2012-333 01./4 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 0.4 F 47 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20120333 Application Number: a20120333 Tax Map No: 523400-297-017-0001-047-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: MICHELLE CHRISTIE For property located at 384 RIDGE Rd in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: MICHELLE CHRISTIE Sign 223 KONCI Ter Total Value LAKE GEORGE NY 12845-0000 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications 2012-333 Sign permit- 2'x 3.5'=7 sf awning sign-Journey,A Private Spa $21.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town • ensbu . W I e/ii ay July 11, 2012 Air SIGNED BY ,.,i r �r��,\ for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement 4-1 Cyosc --1. Lf c aia - oti9 + ICE USE ONLY 4GU I , TAX MAP NO. .....1 ' ''MIT NO.0 3 33PERMIT FEE c • Date Stamp ; APPROVALS: DEPOSIT I ' SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION: A permit must be obtained before installation of your permanent sign. All applicants'spaces on this application must be completed andwtmust appear on the application form. OWNER: M(c•-et(e.. tik-IS e, INSTALLER/BUILDER: ADDRESS: 6L A� t k • ADDRESS: PHONE NOS.(S it) -L6)-- 38 5 4- PHONE NOS. . LOCATION OF PROPOSED INSTALLATION:(LEGAL ADDRESS) 3 8'I -A l 'i. P BUSINESS COMPLEX/PLAZA/MALL NAME: N/A�1 BUSINESS NAME: JO l�Tv.e_ 4 t . a-;ve_ CL_ Q r CONTACT PERSON FOR SIGN CODE COMPLIANCE: Mi Cu at s, C k ri S'-i,Rp IT.5 I O • 13a' 3/64` TYPE OF SIGN PROPOSED: _freestanding _wall Ill 1 awning _projecting 1J IF SIGN IS TO BE ILLUMINATED,PLEASE INDICATE: _Internal _External _Incandescent _Neon _Other b4- 1 (4-, DO SIGNS CURRENTLY EXIST ON THE PROPERTY? VYes _NoC IF YES,LIST ALL EXISTING SIGNAGE: That 1.045 Q l.n.u, Y�. -�cS Iqq V 0 fr I�.{�e <x t Sff h ��i y� So T had a vleA.D 6i3v-I i n Sct.wge Si tec e4�#- -U to cover -file_ Pvt , l q The application creates a change 9 New 94S in the following existing site Change in number of signs from to �CJ conditions(fill in all applicable _Change in setback for sign from to 4hsIhP spaces): Change in size of sign from to U- r 4464 Changeanin height of sign from to �j,� Change of wording/copy from: KA 1 Q Deg 1 NS to: , 10 WCney A- Pri vod-e 4 d eurnty k PriVae�'pA Sign Wording/Copy: ] � Sign size: Lengthy x Width 3,5 ' =Total Sq.ft. 7-' Sign Height(freestanding sign): Color and Material to be used: ✓ Provide 2 copies of a scaled drawing or surveyed plot plan with the following information: o Location of sign(walls signs: drawing of the facade the sign will be located on,indicate sign on facade) o Height of freestanding sign QUESTIONS? CALL 761-8256 OR EMAIL o Depth of projecting sign codes(aloueensburv.net o Distances from front and side property lines. VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION I Provide 2 drawings or photos of sign design. www.aueensburv.net I Provide Applicant and Owner's signature(permission for placement of sign on the property or building). Declaration: To the best of my knowledge,the statements contained in the application,together with the plans and specifications submitted,are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance,and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with,whether specified or noted,and that such work is authorized r ► by the owner. ` APPLICANT SIGNATURE: N CLIJ JI 0�4'V 7).41 r.UL DATE: .11. 11- I hereby authorize the a plicant to place a sign on my property or building. `') uilding. 2QOWNER SIGNATURE: CM.VJJ 04)L0,1-1.tDATE: I ' Cit ' 17- Q Town of Queensbury• Community Development Office • 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 •- . . — 7-...