1974-01-10 IS REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 10, 1974 MEMBERS PRESENT: John Austin Supervisor Daniel Olson Councilman Robert Barber Councilman Harold Robillard Councilman Gordon Streeter Councilman J. David Little Town Counsel Guests: Lee Coleman, Thomas Flaherty, Lloyd Demboski, Carl Garb — Salute to the. Fag. Meeting Opened 7 :32 P.M. Bid Opening: Notice of Hearing read. . .Used Hydraulic Excavator J. C. George Equipment Corp. 99 Cordell Road Schenectady, New York 12304 $56, 835. 00 Supervisor Austin: referred the atrove bid to the Highway Superfttendent for his recommendation. . . ANNOUNCEMENTS: -January 17, 1974-The Town Board meeting will be held at 7: 30 P.M. at the Town Highway Garage-note the need for a new highway and police facility. . . -Note the Town Water Dist. will be selling bond anticipation notes- 2, 605,000. O0 dollars. . .Jan.29, 1974 it New York City. . . . -An Adirondack Park Agency Hearing was held at the Municipal Center January 8, 1974. . .attending, Supervisor Austin, Councilman Streeter, J. Arthur Norton;Chairman of Planning Board, Town Engineer, Raymond Buckley: Councilman Streeter noted that cooperation between the Towns and the A.P.A. is nedded. . . -The week of January 14-18, 1974 the J. M. Clemshaw re-appraisal corporation will be holding hearings on the revaluation of the Town. . . -- -David Kingsley of Troop #16 Boy Scouts of America made a sign damage survey for the Town of Queensbury Supervisor Austin noted the Town' s appreciation for the long and hard work, this involved. Town of Queensbury Receiver of Taxes and Assessments January 1, 1973 to December 31, 1973 RECEIPTS: Water Districts Queensbury $ 97 ,242. 21 Shore Colony 690. 00 West Glens Falls 3, 862 .97 South Queensbury 25 ,718. 62 Taxes $ 127 ,513.80 Town & County 831, 116.37 School-Lake Geo. 503, 201. 36 Queens. 1,809, 588. 65 Hudson Falls 1 ,988.48 3, 145 , 894. 86 Penalties Water 872. 72 Town & County 949.25 School 2 ,274. 57 4, 096.54 Total Receipts $3, 277,505 . 20 PAYMENTS : Supervisor. . . 846, 622 . 15 Co. Treasurer 116, 104. 56 Lake Geo. School 506,201. 36 Queensbury School 1,809,588. 65 Hudson Falls School 1 ,988.48 Total Payments $3,277 , 505.20 V Dated: Dec. 13, 1973 Betty Eggleston Rec. of taxes & Assessments Town and County Taxes Tax Levy of 1972 for Tax Year 1973 Amount of Warrant $1,506, 029 . 73 Less : Collector' s payments of Supervisor $715 ,011. 81 Collector' s payments ot. Treasurer 116 ,104. 56 Taxes collected by Treasurer 81,950. 55 j 913 ,066. 92 Total returned taxes Union Free and Central Shhools 1973-1974 Am' t of Total Taxes Taxes Tax Levy Collected Returned Lake George Central $ 542 , 165.43 $ 503, 201. 36 $ 38, 964. 07 Union Free School 1, 954,530. 26 1,809,588. 65 144, 941. 61 Hudson Falls Central 2, 205 . 64 1,988.48 217 .16 $2,498,901. 33 $2, 314, 778.49 $ 184,122.84 Respectfully submitted, is/ Betty Eggleston Receiver of Taxes & Assess. Report of the Town Historian -1973 My activities during the year 1973 have consisted mainly of accumulating whatever information that could be found con- cerning the Town of Queensbury that made news in 1973, but events that have already become history - This has been mainly - by clipping the "Post Star & Times" and "The "Tri County News" , and some other sources. What remains to be done is to develop an Ideal filing system for this information - a system that when started now will be useful to Town Historians and others in the years to come. I intend to work with Supervisor Austin and the Town Clerk regarding this. I have answered correspondence and telephone communications regarding the office thorough. this year. As we approach the Sesqui Centennial Year 1976 I presume that the activities of the Historian will increase and may take on a