2013-487 Freestanding Second Chance Consignments 0.14 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY wri742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20130487 Application Number: A20130487 Tax Map No: 523400-302-006-0001-012-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: SECOND CHANCE CONSIGNMENTS.LLC For property located at: 717 GLEN St in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: PARKER HAMMOND DEVELOPMI 2868 COUNTY RD 46 sign FT. EDWARD,NY 12828-0000 Total Value Contractor or Builder's Name /Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications 2013-487 SECOND CHANCE CONSIGNMENTS LLC SIGN panel 15 sq. ft.to be placed on existing freestanding sign $45.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town o Queer} ury; Ve s r I / tober 30,2013 � SIGNED BY (vv \ for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement OFFICE USE ONLY TAX MAP NU. i a PERMIT NO. f 3--{)vZERMIT FEE ga° OCT 1 6 2013 APPROVALS DEPOSIT FEE SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION ➢ A separate application is required for each sign. ➢ A permit must be obtained before installation of your permanent sign. r All spaces onthis form must be completed. APPLICANT:c\t`nZ `. N-\\''(C1R\\D INSTALLER/BUILDER: MM._ WI'VJ Co\\ ADDRESS: 141 \<‘NN5 \`C�, ADDRESS: ``t\`\ Cot),Ncv PHONE NOS. 5\`'): (off% CQ\\0\ PHONE NOS. –1C)1" , (V\1 LOCATION OF PROPOSED INSTALLATION: (LEGAL ADDRESS) –111 LW S� . NAME OF BUSINESS COMPLEX/ PLAZA/ MALL: N A, NAME OF BUSINESS: Seco AANC,:€ CS:)NSV.0 \t(A.�`� CS CONTACT PERSON FOR SIGN CODE COMPLIANCE: PHONE: EX LS+tgc TYPE OF SIGN PROPOSED: )C freestanding wall awning projecting IF SIGN IS TO BE ILLUMINATED, PLEASE INDICATE: ,,/ Internal External Incandescent Neon Other ^ /YO DO SIGNS CURRENTLY EXIST ON THE PROPERTY? X/ Yes No / IF YES, LIST ALL EXISTING SIGNAGE: 4471- I GG �d 4 I / IV er e X64 Qa(G c U The application creates a >< New ./ace ata.who change in the following Change in number of signs from to existing site conditions (fill in _Change in setback for sign from to all applicable spaces): Change in size of sign from to Change in height of sign from to Change of wording/copy from: to: Sign Wording/Copy: cLo 0L, (7o—K S c 9 p e-v-"7s Sign size: Length x Width 36 ( = Total Sq. ft. /5— Sign eight (freestaandin sign): /s Color and Material to be used: /I/uric-c( u U /A4 /eCit�J. evC Ck -& Lt.)41 t 1. Provide 2 copies of a scaled drawing or surveyed plot plan with the following information: a. Location of sign (walls signs: drawing of the facade the sign will be located on, indicate sign on facade) b. Height of freestanding sign QUESTIONS? CALL 761-8256 OR EMAIL c. Depth of projecting sign codes(a�queensbury.net d. Distances from front and side property lines. VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION 2. Provide 2 drawings or photos of sign design. www.queensbury.net 3. Provide Applicant & Owner's signature (permission for placement of sign on the property or building) Declaration: To the best of my knowledge, the statements contained in the application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or noted, and that such work is authorized by the owner. APPLICANT SIGNATURE: � � ovwv� DATE \ \ I hereby authorize the applicant to place a ign on y property or building: i OWNER SIGNATURE: /.114--/ DATE: /c2../4(-4f Revised 02/18/2010 Town of Queensbury • Community Development Office • 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 ... .. , .