Site Plan Application RUCINSKJ HALLR HITECT E Ronald Richard Ru tirt'n,aki � Ethan Peter Hall 134 Dix Avenue Glarus Falls NY 12801 Yll Voice 5118741-0268 Fax 5118 741-0274 am ephall@nycep.rr.corn Transmittal To.: Laura. Moore - Town of Queensbury Frornu, Ethan Hall Data. 13 July, 2016, w Dlirnean Residence — 149 Birdsall Fuad —Site Plain Review Please hired attached the following information for aur' u l aiorn for area variance for the above referenced project: Four ( copf a of full size of drawings -1, -2a -1, - Eleven (111), copies of reduced scale drawings -11, C-2, -1', A-2 & -3 Site Plan Reviews application Property Deed Site Plan Review Fee If there are arra additional 'items required please let me know. COO11F) V Y:tMimar.r, s 1.ake)Paper work).Ttanst nasi-5 Apr 016.doc 1 Site PIlan Review Revised June 2009 .ner l InforLn lain Tax Parcel ID Numb r: 289,16-1- Zoning District: WR Detailed Des rl ti f Project Unn lude current& proposed) ,use];; D rrner adldutiion to existing S;arage and modr om entry addition to existing single family residents Location of project. w_ Applicant Names �Iev'n Ann]Lt Ann] DineenAddress: 1:49 Bird's,alll Road Queensbury NY 12,804, Moms Phony Cull: 954-830-817.1 Work Phonic Fax - �-l*�+lil: e�llmeena�+l,�c,�rr� AgenVs, Nalene Ethan P. Hall_Rui iin s 'Hall Address-, 134 Dix Ave rehitectur (lens Faills 12801 l-1 rna phone fl 518-260-2888 Work Phone 519-741-0268, Fax 538-741-01274 -i 'l'l e hall nycap.rr. orm bwniees N(aMe arse as Applicant Address Home phony Celli WO- ,phone Fax mall Town fueensbuiu Planning Office, 742 Bay Road) - Queensbury, INY 12804 , 511a-761-MO, .il l SKI HALL ARCHITECTURE Ronald Richard Rucinski �"�" M, Ethan peter Hall 13l4,Dix Avenue Grins Falls NY 10 l ' VOiCe 5187410268 Fax 6,18 741 0274 Emaii ephall my ap.rr.corrn I udr om & Garage dormer Addition tog Birdsall Road, Queensbury, New York 128,E The project involves the construction of,a new mudroonn entry way to the existing single family, residence and new dormers an the loft area of the existing garage as shown on drawings -1, C-2, A-1 -2„ The new ad'Iditioru will gable roof on the northeast side. The Dverall proposed height of the addition is 16"-7"' from the existing grade arid..floor elevation of the addition will be the same as the existing main floor of the building and will be below the existing ridge line of the maim house. The proposed dormers will have the same ridge height as the existing garage ridge and will provide better headroom for the lioft area above the existing garage., The loft area is existing and hes been part of the property since it was built in the mid 1980's. lr. Dineen originally used the space as workout space while he was stall pla ii ng professional hockey and the space was hater converted to a guest facility atter he stopped playing professionally. There is an open area behind the garage stall's which is used as a liming room area that is open to the sleeping loft above. There is an existing % bath which M11 remain as it currently exists but with better headroom which w i'lll allow for reconfiguration of the bath fixtures„ the second dormer will provide for a sitting area and closet space in the existing sleeping loft, The area variances are required due to the location of the existing buuildliing being in violation of the required shoreline and side yard setback requirements, The addition of the rnu,ndr orn will be on top of an existing open deck area and! a new,cowered porch area will be irndllu;udledl in the new addition, rellefis being sought due to the expansion of a pre-existing normo-cennforming structure, The permeabilo variances are required due to the overall let,size awndi the current configuration of the residence landl the associated decks, walks, and paving. The proposed addition, is being placed in an area currently of non-permeable ground andthe net increase in the morn peaceable is 0.6 to a net total of 35.2% and the floor area ratio for the total project including the addition will be 153% which is in compliance with th,e WRzone- Per the requirements, of theZoning Administrator and section 179-3-040, A, ( ), (e nye are certifying that,the existing sewage disposal system has been previously reviewed and installed in accordance With the Town of Queensbury