more important sole. John 0. Webster Historian -The Dog Warden' s Report for the month of December was filed. . . January 2 , 1974 T0: Town Board RE : Yearly Report 1973 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Complaints Answered 673 Dogs Picked up 206 Miles Traveled 16, 511 Respectfully submitted, James Davison /s/ -The Town Clerk's monthly report j6r December 1973 is on file. January 2, 1974 The following is a list of activities in the Office of the Town Clerk during the Year 1973: Licenses Sold: 1819 Male and Spayed Female Dogs 197 Female Dogs 40 Kennel Dogs 7 Kennel Licenses 40 Lost & Transfer 4 Transfer to New Owner 997 Resident Fishing Licenses 299 Resident Hunting Licanses 486 Hunting & Fishing Licenses Res. 1064 ResidetLtsBig Games Lic 1 Void Big game Licenses 89 Archery Licenses 4 Lost Licenses Certificates 19 Trapping Licenses 42 Non-Resident Fishing Licenses 33 Non-Resident 6 Day Fishing Licenses 12 Non-Resident Hunting Licenses 11 Non-Resident Big Game Licenses 34 Free Fishing Licenses 59 Free Hunting Licenses 54 Free Big Game Licenses 102 Marriage Licenses 170 License & Ordinance Permits 12 Search & Certified Copies 1 Delinquent Dog Report Fees paid to the Supervisor as a result of the sale of Conservation Licenses : $ 788. 50 Dog Licenses: 525. 00 Marriage Licenses: 255. 00 Search & Certified Copies : 24. 00 License and Ordinance Permits : 7,290. 36 `— Del:hquent Dog Report: 32. 50 Paid to the County Clerk for Conservation L'iienses $ 14,471.50 Park and Recreation-Snowmobiles permits : 96.00 County Treasurer-Dog Licenses : 4,939.00 Dept. of Health for Marriage Licenses : 51.00 RAspectfully submitted, /s/ Donald A. Chase Town Clerk BUILDING & ZONING DEPARTMENT SUPERVISOR'S REPORT Month December 1973_ Twelfth Month Number Number of of Permits Amount Permits Amount ONE FAMILY 8 $268,000.00 136 $3,597 ,850.00 MULTIPLE FAMILY 1 25 ,000.00 Moved Dwelling OTHER: `tment s Commercial 0 000. 00 8 1 467 000.00 Non-Resident'ia .0 easona a ings Motels 2 355 000.00 PuBlix Works Garages 2 7,000. 00 59 97, 949.00 Signs 2 81 Alterations 2 11,000. 00 106 824,086.00 Sewage Systems 5 141 g Number of Number of Permits Amount Permits Amount Mobile Homes 19 Demolition 16 POOLS 24 Totals 20 $346,000.00 627 $6, 624,834.00 Month of December 1973 Twelfth Month 90 Field Inspections 1413 Feild Inspections 12 Violations Cited 132 Violations Cited 11 Violations Abated 118 Violations Abated 0 Court Actions 11 Court Actions i $288. 00 Total Fees for month $16,866.38 Total Fees-Year.--� Mileage Reading in Dec. 1973 - 11722 Respectfully submitted, Reading in Nov. , 1973- 10770 /s/ Total miles - 1062 Dec. , 1973 George P. Liapes Building Inspector Town of Queensbury John S . Carusone, Town Justice Annual Report 1973 Month # Cases Amt. Fines & Forfietures JANUARY 84 & 805. 00 FEBRUARY 88 1,279.00 MARCH . 111 2, 235. 00 APRIL 152 2,479. 00 MAY 79 1, 765. 00 JUNE 123 2, 127 . 00 JULY 101 1 ,520. 00 AUGUST 128 1,862. 50 SEPTEMBER 118 1 ,955. 00 OCTOBER 158 2, 969.00 NOVEMBER 112 1, 925 . 00 DECEMBER 110 1,537 . 00 TOTALS 1364 19, 921. 50 Respectfully submitted, John S. Carusone Queensbury Town Justice James A. Davidson, Town Justice Annual Report 1973 Month # Cases Amt. Fines & Forfietures JANUARY 204 $ 2969. 00 FEBRUARY 76 1280.00 MARCH 127 1485.00 APRIL 132 2090.00 MAY 155 2065. 00 JUNE 146 2060. 00 JULY 184 2669.00 AUGUST 65 1102. 00 SEPTEMBER 130 1317 . 00 OCTOBER 117 1445. 00 NOVEMBER 120 885. 00 DECEMBER 111 1734. 60 TOTALS 1567 $11, 101. 60 Respectfully submitted, James A. Davidson Queensbury Town Justice Annual Report 1973 Cemetery Commission Town of Queensbury Balance January 1, 1973 $ 149221. 79 j Receipts Sale of Lots $ 9,465. 00 Interments 9,035.00 Foundations, 1,570. 00 V Vault Rent 175 . 