1974-01-01 ORG Organizational Meeting January 1, 1974
Members Present:
John Austin Supervisor
Daniel Olson Councilman
Robert Barber Councilman
Harold Robillard Councilman
Gordon Streeter Councilman
J. David Little Town Counsel
-` The meeting was opened at 1:05 P.M. with a salute to the flag led
by Carl A. Garb, Highway Supt.
Supervisor Austin greeted the guests which consisted of members
of the board' s families and close friends.
The meeting began with the reading of several resolutions which
are standard resolutions in most cases adopted at the beginning
of each year.
RESOLUTION NO. 1 Introduced by Mr. Robillard who moved its
adoption, and `fteonded by Mr. Barber
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the authority grante by Seetion 63 of the
Town Law of the State of New York, the Town Board hereby determines that
Roberts' Rules of Order shall be its rules of procedure during the year
1974, except when the same are not in accord with the Town Law or with
other=:,resolution of this Board.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
i,,_ Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin.
Noes. None.
Absent None.
RESOLUTION NO. 2 Introduced by Mr. Olson who moved its
adoption, and seconded by Mr. Austin
RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 62 of the ownLaw of the State of
New York, regular meetings of the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
shaWbe •held on the second and fourth Thnusdays of each month hereafter
at 7: 30 P.M. at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Bay and Haviland
Roads, Town of Queensbury, and be it further
RESOLVED, that any special meetings of said Board shall be subject to a
two-day notice in advance by the Supervisor.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin,
Noes• None.
Absent: . None.
RESOLUTION NO. 3 Introduced by Mr. Roo,-L-A" who moved its
adoption, and sec-onUed by Mr. JrkFr-r6
PURSUANT to Section 20, 'Subdivision (a) , of the Town Law of the State
of New York and pursuant to Section 109 of the Uniform Justice Court Act
of the State of New York, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby
establishes the position of Town Justice Court Clerk of said Town upon
a determination that such a position is necessary for the proper .conduct
of the affairs of the Town.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 4 Intooduced by Mr. Q Art a who moved its
adoption, and seconded by Mr. o�
PURSUANT to Section 20, Subdiv s on (a) , o t e own Law of the State of
New York and pursuant to Section 109 of the Uniform Justice Court Act of
the- State of New York, Phyllis Joslyn of-Farm-To-Market Road, Queensbury,
is hereby appointed Town Justice Court Clerk, to serve at the pleasure of
the Board; and be it further
,! RESOLVED, that the Administrative Board of the Judicial Conference of
the State of New York be notified of the appointment.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
i s
RESOLUTION NO. 5 Introduced by Mr. Robillard who moved its
adoption, seconcedT�y Mr. Barber
WHEREAS Town Police Chief Gilbert Schlierer Has notified this Board ;that
Jay David Morey has successfully passed the Civil Service examination for
police sergeant and he recommends that Jay David Morey be promoted from
patrolman to permanent full-time sergeant effective with the next pay
period starting January 10, 1974; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the Civil Service Law of the State of New York
and Section 150 of the Town Law of the State of New York, said recommended
promotion is hereby made.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 6 Introduced by Mr.Olson who moved its
adoption, seconZ=ey Mr. Streeter
PURSUANT to Section 20, Subdivision e of the Town Law of the State of
New York and to Resolution No. 97 of 1967 of the Town, be it
RESOLVED that Betty Eggleston of 28 Pine Street, Queensbury, is hereby
appointed Receiver of Taxes and Assessments of the Town of Queensbury for
a two-year term from January 1, 1974 through December 31, 1975.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr, Austin.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 7 Introduced by Mr. Olson who moved its
adoption, seconUey Mr. Robillard
WHEREAS , Betty Eggleston has appointed an ce otter of 'Ridge Road,
Queensbury, as Deputy Receiver of Taxes and Assessments ; now, therefore,
be it
RESOLVED, that the Deputy Receiver of Taxes and Assessuentssshall have the
power to perform all duties of the Receiver of Taxes and Assessments and
such further duties as the Town Board may determine, not inconsistent with
Duly adopted by the follv*igg vote :
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin.
Noes : None.
Absent: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 8 Introduced by Mr. Barber who moved its
a#option, secon' Mr. Streeter
PURSUANT to Section 20, Subdivision a o t e Town Law of the State of
New•York Raymond J Buckley of Ridge Road, Queensbury, is hereby appointed
Town Engineer to serve at the pleasure of the�Town Board.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin.
Noes-. None.
