Application Area Variance [ZBA approved- September 21 2O 16] fieneralinformation Tax Parcel ID Number: 289.17-1-391&56 Zoning District: WR Detailed Description of Project [include CUrrent& proposed.use]: Current Use: Single Family Residence Proposed Use: Single Family Residence Location of Project: 108 Birdsall Road, Glen Lake„ Queenisbury Applicant Narne: Sereena Coornbee Mailing Address 108 Birdsall Road Torne�Phone City, State, Zip Work Phone Queensbury NY 12804 Cell Phone 5.18-321-3.119 E-Mail: FAX No. sereesere,enacooi-nbes@yahoo.com Agent's Name: Mailing Address Rucinski Hall Architecture-Ethan Hall 134 Dix Ave Torne Phone — City, State,Zip — Glens Falls NY 12801 Work Phone 518-741-0268 Cell Phone FAX No. ephall@nycap.rr.com 51 8-741-0274 Owner's Name Same as Applicant Mailing Addl*ess Iit til Phone City, State,Zip Work Phone Cell Phone FAX No. Page I TOWN OF QR 742 Bay Road, Queeasbury, NY., 12804-5902' November 1 , 2016 ' r na Coombes 108 Birdsall Round ueensbury,NY 12804 Re: Residential Addition and Carport 108 Birdsall Road Tax Map Parcels 299.17-.1- 6 Dear Ms., Coombes: I am writing you vAth reds to my review ofthe application and plans sub it d,to dila office relative to the above-referenced project and to document the conversations between you and Laura Moore, f my office. Upcan my review I find that your proposal will require Area Variance review prior to the commencement of the project. 'Specifically, an Area`variance is required as the proposed addition and carport do not appear,to meet the minimum property line setbacks for such a building,. additionally, it appears as though the proposed addition exceeds the ma inau m allowable height limit as well.. I understand that you have submitted the necessary application materials already, as such, this letter serves; as the necessary denial letter in the processing of your Area.Variance application. Should you have any questions or corm-rients regarding your application, ,please do not hesitate to contact this office, Sincerely, Craig Brown Zoning Administrator /sh LACra3,g E3rown\2016 Leuuers enial Coornbes 1111-1 .doc "Horne of Natiral eaa iy— A Goad Place toLive " Arm ariance [MAapproved: September2120161 Pre-Sub.mission Conference Form/Section 179-9-040 1. ApplicantName: sarewaCoombas 2. Tax Map ID 289.17-1-39&56 108 BUdsall Road 3. Zoning CIMsificatioo wR 4. Regson,for Review: a fX4 51 Zoning Section io. ut-k vbL�Aj cgs J& CA,-C(se(c)"10 6. Pre-Submission Meeting Notes: Provided Outstanding; Please provide by C r ft�4P Deed Genend Information complete Site Development Data Complete Sotback Requirements Complete Additional Projed Infonnation Complete 1< FAR addre8ged, Complianee with Zoning Ordinance V Chccklia items addressed, 6 Environmental Form completed Sign Page completed el -Ape\k cc, --,% c u r -> t) CT Ck Q , w( CC /% f 0 L,&.,4-S �Wo Uce � to PcLa-eA C-- lz�e Uc C9, tic e,_I C 4'eqIIINI LJ +Cocks -9) r ()CL CLC n +z) rA V_ qo5 '+LuC> and + 00V Ot � it* ,, �I)OL r' r,w 4 t Tc, a Al -MUL ex-) C,Tr,Cf FA 9, Staff Representative: Applicant/Agont: Date: Pop 6 Area VarianCC [,ZBA approved: September 21 20161 site Cleveloent at Area/Type Existingsq.faro I Proposed Total sq.. Vit, Hon s ft. A. Buildmng footprint B. detached Garage 1,454 F 1,454 SF.. _. _..... .. 7. Accessory tracture(s) ... _ ....: .._ 20;9 SF 209 SF D. paved, gravel or other hard surfaced area 4,071 SF <-197 SF> 3,874 SF E. Porches/Decks 422 SF 422 SF F. Other - 526 SF 528 SF G. Total Non-Permeable [Add A-F] 5,262 SF 6,487 SF H. parcel Area [43,566 sq. ft./acres 22,949 SF 22',949 SF I. percentage of Impermeable Area of Site [1= 27.29°l0 28.27% et acli R c-qu i rements Area egleli• d Existing r .. .. Proposed: Fro�Yardt] 30 029'-3" 1 - 1 Front Yard [2] NA. horcline 501-0" 195 1 O1" �g 4'.� g_�g 6,q ee Side Yard ]1.] 201_0'" 15' 1,1 Side Yard [L] ^"R0,1-011 1-1 -I" G+^y1p��!''ye�o f Rear hard [l� ' _ ✓0..f—0"' 12'-6" 12t-6" .. Rear'hard [21 _ NA Travel Corridor NA Height 281-0" 2 e1 qy Permeability �� .. 