTION NO. 38, 2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. John Strough REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 245 RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns from the Queensbury Board of Health and moves back into the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury. th Duly adopted this 19 day of December, 2005, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor Noes: None Absent:None REGULAR SESSION PUBLIC HEARINGS PUBLIC HEARING – AMENDMENT TO WEST GLENS FALLS EMERGENCY SQUAD, INC.’S 2005 EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH TOWN OF QUEENSBURY OPENED NOTICE SHOWN SUPERVISOR STEC-We set this public hearing at our last Regular Town Board Meeting. To bring the public up to date the jest of it was as we move towards final resolution to the movement of the old EMS squad building to a new location for the purpose of the connector road that we had a minor impasse at this point on finalizing the final numbers. There would have been a cash transaction involved in the swap of the property between the Town and the Rescue Company that would have provided enough cash for the Rescue Squad to be able to pay incurred soft costs that they incurred to this point. That hasn’t happened yet, although I’m sure that we will resolve this in the near future. In the meantime there are soft cost that have been incurred that the Town Board was aware of and we have discussed this with the Rescue Squad in a Workshop immediately prior to the last regular Town Board Meeting two weeks ago. The accounting that we were looking for has been received now from Mr. Girard to our Budget Officer she has distributed this to the Town Board. We had set a public hearing not to exceed granting of the thirty nine thousand dollars for the soft costs. This thirty nine thousand dollar figure is understood between the Town and the Rescue Squad and the public should know is not an additional fund at this point. It is understood that we will be taking these funds off the approved total for the building. I know that the Rescue Squad building is out there still getting discussed. The bidders are still looking at it again. They are trying to sharpen the pencil and come down to a lower number at some point we will address that. In the meantime, this thirty nine thousand dollars is not an additional thirty nine thousand dollar it is in essence an advance to cover the soft costs. Again the cash would have been available had the property closing occurred it hasn’t yet hopefully it will occur in the early part of next year. In order to do that we need to have a public hearing to approve this thirty nine thousand dollars of soft costs that the Town Board has been discussing with West Glens Falls EMS with that, I think that’s the summary. If there are any members of the public that would like to comment or ask any questions on this subject just raise your hand, we will call you up to the microphone, please. NO PUBLIC COMMENT SUPERVISOR STEC-Are there any other questions or comments from Town Board of Jennifer regarding what we received in the mail. I think that it was pretty detailed that was what I think what we were looking for. COUNCILMAN BOOR-The first resolve. Last sentence will be reimbursed when the real estate financing closing occurs. Does that actually get deducted at the closing? Does that take place at the closing the repayment or is it just after that at someone’s convenience it is done? REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 246 TOWN COUNSEL, HAFNER-I had drafted it envisioning that it would be an item on the closing statement. SUPERVISOR STEC-Okay. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Okay. SUPERVISOR STEC-That makes the most sense to me. Any other questions from Town Board members? Any public comment at all. I will close this public hearing and entertain a motion. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO WEST GLENS FALLS EMERGENCY SQUAD, INC.’S 2005 EMERGENCY SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH TOWN OF QUEENSBURY RESOLUTION NO.: 579, 2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Roger Boor WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury and the West Glens Falls Emergency Squad, Inc. (Squad) have entered into an Agreement for emergency services, which Agreement sets forth a number of terms and conditions including a condition that the Squad will not purchase or enter into any binding contract to purchase any piece of apparatus, equipment, vehicles, real property, or make any improvements that would require the Squad to acquire a loan or mortgage or use money placed in a “vehicles fund” without prior approval of the Queensbury Town Board, and WHEREAS, the Squad presented to the Town Board a proposal to construct a new Squad building on the west side of Luzerne Road in the Town of Queensbury for a principal amount not to exceed $1.7 million and the Squad proposes to finance the construction project by acquiring a mortgage, and WHEREAS, the Town Board desires that the total cost of such building project not exceed $1.7 million, and WHEREAS, the Squad plans on entering into a financing agreement for an amount not to exceed $1.55 million for twenty years at a rate to be determined, and WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board has previously determined that it is necessary and in the public interest to approve such construction contract to improve the provision of emergency services to the Town, and REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 247 WHEREAS, the Squad has spent approximately $39,000 for soft costs included in the $1.7 seven million project maximum costs, and needs the funds that it has thus far expended in order to operate until its real estate or financing closings, and WHEREAS, since such $39,000 in funding is not included in the Squad’s current th 2005 Budget and Agreement, the Town Board held a public hearing on December 19, 2005 concerning a proposed amendment to the 2005 Emergency Services Agreement to provide for the proposed $39,000 in additional funding and heard all interested persons, and WHEREAS, the Town Board has determined that it is necessary and in the public interest to act on this proposal to improve the provision of emergency services to the Town, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves of the West Glens Falls Emergency Squad, Inc.’s proposed amendment of its 2005 Contract and authorizes an increase in the Contract amount not to exceed $39,000, provided that such $39,000 is included in the $1.7 million Squad building amount and that this amount will be reimbursed when the real estate or financing closings occur, and the Town Board hereby authorizes an amendment to the Squad’s 2005 emergency services budget and Agreement, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to sign any necessary documentation, including an amended Agreement between the Town and the Squad in form approved by Town Counsel, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Budget Officer to take all action necessary to transfer funds and amend the 2005 Town Budget as necessary, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor, Town Counsel and/or Budget Officer to take any action necessary to effectuate all terms of this Resolution. th Duly adopted this 19 day of December, 2005 by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 248 NOES : None ABSENT: None PUBLIC HEARING – REVOCABLE PERMIT TO LOCATE MOBILE HOME OUTSIDE OF MOBILE HOME COURT FOR BRADFORD NERON OPENED NOTICE SHOWN SUPERVISOR STEC-I will open this public hearing. This is a mobile home to replace an existing singlewide mobile home located at 11 East Drive. Are there any questions of Town Board members right now? COUNCILMAN BOOR-Bob we do these frequently or not frequently, but it certainly isn’t a very strange thing. We are going for a revocable because that’s what everyone is comfortable with. How arbitrary can a board be when you want to revoke something does there have to be grounds or can it just be a change of attitude? I mean, I probably should ask at some other point. TOWN COUNSEL, HAFNER-That’s a question that I would prefer not to answer on camera. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Okay. SUPERVISOR STEC-The public hearing is open. If there are any members of the public that would like to comment on this hearing to consider permit to locate a mobile home outside of a mobile home court. Mr. Boor is right we’ve done these before we get about three or four a year, I would say probably that sounds about right. Any public comment on this at all. NO PUBLIC COMMENT SUPERVISOR STEC-I’ll close this public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING REVOCABLE PERMIT TO LOCATE A MOBILE HOME OUTSIDE OF MOBILE HOME COURT FOR BRADFORD NERON RESOLUTION NO.: 580, 2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Roger Boor WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury regulates mobile homes outside of mobile home courts in accordance with Queensbury Town Code §113-12, and REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 249 WHEREAS, Bradford Neron filed an application for a revocable "Mobile Home Outside a Mobile Home Court" permit to replace his single-wide mobile home located at 11 East Drive, Queensbury with a double-wide mobile home, and WHEREAS, the Town Board held a public hearing concerning this application on th December 19, 2005, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes the issuance of a revocable permit to Bradford Neron in accordance with the terms and provisions of Queensbury Town Code §113-12. th Duly adopted this 19 day of December, 2005, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer NOES : None ABSENT: None PUBLIC HEARING – MANNIX MARKETING’S REQUEST TO SHIFT OPERATIONS FROM TOWN OF QUEENSBURY TO CITY OF GLENS FALLS LOCATED IN WARREN COUNTY EMPIRE ZONE OPENED NOTICE SHOWN SUPERVISOR STEC-I will open this public hearing. Anytime a business in a County that has an Empire Zone, which Warren County does, wants to relocate to another location or another municipality in the County it needs to get essentially a release from the current municipality before it can move and receive benefits in the other municipality. Almost identical scenario to this was when TV8 left Quaker Road to move downtown in order to get one what they thought was a better location, which I think they would say that they are very happy with. Two in order to be eligible for an Empire Zone they needed our approval. This is a similar situation in that this Mannix Marketing, Ms. Mannix is here tonight is currently operating in Queensbury, but would like to open a office in downtown Glens Falls. Would be expanding staff and qualify apparently according to the Empire Zone people for an Empire Zone status. It is a similar situation we are required to conduct this public hearing. I know we did get a little correspondence from Warren County EDC and I’m glad that Ms. Mannix is here tonight in case there are questions from the board. At that point, I’ll ask if any board members have any questions. That’s Ms. Mannix’s over there waving at us. I just met her this evening it is nice to meet you. Are there any questions from board members at this point? The public hearing is opened is there anyone that would like to comment on the public hearing just raise your hand and we will call on you. REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 250 NO PUBLIC COMMENT SUPERVISOR STEC-I’ll close the public hearing and entertain a motion. RESOLUTION APPROVING MANNIX MARKETING’S REQUEST TO SHIFT OPERATIONS FROM TOWN OF QUEENSBURY TO CITY OF GLENS FALLS LOCATED IN WARREN COUNTY EMPIRE ZONE RESOLUTION NO.: 581, 2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. John Strough WHEREAS,Mannix Marketing is a high-technology, full-service internet marketing company located on Stonehurst Drive within the Town of Queensbury and serving Warren, Washington and Northern Saratoga Counties, and WHEREAS, Mannix Marketing specializes in making websites easy to find on the Internet and its business has grown at least 10% and as much as 50% annually since its inception in 1996, and WHEREAS, growth at Mannix Marketing has been stifled due to the size of office space it currently occupies in its home setting on Stonehurst Drive in the Town of Queensbury and relocation would allow growth and increase visibility, and WHEREAS, Mannix Marketing could not find comparable business space to conducts its business within the Town of Queensbury and therefore has decided to relocate from its Stonehurst Drive site to the City of Glens Falls located in the Warren County Empire Zone, and § WHEREAS, in accordance with New York State General Municipal Law 959 (a)(iii), Mannix Marketing must secure the approval of the Town of Queensbury in order to relocate to the City of Glens Falls located in the Warren County Empire Zone, and WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board duly conducted a public hearing and th heard all interested persons on December 19, 2005 concerning the Company’s proposed relocation, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 251 § RESOLVED, in accordance with New York State General Municipal Law 959 (a)(iii), the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves the proposal by Mannix Marketing to shift its operations from Stonehurst Drive, Queensbury to the City of Glens Falls located in the Warren County Empire Zone, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to sign any documentation and take any action necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. th Duly adopted this 19 day of December, 2005 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec NOES: None ABSENT:None PUBLIC HEARING – ESTABLISHMENT OF INCREASE IN ROUTES 9 AND 254 TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS CAPITAL PROJECT #137 OPENED NOTICE SHOWN SUPERVISOR STEC-The Town Board has been working on this 9 and 254 improvement. This is an increase an additional sum to cover this additional cost for engineering a hundred and twenty four thousand dollars. Marilyn if I could put you on the spot a little bit. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Thirty four thousand. SUPERVISOR STEC-I’m sorry thirty four thousand. Could I ask you to amplify a little bit, of what we are doing here, please? EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, MARILYN RYBA-Sure. There are a few items that need to be completed to get this project ready for May 2005 construction. SUPERVISOR STEC- May 2006. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MS. RYBA-May 2006. We need to do Phase I Cultural Resources Analysis. Two new aspects were added to the project Carlton Drive left turn and also a dual left turn into the easterly entrance of the Aviation Mall. Previously the New York State Office of Historic Preservation and Recreation or SHIPO as its known said they didn’t believe that we needed to do a Cultural Resource Analysis they changed their minds as the project progressed so we need to pay for that. The dual left turn to Aviation Mall design and preparation of the contract plan and then as was reported in the Post Star New York State Department of Transportation is going to let this project in conjunction with signalization for Quaker Road county project saving a substantial amount of funding. However, part of that REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 252 requires that our consultant Stantec Engineering put together the cost estimate. There is a particular and I’m looking for the name of it right now, but it is a particular system it is required to go into. The New York State Transport Estimate System there is a cost to get all those exact requirements together for the bid, which is expected to be let out in January actually April, excuse me. Then expect to get the bids back so that construction can start in May. The total cost of those three items in thirty four thousand dollars. SUPERVISOR STEC-I had misspoken it is an additional thirty four thousand dollars that is being sought not a hundred and twenty four. The public hearing is opened if there are any members of the public that would like to comment or ask any further questions on this public hearing just raise your hand. DOTTIE MEADER, 9 SCHOOLHOUSE ROAD, QUEENSBURY-I have a question someone told me that there is going to be a traffic light put at the intersection of Aviation and Carlton Drive is that true? SUPERVISOR STEC-Not true. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Untrue. COUNCILMAN TURNER-No. MS. MEADER-I don’t think it’s a good idea to put a left turn lane there without a traffic light. All you will be doing is moving the cars out of the way for the people on Aviation Road. You would not be addressing the problem of people turning onto or off Carlton Drive, which is the problem. I think there has been a great need for a traffic light there every since Hess was built. The traffic there is phenomenal and there have been many accidents at the corner of Aviation and Carlton Drive. Thank you for your time. I like to wish everyone a healthy and happy holiday season. SUPERVISOR STEC-You, too. Thank you very much Dottie. Any other public comment on this public hearing? PLINEY TUCKER, 41 DIVISION ROAD, QUEENSBURY-Refresh this old mind what are we doing at this intersection? SUPERVISOR STEC-In a nutshell, I’ve been using that a lot lately. Route 9 and 254 the State went in they did the investigation much to a lot of people’s relief in the Greenway North neighborhood the State made a couple decisions. One that the connector road wasn’t the solution to the issue and either was the roundabout. The State’s recommendation and what they will approve is essentially an improvement to the Route 9, 254 intersection to add left hand turn lanes coming down the mall hill to go north on nine a second left hand turn lane coming down nine to go east on Quaker. In addition to that they are going, to dress up the curbs remove the little asphalt islands. They are going to put the pedestrian crossing lights in you press the button cross the intersection for pedestrians and what not. In addition to that, we had asked them originally could you fix that median up there near the Hess Station near Carlton Drive it is associated with this intersection problem. They looked at it and said yes that would make that wider as REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 253 Dottie just pointed out. There is a problem coming down cars trying to come down from the school over the Northway they run into, you know there is that car that is trying to make that left into Hess or into Carlton Drive, you cannot really go around them on the right without traveling into the other travel lane. The State said yes we agree with that we are willing to do that its part of that project as well. Then in that course it was also discussed hey can we take a look at the eastern most Mall entrance where coming up the Mall hill right at the Burger King where you make that left turn into the Mall sometimes that traffic backs up all the way down into the Route 9, 254 intersection. It was suggested we also get a second left hand turn lane there. The State came back and said two things both of which were good news. Yes, we can add that to this project and on top of that, we are willing to pay for the entire project. The bad news was they said instead of doing it fall 2005 they are going to do it spring 2006. The Town said, hey we are going to get a better project and we don’t have to pay for it all we have to do is wait until the Spring that’s a no brainer. That’s where we are so the scope has grown to that right now. Unfortunately nothing gets cheaper with time and we’re here talking about an additional thirty four thousand dollars tonight. That’s where we’re going with this. It should improve it. I think a lot of people would say that might a ten or fifteen-year solution to the 9, 254 issue. No one really knows what is the ultimate solution as far as will a connector road or roundabout they have thrown those two out. I think the other thing is going to be maybe a Town wide solution. There is not a whole lot more we can do with that intersection. There might be some other things associated with other intersections and other would be possible connections or modifications to traffic. For the next ten to fifteen years, the State is saying this is the answer to this problem for now. MR. TUCKER-My other question is if I remember correctly Charlie Wood’s property was purchased with, the anticipation of the by-pass road is that true. COUNCILMAN BOOR-It wasn’t with the anticipation it was in the case that it was…. SUPERVISOR STEC-In the case that it was needed. You mean the property that they were talking about the Cracker Barrel where the four acres across the street from Friendly’s? COUNCILMAN BREWER-That was not bought in anticipation of doing that. SUPERVISOR STEC-The public purpose was for potential future highway improvements. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-Multiple reasons. SUPERVISOR STEC-Then there are other reasons. The reason in the resolution was potential highway improvements. MR. TUCKER-So that is available for other things. REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 254 SUPERVISOR STEC-No. If we do anything to that intersection that’s an awkward crest of the hill right there. Anything that we want to do at that intersection we are going to want to…. COUNCILMAN BOOR-There aren’t any plans to do anything to that property. SUPERVISOR STEC-We’re going to hold onto that property for now. MR. TUCKER-Thank you. SUPERVISOR STEC-Anybody else on the Route 9, 254 additional funds. Any other Town Board questions, comments, or Marilyn anything else. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MS. RYBA-I just wanted to mentioned that we’ve had a series of public meetings and public hearings on this and that’s how the left turn lane for Carleton Drive came about as well as the dual lane into Aviation Mall. What exists now going onto Carleton Drive is a slight median that people are using as a left turn lane so this is why the left turn lane having a full left turn lane should help with that accident situation. Just as a little bit of background too, I think that this is something that has been looked at through the years starting since 1992, 1993, from what I could see in the records so it’s taken a while. It is meant to last for anywhere between a ten and twenty year period. All the work will be done in the existing right- a-way so as soon as we get started with this as with most things it is time to start looking at the next. Where we go for the future I think, the Greenway North situation having that property you are exactly right that property was bought by the Town not in anticipation of this particular project but you never know what you might need in the future. SUPERVISOR STEC-Actually, I just want to amplify something that you pointed out. That this improvement to the Route 9, 254 can all be done within existing, state right a way, property there is no additional acquisition that is needed. I thought that was important to point out. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-I had a question. I know that the Aviation Mall and part of their expansion project included mitigation money up to seventy five thousand dollars for mitigation of traffic at least in part they helped caused. I noticed that we are going to put that towards the Carlton Drive turning lane. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MS. RYBA-That funding it all depends on what the bids come in for that is dedicated to Routes 9, 254 improvements. I don’t think necessarily for Carlton Drive alone. That was an agreement that was made by the Town and the State. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-I know, but I would think it would be a cause and affect. If it was going to be mitigation monies given to us for traffic that they helped cause that the Carlton Drive wasn’t one of their issues at least not now not until they develop that western part then it might be. In the way that the memorandum writes, it says New York State DOT will be preparing a betterment contract with the Town for an estimated sixty five thousand for the Carlton Drive portion of the project. Funds will be issued from the REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 255 Aviation Mall EIS mitigation. I just didn’t know why the EIS mitigation from Aviation Mall was earmarked for the Carlton Drive turning lane. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MS RYBA-I think the language in the EIS mitigation states for Route 9, 254 improvements. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Anywhere on that stretch. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MS. RYBA-Related improvements so Carlton Drive was considered a part of that. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-The only other thing, I think, I would comment on is what Dottie had said earlier. Right now, I don’t think that the Carlton Drive intersection merits a traffic signal because you have to balance the traffic flow of Quaker Road or 254, Aviation Road at that point with the ease in which the Carleton Drive people can get in and out. Especially when you do have the Greenway North intersection still available to you, there is no Cracker Barrel there so that is still available to you. Maybe at some future time when they develop the western sector of the Aviation Mall the one adjacent to Exit 19 there might be a need there someday for a traffic light so will keep in mind. COUNCILMAN BREWER-It’s awful close between the two lights. SUPERVISOR STEC-The State will look at that. That reminds of me of one other aspect to further answer Pliney’s question. The County had a project to redo the timing of the lights on Quaker Road. It made a lot of sense to the Town, County, and AGFTC, (Adirondack Glens Falls Transportation Council) that does all the traffic organization around the area of the projects that they linked those two projects together. Those two projects are traveling together now, which makes it flow a lot better for everyone that is involved in getting the work done. So, in addition to the Route 9, 254 work that I described all the Quaker Road signals are going to be retimed and adjusted. That’s going to make traffic on Quaker Road a lot better too; I just thought I throw that out there. Are there any other comments on this public hearing? LINC CATHERS, 47 OVERLOOK DRIVE, QUEENSBURY-On the Quaker Road lights. The light where you turn to Hannaford the green at least from vision looks almost light white lights. If you drive down going east on Quaker Road and you look at those lights when you turn at Hannaford there are white lights higher on the arisen above those they look almost the same. It is very easy to miss those green lights. If you look at the ones at Bay Road, they are very green. The ones there are decidedly light green. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Linc is it the hew or is it where they hit the horizon. MR. CATHERS-The light itself is nowhere near as green. At least to me it looks almost white. It would be very easy to go through that light not realizing that, of course, it is a green light, I guess. REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 256 COUNCILMAN STROUGH-Do you notice the same thing going west. MR. CATHERS-I notice it going east. SUPERVISOR STEC-I’ll call the County DPW. MR. CATHERS-All of those must have a hundred lights. SUPERVISOR STEC-Right there are those little LED’s. MR. CATHERS-That’s a different than other lights. SUPERVISOR STEC-I wrote it down we will look at it. Anybody else on this public hearing. MS. MEADER-I just had a question. I was thinking what about putting in front of Carlton Drive a sign that says, Do Not Block Side Road. Even with this new left, turn lane I know I have sat there before for fifteen minutes trying to turn left it is almost impossible. I have seen that sign on other City streets elsewhere Do Not Block Side Road. I didn’t know if that was an option. COUNCILMAN BOOR-It is usually done in conjunction with a lot of different types of stripping in the road, too. It is maybe something we can look at. SUPERVISOR STEC-Marilyn can we have someone look at that. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, MS. RYBA-I don’t know if it is too late in the project, but we can ask the question. SUPERVISOR STEC-Just ask what can be done there. Anybody else. I’ll close this public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ESTABLISHMENT OF INCREASE IN ROUTES 9 AND 254 TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS CAPITAL PROJECT FUND #137 RESOLUTION NO.: 582, 2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Roger Boor WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board adopted the Town of Queensbury’s (revised) Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), which CIP included the Town’s proposed prioritized short and long-term Capital Projects, and WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 69,2003, the Town Board authorized creation of the Routes 9 and 254 Traffic Improvements Capital Project Fund #137 and transferred into REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 257 such Fund $100,000 by interfund loan until the Town received Federal and Non-Federal Funds in the amount of $100,000, and WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 446,2004, the Town Board authorized an additional sum of $124,000 from Fund #64 to cover the additional cost of participation in the preliminary engineering phase of the Project, and WHEREAS, the Executive Director of Community Development has requested $34,000 in additional funds to pay for engineering services provided to the Town by Stantec Consulting Group, Inc., as outlined in her Memorandum to the Town Board dated st November 21, 2005 and presented at this meeting, and WHEREAS, such additional costs shall not exceed the amount of $34,000 and are requested to be a part of the Routes 9 and 254 Traffic Improvements Capital Project and financed through the Capital Reserve Fund, and WHEREAS, the total for the Routes 9 and 254 Traffic Improvements Capital Project Fund #137 after the additional transfers from the CIP fund will be $258,000, and WHEREAS, in accordance with the CIP, the Town Board must conduct a public hearing before approving any specific Capital Project listed on the CIP and the Town Board th scheduled and duly held a public hearing on December 19, 2005 and heard all interested persons, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the $34,000 increase in the Routes 9 and 254 Traffic Improvements Capital Project Fund #137, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs that funding for this Project shall be by funding through the Capital Improvement Plan, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby increases appropriations and estimated revenues for Capital Project Fund #137 in the amount of $34,000, and BE IT FURTHER, REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 258 RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Budget Officer to take all action necessary to increase the following accounts for such appropriations and revenues as necessary: ? Revenue Account No. 137-0137-5031 – $34,000 ? Expense