RC-000642-2016 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY OL 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: RC-000642-2016 Tax Map No: 239.18-1-31 Permission is hereby granted to: McCall Construction For property located at: 15 CLIFF HOLLOW RD In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Tome of Construction Owner Name: Gladys Prot Single Family-Addition $100,000.00 Owner Address: 31 Seabrook Landing DR Total Value $100,000.00 Hilton Head,SC 29926 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency McCall Construction 1485 County Rt 29 North Creek,NY 12853 Plans&Specifications Residential Addition fust floor: 286 sq.ft.plus alteration of existing deck to a porch 180 sq.fl. $150.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Friday,November 10,2017 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of ueensb n �hur er 10,2016 SIGNED BY: G,�L✓KI/ for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement "IRCINC1PAL STRUCTURE APPLICATION Office Use Only Date: 10 - Irl-1 C4 Permit No. RC (o 2-C;Le1 Tax Map ID 2-Sq , 1$ - 1 -3 1 Permit Fee / 8] Zone VJ Q Historic? _Yes I/No Rec Fee Subdivision Name Lot# Site Plan# Subdivision# Project Location 15 CLIFF 11oz�o .+ foot) TOWN BD.RESOLUTION 86-2013: $850 recreation fee for new dwelling units—single family,duplexes/two-family, multiple family, apartments,condominiums,townhouses,and/or manufactured&modular homes,but not mobile homes. This is in addition to the permit fee(s). Primary Owner(s) 17Au .O � GLAD4's ?foL.._. Address 31 See,8¢oak LArv0%*tu6 -09 H,1+vN Aero SC 294 Z to Phone/Email 143_ 36, - 118(o 90 1 73 11 Applicant Address Ills coU,n Q'x 2rt (V,yo�e-*%- Ceee-� IVY 12863 Phone/Email /$- 7LI q-J 4 4 S Ce I l 1 I C (Alt . K YV c.'r Contractor ''^^^^ I Iva ,. ►►t c, (A I 1 Address S A-v� Phone/Email S A ✓ML C_ Contact Person for Building & Codes Compliance: Phone TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION ,,'Check all that apply New Addition Alteration 1"floor sf 2nd floor sf Total sf Height Single Family i b'o " G s z eY sT to Ncw 30' eX,st„� Two-Family Multi-Family (#of units_) Townhouse Business Office Retail-Mercantile Factory-Industrial Attached Garage (1, 2, 3, 4+) J Other Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Principal Structur Application revised January 2016 O V If commercial or industrial please indicate name of business Proposed use of building or addition 1�es �oe,ro+,i a Source of Heat(circle one) Gas Oil ropane Solar Other Fireplace: Complete a separate application for Fuel Burning Appliances & Chimneys Are there structures not shown on plot plan? N O Are there easements on the property? N Site Information: a. Dimensions or acreage of lot . 32 A-t- b. Is this a corner lot? _Yes _�10 c. Will the grade be changed as a result of construction _Yes 1,--No d. Public water or Private well (circle one) Public vale e. Sewer or Private Septic System (circle one) SewerPrivate Value of all work to be performed (labor or materials) $ A)BQ ooJ DECLARATION. 1. I acknowledge no construction shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit and will be completed within a 12 month period. 2. If work is not complete by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees and department approval. 