2012-169 A.& TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20120169 Application Number: A20120169 Tax Map No: 523400-296-020-0001-055-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: SEAN BERGER For property located at: 351 BAY Rd in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: SEAN BERGER 175 BROAD St Suite 314 Sig"' GLENS FALLS,NY 12801-0000 Total Value Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency K.D. WHEELER CUSTOM SIGNS HOLLY 793-2620 16 RICHARDSON St OUEENSBURY NY 12804-0000 Plans&Specifications 2012-169 Adirondack Retirement Specialists,Inc. Sean Berger, CFP; 3'X 10'=30 sf sign- freestanding SV 66-2012 ZBA approved on December 19, 2012) Permit REISSUED 1/28/2013 per ZBA variance approval $90.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town u sb / Mil ,a/ Ja nary 28,2013 SIGNED BY • V'- for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement ��}} 11 OFFICE USE ONLY d TAX MAPtNO.�ZP16+ PERMIT NO. / -I(49 PERMIT FEE/� , I APPROVALS: DEPOSIT r� APR 1. 7 2012 i SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION: T O''.+ •, BI_IIIn:,'!._ A permit must be obtained before installation of your permanent sign. All applicants'spaces on this application must be completed and must appear on the application form. OWNER: 5 EA ti 73E-- -G--e-x- INSTALLER/BUILDER: k' !. • LL}Nee Lc-f etl S76 Ai si /Citi' ADDRESS: 35) B 4'Y --RD , Q 8 Y ADDRESS: ((D 'h t e-f-I A R--DSo N`� ...Sr. Q01-3YPHONE NOS.(512) 7Co 1- 6, I k,JPHONE NOS. 7ci 3-?.60 Zl) LOCATION OF PROPOSED INSTALLATION:(LEGAL ADDRESS) 35 I BAY -172b, CO 2 Y. BUSINESS COMPLEX/PLAZA/MALL NAME: BUSINESS NAME: AD i e-e IJD AC-IC REM EHE,JT \ f PEC .l I-/S TS, /nJC CONTACT PERSON FOR SIGN CODE COMPLIANCE: //o4_1./ G<JNEEL.E?e_ PHONE: -7 9/ 3- L 6 TYPE OF SIGN PROPOSED: `freestanding wall awning projecting IF SIGN IS TO BE ILLUMINATED,PLEASE INDICATE: _Internal External _Incandescent _Neon _Other DO SIGNS CURRENTLY EXIST ON THE PROPERTY? _Yes ..--'No IF YES,LIST ALL EXISTING SIGNAGE: The application creates a change '7 New in the following existing site Change in number of signs from to conditions(fill in all applicable _Change in setback for sign from to spaces): Change in size of sign from to Change in height of sign from to Change of wording/copy from: to: Sign Wording/Copy: ,4 i -c,J pAC-,e_ RET-f e_EA-frxy-r- \'PE CJ lam? /-i,.s T Sl /Ale - Sign size: Length 3 x Width JO = Total Sq. ft. 30 Sign Height(freestanding sign): Co Color and Material to be used: 'DA R-i Cre-E E,U N GC_ ✓ Provide 2 copies of a scaled drawing or surveyed plot plan with the following information: o Location of sign (walls signs: drawing of the facade the sign will be located on,indicate sign on facade) o Height of freestanding sign QUESTIONS? CALL 761-8256 OR EMAIL o Depth of projecting sign codes(@.queensburv.net o Distances from front and side property lines. VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION ✓ Provide 2 drawings or photos of sign design. www.queensbury.net ✓ Provide Applicant and Owner's signature(permission for placement of sign on the property or building). Declaration: To the best of my knowledge,the statements contained in the application,together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with,whether specified or noted, and that such /�work is authorized by the owner.