• :„.., .. :., ..;.. ,,,„._ ..., •.; . .. , .. . . 4,.. ' • ' . 'c, pf ' .. ..•f '. • .r.,•; .r : •,'• . 4 . '• ;:• - '•••;.• ..,.t. :::- • ..4 ••I , • •1.,. ...'i t• "•'.a -..*I .:. .... ,... .. . . ... it ...._ ,.. ... _ ,.. :- ii • . . . •. .. . ... . . • PI igt r ....._...--,1---- .! ' 2 ...----- \ ',. ' .,'• •..`', . . --` -.; • • .:%.,',. - .1. "' :— . :". .. At.' • 4! CN.111 • eh li ' if. ;leihl.ti .1 1 , I - ' . ..,. .-- - . - .6 f,...f.! ; - t.,._*.e......-- • — • . .—';- r - —h., , , 1 Irr ,--ELLi; - •, • . . - Mr- ih.. --1 — I• 1 0 11 N I`r _ . - ' -11r pl ,'-`1 - i• . . . I • ' ' — . . 11141111:117---. iff' - 1 -......--_---- ..---7. -•.-- 0/A , Ark -iremor. ••• I .• .. 11:1 40 m..... ..ammom....1111.1111, 4t_4/' A. ..* •"4-73, — . . • - . . — . . • i P('-, ),5\\ 6e��,,,�� ��` 413 Pi CU'' 0.J'' e° '- C L ,[1.< n �)( / S4l ✓l �S ` C? f si ,7 _g rr.c�5 ka,.A.�° °1 G-/e-ii 5-F r _t_---( PERMIT PLOT PLAN I HAVE PERSONALLY MEASURED THE DISTANCE FROM THE PR'•. RTY LINES TO THE 'REPOSED .�• RE •)OR SIGN(S) / J 1 it A / L)- 'IGNATU• DA E .1 to C a � Gr ,, ---ii c0/ ,�5r------ c �o ;-‘,, .0 (),;‘ , n/, --y-i-__Age::,e4 it P\ 's . q. oq.14-‘ 6S L ki �i x 13._ \f„c),,\)\t boj o c tozz Yi v -.-. 1 < 6 / 1 1 , d 1 1 j i ; 1 1 i , PIo-11 � � Gt,14 Cho b-Oc- - -� w w�i J t= a ,• g.vFe ii a 1 I C F x • y,Y£� BM � Fj� ��r ta0T5s}anon c'+t�� I {1 � �� ys t ac X tar �' N � }; €� r �� �,, '' ! j 1 �' � • .t'.'= abl'r,' . •�U i I ` str. :� 4•. r(t !° 3 { 1 I' / �'' -� • }�`' ,\{�4, s :. t � i a � Q , � 1"'S, �` i 2S� ry � 124 . • n�a•�""'"".. Tri � .It ��•� � 'yyyt _>� �,�� i (� m,� k wd r or < 11 � ',—' •°1 � •1 au 5��, 1 �� '84� L TI S a a t iryr t �ii i� j F v�''Si 1� a _:.girt a tt I } �" in h •, r,` �{ t a,�.a ' ' y' • �1�' 1 ��t'^8 a 38'2 • i+ 4.n{ ty lu •`('1� •1` • V via • `G , � i U J, -��� ,� I= re i i �� ` / 1/•� �f� r fit .' ti�,t ,.. 11�;,� ,:'�.. c��{!'�w'.l .�l�si'`-.:; °`. •. °P ,�5�`kt,.aw .�''t ��il c..,, ,v�' ,,' J.,"`.':: t iy�K# Ce MAPREFERENCES: 1) -AAP OF A SURVEY MADE FOR NORTH STAR DONUT GROUP, LLC" DAZED SEPTEMBER 26, 2003 PREPARED BY DAVID J. BOLSTER, LLS. 2) `MAP OF LANDS OF EDWARD A. WARDWELL' DAIED JUNE OB, 1960 PREPARED BY GLENN B. COULTER, LLS. 3) "MAP OF SURVEY OF LANDS OF ORMNDO S. LEOMBRUNO" DATED JUNE 13, 1979 PREPARED BY W.J. ROURKE, ASSOCIATES LLS. 4) "MAP OF SURVEY OF LANDS OF LENS DEANGELIS & ABRAHAM RUDNICK' DATED APRIL 20, 1962 PREPARED BY JOHN B. VAN DUSEN, LLS - N nN£I, SITE LOCATION MAP L Lands NIP . I r ! 1 cLEaR 1:9 / j+ CLEAR 1.6, deck i v �kkn� q entrance ' 01h (ding r/ area CLEAR 4.D'--- i I l+ i,I (!1 d(i lamp v / ' •1 {{;;� Il j i'pa5t o(SV 604 IPF 0 rev � b 0 f' I / 'I ' f � BASE METAL a I +j _ FENCE P ST a l t I � � /l `r 1 hd l l� r CP IRF flog pole O 'i rj1 �/1rs / �rdj f / % I ,. CLEAR 1.5' 1 I � ln(7 i 'I (1 II l i CLEAR Oi'-_. �\ L(],nd3 N/F/\\/ \ ti tia9 .' (�fl jf j Jj ' to �� Cedc�ir Hotclti'g Associates r� p I L. I341 P. 190 Lands N/FIPF 0 BASE METAL Raymond F. Wynn & h CLEAR 2.3' hh FENCE POST ,' Ethel T. Wynn FENCE POST. L. 594 P. 717 C� + wo o V& o l �1 � l���l Drnklq�j /I�1 lamp past ensbury Gardens nc. 7�--� - � I -------------- - ---- --- L. 581 P. 739 �sF j / r' l � I a'• � daN�e / ! rett09 Q�'1' / j //r �_ �J i 9� O 000 m DEED REFERENCES: 1) TAX MAP ID : 302.06-1-11 MJD, LLC TO KEVIN HAMMOND AND SETH PARKER, FILED LBER 426 AT PAGE 227.WRREN COUNTY CLERK 2) TAX MAP IDI 302.06-1-12 MJD, LLC TO PARKER HAMMOND DEVELOPMENT LLC FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE WARREN COUNTY CLERK IN LIBER 1439 AT PAGE 148. vR�y`7!. I O Lands N/F Queensbury Gardens Inc. L. 580 P. 185 L. 581 , P. 739 NOTES: 1) BASE MAP PREPARED FROM AN AUGUST 2005 FIELD SURVEY. 2) NORTH ORIENTATION IS BASED ON MAP REFERENCE I. 3) TOGETHER WITH A RIGHT OF WAY AS RECORDED IN LIBER 1426 AT PAGE 229 IN THE WARREN COUNTY CLERKS OFFICE. 4) THIS SURVEY WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF AN ABSTRACT OF TITLE AND 5 THEREFORE WSUBJECT TO AS D ANY EASEMENTS, COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD ANY STATEMENT OF FACTS SUCH DOCUMENT WOULD DISCLOSE. 5) SUBJECT TO APPLICABLE AND APPROVALS OF THE TOWN, COUNTY, AND STATE REGARDING 7ISON OF 6} UNAUTHORIZED SURVEYORS SEAL ISR A¶VIOLATION DOF SECTION 7209, SUBDIVISION N TO A SURVEY MAP RLICENSED LAND 2. OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. 7) ONLY COPES LAND S RIVEYORSMSEAL SHALL BEOF THIS CONSIDEREDIEY TO B6 MARKED TRUE COPIES. NAL OF THE THE ORIGINAL COPES. 8) UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, STRUCTURES AND FACILITIES HAVE BEEN SHOWN FROM SURFACE LOCATIONS AND MEASUREMENTS OBTAINED FROM A FIELD SURVEY. THERE MAY LOCATION OF ALL UTILITIES AND STRUCTURES SIZE, MUST BE VERIFIED BY TYPEAND PROPER AUTHORITIES PRIOR TO ANY AND ALL CONSTRUCTION. CALL DIG SAFE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION. AREA = 2.661 ACRES VIA LL gravel area (� ( TS; • ' / l hw - hq --'„-`---ohw-_ �y?.S s " Lands NIP 1 r po. / T 1 / - o F's ank I. Yarillo 1 t l Qoa f I'r e dl ifrn J / e,lz \� ti os�arklnq al , �. tet . alt fl 15 24 1 ' __ '7 i"' ".. >.p ay rs sl hult larkir'q .rrP 11 f l I V n6 w u.. h, ae / o° I f � E l.yu+aFP+" I TI o j N1 21. / i ) / I , .. y ♦ e CIF 6 ,.,:° ": - ♦,,. � . 34� i .w 4 ro ..>wTM , rF a II :"p.. _ _— __-_... .-�. `---� - ! ( ! 1 I / / � m *+:"^ 'u'.: n `n>• m.l .", t O ;� k ,:. i,, �,F ..2 l �..' ,`r' x,� x�. �'.i- '� .t,,:. .. ptl I .: ♦ ♦ :. :. i:: O \ .. .: ." ♦ .(\/ + _ ' L 4r ; "W ......°kN 4danxNx 114M '. ,a ..• 4 .� .. ,: .. I',. I .'vel & - gra conaretel . \ N38'8445 W 10 A ,I ,may 7 j arcken paveent '� mloading dock r- i, 17 00� � 1ocaV n '� m ��J I rr ; Lands �F 9u parking Anthon yA. IOC LC20 LEGEND u �"^s6'IP. 295 •NO , , 3 r; ` .,r �IJd ldlol i L. 126 2 j �' o gryg o LR.F. IRON ROD FOUND S4018'45`Et 51 o I.P.F♦ IRON PIPE FOUND �a0. �I I o I.R.S.na� IRON ROD SET 1 UTILITY POLE 960 j e�24- ocorD STONE WALL WIRE FENCE o — CHAIN LINK FENCE to -13—WOOD FENCE btoaw Z ��Po POINT a pi ¢TS / F.P. FENCE POST ce'�teS{,r'La.nds N F 4�d * III nOVER EORMRES ERLY NOW D WI X41 Riclwrd P. Smith u I" /t �VoT9 Py^�I r L. 1280 P 58 1' '' l9 1: © SEWER MAN HOLE ter CATCH BASIN 310 ISI • BOLLARD I WATER SHUT OFF WATER VALVE �I� . •Ire I �� �+ t wl I Lands N/F h, L / I � ( ' r�ldf ,yxllxl „Al chael If okotelsos s 1315 P. 246 .� j I� .dil+ r, I I Ill F` ,11 � Lands N/F Susan K. I3al fatjr1 L. Hr 1067 P. 5.3 � ._ Ak IT 'f +.. zzmarsh orqu x - ml.x i+.l_va,..T,�t 1 31L