Staff Notes packet for PB meeting 7/26/2016 PLANNING BOARD STAFFN' OTES, JULY 2, 61 2016 Site Plea PZ 171-20116 - 7/Aviation Mall Road Public Hearing Scheduled S Q, , 11 Draft Resolution — r, n /deny site plan approval Town of Queensbury Planning Hoard Community Development De autunnent Staff Notes July, 26, 2016 Site plan PZ 171-20,16, Cellcol Partnership d/b/a Verizon,Wireless/ OJT1- , ,aviation Mall Rid, Glens falls Water tanW Parkland Recreation 42 acres--P 4 .; , SEQR Unlisted Material Review: Application, lease agreement, structural analysis,Fiscal EAF, Site Plans T1, AD1, C 1- Parcel History -2000 Telecom nunications equip. on water tank (Withdrawn); AV PZ 1 -201 Requested Action Planning hoard review and approval to place 12 p oriel antennas and associated equipment — sector mounts, rennote radio head units, a dish antenna, on an existing 1 x,2.6 ft. water tank. Antennas to be located at 108 +/- fl. level,. The project includes an equipment shelter 1 P6" x 16'. The area,of lease is 880 sq. fl,, and includes 30 ft. easement for road access to the site. Resolutions 1. SEAR. . Planning,board decision Proiect Description Applicant proploses to place 12 panel antennas and associated equipment—sector mounts, remote radio head units, a dish antenna, on an existing l 22.6 ll.. water lama. Antennas to be located at 108, +/-1 ft. level. The project includes an equipment shelter 11'6" x 16'. The area ol"lease is 180 sq, ft. and includes 30 ft. casement for road. access to the site. Pursuant to Chapter 179-5-1.30(c) of the Zoning Ordinance, antennas on existing tall structure, telecommunications toweu'sa slnal.l be subject to Planning Board review and approval, Variance. Relief is soluu ht for equipment shelter setbacks, and.permeability., Planning ) oauA shall provide a recommendation to the ;Zoning board of Appeals. Staff Comments Location-The project site is heated off 1-87 along the internal ring road of the Aviation Mall at the Glens Palls Water Tanks. Site Design/Arrangernent- The applicant has indicated the equipment shelter is,located on the North.side of the trunks and will, ble accessed by the existing driveway area fo;r the water tanks., Building—The equipment shelter is to lre 1 +/- sip ll and 12 ft in height. The shelter is an open structure to provide coverage of the equipment for the operations of the antennas to be located on the tank. Site conditions-The existing northern water tank.at 122.6 f:high will be urtili7ed to palace the 12 panel antennas and associated equipment for,the operations of the cell. service for"Verizon.. The plans show the antennas will he located at '108 ft height of the taunk. The applicant has included the Visual EAF and mini u l dews of the: antennas from the ` forth+ a and..at close proximity at the mall parkingareas. The applicant does not anticipate any lighting, for the location of the antennas or site. The submission indicates additional ,gavel of 871 sq,f1 for the equipment shelter and access to the shelter area. Elevations—The submission includes elevations,of the northern tank with the antennas, 1n addition., the plans show the equipment shelter. Pursuant to Section 1.79-9-050 the Planning Board may grant waivers, upon revi I ew of the site plan review requirements checklist. At the time of application the applicant has either requested waivers,, indicated the item not applicable or has not addressed the item/ left check box blank. This includes the! follow items listed under Requirenients of the applicant's application: g. site Lighting, h., signage, j. stormwater, n trade,, o. commercial a I terationsl consh-ucti on details, P floor plans, q. soi I lungs„ n constructiorddemol ition d isposa I s. s,noremoval,, Nature of Variance Granted 7/20/16. The applicant requests relief for construction of an equipment sbelter that is, located at 28 ft where a 100, ft setback is required in the PR 42,Ac zone. Relief I peran cability 90% required and 74.4 % requested where 75,9% existing. Summary The applicant, has completed a site plan, review application for the addition of antennas to a watertr and construction of an equipment shelter, THE E-MAILED North country office 3,75 days Queensbury, NY 12804 P. (518)812-0513 F: (518L)812-2205, COMPANIES W, www.chiazencompanies,com Hudson Valley Diffice �845)4,54-3980 Engifteers Land Surveyors Capital District Cifffice (518) 273-0055 Plainirier5l Environmental Professionals, Landscane AreNteds July 14, 20,16 M;r,Cralg Brown Zo n[I ng Ad m in istrato r and Code Corn plian ce Officer Town[of QueenOuiry 742 Bay Road Quieensbury, New York 12804 Delivered via email only: Crai,,gB,@queensbtjrV,qet Re: CeIlco—Old Verizon Wireless—Aviatil Mail Road 'Tolwn of Queernsbury, Warren Clount'l New Yark, Chozen Project#91600-39 Queensbury Ref#PZ1 71-2,016 Dear Mr. Brown, The Chazen Companies (Chazen) has received a submission, package from your office for the, above referenced project. The applicant intends to install new wireless cellular equipment and assloc:lateld equipment plIatforrin. Submitted information includes the following: Statement of Intent and Application for Area Variances and Site Plan Review prepared by various parties,, dated June 1,3, 2016, Your office has requested that we, review the design of stormwater system it relat�es, tocornplianre to local, state or relevant codes/regulations and gelnerall practice. Based upon our review? Chia,zen offers the fo 11owl ingtornmeats for the Town's consideration- Stormwatet Managernient&Erosion and!Sedtinnent controh L The Area Variance Review Application, Site IPlan Review Appilication, and EAP state that. the proposed action will disturb an area, of 435 square feet of land; however, the variance and site plain review applications also indicate that the project will result in the cireation of 1,055 sq.ft. of new impervious. The Appillicant should verify. Since the disturbance is less than one acre coverage u nder General Pelrm it G P-0-15-0102 is,not requil red. 2. It doles not appear that a disturbilance limit is shown on the site plans.The Applicant should show the exte ruts of distu rbance in order to confirm the tota I land distu rba nice stated in the Site p1a n and!variance applications. Chazeln Engilueeding, Land Surveying&Landmaple Architecture Co,0.P.0� Cmazer Envilrioninerilral Servicos, lina The Chazen,Companies, Inc. Town of Queensbury Aviatiqn,Mall Road—Celko d/bla Verigon Wireless July 114,20115 Pa Re 2 3, it does not appear that existing and piropo5ed contouirs are depicted on the site pllanS. The, Applicant shall include pertinent grading Information on the site plans (including,all areas to, be disturbledl, so that existing and prolposed drainage patterns can be discerned. 4., It does, not appear that stiormwater controls aire shown on the, site plans, The Applicant should demonstrate how stormiwatier runoff will ble managed to prevent; impacts, downstream of the, proposed site. Section 17"-080 of the Towni Codle, states that stormwater drainage plans shall analyze the impacts of a project using atleast a 50-year return Interval storm with regards to both runoff rate and volume for commercial projects.The Applicant shall pirovidle analysis which demonstrates that thIs requirement has beein met., Conclusions aind Recommendations It Is our opinion that the applicant should' prov1de clarification for the above items and incorporate the changes.In suibsequent plan submissions. if you have any questlons regarding the above, please do,not hesitate to contact me at(5118)824-1926. Slncer6y, Sean,IM. Doty, P.E., ILEED,AP,CMS4S, Principal Manager, Municipal Engineering Services cc�. Sunny Sweet,Town Planning Office Administrator(via email) Laura Moore,Town Land Use Pllainner(via e-mall) P2171-2011 Ce1kDdb&Verkan,W1rekV5 AY13410n Amfian Warren. County Planning Department jul16-15 Project Review and Referral Fw rrn R,eviewed by Department on jtily 11, 2016 'roji tName- calico Partnership dba,Verizon Wit less Owner- City of Gloms Falls � ID Number; QBY-115-SPR-1171 County rojic&4: X1101 -1 Current Zoning, PR-4 017A >nUnit ! Queensbury roj ct Description:' Applicant proposes to place 12 panel antennas and associated equipment-sector mounts, remote radio head units, a dish antenna, on an existing 122,6 ft. water,tank. ,antennas to be boated at 118+/ It. level.The ,project indudes an equipment shelter 111"6&quota ' 1 The areaof pease is 680 sir ft. and includes,3,0,ft. easement for road access to the, site., I Site 1(;ocation- Aviation Mall Rd-Ward I Tax Map Nu nnl')er(s)., Staff Notes. The issues here appear to be of a local nature involving local issues without any,significant impacts on&nbsp;&nb p,County properties or resouiirces.& nbsp® Staff recommends no county impact basad on the information sup mittelAnbs'p;according to the suggested review criteria of NYS General,Municipal Later Section 239'appi led to the nbsp'„ proposed project, <br/ Local actions to date (if any)-, ounty Planning Department: iii Local Action01nalDisposition; Warren County Planning Department late Signed Local Official. Date Signed, PLEA151?RETURN THIS FORM"T T&KEW,ARREN COUNTY PLANNING DEPA'In'TMNT WITHIN 10]DAYS of FINAL ACTION Town of Queensbury Plarining Board SEQR RESOLUTION­ Grant Positive or Negative Declaration Site Plan PZ 171-2016 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP d/b/a VE.RIZON WIRELESS Tax Map ID 302.9-1-43 /Property Address-. Offl-87/Aviation Mall Road,/Zoning: PR-42A The applicant proposes to place 1.2 panel. antennas and associated equipment – sector mounts, remote radio head u nits, a dish a�ntenna, on, an ex isting 122.6 ft., water tank. Antennas,to be I ocated at 1118 +,/- ff level. The prpj ect includes an equipment shelter 11'6" x 16ri'. "'rhe area of lease is 880 sqflt. and includes 30 fl:, easement for road access to the site. The Plarming Board has determined that the proposed project and, Planning Board action is, subject to review under the State Environmental Quality Review Act; "I'h,e proposed action considered bthis Board is 'Unlisted in the Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations implementing the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the regulations of the Town of Queensbury; No Federal or other agencies are involved; Part I of the Short EBF'Inas been completed by the applicant; 'Upon review of the infori-nation recorded on this, EAF, it is the conclusion of the Town of Queensbury Naming Board as lead 4gency that this project: will result in no significant adverse impacts on the: environment, and, therefore, an environmental impact statement need not be prepared. Accordingly, this negative declaration is issued. MOTION TO GRANT A POSITIVE DECLARATION OR NEGATIVE, DECLARATION FOR SITE P'LAN PZ 171-2016 CELLC,'O PARTNERSHIP d1bla VERIZON WIRELESS,Introduced by ,—... who, moved for its adoption, seconu ded, by As per the resolution prepared by staff, I., Part :ll of the Short E has beenrevied and completed by the Planning Board, 2. Part III of the Short E has been reviewed, and completed by the Planning Board, Or Part III of 'the Short, EAF is not necessary because the Planning Board did not identify potentially moderate to large impacts. Duly adopted this 26"' day of J'uly, 16 by the following vote: AYES: NOES PhDne: 5 M76 1,8220 4 Fax, 518-745,443 71742 Ba Road,Queensbury, NY 12804 1 www.