2013-203 61.8256 BaY QueensbU ldin$ &Codes (518) Road> �42 i Developi"ent.Bu Covvin'ul'vllO"h co �� 20 -3 '��� mbe� 23� ,-t+ ,- 1�A �ep�e Vonlay l./ date 3 3 .�2a1�02a ex: .�►Za1302a ersnit� umber I X'exert-�u�b done as shown bP work requested to be - 000 t 00 phd•is is to certify tha - ,0-0001-042-00 has been CO 523400 523400-2900 ROcv,�A-L Ra gpBSAN Aapl�uzrber• lb$ B� & 1E ROB5p� L,ocation� � I1 Eg By order of o77 NSBJO O-V A Applicant: be occupied as a• -�. ay t ^this stiuCture n'' &Cod Enfozcemen e In�rO`i"d Pool NST relieve t lane .pizectoz of Bu�ld�ng ile DO' S Site P • lcate of Cotnpl forecomPiiauce o wit-0 by the e of this Certrf sibiht5' as a result Yssuanc of the resand pon conditions eats• proper a° ether issue�ng�''oara°f App `tarianc d or Z pianningBoar TOWN OF QUEENSBURY (21W 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20130203 Application Number: A20130203 Tax Map No: 523400-290-010-0001-002-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: BARRY& JENNIFER ROBINSON For property located at: 168 ROCKWELL Rd in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: BARRY& JENNIFER ROBINSON 168 ROCKWELL Rd I QUEENSBURY,NY 12804 Tootalral Pool Value d a Contractor or Builder's Name /Address Electrical Inspection Agency ADIRONDACK POOLS 5 BOULEVARD OUEENSBURY,NY 12804-0000 Plans&Specifications 2013-203 POOL Inground $75.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Wednesday,May 21,2014 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town oQue Tu a Ma 21,2013 sbu rW SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement ass Community Development Office Town of Queensbury - 742 Bay Road - Queensbury, New York -12804 s I I OFFICE USE ONLY 3 TAX MAP NO. ,q O .` -apERMIT NO. B PERMIT FEE ✓! , MAA/ ; 2013 APPROVALS: DEPOSIT ; APPLICATION FOR SWIMMING POOL PERMIT. A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION ND/OR I STA LATION.APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BE E ISSUANCE OF A VALID PERMIT. e se INSTALLER/BUILDER: ` /` ft OWNER: ADDRESS: `� /J�GL� r (_X ADDRESS: PHONE NOS. PHONE NOS. Sd tet'— Zzc CONTACT PERSON FOR BUILDING&CODES COMPLIA CE: 13a(-o PHONE: ADDRESS OF POOL LOCATION: 6eac%&i111 ABOVE-GROUND? OR INGROUND? SIZE OF POOL MATERIALS USED IN CONSTRUCTION(CH K ALL THAT APPLY): STEEL/VINYL �7FIBERGLASS GUNITE_ POURED C NCRETEa OTHER MANUFACTURER: J �" _7? P • FENCING WOR LIFT UP LADDER REQUIREMENTS FOR ABOVE-G OUND&&INND POOLS: o If above-ground,indicate height from ground/grade to top of pool HEIGHT 'U INCHES • If your above-ground pool is less than 48 inches above grade,a fence must a installed within the area of the pool. • If your above-ground pool is exactly 48 inches above grade or more,a lift-up ladder with lock must be installed. No fencing is required. o If you are installing an inground pool,the pool must be provided with a fence or enclosure meeting the NYS REGULATIONS,APPENDIX G • REQUIREMENTS FOR POOL DURING CONSTRUCTION o Section 1228.4 of the NYS Regulations requires swimming pools be enclosed by a temporary enclosure during construction of the pool, and requires the temporary enclosure to be replaced by a permanent enclosure, which complies with all applicable code provisions, within 90 days of issuance of the permit or commencement of construction(See the actual text of Section 1228.4 for more details). • SETBACK REQUIREMENTS FOR POOL PLACEMENT: o Minimum side setback requirement is 10 FT.;Minimum rear setback is 20 FT. o Pools may not be situated in the front or side yard. If this difficulty arises,you may apply for an area variance to the ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS • POOL PUMP REQUIREMENT—TIME CLOCKS(AVAILABLE FROM ANY ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO.): o Pool pumps must be equipped with TIME CLOCKS so the pumps can be set to shut off during periods of peak utility electrical demand and set to control the length of time during which the filter runs.