1976-03-09 Councilman Robillard rec�nested that the Supervisor tu== inform the Town Engineer that he will have to submit a report on a monthly basis. . . On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully,submitted, Donald A. Shase Town Clerk Town of _Queansbury REGULAR MEETING MARCH 9, 1976 MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt-Supervisor Daniel. Olson-Councilman Robert Barber-Councilman Harold Robillard-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman J. David Little-Town Counsel PRESS: Lee Coleman, WWSC, Tri County News TOWN OFFICIALS: George Liapes, Harold Boynton, Carl Garb, Ray Buckley Mr. Norton, Mrs. Richardson GUESTS: League of Women Voters, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Brodie, Mr. Spoor, Mr. DeSantis, Mr. Krebs, Mr. Noonan, Mr. Campbell, Mrs. Henderson Meeting Opened: 7: 34 P..M. Salute to the Flag. . .Donald A. Chase Town Clerk PETITION PRESENTED: Patrick Reilly from Glens Falls High School-presented the Town Board a petition in regard to the following: "The cross country ski trails which begin in Crandall Park in the City- of Glens Falls and extend into the Town of Queenbbury are an important Warren County recreational resource worthy of preservation. A portion of these beautiful trails extends mntoprivate land and is used only through the kind permission of its owners. This privately. owned land deserves to be purchased as a public park for the people of Warren County. The owners of this land are willing to sell it for such purposes. WHEREFORE, the undersigned residents of the City of Glans Falls and the Town,of Queensbury do hereby petition the Warren County Board of Supervisors, the Town Board and the Common Council of the City immediately to take all necessary steps 3ointly. to acquire .the and into which the Crandall Park cross country ski trails extend." Noted in presentation that over 1000 signatures were on the petition. PUBLIC HEARING ON SIGN ORDINANCE NOTICE SHOWN. OPENED: 7: 37 P.M. -Mrs; Hamilton Hoffman-Signs of Progress-read. -a- pages of recommendations he would like to see changed in the proposed: o dinance and upon finishing the list was turned over to J. Arthur Norton, Chairman of the Planning Board for' hs consideration. -Mr. M. Brody-Royal Travel Agency- opposed to the proposed ordinance noting a financial loss in his business-;extr - ,y~limited° in the size of the signs he could place because of the size 'of his building. . . -Mary Grey-League of Women Voters- The G1ens. Falls Area League of Women Voters has consistently favored the passage of a new sign ordinance for the Town of Queensbury. This evening we would like to mention several specific sections of the proposed ordin- ance which we support. Referring to the addenda on the back page of the copies of the sign ordin- ance, in section 17 we are in favor of (a) , which states : No new advertising i i r panels shall be constructed. The League would like to see a provision . included which would call for phasing out all outdoor advertising panels at the end of five years. However, if section 17 C is to be kept, we feel that defining the terms "dontin"d" and.;"maintained' more explicitly would allow the advertising,panels-,.toAbs °gratdually removed through attrition. On this .sane,ssbject, the League supports Page 14, Sec. E .concerning off-pre-,; mises d reattoial signal, feeling ,that Ltheset will serve one of the purposes presently-.fulfilled 'by 'outdoor advert taing `panels: On page 121, Sddtt6n B2, which.reads',"v,, the >svtrface area 'of tigns attached to any•-buildtng sh9ll.'ndt`�exeeed"1@ -of the av4a of tke wall to which, sign is attacthed, 4ti,100'-Gq� id like to ` feett, wh a hee�lr is°Less,!' ttteA�ea�gue �rott endorse particularly the phrase "whichevdt is-Bless" 'In� ,eMw -view this guarantees 'a-°eiguJ of-sufficient, sins f *hile at 4the same, the eerryfing -out one purpose- of the ordinance whie:h° 1s `to enhance fth*",O ysicsl appearance of the c6mmunitry. Page `13, < section t 'deals vitsh etigrt'rep alations for. cutters, t gn cudihahce°=for the t�on.something-miohs�we�,feel -isdructa1-AA a=,st we wonlJ :ask;-heawe4er, whether-5orrir of{ftthesb regulatio is are also to be applied toes.=kshmp�-mall 'if;-`se7 =w .