1974-06-13 114 RESOLUTION NO. 147, Introduced by Mr.Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, seconded y Mr. KObert Barb*w: RESOLVED, that the Audit of Bills as listed in Abstract No. 74-5A numbered 656 totaling $2714 00;is Norgy aroRavF-D, Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrr Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes: None Absent: None On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk REGULAR MEETING JUNE 13, 1974 MEMBERS PRESENT: John Austin Supervisor Daniel Olson Councilman Robert Barber Councilman Harold Robillard Councilman Gordon Streeter Councilman J. David Little Town Counsel Salute to the Flag. . . . Meeting Opened 7 :30 P.M. GUESTS : George Liapes , Harold Boynton, Ray Buckley, Craig Johnson, Lee Coleman, Mr. Sumner, Mr.Mabb, Mrs. Hayes, Mr. Hermance, Wayne Judge, Bob Hedore, Pat Nado, Kob Kelley, Marilyn Tallon, Gail Connors, Dick Connors, Paul Pidgeon, Alfred Greeno, Mr. Eddy, Tom Gorman, Mr. Yankowitz, Putlic Hearing of Stephen Sumner of Pasco Avenue to locate a Mobile Home on Pasco Avenue. . .Notice Shown. . .Mr. Sumner was present. . . Building Inspector-approved application. . .Hearing Opened 7 : 32 P.M. no one spoke. . .Closed 7 : 33 P.M. (Owner of Property Charles Sumner) RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PERMIT FOR MOBILE HOME RESOLUTION N0. 148, Introduced by Mr. John Austin who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber: WHEREAS, Stephen Sumner has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled; ORDIN- ANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home at property situated at Pasco Avenue, and WHEREAS, this town board has conducted a public hearing in connection with said application and has heard all persons dedring to be heard in favor of or against said application, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said applica- tion and at said public hearing are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit requested by aaid application, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, permission is hereby given to Stephen Sumner to locate a mobile home at property situated at Pasco Avenue, and that the Building Inspector is here- by authorized and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and conditions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following vote: --° Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes: None Absent: None Public Hearing of Rose Mary Mabb of Pasco Avenue to locate a Mobile Home on Pasco Avenue owner of Property Cora Mebb, hardship reasons shown- Building Inspector recommended approval- Mrs.Mabb was present-Hearing opened 7 : 34 P.M. no one spoke Closed 7: 35 P.M. Notice Shown. . . RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PERMIT FOR MOBILE HOME RESOLUTION N0. 144, Introduced by Mr.Harold Robillard who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber: WHEREAS, Rose Mary Mabb has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled; ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home at proms_ rty situated at ,Pasco Avenue, and WHEREAS;. thi9 T'Wh B6ARd HAS d6ffllUcted a public hearing in connection with said application and has heard all persons desiring to be heard in favor of or against said application, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application and at said public hearing are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit requested by said application, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, permission is hereby given to Rose May Mabb to locate a mobile home at property situated at Pasco Avenue, and that the Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and conditions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrr Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes! None Absent: None Public Hearing of George Hack to locate a mobile home on Pasco Avenue on property owned by Mr. Hack-Building Inspector recommended-"Mr. & Mrs. George Hack promised that if this permit is granted that the lot will always be kept clean. " Notice was shown. Mr. Hack was present. . . Opened-7 : 36 P.M. no one spoke Closed 7 :37 P.M. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PERMIT FOR MOBILE HOME RESQLUTI NO- Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber: WHEREAS, George Hack has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled; ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBILE HOMES AND MOBILE HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUERNSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobil& home at property situated at Pasco' Avenue, and WHEREAS, this town board has conducted a public hearing in connection with said application and has heard all persons desiring to be heard in favor of or against said application, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application and at said public hearing are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit requested by said Application, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, permission is hereby given to George Hack to locate a mobile homme at pro- perty situated at Pasco Avenue, and that the Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and conditions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Ausiinn Noes : None Absent: None Mobile Home Public Hearing of Dorothy Anne Hayes of 25 Woodland Path to locate a mobiti home on Eisenhower Avenue-Notice was shown-Mrs . Hayes was present- Building Inspector recommended approval- Hardship shown. . . Opened: 7: 37 P.M. no one spoke Closed 7: 38 P.M. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PERMIT FOR MOBILE HOME RESOLUTION NO_J..5 L Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber: WHEREAS, Dorothy Anne Hayes has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled; ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF MOBTLL HOMES AND MOBILE 116 HOME COURTS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to lobate a mobile home at property situated at Eisenhower Avenue, and WHEP,EAS, tEiiS.tk5ft-,iBO&&dDhas conducted a public hearing in connection with said application and has heard all persons desiring to be heard in favor of oraagainst said application, and WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said application and at said public hearing are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit requested by said application, therefore be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance, permission is hereby given to Dorothy Anne Hayes to locate a mobile home at property situated at Eisenhower Avenue, and that the Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and conditions of said ordinance. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes : None Absent: None Application of Harold L. Hermance Jr. to locate a mobile home on Pasco Avenue on property owned by Theresa Hermance. . . . Mr. Boynton noted that the applicatt will acquire by deed 50' to conform to the ordinance. . . Mr. Hermance agreed. . . . Application will be tabled for one week. . . . Rezoning of Albany International-Notice Read- Supervisor Austin : Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury gave their approval- The Warren County Planning Board- approved application- Supervisor Austin noted receiving a petition from 18 of the Windy Hill- Ridge Road residents requesting the denial of the application. . . (on file) Resolution No. 248 from the Common Council of the City of Glens Falls requesting the denial'of the application was received. . . (On File) Hearing Opened-7:50 P.M. A letter from Ethel and Ray Wynn of 362 Ridge Road (Ray Wynn Distributing Co. was read (on file) in favor of the application of rezoning. . . WAYNE JUDGE : My name is Wayne Judge and I would like to be heard in favor of the application. I'm sure the board has a copy of this map, in case any- body here is not, if anybody here has not seen the map, this is the map. Our application is to rezone this 11 acre area down here the lower right from R-4 to M-1 to rezone this area275 ' on Ridge Road 250' feet deep from M-1 to R-4 and combine in one application. If anybody wants to see this it will be over here. This petition is essentially the same as the petition brought before this Board in the summer of last year and essentially it's a petition to increase the size of the presently existing industrial zone in the Town of Queensbury. You have all heard, I am sure everyone here has heard the argument I gave last time and I do not want to prolong this because I do not think essentially there are any zoning or planning questions involved not withstanding thgrhetoric from the City of Glens Falls. The Zoning and Planning questions I think if the Planning Board for the Town and the Planning Board for the County had any function and should be given any consideration for the town, from the Town Board, it is significant that on four seperate occasions we appeared before those two planning boards and on each and gvery occasion each one of these two boards unanimously voted in favor of our application. And the last time around it was an unanimous .yote by both boards and the vote was unconditional acid there was no provision put in any of these two last orders certainly for any buffer zone or any change in our basic petition. Now the;reason why this was done was because the land lends itself to Industrial usage because a rezoning from a residential to industrial was recommended in the Murphy and Kren Study because any one who is familiar°- with the area would come to this conclusion and anyone who is familiar with the company would realize that this is a type of company that any community like the Town of Queensbury or any other town certainly the City of Glens Falls, the mayor would cut off both of his arma and both his legs if he could have a company like this within the boundaries of the City whether it abuted on the most affluent residential area of the City, and I do not think I am makng an over statement there.It : a clean manufacturing business and has growth, the basic decision to be made here tonight is not a zoning or planning decision but to be very frank and candid it is a political decision. The peep�e who will follow me and speak as in opposion to this application feel for reasons that are valid to them-selves and in themselves 117 that this company should not be allowed to grow in the Town of Queensbury. The Company would like to grow in the Towncof Queensbury so it is up to the Town Board to decide and tell the company whether or not this town wants the comppny to grow in the Town of Queensbury, and that is the simple political question. If the company is told that it cannot grow in the Town of Queensbury and if it continues to grow at the rate it is growing, it will just grow someplace else. If I repeat this four or five times or in six different ways I do not think I could state the arguments any clearer, and therefore I will not take up any more of your time. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: Is there anypne , else who wishes to be heard? BOB BEDORE: Bob Bedore, I am a Councilman in Glene'.Falld and representing both the city and the residents of Windy Hill the second ward. I do appreciate the fact that fine Industries like Albany Interpational is looking for expansion, I also appreciate the fact that:rwhen they did purchase the property that they are located it right now that it was residential and normally so they bought the land and now choose to rezone. Now, this I am speaking against the rezoning I feel that this would be detAmental to the people of the City in that area and also in the Town of Queensbury it is immediately going to drive down property values. I understand right now there is already one resident in Windy Hill that has sold or is trying to sell his home. I feel that this is going to effect the tax rells in the City of Glens Falls, I hope that future expansion in the Town of Queensbury does not. . . ... the boundaries of Glens Falls in areas where we have tried to develop real fine, and I consider this Windy Hill area one of our finer residential areas was developed in a country atmosphere so to speak in its orgies, and now these people and I can well understand their feelings now are going to be adjacent to a M-1 manufacturing zoned area. I feel absolutely certain that this can not do anything but hurt both the residents immediately surrounding this area and the City of Glens Falls. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: Thank you Bob. Ed Nadeau? ( Mr. Chairman, Gentlemen:) EDWARD NADHAU:My name is Ed Nada�►�I am a resident of the so called Windy Hill Development. First of all I would like to say to Mr. Judge that no- body is against Albany Engineer System expanding but we -feel that they should expand in the right area. It might be the most wonderful manufacturing industry in the world but to set it in a inappropriate setting does not —' make any sen$e and this is what we are opposed to. "Economically as has been pointed out by Mr. Bedore placing a manufacturing zone right-i-hMediately adjacent to residential area, and if you look at the map I think it becomes apparent that is an absolute pocket entirely surrounded by residential.:.area, it is an intrusion into residential area, it was purchased by Albany Engineer Systems with the knowledge that it was residential and theyy would have to change its character in order to use it for the purposesAkwo would want to use it. Now, I think if any hardship is presented, itulsnk hardship which they have created with their eyes wide open and now want you people to alleviate for them. Economically it is going to hurt not only Windy Hill not only the people in that area but your citizens in the Town of Queensbury as well. There is no doubt but that there will be applications for reduction in assessed valuation which I think would be very valid if this goes through. You can not put this type of zone up against residential zoning without effecting its value and its resale value. I do not think there is any questior about that what so ever. I think that it is unsound zoning to place a manufacturing zone right up against and surroundth-by a residential area, terribly unsound, and I think that also you have got to consider that it is going to devalue the quality of life for everbody in that whole area. People' s whose homes are in that area build there with -the country atmosphere as Mr. Bedore pointed out relying on it as such relying on the fact that they had residential zoning all around them never dreaming in their wildest imaginatinn that they are going to have a rezoning to manufacturing right in their own back yard. Now, everbody said that, at least the representatives of Albany Engineering say that this is going to be one of the nice type of manufacturing areas, had they come up with a proposal had they told what they are going to do there? They want . . . . land thaputsaw#gbithey are applying for to put anything in there which is within the M-1 regulation and that covers, I am sure you are all aware a great many things . I can tell you right now and I pointed this out at the last meeting of the Planning Board there has been a rising crescendo of noise back there with the addition that has been put on, now Albany Engineering has established a loud speaker paging system into their back lot area which is clearly audible into the city and into the houses surrounding this area. And that' s only the beginning gentlemen, it is only the beginning. Nobody can make me believe that adding buildings and adding roads having access to trucks is going to make that a desirable Rigao to live, it certainly isn' t. If there is going to _18 be expansion let it be in a place where expansion is welcome is suitable there is so much land in the Town of Queensbury as you well know, many areas h1�"% 'houn'd the air-port, adjacent to Quaker Road , adjacent to air transporta+-�?_o: tion but to come into a residential area and intrude in thist7imanner to me is the height of folly for a commercial enterprise. To think that people would welcome it or even to putcupcwith it. I am not going to take up too much more time here Gentlemen, I am going to close by saying this, What effects the City of Glens Falls effects also the Town of Queensbury. We are not seperate entities, we are all in this thing together we all live in the same area. The Town of Queensbury will be effected by this I think that the narrow view that maybe it will bring in a few more jobs is only a narrow view, if it devalues the quality of life - for all of us it just isn't worth it, and where does it stop? Suppose the City put in the same type of zorting next to BroadAcres "in the Town of Queensbury, that would not be any more right than .this is I say that it is a major mistake and I strongl' urge that you Gentlemen do not allow it. Thank you. r SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: Thank you Judge. Bob? BOB KELLY: 494 Kelly, I live on Ridge Road, I am a resident of the Town of Queensbury. I just do not understand what is going on, this is the third time we have been up here fithl-„Albany Engineering the first time they took the Cosy Knook property and asked thabebe be rezoned, that was the first piece the last time we came up they claimed that they were offered the property they had no interest in it but it was offered to them, so as long as it was offered to them they would try to get it rezoned, It wasn' t rezoned so they went ahead and bought it anyway, we can not believe the fact that it was offered to them and they didn' t have the interest in it. Then they tried to put part back to residential to appease, I think appease the people of the Town of Queensbury, for getting back some residential my biggest''fear is a road where the Cosy Knook property is so if they put it back to residential that is not going to stop them from putting in a road. So residential or light industrial it is not good to them right now, for light industrial and if it goes to residential and they still put a road in I mean I have not gained a thing, so going back to residential that small piece I can not see where it is appeasing--.,anybody? . . . . .If you have read in the paper they plan on expanding they want a campus style thing to bring their International offices in therei but if this is the case could they �utngfftces in here and have it zoned commercial let them come in with their international office and campus style buildtpg nice setting, granted it is beautiful over. there, but have it commercial sc# they can put in commercial buildings, offices and never mind the industrial. The Cosy Knook property ross the street. . .had, granted they leveled the Cosy Knook and had a bulldozer in there they had a guy mowing the lawn and today is the first day they dropped a load of top soil in there since it has been done that is probably three and a half years agolgranted they have been keeping up Quaker Road nice, but they have not done that much to Ridge Road, except drop in a load of top soil this morning, so I am strongly opposed to it. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: Thank you Bob. Could I ask people to give their name for the record? Yes, Mam MARILYN TALLON: I am Marilyn Tallon, I live in Queensbury at Meadowbrook Road. I would like to say that if this does go through all these people that are residents of this area, I think that Queensbury people that would wish to move into Queensbury buying a new home here I think they will have a lack of confidence now in the Zoning and Planning Beard in Queensbury because this is residential. We bought our home here just one year ago, in the country, and now to know across the hill from us there will be a industrial plant—department. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: Thank you. Yes, Mam GAIL CONNORS : My name is Gail Connors , I live on Ridge Road, Queensbury, The point I would like to make is that last year when we were up here the Albany Engineer Systems had brought out the point that they had an option to buy this parcel of land, contingent upon getting it rezoned. The argument" was brought up that their Board of directors would not agree to buying R-4 property, because they were not in the realestaZ& business. It would have to be rezoned before they bought the property. This is what was stated here however within a few weeks after that the property was bought, I feel that this is untrust worthy, I feel untrustworthy toward the Engineer Systems . . . SUPERVIS(IR AUSTIN: Thank you. Yes, Sir. DICK CONNORS: I would like to add, I am Dick Connors, Ridge Road. Going along the same subject concerning the rezoning it is still quite fresh in our minds . . . the zoning practices seemed to be questioned, this was rejected 119 before it was, there were stipulations possibly for buffer zones, and also the type of structures that were going to go on this lot, and Albany Engineer .L rjected that at that time and also the resolu- tion was rejected. ,,norfly after that they bought the land and as has been mentioned it, should be the problem now. We are going through this re- appraisal of property on Ridge Road and thetTown of Queensbury, and my property personally has been increased substan='ially. I would like to question if this proposal did go through what is going to happen as far as this appraisal, this increase, is it going to be a decrease now in respect to this industrial zone; Which is three hundred feet from my property? What is going to happen in respect `ti,to this? SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: T.With rest ect, if you_are asking a question, my answer would be with respect to the re-appraisal and the setting of values on pro- perty that the values: are established apnually as of May 1st. As of May 1st. of this year certain situations existed there any protest that is made as to that situation as it existed at that time. As of May 1st. 1975 another situation may exist there and at that time if a person feels thathkis property has been devalued by change of craumstances he would be entirely within his rights and would be well advised to make application to. greive, before the Board of Assessment Review. But the key there is thh date of your assessment a certain date has to be picked and it is not something that happens afeer that date. A person in that situation if a rezoning did take effect and a person felt that their property was devalued would be advised to appear gr4evance day just as they would in such a situation. . . DICK CONNORS: I also would like to comment thn vehpecti,toaather instances in our area where they have been rejected for the fact that it was not know exactly what type of business or what have you would be going into there in the future I kind of question *h,9to1-1Tkn4 ohis could be considered without proper plans or demenstration of that type of building or just exactly how these structures are going to be layed out on t eir property. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: Thahk you Dick. Is there anyone else who wishes to be heard on this application? PAUL P€DGEON: I am Paul Pidgeon, I am a resident of Windy-> Hill Road. 18 Windy Hill Road. As you may recall at the last meeting many appeared heae and an appearance was also made by the manager, then manager of Albany Engineering. Upon being questioned about the size and type of construction we were told that it was the intention of Albany Engineering to maintain a small type operation that was particular of the way they operate. Some of the location mentioned there were some question AbeU� height and total scope of the operation this was deliberate&W "some length by this manager. We asked what would happen if this manager of Albany Engineering would sell this property and some other company was to take over the property he couldn' t give us a good answer. We then asked if the Board would take into consideration making restrictions on the use of the property so that a buffer zone and other qualifications which are within the B&ghds of-bbe Board to qualify further light industrial general category could be applied. This was in the perview of the Board. Albany International indicated to all of us at the meeting that if they could not purchase the property with the intent of rezoning for light industrial and I will tet into that qualification later on, they had no interest in the property. Now, since that time however, this property as ,has been mentioned just a while ago it was given to them on a option V to speak, it was t67be used certainly as they proposed to us at that time as a kind of a contingent reserve to do little or other things that they wanted to do up here. It was not to develop the scope that you see right now. And this is not the end. The growth of Albany Eng7hieer right now is taking over what used to be the Broughton. Corporation is approximately 50% the scope of the building as you can well see has more than doubled what was supposedly a nice looking research and technical type of operation. There is an awful scary beinnldeveloped by the total scope of the parking facilities and as been told'`�' one of my neiyghbors the atti ihle noise being heard by residents adjoining the property and god knows how close they will be come to it later on and what .: 6buid :we3a :create a very serious *stioalaaild po(Hation , type problem, now it could create many other things because we do not know what the plans for Albany Engineering are. Now there is no : question the word light industrial means an awful lot to this great gigantic work. But you can take off-, all around the area and depending upon the plant you look at, like Torrington ' s operation here off from the airport road a­ '. -,. "! a :.. 120 to any other industrial complex like over at Catheter and many other areas within Queensbury and I believe that you could come up with a definition that they could be classified as Light Industrial. Now I do not think it is good sense for the : Town in the kind of disdi*sion that Mr. Nadeau presented to say we are all interested in living and furthering things together and to arrive at a decision without restrictions here and if anything is going to be done with this property which would prevent the people ir*eighboring city who are living in high valued areas from maintaining this value of property that they maintain now for giving them some way of being guaranteed that if this industrial growth is not confined to a certain operation that they will be guaranteed something if this property is devaluated. I think Mr. Chairman, we discussed this at some length at the last meeting. Albany International would not make any comment as to what they would do- as to what guarantees they would make as to what buffer zone they intended to maintain but they certainly assured us that was their intentipa of continuing the kind of an operation that existed there and the kind of an operation that Albany International has been known to operate in California, in Canada, in Connecticut and I do not think they mentioned Albany however. Now what is to prevent Albany International from deciding now because of financial requirements or other requirements, good business requirementsiV to move Connecticut up here. Mr. Chairman, I do not have any facts of this but I have heard from people who do operate from other locations at Albany International that there are some plans being made to relocate in this area. Now what is then to prevent this small type of an operation that we were told and made to believe was going to be used in this area to become a gigantic "Light Industrial Operation" and what is the result going to be of this. Now I am not against any kind of industrial operation coming to Queensbury. I think, as has been said previously that there may be more choice locations, but maybe this location, be as it may is something whic4s here and must be utilized. But if it must be utilized then it should be within certain confines, and certainly if it is going to grow beyond the position that waV taken here at the previous meeting, then there should be a limit as to what the expansion is and that limit is what it is at right now. If this is to continue further Mr. Chairman, there is no question that the residents of Windy Hill road and the residents on Ridge St. and all the adjoining streets in the area, and for that matter if any residential complexes were to be developed by one of the largest land owners in the area, it could very well be discouraged as a result of this. I think it is within the Board to make in their decision to take-ii good look at the survey that was made by the...:consultants and the reason for the survey. There is no question, Mr. Chairman that somebody would not want it in the Town of Queensbury to have this so called light industrial complex de-velop in the Twicnood area, or certainly over in Broad Acres, or certa:=inly up off Aviation Road by the high school or in other large residential areas adjoining the large residential areas and it it is a known fact wherever you have lowlands, wherever you have what is known as type of operation it becomes very conclusive and very easy to consult an-F to go along and to say this is the most appropriate area for you to build on for industrial operations within a good and sound program for developing your area, the Queensbury township. But I dare say that the consultant did not take into consideration the problem of land and the great surrounding area of residential complex which this industrial complex would become pitted in and what it would do there. They com-pletely disregarded this completely in this report and I think it is "within the perview of the Town of Queensbury to see to it that if the existing complex is to be maintained certainly it sould be maintained with the decor and with the kind of facilities that at least Broughton or the understanding that I believe the board and certainly certain other people were lead to believe this was going to operate under and not what is transpiring right now and not what is question mark going to transpire in the future. Thank you Mr. chairman. Mr. Austin asked if any one else - mould like to be heard. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: ►:Would anyone else like to be heard? Mr. Eddy? Yes, Sir? ALFRED GREENO: ' My �name is Alfred Greeno, I reside in the Town of Queensbury, I work for Albany Engineer Systems, what I say is in no way is condoned by the company because I am apt to call a spade a spade. I am not in politics or business . . . .It has been a good company to work for— they have their faults as we all do. . . there has been quite a few stones casted by others . . these people do not want industry there, you can not seem to blame them for this but at the same time can the city of Glens Falls when Den Wilhelm wanted to put up a new and used car lot up adjoining the town of Queensbury they were not too considerate of who lived on Thomas Street there or even given the people a voice in it. Now there are a lot of other cases, they do not seam to too m-ftch about the city dump hole it was not long before they started adding on to it, we have already got that. 121 As someone has mentioned expand elsewhere so to speak in other words we do not want it here. This is fine but it does not always work out if you have already got something going. By the same token these people must also consider this was not city of Glens Falls property they were going to, is their anything this sure in the world that can not( tape turned at this point) a commercial zone then it is subject to a used car lot and so forth if it is kept residential it could be another so called housing development like chicken coop village down there on Broad Street or a trailer park or this type of thing this is all if it is kept residential# As far as if not improving the property on Ridge St. , if you intended to sell some property would you necessarily go ahead and improve if if you tend to unload it in the very near future. I question how many people would look forward to doing that. As far as moving this Connecticut plant over here, they are putting on an expansion -- ..i-: over there. Would they be apt to be putting an expansion on if they were going to move. their plant over here. These are some of the things that should be taken into consideration. Now you have got to count that it is non-polluting, relatively noise free, gives good employment, you see very little change of help there, a lot of promotion �biniwithin when it would be easier a lot of times to take help from the outside and employ it but they will move one man and it may cause the move of four or five other men stepping up to other jobs that have to be trained when it would be a lot easier to step outside and fill the vacancies, but they do not do that they try to give the fellows a break who are there. You do not see much change of help. If you have got an industry like this why not try and hang on to it. We have got to have something to support these shopping centers. . . . that we have got around this area. Now Mr. Chairman, I can feel for these people to a degree but at the same time, this is not an unknown company. . . . . you know that they keep their grounds up, they have been improving on it all the time, granted the back yard is not as nice as it could be but we have had our problems over there too this past spring and I do not think this is going to stay that way. I have never seen the company keep anything where it was a mess where they did not try to clean it up. Maybe I am biased towards them, I think I have got good reason to be. I have not seen anything yet that turns me off. That is all, thank you gentlemen. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: Thank you Mr. Greeno. Mr. Eddy did you wish to speak? ROBERT EDDY: My name is Bob Eddy and I am the chairman of the Beautification Committee. of the Town of Queensbury. 1966 we sent a letter to Broughton company, commending them on what they have done with their property there and they had done a good job. We discussed later about giving them a certificate which we have now for them, but we decided to hold off to such time until the construction is complete. I do know there are several other organizations garden clubs etc. that have commended them on what the3k hauedd6ng in their treatment of the property. The Beautification committee has suggested that we have a sub-committee to look into the situation and see what ordinances are involved and what could be done. As a result of that. . . . until Tuesday I went over to. . . .I had a chance to go through the inside property and also the exterior. I think that they have followed the ordinance or the nearest one to it, it has to do with parking lots trhen actually taking care of lant, and Dave can look it up, Article 6. 604a . . . . . .and that calls fo a screen on an adjoining residential zone. And we believe those requirements have been satisfied. . . . .to verify my point here, verify the, plantings there such as there is a hedgerow starting in a . . . . . there is a hedgerow in the back of the Arco station as it is today, there is a clump of two trees beyond that, there is trees on the left and a clump east. . . . . there are trees on the west south and east. . . .Technically in my estimation they will block off any view as far as view is concerned of the whole area and I believe just one section which would be due west I would say of the back part which there are a couple buildings I could see there. Otherwise there would be no buildings on Ridge Road I could see at all. I did not hear any noise, maybe I did not pick the right time. . . . I did find this , there is a low swamp land that would be on the east side of the property leading into the pool or pond there where they have the ducks and that is in my estimation unusual unless they filled it and I think they would run into real problems from the Environmental Conservation Dept. and I do not think there is any intention of filling in that swamp land. . . it is obvious they will not go in that direction. . . I would like to take off my hat as Beautification chairman and speak as a private citizen and a taxpayer of the Town of Queensbury. . . . I have no connection with Albany fingin-_eering systems in any sense of the word. . . I think Queensbury needs this kind of business. . . .another firm came up with a poor location as a result. . . they moved 55 families out of the area. 122 That effected the oebyle of Glens Falls as well as the people of the Town of Queensbury. . . . .we do not owe the city of Glens Falls no consideration especially after what they did on Broad Street but on the other hand we are. . . . .we are going to try to do the best we can, we are going to try to live with you, we were more concerned at the time and I think as I recall there was no consideration given to our people. . . . .These people are city residents and they do not pay taxes in the town of Queensbury. The board has done a good job of keeping the taxes in,-order, and I think this is one way we are going to keep them in shape. I went and made a site review of tkis property on my own, I went up to Windy Hill and it looks to me as there were three houses on the left side at the upper end of the road there, one of these a white house, I think belongs to my friend here in front of me and that was the only house I could see from the plant and that would be only place that I could see through to the plant . . . .except for the house across the street. . .which I could see the upper part of the second floor. . .I 'm a little bit reminded about the little old ladywho complained to the police that a man was disrobing in front of an open window so the police came up and investigated the situation and they found looking out. . . . they could not see anything, well you have to get up on the chair to see it and I think that it pretty much what these people in Windy Hill have to do. . . I would hope that the Board would speak favorably as a resident of the town of Queensbury. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: thank you, Mr. Eddy. I think anyone who has not spoken before, then we will have repeats. Yes Sir: TOM GORMAN: I am Tom Gorman and I am a taxpayer of the town of Queensbury. and I will talk in that respect. First of all, you might be able to see it too well from Mr. Yanklowitz' s house but I attended a meeting there, you could hear it from his house. I think one thing, if we are going to start deciding zoning on the effect of taxes then I think that our community is going to.- be very short lived as a progressive community and that. This is about the fifth time I have been up here, I live in a vulnerable area but I think if we have to keep worrying about our residence in coming up here every time there is a problem of rezoning and if we arrive at the opinion that most of the rezoning is decided on the effect on the tax base I think Queensbury will become a very unattractive place to live. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: Thank you sir. Is there any one else, I did not mean to cut any one off but I just want to be sure everyone is heard here at least once who wishes to speak. But now anyone who wishes to speak, Mrs. Tallon. MRS. TALLON: I want to say that when you were speaking about looking out you were saying that the present buildings that are there now but in the future probably these people will be able to see all those houses there. . . MR EDDY: . . . there will be a buffer zone Mrs. Tallon: But we do not know where the buffer zone is. It is not in the paper, we have the maps here, but all the people read the newspaper, we do not get a map in the newspaper it is a threat to us with the taxes all the ,,time. . . . we are always being threatened �11 the time from the zoning boards. . . . . SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: , Thank you. Yes this woman here, Mrs. Connors MRS. CONNORS: I do not know if the gentleman, he mentioned going on the Windy Hill side up and down. I do not know if he went on our side, I live on the east side of Ridge road right on top of the knoll looking down into this property. Right now there are a few trees that confine the view at the bottom, however in the winter time you can see it quite easily. Another point is that we seperate this 11 acre tract by approximately 300 feet from our line. This 300 feet belongs to a man who originally esi.ddthe 11 acre tract to Albany Engineering Systems. I can not predict the future activities but I can safely say take a guess or an assumption that the remaining properties that is left would most likely be picked up by Albany Engineering Systems. Then my property would butt up against it in the future. . . . Now my house does look down into this area and anything that is built in there even a one story structure can be clearly visible from my house without standing on a chair and looking out a window. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: Thank you. Mr. Pidgeon MR. PIDGEON: 23 Mr. Chairman, I will not take issue with the gentleman from the Beautification committee of the T;Yownof Queensbury but I think if you went up on Windy Hill Road some other time than this time of the year, I think you would clearly see those buildings. Now all the foliage that is out there is no question it can only be seen from certain locations, but we do not know how much further back the additional buildings are going to go. And I heard a comment heard a little while ago that part of that property by the same gentleman was not condusive to construction. I question his ability to talk on 'that basis. I know for a fact that there are buildings under construction in the ' 'own of Queensbury as well as the City of Glens Falls that were properties even worse than this, but with suitable drainageXnd fill and all the other modern techniques of modern technology we can build i almost anything over there, even if you have to have a pile driving operation and put a plant on stilts you can do it over there. Now there is no question that the Board has the right and should be thinking about the future of the people and the,tax.money and all the other things that are important to the growth of Queensbury and I think also that the Board should take into consider ation that we have already heard that the testimony that was given by the com- pany as resent as the last meeting has changed because they had clearly in- dicated that they intended to build at that time. And if those intentions have changed now, once you do rezone it to light industrial with no restric- tions what-so-ever thete is no question that they are free at liberty to go on and promote any other operation and if business conditions warrAnt, and I think you Gentlemen are pretty pratical business men, you can well imagine what could happen for business requirements. Now nobody has said that they are directly against the operation that is them or the type of operation that Albany Engineering was intending to builda;nd for the usage. But certainly we are getting over the fact that we are see a building of at least once again the size that existed that now a piedle of property has been purchased defingtely where they had no real interest in it and there is a great interest now. Now, how can the Board knowing *hat these conditions are maintain an application for light industrial without at least making such by certain restrictions, certain guarantees that w4b people who adjoin the area and certainly those people who live within Queensbury do not get any guarantees what-so-ever,hnd if you don't like it get out? Let your pgfperty become devaluated after you have spent 10 or 15 years putting time and money into it because somebody has taken the position that whats ;, good for one company is good for the town? Mr. Chairman I think there is much more the Board should look into before tkis decision is made. Thank you. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: Yes, Sir Mr. Yanklowitz. MR. YANKLOWITZ: AT the risk of being repetitious I would like to take issue to the fact that the Albany Engineering Plant is not visible from Windy Hill Road, it is visible from every house on the right hand side of the Street it may not be visible from the road but it is from the houses, which sit up on top of the hill. I would also like to take issue of the fact that the loud speaking system as it may not be audible inside the plant I would like to invite them to come up on Windy Hill and hear it all day long, as we do. It can be heard throughout the entire area as far over as Sanford Street. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: Yes, Sir. Bob? BOB KELLY: This Gentleman from the Beautification Committee commented on a couple of my statements, I would like to make one thing on his. He commented that the Beautification Committee was going to present an award to Broughton for the beautiful property he had and I , granted that Broughton had beautiful property there, but we are not talking about Broughton anymore what has Albany Engineer done to improve the looks of the property, I can not see where they have done much of anything. They NAd a beautiful plant they moved into, granted they kept it up b t how do we know they would have done that if hadn' t been this type of set up Sa they bought it. Broughton did a beautiful job but we are not dealing with Broughton anymore, he is giving a Beautification Award to Broughton, fine but Albany Engineering or what ever you call it aren't the same people. We do not know what kind of up keep or beautification they are going to do because they had something to work with. Thank you. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: Is thereranyone else who wishes to be heard on this matter? ALFRED GREENO : I wonder if these people who are complaining about the noise problem in any way complained to the company to see if they would do anything about it? . . .also perhaps you or Mr. Liapes could answer this question if the additional 300' going by persons who property was purchased from was sold at a later date to Albany International it would still be residential 124 would it not? It would still have to be rezoned and then it would be up to the Town Board and the planning committee and so Borth to approve it, first? SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: That it correct. ALFRED GREENO: And any buildings that would be built on this property that is rezoned now or supposed to be wouldn' t these buildings have to be rezoned by the Town, SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: Planning Board ALFRED GREENO: Planning Board before they could be built? SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: That is correct. ALFRED GREENO : In other words they couldn' t build just anything they felt like out there without getting approval. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: A large scale development would be subject to review and approval by the Planning board, individual buildings6must meet the building code of the Town of Queensbury, and would be subject to review and approval by the Building Inspector. I would judge that • light industrial building of any consequential size would be considered • laxge scale development, and would be subject to review by the Planning Boar of the Town of Queensbury. ; ALFRED GREENO : This should quell some of the theoimes of these people. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: Mr. Yanklowitz. MR. YANKLOWIT I would like to Ladd one more polft as far as noise is cone cerned, I am dreling the day when this plant becomes large enough so that tremendous dieiel trucks a,,ge going in and out all hours of the day and night. And if anyone live( an�``s ance from the Northway you can well imagine ghat that would be like. MR EDDY: I would like to make one more comment and that is a point abo the Planning Board. It is up to the Planning and Zoning boards to I pass down to the Beautification committee any information that may help the committee and I will assure:-you that I will do everything in my power to carry out anything that is recommended by them. . . . . MR. AUSTIN: Is there any else who wishes to be heard on this application? Not to draw things to a close, but I do wish to congratplate the participants tonight on their informed presentations and their courteous manner, is there anyone else who wishes to be heard before we close this heating? At this time I will closed the hearing on Albany Engineering Syste4is no one indicating a desire to be heard further. Gentlemen you have before you the application and I wonder if the Board has any comments, questions to ask of anyone here? This is an application to rezone two parcels within the Town as hhown nn the map 8wheddte6&ha large parcel to be changed ft►om R-4 Residential to M-1 light Industrial and a smaller parcel on Ridge Road would be rezoned from M-1 light Industrial to R-4 Residential does anyone on the Board have any comments or any? COUNCILMAN ROBILLARD: I would like to ask the Town Attorney a question. David, what is the set back requirements for an M-1. Under the town zoning ordinance there is a set back but I do not have that with me. ATTORNEY LITTLE: The standard is 50 feet. The minimum setback line is 50 feet under the ordinance as it psently exists. MR. AUSTIN: Dave, could a road to be used for business or industrial purposes be built through a residential area, even though the owner owned the residential premises? ATTORNEY LITTLE : In that area, that is a State highway at that point. They would have to get a permit from the state, automatically it would become a large scale development and such a project would have to be reviewed and authority given by the town as well. You would be using residential property for commercial use. SUPERVISOR AUSTIN: It would have to be a variance I would say. You could not do it as a matter of right. COUNCILMAN OLSON: I have some questions that I would like to ask the representatives of Albany International. 