//JJ APPLICANT SIGNATURE \ _ ( L) -1,�, _LAL DATE: '�/1,/iz— I hereby authorize the applicant to plat a sign on my rpperty or building. OWNER SIGNATURE: eee � / DATE: Town of Queensbury• Community Development Office • 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Page 1 of"' Holly Wheeler From: Sean Berger-ARS - Hotmail [adirondackretirementspecialists@hotmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 9:56 AM To: 'Holly Wheeler' Subject: RE: sign permit Good morning Holly, I Sean Berger the owner of property at 351 Bay Rd , give K.D Wheeler Custom Signs permission to place the sign on their property. Sean Berger, CFP® President From the office of Sean Berger,Certified Financial Planner"Chief Investment Manager of Adirondack Retirement Specialists,Inc.and Registered Representative of American Portfolios Financial Services,Inc. 1 Irongate Center,17 Pine St I Suite 3 I Glens Falls,NY 128011 518-761-61841518-761-6602(Fax) Securities offered through American Portfolios Financial Services,Inc.,Member FINRA/SIPC Investment advisory services offered through Adirondack Retirement Specialists,Inc.a NYS Registered Investment Advisor Adirondack Retirement Specialists,Inc.is independent of American Portfolios Financial Services Inc.and American Portfolios Advisors Inc ****IMPORTANT NOTICE—WE CAN NOT TAKE ORDERS BY E-MAIL****It is important that you do not use e-mail to request, authorize or effect the purchase or sale of any security or commodity,to send fund transfer instructions,or to effect any other transactions.Any such request,orders,or instructions that you send will not be accepted and will not be processed;you must speak with your financial professional directly to execute your order. ****TAX ADVICE NOTICE**** To comply with the requirements imposed by the United States Treasury Department,any information regarding any U.S.federal tax matters contained in this communication(including any attachments)is not intended or written to be used,and cannot be used,as advice for the purpose of(I)avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or(2)promoting,marketing or recommending to another party any transaction or matter addressed herein or in any attachments. ****PRIVILEGED&CONFIDENTIAL**** This electronic message(and any attachments)is confidential property of the sender.Any interception,copying,accessing,or disclosure of such information is prohibited except by the sender and the intended recipient. The sender takes no responsibility for any unauthorized reliance,use or reuse of such information.If you have received this information in error, please immediately notify the sender and delete and purge this information. Do not forward this message without express authorization. OFFICE USE ONLY TAX MAP NO. PERMIT NO.ao1 ^/6YPERMIT FEE v APPROVALS: DEPOSIT OCT 1 0 2012 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION: A permit must be obtained before installation of your permanent sign. All applicants'spaces on this application must be completed and must appear on the application form. OWNER: .%Eft v f3E24-5- - INSTALLER/BUILDER: le- • (.C)r/t=E/- - . S Tz=,`-{ S{ ADDRESS: 351 BAY 1�1] • 0 ADDRESS: ICO R,C cis„)r- .