3. I certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement / description of the work proposed, that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes,local building laws and ordinances,and in conformance with local zoning regulations 4. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed, I or my agents will obtain a certificate of occupancy. 5. I also understand that I /we are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: ��o/t�c�IAc I�1 C CA I I DATE: /o - ) 9 - / 4, SIGNATURE: DATE: to-/ For office use only Operating Permit Issued: _Yes —No �/-- Occupancy Type Construction Classification Assembly Occupancy Limit Special Conditions Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Principal Structure Application Revised January 2016 David H Prol 1 843 689 6950 P. 1 lise'7ff o'w-itI1111%kft em k Volt a A VOW: !M:popron as Coal,= AW LOW prMA !Von 11.0 1" low R A 1 hit • 1c" rl 116 Window Schedule Calculation Sheet Job Site Address: 19 C U F F H o a_I O,J WC) Date: I o- It- 14 ,- Owner: GI_AV y Application No.: Window# or letter on plan Az3L--Z (.A( b3-1�{d 0Clo't P.,. Manuf.NameQz l 0 1�l2 i. Model/Type Cd►s e,"a„} C p L4,.c c. CA sem e t Unit or Block# Cell sizez Z 1 K z 2°t 3 53 4 Z - 3553 2141 Rough Opening Width 5 Z) g' 0 Rough Opening Height 3 ; O' ` 3: ('- Sq. • Sq. Ft. Vent 1 SS F 13, 1 s f -17 s F Sq. Ft. Egress/ Clear Opening -1 .5, s 6 s 1= 13 ' Clear Opening-width in inches 2 . 2 1 ' ' 3'O'` Clear Opening-Height in inches 5 . 0 3. 6 " L` O Special Hardware or instruction N _0 N 0 rU v Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Principal Structure Application Revised January 2016 NATURAL LIGHT, VENTTILATION AND EMERGENCY EGRESS CALCULATION SHEET Job Site Address: 13 C 1 TZ-fi Noc LoW ZD Date: /0 - 15 - 1(o Owner: -DA%)2 + GcAoy Application No.: Habitable Rooms Area of Room-Sq.Ft. Required light Actual light-sq. ft. Required ventilation Actual Ventilation sq.ft. Sq.Ft.opening for 8%of room 4%of room egress A JSF 7 • W? �SsF -7 . 118 ISSF 7 • SSF Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Principal Structure Application Revised January 2016 WINCHIP 6272 State Route 9 Phone: (518)494-2555 [ E N G I N E E R I N G Pc PO Box 116 Fax: (518)494-2566 Chestertown,NY 12817 November 8, 2016 Job No.: 16-136 Page 1 of I David Prol 31 Seabrook Landing Drive Hilton Head,SC 29926 Re: 15 Cliff Hollow Road Queensbury,NY Tax Map#239.18-1-31 Dear Mr. Prol, I have reviewed the plans for your property"Map of lands of David H. and Gladys Prol" by Coulter&McCormack, last revised September 31, 1982. I visited the property on November 2"d, 2016. The purpose of my review and visit were to evaluate the design and construction of the existing wastewater system to determine if it is compliant with the New York State Department of Health(NYSDOH) standards. Based on my review the wastewater disposal area appears to conform to the NYSDOH standards and is adequately sized for a four bedroom residence. The size of the septic tank is not adequate,the NYSDOH standard requires a 1250 gallon septic tank,and the plans indicate a 1000 gallon tank. Based on my site visit the wastewater system appears to be constructed in conformance with the plans. To bring the system into compliance with the NYSDOH standards the septic tank with need to be either replaced or an additional tank added in