00 Investment Income-Coupons & Bond Interest $�8 Disbursements Supervisor, Town of Queensbury 75% Sale of Lots $ 7,098. 75 Interments 9,035.00 Foundations 1,570.00 Vault Rent 175 .00 Receipts $23, 122.50 Disbursements 17 878. 75 5,243. 75 Balance January 1, 1973 $14,221. 79 9,4657T Purchase Pacific Telephone & 10,297.22 Telegraph 7k % Registered Bonds 9, 168. 32 Balance as per Bank Account January 2, 1974 $ 9, 168. 32 Investments as of January 1, 1974 $1000. 00 Central New York Power Corp. Bond 1000. 00 General Motors Acceptance Corp. Bond 1000. 00 General Motors Acceptance Corp. Bond 10000. 00 Detroit Edison Co. Mrtg. Bond 10000.80 Philadelphia Electric Co. Mrtg. Bond 5000. 00 Philidelphia Electric Co. Mrtg. Bond 10000. 00 Pacific Tel. & Tel Bond 13073. 29 Premium Svts. Acct. First National Bank of Glens Falls 10884. 56 Super Svgs. Acct. Glens Falls National Bank Respectfully Submitted, /s/ F.L. Cowles, Treasurer -Supervisor's Monthly Statement was read and filed: Total Receipts : 688, 237. 22 Total Disbursements : 530, 698.56 RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE TRANSFER AND AMEND APPROPRIATIONS IN THE GENERAL FUND FOR 1173 RESOLUTION NO, 31, Introduced by Mr. John Austin who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber: WHEREAS, there remains unappropriated money in the General Town Fund for 1973 and various accounts will be over expended, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the following transfers and appropriations of surplus funds be made: A1110 Justice Account-Transfer $180.00 from A1110.1 to A1110.4 thereby decreasing . 1 to $12 ,920.00 and increasing 4 to $1 780.00. A1330. Tax Collector-Appropriate from surplus funds $783 .17 as 20 follows: $633.21 to A1330. 1 increasing to $7 ,333. 21. $120. 00 to A1330.2 increasing to $120. 00. $29. 96 to A1330.4 increasing to $2,929.96. A1355 Assessor - Transfer 195. 00 from A1355.4 to A1355.1 and appropriate surplus of $119. 00 to A1355 . 1 thereby decreasing A1355.4 to $1, 105.00 and increasing A1355. 1 to $12,314. 00. A1410. 1 Town Clerk - Appropriate from surplus funds $4,711. 00 as follows : A1410. 1 $2,779. 00 increasing to $14,078.00. A1410.4 $1,932.00 to $5,032. 00. A1420 Attorney - Appropriate from surplus funds $10,696.35 as follows: A1420.4 $10, 696.35 increased to $16,696. 35. A1440 Engineer - Appropriate from surplus funds as follows : A1440. 1 $7 ,750. 00. A1440.4 $983. 35 increased to $4,783. 35 . A1450 Elections - Transfer $141. 96 from A1450.4 to A1450.1 $242. 85 from A1450.4 to A1450. 2 ; also appropriate surplus funds of $1, 742. 92 to A1450. 2 thereby increasing A1450. 1 to $7, 341.96; increasing A1450. 2 to $2, 485. 77 and decreasing A1450.4 to $415.19. A1620 Shared Services - Transfer $4,003. 26 from A1620.1 to A1620.4; $94.04 from A1620. 2 to A1620.4; also appropriate from surplus funds $3, 190.64 to A1620. 4 thereby decreasing A1620.1 to $9,496.74; A1620. 2 to $1,905. 96. and increasing A1620.4 to $16,287. 94 A3120 Police - Transfer $599. 65 from A3120.4 to A3120.2 thereby decreasing A3120.4 to $8,983. 78 and increasing A3120. 2 to $3,599.65. A3310 Traffic Control - Appropriate from surplus funds $928. 31 to A3310.4 thereby increasing appropriation to $3,928. 31. A3510 Dog Warden - Transfer $500.00 from A3510. 2 to A3510. 1 and appropriate surplus funds of $883. 02 as follows : $472.33 to A3510. 1; $410. 69 to A3510.4 thereby decreasing A3510. 2 to $0. and increasing A3510.1 to $5,972. 33; A3510.4 to $2,410. 69. A5182.4 Street Lighting - Appropriate surplus funds of $6,143.39 - to A5182.4 thereby increasing appropriation to $14,143. 39. A7310 Youth Program (Recreation) - Transfer $928. 57 from A7310. 2 to A7310. 1; $1,071.43 from A7310. 2 to A7310.4; also appropriate surplus funds of $664. 36 to A7310. 4 thereby decreasing A7310.2 to $0 and increasing A7310.1 to $19,928. 