-D sSrSa '44Y PHONE NOS. PHONE NOS. -7q 3-2(o 2- LOCATION OF PROPOSED INSTALLATION:(LEGAL ADDRESS) ,35-1 /3A'/ FR L) . Com:),/ BUSINESS COMPLEX/11 PLAZA/MALL NAME: Mf1 BUSINESS NA E: RETlle&tc Ery T PEC4 4L..s S7-S , /,v C- CONTACT PERSON FOR SIGN CODE COMPLIANCE: tto,L/-y /,v Her--EL--6-A= PHONE: 79 3-a(o.26TYPE OF SIGN PROPOSED: freestanding /wall awning projecting IF SIGN IS TO BE ILLUMINATED,PLEASE INDICATE: _Internal �xternal _Incandescent _Neon _Other DO SIGNS CURRENTLY EXIST ON THE PROPERTY? Yes No IF YES,LIST ALL EXISTING SIGNAGE: ` The application creates a change New ektif ZJZA76 in the following existing site Change i number of�igns rom to conditions(fill in all applicable Change in setback for sign from to spaces): Change in size of sign from to Change in height of sign from to Change of wording/copy from: to: Sign Wording/Copy: Sign size: Length x Width = Total Sq. ft. Sign Height(freestanding sign): Color and Material to be used: ✓ Provide 2 copies of a scaled drawing or surveyed plot plan with the following information: o Location of sign (walls signs: drawing of the façade the sign will be located on,indicate sign on façade) o Height of freestanding sign QUESTIONS? CALL 761-8256 OR EMAIL o Depth of projecting sign codesqueensbury.net o Distances from front and side property lines. VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION ✓ Provide 2 drawings or photos of sign design. www.queensburv.net V Provide Applicant and Owner's signature (permission for placement of sign on the property or building). Declaration: To the best of my knowledge,the statements contained in the application,together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with,whether specified or noted, and th t such work is authorized by the owner. APPLICANT SIGNATURE: 7) . ��:�'y` °p_AC./ DATE: /6 - / o - / 2- I hereby authorize the applicant to pla e a sign on my property or building. ,, y OWNER SIGNATURE/ ✓ic-L�- �� ,��ATR"' lb Town of Queensbury • Community Development Office • 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY _ 1 � 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 or BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20120169 Application Number: A20120169 Tax Map No: 523400-296-020-0001-055-000-0000 • Permission is hereby granted to: SEAN BERGER OCT ` 12 For property located at: 351 BAY Rd in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: SEAN BERGER Sign 175 BROAD St Suite 314 Total Value GLENS FALLS,NY 12801-0000 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency K.D. WHEELER CUSTOM SIGNS HOLLY 793-2620 16 RICHARDSON St QUEENSBURY NY 12804-0000 Plans&Specifications 2012-169 3'X 10' = 30 sf sign- freestanding Adirondack Retirement Specialists, Inc. Sean Berger, CFP $90.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Tuesday, May 07, 2013 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury; Monday, May 07, 2012 • SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Direct. :.4 t. g od, V?'. ament Bp ic;.&/? -7r 4J : 9 ,, c. ....., IDIR(ADAch RETIREMENT SI'E(1ALIS'1's, I\(). `i '1` . i�c;. cc :-,(1., liiiiiiiiiia.r(-3( i' ( ,i, I ' , 120 • V,J HE, Client:Adirondack Retirement Specialists 36 in ,.LL I�7.� Drawing N:3/19/12 main sign CUSTOM'SIGNS Approved by: Date: • A o ie ^RT RO"'NC. A signature Is required before any work can be Initiated. t e,r-mamo ooP.ko.00m mis design is copyrighted and Is the exclusive property of The Wheeler Art Group,Inc. _ - )' $__ It Is not to be copied or reproducedby in any way the client or ntil ha lr agent.approved end accepted through purchase _a _- i font: Feline C - 7j • —.. r r..s C.J N CID CONCRETE SIDEWALK t0 � O q -,E}�_ Ni � PER REFBRSNC6 No. 2 ; 4 a p CL � — Co - _ W .