75% 72.71% 71.73% Number of parkingspaces 2 Page 2 Area Variance [MAapproved: Septeinbvr212016] AOAi2nal l�ro�ect h�forraaation 1. Will the proposal require a Septic Variance trom the Town Board of Health? No 2, If the parcel has previous approvals, list application number(s): AV-11-2001,AV-61-2001,AV-53-1996 Does this project require coverage under the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(SPDES) Pen-nit Program?11 Yes/ZNo 4. Estimated project duration: Start Date: 4�2017 End Date: M2017 5. Estimated total cost of prqject: $100,000 6. Total area of land disturbance for project: 000_sr LLoolj Area Ratio Worksheet FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) -- The relationship of building size to lot size, derived by dividing the total building floor area by tile lot size in square feet,yielding a percentage. Zoning District Symbol Floor AreaRatio [FAR] Waterfront Residential WR 0.22 (;o—irinie—rciai-iVl-od—cra"t-e/Coi,nMerciaI Intensive 0.3 A. The combined area of all square footage, as measure from exterior walls of all structures on the property, including all floors of the structures, garages, basements and attics with more than five (5) feet of ceiling height and covered porches. Building square footage does not include. Open deck, docks and that portion of covered docks extending over water and one storage shed of one hundred twenty (120) square feet or less. Any additional sheds will be included, (See"FLOOR AREA RATIO"), 13. Commercial or industrial: the total area, in square feet as measured from the exterior of the outside walls of a building or structure, and when applicable,the surra total of all floor areas of the principal and accessory buildings or structures on the project site. i Parcel Area 22,949 SF S Existin Floor Area 1,934 SF ft. [see above'defin ition] P E lar c t e Ar F area �r Area f ft- [-scq above�dcfirCitio:n—] s' '= S I floor ,,�41 rPr:oosedAddifional Floor Area 552 SF ft. Rin : T se 0 loo r rea ro osed Total Floor Area 2,486 SF sq. ft. T T otal Allowable Floor Area 5,049 SF see above table Page 3 Area Variance [ZBA approved: September 21 2016] Compliance with Zoning Ordinance Requesting relief frorn SECTION. 179-3-040 Need relief from the requirement(s)listed below which can not be met by the project as proposed. [Cheek all(licit al L--- Permeability ?ply] [Detback Ei'Bul fer Zone Width The following questions reflect'the criteria for granting this type of variwice. Please complete them; use additional sheets if needed. 1. Whether an undesirable change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to nearby property will be created by the granting of this area variance? No, the project is an existing 2 story, single family residence and will remain a 2 story single family residence. 2. Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance? No, the existing building is in violation of the setbacks so any i-nodification to the building will require an area variance regardless. 3. Whether the requested area variance is substantial? The front yard variance appears to be significant, however the public road actually bisects the lot causing the appearance of a,significant variance, there actually is no "front yard" as defined by the zoning code. 4. Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district? No, the addition will take place above art existing single story portion of the building to add second story space and the existing suri deck will be:covered with a roof to become a screen porch, the first floor open deck will. extend over an area that was a landscape patio. 5. Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created? The difficulty may be interrupted as self-created however the existing building was already in violation of the required setbacks and a,previous area variance had been granted to add the existing second floor prior to the current owner purchasing the project. Page 4 ... ............... Area Variance [IBA approved: SepLelnlxcr 21 2016] Section 179-14-03 Application materials and site plan drawing is toinclude sufficient information for the Board to review and provide a decision. The applicant is to provide a site plan drawing(s)-a survey showing existing conditions,a proposed conditions map(see page 00 for, specific criteria)and include any other attachments that address A-D as applicable to the proposed project. A. -General Shown