requirements. uiremeu'nts. We hook forward!to discussing this project Wth the Zoning Board Site Plain Review Revisled iune 200,9 fit 6aeiP4ent Data Area I pie r:x1afing sq.ft. Proposed TcIal sqtL Addiition sq;. . XBuilding footprint 2"011 SIF 618 SF 2,079 SF B. Detached Garagie 89,E 5F 890,Sf .Accessory Structure(s) 47 SF 47SF „ ��," , r uu i r other hard) surfacedarea 16,502 SF 6,,502 SF i E. Porches I Diecks 340 SF � 106 SF 4Z � F. Other G. Total 4on-Permeable [Add 7Fj 9,790 5-F 174 SF 9,964 SF K Parcel Area [43,5630 sq, ft- I ate] 28,292 SF 28"292 F —Percentage of ImpermeaUl e Area of Site, [Ii-GIH] 34a6% 35.2% � ,gca4irii-4-i4t Area Re!quir EAsting Proposed Front I11 3 ".0" . A Front [ ] _ Shoreline 501-0" T_0" House, '7" ' House rape parage, Side Yard 1 20"-0"' Northeast "' r 12".11"Garage Side Yard [2] 20"- "" 17'-11" Hounu a 17'-11" House e ouith t '-11"Dara; 40?—IIA" Garage Rear rd [11 0"-0"' 185'-B" House 185'-8"' House 122'-LGIgaEe 122"A'" Garage Baur Yard [ 1 Travel Gino ridior Height [max] 28'-0" 1Houe 0"-G1" Housie. 0"_0," House 16'-0"Garae 1q' " Ganga_ 11 "-4"!9AEpjq a. Peirmeabilify 55.x% 64.8% No. of! parking spaces 2 6 16 Tower of Quf�ensbiury Planning ice- 742 Bay Rosin Queensbury, NY 112 4 - 51 8-761-8220 Site Plan Review Revised June 2 00 t, Will the proposal require, a Septic Variance from the Town Il oard of Health'? No If the parcel has precious approvals, list -application number(s): SP- - 01 . a - 4-201 . Does;this project require coverage under the NYS DEC Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program? No 4. Estimated project,duration, Start Date 9/2016 'Fred Date 12-20116 . Estimated total cost of project: 35,0100 . Total area of land disturba nice for project- 174 SF F1', ,f r FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) -- The relationship of building size to lot size„ derived by dividing the total building floor area by the 11 t size in squ-ars feet„ yielding a percentage. Zoning bistr'ict Symbol Floor A,rea. Ratio[FACS] 7 Waterfront Residential WR 0.22 orrumerolal Moderate CM U ornmeroiallntensi e ill . A. The combined area of all square footage, as, measure from exterior walls of all structures on the property', including all floors of the structures, garage„ basements and attics with more than five (5) feet of ceiling higight and covered porches. Building square footage.:does not ini-olude: Opens deok., docks and that.,portion of oovered doors extend'ing over water and one storage shed of one hundred twenty (120) square feet or less, Any additional sheds will be included. {See"FLOOR AREA RATA "y.. B, Commercial or Industriial; the total area in squ,uer>e feet as measured l from the exterior of the outside walls of e building or structure, and when applicable, the summa total of all floor areas of the prinoipall and accessory buildings or structures on the,project site- Parcel Area 2&,292 2 ft. uxisttrn Floa'r ire 273 s . ft. gee above definitioru -Proplosed Auddlitionall Floor Area 174 sq. ft. tiro al. 4,1447 s .ft, a�sand' "fu�tel Floor Area. Total Allowable IFlooir 6224 (,Area x 0,22 ), [see abo table 'Town of Queenkluiry Planning Ofte, 742 Bay Road Queensbury,. leu"' 12 18-761-8221 Site Pian Review Reivised June 2'OO'�10 179-9-080 B1QMJDUMJJ f2f Site Plan ApAroya The Ptan ging Board shall not approve Sate Plan unless it first determines thax ani n site Calan meets the following Standards- Please prepafe respionses, to each Of the Nflowing topics. ST11f l A.. The proposed project furthers.or is consistent with the pabltcies of the Town's Compretens1we Phan. IBS, The proposed project oompliies with all other requirements, of this Chapter„ inicluidiRgi ti's sem,Plan review standards a's set forth ion Paragraph F of this section the dimiamsional, bulk, and density regulations of the zorning district in wwbiich It Is proposed to be located- (f+wtide 3 and Table 1),the applicable requirements of all other Articles that apply. The sine pian inoouragas pedestrian actiiwi P jpro'terrrally and„ If preudcablle, to and torni the site with pedestrian paths dr sidewalks connected to adjacent areas.. D_ The sitenform Aust lan colh�... p apter 16 Sewage and Sewage fl+ pasalw �hapter 147 tonnnanu'ater q�anagrnent emt Local Law, and other applio aVe local laws. F, the proposed use shall