+ ♦ Zoning Board of Appeals - Record of Resolution o_ w town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 (518) 761-8238 N •""�JD Steven lackoski Chairman Rov Urrtco Secretary N Z 03 u T/J U I �c-sJ W Li a* W O 1 �1 --`----�_„_ TO: Sean Berger Ir PROJECT FOR: Sean Berger Urg d/b/a Adirondack Retirement Specialist di Adirondack Retirement Specialists IL Z 351 Bay Road II I•I 351 Bay Road LU02F Queensbury. N'( 12804 III '^-e 9 N ---.�_ �- The Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals has reviewed the following request of fhe below - : stated meeting and has resolved the following: - O PERMANENT EASEMENT TO ` �' >1 WARREN COUNTY w 0:589 / 121 ! �-' : Sign Variance No. 66-2012 Sean Berger d/b/a Auk. Retirement Specialist ..Z -` - Meeting Date:. Wednesday, December 19, 2012 j —_ ::..� co _ - Approved X =36.16' MOTION THAT BASED UPON THE INFORMATION PRESENTED AND AN ANALYSIS OF THEABOVE ^^" U 1• CONCRETE SIDEWALK( DOCUMENTATION, THIS BOARD FEELS THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION WILL NOT RESULT IN ANY R 22955,08'— SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS SO 1 MOVE WE GIVE THIS A NEGATIVE 'iQ y ---- DECLARATION FOR SIGN VAR IANCE NO. 66-2012 SEAN BERGER d/b/o ADIRONDACK S05°g6''S7nby RETIREMENT SPECIALIST, Introduced by Richard Ge« And who moved for its adoption, seconded h+i 1 by Roy Urrtco: p, Duly adopted, ihis19'^ day of December, 2012 by the following vote: 'etiD AYES: Mr. Unico, Mr. Clemenis, Mr. Kuhl, Mr. Undervrood, Mr, Garrand, Mrs. Hunt a v Mr. Jockosk, to NOES: NONE E Fa JSIGN< 9 12 SEAN BERGER d/b(a ADIROONACK p Vas„cN / , MOTION TO SPECIALISTo Vu VARIANCE NO.. 20 of S Y Underwood who moved for its adoption, y„ ;seconded b Brian Clemenis: - - a o % J 351 lay Road. he applicant is propossing placefnenf of a 30squore foot fre11 estanding sign, ' and the parcel w� requiere lief from the min;—u n (font yard setback requirements for a ^ a he -standing sign® I Speciticafy they're askYn I loth 10.2 feet of relief from fhe 15 foot minimum setback as per Sgchon 1141,66(l) wnlc rip e c nsidered severe relative to the Ordinance. It - L , ,. =ls."the desire r y p( cant io plac9,als cir}IIi9asonably towards the center of the grassy ++ ir. onc�n of 1 ro er leco nrz n tnq(,,a toi o e rass onion is outside of the property line 2 STORY / w} 3Zq, ) p .4' p ,P tY. 9 9 fi �j 9 y P P A y WOOD FRAMED / - `� R� "•"' ' •; >: _...olong'tne,s(dew k there. and mo ` g il,• ” P,1j back further from what the Originally had , t, �? • '' ` ` Y :. - �i e31 u,.. Y 9 Y d i a I .' t iry ry`- 4p re uasled fhln 1 Board COMMERCIAL no ar nods ' -s ce a I r' "u f i z A.SPHAL7 ss �.. ? +� %Our* •s{Z an bee es n Iacin the sl n in a more BUILDING % U w - x,. - scantefed rnanne on lne propi•1,.Sq v qv • e for opprovct ,. ,' ", ,;'ik" {1'-s',"wl T.I do• �,s,.oF 'December, 7.:. J ,w F:, t ry.• CIS ? ..(l•gsber, 20 2. ', by they following vote: • 1 , yy. / �, SAY'S: ivq, J ,co, s iiuni hir Rural, Mr.Clement ,i r Garrond, Mr. Underwood, Mr. s _.$$ / .I .,�,•,, '*, 3J �.h<. Ter >�-r';�a. ., ".rtr.: _ -.:.