([UCOJhSbLJry.110 %V I I C(2 S L I W V 41 Town of Queensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION -.Grant/ Deny Site Plan Approval SITE PLAN PZ 171-20,16 CELLCO PARTNERSHIP D/B/A.VER,IZON WIRELESS Tax, Map ID: 302.9-1-431 Propeity Address: Off.1-87/Aviation Mall Road / Zoning. P .-42A The applicant has submitted an application to the Planning Board to place 12 panel antennas and associated equipment - sector mounts, remote radio headunits, a dish antenna, on an existing 122.6 ft. water tank. Antennas to be located at 1.0 +/- ft, level. The prefect iric:hides an equipment shelter 11'6"' x 16',. The area of lease is 880 sq. fl. and includes 30 ft, casernent, for road access to the site. Pursuant to Chapter 1791-5- 130(c) of the Zoning Ordinance, antennas on existing tall structure, telecorrimuni cations towers, shall be ,subject to Planning Board review and approval+ Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Codc-Chapter, 179-91-080, the Planning, Board has deterinined that this proposal satisfies,the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; As required by General Municipal LawSection 239-m the: site planapplication was, referred, to the Warren County Planning, Department for,its recommendation; The Planning Board has reviewed the potentialenvixonmental impacts of the project, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and adopted a SIS 'RA Negative Declaration - Determination of Non-Significance The Planning Board opened a public hearing on the Site plan application on 7/26/2016,, and continued the: public hearing to 7/26/ 16 when it was closed, The Planning Board has, reviewed the application materials submitted by the applicant and all comments inade at the public hearing,and submitted inwriting through and including 7/216/2016; The Planning, Board determine,,, that the application complies, with the review considerations and standards set forthin Article 9 of the Zoning Ordinance for Site Plan approval,, MOTION TO APPROVE/DISAPPROVE SITE PLAN PZ 171-20,16 CELL CO PARTNERSHIP d/b/a VERIION WIRE,LESS; Introduced by who moved for,its adoption, seconded by Accoirdling to the draft resolution prepared by Staff with the following: 1) Waivers requested grantcd/deiiied; 2. Adherence to the items,outlined in the fb4low-up letter sent with this resolution. a) The limits of clearing will constitute a no-cut buffer zone, orange construction fiencing shall be installed around these areas mid field verified by Community Development,Staff, Page I of 2 Phone:, 518,761.8,220 I Fax: 5,18.745.4437 fl 742 Bay Road. QueenOurv. II 12804 www,queensbury-net b) If applicable, the Sanitary Sever connection plan must be submitted to the Wastewater Department for its, review, approval,permitting, and inspection,, c) Ifeufb cuts are being added or chang,e,d a driveway permit is, required.. Abuilding permit will not be issued until the approved driveway permit has been provided to the Planning Office; d) If application was referred to engineering then Engineering,sign-offrequired prior tosig nature of Zoning Administrator of the approved plans; e) If required, the applicant rruus,t submit a copy of the following,to the Toww a., The project NOI (Notice of Intent) for coverage under the current "NYSDEC SITES General Permit from Construction Activity" prior to the start of any site work. b. The project NOT(Notice ol"Teimination) upon completionof the project; c. The applicant must maintain on their project site, for review by staff. L The: approved final plans,that have been, stamped by the Town Zoning Administrator. These plans must include the project SWP-'PP (Storm, Water Pollution Prevention P'lan) when such a plan was prepared, and approved; ii. The project 11. and proof of coverage under the current NYSD,EC SPDFS General Permit, or an individual SPDES permit issued for the project if required. Final approved plans, in compliance with the Site Plan, must besubmitted to the Community Development Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes persorniel; g) The applicant must meet with Staff after approvvaland prior to issuance of Building Permit and/or the beginning of any site work; h) Subsequent issuance of ft�irther permits, including building permits is dependent on compliance with this and all other conditions of this resolution; i) As-built plans, to ceitify that the site plan is developed according to the approved plans,to 'be provided prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy. j) This resolution is to be placed in its entirety on the final plans Duly adopted this 26" day of July, 2016, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: Page 2 oft. Phonr�-. 518.761.8220, f Far., 548.745.4437 6 742 Bay Road. Qtjeensbury, NY 1,2804 i www.queensbuiry.net Subdivision Modification 183-2016 @ 3 Inglee M . Road Site Plan FEZ 182-206 @ 3 Ing"lee Mt. Road Public Hearing Scheduled SEAR 11 Draft Resolution grant subdivision modification Draft Resolution grant/deny, site, pian approva,l Town of Queensbury Planning Board Community Development Department StaffNote:s July 26, 2016 Site Plan,PZ 182-2016 'Tim Barber/35&48 Inglee Mountain Road/ Subdivision Mod. PZ 183-2016 Split zone Rural Residential 5 ac RR-SA and Land Conservation 10 acre LC I OA SEAR Unlisted Material Review: subdivision rnodification,narrative, site plan application, subdivision modification plan Parcel. History: AV 28-13 Pool; 2,003-6,80 SF dwelling; RC 289-2016 1800 sq.,ft. attached garage; S,B 15-2002, create 3 lots/13P 20,10-076 SF home Requested Action Planning Board review and approvalfor started/completed. maintenance work to improve an, access drive — 20,60 sq. ft. disturbance -portion of,drive is greater than 10%. Applicant proposes a subdivision modification involving a lot line adjustment 3,00.-1-40.2 (Sankey) existing parcel 1195 acres to increase to 18.71 acres, then 300--140.3 (Inglee) existing parcel 12.23 acres to decrease to, 7.47 acres. Resolutions 1. SFQR,A 2. Planning Board decision PEo _ieet :Des erilaborn Applicant has started/completed maintenance work to improve an access drive­20,600 sq. ft., disturbance - portion of drive is greater than 10% Applicant proposes a subdivision modification involving a lot, line adjustment 300.-1-40.2 (Sankey) existing parcel 13.95, acres,to increase to 18.71 acres,than 300.-1-40.3 (Inglee) existing parcel 12.23 acres to decrease to 7.47 acres. Pursuant to Chapter 179-6-060 of the Zoning Ordinance, and 183, mod ification.to an approved subdivision and driveway development on slopes, over 1.0% shall be:subject to Planning Board review and approval.. Chapter 183 —proposed modification creates a non- conforining parcel. Variance: Relief'is sought for lot 3 to create a lot,with no road, ftontage and lot less than 10, acres. Planning Board shall provide recoinmendation 'to the Zoning Board of Appeals,. Staff comments Subdivision Modification: The applicant has proposed a subdivision, modification for lot 3 of Subdivision 12-2002. The modification w� ould reduce lot 3 frorn 12.23 ac to 7.47 ac. The applicant has explained that through discussion with the Town Code compliance officer the road improvements violated the site plan, and subdivision.regulations and the submission addresses those items. The modification addresses neighboring concerns, with access to and from property that is, within Lake Luzerne though lot 3, and, easements on property in, Queensbury. The proposalwill continue to allow access to Lot 3 over Lot 2 and Lot I through easements that are noted in the submission. The modification. will create a parcel that is less than the 10 acre requirernent and, a lot that does not have Physical road frontage. 'The submission addresses arcess with easements and the plains show the proposed lot adjoins property in Lake Luzerne. Site lan The applicant, also requests approval of access, driveway maintenance, The project completed included grading to even out rutted areas, imps verruent to di tches and driveway work of areas greater than 10%. The supplicant has indicated the driveway can only be used her 4-wheel drive SUV type vehicle and would be used seasonally to access a trailer in Lake Luuzerne. Leation-The project area is 35 and 81rn lee Mountain Road. Arrangement- T.he project area includes,Lots 1, 2, and 3 in regards to easements and laud transfer. Site Design-rn-The sxularru.ission includes detailed description of the activities completed to date an,d the proposed transfer of land described in the subdivision modification, Site conditions-The applicant has indicated the driveway maintenance overall disturbance of 9,000 sq ft. Pursuant to Section. 179-9-050 the Planning Board may rarnt waivers upon review of the site plan review requirements checklist., At the time of application time applicant has either requested waivers, indicated the herrn. not applicable or has not addressed the itemlel check box blank, This includes, the follow items listed under Requirements,ents of the applicant's application, a. vicinity neap —Jess than,, 500 fl, b. map scale, e, dimensions, g. site lighting, :h. signage, i. utilities, j, stormwater, la, topography, 1, landscaping, n tra i,c, ocommercial. alterations construction n details.,p °hoer plans, off. soil Ings, r. eernstruuetion. erno.lit;ionu dispersal s. snowy removal, Nature of Variance Granted 7120/16 coondit;ion no further development for lots 1 or 2. The applicant requests relief °f r creating a parcel less than 1.01 acres and not having physical road frontage. ' urmrrsar The....applicant has completed, a suubdivisioun modification request and a site plan review for driveway improvements. I .CbTHE E-MAILED North Country Office awn. 375 Bay Road., Queensbory, NY 128041 P: (518) 812-0513 P (518)812-2205 com www.chazeincompainies.com Erkglneers Hudson Valley Office (8 15)454-3,990 Land Surweyors, Capital District,Office (518 273-43055 Pilaininer5 Eirivironmentall ProfiRsponals Larkdkia,pe.ArChiteCts July 14, 2016 Mr, Craig Brown Zoninig Mministrator and Code Compliance Officer Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury', New York 12804 Delivered via @ni lonly: CraigB@queensbury,net Re: Tim Barber—35 In lee Mountain Road Town of Queensbury,, 'Worreni County, New York Chazen,Project#9160038 Queensbury Ref 02182-2016, Dear Mr. Brown- The Chazen, Companies (Chazen) has, reeeived a submission package from your office for the above referenced project. The applicant intends,to perform a lot line adjuist:irnent In order to settle a property dispute, Additionally, the property owner intents to irniprove and existing loggling, trail which provides, ,access,to the property. Submitted information includes the following: • Site Plain, Lot Line Adjustment & Variance Plan prepared by ABD Engineers, LLP, dated June 2, 2016 and last revIsed June 17,2016; Project Narrative prepared by ABD Engineers, LLP, dated June 16,20,16; Full Environmental Assessment Form;and, Town of CLueenisbury Site PlanApplication. You r off ice, has reci uested that we review the design of sto rmwater system it re llates to compliance to local state or relevaint codes 1 11 .0 /regulations, and general practice. Based upon ouir review, Chazen oers the,following cornime ints,for the Town's conside rat l�n: Stormwater Management&Froslion and Sediment Control. 