on Sheet I Title, Narne,Address of applicant& X1 Yes 3 I�lortln artow T'ax 1'vfa lid, date re orad and soap rn" : I—inch 40C-1,&—feet C-2 �l 13oatndaries of the proeotGed Cos scale coning boundary -1'&C-2 5accessory structures with exterior dimensions All 6outdoorageareas,driveways,parking areas, etc. existingroposed & C-1&C-2 7 Setbacks for all structures and improvements: existing! �,jopqsed C-1 &C-2 TTI—evations—and.floo�r lans of all ro osed and arfected structures A-1 thru A-6 B. Water& Sewer Shown on Sheet# I Project sewage disposal facilities, design details, construction details, flow rates,and number of C-1 &C-2 bedrooms pr F—I Water sup ly [i.e. well] &septic on adjoining lots with separal—ion—distance ---- p s to existing or, C-1 &C-2 proposed on-site water strpl and 3sep!ic__. to well and water bodies o®1 &C-2 4 [well,suppMethod of securing public or private C-1&C-2 water, location, design ar�d constructican ofwaler s«� l irncltadira flail avatar c�:sage5results C. NA Shown on Sheet fk I Number of spaces required for project including calculations and justification: existing& C-1 &C-2 - proused. 2 No. of existing parking spaces, number to be removed, number to maintain and type of surfacing C-1 &C-2 tna.terial e.g.,gravel., laved]3 4existing& proposed gyp, Design details of ss, egress, loading arc as orifi Y: ex. NA f:oc anon and character of"green areas [existing and sed], modification to green area, b,_tffer —C-1 &C-2 gone for rernain undisturbed 6 1 i titin , Ioc atron sand deli n of all e ctsting and roposed n is ur e outdoor figlatig NA D. Shown,on Sheet1 Cin-site a' adjacent watercoarrses, streams,rivers, lake # d wetlands C-1 &C-2 telephone existing&proposed C-1 &C-2 3 Location, design and construction das, electric,etails of all existing ,arid proposed site improvements C-1&C-2 — uicluditic- drains, culverts,retamipg.walls, fences, fire& ernes gene zones and hydrants, etc. 4 Square footage of bldg. area—proposed For office, manufacturing, retail sales or other commercial NA — activities: existing proposed 5 — n & ro, osed NA 6waiver f eguest: provide letter wit➢�application ng any waivers: please reference Requested n of Landscaping, Storinwater NA lana rernent, Grading&LIC111tinc) Plans 8 Identification of Federal, State or County permits required for the prqject together with a—record _NA — of application for all necessary permits page 5 Area Variance JZBA approved: September 2120161 Pre-Submission Conference Form/Section 179-9-040 1. Applicant Name: sereena Coombes ® Tax Map ID 28,9.17-1-39&56 Location: 108 Birdsall Road 3Zoning Classification WR (co q -0�'I re r"O 4. Reason for Review: 5. Zoning Section 4: L-L 15 �Ci- 0 I-A C) 6s C-\�' - C) cTy 6. Pre-Submission Meeting Notes: Provided Outstanding; Please provide by Deed General Information complete Site Development Data Complete Setback Requirements Complete Additional Project Information Complete FAR addressed Compliance Nvith Zoning Ordinance Checklist items addressed Environmental Form completed Signature Page completed c9se C rc) C \,'I - C rbuc"� (07S (e '-t(JoIc U'k. Ct C "Crvo L) L-1 S e-4 IrQ- r r-C ell 4z") e C) (,A- pr,0pC)r,_,e,r5 C"4- ci IC17 t Au pc C eC Staff Representative: CL,—) r, c 'Kec'� Applicant/Agent: Date: 60 Page 6 Area Variance JZBA approwd: Septenibei 21 2016] This page includes the 1.)Authorization to Act as Agent Form:2.)Engineering Fee Disclosure;3.)Authorization for Site Visits;4.) Other permit.responsibilities;5.)Official Meeting Disclosure and 6.)Agreement to provide documentation required. OWNFR's AGEN'r FORM: Complete the following if the OWNER of the property is not the same as the applicant: Owner: Designates: as Agent regarding the fbIlowing: Variance Site Plan -L.J SubdivisionLi For-Tax Map No.: Deed Reference: Book_.