- `ML�IOCROSV�.,+ <4 yj� aj 29.9 ,,,. / is - v I ,: x .:r L. 71, FS. .,_... �-:: a kv , pn x kir �5� F i."ry ,HOE NO ' 1 - « C,., "d - — _ _ TO _ g ` �.•+ _� =_ - - - �- _ - ` ' -'. _' :�'>�_'.� , _ ;,__ __— - -- - — - -auk � �• - ,a,.111I �n � ra �{ .D ET `'rw 't .f. �, _ ..... * ,._.... rYy,,.eu., `•�li whr '�wA a Ri5'N \ N ; C R E/ ALK r,, - -> •a i.- V a::1V\ " �.:'. 11 �l�I, MN'II,�� "� �I a, k3'b'3 t �''sF' ' E. ,, f Lo 9 O Sincerely. �$ae 3�F N Siii kiI t 1.I Via M M O 1 STORY ' -' 1. Sfeven lackoW Chairman ) a )': `I - I a „ s 2 +.'"i , Queensbury Zonir;g Board of Appe is 11 i Y L€ ,' MIME? T SS " "JSJ/sh.. ASPHALT \ I " k' --k -1 PARKING ,- -.The variancetapFroval is valid fir crie (1) year front the date of approval. You may request an J , extension of approval before lrie a e (1) year t,mq frame has expired. See section 17? -14090 1{."t! ,� ,3 y' - AREA Final,.appro ed, plans in compliance with this vorignce must be submitted to the Community ' II II •> , I; - �Deve;opme rJeporfinen oe a an^ further review b the Zoning Administrator or Building & ;®5, : , _' ? 8,520.75+ Sq. ft. .. IY -1 _7 v 9 9 a J Codes personnel. Subseq.r-nF Issuance of further permits, including building permits are A 0.20±.. CfE!S ASPHALT..,:., P.°' P iit v ,. la z PARKING - / .� a de endentonrec.el t # R1 Poge2uf2 �k, -'*•` ti =LANDS N FOE w p 41 ^, AAA NORTHW54 Inc. �' .Approur oval of e'applical( PP E, r� � eons that thea applicant can now apply for a Building Permit unless - . _ 3 b The a eAdirondack gPark Jurisdictional or other approvals are necessary (such as review - ASPHALT �I f Y ry Ptannin Bo id.) : �, co I•:, , x. Lill N :.. �, of 'HALT ;` ^, t }I,< r I•I "i I I 1lid LO 102.00'{rI al m ;u N05"26'5,7 '0 Z ASP ALT I v ,„ , ,III : "�ry�yt , � tt,��` E A^�' P.,t� J '�•• I � r r '>4•.. 'g�' i . ,l `" � � a•1 i ,. ki kid 1 +z •� y ,' �I ,fug LEGEND: a ;•S ,,{ e .:.;YI„a :J Err: f. W -,' N i .$. .IAP •I a, r Illi _ 1 a d v * a �' = UTILITYPCLE �, r” rJ m Z , , \\ \ CONCRETE L -1 Ya` \ \ \ a^ Im 'LIGHT POLE O u \ \ \ ` rs• as { f Y"u 41'I"I' ® -TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLE N LANDS N/E OE \ KRAFT f r' din I` MAP REFERENCES 671 / 538 it, , ® TRAFFIC SIGNAL BOX i,t• Ie FIRE HYDRANT t hI ¢ V 1 F„Ir ASF'HAI T ' �._..�v� , �' i” a Lir 18 " f yl ria ,d s +, D4 - NATER VALVE q d. 11 1 STORY ,. :18 i :. cv <. r ;tll,l„I.I A - MAP OF LANDS PROPOSED ti -OAS VALVE TO BE CONVEYED BY ('� o \ WOOD FRAMEDELI $ �4F ALFRED W. HOLLIS, Jr. BUILDING \r, d* _I hr� ;3t„.,;1 y'4 Qs=SANITARYMANHOLEI TO 1� (� COMMERCIAL \ \ , n L �i"' ,Itl L hi b CB ❑ CAT T� " WENDYA. SAVALE AND p N - bi i � ` � � F , � � � I� = CH BASIN ,�', ' P , Ir GI `I , N ... . -. , OLLAR WOODEN R DS ,:� � 7,, , I JAY K. WASSERMAN pl �' r TYPICAL -r - SIGN (TYPICAL) gI BY.' COULTER & McCORMACK to � 1,11 1 r• 1 - =TREES/SHRUBS DATED: MARCH 7, 1985 ,. , r 81 co �I��I . � ' I \ r I 'Il i ? B f ” MAP OF A TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY MADE FOR1$1 Data October 4, 2010 GRAPHIC SCALE �, M EARTH TECH NORTHEAST Inc. \ ii wjk 10 a 5 10 �atL2o ` 4 40 1 , BY: VAN OUSEN & STEVES Scale 1'10 I III, DATED: FEBRUARY 11, 2005 r v l*' IN FEET S 1 F1 '. yllh' III; r +. ft. d A, 1µl4ly 14 ,, f 1 mch = 10 �- xLL EI 1 it r. at 1JaBIwi„ LAI)IVuI'JSi�' _ a�.�l q 111111 j. K"' ( t.