Absent: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 9 Introduced by Mr. Austin who moved its
adoption, secon ec TTY Mr. Olson
PURSUANT to Section 20, Subdivision 3 (e) ,__Fo_nalU A. Chase is hereby
appointed Director of Purchasing for a term of two years, beginning
January 1, 1974 and ending December 31, 1975, to serve without compensation.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayeso' Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin.
Noes: y. Nome.
Absent: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 10 Introduced by Mr.Streeter who moved its
adoption, secon -e Tiy Mr. Olson
RESOLVED, that pursuant to ect on 138 of t e own Law of the State of New
York, George P. Liapes be and he hereby is appointed Building Inspector of
the Town of Queensbury for the year 1974.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Austin.
Noes: None.
Absents None.
RESOLUTION NO. 11 Introduced by Mr. Austin who moved its
adoption, secon ec�c "Gy Mr. Robillar ;
RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 138 of the T&Wn aw.of the State of New
York, Harold Boynton be and he hereby is appointed Assistant Building
Inspector of the Town of Queenbbury for the year 1974.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 12 Introduced by Mr. Barber who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Streeter
RESOLVED, that John B. VanDusen of the Town o Queensbury be retained
as Town Surveyor of said Town for the fiscal year 1974 at an annual
compensation of $3,400.00 and that the Town Supervisor be and he hereby
is authorized to execute on behalf of the Town a contract with. John B.
VanDusen for such services, nd be it further
RESOLVED, that in addition the services provided by such dontract,
the Town Board employ said John B. VanDusen to perform other services as
may be required which will involve the employment by him of persons to assist
in -compiling data, drafting and similar -work, and that the Town reimburse
John B. VanDusen for such additional work and expenses in connection there-
with during the fiscal year of 1974, not to exceed in the aggregate stun
of $1,000.00, which reimbursement shall be made upon itemized and certi-
fied vouchers therefor audited by the Town Board.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Bather, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin.
Noes: None.
Absent: None. =a
RESOLUTION NO. 13 Introduced by Mr. Austin wbo moved its
adoption, seconcTe—dTiy Mr. Olson
RESOLVED, that pursuant to Se ct on 4121, suWd v s on 3 (a) of ,the Public
Hpalth. Law of the State of New71YakV',DDonald A. Chase be and he hereby is
appointed Registrar of Vital Statistics, to serve at the .pleasure of the
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 14 Intorduced by Mr. Robillard who moved its
adoption, secon ec -5y Mr. Streeter
RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 148, subdivisi6n 1, of the Education Law
of the State of New York, John 0. Webster be and he hereby is appointed
Town Historian to serveuat the pleasure of the Board.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 15 Introduced by Mr. Barber who moved
its adoption, seconded by Mr. Streeter
RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 130, Subdivision 9, of the Town;Law
of the State of New York, James Davisofon be and he hereby is appointed
Dog Warden of the Town of Queensbury to serve at the pleasure of the Town
Duly adopted by the following vote :
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr, Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
RESOLUTION NO.. 16 Introduced by Mr. Olson who moved its
adoption, seconcTe3-5y Mr. Robillard
f WHEREAS, this Board deems itself in .need o egal counsel in the conduct of
j its affairs, and
WHEREAS , the office of Town AttorWff has not been established or provision
for a salary therefore Included in the 1974 budget; therefore be it
RESOLVED, 'tbAT -J. David Little, Esq. an attorney and resideag in the Town
of Queensbury,. .be employed by this Board to render such legal services
as may be required and that payment for such service be by town voucher ,
audited by .the Town Board.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin.
Noes: None.
Absent: . None.
RESOLUTION NO. 17 Introduced by Mr. Austin who moved its
adoption, seconUe-TTy Mr. Olson
RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 42 of t e own Law of the State of New
York,i:the office of Deputy Supervisor of the Town of Queensbury to hereby
established, the holder of said office to serve without compensation.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 18 Introduced by Mr. Robillard who moved its
adoption, secondee y Mr. Streeter
RESOLVED, that the salary of each own Officer seF forth in the following
schedule be and hereby is fixed at the amount as specified:
s nrA*stfn Supervisor $ 8,000.UU— -
Sylvia Dougher Secretary to Supervisor- 9,200.00 -
Donald A. Chase Town Clerk 9,540.00
Darleen M. Dougher Deputy Town Clerk 5 ,800. 00
Lois Chase Second Deputy 300.00
Gordon Streeter Councilman 3,000. 00
Robert Barber Councilman 3,000. 00
Harold Robillard Councilman 3,000. 00
Daniel Olson Councilman 3,000. 00
James A. Devidson Town Justice 4,500.00
John Carusone Town Justice 4,500. 00
Phyllis Joslyn Court Clerk 5,400.00
Leo& Nuasivera Sole Assessor 10,000.00
Peter Ketlbw Assessor' s Assistant 2,100. 00
Betty:.C..' Eggleston Receiver of Taxes 6, 360. 00
Janice Potter Deputy Rec. $2. 72 Hr.