l be in,harri with the general purpose or intent of Wa Chapter, s ificaily taRing.into account the IbcatI character and size of the proposed use anndi the description ,and pw.urpcsa of the dislblot in wnich such use is proposed„ the mature and li Intensity of the aldMifinas to tae,linvolwed;in or conducted in connection With the proposed use and the Iratwure and rate of any iri in the tbulyden on supporting public services and facilities wwhhkh wwan"ll folWw the approval;of the proposed use, F, The establishment, Maintenance and operation of-the(proposed use wwilll not create public hazards from traffic, traffic congestion:or the parking of vehicles andi'Or equipment or be otherwise detrimental to the health,safety or general welfare of parsons residing or working ihi the negliborhl4od or to the general welfare of the town. Traft acnes and ckoulation, road intersections, road) and driveway widths,and traffic controls,will l be adequate. ,. ON rent parking anlri loading feellft 1.l1.as wwifl be approMatel'ny located and arrange4l and sufficient trt meet traffic annti ipated'; to be geiletabed by the new use, 'The establishment of vehicle flaks betwew, parRing areas of adjacent properties are provid*d where feasiblle. This furthers the Town"s goal of reducing curb nits and reduaunlgl congestion- A trwenty-foot wile aonniection is required, if adjacent properties, are c her undaveloped or,previously de lin ed without having made provision for future Linkage„ then a future cornection must be identified and proviidled for iiln the site plan under reviews fot such feature linkage, when the brine arises. The Planning IFBcard may require, proof that the applicant has made contact with adjacent property owners for purposes of coordinating linkages with adjacent piroperbes. W;. 'The project shall not have ani undue adverse Impact upoml the nl,autulrai, scenicm ,aesthetic, eoologli4al,, wildlife, (historic,„ Moleational or open space(resources of the town or the Adlirordack Park or upon the adequate prowusioru of supporting facilities and serwioes made necessary by the priqlect.taking into account the commuerciat, industrial, residential,recnreationall ler other Ibenel s that might be(derived from the project, In making the determination, hereunder,„ the Planning Soamd shalt consider those Motors pertinent to the project contained) In 'the development considerations set forth herein under§ 117!9,"801 of Ns chapter, .and in so doing,the'Planning Board) shall make a net overall evWumatlon o'f'thne pro7Yect i i(relation,to the development objectives and general guidelines eat forth in J 179-9- 080, Ig-080,of this Article. d an ; II" The prow•isn for angarnamt of pedestrian traffic aocess and circulation, walkway struuctures, ci of in'te �cgiorI vehicular traffic and overall pedestrian convenience shall be safe and adequate far pedestrian rm,owerment. PedesWan connections between adjacent sites shall the powidied to encourage pedestrian uise. J. Stormwwater drainage facilities will prevent an Increase of post development drainage flows as compared to pre-deweippm,ent drainage I glows, Drainage of the site 1hialll rechiarge ground water to the extent practical. Suface waters nowinig scuff-s a shall l not degrade any , streams or adversely affect drainage on adjacent propenfies or pubMic roads. Facilities shhalli be in contorrmartoe wwithl the drainage standards of Chapter 1 '7 of the Town mode and the Town of QueensWry Subdivision Regulations where aippiftable K. The water suppfy and sewage disposal facilities wil'Il be adequate and^dII meet all appillcable and current re urrements sof forth b Department ofHealth regutllatrens andi Chapter 1 of the Town q a y rt L. The adequacy,s � and aru�n�enemt otr�as, shrubs and other suitable plantings, landscaping and scnw!ing ehall efiiwely I provide a visual) andfor noise buffet betiii the applicarnts and adjoining lands, includini l the mama,um,retention of existing vegetation and maintenance,ilndludinpg replacamentof dead or deceased planta. M. Fire fames, emergency zones and fire hydrants will be adequate and meet the rweds, and reuirermuemts of emergency service providers. N, Th in amass susceptible to ,.. p y p , design of�st� ra�r'4+ads, s erase fanda in i p ponidim flooding andlhlrerhiolri'«ailit!rrwlmimnjze or avoid such impacts to the rrmaidrrmuurm,extent practicable. 