- ---Ter:I.7.::". —— . ....... " . .- . , _ — ,,,,,,-,„,:-. ; 1,. :. :.— ':.4:-..',4- • -., . -. , . ., --• • - - .-- - . :46. . ,:...,-.-,:y . • .. . ., , .4 ,. ,,.•,;, '.", '...-.- ..1 'r.1trj,..' .. ... , {4*.f.."''4,,,s1CY:M.,Cf:,..;;:, ' M., . .;.. 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SWI S : 523400 Print Key : Comment : 8/10/2011 MAP REFERENCE: MAP OF LANDS OF EARLTOWN CORPORATION DATED SEPTEMBER 28, 1984 BY COULTER & McCORMACK ZONING INFORMATION ZONED -MDR SITE INFORMATION: NORTH LOT PARCEL AREA = 12, 000 sq. ft. BUILDING AREA = 0 sq. ft. ASPHALT AREA = 2,112 sq. ft. TOTAL NON PERMEABLE = 2,112 sq. ft. OR 17.6% NON PERMEABLE NORTH LOT PROPOSED PARCEL AREA = 14,185 sq. ft. BUILDING AREA = 1,220 sq. ft. ASPHALT AREA = 2,162 sq. It. DECKS/PATIOS = 43 sq. ft. TOTAL NON PERMEABLE = 3,425 sq. ft. OR 24.1 % NON PERMEABLE SOUTH LOT EXISTING PARCEL AREA = 12, 000 sq. ft. BUILDING AREA = 2,218 sq. ft. ASPHALT AREA = 2,205 sq. ft. DECKS/PATIOS = 112 sq. ff. TOTAL NON PERMEABLE = 4,535 sq. ft. OR 37.8% NON PERMEABLE SOUTH LOT PROPOSED PARCEL AREA = 9815 sq. ft. BUILDING AREA = 998 sq. ft. ASPHALT AREA = 2,149 sq. ft. DECKS/PATIO = 69 sq. ft. TOTAL NON PERMEABLE = 3,216 sq. ft. OR 32.8% NON PERMEABLE LEGEND: IRF = IRON ROD FOUND MILT = UTILITY POLE Q = SANITARY MAHNOLE o \ 2 \ ASPHALT DRIVE 21'1 WATER LINE LAND5 N/F OF CHARTIER o °211 O 0 — 0 —__ _.. 0 NORTH LOT 14,185.06 sq. ft. 0.33 acres \ \ ORIGINAL LOT UNE W 9.5' O I n AFT'ROAMATIE SANITARY N (V p \ m SC'NERLINE5 -of 2 STORY �y W oKLCz w }} \ a o CONCRETE BLOCK HOUSE T r r- - ° N _ V Q w 9. N 0 — 36.7 w 69.34' N50.18,197 r k 1 STORY v BRICK BUILDING o Q APPRO)a wnfeR uNMATE U SOUTH LOT y„e,l E 9,814.94 sq. ft. 0.23 acres JJu S e Steves Land Surveyors 169 Haviland Road Queensbury, New York 12804 518) 792-8474 New York Lie. No. 50135 'WAUMMM A1,,e,TO1 OR ADVTON TO A SUB4EY .Al' SEA9W3 A Ucul� LINO p,RVEYMS SEAL IS A No"T"OH DF SEcna„ 721 sire -NISCH x. MINE NEW Ya1H STATE cr`—AnaN LAW' 'ONLY co,xs raG,. ME OWoNA- Dr IS SJRVEY MAARED 'MTH AR ov NAL OF ME LAND SURVEYORS sEAE 9Uu 9E CEHaDERED To BE VALID TRUE Ilee• CEAMIRCAPONs I""CATED HEREON 9a11iY THAT THIS SARWY WAS PH,pA,a, w ACOORDANCE WITH ME EASTI CODE o' Pnnc1ICE FOR LAND SARN.YMs AOOPMD BY THE NEW YMK STATE A.SSOOARGN DF PPDFE54MAL LAND SURWYORS. SMO CERTFlGHMS SHALL RUH ONLY 10 THE PERSM FM ARM ME SeWEY IS PREPARED, AND M HIS BEHALF To '(IF In E ociPANY. G0vOMWEMAL AGENCY AHO UENOIN,, INSAMITIMSIEUD HEAEW, AHO To ME ASSIGNEES Or ME IFNNND INmT JROWt . LANDS N/F OF MORR15ON GRAPHIC SCALE ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. Map of a Boundary Line Adjustment made for Fick & Karen Cunningham Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York 0 45.6 ORIGINAL LOT LINE 'rL�? IJ nd''CrIstrator 'Jt,' _UEENSBIIR' oIRF 0 Zon1n�E Board of A�Jpeals Record of Re_solutlon,__,___ sown of Queensbury 742 Bay Rood Queensbury, NY 12804 (518) 761-8238 IRs. Steven Jgcko k' Chairman - Roy Lorca, Secretary. TO: Richard & Karen Cunningham PROJECT FOR: Richard & Karen Cunningham 11 Brookfield Run 384 Ridge Road Queensbury, NY 12804 The Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals has reviewed the fallowing request of the below stated meeting end has resolved the following.