Carl-. Garb Highway Supt. 11,700.00
Floyd Martindale Deputy Supt. 10,400. 00
NoTE 0. Webster s or an 'Z'SU. 00
Raymond Buckley Engineer 16,430 DO
James Davison Dog Warden 7,000.00
Robert Reid Health Officer 2,800.00
George Liapes Bldg. /Zoning Insp. 9,200.00
Harold Boynton Ass' t Insp. 8,600.00
Roy Vaughn Cleaner $2.68 hr.
Doris Greeno Clerical $2. 72 hr.
Wanda Miner Clerical $2. 72 hr.
Edith Bowman P.T. Clerical $2. 72
Marilyn Bly P.T. Clerical $2.,72
Lois Clements P.T. Clerical $2. 72
Thomas K. Flaherty Water Supt. 10, 300.00
John Dunn Cemetery Caretaker 8,050.00,
Gilbert Schlierer Chief of Police 10,600.00 .
James Ogden Sergeant 9,220:00. .
George Stannard Sergeant .9,2200.00
Jay Morey Sergeant 9,220.00
J. Patrick Dee Patrolman 8,162-.00
David Hull Patrolman 8,162.00
Joseph Berry Patrolman 8,162.00
Leon Bennett Patrolman 8,162.00
Patricia Flaherty Clerical $2.72 hr.
Working Foreman $ 3.85 Water Maint. Foreman $ 3.85
Heavy Equipment Operator 3.63 Water Treatment Plant 3.80 Operator
Motor Equipment 3.40 Senior Acct Clerk $ 3.40
Water Maintenance Man 3.63 Water Maint. Man II 3.40
Water Meter Service Man 3.40
Labor Class "A" 3.23
Labor Class "B" 2. 78
Mechanic 3.93
Clerical 2.72
Duly adopted by the following vote;'
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin,
Noes : None.
Absent: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 19 Introduced by Mr. Austin who moved its
adoption, secon-a-ea-by Mr. Olson
RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 64, su v s on 11, of the Town Law of
the State of New York, The Tri-Count News and The Post-Star sand Times be
and they hereby are des gnate as oicia-1 newspapers ot the Town of ueens-
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin.
AgMin.O : Robillard.
Absent: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 20 Introduced by MrSarber who moved= its -
adoption, secon3e-c-5y Mr. Streeter
RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 64, subdivisi on1, of the Town Law. of
the State of- New York, the following be and they hereby are designated as
depositories- for the funds of the Town of QU*ensbury for the fiscal year
1974: Glens Falls National Bank and Trust C� aniy First National. Bank of
Glens Falls; and ae4= sA'n -, 6 f Aran an a further
RESOLVED, that authority Ilse and ere y is delegated to the Town Supervisor
to determine the accounts and the amounts to be deposited in each bank.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 2t Introduced by Mr. Olson who moved its
adoption, seconUey Mr. Streeter
RESOLVED, that pursuant to Sectton 102, subdivision 10, of the Town Law
of- the State of New York, the following- town officers and employees be
and they hereby are authorized to attend the annual meeting of the Associa-
tion of Towns of the State of New York to be held in New York City on
February 4, 5, and 6, 1974: Town Supervisor, Two Town Justices, Town Clerk.
Superintendent of Highways, Town Attorney, Town Engineer, Building Inspector,
Town Assessor, Chief of Police, one member of Recreation Commission, four
Councilmen, one member of Planning Board and one member of Zoning Board of
Appeals; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the actual and necessary expenses of any town officer and
employee attending such meeting be and the same are town charges ; and be
it further
RESOLVED . that the Town Supervisor be and he hereby is authorized to cast
the vote of the Town of Queensbury in said Association, and in his absence
Councilmen °Harold E. -Robillard is to cast the vote of the Town.
j f
D#ly adopted` by the followinggvote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 22 Introduced by Mr. Robillard who moved its
adoption, seconUedTiy Mr. Barber
RESOLVED, that the daily rate for Special Policemen of the Town of Queens-
bury be established as follows:
Special Policemen - $22.00 per day
School Crossing Guard - $7. 50 per day
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin.
Noes -. None.