0. The site plain cointiorms to the design stardlardls,IlandscaplonS standards and perfommance staridards of this chapter, Town of Queensibury Planning Of e. 742 Says Road°'Queensbury, her' 12804 598-761-86201 RUCINSKI HALLARCHITECTURE Ronald Richard Rucinski � Ethan Peter Hall 134 DIX Avenue Glens Faills NY 128a01 Voibe 518 7' 110268 Fax 518 7 411 027 Errraul ephallllu ny opvrr.r„ rn Response A-0 Standards —Dineen Residence Miudroom & Garage Dormer Addition The following are responses to questions A thruu 0 of the site plan review standards. A. The project is an existing single family residence in the WR zone and is therefor consistent with the Town's Comprehensive Plan The project site is an addition to a pre- isfing non-conforming structure, all requested ested sr au variances are for less distance than currently exist. Non-perm eab'ilut is slightly increased) in the proposed condition by 0.6%. Pedestrian activities within the site are encouraged, by the use of sidewalks along the drive and from the upper area to the lakefront via stone and brick paver walkways. . The situp is served) by on site sanitary seer and the buildings are connected to this system,. All existing pavement provides storm eater mannagernernt controls and total area is not changed. E The proposed use is similar to,the existing facility and will not increase burden on any public services as it its an existing facility, Alt items in this area are existing and will not change. G. Single family residence hias a 2 oar garage and several paved parking spaces off Birdsafl load and uuuailll remain as the currently exist as part of the building addiitioiinn„ l-il. No adverse impacts on the environment Will tale place with the project as it is an existing facility and the addition to the building +dill be minimal. IIm The on site circulation takes place mainly fromi Birdsall Load and will remain as, such., J. Steps have been taken to manage the roof drainage through ea a trenches,, The percolation rate of the soil is veil good and the soil) make-up is mainly medium sands and the glround water location is a minimum of 60" below existing surface. K. supply and sewage disposal are existing and are adequate ate for the existing; and proposed 'project. L All existing landscaping is well manicured and will remain. No new landscaping is proposed as part of the proposed building addition, M. ill existing ernergiency access is adlequuMe and will remain. NL A,ll proposed work,Will prevent ponding, flooding andllor erosion, , The ,site plain, does conform to all design standards and is a rrninirnal impact:project, No new proposed (lighting, All existing lighting will remain a unchanged, YXorhuusc CarLstructiorr 0iurecn Roi&nocftparworkResponse to A-0 slwidzr,ds 6,Jury 204 6.doic �l Site Phan Review Revised Juane 2009 1 79-all Application for site plan approval shaill be made to the Planning Board using fermis supplied by the Milardl.Application materials and the site plan shall) include sufficient information for tura Board to make its Andiings urndiar§ 179-' -0701 and 179-131-0180 beloww, In determining the cwtent of the.site platin and supporting dicoumentatiol the:Planning Board may waive certain reliqulirerrnents if thee. Pllaanrning Lard deems such requirements or information unnecessary forr the type of project proposed, Any such waiver shall be made in writing,„ and shall contal statements of the reasons why the waived information requirements are not necessary for an inforrrmetf review under the circumstances. The (Planning Edwards may,grant,such waivers on its own, initiative or at the writtel request of an applicanl Such r"uest shall)set forth the speaitla requirements that are requested to tae waived and the reasons for thee requested waiver. Absent any waiver or, wwwalwvers, an application for Site Plan Review shall include the follio it Shown REQUIREMENTS an Sh"t it A7 A �dnity chap dl w m at the scalle that shows the relationship of the proposal to existing com mwuidnNy facilities which afl l C-1&C-2serve it, uth as roads„ shopping areas, schools„ etc. The map shalt also show,all propertles, identify umuarnems„subdivisions, streets, and easements within 500 feet of the