#�1 they ,bet as 'satisfactory? Sent dhde -Z, =rfdr= mittstancie, �-=x *ws#�*ich e�cctupetnt. bne vall� iigrt ion, the portion-'of�rthett-�eittserior ,wall, .WeJwould,,,like�tto '19uggeest that, this section be reviewed 4 th.'the special},needs of a covered=mall in mind. in In edncluefonVY,ve would] like to-agaft 'etate "ornAgrawaft& ttt the section V-4 on non-conforming signs (Pg.15) . This requirement for conforming 02 withinpffive years seems to us 's jusvvne. € •..It ,is onlyf�fair that Present business tdeet, the 'same standards as ' tharse which w#11°µbe ;demanded of new Q business. ­We . also endorse the -penal ty"s action 'dsr -Pages R19 and 20 with the strong conviction'.that any ordinance :`is duly was good as the firnmeta with --which it pis ;dnoorced. The League applauds the ef£ rte-vf: he--Tovd 'B id and =t~he `ad hoc ca►aeuittee in facing ,up tid-the J Mhole problA of sadi tet si t regulation. in Queens- bury wit ,drafting of this-constructive new, ordinance. Councilmen Robillard and Barber-questioned members of the League Present cft regard the Tfi nrb�er -of Queettetbury nrs bees- and the workings of the .League. . . `- Mr. Glenn _..Spdor-using. a :graphic demonstration showing:-the present sign and what the size of the sign would be if the ordinance was passed. . . noted that thee.buss ss has{ggrown but vat afraid' of,loottg bkusiness and a financial hardship to take :dew the 'present 13 000 °:dialler sign. . . Also noted that warner Pruyn has brought in a sizabU amount of business to Queensbuty noting sales tax fi s; eared town and county taxes. . . Mr. Carl DeSantis- STATEMENT TO QUEENSBURY TOWN BOARD Town of Queensbury Made-by-Carl R� DeSentis, ...President, Aviation Road Development-Corporation. March 9, 1976 The proposed, sign ordinance would have- the effect of forcing the removal of many signs and reducing the size of many others. No . . j distinctions are made for business catering primarily to travelers using the nerthway. This will create'a hardship acct only to the _.'but .also ,ta fi the eve ears :arid to the tort itself. There are no services aside from rest rooms on the interstate .system • and none planned for the future that I know of. Travelers seeking food, lodgingn�-Sasoline;- general retail merchandise must leave the interstate ,;Wen ,t6 fine° t se ,sides. The small, and .ai�e st invisibly- s gns.tuch as proposed by,this .ordinanos could cause accidents as a result of the travelers delayed recognition of a facility, which would not allow for adequate time for them• to slow down and•leave, t:he travel lane-�to attempt to reach the. facility-by the access 1ane. A good example of adequate size signing for the convenience of the traveler are , the signs put up by the State-mall in advance of an exit and identifying the exit at the ramp. Theses are large Fa6bugh to 'give the traveler time to react. , I also feel that the prapdoe setbacks of any sign further than 15-ft: from .a . property line or right-of-way would compound the visibility factor. Presently, the State has no provision for trade name informational signing in advance of exits such as the States of Vermont, Virginia and others. Many travelers will not leave a limited access high- way unless they are sure that they will be abie- to >purehase` the .brand of gasoline for;,vhich 'they have a credit card, dine- at a chain restaurant whose name they know or sleep in a name motel. The lack of adequate signing would thus cause the traveler -to go to another facility in another 'town or county which would cause a loss of rev-enue to the town by virtue of the fact that the sales tax generated by this business would go elsewhere. In the case of :my own businesses which are restaurants, 75% .Af.'the income is generated from travelers,, and b*11boards and .identification signs are the medium that informs these people. Billboards along the interstate highways are .ptesently regulated by Federal Law, and 'havebeen .recognised as a necessary and important tool for informing the travelling public of the services :and facilities ahead. This Law requires them to be at least 660 ft. off of the interstate right-of-way which has .effectively kdpt the landscape from becoming-over-crowdedvith miscellaneous •:�fneffectual and'unplea sane-, looking