1. It appears that the proposed site improvernerits,disturb less than one(1) acre and therefore will not require cove rage u rider the NYSDEC SPACES enerail Perm it for Stoirmwater Discharges f'rom Construction Activity (GP-0-15-002), Comments re' lated to the proposed storm,water mainagernient and erosion and sediment: control features, proposed for the site are offered below. Ch,azen Eng,needng, Land Surveying&Landsca,pm,Architecture Co., D.F,C, Civzon 5,oviwmer)W Services,Inc The Chazen Coi frac. Town of Queensbury ,35 IngAele Mauntalin,Mad—Jim Barber JUIV 14,201fp Pagg 2 2. The project is subject to the requirements set forth in section 179-6-080 of the Town,Code. The, Applicant shall provide a hydrologic analysis which, der nionstrates that there will be, no increase in ruinciff rate, and voturne during the 25-year return interval stoirim as, a result of this, development. Since the sublet road was not appir�oved as part, of the original subdivision thie ,analysis should compare, the condition of the site as It existed prior to the subdivision to the condition of the site following completion of the proposed Improvements, 3. A.sediment and erosion control plan was nolt provided as part of this submission. Please provide a plan which shows the location, of all proposed erosion and sediment contr6ls and include deta,11's for the same. If you have any questions regarding the above, plea5,e do not:Ihes,itaite to contact me at(519)824-1926, Sincerely, Se-ain M. Doity, P.E., LEED AP,.CPMSMI �Principail Manager, Municipal Engineerinervices cc�,. Sunny Sweet,Town,Planning Office Administrator(via email) Laura Moore,Town Land Use Planner(via e-mail) ToWR bf QUeeMbVFVq16OOd39-P1282'2016'11M Warren County Planning Department Jru116.18 I Project Review and Referral Form. Reviewed by I)epa rtrncnt on July 11, 2016 Project Name- Tim Barber Owner. Joshua Jason S,ankey ID Number:ber: Y-1 - pR-182 County P`roject:4: Juul16-18 Current Zonhig, R- A/L1 Community: Queen8bury ProjectDescription: pplicent has started/completed maintenancwork to improve an access drive- 20,500 sq, ft, disturbance-panicn of drive is greater'that 10%.Appll ant propose a suubdiwiisihran rnedifimflon 11nVolviru,gi a lot Milne adjuustmient 30D.1-40.2 (Sankey) exisbin parcel 113.95 acres to,increa8e to 18.71 acres, fhi n 30111.-1-4 , (Iinglee)exisOng parcell 12'..23 acres to aacreese to 7.47 acre;, Site Location: 35&48 Ingle Mbunta;iin R'd-"ward 4 Tax Map Number(s): _ .-1-40.: Staff"Tates, The issues here appear to be of a local nature involving local issuies withoult any significant impacts on&n spP nbsp„County properties or rescnrcea. nbsp; Staff recornmends no county impact based on the information suabmitted&Rbsp;;acc rdin i to the suggested review criteria of NYS General Municipal Law Sactilon 239 applied to thea &nbsp; proposed project. <br 1> Local a tions taw date (if any): County Planning;Department; NICI Local ActLan.AFInal Disposition. Warren,en, ount Planning Department Date Signel Local offucfal date Signed Owner: ID,Number: County P'ropect#: Current Zoning. ommu n ty- MEASE RETURN THIS FO R' R TRS THE WARREN COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT, WITHIN 10 DAYS OF FINXI.ACTION 'V 1 8 11-1 Town of Queensbury Planning Board SEAR RESOLUTION — Grant Positive or Negative Declaration Subdivision Moldification PZ 1,8 3-2016 TIM BARBER T,axm�piD3001.-I-40.31 &, 300,-1-40.2 / rope,rtyAdress: 35 & 48 Ta les Mt. Road /Zoning: RR-5A/I.CIOA The applicant has, started/completed maintenance work to improve an access drive —20,600 sq. ft. disturbance - portion of drive is greater than 10%. Applicant proposes a subdivision modification involving a, lot line adjustment O.-I-40.2 (Sankey) existing parcel 13.95 acres to increase to 18.71 acres, then 3,00.4-40.3 (Inglee) existing parcel 12.23 acres,to decrease to 7,47 acres. The: Planning Board has determined that the proposed project and Planning Board action is, subject to review under the State Environmental Quality Review Act; The proposed action considered by this Board is Unlisted in the Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations implementing the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the regulations of the Town of Queensbury; No Federal or other agencies are involved; Part 1, of the Short E has been completed by the applicant; Upon review of the information recorded on thisEAF, it is the conclusion of the Town, of Queensbury Planning Board as lead agency that this project will result in no significant adverse impacts on the environment, and, therefore, an environmental impact. statement need not be prepared. Accordin gy, this negative declaration. is issued. MOTION T'O GRANT A POST flV'E DECLARATION OR NEGATIVE DECLARATION F'OR SUBDIVISION MODIFICATION 183-,2016 IN BARB E!3, ntroduced by who moved for its adoption, seconded by_; As per the resolution prepared by staff;. L Part 11 of the Short EAF has been reviewed and.completed by the Planning Board. 2. Part III of the Short EAF has beenreviewed, and completed by the Planning Board. Or Part III of the Short EAF is, not, necessary because the Planning Board did not. identify potentially moderate to large impacts. Duly adopted this '26" day of July, 20�16 by the following vote: AYES: NOES. Phone: 518-761.8220 1 1,`av 51&745A4371742 Ray ROMI, QU;Ce11SbL11-y, NY 12804 � %vww.qUeenSbu1-y..1'1C1 7-12 Rnly Road, N"N12,804 Tc -uof QueensWry Planning Board RESOLU110N -Approve/Deny Subdivision Modification RZ 1813-2016 TIM BARBER Tax Map ID: 300.4-40.3, & 3010,-1-402 /Property Address. 3 48 Ingliee Mt., Rd. /Zoning:: RR,5,A/ICION„ A subdivisiori application has been. made: Applicant proposes a subdivision m.odificatilon involving, a lot, line aqjustment 300,,-1-40.2 (Sankey), existing parcel 13.951 acres to increase to, 1,8.71 acres, then 3,0 .,-1-40.3 (fru lee) existing parcel 12.23 acres to decrease to 7.,47 acres, Pursuan'tto Chapter 179-6-060 of the Zoning Ordinance, and 183, modification to an approved subdiv'ision and driveway development on slopes,over 10% shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Chapter 183 - proposed modification creates a non- conforming,parcel., Pursuant to relevant sections of the: Town of Queensbury Zoning Code-Chapter A-]83, the Planning Board has determined that this prcyposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; The requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered and, the Naming Board has adopted a SEQR-A Negative./Positive Declaration A public hearing was, scheduled and held on 7/26/2016. This application is supported with all documentation, public comment, and application material in, the file of record; MOTION TO APPROVE / DISAPPROVE SUBDIVISION MODIFICATION P,Z 183-2016 TIM BARBER.; Introduced by -who moved its adoption seconded Per the draft provided by staff conditioned upon the following where the property owner is responsible for the fbllowing; Duly adopte:d, this 261h day of July, 2016 by the fo Ilowing vote: AYES: NOES: Phone: 518,761.82201 Fax: 519,745,4437 V 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 I www.qucensbury.net ow L G.%,.l E, L Id Town of Queensbury Planning Board SEQR RESOLUTION --Grant Positive or Negative Declaration Site Plan PZ 182-20,16 TIM BARBER Tax Map ID 300.-1-403 & 300,.-1-40,2/Property Address: 1iiglee Mt. Ro,ad /Zoning: RR,-5A/LCIO,A. The applicant has started/completed maintenance worlk to improve an access drive—201,600sq. ft. disturbance - portion of drive is greater than 10%. Applicant proposes a. subdivision modification involving a lot line adjustment 3001.-1-410.x; (Sankey) existing, parcel 13.95 acres to increase to, 18.71 acres, then 300.-1-40.3 (In lee existing parcel 12.23 acres to decrease to, '7.47 acres. The Planning Board has determined that the proposed project and Planning Board action is subject to review under the State Environmental Quality Review Act; The proposed action considered by this, Board is Unlisted in the Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations, implementing the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the regulations of the Town, of Queensbury; No Federal or other agenciles,are involved, Pant I of the'Short EAF has been,completed by the applicant; Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF, it is,the conclusion or the Town of Queensbury Planning Board as lead agency that this project will result in no significant adverse impacts on the environment, and, therefore, an environmental impact staternent need not be prepared. Accordingly, this negative declaration is issued. MOTION 'TO It: A POSUIVE DECLARATION OR NEGATIVE DELLA RATIONAOR SJTE PLANPZ 182-2016 TIM BARBER>, Introduced by _ who moved fbit its adoption, seconded by As per the resolution prepared by staff, 1. Part 11 of the Short EAF has been reviewed and, completed) by the Planning Board. 2. Part III of the Short EAF has been reviewed and completed by the Planning Board, Or Part III of the Short EAF is not necessary because the Planning Board did not identify potentially moderate to, large! impacts. Duly adopted this,26'fi day of July, 2016 by the f-.b]lowiqg vote: AYES: NOES: Pbone: 5118,761.8220 1 ]"Ilx� 518.745-44371742 May Road, Quecnsbury, NY 12804 Qe �`Id- P" u I I,r% Town of Queensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION — Grant/Deny Site Plan Approval SITE PLA I N PZ 182-2016TIM BARBER Tax Map ID: 300,140.3 & 300.4-40.2/ Property Address. 