__ Page Date OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE: APPLICAVy's AGEN'r FORNI� Complete the following if the APPLICANT is unable to attend the meeting or wishes to be represented by another party: Owner: Serenna Coombes Designates: RucinsM Hall Arch. - Ethan Hall as Agent regarding the following: Variance-J4 Site Plan Subdivision For fax Map No,::289917-1-39& 56 Deed Reference: Book Page Date OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE: 11 ENGINIER'N FEE E➢S -'1,,OSURE, Applications may be referred to the Town consulting review of for revieofseptic design, sto'll'Idrainage, etc. a'sdete_mined by the Zoning or Planning Department. Fees for engineering review services will be charged directly to the applicant. Fees for engineering review will not exceed$ 1,000 without notification to the applicant. All➢"HOR A' 0 FOR E IT * By signing this page and submitting the application materials attached herein, the S"r V" e 'Z a' their agents) en hereby authorize the Zoning Board or..Planning Board and Town Staff to enter the subject e Applicant, hisliry Own antpurpose pd 'I t(s) properties op I s f c or the u, ose of reviewing �wiug he arap ication submitted. Other permits may be required for construction or alteration activity Subsequent to approval by the Zoning Board or Planning Board. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain any additional permits. It is the practice of the Community Development Department to have a designated stenographer tape record the proceedings of meetings resulting fi-orn application., and minutes transcribed from those tapes AGREEMENTTO PROVIDE DOCUr MENTAJ,[ON R 1,the undersigned, have thoroughly read and understand the instructionsubmission requirements, I acknowledge no construction activities shall be commenced pr plans and supporting materials are a true and com statement/descywvoa . plete approved planscornreguproposed and that all work will be performed in accordance with the my agents, will edge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed, I or erstand that Uwe may be required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy I have read and afire to the above, Sereena Coombes 2�4JA�e J�a�V [A, Print Name[Applicant] -1 Man P.Hall Dat signed Signature [Agent] Print Name [Agent] Date signed Page 7 Short En,vire ti Assessment Form Part I -Project Inf6rination Part I -Project Information. The applicant or project sponsor is responsible for the completion of Part 1. Responses become part of the application for approval or funding,are subject to public review, and may be subject to further verification. Complete Part 1 based on information currently available, If additional research or investigation would be needed to fully respond to any itern,please answoras thoroughly as possible based on current information. Complete all items in Part 1. You may also provide any additional information which you believe will be needed by or useful to the lead agency-,attach additional pages as necessary to supplement any item, Part I-ProJect and Sponsor-Information Name of Ac-tion orl�r_qi_cji: -—-—-- AddiVDn to the Coombes Residence Project Location(describe,and attach a location rnap): 108 Birdsall Road,West end of Glen Lake in the Town of Queensbury Brief Description of Proposed Actiow Addifion to the second floor of an existing single fdamily residence to expand:second floor for relocation of bedroom space Name of Applicant or Sponsor: Tclophone: 518-321-3119 Sereenna Coomibes f_-Mail: sereenacoombes@yahoo.com 108 Birdsall'Road city/po: Queensbury State: Zip Code: New York 12804 ZI�C 21104 'o 1. Does the proposed action only involve the legislative adoption of a plan,local law,ordinance, N 05' YES administrative rule,or regulation? t 4s , 1 ff Yes,attach a narrative description of the intent of the proposed action and the envirotirriental resources that may be affected in the municipality and proceed to Part 2. If no,continue to question 2. 'y 2. Does the proposed action require a permit,approval or funding from any other goverrunental Agency? NO YES If Yes,list agency(s)narne and permit or approval: Town of Queensbury Building Permit FaT oTc reage-_Wt_ site off" f the proposed action? 7 _ a— acres h. Total acreage to be physically disturbed? 0.01 acres c.'rotal acreage(project site,and any contiguous properties)owned ­­_ or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor? 0.53 acres 4. Check all land uses that occur on,adjoining and near the proposed_action. '_­"_­"'_ E]Urban [3 Rural (non-agriculturc) [:1Industrial ElCommercial OResidential(suburban) Dforest DAgriculture Aquatic El Other(specify): ElParkland Page I of 3 ............ ---------......— 5. Is the proposed action, a..A permitted use under the zoning regulations? NO 'SES N/A IEJI b.Consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan.? Z El 1 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the predominant character of the existing built or natural No Yf§--, landscape? T Is the,site of Wthe 1.3--r—opose—dact-ion—located in, of it­adjoj­n,a s-i-a-te listed.Criii c-alEnviro-n.—Mental Area-?——NO 1 YES Il Yes,identify:Name: len Lake,Name:Rou,nd Pond,Reason:Beneflt to human health,natural setting,ReasomUnique, T�t- g a.Fill—theprop-o"sed—action'-i—,esultin a"s-i—ibstantial i ri"_crease in tr"a­ffic—above present Icve1_s? ­'_ N-0 YES— b. Are public transportation service(s)available at or near the site of the proposed action? EJ c.Are any pedestrian accorrunodations or bicycle routes available on or near site of the proposed action? 9. Does the proposed action meet or exceed the state energy code requirements? NO YES If the proposed action will exceed reqUiMnentS,describe design features and technologies: r D —I Ei 10, Will the proposed action connect to an existing public/private water supply? NO -YES If No,describe method for providing potable water: I I. Will the proposed action connect to existing wastewater utilities" lid O.— YES If No,describe method for providing wastewater treatment: El [R] _1.2. a.Does the,sitecontain a",,"3tructure that is listed on either the State or National Register of Historic NO YES Places? b. Is the proposed action located in an archeological sensitive area? 11 a. Does any portion of the site 0f_the"p_ropo`sed a"-c t—ion,or lan-d--sadj-oining-the—proposed actren,c'ontai—n wetlands or other waterbodies regulated by a federal, state or local agency? NO VES El Z b. Would the proposed action physically alter,or encroach into,any existing wetland or waterbody? If Yes,identify the wetland or waterbody and extent of alterations in square feet or acres: 1.4. Identify the typical habitat types that occur on or are likely w be found on the Project Site. Check all that apply: 0 Shoreline El Forest E]AgHCU.Itural/gra ssiands Early mid-successional 0 Wetland Urban 0 Suburban 15. Does the site of the proposed action contain ally species of animal,or associated habitats, listed NO YES by the State or Federal government as threatened or endangered? 16, Is the Project site located in the 100 year flood plain? NO YES J-7- 17. Will the,proposed action create storm Warier discharge,either 1rom point or non-point sources? NO YES If Yes, a. Will stoma water discharges flow to adjacent properties? NO []YES b. Will storm water discharges be directed to established conveyance systems(runoff and storm drains)? If Yes,briefly describe: NO []YES Page 2 of 3 ........... 18,Does the proposed action include constniction or other activities that result in the iinpoundrnerrt of NO 'SES water or other liquids(e.g. retention pond,waste lagoon,darn)? lf'Yes, explain purpose and size: 19.Has,the site M,ffie proposed action or an adjoining property been the location of an active or closed I NO YES solid waste management facility? If Yes,describe: ............... –HO.Has the site of`the proposed action or an adjoining property been the subject of remediation(ongoing or NO YES completed)for hazardous waste? If Yes,describe: I AFFIRM THAT,rHE INFORMATION PROVIDED—ABOVE IS TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE REST OF—MV— KNOWLEDGE Applicant/sponsor : Ethan Hail-Architect\Agent for the Applicant Date: November 8,2016 Signature: Page 3 of 3 ........... EAF Mapper Summary Report Tuesday, November 08, 2015 3:25 P Disclaimer.er. The EAF Mapper is a screening tool intended to assist project sponsors and reviewing agencies in preparing an environmental d,,_ll s^« assessment form(EAF),Not all questions asked in the EAF are answered by the EAF Mapper'.Additionai information on any EAF 7-''l II `:C Nr.'R r '4 question can be obtained by consulting the EAF Workbooks. A➢though the EAF Mapper provides the most up-to-date digital data available to DEC,you may also need to contact local or other data sources in order to obtain data not provided by the Mapper.Digital data is not a 2' , t, .,r substitute for agency determinations. R..p 42 . a { 2 4,wJ,'I P-„I'-'u .,, �,Mt ttlN�Pmiill tNatnOtw ffl CP BVI n T,r cmto �7 tlo.G9tal k6WrfayS'cr mea€sa v t� EtRlt, V', a Nna�r toAr„t f�¢rra'¢arrm�a:r. ,� I hrEFE �.