billboards. I_woulds urge that the 'Boardxtrake recognition of this fact, and for the ,good=of the business;.c o nity andr the town, allow to remain those .billboards which:-ara v'.sible., from the .northway . . and which-oomply with tthe Federal Lau. Also, one of the-greatest dangers while driving• on a limited access highway is driver fatigue. Trees, mountains and sky are fine but in driving hundreds of miles an-occasional informational billboard can greatly relieve-the fatigue. I do :not :think anyone hers can quarrel with the. fact that interstate ' 87 has helped tb. develop -the `Town of `Queensbury commercially. Catering to the travelling public is,:a fact of life and asset to this town and should be encouraged, along ,with the rest of the growth trhgt we have enjoyed. Consequently, I would propose that at the very-least the pro- posed ordinance should be amended to exempt a corridor along the Adirondack northway, interstate 87, which would''include' all 'businesses having footage on -the northway and those within 1000 ft. of an .exit ramp. - Even if complete exemption is not granted, the need for larger signs along such a corridor thhn those generally permitted by the ordinance should be recognized. Finally, the five-year depreciation time is unreaoe$ble and will create a financial hardship on the business community and *Ay also be .illegal. ShatUtt-he courts hold the town responsible the cost to the taxpayers of Queensbury could amount to hundreds of-thousands of dollars. J. Arthur Norton-noted that in the addendum the->sighs along the northway have been exempted, no provisions for new signs along the northway. Don .Krebs Imperial Furnature-disagreed with the size of signs that can be put up. . . Mr. Noonan-Qsby. Motors- noted business hardship and the expense of new signs for his business. . . Mr. Zibro-Zibro Tires-noted economic hardship and loss of business;. . conl.d not afford the sign right off in five years. . . Mr. Campbell, Counsel-Adirondack Media-wished to thank the board for their open mindedness in listening to the ideas of the advertising media. . . Ms. Margaret Henderson-Sheraton Inn- noted economic .hardkUp is her sign could not be seen from the Nvrthway-because of the location of the business. . Ms. Carol West-spoke as a resident of Queensbury-does not view Qsby. as attractive. . .buildings are -being built around signs. .Thoted that if all business had small signs there would be no one haveing more than the other. . Ms. Martindale-commenting on Mrs. West remarks viewed that may be some houses if they weft required to be painted would make the community more -42tractive. . .it was not only signs. . . Mr. Bodertweiser-Motel Owner- noted that a lot of time has been spent on this. . .getting rid of some signs will enhance the community. e J, Arthur Norton- noted that there has ,been some recent input from A.P.A. and Division of Community Affairs- their recommendations will be considered. . ,.,., .. Town Counsel- viewed the five -year clams v*si f�soat y *d there should be a longer time . . . viewed the A.P.A.. rsaon dati9Ax-_noted that some should be accepted. . . Mrs. West inquired as to what wilf happen after, tonights meeting . . who has the last say. . . Town Counsel- The Town Board paseee; or rejects, the ordinance. . . if there were any major changes it would ari pqu a ,auotlher hearing. . _ Town Supervisor Brandt-Cl9**d .Haari 9:OO, P.M. RESOLUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR BILL -x QUID CAUSTIC SODA, AND LIQUID CHLORINE FOR WATERr PLANT �x._74. Introduced by lfr. Ha=wnd,Robertson who moved its i t oeconded by W. Robert,trb r.c WHEREAS, Thomas Flaherty, QueenaburX, W* t rl Superintendea�t,has requested that the Town Board solicit seaT�e .._ds; �or ;a proxinatelp 87 Dry Y3s of � Liquid Alum, 20 Dry Tons of,'Iignid, �stic $64, ,and 7 Tots of Liquid Chlorine, for use in the Water Treatment P1ant ,durng 1976, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Towp. Board of .the Town ,of ,quueensbury solicit sealed bids for the purchase of the above ,maternal axed that the following notice be published once in the official town newspapers in -the following form: NOTICE .