Absent: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 23 Introduced by Mr. Robillard who moved its
adoption, secon e=y Mr. Barber
RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 103, Subdivisi on2, of Town Law of the
State of New York, Supervisor John Austin be and he hereby is Budget Officer
of tote. Town of Queensbury..
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin.
DBg: None.
Absent: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 24 Introduced by Mr. Barber who moved its
adoption, seconded-gy Mr. Austin
RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor be and he ere y is permitted and
allowed to file a copy of the annual financial report to the State
Comptroller, as required by Section 31 of the General Municipal Law,
with the Town Clerk on or before March 1 , 1974, in lieu of filing a
separate financial report, as required by Section 119, Subdivision 2,
of the Town Law, by February 1, 1974.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 25 Introduced by Mr. Robillard who moved its
adoption, seanndedUy _Mr. Olson
RESOLVED, that purchase of materials , supp s and tools for the Highway
Department may be made by this Town Supepintendent of Highways without
the prior approval of thh Town Board where the cost thereof does not
exceed an aggregate of %500. 00 during the fiscal year.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin,
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
RESOLUTION NO. 26 Introduced by Mr. Austin who moved its
adoption, seconded—by Mr. Robillard
RESOLVED, that the Town Board hereby authorizes the Town Superintendent
of Highways to purchase needed sand and gravel for use on town highways
at a cost not to exceed ten cents_ per Mead.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin.
Noes: None.
Absent. None.
RESOLUTION NO. 27 Introduced by Mr. Austin who moved its
adoption, secondey Mr. Robillard
RESOLVED, pursuant to Section 102 of the Town Law of the State .of` New York,
the sum of 12 cents per mile be and hereby is allowed for the actual and
necessary use of the automobile of a Town Officer in the performance of
his duties.
Duly adopted by the following vote: / ` t"
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
A memo was read by the' Supervisor from Police Chief Gilbert
Schlierer recommending that the Board appoint David^ Comstock to
the position of patrolman.
RESOLUTION .NO. '18� introduced by Mr. Barber who moved its adoption
seconded by Mr. Robillard.
WHEREAS, there exists a newly created, position of patrolman in the
Queensbury Police Dept. , and
WHEREAS, Chief Gilbert Schlierer of said Department has informed this
.board tilat David A Comstock is qualified to fill ,such position and has
recommended the appointment of David A Comstock to such position;
now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that David A. Comstock be and he hereby is appointed to the
position of permanent patrolman effective January 15, 1974, at -an
annual salary of $8,162.00.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
RESOLUTION NO 22, introduced by Mr. Austin who moved its adoption
seconded by Mr. Olson.
WHEREAS, there remains surplus year end balances and unappropriated
money in the highway. account, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the following appropriations and transfers be made:
ItemI Transfer from Item DE Improvement to Item I $8,114.21,
appropriate Year End Balances and Surplus in the amount
of $58,770.15 within Item I and transfer $4611.66 from
Item IV thereby amending appropriations as follows:
DR5110.1 from $69,712.60 to $75,524.19
DR5110.4 from $53,000.00 to $121,559.18
DR9010.8 from $ 519299.00 to 39882.00
DR9030.8 from $ 30949.00 to $ 42263.04
DR9040.8 from $ 39588.00 to $ 22000.00
DR9060.8 from $ 42264.00 to $ 4,080.21 thereby having a
balance of $1034.35 in Item I
Item III Appropriate year end balances and surplus in the amount of
$4,104.15 to Item III, -and transfer $2772.64 from Item IV
thereby amending appropriations as follows:
DM5130.1 from $19,208.91 to $149722.61
DM5130.2 from $39,139.00 to $38,243.72
DM5130.4 from $23,068.90 to $36,394.79
DM 9010.1 from $ 757.00 to $ 649.00
DM9030.8 from $ 19075.21 to $ 818.81
DM9040.8 from $ 754.27 to $ 355.00
DM9060.8 from $ 617.83 to $ 582.31
DM9740.7 from $ 29280.00 to $ 2,011.-67 thereby leaving a
balance of $1886.44.