35 & 48, Inglee Mt. Rd, Zoning: RR5A/LCIOA A site plan application has, been submitted to the Planning Board as started/cornpleted maintenance work to improve an access drive— 20,600 spd ft. disturbance -portion of dnve is givzter than ltd/a. Project includes a subdivision modification involving a lot line adjustment 300,140.2, (Sankey) existing parcel 13.95 acres, to, increase to 18,71 acres, then 300,140.3 In lee existing parcel 12.23 acres to decrease to, 7.47 acres. Pursuant t(i Chapwr 179-6-060 of the Zoning Ordinance,, and 18'3,,, modification to an approved subdivision and driveway develqpment on slopes over 10% shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval,,. Chapter 183 —proposed modification creates a non-conforming parcel. Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of' Queensbury Zoning Code-Chapter 179-9-080, the Planning Board has determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; As rxeqyired by General Municipal Law Section 239-m the site plan application was, ref6rred to 'the! Warren County Planning Department for,its recoMmendation; The Planning Board leas reviewed the potential environmental impacts of the project, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality keview Act (SEQR,A) and adopted a SEARA Negative Declaration, — Determination of Non-Significance The Planning Board opened a public hearing on the, Site plaIll application on 7/26/2016, a,nd, continued the public hearing to 7/26/2016 when it was closed, 'The Planning Board has reviewed the application materials submitted by the applicant and all comments made at the public hearing,and submitted in writing through and including 7/26/2016; The Planning Board determines that the application complies with. the review considerations, and standards set forth in Article 9 of the:Zoning Ordinance for Site Plan approval, MOTION' TO APPROVE, / DISAPPROVE SITE, PLAN PZ 182-2016 TIM BARBER ; Introducedby........ who moved for its adoption, seconded by According to the draft, resolution prepared by Staff with the f6flowing: 1) Waivers requested granted/denied; I Adherence to the items outlined in the follow-up letter s,ent with this resolution. a) The limits of clearing, will constitute a no-cut buffer 7one, orange; construction fencing, shall be installed around these areas and I'leld verified by Community Development staff; Page I of 2 PhioMme: 518,761.8,220 V to : 5,16145,4437 a 742 Bay Road. Q�ueensbuiry. NY 12804 1 www,queensbury,net b) If app�lieable, the uuitau Sewer connection plain. must be submitted to the Wastewater ater Department for its :review, approval, permitting and inspection; e If curb uts,are being added or changed a driveway permit is required. A building permit; will not be issued until the approved driveway,permit has been provided to the Planning Office; d) if application was referred to engineering,then Engineering sign-off required prion"to, signature of Zoning Administrator of the approved plans;, e) If required, the applicant must submit a copy of the following,to the 'l own n: a.. The prgJect NOI ' entice of Intent) for coverage under the cuurre ut "NYSDEC SPDESGeneral Permit from Construction activity" prior to the start of any site work. b. The project NOT(Notice ofTermination) upon completion of the project; e.. The applicant must maintain on their project,site, fbr review by staff: ie The approved final plans,that have been stamped by the Town Zoning Administrator, These plans roust include the project SWPPP (Storrnn Water Polluntiorr Prevention Plan), when such a.plans was prepared and approved; ii. The project NOT and proof of coverage under the current NYSDEC SPDES General Permit, or an individual SPIE perrruit issued for the project if required. Final approved plains, in compliance with the Site plane, must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any fuurtber review by the' corning Administrator or Building and Crudes personnel; The applicant must meet with Staff s,fer approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/or the beginning of any site work; h Subsequent issuance of further pernnits, including building permits is dependent on compliance with this and all other conditions of this resolution; iAs-built plains to certify ,that the site plain is developed according to the approved plans to be provided prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy. ,l This,resolution is to be placed, in its entirety on the final plans Daly adopted this 26"' day of July, 2016,by the following urate: AYES NO Page 2 oft. Phren ; 518,.761.8,22'01 , Fax: 518,745.4437 ! 742 Bay'Road, Queensbury,, Y UZ&04 d .queensbury.net Site Plan PZ 145-20,16 @ 48 Inglee, Mt. Road Public Hearing Scheduled SEQR 11 Draft resolution — site plan approval Town o 'Queensbury Planning Roard Community Development Department StaffNotes July 261, 2016 Site Plan PZ 145-2016 Jason Sa�nkey/48 In lee Mountain Road/ Rural Residential Five acres,– RR-5 A and Land Conservation Ten Acres –I.0-I OX SPQR Unlisted Material Review: narrative with standards, application,, site plan for reestablish,ed,drive and site drawing of current driveway work to Tuthill Rd. Parcel Histo AV 28-13 Pool; 2003-680 SF dwelling; RC 289-2016 1,800 �sq.ft. attached gara ry gel SB 15-2002 create 3 lots we—qu C S iC4-1 k W,W............................ Planning Board review and approval to maintain a newly constructed 5,70,0 sq., ft. driveway and to, reestablish 14,800 sq, 11, driveway (existing stone drive to be abandoned). Resolutions 1. SEAR. 2. Planning Board decision Project Description Applicant proposes to maintain a newly constructed 5,700,sq. ft., driveway and, to reestablish 14,800 sq, fl. driveway (existing stone drive to be ahandoned). The project includes, hard surfacing within SO ft. of Shoreline and clearing of an estimated 600 +/- s,q., ft'. of vegetation,., Driveway is, 380' of all new gravel. Pursuant to Chapter 179-6-050 & 179- -060 of the Zoning,Ordinance,, rernoval of vegetation within 35 ft. & hard surfacing within 50' of shoreline, and development.of a driveway over 10% slopes, shall be subject to P lann i,ng Board review and approval. Staff Contments Locarion-The project site is located at 48 tun lee Road. Arrangement- The applicant has,constructed a new driveway access point frown Tuthill Road. The applicant had received a notice of violation, where the requirement is application for site plan review, 5ite Design-The project activities included 5,700 sq ft of total clearing and approximately 1. 00 sq ft of tree removal. The vegetation of 1,800 Sq ft is within 35 ft of a shoreline. The applicant has indicated there is about d' 0 feet of new gravel.. The project includes,an already i nstal led 18 in culvert pipe that allows-a drainage channel to continue flow to a pond. The applicant received a letter from the APA indicating the installation of the, culvert did, not need APA review. The project also includes, to reestablish a 14,800 sq It drivewayto be connected to the new access, drive for Lot 2 to Tuthill Rd. The 14,800 sq ft drive was part of the:original subdivision S13 1.5-2002 and during construction a new driveway was installed to access Lot 2. The plan provided indicates the driveway may have a 1.5 ft width and additional grading an either side may occur. I he board may request additional information on the 14,,800 sq ft re-established driveway in regards,to s,tormwater managernent. Pursuant to, Section 179-9-050 the Planning Board may grant waivers on its own initiat'ive or, at the written request of an applicant. The application form identified as "Requirements outlines the items to appear on the site plan or included as attachments, At the time of application the applicant has, either requested waivers, indicated the item not applicable or has not addressed the itein/ left. check box blank. This includes the follow items listed under Requirements of the applicant's, application., g. site lighting, h. signage, L infrastructure,, L landscaping, m. land use districts, n traffic, o. commercial alterations/ Construction details, p floor plans, q. soil logs, r., construction/demolition disposal s,. snow removal, SUMMa The applieant,has completed a site plan applicationfor driveway workalready completed and reestablishment of 14,800 ft:driveway. -27 THE E-AIIIANLED North Country Office Chazm 3�75 Bay Rocid, Quieensbury NY 12804 P- (518)812-0513 F, (518 812-2205 COMPANIES Englneers HUdson Valley Office (845,)454-398,0 E and 5vrveYors Capital District Office (518) 273-0055 Nanners EnWronimentall Professionals Lands De Architects J u IV 14, 2016 Mr. Craig Brown Zoning Administrator and Code Complianice Officer Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury,New York 12804 Delivered vlai email only,CraigBegyeensbury.net Re: Jason,Sankey—48'Inglee Mountain Road Town pf Queemrsbur , Warren County, New York Cho err Project#916,00.3'5 Queensbury Ref#PZ140-2'0!16 Dear Mir, Brown'. The Charem Companies (Chazen), has received a submission package from your office for the above referenced project. The applicant intends,to construct an alternate access dlrivew,ay with a total area of 5,700 square feet. Submitted information lincludes,the,following: Driveway Plans prepared by Peter Sankey P.E.,dated June 12, 2016; Site Plan'. Lot: ILlme Adjustment & Variance Plan prepared by A80 Engineers, LLIP, clatecl June 2, 20116 and last revised June 17, 2016; Letter prepared by Stanclift, Ludernann,Sliives�tri& Mir-Morris PC�, dated June'20, 2016;and, Town of Queensbury Site Plan Application, Your office has requested that we review the design of stormwater system it relates to compliance to locall, state or relevant codes/regulations and general practice. Based" lupran our review, Chazen, offers the following,comments for the Town's consideration; Stormwater Management& Erosion and Sediment Control, 1. It appears that the proposed site Improvements disturb less,than one (1),acre and,therefore will not require coverage under the NYSDEC SPDES General Permit for Stoirmwater Discharges from Construction Activity (G113-0-15-002). Comments related to the proposed stormwater management and erosion, and sediment control features proposed for the site are offered below'. 2. The project is subject to,the requirements set forth In section 179-6-080 of the Town Code. The Applicant shall provide a hydrologic analysis,which dernonstrates, that there will be, no increase Chazen Engineering,LandSurveying&Landscape AiruhifeciVre Co�, 0�iF3,C, Charon Envinmenenta;Servkes,Inc. The Chazen Companies, 00, ToWni of Queensbury 48 hl&e Mountain Road—Jasun Sankey Judy:14,201rp Page 2 in runoff rate and 'volume during the 25-year return interval storm as a result of this, development as compared to predlevelopimenit conditions. 3. It appears 'that the two plans provided contain conflicting information, The plan prepared by Peter Sankey P.E,, inftaites that the proposed work consists of construction of ai new driveway from, Tuthill Road to the existing roadway, approximately 380 feet long. H�owever, the plan prepared by ABD Engineers indicates that, the proposed work consists of rerouting the existing driveway to eliminate the switchback turns,Applicant to clarify. 