-TO BIDDERS Notice is hs b,y given. that the Town. Board of ,the Town :of Queensbury will receive sealed proposals on the following materials for the Water Treatment Plant for the year 1976: 1. Liquid Alum--Approximately 87 Dry Tons 2.,.., Liqul,d Caustic. Soda Appro imately 20 Dry Tons °3. liquid 'Chlorine---Appriximately 7 Tons. A complete copy of the specifications will be available in the office of the Town Clerk. Bidss will be received up to 5:00 P.M. on the 13th day of April, 1976 at the Town Clerk's office in the Queenebury Town Office Building, Bair;and,- Haviland Roads, G3oene; Falls, New: York, 12801. Bids must b'e submitted in sealed OPAQUE envelopes marked "WATER DEPT. BzA" . .. nda there shall b ,aubznii.tted with ouch bide the Certificate of Non-Collusion as required by Section 103 of the -deneral �Municip;kl Law and the bidder must state the approximateldate of delivery. The ,T m ar i,mill meet 4t: .thea,Town Office Building -at ,7 :30 P.M. on they-� 1 44 - of ril. '1976., at which time .the bids .with. be d opened and read alou . i to reject an or all bids. The T B rd. rese es the r t � y Town oa � gb Duly. adpp3:ad- by the following vote~: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr.' Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mt. Brandt Noes; Nqqe . Absent: None' RESOLUTION TO POST HIGHWAYS RESOLUTION' '90-- 5 Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt; WHEREAS, Superintendent of Highways, Carl A. Garb, has recommended pursuant to Section 1660, Subdivision (a) 11 of the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law, that certain highways W*thin- tho Town should be closed to any vehicle with the gross weight in excess of 3 tons per axle, eff t . e,,froan-,the:.t, of .the_.arecti . sa£,rthe signs land WHEREAS, the restriction will be in effect until the removal of the signs a directed, by the Town Board of the Town .of Queensbury therefore be it - , } RESOLVED, that the following roads be closed under this order and further RESOLVED, that proper notice be made in the local press: , AVIATION ROAD Potter Rossi `to Mduntatn 'Road GURNEY LAND MT: County Road to"Town Line BUTLER POND ROAD-From Mountain Road to the end FULLER MOUNTIAN ROAD-From Mountain Rand to. Boot Jack CLENDON MOUNTAIN ROAD-From Mountain Roed~ to Town Line LUZERNE MOUNTAIN ROAD-From Mountain Road to Town -Line PITCHER ROAD-From VanDusen Road to Mountain Road VANDUSEN •ROAD=From Corinth Road to Luzer'ne Road RICHARDSON STREET-From City Line to' Corinth Road LUZERNE ROAD-From City Line to Mountain Road SHERMAN AVENUE-From City Line to Mountain Road PEGGY ANN ROAD-From Old Forge Road to Mountain Road HIGHLAND ROAD-From Dix Avnnue to BoVlevard EAST SANFORD STREET-From Quaker Road to City Line CHESTNUT RIDGE ROAD-From 9L to Sanford Ridge Road-Town Line CRONIN ROAD-From 91, 'to' Bay Road MANNIS ROAD-From Blind Rock Road to end GLEN LAKE ROAD-from OxBow R& to Route 9 TEE HILL ROAD-From Bay Road to Moon Hill Rd. JENKINSVILLE ROAD-From Suer tde East to 9L (Ridge Rd.) MUD POND ROAD-From Jenkitisvilie to Town Line CLEMENTS ROAD-From 9L to Town Line CLEVERDALE ROAD-From 9L to end ASSEMBLY POINT ROADS-(Both Roads) - From 9L to .end LOCKHART MOUNTAIN-From Bay Road to 9L ELLSWORTH ROAD-From 'Bay Road to end PICKLE HILL ROAD-From 9L to Bay Road SWEET ROAD-From Route 9 to Country Club Road MEADOWBROOK RQAD-From 9L to Haviland Road MOUNTAIN VIEW LANE-From Aviation Road to West Mountain Road Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. 'Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noss: None Absent : None RESOLUTION TO RENEW CONTRACT WITH ABALENE PEST CONTROL, INC. i NO. 76 'Introduced by Mi. Robert Barber who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr":.-YArold Robillard: WHEREAS, the present contract between the Abalone Pest Control Service Inc. , and the Town of Queensbury for extermination of rats and rodents at the Town Refuse Disposal Area on Ridge Road expired December 3, 1975, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the -contract with Abalone Pest Control, for extermination of rats and rodents at the Town Refuse Disposal. Area for a stipulated fee of $2 :0. 