Item IV Appropriate surplus of $2,029.53 from Item IV and amend
appropriations as follows:
DS5140.4 from $ 1,000.00 to $ 2,600.00
DS5142.1 from $54,000.00 to $50,347.65
DS5142.4 from $16,500.00 to $14,922.50
DS9010.8 from $ 3,028.00 to $ 39235.00
DS9030.8 from $ 3,263.00 to $ 3,225.62"
DS9040.8 from $2,300.00 to $ 19000.00
DS9060.8 from $2,779.00 to $2,184.46 thereby leaving a
balance of $474.06
Item DE Improvement Program appropriate $8,114.21 to Item I thereby
leaving a cash balance of $9,720.00 in Item DE Improvement.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson , Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin'.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
RESOLUTION NO- 30,, introduced by Mr. Austin who moved its adoption
seconded by Mr. Streeter. =
WREREAS, there are outstanding obligations of the Queensbury
Water Storage and Distribution District and funds are not available
until later in January, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the General Town Fund transfer $44,000.00 to the _
Queensbury Water Storage and Distribution District to be repaid on or
before January 31, 1974. w Lil
Duly adopted by the following:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
Communications were read by the Clerk:
December 24, 1973
Mr. John Austin, Supervisor &
Members of the Queensbury Town Board
Dear Sirs:
Please be advised thatl wish to appoint the following for the year 1974':
Deputy Town Clerk and Deputy Registrar-Darleen Dougher -
Second- Deputy Town Clerk- Lois Chase
Third Deputy Town Clerk- James Fish who will
sell Conservation Licdnses only.
Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk
December 31, 1973
Town Board
Queensbury Town-Office Building
RD #1
Glens Falls, New York
I hereby appoint Janice Potter as my Deputy Receiver of Taxes and
Assessments for the year 1974.
Yours truly,
-- Betty Eggleston
Receiver of Taxes
January 1, 1974
Town Boar&
Town of Queensbury
Pursuant to Section 29, Subdivision 15, of the Town Law of the State
of New York, I hereby appoint Sylvia Dougher of East Sunnyside Road,
Queensbury as bookkeeper and confidential secretary.
Pursuant to Section 42 of said law, I hereby appoint Harold E. Robillard
of 1 Thomas Street, Queensbury as Deputy Supervisor.
With regards,
John Austin
January 1, 1974
Town Board
Town of Queenvbury
Pursuant to Section 32, subdivision 2, of the Town Law of the State
of New York, I hereby appoint Floyd Martindale of Farm-to-Market Road,
Queensbury as deputy Superintendent of highways of the Town of Queensbury.
Yours truly,
Carl A. Garb
Supt, of Highways
January 1,.. 1974
Town Board
Town of Queensbury
RD 1, Glens Falls, N.Y.
I hereby reappoint the following to the Queensbury Committee for
Community Beautification for the year 1974:
Carolyn Curran 8 Pershing Road
Judy Cushing Cleverdale
Robert L Eddy 17 Owen Ave.
Charles Houghton Roiling Ridge
Daniel C. Olson 29 Carlton Drive
Margaret Seney 8 Queenubury
Richard VanDusen Jr. West Mountain Road
I would ask the committee to reorganize for the year at the regularly
scheduled January meeting.
Very truly yours,
John Austin
January 1, 1974
Town Board
Town of Queensbury
RD 1 Glens Falls, N.Y.
Pursuant to Section 63 of the Town Law of the State of New York, I
hereby appoint the following committees to aid and assist the Town
Board in the performance of its duties during the year 1974, with the
first person named to serve as chairman in each case:
Highway (including Drainage) Streeter Barber
Water Supply Barber Robillard
Solid Waste Disposal Robillard Streeter
Sewerage Robillard Olson
Fire Protection Olson Austin
Police (including Traffic Safety) Robillard Barber
Cemeteries Streeter Olson
Town Development (including Streeter Austin
Planning, Zoning, Promotion)
Assessments Olson Robillard
Recreation Barber Olson
Beautification Olson Barber
Town Buildings Robillard Streeter
Lighting Olson Streeter
Libraries Streeter Barber
Elections Barber Olson
Health Barber Streeter
Insurance Austin Robillard
Personnel Barber Robillard
Legislative Robillard Austin
Senior Citizens Olson Austin
Bicentennial Celebration Streeter Austin
Your obedient serva nt
John Austin.
Mr. Austin spoke on the changes in the committees bringing out that by
changing the committees the councilmen will get a broader view of how
the town government functions.
In regard to announcments there was a report of an application to the
APA by a gentlemen from Nev Jersey for a conveyance of property in the
Plum Point area. This was referred to the Building Dept.
To: Queensbury Town Board
From: Robert A Reid, M.D.
Re: Annual Report of Health Officer
Early spring introduced a small outbreak of hepatitis in Queensbury
Verification of six cases was made; many other minor illnesses were
causing absenteeism at this time-leading to rumors of a pandemic of
hepatitis. With considerable difficulty panic was averted.