�1_ r� a 4l ,r- �r V�,ira 5u 1 k 8 .,.� s4 .,1t—T T E_ri ut,in8 ,Wca i wu gq' t zri+ PINLImr 07, �rQwr�:,� i tHEaE, t r ros f sri i a�lrna C.ta rr krrrfra rr l i” m _.. ` f r M1 rmM �u tiroIl k @°ut l carr r I@R6 ,Int c , 3!° , �gar�rrundt.xN dot � �r,�t IN P°E TE,N'''E NRC ni E=ori Mtar : i ? ttFTfl, Esir ,9,u�x Part 1 /Question 7 [Critical Environmental 'ayes .area] Part 1 /Question 7 [Critical Environmental game:Glen Lake, Name:Round Pend, Reason:Benefit to human health Area- Identify] natural setting, ReasomUnique, glacial kettle grand, Aency: ueensbury, Town of, Date:11-30-89, Date:12-0 5-86 Part 1 1 Question 12a [National Register of No Historic Places] Part 1 /Question 12 [Archeological Sites] ''des Part 1 /Question '15a [Wetlands or Other "des w Digital mapping information on local and federal wetlands and Regullated.Waterbodies] waterbodies is known to be incomplete. Refer to EAF Workbook. Part 1 /Question 15 [Threatened or 'yes Endangered Animal] Part 1 /Question 15[100 Year Flood Plain] Digital mapping data are not available or are incomplete. Refer to EAF Workbook. Part 1 /Question 29[Remediation Site] No Short Environmental Assessment Form - EAF Mapper Summary Report EAF Mapper Summary Report Tuesday, November 08, 2016 3:34 PM Disclaimer: The EAF Mapper is a screening tool intended to assist project sponsors and reviewing agencies in preparing an environmental 9 17-1-3 assessment form(EAF),Not all questions asked in the EAF are answered by the EAF Mapper,Additional information on any EAF 17`1 4k,, question can be obtained by consulting the EAF Workbooks. Although the EAF Mapper provides the most up-to-date digital data available to 2 89A 7-1-5= DEC,you may also need to contact local or other data sources in order to obtain data not provided by the Mapper.Digitat data is not 8 substitute for agency determinations. ur M1 I-5 u 7 2 IX Vp'Y-V"x ostom S E py el on 0 -56,HE E,C'eUmryie, U1, 'dlri&rr s N,C R E tA E��4 T F, �'4 R C4-:�n, Es r ii 2 9 P,-A E T t,Esr i C h inc Hcarg De,rE Esri pi'ltd"kurrth E'kax c'T -Bri!ThsilsncC, arod theC-,'ISEtAEa-,IT F1 NR Crar,,Esri U7 R— CC711177UINt�/ v>vvTaff EsHCtir-,, Part 1' /Question 7 [Critical Environmental Yes Area] Part 1 /Question 7 [Critical Environmental Name:Glen Lake, Name'-Round Pond, Reason:Benefit to human health, Area- Identify] natural setting, Reason:Unique, glacial kettle pond,Agency:Queensb u ry, Town of, Date:11-30-89, Date,12-05-86 Part I /Question 12a [National Register of No Historic Places] Part 1 /Question 12b [Archeological Sites] Yes Part I /Question 13a [Wetiands or Other Yes- Digital mapping information on local and federal wetlands and Regulated Waterbodies] waterbodies is known to be incomplete. Refer to EAF Workbook. Part 'I /Questlon 15[Threatened or Yes Endangered Animal] Part I /Question 16[100 Year Hood Plain] Digital mapping data are not available or are incomplete. Refer to EAF Workbook, Part 1 /Question 20[Remediation Site] No Short Environmental Assessment Form - EAF Mapper Summary Report .......... THIS INDENTURE, made the 22nd day of December, Two Thousand Fourteen, BETWEEN STEPHEN C. MILLER, residing at 108 Birdsall Road, Queensbury, New York 1280,4 party of the first part, and JOHN M COO ES and SEREENA C. COC ES, husband and wife, residing at 15 Fairway Court, Queensbury,New York 12804 party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars, and other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, and the heirs and assigns of the party of the second part, forever, ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT,PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate, lying and being in the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren, designated as tax map Section 40,Block 1, Lot 19.2, and ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate, lying and being in the To of Queensbury, County of Warren, located on