•, aiak SHEET I OF 1 Berger D1628 DWG. NO. 10103 296.20-1-55 / 62-1-6.32: ., ,r lr^°o� pr . ,.W .I ,{f1n 117 „ryrl"r ,,^, Yr IN MI a q"FN „rYY'P 1 ,:rP,,Ir^ • ::::. _..__' __ ,. I __ _ S �`,._ ., �;= :, ,._... I ':._ _:� 1 . �,;,.. _ _ ,....<.., :�.rs .., + ,. M.ne Itl 111 , f°" -. . .xFtip v. .. .... en. ,. .. rax.. -, :. „M.. t s 1..�, I , d _ } : ..., _ Iexnn+.. .... utl a l.. ...r II%V P , . ,t -... S, >.:... Pr _ k�raw�F . I. r�' rsab4rcdF"rl Ir , waY�Fr,J,LL .m k . , : , ., , �r4roiR 1gW 19gM, � ,,.. ., :; - �ppl, ,. ;.rm •, , ,�N # i. , h x ,:YI: • ,}✓� Eh J.. v a xi .. •PY,k r ::{; ,4a+ 'ru.,l,,.;., ..., ;.. r Il,nl nl ¢tt J {,,, II of I,.: P I' I.I r. ,I ' •I r, 1 , 'i 'I:I g ' ,i�:.It GV �W Gv X CONCRETE SIDEWALK t0 � O q -,E}�_ Ni � PER REFBRSNC6 No. 2 ; 4 a p CL � — Co - _ W .+ ♦ Zoning Board of Appeals - Record of Resolution o_ w town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 (518) 761-8238 N •""�JD Steven lackoski Chairman Rov Urrtco Secretary N Z 03 u T/J U I �c-sJ W Li a* W O 1 �1 --`----�_„_ TO: Sean Berger Ir PROJECT FOR: Sean Berger Urg d/b/a Adirondack Retirement Specialist di Adirondack Retirement Specialists IL Z 351 Bay Road II I•I 351 Bay Road LU02F Queensbury. N'( 12804 III '^-e 9 N ---.�_ �- The Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals has reviewed the following request of fhe below - : stated meeting and has resolved the following: - O PERMANENT EASEMENT TO ` �' >1 WARREN COUNTY w 0:589 / 121 ! �-' : Sign Variance No. 66-2012 Sean Berger d/b/a Auk. Retirement Specialist ..Z -` - Meeting Date:. Wednesday, December 19, 2012 j —_ ::..� co _ - Approved X =36.16' MOTION THAT BASED UPON THE INFORMATION PRESENTED AND AN ANALYSIS OF THEABOVE ^^" U 1• CONCRETE SIDEWALK( DOCUMENTATION, THIS BOARD FEELS THAT THE PROPOSED ACTION WILL NOT RESULT IN ANY R 22955,08'— SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS SO 1 MOVE WE GIVE THIS A NEGATIVE 'iQ y ---- DECLARATION FOR SIGN VAR IANCE NO. 66-2012 SEAN BERGER d/b/o ADIRONDACK S05°g6''S7nby RETIREMENT SPECIALIST, Introduced by Richard Ge« And who moved for its adoption, seconded h+i 1 by Roy Urrtco: p, Duly adopted, ihis19'^ day of December, 2012 by the following vote: 'etiD AYES: Mr. Unico, Mr. Clemenis, Mr. Kuhl, Mr. Undervrood, Mr, Garrand, Mrs. Hunt a v Mr. Jockosk, to NOES: NONE E Fa JSIGN< 9 12 SEAN BERGER d/b(a ADIROONACK p Vas„cN / , MOTION TO SPECIALISTo Vu VARIANCE NO.. 20 of S Y Underwood who moved for its adoption, y„ ;seconded b Brian Clemenis: - - a o % J 351 lay Road. he applicant is propossing placefnenf of a 30squore foot fre11 estanding sign, ' and the parcel w� requiere lief from the min;—u n (font yard setback requirements for a ^ a he -standing sign® I Speciticafy they're askYn I loth 10.2 feet of relief from fhe 15 foot minimum setback as per Sgchon 1141,66(l) wnlc rip e c nsidered severe relative to the Ordinance. It - L , ,. =ls."the desire r y p( cant io plac9,als cir}IIi9asonably towards the center of the grassy ++ ir. onc�n of 1 ro er leco nrz n tnq(,,a toi o e rass onion is outside of the property line 2 STORY / w} 3Zq, ) p .4' p ,P tY. 9 9 fi �j 9 y P P A y WOOD FRAMED / - `� R� "•"' ' •; >: _...olong'tne,s(dew k there. and mo ` g il,• ” P,1j back further from what the Originally had , t, �? • '' ` ` Y :. - �i e31 u,.. Y 9 Y d i a I .' t iry ry`- 4p re uasled fhln 1 Board COMMERCIAL no ar nods ' -s ce a I r' "u f i z A.SPHAL7 ss �.. ? +� %Our* •s{Z an bee es n Iacin the sl n in a more BUILDING % U w - x,. - scantefed rnanne on lne propi•1,.Sq v qv • e for opprovct ,. ,' ", ,;'ik" {1'-s',"wl T.I do• �,s,.oF 'December, 7.:. J ,w F:, t ry.