Perenial dog bites were of the usual concern. Ushering in the more exotic
was the first Animal Land monkey bite on 5/24/73. This beat the old
record by 6 days. On the very next day I received an inquiry as to what
to do if a child bites a dog. I forgot my exact advice, but- I, doubt that it
was strictly medical.
It is difficult to. convince people that the appearance of rusty water for
a few hours means nothing as far as contamination goes. It is
particularly difficult to prove this to a fellow-physician who took a
sample to the laboratory. So many germs were seen that considerable det-
ective work followed. It was shown that the waters contamination was due to
the container (peanut butter) in which the sample was taken. The Town's
water supply was proven satisfacbeyy when sterile eontainers were
used to check samples.
July's heat resulted in the expected complaints regarding septic tank
-- drainage and animal smells.
In September I received an inquiry from the State regarding my permitting
bounty to be paid for rattle-snakes. On close inspection the letter was
addredsed to me as Health Officer of Fort Ann. It took some three letters
to track down what this was about. It seems that two years ago I agreed that
rattlesnakes were a menace and that bounty might be the best way to
control their spread. I was quoted by a County Official in a bit of
lobbying.he was doing-and by error was referred to as the Health Officer o
in Fort Ann.
In October, November and December three additional cases of hepatitis
were reported among students at Queensbuhy.
Immunization clinics wee held at Queensbury School and a total of 1,991
immunizations were given to 1,427 students during the calendar year 1973.
Sincerely yours,
Robert A. Reid, M.D.
Health Officet, Town of Queensbur�ry
December 28, 1973
This is to advise you that effective January 1, 1974, the City of
Glens Falls is providing a "Lock-Up" in the city jail for those persons
properly arrested in the Town of Queensbury and awaiting arraignment.
This is to apply in all cases involving misdemeanors and violations, 1
but not in cases of felonies.
The following shall apply:
1. After 11:00 P.M. and prior to 9:00 A.M. the town justice shall
not be called in cases of misdemeanors and violations, but the "Lock-
Up" shall be used.
2. Prior to 11:00 P.M. and after 9:00 A.M. the Town Justices shall
be available.
. 3. All locked-up defendants shall be produced at the law office
�®- of the presiding town ,justice the following day at 9:00 A.M. or if not
w available at the office of the other town justice. Any defendants
locked up from Friday after 11:00 P.M. until 9:00 A.M. Monday shall
be ;produced at the Queensbury Town Office Building at 9:00 A.M. Monday
unless other arrangements are made with the presiding town justice.
In no event shall any phone call be made to the town justice between
the hours of 11:00 P.M. and 9:00.A.M.
4. Your attention is called to the Criminal Procedure Law Section
150.30 wherein pre-arraignment bail may be set:
a. Class A Misdemeanor: up to $500.00
b. Class B Misdemeanor: up to $250.00
c. Violation: up to $100.00
It is requested that every effort be made to use bail. As a guide line
the following is suggested:
1. D.W.I. out of state resident: $200.00
2. D.W.I. New York State resident $100.00
3. D.W.I. Local resident: 50.00
4. Speeding (50mph zone) 25.00
5. Speeding. (50mph zone) over 75 50.00
In all other cases it is suggested that local residents be given a
reasonable bail that can be posted. In the event bail is posted the
case shall be made returnable the following Monday at 9:OO A.M. unless
a holiday, in which event the case shall be made returnable on Tuesday
and the defendant shall be so advised. We, the town justices, further
authorize the police agency who is fixing the pre-arraignment bail j
and as an alternative to cash bail to release the defendant in the
custody of a responsible relative. This authority shall apply only
to defendants residing in a 25 mile radius of the Town of Queensbury.
For the purpose of obtaining bail or contacting a responsible relative
we, the town justices, direct the police agency fixing pre-arraignment
bail to permit the defendant to make reasonable phone calls` '
5. In felonies the town justice shall be called and depending on
the case, arraignment will be had at the town justices' residence or
at the Queensbury Town Office Building. If warranted (i.e. a serious
felony)it is suggested that either the District Attorney R. Case
Prime or the Assistant District Attorney for Queensbury, Michael J.
O'Connor be called and be present at the arraignment which, in that
event, would be at the Queensbury Town Office Building.
We Hope that the above will work to the satisfaction of all-
concerned and will eliminate the night-time arraignments. Any comments
or suggestions may be made to either of the town justices and every
effort will be made to make any indicated changes.
Very truly yours,
James A. Davidson, Town Justice
John S. Carusone, Town Justice
Mr. Austin made mention of a letter from Mr. Murphy of Murphy
Krens Associates, Planning Consultants urging a meeting with the
Town Board either on January 22 or 23.