(See the ENERGY CONSERVATION CONSTRUCTION CODE OF NYS,PART E504 ENTITLED SERVICE WATER HEATING AND SUBSECTION E504.3.3 REGARDING TIME CLOCKS) • FINAL INSPECTION INFORMATION: o You are responsible for scheduling the following: *ELECTRICAL INSPECTION; FINAL CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE INSPECTION *NOTE: The Electrical Inspection is required before the Certificate of Compliance is issued. The Inspectors are contracted throught the Town of Queensbury but you are responsible for payment to them directly. Their fee is not part of this application. A list of Electrical Inspectors is available in our office and on our website listed below. A Final Inspection by the Queensbury Building & Codes Office is required before use of the pool is authorized. The Code Enforcement Officers will look for an approved Electrical Inspection (sticker on the Panel Box) and proper enclosure around the in-ground or above-ground pool or lift-up ladder for above ground pool. I have read and agree to the-a e. QUESTIONS? CALL 761-8256 OR EMAIL codes aOqueensburv.net Signed- VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION Name/Title(Printed) www.gueensburv.net ZONING 179 Attachment I Town of Queensbury Table 1:Table of Area Requirements [Amended 1-28-2011 by L.L.No.2-2011;3-18-2013 by L.L.No.2-20131 Minimum Minimum Setbacks Maximum Building Floor Minimum Lot Road Water Area for Merchandise Minimum Height Area Lot Size Width' Frontage Depth Frontage Clustering Front Side Rear Shoreline Display' Percent Proposed Ratio District Symbol (acres) Density (fee[) {feet} (feet) (feet) (acres) (feet) (feet) (feet} (feet} (feet) Permeable (feet) (FAR) Notes Land conservation LC-42A 42 400 400 — 400 210 100 100 llh 200 95% 35 LC-10A ]0 400 400 — 400 50 100 100 t00 200 95% 35 Parkland recreation PR-42A 42 800 400 800 800 210 100 100 t00 150 90% 35 PR-10A 42 800 400 800 1 800 50 100 100 100 150 90% 35 Rural residential RR-5A 5 400 400 — 200 25 100 75 100 75 75% 40/35' RR-3A 3 400 400 — 200 15 100 75 100 75 75% 40/352 Waterfront WR 2 150 150 — 150 4 30 25,20,15,12: 30 50/75' 75% 28' 0.22 residential varies with lot width t0 Moderate-density MDR 2 or P 100 100 — 100 2 30 25 30 75 50% 40/35' residential Neighborhood NR 0.5 acre or 50 50 50 20 10/0' 15 50 35% 40/35' residential 10,000 square feet' Recreation RC 15,000 75 75 200 30 20 20 75 30% 35 commercial square feet' Commercial CM 1 150 50 200 150 NA ( 75 20 minimum; 25 75 25 30% 40 0.3 moderate sum 50 Commercial CI 1 150 50 200 150 NA 75 20 minimum; 25 75 25 30% 40 0.3 intensive sum 50 Office O Nonresidential:0.5 acre per 250 75 80 75 25 25 75 35% 40 15%landscaped 7,000 square feet of floor area Residential:1 acre per 8 dwelling units Neighborhood NC I acre per principal use or 50 50 100 75 40 20 15 75 30% 30 commercial structure Main Street MS 15,000 square feet land area 50 50 75 Build- 0 to 20 10 50 10% 50 5%landscaped per principal use with a to tine" Maximum building minimum lot size of 15,000 footprint is 20,000 square feet per 2,000 square square feet feet of floor arca 179 Attachment 1:1 04-01-2013 QUEENSBURY CODE Minimum ---f MinimnmSetbacks Maximum Floor Minimum Lot Road Water Area for Merchandise Minimum Building Area Lot Size Width' Frontage Depth Frontage Clustering Front Side Rear Shoreline Display' Percent Height Ratio District . Symbol (acres) Density (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (acres) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) (feet) Permeable Proposed (FAR) Notes Commercial light CLI 1 acre per principal use or 200 100 200 200 50 30 30 75 30% 60 4Q 000 square feet industrial structure Total building size cap for retail use only Tight industrial —LIVF f Veteran's Field 200 � 200 NA i 50 20 +20 75 � 30% 35 0.3 Vete Heavy industry HI 3 acres minimum per principal 300 300 400 200NA ( 100 50 50 200 30% 50 use or structure closed shopping ESC 1 acre per principal use with S00 75 200 NA 40 30 30 150 20% 40 15%minimum En canter 0.5 acre I of floor area4 000 square feet landscaped NOTES: — — Minimum lot widths require compliance with access management requirements for shared driveways or double lot width. Thin y-five-foot building height applies within the Adirondack Park. Two acres per residential unit if not connected to public sewer and water systems;one acre per residential unit if connected to public water and sewer systems. Five-tenths acre per residential unit i€not connected to public sewer and water systems;10,000 square feet per residential unit if connected to public sewer and water systems. Ten feet if buildings not connected or zero if connected. ° With a minimum of 15,000 square feet per 2,000 square feet of floor area. Setback from the edge of pavement_ $ Accessory structures shall have a maximum height of 16 feet. e Seventy-five-foot setback applies to lands in the Rural Use classification in the Adirondack Park.See Zoning Map. See§179-3-04OA(5)(b)(3]. "See§§I79-3-0408(5)(b)[2]and 179-7-070B(l)(c)_ 179 Attachment 1:2 04-01-2013