• CIS ? ..(l•gsber, 20 2. ', by they following vote: • 1 , yy. / �, SAY'S: ivq, J ,co, s iiuni hir Rural, Mr.Clement ,i r Garrond, Mr. Underwood, Mr. s _.$$ / .I .,�,•,, '*, 3J �.h<. Ter >�-r';�a. ., ".rtr.: _ -.:.- `ML�IOCROSV�.,+ <4 yj� aj 29.9 ,,,. / is - v I ,: x .:r L. 71, FS. .,_... �-:: a kv , pn x kir �5� F i."ry ,HOE NO ' 1 - « C,., "d - — _ _ TO _ g ` �.•+ _� =_ - - - �- _ - ` ' -'. _' :�'>�_'.� , _ ;,__ __— - -- - — - -auk � �• - ,a,.111I �n � ra �{ .D ET `'rw 't .f. �, _ ..... * ,._.... rYy,,.eu., `•�li whr '�wA a Ri5'N \ N ; C R E/ ALK r,, - -> •a i.- V a::1V\ " �.:'. 11 �l�I, MN'II,�� "� �I a, k3'b'3 t �''sF' ' E. ,, f Lo 9 O Sincerely. �$ae 3�F N Siii kiI t 1.I Via M M O 1 STORY ' -' 1. Sfeven lackoW Chairman ) a )': `I - I a „ s 2 +.'"i , Queensbury Zonir;g Board of Appe is 11 i Y L€ ,' MIME? T SS " "JSJ/sh.. ASPHALT \ I " k' --k -1 PARKING ,- -.The variancetapFroval is valid fir crie (1) year front the date of approval. You may request an J , extension of approval before lrie a e (1) year t,mq frame has expired. See section 17? -14090 1{."t! ,� ,3 y' - AREA Final,.appro ed, plans in compliance with this vorignce must be submitted to the Community ' II II •> , I; - �Deve;opme rJeporfinen oe a an^ further review b the Zoning Administrator or Building & ;®5, : , _' ? 8,520.75+ Sq. ft. .. IY -1 _7 v 9 9 a J Codes personnel. Subseq.r-nF Issuance of further permits, including building permits are A 0.20±.. CfE!S ASPHALT..,:., P.°' P iit v ,. la z PARKING - / .� a de endentonrec.el t # R1 Poge2uf2 �k, -'*•` ti =LANDS N FOE w p 41 ^, AAA NORTHW54 Inc. �' .Approur oval of e'applical( PP E, r� � eons that thea applicant can now apply for a Building Permit unless - . _ 3 b The a eAdirondack gPark Jurisdictional or other approvals are necessary (such as review - ASPHALT �I f Y ry Ptannin Bo id.) : �, co I•:, , x. Lill N :.. �, of 'HALT ;` ^, t }I,< r I•I "i I I 1lid LO 102.00'{rI al m ;u N05"26'5,7 '0 Z ASP ALT I v ,„ , ,III : "�ry�yt , � tt,��` E A^�' P.,t� J '�•• I � r r '>4•.. 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COULTER & McCORMACK to � 1,11 1 r• 1 - =TREES/SHRUBS DATED: MARCH 7, 1985 ,. , r 81 co �I��I . � ' I \ r I 'Il i ? B f ” MAP OF A TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY MADE FOR1$1 Data October 4, 2010 GRAPHIC SCALE �, M EARTH TECH NORTHEAST Inc. \ ii wjk 10 a 5 10 �atL2o ` 4 40 1 , BY: VAN OUSEN & STEVES Scale 1'10 I III, DATED: FEBRUARY 11, 2005 r v l*' IN FEET S 1 F1 '. yllh' III; r +. ft. d A, 1µl4ly 14 ,, f 1 mch = 10 �- xLL EI 1 it r. at 1JaBIwi„ LAI)IVuI'JSi�' _ a�.�l q 111111 j. K"' ( t.•, aiak SHEET I OF 1 Berger D1628 DWG. NO. 10103 296.20-1-55 / 62-1-6.32: ., ,r lr^°o� pr . ,.W .I ,{f1n 117 „ryrl"r ,,^, Yr IN MI a q"FN „rYY'P 1 ,:rP,,Ir^ • ::::. _..__' __ ,. I __ _ S �`,._ ., �;= :, ,._... I ':._ _:� 1 . �,;,.. _ _ ,....<.., :�.rs .., + ,. M.ne Itl 111 , f°" -. . .xFtip v. .. .... en. ,. .. rax.. -, :. „M.. t s 1..�, I , d _ } : ..., _ Iexnn+.. .... utl a l.. ...r II%V P , . ,t -... S, >.:... Pr _ k�raw�F . 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