- Am- ollowing:Area Variance No. 8-2011 Richard & Karen Cunningham Meefing Date: Wednesday, Febmary 16, 2011 Approved _%_ MOTION f3 APPROVE AREA VARIANCE NO 1.2111 RICHARD & KAREN CUNNINGHAM Introduced by Joyce Hunt who moved for its adoption, seconded by Roy Unico: 384 Ridge Road. The appfcant is proposing a boundary line adjustment for the Iwo adjacent parcels they own on Ridge Road in order to segregate the two existing structures currently situated on the southern [of. Currently the north lot parcel 8 028 acres and will expand to 0.33 acres resulting in a more compliant lot size, not requiring a vaionce for lot size. Conversely the south lot is currently 0.27 acres in size and will be reduced to 023 acres resulting in a less complianl lot sae, thus requiring a variance for lot size. The applicant has no intention of any site changes in relation to the buildings, poking and lighting on both lots. The parcel will require area variances as per § 179-3040 for the MDR zone as follows: North Lot. Number One, Sideline setback relief: a. Request fur 15.5 feet of west sideline relief from the 25 foot side setback for the SFD. b. Request for 14.5 feet of south sideline relief from the 25 foot side setback for the SFD. c. Request For 16.4 feel of soulheost siderine relief from the 25 fact side setback for the SFD. Two, Road Frontage Relief. Request for 50 feet of read frontage relief from the 100 feet requirement. South Lot: Number One, Side setback relief. a. Request fw 15.2 feet of east Sideline relief from the 25 foot side setback far the commercial shuctwe. Two, Lot width relief. a. Request for 47.7 feet of lot width relief from the IOD foot lot width requirement for the parcel. Three, Lot area relief. a. Request for 1.77 acres of lot sae relief from the 2 acre lot sae requirement for the parcel. In making the determination, the Board shall consider. Whether an undesirable change wig be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties w0 be created by the granting of this Oleo variance, and there will be minor impacts to fine neighborhood. Whether the benefit could be sought by some other method feasible. Feasible effemalives appear to be limited due to the existing location of the structures end existing lot limitations. Whether the variance IS substantial. On the north lot The requests fw 15.5 feet of relief. 14.5 feet of side setback relief and T6.4 feel Of soufheasf Sideline relief or cumulatively 62 % relief from the 25 foot slide setback might be considered moderate to severe. The request for 50 feel Of 50% of road hantage may be considered moderafe. On the south lot, request 61% relief fur the 25 toot side setback might be considered moderate to severe, Wither, the request fur 48 feet of refef from the 100 foot lot width may be considered moderate. Finally, the request fa 1.77 acres w 89%robef from the 2 acre minimum lot sae per §179-3040 may be considered severe relative to the ordinance. Whether the variance will have an adverse effect Or Impact on the physical a environmental conditions. There Will be minor impacts as there will be no change to the exisligq onsite conditions, and the difficulty may be considered self-created, DUIy adopted the 16'^ day of February, 2011, by the following vole: AYES: Mr. Clements, Mc Underwood MI. Kuhl, Mr, Garrand, Mrs. Hunt, Mr, Umco, Mc JackoriJ NOES: NONE Sincerely Steven Jackoski, Chairman Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals SJ/sh The variance approval Is voiid for one ft I yew from the dale of approval. You may request an extension of approval before the one (1I year time frame has expired. See section 179-14-090 Final, approved pans in compliance with this variance must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any further review by the Zoning Adminotrofor or Building & Codes personnel. Subsequent issuance of further permits, including budding permit, are dependent on receipt. 6 3/01/11 WATER/SEWER LINES 5 2/14/11 LOT COVERAGE INFO. 4 1/12/11 SETBACKS NORTH LOT 3 9/14/10 SITE INFORMATION 2 7/20/10 PROPSED B.L.A. 1 12-28-06 UPDATE NO. DATE DESCRIPTION '=20' S-1 SHEET 1 OF 1 CUNNINGHAM C-160 DWG. NO. 05264