series. My recommendation is to reuse the existing pump chamber as a septic tank and install a new pump chamber. Attached please find several details further depicting my recommendation. If you have any comments or questions,please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Q-c - X12 • Lo 1 e p L CE0WEE ��- NOV 10 2016 D Zachary Monroe TOWN OF QUEENS13URY BUILDING 8 CODES Copy: D. McCall—McCall Construction vancasr�•tevrno-^mt I'� 330 1 0' MIN 50' MIN •- C j D r E MAP REFERENCE APPROXIMATE WELL SITE PLAN FOR COMPLETE PROPERTY SURVEY AND ORIGINAL WASTEWATER LOCATION BY:DESIGN SEE"MAP OF LANDS OF DAVID H.AND GLADYS PROL" COULTER 8 MCCORMACK LAST REVISED:SEPTEMBER 31,1987 I" = 20' A - PROPOSED 4" PVC SDR 35 EFFLUENT SEWER 1/8" PER FOOT MINIMUM SLOPE B - PROPOSED DUPLEX PUMP CHAMBER C - PROPOSED 1-1 /4" PVC SCH 40 CONNECTION TO EXISTING FORCE MAIN D - EXISTING 1000 GALLON PUMP CHAMBER TO BE RE-PURPOSED AS A SECOND SEPTIC TANK E - EXISTING 1000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK 0 0 QUIK DISCONNECT 0 0 GATE VALVE o 0 SLOB FLOAT BRACKET LIFTING HANDLE SLOPE FINISHED GRADE VALVE EXTENSION HANDLE 11-a" FORCE MAIN LAG/HIGH LEVEL ALARM PUMP BALL CHECK VALVE ON SET TO DOSE FOR SLIDE RAILS 50 GALLONS PUMP DISCHARGE PIPE FIBERGLASS OR OFF TWO GOULDS POLYETHYLENE EFFLUENT PUMPS PUMP CHAMBER ANTI-FLOAT ROUND FLANGE RESILIENT FEET 12" CRUSHED STONE NOTES -SEAL ALL OPENINGS WATERTIGHT -SET ALARM 6" ABOVE"PUMP ON" - INSTALL POWER AND CONTROL WIRES TO CONTROLLER LOCATED IN HOUSE - PUMPS SHALL BE GOULDS WE2012H, 230 VOLT, 3450 RPM SUBMERSIBLE TO PUMP 40 GPM @ 95TDH - INSTALL GOULDS D10020 CONTROL WITH ALARM LIGHT AND FLOAT SWITCHES AS REQUIRED - PROVIDE 'T' WITH GATE VALVE TO DRAIN - CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING ELECTRICAL SERVICE PRIOR TO PURCHASING PUMP(S) DUPLEX PUMP STATION DETAIL (N.T.S.) . ~ 4"PVC TEE FINISHED GRADE LOCATION PROVIDE ACCESS TO GRADE MARKER (TYP.) FOR INSPECTION OF FILTER 12"± EFFLUENT FILTER SANITARY TEE I/3LlUUI CAULKED JOINT (TYP.)` 3(Y' DEPTH 1/3 LIQUID GRAVEL(DR 3/4"TO 4" PVC CONNECTO EXISTING 1000 GALLON EXISTING 1000 GALLON PIPE SLOPE 1/8"PER FT. PUMP CHAMBER TO BE SEPTIC TANK SECTION RE-USED AS SECOND SEPTIC TANK 4" PVC TEE EFFLUENT FILTER WATERTIGHT SEAL PRECAST OR ALL COVERS,JOINTS POURED AND PENETRATIONS CONCRETE SEPTIC TANK |,vLE| OUTLET_ N'PVC CONNECTOR PIPE SLOPE l/8"PER Fr. PLAN ������������� �����U�� TANKS |�� ����|�� ����U������ � L ��� � ��� U ����7�� ||� ������� SEPTIC TANK NOTES: PL-I 22 RESIDENTIAL WASTEWATER EFFLUENT FILTER IN OUTLET TEE OF SECOND TANK L - |N�|AL . ��|MTANK|NLB/\ND [�UTLBl6"AMDl��' BELOYYU(�U|DLEVELRE8PEC�VELY ' S"^'"|- ~°TANKS SH/\LLBE|NSPE��TED /\NmUf\LLYT[� 8S��ERTA|NS[)U ��^� DSLEvENDSH{)ULDBEPUk»PB] EVERY TWO ~T(}THREE YEARS.TANKS MUST 8EPUMPED WHEN THE BOTTOM (}FTHE SCUM LAYER|SWITHIN THREE INCHES {JFTHE BOTTOM C)FTHE OUTLET BAFFLE[)RSANITARY TEE, (}RWHEN THE TOP[}FTHE SLUDGE 3WITHIN TEN INCHES [)FTHE BOTTOM{}FTHE OUTLET BAFFLE{}RSANITARY TEE. f q l � V q Ooh 239.18-1-31 SEP 642-2016 David & Gladys Prol 15 Cliff Hollow Rocas! Residential Alteration 2 F E- PERWT_PLOT PLAN I HAVE PERSONALLY MEASURED THE DISTANCE FROM Tf-#,'--- PROPERTY LINES TO THE PROP SLp STi AUC T URE(S) OR SIGN(S) S NAT URE DATE APPROVED BY: SCALE: 1 � �� DRAWN BY A DATE: 1 REVISED DRAWING NUMBER