propel Such a sketch may be superimposed on a U ite¢i States Geological Survey matin of the arse„ B %ei site Pan hag be drawn,at a scale of lofeet et t the inch 11" m 40,fel or such other scale -s.. � r � e as the PIsirrning gEird may -I C-2 deem appropriaCam on standard' 4"x 36*°sheets;, with continuation on 8'; " x 1 V sheets,as necessary for written Information,. The Infor"dmativan listed below,shall be shown on the Qe plana and continuation sheets. Name of the project,,boundaries,rdahe, imdamth amra�wum,;and scale of the place, _ ALL applicant is lot the refthe owner of,rill iiiveloper,and oord owwnem a letterr of authorization shalltof the be mequaiuredt Fromeer,architect,owner or landscape architect. It the q From the ewwmar � the ItresC rm and.urea dnf all exlsCing erri ll(proposed sfrmmrpnar wwittlpn tanie property, rnoiumding all dimensions of height and ft*T - -2 areae all exterior erntrances,sand allll anti ,pated future addition amudl alterations. F The olf and Private,wi off-street sidewu siolramm ell present andproposeddscap g Itw ells, and fences. Location, ypiwaund ng �enlin detailsdell ofor allll waste disposal IP«s, ourtts, the, landscaping, type., � p I wcontalnews shall)also to shown, the td�cation, heNgntd. Intensityy, and tmuilta lyric fsodfuimn„ Nincand s nt., el , of all exterm,sll lighting tixluares, The dNurestt m rrf' _ C-2 Illumination and methods,to,elliirmiinate glare canto adlilloiniong piropenles must also be Rhorr n in connollance with, 179-&027. mm..m the—15 cation,height,size,,materials, and design of all proposed signsA l � t"h�ioio�Ii aNl psemt eunur��rb+ped watNgl syanns Incliudimgr 1. ) wage or septic system,-. '. Water Supply system;; Teleocne,cable and elect i l systems'-, amridl 4. Stoll drainage eystemn including existing and: proposed drain lines, cutweft, catch basins, headlwwellleM end'wrwralls,filydralmianhele'�s„and dralinap's'wai ,i Pil ins + pr ent)Jae poWluticm of or glyda�rndwua r„ Br ian of foil both duudng sWafter construction,excessive "Off- -1 1&C-2 and flooding of other grope o, as applicable. A Stormwater,PoINtion Prevention Placa ( PP,) for alll lands development activities texottudi ng agriculbarat actiiail can the site than results In pared disturbance of 1-acor more. A SWl shalt comply with the requairemmneruts of the DECI CE -t General Permit and Chapter 147 of the Town of Queensbury wade. it shall be at the discre ion of the Pinning Board as to whether a SVVPPP or an.er ton and controls plan shalll be required for a site plani meviewwr project land disturbance of loess than t-acme. p imposedl topography at two-foot contour as the mlgm� shall C-1 C_ ato . Al elevations. a refer to the n� United States,Coal and detBeirlMa*,, if any Portion of the parca6 Is within the 11000 year floodplain;, time area will; be shown, andl base flood) elewatioins given, ureas stnalll be indicated within the proposed site and within 50 fleet of the fir oposed sft where soil removal or fiiltlmng is required,showing the approximate,volume in culii Id:yard's. i ,nom L A l indscaupe plan s'hovAng all exisffrrg natal land features,that may influence thl dssignof the proposed use such as ro -,1,&C- outcrops. stands of trees„ single trees eight or more inches in diameter, forest cower, and caster sources, and all proposed chia!nges to these features Nin dudirug sizes and types,of poll Waer souirces Include ponds latues,wetlands aind wwatewrcourses, aquifers,floodplains„and draiiniage retention areas„ Town oftuueensbu Planning ry lannlm'mgOffice- 742 nary Road - Queensbury,I`•dl^y 1 1u761-8 '20 61 Site Plan Review Revised Juine 20019 M Land Usil indaries,wilhin,500 feet of the site's per nater shall be drawn and idonlffW on the,sile plen,as well as NA any Overfay Districts that apply to,the pTope". NJ Traffic fllowpatternis%W11hin the Sitsi entrances and exits,and loading and unli areas, as,wel as curb cuts on the site and C_1 C-2 within 100 fttt of the site,The Planning Board may, at its discretion, reqi a detailed taffic study for Ii deveiopments Or for those in he"traft areas,,,whici indude: 11,TKe projected nrumber of motor vehicle trips to,enter or leave lbe site,estilmated for weekly and annual peak hour traffic llevels, 2-The projected vallfic flow W, ern IncluidHing vehicular movements at all major intersections,likely to be affected by them proposed use of the s,fte; 3,The Impact of ibis traft on levels ofservice on abutnigi pui streets and at iffrected iintersections. Eyisfing.and proposed weekly and annual peak hour traffic levels and Toad capacity levels,sbal also be,gitimni. 