125 Presently, how many people do you employ there now? REPRESENTATIVE: about 160 now. MR. OLSON: What I am trying to get at is how much have you increased your work force since you took over? REPRESENTATIVE: You mean from Broughton Corp? I think they had when we took over about 70 or 75. MR. OLSON: How Puch anticipated growth would you expect . or new employment would you expeclwith your new construction? REPRESENTATIVE: With the new construction that we have now? We are at our limit right now. MR.OLSON: In other words you have increased a little over 100% in your employment as it presently stands. Your type of operation is a clean operation from what I have seen of it and I have been down there inspecting myself, looking around. I have not seen any smoke, soot or ashe or anything or odors which are familiar in other parts of town. REPRESENTATIVE: We do not anticipate any type of odor. MR. AUSTIN: Just for the record, I would like to point out that a similar application was before us and I do not have the exact date but it was some months back it was not too long ago, did not include the rezoning of the small M=1 zone 250 feet back from Ridge Road, two lots that Broughton acquired both of which are used for residential purposes presently. On that occasion the application before us was to rezone this larger parcel to the east of Ridge Road from R-4 to M-1, and at that time interested property owners within the town presented a petition in opposition to that proposed rezoning to the Board as which has been done tonight which necessitated a three-fourths approval or required a positive vote of four members of the entire. Board. The resolution presented, and I presented it myself that evening was not to grant the petition exactly as it was presented but to grant it with a buffer zone along the residential area in every instance and upon condition that Albany Engineering would make application for rezoning from M-1 to R-4. This was termed that evening somewhat as a compromise resolution. The intent being with a buffer zone to protect the residential integrity of the Windy Hill area and with the rezoning along Ridge Road to eliminate the possibility of use of that area which intruded into the Ridge Road residential area for industrial purposes. The vote was three to one, it was not a sufficient vote to pass it and I doubt if it would have taken effect anyway because the attorney for Albany Engineering at that point indicated that they did not intend to go along with the condition for rezoning of that parcel. Subsequently they have in fact petitioned the Board for a rezoning of the same parcel that was considered before, it is not unfamiliar to us, that is certain, R-4 to M-1. They have also coupled that with the action that was suggested that evening with respect to the Ridge Road site, rezoning that from M-1 to R-4, something that was done several years ago and this was a suggested change, at least I suggested it that evening on the basis that it would protect the residential integrity of Ridge Road. I would at this point introduce a resolution to grant the rezoning of the Ridge Road premises from M-1 to R-4 as designated in the petition, to grant the rezoning from R-4 to M-1 of Parcel A, so called, furthermore to condition the rezoning upon a 100 foot buffer zone, and this would be made a part of the ordinance, in every area where the newly created M-1 zone abuts a residential district be it in the Town of Queensbury of the City of Glens Falls. Furthermore, I would take note in introducing that resolution that there is a section in the Zoning Ordinance, and I do not have the number in front of me which would require the owner of premises in an M-1 or M-2 to retain all the plantings , ( Mr. Austin asked Mr. Streeter to read that section of the zoning ordinance) MR. STREETER: Section 6. 500, Manufacturing uses. Manufacturing uses in any M-1 or M-2 district shall when abutting a residential use in an R District, screen from such use by the provision of adequate landscaping measures. That is in our present Zoning Ordinance. MR.AUSTIN: Well then I guess I would further condition my resolution to the requirement that the 100 foot buffer zone be established and that no natural features be removed from that buffer zone as it abutts residential districts in the Town of Queensbury and the City of Glens Falls. I would say that in introducing this resolution that I take cognizance of 1.,26 the many arguments that have been presented here tonight both pro and con and also presented here on other occasions. I do not think there is a great change of circumstances in this particular area as we considered it some months ago. I would point out that the concept of zoning by the Town Board, while it is very agreeable to have a precise set of plans before you as to a large tract of land for rezoning it is not in essence as I view it the concept of considering zoning. The concept of precise plans is for large scale review by the Planning Board. When were talking about zoning we are talking about town wide planning. I would point out as one of the individuals pointed out in a negative sense but I think it has a positive. . . that the master plan being considered by the town at the present time does indicate that this area is suitable fora manufacturing zone. I will introduce that Mr. Clerk MR. STREETER: In seconding your resolution Mr. Supervisor I would like to make a remark to Mr. Pidgeon who stood up so well for what he believes in. If I took your remarks properly, Mr. Pidgeon, you made some remark as to the consultant ignored your situation. Were you referring to the Planning consultant? MR. PIDGEON: I was referring to the report that the consultants made. MR. STREETER: Well this is a matter of clarification and not rebuttal. We talked with Mr. Murphy of Murphy and Krens about this more than once. The last time we talked to him about it was last night. So I do want you' to know that regardless as to how this decision goes that it was not ignoring the plea that you people have made and the considerations thereof. , and Mr. Murphy concurred with us ,last evening that this area should be an M-1 zone. And I am offering that not as a rebuttal, just as information. MR. PIDGE©N: If I may just answer you. There is no question, that I think feasibility studies for performance of any activities in any town or city in the metropolitan area are usually conducted with a view in mind. Looking over the scope of the community in the Town of Queensbury. . . . . . . There is noi_question that generally speaking that area looking at lowland and looking at the facilities that already existed very little if any residential a large secondary roadway, poor access to the Northway not too far from rail road. I think ftr:-is very easy to say that Twicwood is very highly developed and the rest of Queensbury is highly developed and it looks like Quaker Road is the ideal spot for light industrial or some other type of industrial. I would also ask whether any of the properties around the airport for example were considered in this deliberation or were they strictly looking at 4 -:particular area. , and were those findings based on that area. MR. STREETER: If your question is , did the consultant consider other areas the answer is yes. In fact, we have questioned him on some light industrial areas to the west of the Town of Queensbury where there are also homes in the $35000-40,000 range. In fact there is a whole lane of roads in this particular area so that the answer to your question is YES. One of the points they brought out to us there is a . . .of commercial and light industrial areas in the Town of Queensbury and his recommendation as to the areas that we should not only plan but to eventually zone included this area as well as some others. So it is a phase thing as a general plan which sometimes has a huge question mark. It is a planning sort of thing. It is after other considerations like utilities and things you pointed out access to transportation and other media have a consideration in it. But the answer is it was not just a question for this one area Mr. Pidgeon. MR. AUSTIN: Any member of the board have anything further? { MR. OLSON: I would like to say since I was a councilman before who voted against this application, now we have before us this new applicatisnn which calls for a new rezoning of properties on Ridge Road from commercial back to residential. This was not included before. It also includes a much larger buffer zone on the boundaries of this property. This is one thing that influenced my vote the last time because of the inadequate buffer zone areas and the properties on Ridge Road. Now when 116&k at the tax base we have from this company we have to have a sound strong tax base in order for our town such as ours to grow. 100% increase in employment, a clean operation, I am going to be in favor of this application tonight and I am going to urge my fellow council members to vote in favor 'also. MR AUSTINI I would like to adjourn just for a moment to permit t.:. .,. . 