Account No. 137-8020-4403 – $34,000; and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes and directs the Town Budget Officer to amend the 2005 Town Budget, make any adjustments, budget amendments, transfers or prepare any documentation necessary to establish such appropriations and estimated revenues and effectuate all terms of this Resolution. th Duly adopted this 19 day of December, 2005, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor NOES : None ABSENT : None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENGAGEMENT OF STANTEC CONSULTING GROUP, INC., TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES CONCERNING ROUTES 9 AND 254 TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS CAPITAL PROJECT RESOLUTION NO.: 583, 2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. John Strough WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 69,2003, the Queensbury Town Board authorized establishment of the Routes 9 and 254 Traffic Improvements Capital Project and establishment of the Routes 9 and 254 Traffic Improvements Capital Project Fund #137 to fund expenses associated with the Project, and WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 71.2003, the Queensbury Town Board authorized engagement of Sear Brown for engineering services in connection with the Project and the engineering services authorized by such Resolution have been completed, and WHEREAS, by Resolution No.: 447,2004, the Queensbury Town Board authorized engagement of Stantec Consulting Group, Inc., (Stantec), formerly known as Sear Brown for additional engineering services in connection with the Project and the engineering services authorized by such Resolution have been completed, and REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 259 WHEREAS, the Town’s Executive Director of Community Development has recommended that the Town Board engage Stantec to provide necessary additional engineering services in connection with the Project, and WHEREAS, Stantec has offered to provide these services for an amount of th $34,000 as delineated in Stantec’s letter of October 17, 2005 and Stantec’s proposed Architectural/ Engineering Consultant Agreement presented at this meeting, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the engagement of Stantec Consulting Group, Inc., for additional engineering services in connection with the Routes 9 and 254 Traffic Improvements Capital Project for an amount of $34,000 to be paid for from Capital Project Fund #137, such Fund to be reimbursed by federal and non-federal funds, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Budget Officer to take all action necessary to amend the budget of Capital Project #137 to reflect the additional appropriations and estimated revenue of $34,000, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to execute the Architectural/Engineering Consultant Agreement between the Town and Stantec presented at this meeting as well as any other necessary documentation, and authorizes and directs the Executive Director of Community Development, Budget Officer and/or Town Supervisor to take such other and further action as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. th Duly adopted this 19 day of December, 2005 by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner NOES : None ABSENT: None PUBLIC HEARING – AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE 28 TO ESTABLISH YIELD INTERSECTION IN TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, COUNTY OF WARREN, NEW YORK OPENED NOTICE SHOWN REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 260 SUPERVISOR STEC-This is a public hearing that we set this would add a yield intersection sign at the intersection of where Schoolhouse Road enters June Drive. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-And Sherwood and Pinewood. SUPERVISOR STEC-Adds them to the list although they are already there. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-But, add them to the second whereas. SUPERVISOR STEC-Add them to the second whereas. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-Schoolhouse Road enters June Drive and Sherwood enters Pinewood. SUPERVISOR STEC-I remember we talk about that when we set the public hearing. TOWN COUNSEL, HAFNER-Our current Ordinance has a list of Stop Signs in the middle of them is that one. That’s why when we were doing this resolution to add one we were correcting where the Ordinance had in a wrong spot. The Ordinance didn’t used to have a place for yield signs. SUPERVISOR STEC-The Ordinance already listed Sherwood and Pinewood as having a yield. We created a new yield section in the Ordinance we are just going to move. TOWN COUNSEL, HAFNER-We are clarifying it John. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-Okay. That wasn’t made clear in the law it is now, thank you. SUPERVISOR STEC-The public hearing is opened if there is anyone that would like to comment on this highly controversial yield sign. I just say that kind of flippantly if there is anyone that wants to comment on this addition. Again, all we are doing is clarifying our local law a little bit on yield signs this would also allow us to put a yield sign at that intersection of Schoolhouse and June Drive, which is a good idea in my humble opinion. NO PUBLIC COMMENT SUPERVISOR STEC-Hearing none, I will close the public hearing. PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED RESOLUTION ENACTING AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE 28 TO ESTABLISH YIELD INTERSECTIONS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, COUNTY OF WARREN, NEW YORK RESOLUTION NO. 584, 2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 261 WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. John Strough WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury has in effect Ordinance No. 28 - Ordinance Establishing Through Highways and Stop Intersections in the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren, New York and this Ordinance lists the stop intersections and signs located within the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to consider amending Ordinance No. 28 by adding a provision to add yield intersections and signs located within the Town of Queensbury, and more specifically, to add a yield intersection and sign at the intersection where Schoolhouse Road enters June Drive, and WHEREAS, the Town Board duly conducted a public hearing concerning the th proposed Amendment to Ordinance No. 28 on December 19, 2005 and the Town Board now wishes to enact the Amendment to Ordinance No. 28, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby enacts the proposed Amendment to Ordinance No. 28 presented at this meeting, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Queensbury Town Clerk to enter the Amendment to Ordinance No. 28 in the minutes of this Town Board meeting, publish the Amendment to Ordinance No. 28 (or a summary or abstract) once in the Glens Falls Post Star, file an affidavit of the publication in the Town Clerk’s Office, and the Amendment to Ordinance No. 28 shall take effect ten (10) days after publication. th Duly adopted this 19 day of December, 2005, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough NOES : None ABSENT: None PUBLIC HEARING – ENACT LOCAL LAW PROHIBITING PARKING ON SECTION OF SHERMAN AVENUE AND SECTION OF NORTHWAY LANE IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY OPENED NOTICE SHOWN REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 262 SUPERVISOR STEC-This public hearing is our sixth and last one of the evening. The Town is considering prohibiting parking I will read them. A section of the north and south sides of Sherman Avenue from its intersection with Seward Street, west to its intersection with Arbutus Drive, for a distance of approximately 4, 570 feet. A section of both sides of Northway Lane from its intersection with Sherman Avenue to a dead end, for a distance of approximately 750 feet. COUNCILMAN BOOR-I spoke with John a little bit on the phone on this one. I drive by there it is not clear why we are doing this. I know Highway kind of wants to do it. COUNCILMAN BREWER-I’ll tell you why. COUNCILMAN BOOR-I don’t know we haven’t talked to highway. SUPERVISOR STEC-Have we, have you? COUNCILMAN BREWER-I have. COUNCILMAN BOOR-We haven’t. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Why? COUNCILMAN BOOR-Because it’s a resolution tonight the public hearing is tonight. COUNCILMAN BREWER-I know, but we had this prior to this we made everybody aware of it before. The jest of it is I got a call from some residents that live on Sherman Avenue near Seward and residents that live towards Hidden Hills. The problem is that during the summer or fall, spring when there are events at Morse Field cars park on Sherman Avenue. It makes it difficult for people that live on Sherman Avenue to get in and out of their driveways. People driving east and west on Sherman Avenue to make turns to maneuver because of the width of the road when there are two cars on the road currently if cars pass it is just difficult to maneuver and there is concern for safety. Anticipation towards the new facility is the same. There is a crest in the hill and they are going forty, forty-five miles an hour. There are going to be children all over it is a safety issue. COUNCILMAN BOOR-I think we can address that and we probably shouldn’t allow parking, but we are talking about 4,570 feet of no parking that’s kind of a long ways…. COUNCILMAN BREWER-I think the reason for that Roger was Mike wanted to go from Seward to the end of Morse Field. SUPERVISOR STEC-Mike Travis? COUNCILMAN BREWER-Mike Travis. What happens there the Northway goes up to the Northway so rather than break the chunk, chunk it out he just left the whole length in. REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 263 SUPERVISOR STEC-So you are saying one section of the length it isn’t as much just Morse Field it is the awkward crest in Sherman. COUNCILMAN BREWER-And the anticipation of parking from the new facility. SUPERVISOR STEC-That’s what I mean it isn’t all about Morse Field. COUNCILMAN BREWER-It’s not all about Morse Field. The rise of the road the speed limit both facilities. SUPERVISOR STEC-You talked with Mike and that was Mike Travis’s suggestion. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Yeah. I asked him about it and he said let me go look at it I will measure it and I will get back to you and this is what he came back with. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-My point too that I made to you is and we all agree there is insufficient parking in Morse Field. I’m one of those that parks on Sherman Avenue. COUNCILMAN BREWER-That’s why I’m doing this I saw your car there. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-Yeah, I’m sure it is. When you go to a baseball game, sometimes there is a Varsity and a JV game there might be other events going tennis, field hockey, depending on the season there is just not enough parking in Morse Field. The only place you can park within a reasonable distance of the play area is along side of Sherman Avenue. Let’s keep in mind that on the south side of Sherman Avenue is the industrial park, which hasn’t been developed yet and it is all woods you are not blocking anybody’s home. It is woods, its field there drainage ditch. If you allowed parking on the south side of Sherman Avenue and eliminated it on the north side would not that solve most of the problems. COUNCILMAN BREWER-I don’t think that part will ever be developed its all wet in there anyway John. The fact of the matter is…. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-Why don’t we allow parking in there then. COUNCILMAN BREWER-If people see cars parked on one side of the road regardless if there is a sign on the other side….. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-I don’t park where I see a sign that says No Parking. COUNCILMAN BREWER-You are unique John. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Really if signs don’t do any good then what are we here for. REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 264 COUNCILMAN STROUGH-I just thought that this amendment this proposal for almost a mile on both sides Seward Street there are only houses on the south side of it there are no houses on the north side of it. COUNCILMAN BREWER-On Seward Street there are houses on both sides of it you are talking about Sherman. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-I’m talking about what’s the name of it Northway. COUNCILMAN BREWER-I don’t care about Northway. I have no concern he threw that in for whatever reason. COUNCILMAN BOOR-I think it’s appropriate that for safety for turning and maybe for certain stretches on inclines we shouldn’t have parking. Just to take a whole mile of road where it is nothing but woods and says no parking. COUNCILMAN BREWER-It’s not nothing but woods. SUPERVISOR STEC-How about this I’ll open the public hearing if there is anyone that would like to comment on this public hearing just raise your hand and I’ll have you come to the microphone. MICHAEL BARODY-5 SURCINGLE ROAD-I travel in that area all the time everyday two, three times a day the issue does exists as Tim has said. I kind of agree, I don’t know if we need to close off everything. The problem is I thought about your solution to John right away. If we close off the parking on the one side, which would be the north side of the road and we allow the south side parking what we are saying, what we are okaying. Is that everyone parks on the south side and runs across cars going forty-five miles an hour and we set it up that way. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Maybe we shouldn’t do anything. MR. BARODY-We set it up take your chances run across this road. Now going retro there is not enough parking over there. I think just hearing about this tonight it seems like to ought to take a better look at this whole situation and see if there is a more permanent solution that we can come across. It is a safety issue it is a speed issue. I agree with Tim we have the new facility going on up the road so we want to kind of mitigate that situation, too. Rather than try to sit here and figure it out while were sitting here it seems like we ought to go back to the drawing board really studying that area and see where we can come up with some good safe parking for everyone. COUNCILMAN BREWER-I think the impetus for the whole length of it Mike was that if you went from Seward Street to the end of Morse Field then you have the Northway. Mike’s thought was why do I want to stop it there and let people park on the bridge over the Northway. It just doesn’t make sense…. MR. BARODY-You are right take the problem away. We also have the responsibility to find some parking for the people that are going to be going REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 265 there. We have the teenagers, we have the parents there is not enough parking on site. Whether that was our deal or Glens Falls deal…. COUNCILMAN BREWER-It was the Planning Board…. MR. BARODY-There is not enough parking there, we all know that, but we can’t walk away from that. COUNCILMAN BOOR-The other thing is we are in the middle of winter there are snow banks there now. Tim, I agree with you I think we can do something there to improve it. I would hate to just eliminate it by resolution at a time when people aren’t going to be parking there. Maybe we have a workshop and we meet with all the parties involved we can come up with a better solution. MR. BARODY-We have to find parking. COUNCILMAN BREWER-I’m open for suggestions you just lay them out to me. COUNCILMAN BOOR-I don’t have the solution Tim I would like to get professional help. SUPERVISOR STEC-You are right there isn’t adequate parking there. That doesn’t mean we should encourage parking in an unsafe situation so we are kind of caught between a rock and a hard place. What, I would suggest is that we will finish hearing all the public hearing that we might have on this tonight leave the public hearing open visit this some more maybe even have a workshop on it. Then at sometime in the future if we say, you know what Tim was right and its January, February when we do this they are not going to be playing any soccer there in the next couple months so I don’t think it is any problem to hold off on that. It may come to the point where we say….. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Dan be careful when you say that because the Dome is going to be opening soon. SUPERVISOR STEC-Right, well. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Think about how you say that. SUPERVISOR STEC-I think you can wait a month. COUNCILMAN BREWER-I’m not saying we can’t wait. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-The Dome has a lot of parking. SUPERVISOR STEC-I don’t think the Dome will be a problem. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Time will tell. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Their site plan showed appropriate parking. COUNCILMAN BREWER-So did Morse Field Roger. REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 266 COUNCILMAN BOOR-No it didn’t. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Okay. COUNCILMAN BOOR-That’s not our project. COUNCILMAN BREWER-It came before our Planning Board. MR. BARODY-Before our Planning Board I think it was I wasn’t totally sure, but I think it was. Anyway, we know we can’t just stop the bad parking we have to find some parking. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-There might be some State lands over there that maybe we could use. SUPERVISOR STEC-We will look at it. Is there anyone else that would like to comment on this? PLINEY TUCKER, 41 DIVISION ROAD, QUEENSBURY-With the annexation of Veterans Field part of Sherman Avenue was deeded to the City so the property bordered on the City, I don’t know how much. COUNCILMAN BREWER-A strip down the side of the road. SUPERVISOR STEC-I think it is a three-foot strip. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-I think that’s down further. COUNCILMAN BREWER-No it isn’t it goes down from Sherman right to that…. MR. TUCKER-It goes right from there doesn’t it. It is in the center of the road. SUPERVISOR STEC-I don’t remember if it was the center or one side or the another. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-It starts on the east end of Sherman. Northway Industrial Park is what it’s called now and goes into Town. MR. TUCKER-Do you know where it is Paul? PAUL NAYLOR-Sure it is right in the center of the road. SUPERVISOR STEC-Anything else Pliney? MR. TUCKER-No. DEPUTY CLERK O’BRIEN-Read the following letters into the record. To: Queensbury Town Board From: David Rainville 385 Upper Sherman Avenue REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 267 I am writing this because I could not appear in person due to work. I am in favor of no parking signs being posted on Upper Sherman Avenue near the new sports complex and also near the Morse Field Complex. Regarding the sports complex, first there is a large amount of traffic that flows on Sherman Avenue on a regular basis. At the intersection of Oak Tree Circle, there have been many accidents as this entrance to Hidden Hills is on a crest of a hill. It is very difficult to see the traffic at times until you are pulling out into the road. Having cars parked on Upper Sherman Avenue would further hinder the driver’s sight. Second, the passing zone starts in the area of Oak Tree Circle and when the cars are passing going west, I have witnessed speeds in the area of 60-70 mph. There are always kids on Upper Sherman Avenue either crossing the street or walking in the area. There is a large amount of kids that live on the side streets. As for the Morse Field, when the cars are parked on the roadway there is not enough room to pull off the road completely causing all the cars to park partially on the driving lane. The cars park on both sides of the street. It has only been luck that no one has been struck by a vehicle. Having cars park on the roadway near the new sports complex would cause the same problem. Please consider these problems that will occur if cars are allowed to park on Upper Sherman Avenue and I thank the board your time. Thank you. David Rainville Letter: To: Councilman Tim Brewer From: Veronica and Gary Stillman Mr. Brewer th I will not be able to attend the town meeting on Monday, December 19. However, I would like to make a comment in regards to the issues surrounding parking on Sherman Avenue. I live in Hidden Hills and utilize Sherman Avenue every day on my way to work and returning from work. It has been a problem several times with people parking on the road, kids walking out into the road to get into their parents vehicles, and crossing from one side to the other. I like the fact that we do have the sports fields, and the new dome that will be opening soon. I think they are both wonderful places for our children to participate in activities. But, I am opposed to the fact that at some point, one of these children will get hurt on such a busy road. The speed limit is 30 mph by the Morris Field and 45 mph by the new dome. That is a high rate of speed for kids to be stepping out of parked cars to attend these facilities. Thank you. Veronica and Gary Stillman SUPERVISOR STEC-Is there any other public comment right now. Marilyn the other thing I could suggest if you wouldn’t mind contacting the folks at Glens Falls School inform them that we have this issue. Everyone is right I’m all for eliminating a bad parking situation, which I think we do have. Just a second we will get back to the public comment. If, in fact they are having an issue maybe they need to look at that site and see if there any REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 268 more reconfiguration or additional parking that they can squeeze in somewhere on that site. I think we should let them know there is an issue. COUNCILMAN BREWER-It still doesn’t, Dan stop the issue of parking on the street. SUPERVISOR STEC-I said that I agree. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Whether they have more parking or not. SUPERVISOR STEC-I agree. PAUL H. NAYLOR, DIVISION ROAD-West Glens Falls-Parking on Sherman Avenue to my knowledge Sherman Avenue is, what is it, you don’t own that side of the road maybe I’m wrong. COUNCILMAN BREWER-We don’t own what side of the road. MR. NAYLOR-The shoulders. You own the blacktop, but I don’t think you own the fifty foot right-a-way up through there so they are parking on people’s property anyway that’s up to the Attorney. SUPERVISOR STEC-It is a road by use. MR. NAYLOR-Yes. TOWN COUNSEL, HAFNER-I expect that it is a road by use. We are sure that it is we looked into it. The fact that it is a road by use doesn’t mean that you could not decide to ban parking along side it. He is bringing up the point to some extent they might be trespassing on private property already the Town still can regulate it which ever type of road it is. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Or that somebody could charge. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-That side of the property is the Northway Industrial Park so the City owns it. COUNCILMAN BREWER-its part of the City. MR. NAYLOR-You could make a parking spot over on the City’s land they will probably let you make a spot over there. SUPERVISOR STEC-The City owns some of it. COUNCILMAN BOOR-That’s what we were suggesting. MR. NAYLOR-What do you want to do that for. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-It is also an opportunity to for us to sit down with the new Mayor and discuss some of the issues. MR. NAYLOR-You are never going to have a problem up above them people aren’t going to walk from the shoulder all the way in there. You REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 269 know people they won’t walk fifty feet to get a loaf of bread let along five miles to go for exercise. COUNCILMAN BOOR-How about 4, 570 feet. MR. NAYLOR-They will never walk that far unless you are like us that have to or die right Teddy. COUNCILMAN TURNER-That’s right. SUPERVISOR STEC-Thank you Mr. Naylor. Anyone else on this at this point. Pleasure of the board we could continue the public hearing…. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Let’s leave it open. SUPERVISOR STEC-Continue leave it open come back to it. I don’t think it is going to be a problem for the next couple of months until the thaw goes. COUNCILMAN BOOR-I think we recognize we have an issue. SUPERVISOR STEC-I do agree with Tim though you don’t set up a bad situation because there isn’t adequate good parking. In addition to that, if we can reach out to the Glens Falls School District and ask them Marilyn what can be done with your site? Figure out how many spots that we think we are looking at needing I’ve driven by it too it isn’t safe. I agree Mr. Barody that you have no parking on the north side that’s great but what you are doing is people are going to cross a busy road. Kids are going to be getting out of the car stepping out onto a white line into a collector road it is not a residential road it is a collector road. We need to address the situation I’m not sure we need to act on it right now because there are a couple other options. It’s your issue…. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Bring the options back. I rather do something and go back and change it then not do nothing and wait to do something, I guess is my point. COUNCILMAN BOOR-I think we are going to decide that. I think we just need a little information. SUPERVISOR STEC-I think we can wait it is December. I think we can wait the month that it might take to do it. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-Not only that but George could give us an aerial view of what properties are around there and who owns them. If somebody who told me is correct that there is State property and the State doesn’t need it anymore maybe we can get a parking area. SUPERVISOR STEC-Bob is there any advantage or disadvantage leave the public hearing open or close it and come back what would you suggest? TOWN COUNSEL, HAFNER-If you are considering possibly passing the local law that we have here then leaving it open makes sense. It sounded to me listening to you guys that you are likely to come back with some changes REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 270 some things to address all of your concerns in which case you might want to start from scratch leave it open after your workshop you will know. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Leave it open if you guys have other solutions. COUNCILMAN BOOR-We don’t have solutions Tim. COUNCILMAN BREWER-I understand that Roger that’s what my point is. You don’t have solutions so why not put this one in place. COUNCILMAN BOOR-This is the first discussion we’ve had Tim. COUNCILMAN BREWER-You’ve had this for a week and a half Roger don’t give me that. SUPERVISOR STEC-I’ll leave the public hearing open. We won’t continue any farther tonight. COUNCILMAN BREWER-It’s not like I handed it to you tonight. SUPERVISOR STEC-We may bring this up in the future and we may act on it in the future as written. In the meantime, we will give this some more thought. PUBLIC HEARING TO REMAIN OPEN PRESENTATION KAREN TOTH, ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS, PUBLIC RELATIONS GLENS FALLS LEHIGH CEMENT, AND ATTORNEY MICHAEL O’CONNOR SUPERVISOR STEC-One of the basic employers of the area has the desire to introduce them to us. There has been a change in management. Glens Falls Lehigh Cement wanted to introduce themselves tell us where they are going. ATTORNEY MICHAEL O’CONNOR-Outside Counsel for Glens Falls Lehigh. What they are attempting to do is meet with the governing bodies of the various communities in which they do business wanting to work with municipalities seeking feedback. Presentation made by Attorney O’Connor and Karen Toth regarding background of the cement company. CORRESPONDENCE DEPUTY CLERK O’BRIEN-Supervisor Report for Community Development – Building and Codes for November on file Town Clerk Office. Read following letter into the record. Letter dated December 12, 2005 To: Councilman Turner From: Pine View Cemetery Commission The Pine View Cemetery Commission and the cemetery staff wish to express their gratitude to Ted Turner for his support while serving on the Queensbury Town Board. Ted’s attendance during the monthly Cemetery Commission meetings, and his interaction with his fellow Town Board REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 271 members on behalf on the Pine View Cemetery was greatly appreciated. His guidance over the years has helped the cemetery to grow and develop to meet the needs of our area families. Ted's quiet, honest, unassuming manner has endeared him to his friends, coworkers and the community. Ted will always be welcome at our commission meetings, and we wish him success in his next endeavor. Pine View Cemetery Commission Terry Higgins, Laura Vamvalis, Bob Edwards Cemetery Staff Michael Genier, Gail St. Clair, Mike Lopez, Hank Manney, Tim Brunelle, Chris Sennett, Gary Grant COUNCILMAN TURNER-I like to thank Mike and the members of the Cemetery Commission for all their input and their help along the way. It was sure a great time over there helping you guys out. SUPERVISOR STEC-This is our last Regular Town Board Meeting of 2005. I will let each board member speak for themselves, but on behalf of myself, for the last six years, Dennis Brower my predecessor who you were deputy, you were with him for four years, and you were with Fred Champagne for almost four years before him. In addition to ten years on the Town Board, nineteen years on the Zoning Board of Appeals you have put almost thirty years of your life into serving the Town of Queensbury. I will point out when you started that would have made me seven years old. It has been an honor, privilege to work along side you the last six years you have always been a true gentlemen. Your style is certainly different from mine. There are a lot of people that would like to see me as soft spoken and as brief as you. I know that the whole Town will miss seeing you at all our meetings although you can sit out there with Pliney and Dick. I’m sure that they would welcome your company on the other side of the table. I know I’ll see you up to Town Hall regularly it was a pleasure to see you on an almost daily basis up there. I appreciated your counsel, your guidance, and you’re refining of my temperament in between Town Board meetings when it needed it. I want to thank you for your service to the Town and your friendship to me and my family, thank you Ted. COUNCILMAN TURNER-Thank you very much that’s well appreciated. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Ted, I just wanted to say thank you for your service to the Town and the Community and being a friend of ours and mine twenty-nine years is a long time to do anything. From myself and my family we do appreciate your service and your friendship we wish you the best of luck. COUNCILMAN TURNER-Thank you. COUNCILMAN BOOR-I had obviously the privilege in the last four years to sit next to you and it has been. We don’t always agree, but I respect the way you have conducted yourself. I know when I first started doing these meetings you were on the board so; you know you were a very familiar face. It has been a pleasure I wish you the best of luck Ted, thank you. REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 272 COUNCILMAN TURNER-Thank you, appreciate it. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-I can remember when I was first elected Ted there wasn’t anybody else that said I’m going to be like Ted Turner when I get on this board. He has the secret look it how many times he gets reelected to office. He’s quiet, non-intrusive yet stealthy okay I didn’t do such a good job, but I still respect you. COUNCILMAN TURNER-Thanks, John. SUPERVISOR STEC-We may drag you out and do something a little more formally as a Town later. I know that the Cemetery Commission has felt very strongly about your support over the many years of their endeavors so I thought it was nice time to maybe tack on some of our Town Board sentiments to their letter. COUNCILMAN TURNER-I like to thank all the members of the staff that have worked with me through the years I appreciate all the help that you have given me, thank you. PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR MIKE BARODY-5 SURCINGLE ROAD- Thanked Councilman Turner. On behalf of all the County Supervisors members of the Republican Committee who have worked with you over the years we appreciate your service. I appreciated you being my football coach many many years ago. Thank you very much. COUNCILMAN TURNER-Thank you. SUPERVISOR BARODY-Thanked the board for another good year. Looking forward to working with all of you and our new member of the board as we move forward in Queensbury. Spoke to the board regarding the projects they will be working on over the next year. The Exit 18, Corridor. Working with architects to design a Health and Human Services Building where we would bring Social Services, County Health Department, Office of the Aging, and several others together along with some tenants for that building. The Maintenance Hanger at the Airport continues along the development there. One of the private hangers is already completed a second one is going to be underway. Fire Training Facility looking at moving ahead with this. The development of the Adirondack Business Incubator noting this is a great intermunicipal project. PAUL H. NAYLOR, DIVISION ROAD, WEST GLENS FALLS-Thanked Councilman Turner wished him good luck. JOHN SALVADOR-Spoke to the board regarding his Article 7 Petition is still without resolution there still seems to be a question of who is going to pay the interest. Spoke to the board regarding the two-lot subdivision in North Queensbury that has been in question for five or five years noting it is still without resolution. It is on the Zoning Administrators desk to determine what has to be done next. Spoke to the board regarding his answer to his foil REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 273 request concerning the library card count. The most significant aspect of the information half of the population of the Town of Queensbury holds a Crandall Library card. Thirteen thousand four hundred sixty three cardholders from the Town of Queensbury represent forty five point eight eight percent of the cardholders will continue to try to get more information regarding this. Spoke to the board regarding his application before the Town regarding a zoning change asked why he is not on schedule. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Got it in our mailboxes over the weekend. MR. SALVADOR-We were scheduled to be on the December calendar for the Planning Board. COUNCILMAN BREWER-We discuss them quarterly we just got these. We will probably not do them until the beginning of next year, I would presume. MR. SALVADOR-What is the plan. SUPERVISOR STEC-There is a deadline for submission for zone change. Then the next step is the Town Board usually looks at them then decides from there that the ones that have merit we will refer to the Planning Board. The Town Board will be looking at this we will probably have a workshop on all this sometime the early part of next year probably January. It could take several months to get the property rezoned. MR. SALVADOR-Spoke to the board regarding an article in the newspaper regarding the Great Escape charging separately for parking. This is a sales tax windfall for the Town parking when its billed separately is sales taxable. LINC CATHERS, 47 OVERLOOK DRIVE, QUEENSBURY-Spoke to the board regarding Supervisor Stec raising money for Literacy Volunteers, presented Supervisor Stec with one dollar towards this. SUPERVISOR STEC-It is for a good cause thank you very much for the dollar. GEORGE DRELLOS, 27 FOX HOLLOW LANE-Spoke to the board regarding West Glens Falls Rescue Squad asked what percentage of time does that pay for the volunteers. SUPERVISOR STEC-At the end of the contract year it is in all these contracts we are anticipating that it will be January before we wrap up contracts with the rescue squads and fire companies. The contract allows us to continue on a month-to-month basis a months worth of operations funding. What is the answer to the paid staffing we are going to continue that as well? TOWN COUNSEL, HAFNER-Yes. BUDGET OFFICER, SWITZER-There are provisions in the resolutions. REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 274 MR. DRELLOS-Asked time wise is it fifty percent of the time the squad is paid. BUDGET OFFICER, SWITZER-It is sixty hours a week. MR. DRELLOS-Questioned if they have done studies on full time pay there. Asked that in the future we are going to be almost paid in some point in time? SUPERVISOR STEC-I don’t know what the future will hold. Roughly, right now our budget for EMS runs right around eight hundred thousand dollars total. There may be ways to gain some efficiency there that are separate from the paid thing. Obviously if we add more pay that will drive that cost up. Right now, the way things are running it is eight hundred thousand dollars a year. As of today, the bill for service that the Town has received hit four hundred and twenty five thousand dollars. By the end of the year, we will be probably close to four forty. We budgeted two fifty then amended that to three forty we are going to come in a hundred over budget. We felt that for a first year we wanted to make sure we were on the conservative side. In the 2006 budget, we did budget for four hundred thousand. MR. DRELLOS-If that was a fully paid squad would that be the right place for that squad building. SUPERVISOR STEC-I think it is at least the five of our contentions we would still need the three locations. MR. DRELLOS-If it want fully paid shouldn’t we own the building. SUPERVISOR STEC-That’s a whole other discussion. MR. DRELLOS-Questioned if the board has asked for more police presence in the West Glens Falls area. SUPERVISOR STEC-No. MR. DRELLOS-There has been an awlful lot of presence of them especially in the Veterans Road Luzerne Road area. TOWN BOARD DISCUSSIONS COUNCILMAN STROUGH-Read the Christmas tree pickup schedule into the record. Spoke to the board regarding the New York State Chapter of the APA. Spoke regarding an article in their newsletter about communities facing franchise don’t have to take the cookie cutter franchise style in their communities. They can ask for alternative designs for buildings and signage that maintain community character. Spoke to the board regarding the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Meeting. The focus issue is commercial th corridors to be held January 5, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. It will consist of a presentation and a pubic input period to be held at the Queensbury High School large group instruction room. The other Comprehensive Land Use REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 275 th Plan discussion will be on economic development to be held on January 10, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. in the Activity Center. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Spoke to the board regarding a phone call received today regarding snow plows hitting mailboxes at Surrey Fields will talk to Highway tomorrow. Spoke to the board regarding an individual who came in, wanted only his comps, and didn’t get them. SUPERVISOR STEC-I can talk to you about that later there are two sides to that story. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Spoke to the board noting his disappointed that we are going through this Comprehensive Land Use Plan process. We are very much trying to get the public involved in this. I have been to the meetings and have yet to see a Warren County Supervisor representing Queensbury, with the exception of you attend one of these things. Then, when, I watched this show the other night he was interviewing somebody that is big in economic development and these two were talking about a moratorium it is so clear to me that they are not in touch with where this board and this community really is. Those types of criticism strike me as troubling because I want to think that people in these positions have a better understanding of what’s really going on. Hopes that in the future more people will get involved. As much as they criticize us, I don’t see them attending these meetings. I think it is very important that they understand where we are coming from. SUPERVISOR STEC-Spoke to board regarding meetings to be held on thth January 5 and January 10 regarding comprehensive land use plan encouraged people to attend these meetings. The Town will hold its Organizational Meeting on January 1, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. in the Activities Center. Spoke regarding the Town’s website www.queensbury.net. Thanked TV 8 and Glens Falls National Bank for televising our meetings. Spoke to the board regarding a possible workshop to be held between now st and our January 1 meeting. Recapped the year noting you have seen a couple very lean Town budgets. The 2005 budget, which was adopted last year, was the first budget that was down in the Town in nine years. It was the largest reductions in twelve years. The 2005 budget was actually smaller than the 2003 budget. Next year will be the fifth year in a row that we haven’t had a town tax. It will be the third year in a row that we did a rebate next years rebate will be two and a half million dollars. This year’s rebate was one million dollars. That goes as a credit against Queensbury taxpayer’s property taxes. We cut the amount of money that is raised in property taxes for EMS service because of bill of service. We will be continuing that program that additional funding allowed us to improve the quality and coverage of the service with paid daytime staffing town wide. It has gone pretty well it is not perfect, but it has allowed us to improve the service and the quality while at the same time lowering the cost to the property taxpayer. We have some work to do with the fire company budgets that’s what our workshop might be about if we need one. At the same time, the Highway Department has done a good job with the roads. The Community Development Department has done a lot of work the last couple years not only moving us forward us forward with the update and spearheading a lot of big road improvement projects and coordinating them. The Main Street Project is a big deal. The Route 9 & 254 project have been a REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 276 very big deal. They have entertained a lot of major applications like the Great Escape Hotel, Wal Mart, and again this goes to the staff, Planning, and Zoning Boards. The Town of Queensbury is open for business and we’ve done a lot of business in last two years that strengthens our tax base lowers our taxes, increased our revenues. We are open, we televise our meetings, and I cannot think of anything more that the Town could do to get the word out to improve services and cut costs and cut taxes. I want to congratulate the fellow Town Board members here for a very good term. While four of us are returning next year, Richard Sanford will be joining us here between Roger and me we will miss Ted. Ted, I’m still astounded twenty-nine years of service to the Town god bless you for that. That takes a special person to be able to concentrate and focus that long on Town matters. You have seen a lot of changes in this Town in twenty-nine years most of them good, not all of them, but most of them good. Again, I know that the staff really appreciates your company, your thought, your wisdom that you achieve only through years of experience. It was a good term; I think you leave on a high note with a very successful term in office. We want you keeping an eye on us making sure that we don’t screw up after you leave. COUNCILMAN TURNER-Will do. Thank again. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CREATION OF QUEENSBURY SCHOOL OUTDOOR FACILITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT FUND #156, EXPENDITURE AND WITHDRAWAL OF $140,000 FROM CAPITAL RESERVE FUND AND EXECUTION OF RECREATION AGREEMENT RESOLUTION NO.: 585, 2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board previously established a Capital Reserve Fund known as the Recreation Assessment Reserve Fund No. 61 (Fund No. 61) for future recreational developments, and WHEREAS, the Queensbury Recreation Commission has previously discussed and agreed to partner with the School District to relocate and expand on the campus outdoor tennis and basketball court facilities, and WHEREAS, the Recreation Commission supports this joint project expenditure which would be in the best interest of both organizations as well as a benefit to the community, and REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 277 WHEREAS, the Department of Parks and Recreation makes use of the basketball/tennis courts for recreational programs and activities in both the summer and winter seasons, and WHEREAS, a draft Agreement setting forth the proposed division of responsibilities between the organizations has been prepared as the result of many months of discussions and negotiations between Counsel and representatives of both organizations, and WHEREAS, such Agreement is acceptable to the Town’s Director of Parks and Recreation, and WHEREAS, such Agreement is in form approved by Town Counsel, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to withdraw and expend moneys from Capital Reserve Fund No. 61 in the amount of $140,000 for specific capital improvements and certain items of equipment for the School District Outdoor Facility Project to include construction of four (4) tennis courts which will be lighted and can be flooded and used as an ice rink in the winter as further set forth in the draft Agreement, and § WHEREAS, in accordance with New York State General Municipal Law 6(c), the Town Board is authorized to withdraw and expend funds from Fund #61 subject to permissive referendum, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes creation of the joint outdoor facility project known as the Queensbury School District Outdoor Facility Project and Capital Project #156 and authorizes expenditures in the total amount of $140,000 for the purposes described in the preambles of this Resolution, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to execute the Recreation Agreement between the Town of Queensbury and Queensbury Union Free School District substantially in the form presented at this meeting, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes a transfer from Fund No.: 61 in the amount of $140,000 to fund such Project as set forth in the Agreement, and REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 278 BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby finds that the withdrawal and expenditure for the Queensbury School Outdoor Facility Project #156 is an expenditure for a specific capital project for which the reserve account was established, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that this Resolution is subject to a permissive referendum in accordance with the provisions of Town Law Article 7 and the Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Clerk to publish and post such notices and take such other actions as may be required by law, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor, Town Budget Officer and/or Director of Parks and Recreation to sign any other documentation and take any other actions necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. th Duly adopted this 19 day of December, 2005 by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer NOES : None ABSENT:None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING OUT-OF-DISTRICT AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY AND CERTAIN CUSTOMERS OUTSIDE OF QUEENSBURY SEWER DISTRICTS RESOLUTION NO. 586, 2006 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec MOTION WITHDRAWN WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer DISCUSSION HELD SUPERVISOR STEC-Basically this adds South Queensbury to a list of six other sewer districts so this isn’t anything new. The Town is trying to do a little housekeeping here to add this new South Queensbury Queensbury Avenue Sewer District to a list of districts that historically we enter into outside contracting agreements. All this does is allows Mike to do that with South Queensbury as well. REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 279 TOWN COUNSEL, HAFNER-Since were doing cleanup when we went through and Mike asked us to look at the different districts it didn’t include all of them so we decided to include every sewer district to make sure that Mike had the authority to enter into agreement with people outside of the district. You have done this for others rather than have them come back every time one comes up. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-This is Queensbury Technical Park Sewer District no residents name, as it was generic. DEPUTY WASTEWATER DIRECTOR, MR. SHAW-Right. What we try to do as I think Bob just tried to explain is we had noticed that in resolutions in the past we have had the Town give authorization for contract customers. Along with that, there was an authorization for me in the future to do contract customers who contract. We discovered most recently that I didn’t have the authorization for all districts. So, we included all seven districts in this resolution for you to authorize me to do contract customers to all seven districts. There is no particular person involved in this resolution it is a broad sweeping. SUPERVISOR STEC-Nor is it always the technical park. It could be anyone of those. MR. SHAW-It could be anyone of them. The attached sheet you have the contract you have is just a generic sheet to show you what our contract looks like. We change that to names or districts as needed. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Let me ask this. I’m not sure you are getting to where you want to go. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-I was waiting for him to respond. My next question is there is one sewer part extension that is going to be a little bit controversial and we have discussed it. I don’t want to give up any of my rights to speak my peace as far as it goes. It is not the one here on Bay Road it is the one on Queensbury Avenue. MR. SHAW-I realize that. That’s a contract that we talked to you about I think in a workshop once before. Any of those types of situations on that I am going to come to the board. I know that’s a different issue all together it has to do with capacities, future capacities. Any of those types of things I’m going to come before the board. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Do you have to. MR. SHAW-With this type of resolution no I do not, correct Bob. TOWN COUNSEL, HAFNER-Correct. SUPERVISOR STEC-What can we do to modify it that would give others more comfort Bob. COUNCILMAN BOOR-I don’t think Mike would do something we don’t want to do, but I don’t think its good business practice. REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 280 COUNCILMAN STROUGH-We don’t have that many requests for sewer extensions. COUNCILMAN BREWER-We have to approve any extension don’t we. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Not if we do this Tim that’s just it. MR. SHAW-Not for extensions for contract customers. COUNCILMAN BOOR-This is out of district it is not an extension. SUPERVISOR STEC-Is there a threshold Mike that would make sense that you would say below this you can do and above this a flow or a size, do you know what I’m getting at. I think we are concerned about the ones that are controversial. What’s controversial the ones that consume a disproportionate amount or do something crazy to the infrastructure. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Or in areas that they weren’t really designed for. MR. SHAW-I guess, I would have to think about that it might be possible. I think the one John is talking about is concerned about is a district extension. It does have to come before the board and the board has to approve it, it’s not a contract. With contracts most of the time if somebody calls me up and says they want a contract usually the contract customers it’s a household or a small business. Somebody who wants to do a contract customer for Bay Road, I say that’s not acceptable. SUPERVISOR STEC-What’s to stop somebody from saying, well if I have to go see the Town Board then I don’t want an extension called it an out of district. MR. SHAW-I’m the guy that determines that. I say the contract customers are for the person that’s bordering the district that’s in a small parcel. SUPERVISOR STEC-Then we are back to where we were. COUNCILMAN BOOR-If you really want to do it you can do it. MR. SHAW-Correct. COUNCILMAN BOOR-I’m not comfortable with that. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Dan he is talking about a guy who borders the district. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-Does this have to be passed tonight. MR. SHAW-If the board feels that you want this come before you that’s fine. Before we had quite a few we were coming back all the time that’s why we came to this. TOWN COUNSEL, HAFNER-For Route 9, I think there were ten to fifteen. REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 281 MR. SHAW-Sweet Road. COUNCILMAN BOOR-We are talking about a major development. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Right that would be an extension it wouldn’t be a contract. COUNCILMAN BOOR-Not necessarily Tim. SUPERVISOR STEC-Tim. COUNCILMAN BREWER-He’s saying it would. SUPERVISOR STEC-The question I just asked him is what’s to stop a developer from saying don’t call it an extension call it a contract, nothing. MR. SHAW-Let me suggest this. Maybe the board could use some input to Bob and I on what you feel a contract customer should be. I feel that it should be a homeowner bordering a district or a small business. Why don’t we do that and then maybe the authorization will name that as such. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-That’s a good suggestion Mike. COUNCILMAN BOOR-My concern isn’t for the guy that wants to hook up it’s the guy that wants to build a whole lot of stuff and then hook up. MR. SHAW-I don’t want that either. COUNCILMAN BOOR-It is not on Bay Road just so everybody knows. SUPERVISOR STEC-Is there a threshold. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Make is something as simple as a subdivision. If it is more than a subdivision then it has to come to the Town Board. MR. SHAW-I can see a loophole. If you pick an acreage okay, it has nothing to do with water usage. If you pick water, usage maybe that has nothing to do with acreage so there could be a loophole either way. COUNCILMAN BOOR-We don’t mind doing these things. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-Let Mike and Bob work out some language. I think they know some of our concerns. SUPERVISOR STEC-I want to see if it can be resolved in two minutes. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-I don’t think it can be. SUPERVISOR STEC-Describe the typical out of contract situation as opposed to. MR. SHAW-Residential user bordering a sewer district. REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 282 SUPERVISOR STEC-One residential user. Why can’t we modify this to say one residence…? MR. SHAW-Occasionally, I get a small commercial one. The one in South Queensbury is going to be a small commercial business. SUPERVISOR STEC-What is the definition of small verses large commercial that’s what I’m getting at.? MR. SHAW-Less than five acres with daily water usage of five hundred gallons or less. SUPERVISOR STEC-That works for me that’s what I was trying to get at. Less than five acres less than five hundred gallons a day that works for me. MR. SHAW-Or a single-family resident. SUPERVISOR STEC-Single family resident or for non single-family residence less than five acres less than five hundred gallons a day. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-Mr. Stec is there any reason why we have to pass this. SUPERVISOR STEC-We don’t, but if it’s resolved, it’s resolved. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-I want to think about it if that’s okay. TOWN COUNSEL, HAFNER-Can, I just point out one part that’s in here while we are thinking about it. There is already a provision on page 6. In Term B that says that the Town, which is you guys, of course, have the right to terminate the Agreement by written notice any year during the contract. Standard contract is twenty years once people hook up you want them to continue. You already have a right to terminate anything that you decide you don’t like. COUNCILMAN BOOR-The question being Bob and I’m not sure that this would be the instance. I’m concerned we won’t know we have a contract because Mike will do it and we don’t know it. We don’t have the knowledge that the clocks even running. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-Not only that that’s a termination for this contract it doesn’t terminate prior agreements. TOWN COUNSEL, HAFNER-Each agreement has this provision in there. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-What, I’m saying is that I’m going to reread this section that Bob just pointed out. COUNCILMAN BREWER-One other possibility you might be able to eliminate that tier Roger is any parcel that would subdivided then if it’s more than one lot it automatically comes to the Town Board. REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 283 COUNCILMAN BOOR-But, it has to be in here. COUNCILMAN BREWER-Right, I’m saying we can insert that. COUNCILMAN BOOR-It sounds good, sounds great. COUNCILMAN BREWER-I understand exactly your fear and I have the same fear. If there is more than one parcel associated with the contract we can make it come here can’t we isn’t that simple Bob? COUNCILMAN BOOR-Let me ask you this would a nine-story apartment building be a subdivision. SUPERVISOR STEC-This is what I’m going to do. I’m going to withdraw my motion. What, I’m going to point out is that I don’t want to have a workshop on every single resolution that ever comes forward. What, I would ask every Department Head and Town Board member to do again going forward, when these come out make sure, if you think it is a slam-dunk be sure it is a slam-dunk. If you are a Department Head its not a slam dunk make sure that you are sending out a memo and make sure that we are making phone calls to board members. I’m comfortable with this as written. I’m comfortable a two minute on the fly change to address this. There is no reason to adopt this tonight we can adopt it in January, but we pass five hundred resolutions a year. I want to make sure that we keep moving and not have a workshop on every…. COUNCILMAN STROUGH-I think we have gone through three hundred resolutions and nobody has asked for a workshop on any of them so I don’t think it’s unreasonable. SUPERVISOR STEC-I don’t have a problem withdrawing the resolution. I’m just saying that with a couple phone calls these questions could have been asked and answered. TOWN COUNSEL, HAFNER-We can draft that and we will have that at your next meeting. RESOLUTION SETTING HEARING ON RAYMOND HIPPELE’S APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE/WAIVER REQUEST FROM SANITARY SEWER CONNECTION REQUIREMENT CONCERNING MT. ROYAL PLAZA PROPERTY LOCATED AT 959 STATE ROUTE9 RESOLUTION NO.: 586, 2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. John Strough WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board is authorized by Town Code Chapter 136 § to issue variances from 136-44 “Connection to sewers required” which requires Town property owners situated within a sewer district and located within 250’ of a public sanitary REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 284 sewer of the sewer district to connect to the public sewer facilities within one (1) year from the date of notice, and WHEREAS, Raymond Hippele has applied to the Town Board for a variance/waiver § one-year extension from 136-44 for a of the Town’s connection requirements to connect his Mt. Royal Plaza property to the Town of Queensbury’s Route 9 Sewer District, as the property is serviced by fully-engineered sewer system designed by Haanen Engineering which was installed new in 1995 and it is currently functioning flawlessly, as set forth in Mr. th Hippele’s December 12, 2005 application presented at this meeting, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board will hold a hearing on Monday, th January 9, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. at the Queensbury Activities Center, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, to consider Raymond Hippele’s sewer connection variance/waiver application 959 State Route 9 concerning his Mt. Royal Plaza property located at , Queensbury (Tax Map No.: 296.13-1-18), and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes and directs the Queensbury Town Clerk to send the Notice of Hearing presented at this meeting to Raymond Hippele as required by law. th Duly adopted this 19 day of December, 2005, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec NOES : None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION AWARDING BID FOR SENIOR CITIZENS TRANSPORTATION TO WARREN-HAMILTON COUNTIES ACEO, INC. - COMMUNITY ACTION AGENCY RESOLUTION NO.: 587, 2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. John Strough WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury duly advertised for bids for transportation for senior citizens in the Town of Queensbury for the year 2006, and REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 285 WHEREAS, the Warren-Hamilton Counties ACEO, Inc. - Community Action Agency has offered to provide the transportation services for the year 2006 for the amount of $18,500, and WHEREAS, the Town’s Purchasing Agent has recommended that the Town Board award the bid to the Warren-Hamilton Counties ACEO, Inc. - Community Action Agency, the only and therefore lowest responsible bidder, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby awards the contract for transportation of senior citizens for the Town of Queensbury for the year 2006 to the Warren-Hamilton Counties ACEO, Inc. - Community Action Agency for the amount of $18,500 to be paid for from the appropriate account, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor, Budget Officer and/or Purchasing Agent