57; A7310.4 to $5 , 725. 79. A8010 Zoning - Appropriate surplus of $65. 56 increasing A8010.4 to $1,065.56. A8020 Building/Zoning - Transfer $101. 20 from A8020. 1 to A8020.4; $192. 54 from A8020. 2 to A8020.4; also appropxiate surplus funds of $196.081, to A8020.4 thereby decreasing A8020. 1 fo $19, 548. 80; A8020.2 to 03 ,141.46 and increasing A8020. 4 to $3, 739. 82. A8160 Refuse and Garbage - Appropriate surplus funds $10,796. 57 as follows : A8160. 1 $5 ,056. 03 increased to $24, 356. 03; A8160.4 $5 , 740. 54 in- creased to $8,740. 54 A9000 Employee Benefits - Appropriate surplus of $486.91 to A9030. 8 Social Security increasing to $13,586. 91. Transfer $189.00 from A9015.8 Police Retirement to A9060. 8 Hospitalization, and appropriate surplus of $2 ,099.16 to A9060. 8 thereby decreasing A9015. 8 to $3,611. 00 and increasing A9060. 8 to $10, 288.16. A9730. 6 appropriate $15 ,675. 00 surplus to indebtedness to pay Bond Anticipation Notes in full, thereby increasing A9730. 6 to $18,150. 00. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin. Noes: None. Absent: None. RESOLUTION TO AMEND APPROPRIATIONS IN THE QUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 32 , introduced by Mr. Olson who moved its adoption, tsecon e y Mr. Streeter. WHEREAS due to increased unanticipated expense in the Queensbury Water District and revenues not being received as anticipated, it has been necessary to borrow from the General Fund and increase appropriations as follows : APPROPRIATIONS INCREASED BY TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS SW1 8310.4 $ 965. 00 $ 2,465.00 SW1 8320.1 3,000.00 16,000. 00 SW1 8320. 2 825.00 1,275.00 SW1 8320.4 9,500.00 23,100. 00 SW1 8340. 1 4,200. 00 48 ,432. 72 SW1 8340. 2 1900.00 6,900. 00 SW1 8340. 4 8500.00 34, 918. 70 SW1 9060. 8 600. 00 3, 536.77 and be it further RESOLVED, to transfer $5000. 00 from SW1 8330. 1 to SW1 8340. 1 thereby decreasing SW1. 8330. 1 from $13,000 to $8,000.00 and increasing SWl SWl 8340. 1 from $48,432.72 to $53,432. 72 ; slso transfer $200. 00 from SW1 8330. 2 to SW1 8330.4 decreasing SW1 8330. 2 from $200 to $0 and increasing SW1 8330. 4 from $3,900 to $4,100. 00; also transfer $402 from SW 9010. 8 to SW 9030. 8 and $194. 51 from SW1 9040. 8 to 9030. 8 thereby decreasing SW 9010.8 from $5,044. 00 to $4,642. 00 and 9040. 8 from $1052.51 to $858.00 and increasing SW1 9030. 8 from $44. 55. 95 to $5052.46. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin. Noes : None. Absent: Ndne. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE TRANSFER AND AMEND APPROPRIATIONS IN THE VARIOUS WATER DISTRICTS RESOLUTION NO. 33, introduced by Mr. Barber who moved its adoption seconded y r. ustin. WHEREAS , there remains unappropriated miney in the Water Districts for 1973 and various accounts will be over expended, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the following transfers and appropriations of surplus funds be made: $490. 50 be transferred from SW2 8320.4 (South Queensbury) to SW2 8310.4 thereby decreasing SW2 8320.4 to $49, 509. 50 and increase SW2 8310.4 to $4, 490. 50 also transfer $819. 33 from SW3 8340.4 (West Glens Falls) to SW3 8320.4 and appropriate surplus of $200.47 to SW3 8320.4 i thereby increasing SW3 8320.4 to $5,019. 80 and decreasing SW3 8340.4 to $530. 67; also transfer $18. 00 from SW4 8340.4 (Shore Colony) to SW4 8320.4 thereby increasing SW4 8320.4 to $68. 00 and decreasing SW4 8340.4 to $1,012. 00; also, transfer $50. 00 from SW8 (So. 1ueensbury Water Extension #2) SW8 9730. 7 to SW8 8340. 4 thereby decreasing SW8 9730. 7 to $17, 950. 00 and increasing SW8 8340.4 to $250. 00. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin. Noes : None. Absent: None. RESOLUTION REGARDING UNPAID OBLIGATIONS OF 1973 RESOLUTION N0. 