127 Mr. Robillard to return. Call the meeting back to order. I would like to note for the record, Mr. Streeter if I might that the discussion that we had with Mr. Murphy was made in a joint meeting of the Planning Board, Town Board. Zoning Board of Appeals in conjunction with a larger discussion as to the rezoning plan of the town which in fact was attended by members of the press. Beautification and Recreation members were also present. , Does any member of the Board have anything further? RESOLUTION No. 152-Rezoning of Albany International forthcoming on pa8go, 132A. Recess 3 min. meeting opened. -Town Board received a petition from residents of Lake George Road and other areas in the Town regarding service from the Cable T.V. many business in the area would like the service. . . . Mr. Cu dd eback noted his concern and wished to go on record as wanting the Cable T.V. Service for his business . Supervisor Austin noted that he sent copies of the petition to Robert J. Nolan President of the firm and indicatdd that the town would like to tank over this matter. -The Town Board has received a request to review the speeding conditions on West ISountain Road 35 miles per hour. . .referred to the Police Committee. . . Councilman Olson requested the Aviation Road be checked to. . . -Mr. (Dr. ) Peters gave the Town Board a petition foom 28 residents f Owen, Crestwood Dr. , Lynnfield Dr. , Moorwood Dr. - requesting a threi or four way stop signs be erected 6n Sunset and Owen and at Lynfield and Owen'Avenue. . . ' Requested `bhat the Police Committee investigate this. . . RESOLUTION TO SET A PUBLIC HEARING TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 28, OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ESTABLISHING THROUGH HIGHWAYS AND STOP INTERSECTIONS IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, COUNTY OF WARREN AND STATE OF NEW YORK RESOLUTION NO. 153, Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its adoption, seconded y Mr. Robert Barber: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has received a petition from several residents of the OwenvAvd.Araa in the Town of Queensbury requesting stop signs be placed at the interse�ctionso6f `Owen: Av7dnud afad7: fttaet avenue and Owen. Avenue lmd LynfieldAtt6�creare two -three way stops at;.these inter actions, and WHEREAS , If 19 PR6VIdEd B)f Sections 1660 (a) (1) of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York, that a Town may create stop intersections and establish the same within such Town, and fIlffEREAS , section 130 of the Town Law provides that a Public Hearing be held upon all proposed ordinances and amendments thereof to be held upon due notice as provided for therein, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that a Public Hearing on the following proposed amendment to Ordinance No. 23 of the Town of Queensbury be h6ld on the 11th.'.dayo6f July 1974 at 7: 30 o' clock P.M. and that the Town Clerk give notice of such hearing by publication of notice thereof in the official Town Newspapers, once at least 10 days prior to the date specified for such hearing, specifying the time when and the place where such hearing will be held and in general the terms describing the amendment tb said Ordinance: AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 28, OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY TO CREATE 2140 THREE WAY STOPS AT OWEN AVENUE AND SUNSET AVNNU T.ANHVOWEN AVENUE' AXDLDYNFIEDD AVENUE IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BE IT ENACTED AND ORDAINED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK AS FOLLOWS : Section No. 1 -Ordinance No. 28 of the Town of Queensbury, establishing through highways and stop intersections in the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren and State of New York is hereby amended to"include as a stop intersections the intersections of Owen Avenue and Sunset Avenue and Owen Avenue and Lynfield Avenue, which are hereby designated as stop intersections and stop signs shall be erected on tSpiofirAVeRagdand Sunset Avenue and Owen Avenue and Lynfield Avenue. Section No. 2 -All Ordinances or parts thereof of the Town of Queensbury inconsistant with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed; provided, however, that such repeal shall be only to the extent of such inconsistancy and in all other respects this Ordinance shall be in addition to the othef ;Ordinances regulating and governing the subject matter covered by this Ordinance. Section No. 3 -This Ordinance shall take effect immediately. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes : None Absent: None -Mr. Patrick noted the unlicensed motorcycles in the Owen Avenue area are numerous. . . ANNOUNCEMENTS RIDGE ROAD May 10, 1974 To the Town Board of Queensbury After reading today' s paper Post Star 5/10/74 Letters to the Editor) I was delighted to see someone take a:;stand against a joint landfill for Queensbury and the City of Glens Falls . I am joining Mrs . Tougas in voicing my opposition against a joint landfill. Living on Ridge Road we contend with the many garbage trucks and in- dividuAls duftigg'the the landfill and littering the road in spite of an ordinance requiring trucks to be covered. I can only imagine the tremendous increase in this type of traffic on all roads leading to the landfill. I was under the impression that Mr. Austin opposed a combined landfill; j and was confident that having him as our supervisor he would do what was in the best interest of the Town of Queensbury. I find it difficult to accept the statement of the Town Superintendant of highways that the area is adequate for twenty years when two years the engineers termed it completely inadequate. I urge the town board to reject a combined landfill at the present area as there are other alternatives. Thank you. Sincerely yours, /s/ Olga Ellsworth -The Tri County Labor Counsel Against inflation sent the Town Board a proposed resolution regarding Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation rates . . . -The Niagara Mohawk power corp. sent the Board a letter regarding the Tri County Labor Counsel proposal. . . Supervisor Austin suggested to invite both parties to meetiwith the Town Board. -Dept. of Health approval on the Hudson River project has been received. . . -Bike Race -Luzerne August 11, 1974 i -Letter received from Mrs. Joan W. Fisher regarding bike paths on Bay Road. . . -Town received a petition from residentsodf Bay Road opposed to the widening of Bay Road to a four lane highway. . . -The Department of Transportation has reported a change of the light at Hercules . . . . -Monthly report of thaTown Clerk-Month of May, 1974 read and filed. . . -Monthly report of Water Dept. May, 1974 read and filed. . . -Supervisor' s Monthly Statement-May, 1974- Receipts-$211,537 . 04 -129 Disbursements $551, 976.97 -Joint meeting between the Town Board and the Recreation Commission- suggestions made 11 Subdivisions have recreations areas or money in lieu 2) full time recreation director 3) acquisition of recreation land -June '17-27 .F ,t Mew--.Not Days Disabled Veterans. . . RESOLUTION TO­RWULATE THE USE OF WATER IN THE',rTOWN OF QUEENSBURY RESOLUTION NO, 154, Introduced by Mr.Robert Barber who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: WHEREAS , thveTdwh Board deems it necessary to conserve the water supply of the Town of Queensbury, and WHEREAS, under Ordinance #29 ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE USE OF WATER IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY DURING THE EXISTENCE OF EMERGENCIES, the Town Board shall direct the Superintendent of the Water Department to prepare a proclamation, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board does hereby authorize and direct the Water Superintendent to prepare such proclamation prohibiting all users of said water supply from using the same or any part thereof for the sprinkling or irrigation of lawns, ornamental plants, shrubs or trees, or domestic gardens, washing motor vehicles, or limiting such use to certain hours of the day or certain days of the week. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ATTENDANCE AT CONFERENCE RESOLUTION NO. 155, Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its adoption, seoonded by Mr. Gordon Streeter: RESOLVED, that George P. Liapesy Building Inspector of the Town of Queensbury and Harold Boynton his Assistant be given permission to attend a meeting of the New York State Building Officials Conference, Inc. at East Greenbush, N.Y, on Friday, June 14, 1974, and be it further RESOLVED, that the expenses incurred at this meeting are a proper town charge. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO APPOINT INSPECTORS OF ELECTIONS RESOLUTION NO. 156, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. John Austin: WHEREAS, it is provided by Section #43 of the Election Law that the Town Boards shall each year appoint Inspectors of Election who shall hold office for a term of one year from July 1st. of that year, and WHEREAS, John L. Bowman, Chairman of the Queensbury Republican Committee and Sa.yola Mindock, Chairman of the Queensbury DeMocratic Committee have submitted the following list as their appointments, respectively, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the following named persons be and they hereby are appointed Inspectors of Election in the existing 17 Election Districts to hold office until July 1st. , 1975 to wit: REPUBLICAN DEMOCRATIC Dist. �- Florence Bovee Dist. 1. Helen livan Gladys LaFountain Gertrude Wood Dist. 2. Evelyn Bell Dist. 2. Helen McElroy Marie Wills t5m. flARy J�Zo"f& Dist. 3. Mary Martindale Dist. 3. Elva McDermott Susan Mellon Anna Dougher Dist. 4. Elizabeth Ferris Dist. 4. Marjorie Gazeley Neida Fischer obs.*T"I &%sif sbo Dist. 5. Norma Baertschi Dist. 5. Janet Nelson 1�0 Adeline Scheidegger Carol Nelson Dist. 6. Marylin Gates Dist. 6. Lucille Turner Theresa Pizzuto Mary Davidson Dist. 7 . Ethel Fowler Dist. 7. Dorothy Barker Grace Rawson Betty Lynch Dist. 8. Ruth CoClanis Dist. 8. jv NA tr#$v Grace Hillis C pof1 Dist. 9. Marianne Morrell Dist. 9. map S""TN f•WlF�EH w.�H.t a•17 Eleanor Shaw Roslyn Robinson Dist. 10. Yvonne Allen Dist. 10. Marjorie Bailey Betty Doner Betty Rowland �t, Dist. 11. Claire Blanchard Dist. 11. kF +'��E Milita Patch Jane Gasper Dist. 12. Geraldine South Dist. 12. Marie ,Austin Margaret Wiles Julie .Donnelly Dist. 13. Lillian Crannell Dist. 13. Mary Coon Joyce Jones Barbara Howk Dist. 14. Louise Baltazar Dist. 14. Blanche DuBois Dorothy Holzhauer Elizabeth Hunt Dist. 15. Cecelia Lamphear Dist. 15. Marcia Aubin Elizabeth Shearer Beatrice Hunt Dist. 16. Marjorie Hudosn Dist. 16. Caroline Usher Jean Moon Dorothy Baird Dist. 17. Isabelle Barker Dist. 17 Juliette Ellingsworth Dorothy Derry Lucille A. Munoz and be it further RESOLVED, that the compensation of each inspector be and hereby is fixed at $25. 