4. Neither of the plans provided show the location,of or details for proposed erosioni and sediment controls associated with the, driveway construction, The p1lans shall be updated to include this information.The proposed erosion and sediment controls,shall be consistent with the standards and Specifications set forth in the NYS SSESC("The We Book"), 5. The plain, prepared by Jason Sankey P.E. indicates that 'the area of disturbance for the proposed driveway is 5,700 sq.ft.. Hbwever, based on the plan prepared by Jasion, :SankeV P.E. It appears that the proposed driveway wiill be 20 feet wide, resulting, in 7,600 scift of additional driving surface. Additionzilly'. this figure, does not: take into account any grading along the proposed driveway. Conclusions,and ecommendations, It is our opinion that the applicant should provide clarification for the above items and incorporate the changes,in subsequent Allan submissions, If Your have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to,contact use at (518),824-1926. Sincere[y', Sean M.Doty, P-E,, LEED AP, CPMSM Principal Manager, Municipal Engineering Services cc:., Sunny Sweet,Town Planning Office Administrator(viaernall) Laura Moore,Town Land Use Planner(via le-miall) Z.�Pmftc&�91011,91299M�IEW M-70'.M or -F12.145-2016 Jasai 54JI,d*�X Warren County Planning Department Project Review and Referral P mNmrm Reviewtil by Departmentn July 1.1, 2016 Project Name: JasonSankey Owner: Jason Sankey ID Number: t BY-fl -SPF -145 County Project#. J'uI16-1 Current Zoning: RR-5,11_0 1 Community: Quuaan8 jury ProjectDescription: Applicant proposes to maintain a newly censft�cted 5,7001 sq. ft, driveway and to reestablish, 14,80sqI. ft., driveway (existing stone drive to be abandoned). The project includes hard surfacing wiNn 50 ft. of ahmoretine and clearing and clearing of an estimated 600+1- 8ml,ft. of vagetarion. IDrNveway is 3180 ff� of all new gravel. Pursuant to Chapter 179-6-0,60 of theZoning Ordinance, rermoval of vegetation within 35 ft. amp„ Nerd surfacing within 50 ft. of shoreline, and delelopment of a driveway,over 110% slopes 81hall be au'bjje t to, Planning Board review and approval. Site Lineation. 48,lruglee Mountain Ned -'Ward Tax Map Number(s): 00.-1-40.2; Stalls Notes: ,The issues hero appear to generally be of a local nature. nbspr Staff recommends no county impact.,with the condition, mat the project aponaors obtain approval from the County HIN hmwwa,y Engineer„ based on the information auIbm ittedUbs;pn according to the suggested review criteria of NYS General IMiunicipal Law Section 239,applied to,the mbsp, proposed project,. <br/> Local actions to ulnte (if any); County Planning Department, l w/stipulation Local Action.fFinal Disposition: Warren County Planning t epnrtrnent Date'Signed Loud Official Date Signed i PLEASE 911TlJltN't'HIS FORM"m'OTHE WARREN COUNTY PLANNING DEPAR"rNIm?r*9T" 'mTHI 190AYS OVIINA-L,ACTION C Town of Queensbury,Planning Board ,EQ R RESOLUTION— Grant Positive or'Negative Declaration Site Plan P7, 145-2016 JASON SANKEY Tax Map ID 30,0.-1-40.2 /Property Address: 48 Inglee Mt, Road/ Zoning- RR-5A/LCI OA The applicant proposes to, maintain a newly constructed 5,7001 sq. ft. driveway and toreestablish 14,8010 sq. ft. driveway (existing stone drive to be abandoned . The project includes, hard su�rfacinwithin 50 ft. of shoreline 9 and clearing of an estimated 600 sq. ft. of vegetation. Driveway is 3810' of all new gravel. The Planning Board has determined that the proposed project and Planning Board action is sul�ject to review under the State Environmental Quality Review Act; The proposed action considered by this Board is, Unlisted in the Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations implementing the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the regulations of the 1"'Own of Queensbury; No Federal or other agencies are involved; Part I of the Short EAF has, been completed by the applicant; Upon review of the information, recorded, on this EAF, it is the conclusion of the Town, of Queengbury Planning Board as lead agency that this project will result in no sigpificant adverse impacts on the environ.ment, and, therefore, an environmental impact statement need not be prepared. Accordingly, this negative declaration is issued. MOTION TO GIRIAINT A POSITIVE DECLARATJON OR NEGATIVEi DECLARATION FOR SITF, PLAN PZ 145-2016 JASON SANK]?Y,,, Introduced. by _ who inoved for its adoption, seconded. by As per the resolution prepared by staff. 1. 'Dart 11, of the Short EAF has, been reviewed and, completed by the Planning Board. 2, Part III of the Short EAF has been reviewed and completed by the Planning Board. Or Part 11.1 of the Short EAF is; not necessary because the Plainiing Board did not identify potentially moderate to large impacts. Duly adopted this 261h day of July, 2016 by the fbilowing vote: AYES: NOES: 518,761,82201, 1'ax! 518:.74.5,44371742B�,iyRoacll, ( tteei,ist)tTii,y, NY 01'f6cc 20, QW! 7,4 1 kj,)i V,I� ('14 1 i`,�Y 11 11,��, I Town of Queensbmy Planning Board RESOLUTION—Grant/ Deny Site Plan Approval SITE PLAN PZ 145-2016 JASON SANKEY 'Tax,Map if 300.-1-40,2 / Property Address: 48 Inglee Mt. .Road /Zoning: RMAILC I OA The: applicant has, submitted an application to the Planning Board to maintain a newly constructed 5,700 sq. ft. driveway and to reestablish 14,800 sq, ft. driveway (exisfing stone drive to be abandoned). The project includes hard surf aci ng wi:thin 50 1 o f shore fine and cl ean ng af an estimated 600 +/- sq. ft. of vegetation. Dn.veay is 3,80" of all, new gravel. Pursuant to Chapter 179-6-0 179-6-0,60 of the 7' on Ordinance, removal, of'vegetation within 35 ft. & hard surfacing within 50' of shoreline, and development of a driveway over 10% slopes, shall be subject to Planning Board, review and approval Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of QueensbUry Zoning Code-Chapter 179-9-0,80, the Planning Board has determined that this,prqposal satisfies the requirements as stated inthe Zoning Code; ,s required by General Municipal Law Section 239-m the site plan application was referred to the Warren County Planning Departinent for its recommendation; The Planning .Board, has reviewed the potential environmental impacts of the project, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and adopted a SEQRA Negative Declaration .- Determination off onn- i ,rnifvcannce The Planning Board opened a public hearing on the Site plan. application on 7/26/2016, and continued the public hearing to 7/26/20 1 6 when it was closed, The Planning Board has reviewed the application materials submitted by the applicant and all comments made at the public bearing wid submitted in writing through and. including 7/2&2016; The Planning Board determines that the application complies with the review considerations, and standards set forth in Article 9 of the Zoning Ordinaneefior Site Plan.approval, MOTION' TO APPROVE / WSAPMOVE SITE, PLAN P'Z 145-,2016 JASON SANKEY; Introduced bho,moved for its, adoption, seconded by According to the draft re5olution prepared by Staff with the following: I) Waivers,requested ranted/denied; 2. Adherence to the items outlined in the follow-up letter sent with this resolution. The firnits of clearing will constitute a,no-cut buffer zone, orange construction fencing shall be installed around these areas and field verified by Community Development staff; h) If applicable, the Sanitary Sewer connection plan must be submitted to the Wastewater Department for its review,, approval, permitting and ins,pection; Pago I of�2 Phione: 5118.76'11.8,2,20 0 Fax 518345.4437 a 742 Bay Road, Queensbuiry, NY 12804 1 www qu�ensbuiry.niet If curb cuts are be�ing added or changed a driveway permit is required,.. A building permit will not be issued until the approved driveway permit has been provided to the Planning Office; If application was, referred to engineering thein Engineering sign-off required prior to signature of Zorniungdunniunistrator of the approved plans;, e) if required, than applicant must submit a copy of the following to the Town: ro: a. The project NOI (Notice of Intent), fo•coverage under the current "'NMEC SMES General Permit from Construction Activity" prior to the start of any site work, b. The project NOT(Notice of"Termination) upon completion ol, the project, C, The applicant must maintainontheir project site, four review by staff- i. The approved final plans that have been stamped b the Town Zoning Adininistrator. These plains must include the project SWPPP (Storm Water,Polluutioru . reverntiorn plan) when such a plan was prepared and approved; ii. The project hlu l and proof of coverage tinder the current NYSDEC SPDESGeneral perrnnit, or an individual SPIDES permit issued for the project ifrequired. fl Final approved plains,, in compliance with the:.. Site Plan, must be submitted to the Community Development Department before aunt further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes personnel,;. g) Thai applicant must meet with Staff rafter approval and prior to 'issuance of Building Permit and/or the beginning of any sitework; h) Subsequent issuance of fur:rther permits, including building permits is dependent on compliance with this and all other conditions of this resolution; i) As-built plains to certify that the site pulan is developed according to the approved planus to be provided prier to issuance of"the: certificate of occupancy. Ji Trois resolution is to be placed in its entirety on tlne final plains Duly adopted,this as day o;f July, ' 401.6, by the following vote. AYES: NOES P' ,ge 2 of Prion., 518161.8 220 A Fax. 5,18345.443?1742 Bay Road, Qiueftinsbury. Nti Y 1Z804,1 www.qu� nsb ury.ncst Site Plan Modification PZ 174-2,10,116 @ 102 Quaker Road Public a Scheduled S,EQR 11 ft resolutilon — rt/deny site plea approval Town of Queensbury Planning Board Community Development Department Staff Notes, July 26, 2016 Site Plan Modification PZ 174-2016 Omall Family Limited Partnership/ 102 Quaker Road/ Commercial intensive -Cl SEQR, Unlisted Material Review: application, narrative, site plan drawings, elevations,,, sign details, Parcel History: SP 39-2013 Reconfigure internal space& site alterations to entrances, parking, etc.; SP 20-2014 Modifications to allow, 3 tenants,. several BP's for signs, Regue,sted Action Planning Board review and approval to modi fy Site Plan 20-2014 to add a new entry way 3 3' au 7" to the front of an existing,business complex, Alterations include newsignage projections and entryways on south side, Resolutions