0, For new Zzar6ai con or alterations to,any structure,a table containing the following iinformation sha4 be incl'uded-, NA 1. Esfinnated areiaof structure,to be used for particular purposes such as retail oper Oon.office„si etc,,; 2, Estimated maxiiniurn,number of employees; 3. Maximum seating caipacO,where,applicable;and ,4, Number of parkling spaces existing and required for the inter Bled use.. P 1, Floor Plains, A-1 &A-2 2. EIavatlons at a scale of one-quarter inch equals,one foot 1 foot)frog all exterior facades of the,proposed,structurei andfor aNerai to Or expansions of eXiSfing facadei shopMrill dles4n features and indicating the type and color of Materials to be usedi. Q Sod togs, watersupply weill and percolation test results, and si runoff,caEculaii a$ needed to d�etarrnine andi mitigate NA project impacts. _fF—Pins for disposai of construction and de nitolftn wai either ori or at,an approved ditposall faicfity� NA S Pians for snow removal,inciuding IwAtlon(s)of ori snow storage, NA T An Environmental Assessment Form ("EAF"), as,required by the SEORA regulations, wroth i Raft 11 coMplebed by the�Ppllc_ant N A shall be, submitted as i of the application. If:tine proposed project requiiies a spa use peTrrilt and an W has been sutinitted lura confuriction with a special use permit application, a duplicate EAF is not required for the site plan application. IT—W an application is, for a parcel! or poi is on WhJch More than one use is proposed, the applicant may Submit a siJingig NA application for all such uses provided the piroposedl uses, ate accurately delineatedi on 81 site plan dirawn pursuant to the requirements W forth above. The Planning Soard may grant:the application With FeSi to sorne proposed 1 A� as and not milers. For purposes of reviei an application (and for SEQIRA compliance) all propoW uses on a single parcel of on contiguous parcels shall be cGrisidered together. TRef narrative staternent on how the project pfoposedfoF'_rWFV_iF_eWTU_rrt oriscionsislevet'vOt he vision,goals and polcies t Yes in the Tow ri Comprehensive Plan. Town of Queensbury Planniing Office, 742 Bay Road , Queensibury. NY I 2,804 , 518-76 1-8220 RUCINSKI HALL ARCHITECTURE Ronald Richard Ru,ncirn; ' i Ethan Peter Hatt 134 DIx Awnujr Gleans F6II1Y 12801 VdCla 518 7411 02,618 Fax 5171107 Emal1 ephall n cap.rr.calm Mudroorn aragle Dorm r Addition to,the, Dineen n Reside nce Ju ily, 20116 Craig Brown —Town, of Queensbury Planning a;rnd Zioni ng Departir ent 742 Bay Road Queensbury NY 11 804 Dear Mr. Brown,, At the above, referenced project location, I am providing the following i inform ion for the requested waivers at the referenced project, location. 0 §torrnwater Maaaernppt Plan: The current site is approd:mately0,65 acres, of which ,790 sq, ft. or 34.6% is covered by building and gravel or paved surfaces. The proplosed new building addition will increase the building and hard surfaces coverage to 9,964 sq. ft. or 35,2%, This represents an, increase of 0.6%, sof the, overall site. The current storrnwt r rru. rnagement on site is functioning adequately and the new building will have sawn trench drains provided to controlthe stormwater runoff from,the new roof area., l: see no reason that the unl•Mn'inor amount of increase in building area wwril',l change the storrnwater management system and th r fore we request a waiver from the st rrrnww ter management plan reglu'iremernt'. 