00 per day for each registration, election and primary day. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes: None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO DESIGNATE POLLING PLACES IN THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY RESOLUTION N0. X57 . Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its adoption, seoduded by Mr. Gordon Streeter : WHEREAS, Article 4 Section 66 of the Election Law provides that this board shall designate the Polling Places where registration of voters and the election shall be held during the year following, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the following locations be and they hereby are designated as the respective polling places in the Districts as enumerated. District 1. South Queensbury Fire House 2. Oneida Grange Hall 3. Bay Ridge Fire House 4. North Queensbury Fire House 5. Warren County Municipal Center 6. Queensbury Junior High School (Middle School, First Door) 7. Queensbury Town Office Building 8. Queensbury Central Fire-house 9. Queensbury Senior High School 60. Aviation Road Firehouse 11. Queensbury Middle School 12. Kensington Road School (West Entrance) 13. West Glens Falls Community Chapel 1 14. West Glens Falls Firehouse (West End) 15. West Glens Falls Firehouse (East End) 16. Queensbury Water Department Maintenance Building 17. Queensbury Town Office Building RESOLVED, that pursuant to said Law a private building, namely the Oneida Grange Hall is so designated as the Polling Place for a district, naitely Distr ct­#1',' vh t-a public building is situated namely the Queensbury Town Hall for the reason that said Public building is used as the Polling Place for another election district, namely Election Districts #7 and #17 and be it further RESOLVED, that* the rental for such Polling Places be and the same hereby is fixed at the sum of $40. 00 per annum. 131 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson , Mr. Barber, M.r Robillard, Mrr Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes : Ndner Absent: None RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PAYMENT TO COUNTY TREASURER RESOLUTION NO. 159, Introduced by Mr. John Austin who moved for its adoption, seconded y Mr. Daniel Olson: RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be authorized to pay to the Warren County Treasurer the sum of $357. 10 from the General Town Fund, said sum representing payment of Warren County Taxes charged against franchise taxes paid by `— Normandy Cable TV Company, Inc. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes : None Absent: None------ RESOLUTIONS NOS : 159 and 16_(1 Bond Anticipation Notes forthcoming on apage (159) f;?? 3-. page (160) RESOLUTION NO. 161 , Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: RESOLVED, that the Audit of Bills as listed in Abstract No. 74-6 numbered 657 to 806 Totaling-$210, 648.11, Is H"Col &PRWE-D . Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Berber, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes : None Absent: Mr. Robillard On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk 132 �ti RESOLUTION REZONING PREMISES OF ALBANY INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION RESOLUTION NO. 152, Introduced by Mr.John Austin who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Gordon Streeter: WHEREAS Albany International Corporation is the owner of property located in the Town of Queensbury and bounded on the north by Albany International, on the east and south by Crockwell, and on the west by Maurer, which parcel contains approximately 11 acres of land and is more particularly described in Schedule A hereof; and WHEREAS Albany International Corporation is the owner of property on the east side of Ridge Road in the Town of Queensbury, with total frontage of 132 feet and depth of 250 feet, which property is more particularly described �- in Schedule B hereof; and WHEREAS the property described at Schedule A consists of an unimproved parcel of land which is presently located in an R-4 residential '.district pursuant to the Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS the property described at Schedule B consists of two residential lots on which private dwellings are now located and occupied and which property is presently located in an M-1 light industrial zone pursuant to said ordin- ance; and WHEREAS the owner of said land has petitioned the Town Board to rezone the premises at Schedule A from R-4 fesidential to M-1 light manufacturing; and to rezone the premises at Schedule B from M-1 light manufacturing to R-4 residential, and WHEREAS the Town Board after due consideration of said petition referred the same to the Town of Queensbury Planning Board and the Warren County Planning Board for the consideration and recommendation of said Boart*.; -and WHEREAS said Town of Queensbury Planning Board and Warren County Planning Board have each separately recommended approval of such proposed rezoning; and WHEREAS the Town Board decided upon consideration of said petition to call a hearing pursuant to Section 11. 100 of said Zoning Ordinance on such proposed rezoning; and WHEREAS such hearing was held pursuant to notice duly givenrat a meeting of the Town Board at the Town Office Building, Bay and Haviland Roads, on Thursday, June 13, 1974, at which time. all�, persons desiring to be heard in favor of said rezoning and also those desiring to be heard in opposition thereto were given an opportunity and were heard, and thereafter the public hearing was closed and the Town Board gave due consideration to all matters presented in connection with such proposed rezoning; now, therefore, be it RESOLVEDiby the Town Board, that the property described at Schedule A attached hereto and made a part hereof be and the same is hereby rezoned, as follows : From R-4 residential to M-1 light industrial; and be it further RESOLVED, that the property described at Schedule B .attached hereto and made a part hereof be and the same is hereby rezoned as follows : From M-1 light industrial to R-4 residential, and be it further RESOLVED, that the necessary changes be made upon the zoning and depart- mental maps of-the Town of Queensbury so as to indicate the aforementioned zoning changes and the location of the said properties and the respective zones as defined and regulated pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance and map of the Town of Queensbury, as amended; and it is further RESOLVED, that said change from R-4 to M-1 is subject to said property owner' s providing and maintaining a natural wooded buffer zone 100 feet in width wherever such property described at Schedule A abuts a residential zone; and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to give the necessary notice of such change in zoning to the departments and agencies having jurisdiction in the matter. SCHEDULE A ALL THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND situate in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, and lying approximately 500 feet east of the Ridge Road and approximately 800 feet south of the Quaker Road in said town, and which parcel is bounded and described as follows : BEGINNING at the most southerly corner of those lands conveyed by Doris Brower as executor of the Last Will and Testament of Pearl Hubbell, deceased, to Broughton Corporation by deed dated September 30, 1972 and recorded October 11, 1972, in Warren County Clerk' s Office, in Book 558 of Deeds at Page 319 , and whichpoint of beginning is situate at a distance of 494. 05 feet on a course of South 64 degrees 19 minutes east from the southwesterly corner of said parcel lying in the easterly bounds of the Ridge Road, running thence from the place of beginning, north 35 degrees 08 minutes 30 seconds east for a distance of 83. 28 feet to an angle point in the southerly bounds of said lands conveyed by Hubbell to Broughton Corporation; thence south 80 degrees 56 minutes 40 seconds east, along saic southerly line, for a distance of 714 feet to an iron pipe marking the nori hwest corner of a parcel of land conveyed by William Maurer to Margaret B. Crockwell by deed dated March 22, 1956 and recorded in Book 352 of Deeds at page 253; thence south 21 degrees 54 minutes west for a distance of 663. 66 feet to an iron pipe marking the southwest corner of said lands conveyed to Margaret B. Crockwell; thence north 82 degrees 19 minutes 30 seconds west, along the northerly line of other lands of Margaret B. Crockwell, for a distance of 873. 33 feet to an iron pipe set at the corner of a wire fence; thence north 33 degrees 31 minutes 30 seconds east, through the lands of the party of the first part hereto and partly along a wire fence and hedge row, for a distance of 651. 83 feet to the place of beginning and containing 11. 94 acres . SCHEDULE B ALL THAT CERTAIN PIECE, PARCEL OF LAND located in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows : BEGINNING at an iron pipe located on the easterly side of a concrete •• walS, which runs along the easterly border of Ridge Road in said town, which point also marks the southwesterly corner of a parcel of land con- veyed by Clark W. Dean and Lorinda H. Dean his wife, to Peter J. Holmes and Helena M. Holmes, dated October 1, 1954 and recorded in the Warren County Clerk' s Pffice in Book 336 of Deeds at Page 327, and proceeding t , thence south 80 49' East a distance of 250 feet to a point in the south" erly line of thg said premises described in the deed from Dean to Holmes thence south 43 52 ' west 350 feet, more or less , to the northerly boundary of lands now or formerly of Maurer, thence north 64° 19' west 2.50 feet to and iron pipe set approximately 25 feet southeasterly from the center of Ridge Road, thence proceeding from the said iron pipe along the easterly boundary df Ridge Road north 43 52 ' east 132 feet, more or less , to the point or place of beginning. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin Noes : None Absent: None