Mr. Austin announce the appointment of Eileen Jameson a student at
St. Mary' s Academy who resides in the town and Debbie Roberts of
Haviland Road, Queensbury to the Bicentennial Committee.
December 27, 1973
Supervisor John Austin
Members of the Queensbury Town Board
Queensbury Town Hall RD #1
Glens Falls, New York, 12801
On behalf of the Geriatrics Foundation, Inc. and members of the Glens
malls Senior Citizens Center, I wish to extend- many thanks for the
allotment received from the Town of Queensbury.
Your check arrived at a time.when our finances were very low.
- With the support from the Town of Queensbury and the City of Glens
Falls, are are able to offer a greater variety of interesting
programs. One of the most important is our "hot meal" being served
to sixty-four members once a week.
Thank you for your continued interest. We look forward to many.more
accomplishments during the coming year.
Yours truly,
Edna Butler, Director
December 28, 1973
Queensbury Building and Zoning Dept. 1973 Report
to- Queensbury Town Board
The Queensbury Building Dept. issued 630 permits and made 1430
inspections, including complaints and vi&lations in 1973 comparable
to 700 permits and 1269 inspections in 1972. We processed 75 Variances
requested in 1973 compared to 68 requests in 1972. Many of the. Planning
Board and Zoning Board of Appeals hearings lasted until midnight and
later. I commend these two boards for their outstanding services to the
town of Queensbury.
The Building Dept. has undertaken sanitary surveys of the lakes,
lighting district assistance with Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. . , and the
almost impossible task of street numbering in 1973.
I recommend that, (1. ) a secretary be provided for the Planning Board
to relieve the Building Dept. part-time secretary of this chore;
(2.) a uniform numbering system is urgently needed; (3. ) a part-time
man is needed to be shared with engineering and to be familiar with
Building Dept. office and field routine. This will also serve to have
a smooth transition when our personnel are changed; (4. ) a full time
secretary to keep the Building Dept. open Red and I must be in the field.
The part time secretary ** is insufficient at present to meet the
present demand. (5. ) a vehicle for the Building Inspector is needed to
alleviate the use of my personal car and the added bookkeeping of
mileage which is in many cases forgotten. There are many times when
one man is crowded with inspections and complaints and a second vehicle
is needed.
Red and I.have attended several seminars during the year. These seminars
have been very helpful in the department.
The new year will present more problems with the energy crisis.
The Building Dept. will cooperate with the Town Board to resolve these
I wish the Town Board members .and their families a happy and prosperous
New Year.
George Liapes
Building Inspector
The following is a breakdown and comparison report of interest
earned on Certificates of Deposit during the year 1973 compared to 1972
FUND 1972 1973
General Town Fund $ 149755.76 $ 192016.36
Highway Fund _2,595.75 61095.75
Pine View Cemetery Account 702.63 19490.87
South Queensbury Water District 840.68 1,162.49
West Glens :Falls Water District 94.51 ---------
eensbury Water District 297.40 283.33
So. Oueensbury Water Dist. Bond Acc t 49788.95 81288.60
Queensbury Fire Protection District 655.66 690.42
Pershing Ashley Coolidge Sewer Dist. 23.30 ----------
So. Queensbury Lighting Dist, 59.49 112.49
So. .Queensbury Water Dist. #2 19559.37
Queensbury Drainage Dist. 22.50
Reservoir Park Sewer Dist. 57.48
Highway Garage Construction Acct 79224.78
So. Queensbury Water #2 Bond Acct 4,450.26
Capital Fund (Pine View Roads) 886.03 809.67
West Queensbury Lighting District 57.61 86.99
Queensbury Lighting District 21312.11
Revenue Sharing 59513.34
TOTALS $ 25,837.75 $ 59,096.83
This shows an increase of $33,259.08 over 1972.
Mr. Austin gave. a report of the report of interest and commended--
Mrs. Sylvia Dougher for her fine work.
Town Supervisor
January 1, 1974
Town Board Members and Fellow Citizens:
The Town of Queensbury has seen improvements in many .
areas during the year 1973, but I will not attempt to itemize
them. Rather, on this day, it is fitting to plan for 1974
and beyond.