L RA 2. Planning board decision fto Aect Descriptiq A ppl ican t proposes to mod i fy Site PI an 20-2014 to a,dd a new entry way 3 Y x 7" to the front of an existing bilsiness complex. Alterations, include new signage prqjeclions and entryways on south.side. Pursuant to Chapter 179-9-120, 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, modifications to an approved site plan and exterior alterations to a commercial building shall be subject to planning Boardreview and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for setback for new e,ntrywqy and umant signage. Planning Board shall provide recommendation to the Zoning,Board of Appeals, Staff Comments Location-The project is located at 102 Quakei­Road, Arrangement- The applicant proposes a modification to an approved site plan to renovate the, front fiagade to create a new entryway to,the building for Tenant One, The project includes new signage for Tenant One to include north facing and east facing signage, In,addition the applicant proposes a new freestanding sign in the existing planter area, Building-The entry way is to he 33 R in lieiglit with a width of 7ft from the main building at:the columns and Sft width at the top. The new enhy way is to be consistent with the existing masonry Wilding, The applicant proposes sign fiagade changes on the east side of the building for Tenant One and Tenant Two.'The front fagade and one east side facade area will have signage for Tenant One where the east side, is a requested variance for a tenant having more than one sign. Sign,agc-The alipficant proposes changesto the existing monument sign to a new internally illuminated 3 tenant:45, sq ft sign. The plans show the,planter to remain and (lie sign, is to be 10 ft in height. Site conditions-The project does not propose exterior changes for tenant Three. The parking amangement and planting plans are to rernain as previou sly proposed. Elevations-The sublrnriSSiOn includes the elevations of the new entryway and the new signage, The applicant has not requested waivers and has indicated the previous approval SP 20-2014 would be implemented per the plans. Nature of Variance Granted area variance tabled sign variance 7/20116. The applicant requests relief for construction, of ane wentry way area where a 75 ft setback is require and 44.69 ft is proposed on the cast corner and 4175 ft frorn the west Corner, The applicant also requests,relief for an additional wall sign for a tenant One. 5uninon flurs The: applicant has corqpleted a, site plan review application for the facade renovati,ons, 7 R,oad. i",J)' 1112 )1 Town of Queensbury,Planning Board SEQ R RESOLUTION— Grant Positive or NegativeDeclar atilon Site Plan Modification PZ 174-2016 OMALL FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Tax Map ID 302.7-4-13 Y Property Address: 1Quaker Road /Zo.ning. Cl The applicant proposes modify Site Plan 20-2014 to add a new entry way 33' x 7' to the front of an existing business comp'lex. Alterations include new signage projections and entryways on south side. The: Planning Board has determined that the proposed project and Planning Board action is subject to review under the State: Environmental Quality Review Act; The proposed action considered by this Board is. Unlisted in the Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations implementing the State Environmental Quality Review Act and. the regulations of the Town of Queensbury; No Federal or other agencies are involved; Part I of the Short EA F has been completed by the applicant; Upon review of the information.recorded on this EAF, it is the concluRion of the Town of Queensbury Planning Board as lead agency that this project will result in no significant adverse impacts on the environment, and, therefore, an, environmental impact staternent need not be prepared. Accordingly, this negative declaration is issued. MOTION TO GRANT A POSITIVE DECLARATION ORNEG7ATIVE DECLARATION FO'R SITE PLAN MODIFICATION PZ 174-2016 OMALL FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERS P,Jntroduced by who movedfor its adoption, seconded by As per the resolution prepared by staff 1. Part 11 of the Short EA F has been reviewed and completedbar the Plamiing,Board. 2, Part III of the Short EAF has been reviewed and completed by the Planning Board. Or Part I'll of the Short EAF is not necessary because the Planning Board did not identify potentially moderate to large impacts, Duty adopted this 261h day of July,2016by the following vote: AYES: NOES: Plione: 5[8,,761.8220 11 ix.- 518,745,44.371742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 V www.clueensbilry,ilet THE IE-MNort,h Country Offire Cba e 1 375 Bay Road, Queens,buiry, NY 12804 L 1 K., 1 J—/,Y-AILIED, P: (518) 812-0513 F., (518)812-2205 COMPANIES www.chazencornpanies.1com uO Hud5cin Valley Office (845)454-38 ,90 Engineers 5JRTrr�VOFS Capital Di5trict Office (518) 273-0055 planners �invironmiental Pirnfesslanals Landscane ArcKltects July 14, 2016 Mr.Craig,Brown Zoning Adim!n ist rator and Code Coni ncle Officer Town of Queens bury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, New York 12804 Detivered via email only.,Crai.!gB@,,.q,ueensbury,,.,niet Re: Omall Family Limited Partnership,—102 Quaker Road Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York Chazen Project#916010.37 Queensbury Ref#PZ1 74-2016 Dear IMr. Brown, The Chazen, Companies (Chazen) has recelved a submission package from your uffice for the above referenced piroject. The applicant intends to modify the facade of an existing building and make. modifications to the parking area to accommodate a new use and incorporate site landscaping. Subm itted ini oirmatio n includes the follow iing': # Project Narrative, Site plan Review Application, Short Environmental Assessment Form, and variousfigures and maps prepared by Vision Lngjneering, LLC; 0 Survey Map prepared by Vain, Dusen and Steves Land Surveyors dated October 6, 2011 and last revised May 1,2013;a,ndl, 40 Site Pia ns prepared by Vision E rigineerling, LLC dated Ju ne 14, 2013 and last revised Ju ne 9, 2016. Your office has requested thait we review the deli gnof storni systern it relates to compliance to local,state or relevant coldes/regulations and general practice. Based' ruin our review, the proposed plain results in a reductiion of Impervious, cover and therefore will result in an overall reduction of stournwater runoff leaving the site. Further, It appears that there will be no significant changes in grade and therefore existing drainage patterns would generally remain the same. As such, our officehas no comment on the project. Charzon EngMeednq, Land SumeyMig 8 Landscape Amh6dumCo.,D-P C. Chazen,E�nmerdaf Services,k1c. The Chazen an s, Mc. Town of Ctmeensbury 102Quaker Road—Oniall F Mdly Lilts ud Partnerdhlp Ju4Y 14,2036 Page 2 If Vou have any questions regarding the ab a e, please do not hesItate to contact me at (51,8) 8244926. Seam M. Doty, P.E., LEER AP,CM54S Principal Manager, Mauu7Wpal Engineering Services GC: ,Lirnrn Sweet,Tow n,Plairn,rnurng flee Admrninistr tntr(via email) Laura Moore,Town Land'Use Planner(via -mr7aii) -Town ORW"nshur 916=57'-r'Z.474-iNI IONIO hmffy Urnited�9auCtln�arahfp�1,'hN xX+MIMpr i'GJV� -CYimdll a _+'J'dS. ltl4l„�f7tnl 1�°ID�;„!4�, d a Warren County Planning Department Project Review and Referral Form Reviewed epartnlent on July 11} 2016 Project Name: Orriall Family Limited Partnership ^ners Omafl Family Urnited (Partnership ED Number. BY-16 SPR- 174 ,County p'':rojcct##: .Juii1; -17 Current,Zoning. C1 oananunity: Queensbury Project Description. Applicant proposes to modify Site Plan 20-2014 to Gadd a new entry wawa ' 'T to the front of an exiisiting business complex, Alterations Include new signage projecOons and entryways on the south side. Site Location- 1,02 acation.1,02 Quaker Rd-Ward', Tax Map Narrnber(�) 302.7-1-1 Staff Notes, The issues here appear to be of e local nature invoWbg loc:W lissues,withoutany significant Impacts on nbsp;&n,bsp Covnty propartle8 oir resovroes. ,nbsp; 'Staff recommends no county impact(based on,the Information submiitte,d&nbsp,, ,a,ccor'dl,ng to the suggested review criteria of NYS General Municipal Law Section 239 applied to the nbsp; proposed project. <'br1> Local ocfirar s;to date ('fit"any): i ou,my PlanningDepartment: NCI 'Local Action:117inal MspWtion: j Warren County Planning partnaeaat Mute Signed Local Official, Date Signed PLEASE RV6JICN THIS FORM TO THE WAARtN COUNTYPLANNING)CaEPAR'rMEN"➢"WITHIN 10 DAYS OF FIr+AL ACTION ( )(hoc Towyn of Queensbury, Planning Board RESOLUTION -Grant /Deny y Site Plan Approval SITE PLAN MODIFICATION PZ 174-2016 OMALL FAMILY LIMITED D P RTNEl SHIP Tax f lap ll . 3 ,7-1-1 /Property Address. 102 Quaker Road / Zoning- C1 The applicant .has submitted an application to the Planning Bard for Site Plan approval pursuant to Article ' of the Townzoning Ordinance for: Applicant proposes to modify Site Plan 20-2014 014 to add a new entry way T" to the froom of an existing business complex. Alterations, include new si rra ;e projections and entryways on south side. Pursuant to Chapter 179-9-120, & 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, modifications to an approved site plain and exterior alterations to a commercial, building shall besubject to Planning board.review and approvat, Pursuant to relevantsections of the Towyn of Queensbury Zoning, Code-Chapter, 179- -0180, the Planning Board has determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; As required by General Municipal Law Section 239-m. the site Plan application was referred to the Warren County Planning Department for its recommendation;, The Planning Board has reviewed the potential environmental, impacts f the project, pursuant, to the 'State Environmental Quality Review Act ( 1 ) and adopted a SE RA Negative Declaration - Determination fNon-Significance; The Plarmiung, Board opened a public hearing on the Site plan application. on W26/201 6,, and continued the public hearing to 7/26/2016 when.it was closed, The Planning 'board Inas reviewed the application materials submitted by the applicant ;and all comments made at the public hearing and submitted in.writing through and including 7/26"2016; The Planning Board determines that the application complies with the review considerations and standards set l r°th,in Article 9 of the Zoning Ordinance l` Wr Site Plan approval, OTI N' TO APPROVE / DISAPPROVE I'°T PIAN MODII1'I' 'T"I N PZ 174-2616 'I I I. FAMILY L11''TE.D PARTNERSHIP; Introduced by -who moved dor its adoption,, seconded by 1 Per the draft provided by staff conditioned upon the 0611 wi:n,g conditions: 1 Waivers ergs request granted denied. Adherence to the items outlined in the follow-up letter sent with this rmlu_ution, a) Final