00 per year payable at$20.00 per month for a period commencing December 3, 1975 and ending December 3, 1976 be and the same is hereby approv- ed and- be it -fdkther RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized 'and directed to sign such contract on behalf of the Town of Queenbbury. Duly adopted by the following vote: ` Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION OF APPOINTMENT RESOLUTION NO, 77. Introduced by Mr. Harold 'Robillard who moved its adopt on, seconded by Mr. Robert ,Barber: WHEREAS, Mr. Robert Monahan of R.D.#1 Lake Sunnyside Road, Queensbury, . ON{ New York, has resigned as a ,member of the .Queensbury--Planning Board, and WHEREAS, the Planning hoard has requested that the vacancy be filled, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESQUED, thatt Mr . Edward Threw-of luzarne Road, ( ie enabuacy is hereby appointed a * b� of the P ' "k ing Bic rd to fill "the iinexp .red term of Mr. Rober .Mpmhan, expn on, air 30, 1981. Duly adopted by: the fo�lowing_yq,te Ayes: Mr. Olston; 2,22- RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUPERINTENDENT OF `HIGHWAYS OLUTION NO. 79, Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoption, seconde6 by Mr. Michel Brandt: WHEREAS, by Resolution number &-of 1976, , did authorize the Highway Superintendent to `spend an.,ax4pnt not,,to exceed an"aggregate of $500,00 during the fiscal year- for materials supplies and tools and WHEREAS, this figure does not come near­the `amount needed by the Highway Superintendent to operate his Department'. now, theeefore be.,it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury doep hereby authorize the estimated sum of $2, 170.50 for tools and equipment for use by the Highway Department. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, .Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent:None Mobile Home Application of John Kilmartin of Haviland Road for a one _ year permit on property owned by Carl A. Covell - does not require a public hearing. . . for farm hand. . . Building & Zoning-approval. . . RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE TEMPORARY PERMIT FOR MOBILE HOME $ S01, *NO,�0 Introduced by Mr. RobeLt Barber who moved its adoption, seconded y' r. Daniel Olson: WHEREAS, John Kilmartin of Haviland Road, has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (b) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE, FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HUES and MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY,_ NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home outside of a duly licenses mobile home court at property situated on Haviland Road, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit requestaddby said application, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, temporary permission is hereby given to John Kilmartin of Haviland Road to locate a mobile home outside of a licensed mobile home court for a period of one year at property situsied at Haviland' Road, Town of Queensbury, and that the Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and conditions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None MOBILE HOME APPLICATION OF WILLIAM J. HERMANCE- of Holden'Avenue- to' pl,ace a mobile home on Holden Avenue- temporary permit to petaknent permit= Building & Zoning approval.. . RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PUBLIC HEARING RP S�.nT�I Introduced by Mr.Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by'Mr. Michel Brandt: WHEREAS, William J. ,Hermance has made application in accordance with paragraph 2' (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the' Town of Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home outside at property situated at Holden Avenue Ext. , and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that said application complies with the requirements of said ordinance, and 2 �. WHEREAS, it i0. hereby detaftined that the facts presented in said application Are sufficientlto justify ftrther consideration by this board, therefore be it RESOLVED, .that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, the town board shall conduct a public hearing on said application on April 13th, 1976 at : 7:30 P,M. in the Queensbury' Town Office Building, Bay Road, and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to giVe.proper notice of said public hearing in' accordance with the provisions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following voteL Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barbet, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: Nnne RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE AT WATERWORKS CONFERENCE RESOLUTION N0. 82. Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its opt on, second by Mr. Robert Barber.' r.=ir t , U'� RESOLVED, that permision is hereby granted to Thomas Flaherty Supt. r'+ of Water, Ralph VanDusen and Robert Lilly, to attend the Adirondack C11 Waterworks,Conference to be at Roaring Brook Ranch Resort on March 25, 1976 and that- the actual and necessary expenses incurred in such attendance is a proper town charge. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None REPORTS: Town _Cl tk' s,_ , poportf for ,P ruary 1976, placed on_.file. .. . Dog Var .s ? t for F .6 , y 1976 laced on f tie. . .,. Building & Zoning Report orehruay : 7b on file. . . OPEN FORUM: No one spoke. . . RESOLUTION OF, APPRECIATION REST,IOC' 83, Introduced' by Mr, Hand Robertson who moved its -Adoption,t secoind'ed by Mr. Daniel '01son WHEREAS, Mr. "lichard Sanderspree has served`'as a member of the Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals, and WHEREAS, he has performed his years of service in a diligent and congenial manner, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury on behalf of all the ,cit# s ,aAd .f#0ndq. of, the Town hereby_rcouvey to Mr. Richard sand erspree 'Mir sincere appreciation fgr b�'aiervtee. Duly. dapteythe ,follQwig vote: Ayes Mr. , Olson, .Mr, Barber,_Mx »Ρ Robillard, Mr., Robertson, Mt. Brandt Noes: None Absent; None_ RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS RFSp ATIMM LnTRj";lutroduced, by qtr. Harrold Robillard who moved for its adcption,,:,seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson TV i RESOLVED, that Audit -o,S ils as lusted in Abstract No. 76-3 numbered 238 through 338 be accepted with the exception of number- 279, Audit totaling $24,892.042, and be it further , RESOLVED, t RUXC Number 264Mr. Michel Brandt abstains on. . Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Brandt Noes: None Absent: None On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully, Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk SPECIAL MEETING MARCH 11, 1976 MEMBERS PRESENT: Michel Brandt, Supervisor Daniel Olson, Councilman Robert Barber,Councilman Harold Robillard, Councilman Hammond Robertson, Councilman J. David Little, Town Counsel PRESS: Lee Coleman, ' Tri County News GUESTS: Representatives from the Town Volunteer Fire Companies Meeting Opened 7: 34 P.M. Public Hearing Opened-Notice Shown- Fire Contracts Councilman Barbat= summary of the fire. con Octs-contracts start with a constant yearly' sum of; $24,600 andi. percentage of funding for 1,000 assessed valuatiofl' in the companies' district. . .' This is a five year contract. . . Supervisor Brandt-Thanked Councilman Barber and the Fire Protection Committee for their help in the negotiations. . . Councilman Olson- noted that the Town and each fire company will now know how they stand financially to make up their budgets. . .thank all those who helped in the negotiations. . . Less Baird-questioned the board as to when new negotiations will be started. . . Councilman Barber- the summer of 1980. . . RESOLUTION TO APPROVE FIRE COMPANY CONTRACTS RF.Sn r JJTTQN N2. 8,� Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Michel Brandt: WHEREAS, there has been duly established in the'town of Queensbury a Fire Protection District known as "Town of Queensbury Fire Protection District" °embracing all of the territory of said Town, and' WHEREAS, it is proposed that contracts be entered into with Bay Ridge Volunteer Fire Co. , Inc. , West Glens Falls Volunteer Fire Co. Inc, , North Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co. Inc. , South Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co. Inc. , and Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co. Inc. , for the furnishing of fire protection to such district and WHEREAS, due notice has been given-of a public hearing td be held at the Town Office Building, Bay and Haviland Roads , in said town on the 11th day of March, 1976 at 7 :30 P.M. to consider such contracts,