0 Grading Pl a.ni: The contours of the ;area of the site where the proposed building to be located) is generally flat. Whilie the ,arena in front of the building on the Lake Side is quite steep to the lake the anree of the proposed uadditiorn is lon the end of the bu;ildiirng in the gently sloped area. There will be u,uch an minor amount of diistn,urbame in grading that we are requesting ua waiver fromi the grading plan requirement. Ughtiina Plan: There:v ll be no increase in Site, lighting what-so-ever foir this project., Duero to this we are requesfing ua waiver of the lighting plan requirement. Landscaping Plan: The existing site is well manicured and rrnainteined. This YAl'II be continued and we are,therefore! requesting ting a waiver from the landscape plan requirement. If there are any questions regarding these wwnr,alw r requestplease give me a cell to, discuss. Regards,, Ethan Peter)-Nall) Architect Y-)C'orhouscCConsgr edoft'u ineert Rcsidzn=Taper ecrnE'wWaiwer Request-6 July 2016.an w Site Plan Review Revised Juane 2009 1. Tai:Map IICi + "' „ 2'. Zoning Massffication , , I Reason for Review: d d('e)14_j CL 4., Zoning Section M or\ck 40 S. Pre-Submission Meeting Motes;Outstanding ItemsTo Be Addressed Include:AO V-3 Need '.-/Yes Naqua (Kr(X' ' Generall Informat on complete, �es No, tud Developirmeruot Daft Complete yes No rr� etbadk Requirements,Complete "e _ ml dditionW Project Information omplete ^s No FAR Worksheet complete —No Standards addressed "r'"u a Checklist items addressed —Yee o nviron m ntW Foirm completed X?)t� —No ignatu re Pee completed dyes Naqua r ackl T y „ C t AA 1 m Staff Representative: Applicant/ nit: Town of Que nsb ury Planning Offics, 742 Say Road ° Que!eni:sbury, NY 12,804° 518-761-8220 , Site Phan Review Reprised ~dune;2001 Signature Pale This, page includes the 1.),Authorization to ,het as Agent Forrn°�: 2.) Engineering Fee Disclosure; 3,) Authorization for Site Visits; 4,.), Other Permit Responsibilities; 6.) Official Meebng Disdosure and 6.), Agreement to provide, documentation required. PIFs AGENT FORM: Com plrete the following if the OWNER of the property is haat the sale as the applicant Owner., r eeig mates: As agent regardiing: Vari Ince Site Plan—Subdivision For Tax Map,Noectiorn_ Block Lot Der ed Reference: 'Book page � Date OWNER I NnNATURE. DATE, APPLICANT's AGENT FORM: Complete the iollhon ling iitf the APPLICANT is unable to,attend)the meeting or wis,hes to be represented by another party-, Owner: Designates: s agent regardin Varian ' 'a Plan�Subdivision For Tax Map I~a r.; eetk)n,L Meek Olt Deed Reff r �looN Page OWNER SIGNATURE: SATE, Z.l_I=NGINE.I=RIN ' Egg. 121§Ll MR : Applications mi lions ay be referred t the Town c o nsulliing engineer for slew of septic design„ storm drainage„ etc. as determined by the Zoning or Planning Department. Fees for engineering, review services will be clnargodl directly to the appli ant_ Fees for engineering reviews will not exceed$1 11,00D +ithouut notMication to the applicant. L UTFI'O IZATIONf L' ;," ,M.-VISITS y signings this page and submitting the application materials attached hi in, the Owner, Appiicard, and! his1her their agernt( ) hereby authorize the Zoning Board or Planning Board and Town Staff to enter the subject properties forthe purpose of revieWngi the application submitted. 11 .OTHER PERMIT 8JAEQH5IBIUTIES,m.0ther permits may, be required for construction un or alteration activity subsequent to approval by the Zoning 13oor Planning Board. It is the apptioant"s responsibiillit'y to obtain any additional permits. 5-1 QUICULMEETING '' It is tine practice of the Community Dewellopment Department to have a designated. stenographer tape record the proceeding=s of meetings resulting ftom application, aindl minutes transcribed from those tapes Constitutes,the official record of all Proceedings, d� 1, the undersc nedl, have thoroughly read and understand the instructions for submission and agree to the submission requirements. I acknowledge no construiction, activities shall be oarnmenced prior to issuance of a valid permit, II cartify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete aternernt/description of the existing conditions and the work proposed. and that all work will be perfformed in a000rdance with the approved plans and in confformaunoe with lei zoning reguuul Borns. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the iianilllies proposed, 1 our my agents, Will obtain a car fficate of occupancy as necessary,. I also understand that Ave may be required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly consftcted facilities, prior to iissuance, of a cediitate of occupancy I ve read and agree to the above- 4;�y M S' ire P eli — " nature [Age Pari nt Name, [Agent] plate signed Town of Queensbury PlanningOffice-, 742 Bay load Queensbury, W 12804, 518-7611-8 220