to take such other and further action as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. th Duly adopted this 19 day of December, 2005, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor NOES : None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONTINUED ENGAGEMENT OF GLENS FALLS NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY AS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT AGENT FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE AWARD PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZING UPDATED FEE SCHEDULE RESOLUTION NO.: 588, 2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. John Strough WHEREAS, by Resolution 582,2004, the Queensbury Town Board authorized the continued engagement of Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company as its investment management agent of the Town of Queensbury’s Volunteer Service Award Program, and REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 286 WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to authorize the continued engagement of Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company as the Town’s investment agent for the year 2006 and also approve and authorize the new 2006 fee schedule which will increase administrative costs from $200 to $500 annually, and WHEREAS, a copy of the new fee schedule is presented at this , meeting and is in form acceptable to the Town’s Budget Officer NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes the continued engagement of Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company as its investment management agent for the Town’s Volunteer Service Award Program and approves and authorizes the new 2006 fee schedule which will increase administrative costs from $200 to $500 per year, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to execute the fee schedule presented at this meeting and any other needed documentation, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor, Town Budget Officer and/or Town Counsel to take any other action necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. th Duly adopted this 19 day of December, 2005, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner NOES : None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ENGAGEMENT OF CUSACK & COMPANY, CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS TO AUDIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY’S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2005 RESOLUTION NO. 589, 2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Roger Boor WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 287 WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board previously authorized engagement of the services of Cusack & Company, CPA’s (Cusack) to audit the Town of Queensbury’s financial statements for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2004 and provide accounting advice to the Town throughout 2005, and WHEREAS, the Town Budget Officer has been pleased with the services of Cusack and wishes to continue engagement of its services, and WHEREAS, Cusack has offered to audit the Town’s financial statements for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2005 at a cost not to exceed $15,100 as more specifically st set forth in its letter dated December 1, 2005, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes continuation of the auditing services of Cusack & Company, CPA’s to provide auditing services to the Town of Queensbury for the year ending December 31, 2005 and provide accounting advice to the Town throughout 2006 for an amount not to exceed $15,100 to be paid for from the appropriate account, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor and/or Budget Officer to sign any documentation and take any and all action necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. th Duly adopted this 19 day of December, 2005, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough NOES : None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION GRANTING APPEAL WITH LIMITATIONS AND AUTHORIZING DISCLOSURE OF FOUR (4) COMPARABLE ASSESSMENTS RESOLUTION NO.: 590, 2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. John Strough WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Roger Boor REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 288 WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board is considering an appeal by John Salvador to the correct decision by the Queensbury Town Clerk to deny his Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) request for the disclosure of four (4) comparable assessments dated th October 28, 2005, and WHEREAS, it has been established by Town Counsel with the unambiguous concurrence of Mr. Robert Freeman of the New York State committee for Open Government that the Assessor’s “comparable sheets” are not subject to FOIL, and WHEREAS, Queensbury Town Code §133-9, explicitly prohibits release of non- FOILable information but provides that following a written appeal made to the Town Board, the Town Board may grant such appeal, and th WHEREAS, by letter dated November 4, 2005 Mr. Salvador appealed to the Town Board the Town Records Officer’s refusal of a FOIL request, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to grant the appeal and authorize the disclosure of the requested four (4) comparable assessments, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Assessor to release the four (4) comparable assessment sheets that are in the Assessor’s records for those properties listed on Mr. Salvador’s appeal letter dated thth November 4, 2005 and received by the Town Clerk on November 4, 2005, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor, Town Assessor and/or Town Clerk to take any other action necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. th Duly adopted this 19 day of December, 2005, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer NOES: None ABSENT:None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AGREEMENT REGARDING BUSINESS INCUBATOR BUILDING AND PROGRAM WITH ADIRONDACK REGIONAL BUSINESS INCUBATOR, INC. REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 289 RESOLUTION NO. 591, 2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHEREAS, the Adirondack Regional Business Incubator, Inc. (ARBI) was formed to promote commerce, trade, business and industry by providing businesses, on a non-profit basis, with facilities and services to plan and operate new and growing businesses and acquire property necessary to the provision of a business incubator, and WHEREAS, the Town Board strongly supports ARBI’s important mission to improve employment opportunities and economic development in the Town, and WHEREAS, the Town, along with the Greater Glens Falls Development Corporation, Queensbury Economic Development Corporation, the Warren County Economic Development Corporation, Warren County and the Adirondack Community College, wishes to enter into an Agreement Regarding Business Incubator Building and Program with ARBI and such proposed Agreement has been presented at this meeting in form approved by Town Counsel, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves and authorizes the Agreement Regarding Business Incubator Building and Program between the Town of Queensbury and the Adirondack Regional Business Incubator, Inc., the Greater Glens Falls Development Corporation, Queensbury Economic Development Corporation, the Warren County Economic Development Corporation, Warren County and the Adirondack Community College substantially in the form presented at this meeting with funding in the amount of $100,000 to be paid for from the appropriately budgeted account, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to execute the Agreement and the Town Supervisor and/or Budget Officer to take such other and further action as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. th Duly adopted this 19 day of December, 2005 by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec NOES : None ABSENT:None REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 290 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO SECTIONS 701 AND 706 OF TOWN OF QUEENSBURY EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK TO CLARIFY RETIREMENT ISSUES RESOLUTION NO.: 592, 2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury offers its employees retirement plan benefits under the New York State Employees’ Local Retirement System consistent with the Agreement between the Town and the Town of Queensbury Unit of the Civil Service Employees Association, Inc., (CSEA), and WHEREAS, under the Colletive Bargaining Agreement, the Town continues to provide group health insurance for any covered Town employee retiring at age 55 and older pursuant to the New York State and Local Retirement System with at least ten (10) years of service to the Town, until the death of such employee, provided that the retired employee contributes toward the premium of such health insurance in the same amount as required by the Town for other employees then employed, and provides continued group health insurance coverage for such employee’s surviving spouse for an additional six (6) month period, and WHEREAS, similarly, the Town of Queensbury provides ongoing health insurance benefits for full-time employees who retire from the Town of Queensbury who are 55 years of age or older, eligible to receive a pension from the New York State and Local Retirement System and have at least ten (10) years of service with the Town, and allows a surviving spouse to receive such benefits for an additional six (6) month period, and WHEREAS, the Town regularly offers all elected officials and full-time Non-Union employees group health insurance coverage, and WHEREAS, although it has been the longstanding practice of the Town to provide health insurance retirement benefits to elected officials, this is not clear from the language of the Town of Queensbury Employee Handbook which refers only to retired employees without reference to elected officials, and WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury Employee Handbook is also vague regarding accrual of vacation for retiring employees in that generally vacation accruals are credited on the employee’s anniversary date of hire and the Town Employee Handbook does not address computation and accrual where the employee retires other than on or near their anniversary date, and REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 291 WHEREAS, if employees are not credited with the pro rata amount of vacation leave earned after their anniversary date, this may serve as a disincentive for an employee to continue working past their anniversary date in the year they intend to retire, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes the amendment of the Town of Queensbury’s Employee Handbook Section 701 so that the first paragraph reads as follows: “1. The Town offers all elected officials and full-time, Non-Union employees the opportunity to enroll in their choice of the Town’s group health insurance offerings. Coverage is offered for spouses and dependent children of full-time employees. Throughout this section, the term “employees” shall include all elected officials.” and, BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes the amendment of the Town of Queensbury’s Employee Handbook Section 706 so that second paragraph, section 6 reads as follows: “6. Any employee who is terminated, laid off, resigns or retires from the cash Town will be entitled to receive payment, as additional compensation, for unused vacation which he/she had previously earned and which had been credited prior to the Such employees shall receive pro rata credit for earned effective date of termination. vacation leave between the anniversary date and the last date of employment. ” and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor and/or Town Budget Officer to sign any documentation and take any and all action necessary to effectuate all terms of this Resolution, and BE IT FURTHER, REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 292 RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor to distribute copies of this Resolution to all Town Departments and amend the Employee Handbook accordingly. th Duly adopted this 19 day of December, 2005 by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor NOES : None ABSENT : None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADOPTION OF NON-UNION SALARY STRUCTURE FOR THE YEAR 2006 RESOLUTION NO.: 593, 2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. John Strough WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board previously adopted and then revised its Wage and Salary Structure (Structure) as part of its Salary Administration Program in Section IV of the Town’s Employee Management System Handbook, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to revise the Structure as proposed in the document presented at this meeting entitled, “Town of Queensbury Non-Union Salary Structure,” effective January 1, 2006, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and adopts the Non-Union Salary Structure effective January 1, 2005 as follows: Town of Queensbury Non-Union Salary Structure Effective January 1, 2006 Grade Minimum Midpoint Scheduled Max Extended Max 1 17,082 20,569 24,768 25,016 2 19,132 23,039 27,743 28,020 3 21,428 25,803 31,072 31,383 4 23,999 28,899 34,799 35,147 5 26,879 32,366 38,974 39,364 6 30,104 36,250 43,650 44,087 7 33,716 40,598 48,885 49,374 REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 293 8 37,762 45,471 54,754 55,302 9 42,293 50,927 61,324 61,937 10 47,368 57,040 68,685 69,372 7M 33,716 40,598 48,885 51,550 8M 37,762 45,471 54,754 57,739 9M 42,293 50,927 61,324 64,667 10M 47,368 57,040 68,685 72,429 and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor and/or Budget Officer to replace the current Non-Union Salary Structure with this new Non-Union Salary Structure in the Town’s Wage and Salary Administration Program in the Employee Management System Handbook. th Duly adopted this 19 day of December, 2005 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner NOES: None ABSENT :None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ADOPTION OF NON-UNION POSITION/GRADE SCHEDULE FOR 2006 RESOLUTION NO.: 594, 2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. John Strough WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board previously adopted and then revised a Non-Union Position/Grade Schedule (Schedule) as part of its Salary Administration Program in the Town’s Employee Management System Handbook, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to revise the Schedule as proposed in the document presented at this meeting entitled, “Town of Queensbury 2006 Non-Union Position/Grade Schedule” effective January 1, 2006, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and adopts the Non-Union Position/Grade Schedule effective January 1, 2006 as follows: REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 294 Town of Queensbury Non-Union Position/Grade Schedule Effective January 1, 2006 Grade Job Title Ungraded Parts Shop Foreman – to be paid at CSEA Working Foreman Scale 1 None 2 None 3 None 4 Account Clerk Deputy Court Clerk Deputy Town Clerk II Deputy Receiver of Taxes Real Property Tax Service Assistant Records Clerk 5 Aquatics Supervisor Building & Zoning Enforcement Officer Confidential Secretary to Highway Superintendent Confidential Secretary to Town Supervisor Confidential Secretary to Community Development Director Court Clerk Deputy Fire Marshal Senior Citizen Program Coordinator Assistant to Assessor Assistant to Assessor I Computer Technology Assistant Billing Supervisor Code