34 introduced by Mr. Robillard who moved its adoption seconded by Mt. Barber. RESOLVED, pursuant to Section 110 of the Town Law of the State of New York, the attached lists of unpaid obligations as of December 31, 1973, for various departments of the Town of Queensbury are hereby accepted and filed, and the applicable appropriations account balances are encumbered to the extent of such unpaid obligations. PDuly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barbef, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin. Noes : None. Absent: None./ / SUMMARY OF YEAR END BALANCES 1973 REVENUE STARING $ 92, 991.51 under Certificate of Deposit S GENERAL TOWN FUND Bank Balance $ 91,877.82 Certificate 100,000. 00 Loan Water 50,800. 00 Loan Fire Dist. 1, 351. 09 Total $244,028. 91 Encumbered $ 12,386. 08 Budget Ant. 150,250. 00 Surplus Balance $81 ,392.83 HIGHWAY FUND Bank Balance $ 13 ,114. 85 Encumbered 2,920. 79 DE Road Improv. 9, 720. 00 Surplus Balance $474. 06 PINEVIEW CEMETERY Bank Balance $ 2 ,463.55 Certificate 18 ,000. 00 Total $ 20,463.55 Encumbered 55. 30 Budget Ant. 10,018.00 Surplus $ 10,390.25 QUEENSBURY WATER Bank Balance $ 15, 037. 71 Encumbered 543.51 No Balance surplus due to loan to be paid to General Town Fund. SOUTH QUEENSBURY WATER Bank Balance $ 8,220. 85 To be transferred to Queensbury Water South Queensbury Water #2 Bank Balance $ 6,231.31 To be transferred to Queensbury Water Budget anticipated a balance of $15,000. 00 from these districts for the Queensbury Water District Total will be $14,452.16 WEST GLENS FALLS WATER Bank Balance $ 577. 65 Budget Anticipated $1,000.00 SHORE COLONY Bank Balance $ 750.85 Budget Anticipated $1,000. 00 SOUTH QUEENSBURY WATER # 2 BOND ACCOUNT $67 ,829. 78 under Certificate of Deposit FORT AMHERST GARRISON ROAD LIGHTING Bank Balance $259. 96 Budget Anticipated $ None CLEVERDALE LIGHTING Bank Balance $16. 80 Budget Anticipated $ None PINEWOOD LIGHTING Bank Balance $ 26. 09 Budget Anticipated $10. 00 Surplus $16.09 SOUTH QUEENSBURY LIGHTING Bank Balance $749. 68 Budget Anticipated $None WEST QUEENSBURY LIGHTING Bank Balance $346. 36 Budget Anticipated $None QUEENSBURY LIGHTING Bank Balance $ 33,858. 11 Budget Anticipated $31,400. 0 Surplus $ 2 ,458. 11 WEST GLENS FALLS WATER EXT. # 1 Bank Balance $ 3. 16 Budget Anticipated $ None SOUTH QUEENSBURY WATER BOND ACCOUNT$126,453. 29 under Certificate of Deposit QUEENSBURY WATER STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION $251 ,497. 28 $250,000. 00 Under Certificate of Deposit QUEENSBURY FIRE PROTECTION $ None Anticipated $ None law PERSHING ASHLEY COOLIDGE SEWER Bank Balance $331.44 Budget Anticipated $ None PERSHING ASHLEY COOLIDGE SEWER EXT # 4 Bank Balance $101. 50. Budget Anticipated $ None RESERVOIR PARK SEWER DISTRICT Bank Balance $740. 03 Budget Anticipated $700.00 Surplus $40. 03 QUEENSBURY DRAINAGE Bank Balance $602. 85 Anticipated $ None `— CABITAL FUND ( Pine View Roads) $6860.46 Under Certificate of Deposit HIGHWAY GARAGE CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT $103, 195. 32 Under Certificate of Deposit. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE CONTRACT WITH MOUNTAINSIDE FREE LIBRARY RESOLUTION NO. 35, introduced by Mr. Barber who moved its adoption seconded y r. treeter. WHEREAS, th:E. 1974 budget of the Town of Queensbury provides for an item of $250. 00 to be paid to the trustees of Mountainside Free Library in return for which said trustees will furnish library services to the residents of said town; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that a contract between said town and said trustees for furnishing such service during the year 1974 is hereby approved, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract on behalf of the Town, and that a copy of such contract duly executed, shall be filed with the Town Clerk. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin. Noes : None. Absent: None. RESOLUTION TO RENEW CONTRACT WITH ABALENE PEST CONTROL, INC. RESOLUTION NO. 36, introduced by Mr. Robillard, who moved its adoption seoonded by Mr. Olson. WHEREAS, the present contract between the Abalene Pest Control Service, Inc. , and the Town of Queensbury for extermination of rats and rodents at the Town Refuse Disposal Area on Ridge Road expired December 3, 1973, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the contract with Abalene Pest Control, for extermination of rats and rodents at the Town Refuse Disposal Area for a stipulated fee of $240. 00 per year payable at $20. 00 per month, for a period commencing December 3, 1973 and ending December 3, 1974 be and the same is hereby approved and be it further RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized and directed to sign such contract on behalf of the Town of Queensbury. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mre.Barber, Mr. Robillard; Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin. k-- Noes : None. Absent: None. RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT A DEED FOR A HIGHWAY RESOLUTION NO. 37 introduced by Mr. Streeter who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Olson. WHEREAS, HENRY J. SLEIGHT AND J. FLOYD SLEIGHT IiAve executed and offered a Deed for Town roadways which is described in Schedule "A" attached hereto and made part hereof, and WHEREAS, Carl A. Garb, Superintendent of Highways , hashdvised that he recmmmends to this Board that it accept this land for highway purposes as an addition to the Town Highway system, and WHEREAS, said Deed has been approved by J. David Little , Esquire , Counsel to the Town Board, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the aforementioned Deed be and the same is hereby authorized and approved, and the Town Board is hereby authorized and directed to cause said Deed to be recorded in the Warren County Clerk' s Office, after which said Deed shall be properly filed in the office of the Town Clerk, and be it further RESOLVED, that this new road is hereby added to the official inventory of Town Highways, and described as follows : 31 g Road No. Description: Name: "-a t{Q J Ff Mileage: Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin. Noes : None. Absent: None. RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BID FOR USED HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR RESOLUTION NO. 38, introduced by Mr. Robillard who moved its adoption seconded y Mr. 7ust in. WHEREAS, Carl A. Garb, Superintendent of Highways for the Town of Queensbury recommended that the Town Board advertise for bids for a Used Hydraulic Excavator and one bid was received and approved on January 10, 1974 from J.C. Georg Co. , the amount being $56,835. 00, now, therefore be its__ RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of Mr. Garb the Town Board accept the bid of J.C. Georg Co. at a price of $56,835. 00. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes : None. Absent: None. After a brief recess the Town Board proceeded to audit the books of the different departments of the Town. RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS RESOLUTION N0. 39, introduced by Mr. Olson who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Austin. RESOLVED, that the Audit of Bills as listed in Abstract No. 74-1 numbered 1 thru 73 totaling $90, 646. 89 is hereby approved. Duly .adopted by the following vote: a Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin. Noes : None. Absent: None. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectively submit- ted, Donald A. Chase, Town . Clerk