From a financial viewpoint, the Town's General Fund
stands at the end of 1973 with a surplus of $242,000. The
Highway Fund and the accounts of all special districts are
in balance, except for the Cemetery Fund with a surplus of
$18,000, which is $8,000.more than anticipated. In the
1974 budget, the Town Board has appropriated $150,000 of the
General Fund surplus to finance operations in the coming
year, resulting in a reduction of the Town tax. We also begin
1974 with a substantial surplus in anticipated revenues,
through receipt of our share of sales tax monies. It is my
recommendation that the Town Board appropriate a portion of
this surplus to the proposed police-highway building. If the
Town receives a fair price for the property on which the
present highway sheds are located, it is very possible that
the new facility, which will cost approximately $500,000, can
be constructed without indebtedness.
Several projects and changes have been planned during
1973 for implementation in 1974. These include:
1.Continuation rehabilitation of major town highways.
2.Expansion of police patrols.
3. Employment of full-time court clerk
4. Implementation of a purchase requisition system.
5. Using a time-card system for all hourly employees.
6. Implementation of the county revaluation program.
7. Using the payroll system, rather than voucher, for
compensation of all employees.
8. Employment of full-time clerk in assessor' s office
9. Implementing contract with City of Glens Fal10. for
use of the cit' s lockup facility.
10. Planning for the American Bicente4nisl celebration
in the Town.
11. Increased aid to libraries
12. Contracting for service by Chamber of Commerce.
-I would recommend the following as Town goals for 1974:
.1. Construct and place in operation a police-highway facility behind
the present Town -Office Building. .
.2. Complete the water improvement program construction, including
filtration plant on .Hudson River and West Queensbury mains; make an
-efficient transition to the new source of supply; revise water .rates.
3. Determine the form of and act to establish the North Queensbury
Sewer District on Lake George.
4. Make efforts to implement the Bend of the River Sewer Project
Project through communication with other municipalities and State and
Federal agencies; explore the possibility of independent action that could
eventually tie in to an intermunicipal system
5. Complete the townwide rezoning program, including adoption of a re-
vised zoning ordinance, subdivision regulations, sign ordinance, mobile
home ordinance and procedural manual.
6. Evaluate and implement recommendations of fire protection study com-
7. Formulate and adopt a town vehicle and traffic code, including up-
date of stop-sign ordinance and recommendations to the State Department
of Transportation of needed speed-limit areas.
8. Formulate a plan for recreational development in the Town, including
�-- determination of future of Gurney Lane Park; designation and acquisition
of other sites, and undertaking of joint recreation programs with the
City of Glens Falls.
9. Implement municipally sponsored bus service to the business center
and key areas of Queensbury and to the City of Glens Falls.
10. Undertake a comprehensive Halfway Brook drainage study, hopefully
with the cooperation of Warren County, leading to reclamation of swamp
land and easing of drainage problems north and east of Glens Falls.
11. Eliminate special lighting districts; formulate and adopt a town
wide street-lighting policy.
12. Embark on joint landfill program with the City of Glens Falls, in-
cluding revision of rate structure, improvement of facilities, and
enactment of environmental protective measures; close the City of Glens
Falls landfill on Luzern Road.
13. Make a Town communications study, toward the eventual goal of a
round-the-clock dispatch system for police, fire, and other Town agencies.
14. Complete a study, through the Beautification Committee, leading toga
uniform street signing system in the Town; implementing the system in
South Queensbury and Western Park.
15. Restore abandoned cemeteries upon recommendations of Cemetery Com-
mission and Bicentennial Committee.
16. Co mp Y� P policy•Compile sidewalk and street island inventor adopt town olic and
17. Make inventory of town-owned real property from records in Warren
County Clerk' s Office, together with inventory of other fixed assets.
18. Improve senior citizen programs by applying for state funds for
assistance to present programs in Glens Falls and Lake George.
19. Adopt a utility ordinance.
20. Revise and upgrade town ordinance regulating private sewer systems.
21. Authorize a study by municipal agencies of the impact of additional
multi-fmily residential and commercial development in the Town.
22. Build a fire road between Sherman Avenue and Luzerne Road west of the
23. Formulate and publish a Town promotional brochure.
24. Arrange for proper display of the Queensbury Patent, the Abraham Wing
diary, and the first munute book of the Town; catalogue town records in
the vault.
25. Standardize tax maps for use by town agencies, particularly the
Planning and Zoning boards.
I wish to extend thanks to everyone associated with the government
of Queensbury. I have known nothing but cooperation and good will during
my year as your Town Supervisor.
To all the residents and friends of Queensbury.
Happy New Year!
John Austin
Mr. Austin after giving his report and making a few additional
comments regarding his report wished everyone a happy New Year.
He asked the board if they had any comments.
The meeting was opened to the public.
Mrs. Gordon Streeter praised Mr. Austin for his fine report.
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted-,
Donald A. Chase
Town Clerk