Compliance Officer Deputy Tax Receiver Recreation Program Specialist 6 Accountant Deputy Town Clerk I Computer Technology Coordinator Data Collector/Appraiser Principal Account Clerk Legal Assistant Land Use Planner Fire Marshal 7 Senior Planner Code Compliance Officer/Zoning Administrator Code Compliance Officer GIS Administrator Water Maintenance Distribution Supervisor 7M Cemetery Superintendent Director Solid Waste Operations Director Building & Grounds (Facilities) 8M Director Building & Code Enforcement Deputy Highway Superintendent Engineer 9M Assessor Budget Officer Director of Information Technology Director Parks & Recreation Wastewater Director 10M Executive Director of Community Development Water Superintendent REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 295 and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor and/or Budget Officer to replace the current Non-Union Position/Grade Schedule with the new Non-Union Position/Grade Schedule in the Town’s Wage and Salary Administration Program in the Employee Management System Handbook. th Duly adopted this 19 day of December, 2005 by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough NOES : None ABSENT :None RESOLUTION ADOPTING PART-TIME HOURLY WAGE AND ANNUAL STIPEND, NON-MANAGEMENT, NON-UNION FULL- TIME STAFF AND MANAGEMENT STAFF SALARY SCHEDULES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2006 RESOLUTION NO.: 595, 2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. John Strough WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board wishes to adopt new salary and wage schedules for its part-time hourly, non-management, non-union full-time and management staff for 2006, and WHEREAS, these salary schedules shall supersede all previously adopted salaries for these positions, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes the new salary and wage schedules for its part-time hourly, non-management, non-union full-time and management staff, effective January 1, 2006 as follows: Part-Time Hourly Wage and Annual Stipend Schedule REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 296 Year 2006 Position Wage/Stipend Clerk-Assessor’s Office, Part-time 13.57 Real Property Tax Service Asst., Part-time 16.44 Cemetery Secretary 12.29 Court Officer – Hourly Rate 13.04 Court Officer-Service Fee 22.48 School Traffic Officer (two hour guarantee) 13.26 Clerks, Temporary and Part-time 11.25 Laborer, Part-time 12.00 Senior Account Clerk, Part-time 11.99 Data Collector, Part-time 12.06 Temporary Mapping Technician 13.24 Joint Assessment (Glens Falls) Incl in Salary Tax Receiver 6,826 Historian 10,350 Deputy Supervisor 1,465 Purchasing Agent 4,224 Planning & Zoning Board Chairman 70. Per meeting Secretary 65. Member 60. Board of Assessment Review – Per Session 50. Non-Management - Non-Union Position Grade OT Salary Code Compliance Officer/Zoning Adm 7 Ex 46,498 Senior Planner 7 Ex 49,820 Maintenance Supervisor – Water 7 Ex 51,509 GIS Administrator 7 Ex 51,750 Code Compliance Officer 7 Ex 39,998 Legal Assistant 6 Ex 45,630 Computer Technology Coordinator 6 42,000 Data Collector/Appraiser 6 43,470 Fire Marshal 6 Ex 41,100 Accountant 6 Ex 39,635 Land Use Planner 6 Ex 38,295 Principal Account Clerk 6 41,067 Deputy Town Clerk I 6 Ex 41,067 Recreation Program Specialist 5 Ex 33,499 Court Clerk 5 Ex 41,067 Court Clerk 5 Ex 35,691 Court Clerk 5 Ex 27,820 Bldg & Zoning Enforcement Officer 5 42,038 Senior Citizen Program Coordinator 5 Ex 36,275 Bldg & Zoning Enforcement Officer 5 39,658 Confidential Secretary to Town Supervisor 5 Ex 33,500 Assistant to Assessor I 5 35,190 Assistant to Assessor II 5 33,120 Deputy Fire Marshal 5 Ex 31,050 Confidential Secretary to Highway Supt. 5 Ex 33,033 Billing Supervisor 5 34,569 Aquatics Supervisor 5 Ex 33,476 Computer Technology Asst. 5 39,330 Deputy Tax Receiver 5 36,666 Building & Zoning Enforcement Officer 5 33,120 Conf. Secretary Community Devel. Director 5 Ex 33,188 Real Property Tax Service Assistant 4 36,666 Account Clerk 4 36,377 Deputy Town Clerk II 4 Ex 36,377 Deputy Receiver of Taxes 4 27,718 REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 297 Records Clerk 4 Ex 31,050 Parts Shop Foreman Ungraded 37,210 Deputy Court Clerk 4 24,839 Management Positions Position Grade Salary Water Superintendent 10M 67,000 Executive Director Community Development 10M 65,233 Assessor 9M 75,633 Wastewater Director 9M 61,260 Director of Information Technology 9M 61,520 Budget Officer 9M 52,785 Director of Parks & Recreation 9M 49,593 Deputy Highway Superintendent 8M 51,689 Engineer 8M 54,648 Director Building & Codes 8M 52,317 Director of Solid Waste Operations 7M 53,354 Director of Building and Grounds 7M 48,727 Cemetery Superintendent 7M 44,349 th Duly adopted this 19 day of December, 2005 by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer NOES : None ABSENT : None ABSTAIN:Mr. Turner ( Building & Zoning Enforcement Officer I and Deputy Town Clerk II) RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENTS TO TOWN OF QUEENSBURY FIRE COMPANIES UNDER CURRENT AGREEMENTS RESOLUTION NO.: 596, 2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHEREAS, fire protection services are provided to the Town of Queensbury by the Bay Ridge Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., North Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., South Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co, Inc., and the West Glens Falls Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., (Fire Companies) in accordance with agreements between each Fire Company and the Town, and WHEREAS, the Town’s agreements with the Fire Companies will expire on December 31, 2005, and REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 298 WHEREAS, in such Agreements the Town and Fire Companies have agreed to continue to provide fire protection services under the terms and provisions of the existing agreements during the interim period pending execution of new agreements which is anticipated to occur sometime during the first two months of 2006, and WHEREAS, the Fire Companies may face cash flow shortages before the new agreements can be executed and therefore the Town Board wishes to authorize payments under the current Agreements, which after new agreements are entered into will constitute advance payments on the 2006 agreements to four Fire Companies, such advances to be deducted from contract payments to be paid after the 2006 contracts are ratified, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor to approve payment vouchers to the Town of Queensbury Fire Companies under the current Agreements, which payments will constitute advance payments on the new fire protection services 2006 agreements if such agreements are entered into, as follows: th ? Bay Ridge Volunteer Fire Co., Inc. - 1/12 of 2005 Contract Amount (not including Vehicle Fund); th ? North Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co., Inc. - 1/12 of 2005 Contract Amount (not including Vehicle Fund); th ? West Glens Falls Volunteer Fire Co., Inc. - 1/12 of 2005 Contract Amount (not including Vehicle Fund); th ? Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co., Inc.- 1/12 of 2005 Contract Amount (not including Vehicle Fund); and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor and Budget Officer to make the necessary arrangements to make such payments which are authorized under the current agreements and take such other and further action as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 299 th Duly adopted this 19 day of December, 2005, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec NOES : None ABSENT:None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENTS TO SOUTH QUEENSBURY VOLUNTEER FIRE CO., INC. UNDER CURRENT AGREEMENT RESOLUTION NO.: 597, 2005 INTRODUCED BY: _Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec WHEREAS, fire protection services are provided to the Town of Queensbury by the Bay Ridge Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., North Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., South Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co, Inc., and the West Glens Falls Volunteer Fire Co., Inc., in accordance with agreements between each Fire Company and the Town, and WHEREAS, the Town’s Agreement with the South Queensbury Volunteer Fire Company, Inc., (Fire Company) expired, however in such Agreement, the Town and Fire Company agreed to continue to provide fire protection services under the terms and provisions of such Agreement during the interim period pending execution of a new Agreement, and WHEREAS, the Fire Company may face cash flow shortages before a new Agreement can be executed and therefore the Town Board wishes to authorize payments under the expired Agreement, which after a new Agreement may be entered into will constitute advance payments on the 2006 Agreements to the Fire Company, such advances to be deducted from contract payments to be paid after a 2006 contract is ratified, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Supervisor to approve payment vouchers to the South Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co, Inc., under the expired Agreement, which payments will constitute advance payments on any new fire protection services 2006 Agreement if such Agreements is entered into, as follows: REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 300 th South Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co., Inc. - 1/12 of 2005 Contract Amount (not including Vehicle Fund); and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor and Budget Officer to make the necessary arrangements to make such payments which are authorized under the recently expired Agreement and take such other and further action as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. th Duly adopted this 19 day of December, 2005, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor NOES : None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PAYMENT TO WEST GLENS FALLS EMERGENCY SQUAD, INC. UNDER CURRENT AGREEMENT RESOLUTION NO.: 598, 2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. John Strough WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHEREAS, general emergency ambulance services are provided to the Town of Queensbury by the Bay Ridge Rescue Squad, Inc., North Queensbury Rescue Squad, Inc., and West Glens Falls Emergency Squad, Inc., (Squads) in accordance with Agreements between each Squad and the Town, and WHEREAS, the Town’s Agreement with the West Glens Falls Emergency Squad, Inc. (Squad) will expire on December 31, 2005, and WHEREAS, the Town and Squad have agreed to continue to provide general emergency ambulance services under the terms and provisions of the existing Agreement during the interim period pending execution of a new Agreement which is anticipated to occur sometime during the first two months of 2006, and WHEREAS, the Squad may face cash flow shortages before the new Agreement can be executed and therefore the Town Board wishes to authorize payments under the current Agreement, which after a new Agreement is entered into, will constitute advance payments REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 301 on the 2006 Agreement to the Squad, such advances to be deducted from contract payments to be paid after the 2006 contract is ratified, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes the th Town Supervisor to approve payment vouchers for 1/12 of the respective 2005 Contract Amount(s) to the West Glens Falls Emergency Squad, Inc., under the current Agreement, which payments will constitute advance payments on the new general emergency ambulance services 2006 Agreement if such Agreement is entered into, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes the Town Supervisor to approve additional payment vouchers in the amount of $18,000 to the West Glens Falls Emergency Squad, Inc., such amount to cover paid staffing costs for approximately one month, with the provision that the West Glens Falls Emergency Squad, Inc., continue to submit to the Town Budget Officer copies of its Keena staffing invoices for this one month period along with a monthly reconciliation of such costs from their CPA, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Town Supervisor and Budget Officer to make the necessary arrangements to make such payments, which are authorized under the current Agreement, to the West Glens Falls Emergency Squad, Inc., and take such other and further action as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. th Duly adopted this 19 day of December, 2005, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner NOES : None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION APPROVING AUDIT OF BILLS RESOLUTION NO.: 599, 2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Theodore Turner WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 302 WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board wishes to approve the audit of bills th presented as the Abstract with a run date of December 15, 2005 and a pay due date of th December 20, 2005, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby approves the Abstract with a thth run date of December 15, 2005 and pay due date of December 20, 2005 numbering 25- 568900 through 25-594200 and totaling $526,623.84, and BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED, that the Town Board further authorizes and directs the Budget Officer and/or Town Supervisor to take such other and further action as may be necessary to effectuate the terms of this Resolution. th Duly adopted this 19 day of December, 2005, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough NOES : None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION TO AMEND 2005 BUDGET RESOLUTION NO.: 600, 2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Daniel Stec WHEREAS, the attached Budget Amendment Requests have been duly initiated and justified and are deemed compliant with Town operating procedures and accounting practices by the Town Budget Officer, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Queensbury Town Board hereby authorizes and directs the Town Budget Officer’s Office to take all action necessary to transfer funds and amend the 2005 Town Budget as follows: BUILDING AND GROUNDS: FROM: TO: $ AMOUNT: REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 303 001-1950-4430 001-1620-2001 340. (Property Taxes) (Misc. Equipment) CEMETERY: FROM: TO: $ AMOUNT: 002-8810-2001 002-8810-4400 67. (Misc. Equip.) (Misc. Contractual) CEMETERY: FROM: TO: $ AMOUNT: 002-8810-2001 002-8810-4110 5. (Misc. Equip.) (Vehicles Repairs) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: FROM: TO: $ AMOUNT: 001-8010-4155 001-8010-1915-002 260. (Temp. Personnel) (OS - OT) PARKS AND RECREATION: FROM: TO: $ AMOUNT: 01-7110-1430 01-7110-4824 3,600. (LMEO) (Recreation Programs) 001-7020-4090 001-7020-2010 2,000. (Conf. & Reg.) (Office Furniture) th Duly adopted this 19 day of December, 2005, by the following vote: AYES : Mr. Stec, Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer NOES : None ABSENT: None ATTORNEY MATTERS NONE RESOLUTION ADJOURNING REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING RESOLUTION NO. 601, 2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. John Strough REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING 12-19-2005 MTG#56 304 RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourn its Regular Town Board Meeting. th Duly adopted this 19 day of December, 2005, by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec Noes: None Absent:None On motion meeting adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, Darleen M. Dougher Town Clerk Town of Queensbury