approved plans, in compliance with the Site Plans must be;submitted to the Community Development Department bet4re any further review'by the Zoning Administrator or Building arid Codes personnel; b' The applicant must meet. with Staff" after approval and prier to issuance of Building permit and/or the beginning of any site work; cSubsequent issuance of further permits, including Wilding permits is dependent an cornphance with this and all other conditions, of this resolution; d Resolution to be placed on final plans in.its,entirety .and legible. Duly adopted this 26111 day YofJuly.5 201.6 by the following vete; YES: OES Phone, 5118161.82,20 p Fax 518,745,4437174Z Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 1 www.,queens,bury.net Subdivision r l mir Stage PZ 185-20,16 & Final Stage PZ 1,86-2016 , Queensbury Avenue Public Hearing Scheduled SEQR 11 Draft resolution rt iy subdivision preliminary and final stage, Town of Queensbury Planning Board Community Development Department Staff Notes July 26, 2016 Subdivision, Preliminary PZ 1851-20,16 Warren County DPW/ Queensbury Avenue Near Airport/ Commercial Light Industrial -CLI Subdivision Final PZ 186-2016 SEQ�R. Unlisted Material Review: Preliminary, and Final application, Survey of properties, involved with lot line, adjustment for airport runway projection zone-- Ronald Chartrand S-I and S-2, Queensbury 400 Properties, Inc P-1, Ronald Chartrand A F,2, Mary Sicard AE-3. Parcel History; P 56-9,0, SP 512- 9,600 sq.ft. self-storage, SP 2-10 1,500 sq.ft office 10,000 sq.fl. repossession storage:, S,P -14 land clearing fbr marketing,, AV PZ 184-20 16 Pke ,ested Action Planning, Board review and approval for a two lot subdivision of a 25.45 acre parcel into 0.09 acre and 25.36 acres, Resolutions 1. SEQRA 2. Planning Board P'roiect Deseription Applicant proposes,a two lot subdivision of a 25.45 acre parcel into 0.09 acre and 25,36 acres. The total parcel of 25.45 acres, is a result of lot line adj ustments, with parcels along,Queensbury Avenue. Proj eQt is part of Airport Clearance:zone activities, Pursuant to Chapter 183 of the Zoning Ordinance, subdivisions shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval, Variance- Relief is sought for lot size of less than one acre. Planning Board shall provide recommendation to the 7zning Board of Appeals. Staff Comments The applicant proposes to a two lot subdivision of a 25.45, ae parcel located in the Commercial Light Industrial One Acre zoning. The project is located along Queensbury A-venue opposite the Warren County Airport Sketch Plan review,: The applicant requests a waiver from sketch plan review. Preliminary Review, Preliminary plat subdivision lot layout,shows,the land, between Queensbury and Kingsbury that is involved with the Airport Clearance zone activities.. Layout plans —shows the lots to, be retained by owners or,conveyed to the Cou�nty. Constructian details and Landscape plans - are:not applicable as no physical change to the site is proposed. Clearing plan. —is subject to the Airport Clearance zone requirements. Grading and erosion plans—are not applicable as no physical change to the site is proposed, The Environmental report— the applicant has completed a Long Environmental assessment review. A deed has been submitted with, the application. Stormwater management --not applicable as no physical change: to the site is proposed. Fees —per application. Wai vets—no waivers have been requested. Final Review: Final plat —subdivision line proposes two lots, State/County agency —Planning Board is, the only agency for two lot proposed subdivision, then plans, reports —no other reports. Protected, optn space —none proposed, Natum of Variance Granted 7/20/16. Applicant proposes, a two lot subdivision of a 25,45 acre parcel into 0.09 acre and 2536 acres. Relief is requested, for creating a lot less, than one acre. Summary The applicant has,completed a subdivision application for preliminary and final stage. Comnlmli�'� IX, F, Toof Queens,bury Planning Board SEAR RESOLUTION —Grant Positive or Negative Declaration Subdivision Preliminary Stage PZ 1 -2016 & Final Stage 'PZ 186-2046 WARR13N COUNTY DPW Tax Map ID 2917,,20-1-2 & 297.16-1-1,1, / Property Address. 443 QUeensbury Avenue Zoning: CLI The applicant proposes, as two lot subdivision of a 25.45 acre parcel into 0,019, acre and 25.36 acres. The total pareel of 25.45 acres is,a result of'lot fineadjustments with parcels along Queensbury Avenue., Project is part of Airport Clearance zone activities. The Planning Board has deten-nined that the proposed project and, Planning Board action is, subject to review under the State Envi:roninental Quality Review Act; The proposed action. cons,idered by this Board, is Unlisted in the Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations implementing, the State Environmental Quality Review Act and, the regulations of thTown of Queensbury; No Federal or other agencies are involved; Part I of the-Lonqg,EAF has, been completed by the applicant; Upon review of the information recorded on this, EAF, it is the conclusion of the 'Town of Queensbury Planning Board as lead agency that this project will result in no significant adverse impactsurn the environment, and, theitfor e, an environmental impact statement need n(A be prepared. Accordingly, this, negative declaration is issued. MOTION TO GRANT A POSITIVE DECLARATION OR NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR SUBMWSION PRELIMINARY STAGE PZ 185-2016 FINAL STAGE PZ 186-2016 WARREN COUNTY DPW,, ntroduced by who moved for its adoption, seconded by As per the resolution prepared by staff. 1, Part 11 of the L,ong EAFleas, been.reviewed and completed 'by the Planning Board, 2. Part, III of the Long.EAF has bleen reviewed and completed by the Planning Board, Or Part III of the Long E is not necessary becau-*e the Planning Board did not identify plotentially moderate to large impacts. Duly adopted this 261h day of July, 2016 by the following vote-, AYES-. NOES:' 13honL: 518,76LS22011ax: 51�:.745�.44,)71,742B�,,tyRoaicl,,(,,)'LICeiliqbLii'y, NY f pill,F I ��[' 1, )u o"11 s I k'I I n u)n e'% 7412 R'wad' V1 1 Town ofQueensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION —Approve/Deny Preliminary Stage Subdivision 1'85- 01 WARREN COUNTY DPW Subdivision'rax Map ID. 2917,20-1-2 & 297.16-1-1„1 /Property Addres : QUeenSbUry Ave, Zord.ng: CLI A subdivision application has, been made to the Queensbury Planning Board fior the following. Applicant proposes a twolot subdivision of a 25.45 acre parcel into 0.09 acre and 25.36 acnes, The: total parcel of ®4 acres is a result of lot line adi ustments with parcels along Queensbury Avenue. Project: is, part of Airport Clearanczone activities. Pursuant to Chapter 183 l the Zoning Ordinance, subdivisions shall be subject t.o Planning Board review and approval, Pursuant to relevant sefetions, of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Code-Chapter A-1 , the Planning Board. has determined that this proposal satisfies,the requirement,; as stated in the Zoning Code; The requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered and the Planning Board has adopted a SEQPLA N'egative� Positive Declaration A public hearing was scheduled and held on 7/262016,, This application is, supported with all dolcumentation, public comment, and application material in the file of record; MOTION T'O APPROVE, DISAPPROVE PRELIMINARY STAGE SUBDIVI,SION PZ 185-2016 WARRE N COUV DlPWI, Introduced by ............ who moved its adoption seconded by Duly adopted this 20h day of July, 211161 the following,vote AYES- NOES: Phone: 519.761.92:20 1 1-ax: 18.74,5,4 437 1 742 Bay 4oad,Q'Ueensbury, NY 1280,,4 1 C�12 L"NO11 To,vAi of Que:ensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION —Approve/ Disapprove Final Stage Subdivision 1851-2016 WARREN COUNTY DPW Subdivision Tax Map I.D- 297.20-1-2 297.16-1-1.1 / Propert,y Address: Queensbury Ave, /Zoning: CLI A subdivision application bas been made to, the Queensbury Planning, Board for the following: Applicant proposes a two lot subdivision of a 25.45 acn, parcel into 0.09 acre and 25.36 acres. The total pareel of 25A5 acres is a result of lot line adjustments with parcels along, Queensbury Avenue. Project is part of Airport Clearance 7-one activities. Pursuant,to Chapter 183 of the ZOniD.g Ordinance, subdivisions shall be subject to Planning Boaid review and, approval. Pu rsuaant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zen iRg Code-Chapter A-183, the Planning Board. has deteiniined that this,proposal satisfies the requi.temeants as stated in the Zoning Code; A publichearing was scheduled and held on 7/26/20,16; This application issupported with all documentation, public comment, and application material in the file of re,cord; MOTION TO APPROVE / DISAPPROVE FINAL STAGE SUBDIVISION PZ 186-20,1,6 WARREN COUNTY ]DPW,, Introduced by ,,_,,.,, who,moved its adoption seconded by 1. The requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered and the Planning Board has adopted a SE. RA Negative / Positive Declaration; and if the application is a modification, the requirements of the State Environmental uality Review .Act have been considered, and the proposed inodification[s] do not result in, any new or significantly diffirent environmental impacts, and, therefore, no further S,EQRA review is,necessary; 2. Waiver reque:sts grgnted/denied: stormwater mgmt., grading, landscaping& lighting plans; 3. The limits, of clearing will constitute a no-cut buff0t zone, orange construction fencing shall be installed around these areas and, field verified by Community Development staff 4. Engineering sign-off required.prior to signature of Planning Board Chairman. 51. Theapplicant must submit a copy of the following to the Town: a) The project N01 (Notice of Intent), for coverage under the current NYSDEC SPDES General Permit or for coverage under an individual SPDES prior to,thin start of M site work. b) The project NOT(Notic of Termination) upon completion of the project; and 6. "I'he applicant must maintain on their project, site, for review by staffi. a) The approvd final that have been stamped by the Town Zoning Administrator. 'these plans must inctude the project SWPPP (Storm Water Pollution. Prevention Plan), when such a planwas prepared ,and approved; and b) The project NON and proof'of coverage under the current NYSDEC SPI)ES General Permit, or an individual SPDES penrift issued for the project. Page I ort Phone: 518.761.82,20i17uv 518745,4437 d 742 Bay Road,'Qwensbury,, NY '7. Final, approved plans, in compliance with the Subdivision, mu9t be submitted to the Community Development Department 'before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes, pers,oruiel.. 8, The applicant must incet with staff of approval and prior to issuance of 'Building Permit and/or the beginning of any site work. 9'. Subsequent issuance of further permits, including building permits is dependent on compliance with this and all other condit i ons o f thi s,Tesol ution; 10.As-built plns, to certff"y that the subdivision. is developed according to the approved plans, to be rovided prior to issuance ofthe certificate of occupancy; Dugly ado pted this 26" day of July, 2,016 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: Page 2 of 2 Phonc;� 518,76 1 8220 a Fax: 5 18.745,44,371742 Bay RkYl-KI,QLAC Cnslniry, NY a28041 MVW.(jU0eWSbLIry.II0t bite Plan Z 172-2016 @ Boulevard Public caring Scheduled SEAR 1 Draft resolution — grant/deny site plea apiprl Te wij of Queensb,ury Plan.ning Board et Comu rnunfty Development Departnieiit Staff Notes July 26, 2016 Site Pla�n PZ 172-2016 Nicholas Daigle SEER Unlisted Material Review. application, site:plan draw[ng Parcel History; SP 517-2000 single story,light,manufacturing facility & freight termiml, bldg„; ,AV 9-19819, AV 10-1989, SP 5-89, 'Sly 53-2000, IN 139-1,989 Reanested Action Planning Board review and approval to create a contractors storage yard on an existing 2.3 +1- acre parcel. Plans include three areas of storage: and to improve 2,000 sq. ft. of access road with gravel. The storage xe as include materials for pipesdwaste water installation, lumber/metal, woodchips and other materials. Resolutions L SEQRA 2. Planning Board decision, Pro"ect Description Applicant proposes to create a contractors,storage yard on an existing 2.3 +/- acre parcel. Plans includle three areas of storage and to improve 2,00,0 sq. ft. of access road with,gravel.. The storage areas include materials for pipes/waste water installation, lumber/metal,woodchips and other materials. Applicant has indicated a structure to be constructed at a later time—subject to future site plan. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040,of the Zoning Ord inance, contractor storage yard/construction company shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Staff Comments U)Latiori-The project parcel is located on Boulevard between addresses 39 and 49. The existi ng lot is currently vacant and abuts several single family homes on the north property line The:southern portion of the property abuts the Feeder Canal. A rrangernent7 The parcel is odd configurat ion w ith a 34 :1141- access width for about 480 ft to the main. lot. Site Design:- The applicant has improved approximately 2 10 ft +/-with 7500 sol ft of riew gravel ofthe access,drive to access the m ai n lot:. The app I icant proposes to install a new gate, 366 ft:stockade fen ce on the north side as shown on plans and 190,ft of stockade fence on the east side as shown on plans, "'rhe plan shows different staging areas on the site including: building material, equipment, and a materials staging,area. Also as noted there is;no building or trailer docking area at this time—the plans show an X through the building, Buffer- The applicant proposes the insta I lation off6ricin g along the northern border of the property from parcel 30310- - 27 to parcel 303.20-2-31 instead of a 50 ft buffer. A waiver from the buffer requirement is requested.. Pursuant to Section 179-9-0.50 the Planning Board may grant waivers on its own initiative or at the written request of an applicant. The application form identified as "'Requirements outlines the items to appear on the site plan or included, as; attachments,. At the time of application the applicant has either requested waivers, indicated the item not applicable or has not addressed the item/ left check box blank. This includes the,follow items, listed 'under Requirements of the applicant's application, g, site lighting,rig, 11 1 sig nage,,i, stormwate r, k. topography, 1. landscaping, n traffic, o. coin.mere lal alterations/ construction details, p floor plans, q. soil logs,, r.cornstruction/dernolition disposal s. snow removal. "I"he board may consider requesting additional information snow removal location, traffic of employees and deliveries and parking of contractor vehicles—hours of operation, management of stormwater to minimize material washout, minimary The applicant lias completed a site plan application for the use of vacant property to,operate a contractors,storage yard. Warren County Planning Department ent. ri;lect Review aiid R eferrat Fora Reviewed by Departinen:t ozi July 11, 2,016 project.Name, Nicholas Daigle ne Owner, Niclhollas Daigle ID Number: OBY-16-SPR-172 County Prosect : Jullil -16, CurrentZoning-, LII Community:: lueensbury Project Description.. Applicant proposes to create a contractors, storage 'yard en an existing 23+/m acre parcel, 'Flatus include thre8 areas of storage and to irnprove 2,000 sq;. ft. of access rdi, with gravel,The storage areas include materials for pipes/ astewater installation,, lumberimetal, woodchips and other materials, Applicant has indicated a structure to,be constructed,at a later time-subject to future site plana, ate Location: Boulevard-Ward "T"ax Map CMI`umber(s), 303.20-2-19 Staff Notes. tali requests that the Town consider adequate screening from the f=eeder Canal trakbr f> Local actions to date(if any): County Planning I( epartillentz NCI /8tipulation Local Action:lFinaf Disposition, Warren County Planning Departuyaruut Date Signed Local Official Date Signed PIXASCREITUR THIS FORM TO,THE WAR COUNTY MANNING DEPA,R M.tNT NVITHN 10 DAY 04,"FINAL ACTION ov:r� cd, 7 7_' 1 0 � Town of Queensbury Planning Board SEQR RESOLUTION — Grant Positive or Negative Declaration Site Plan P'z 1.72-2 016 Nicholas Daigle Tax Map 11 303.20- -19 /Property Add ress: Boul evard /Zoning: CLI The applicant proposes to create a contractors storage yard onan existing 2.3 +/- acre parcel. Plans, include three areas of storage and to improve 2,10,00 sq, ft. of access road with gravel. The storage areas include materials for pipes/waste water installation, lumber/metal, o( hip and other materials. Applicant has indicated a,structure to be constructed at a, later time — subject to future site plan. The Planning Board has, determined that the proposed, project and Planning Board action is subject to review under the State Environmental Quality Review Act; The proposed action considered by this Board is Unlisted in the Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations implernenting the State Enviromnental Quality ReviewAct and the re,gulaxions, of the: Town ol" Queensbury; No Federal or other agencies are involved; Part 1, of the Short EAF has been,completed by the applicant; Upari review of the: in�forrn.ation recorded on this EAE, it is the conclusion of the Town of Queensbury Planning Board as, lead agency that this project will result in no significant adverse impacts on the environment, and, therefore, an environmental impact statement need not be prepared. AccoWiqgly, this negative declaration is issued. MOTION TO GRANT A. POSITIVE DECIIJARATION OR NEGATJVE DECLARATIONFORMTE PLAN PZ 1.72-20116 NICHOLAS DAIGLE,, ntroduced by Who moved for its adoption,, s,econded by As per the resolution prepared.by staff., 1. Part 11 of'the Short EAP' has,been reviewed and completed by the Plann.ing Board. 2. Part III of the Short EA F has been reviewed and comp�leted by the Planning Board. Or Part III of the Short EA F is not necessary because the Planning Board did not identify potentially moderate to large impacts. Duly adopted this 26" day of July, 16 bthe following,vote: AYES- NOES: Phone-, 5;18.761-8220 1 1-'ilv 518.745.4437 i 742 Bay Road, Quenshuiry, 'NY 112804 �wwwxluccnsbury,ne� 01Wn n acv I Ii r % d I Town of Queensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION — Grant/ Deny Site Plan Approval, SITE PLAN PZ 172-20116 NICHOLAS DAIGLE Tax Map ID. 303 20- -19,/Property Address: Boulevard / Zoni tag: CLI The applicant has submitted an, application to the Planning Board for Site Plan approval pursuant, to Article 9 of the Town zoning, Ordinance: to create a, contractors storage yard on an existing 2.3 +/­ acre parce,1. Plans, include three areas of storage and to improve 24000 sq. ft. of access road, with gravel. The storage areas include materials for pipes/waste water installation, lurnber/metal, woodohips and other materials, Applicant has indicated a structure, to be constrUded at a later, thne — subject to future sate plain. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning, Ordinance, contractor storage yard/constrLiction company shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Conde-Chapter 179-9-0801, the Planning Board has,determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; As required by eneral Municipal, Law Section 239-m the site plan application was referred to the WaiTen County Planning Department for its mcommendati on; The Plannin,g Board has reviewed the potential environmental impacts of the project, pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and adopted a SEQRA Negative Declaration — Determination of Non-Significance; The Planning, Board opened a. public hearing on the Site plan application on 7/26/2,016, and, continued the public hearing to 7/26/2016 when it was,closed,, The Planning Board has reviewed the application materials submitted bthe: applicant and all cornfuents made at the:public hearing and subinittedin writing through, and including '7/216/201.6; The Planning Board ideterinines that, the application complies with the review considerations and standards set forth inArticle of the Zoning Ordinance for Site Plan approval,, MOrrION TO APPROVE I DISAPPROVE, SITE, PLAN P172-201.6 N11CHOLAS DAIGLE; Introduced by ____ who moved .for its adoplion,, seoonded by Per the draft provided by staff conditioned upon the following conditions. 1) Waivers request granted/denied. 2) Adherence,to,the items outlined in the follow-up letter sent withthis resolution. a) Final approved plans, in compliance with the Site Plan, must be submitted to theConm. unity Development Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and, Codes persormel; b) The applicant must meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance of 'Building Permit and/or the beginning of any site work; c) Subsequent issuance of further permits, including building permits is dependent on compliance with this and all other conditions of this resolution; Pah om : 518 761.8220 , Fax: 5'118.745.4437 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, KY 12804 jl w ww.queeknsbu bury.not d), Resolution to be placed on final plans, in its entirety and legible. Duly adopted this,26"' day of July, 2016 by the following von te:- AY ES- NOES- Phone: 518.761.8220 6 Fat 518745-4437 742 Bay, Road, Queembury, NIY 128,04 t wvmqueensburynet