the Southerly shore of Glen Lake and approximately 350 Feet Easterly of Birdsall Road, in said Town, and which parcels are more particularly described in Schedule A attached hereto. SUBJECT to all casements, restrictions and right-of-ways of record. TOGETHER with all the right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads, abutting the above described premises, to the center lines thereof, or the entirety thereof, as may be shown on the said survey; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first put in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part,the heirs and assigns of the party of the second part, forever. AND the party of the first part covenants as follows: FIRST,that the party of the second part shall quietly enjoy the said premises; SECOND, That said party of the first part will forever WARRANT the title to said premises; and THIRD, That in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, the Grantor will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The parcel is entirely owned by the transferor and the premises are not located in an agricultural district. ........... ...............— WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars, and other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, and the heirs and assigns of the party of the second part, forever, ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT,PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate, lying and being in the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren, designated as tax map Section 40,Block 1, Lot 19.2, and ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT,PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate, lying and being in the Town of Queensbury, County of Warren, located on the Southerly shore of Glen Lake and approximately 350 Feet Easterly of Birdsall Road, in said Town, and which parcels are more particularly described in Schedule A attached hereto. SUBJECT to all easements, restrictions and right-of-ways of record. TOGETHER with all the right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to: any streets, and roads, abutting the above described premises, to the center lines thereof, or the entirety thereof, as may be shown on the said survey; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted to the party of the second part,the heirs and assigns of the party of the second part, forever. AND the party of the first part covenants as follows: FIRST,that the party of the second part shall quietly enjoy the said premises; SECOND, That said party of the first part will forever WARRANT the title to said premises; and THIRD, That in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, the Grantor will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to, be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the sarne first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The parcel is entirely owned by the transferor and the premises are not located in an agricultural district. The word "Party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party,of the first part has duly executed this deed the say and year first above written. In Presence of- STEPAEN C. MILLER . .............. ........... ...... ............ +rt,, F STATE OF NEWYORK: ss.:.. COUNT" OF WAN . 4n the _22nd day of December in the year 2414 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State , personally appeared Stephen C. eller, personally known to me or proved to me on the bans of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same to his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of which the individual, acted, executed the instrument. L k Notary public DEIBORtlA HEEHAN Notary Public,State of Nowa York Record and Return to; No,OP-SH4890168 ualified in Albany countY Commission paras March 30o 2 Borgos and lel Signore,F.C. 2 Glenwood,avenue Queensbury,New York 12804 SCHEDULE A LOT ALL THAT CERTAIN PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate, lying and being in the Town of Queensbury, Farren County,New York,more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pipe set in the ground in the southerly bounds of a proposed right-of-way distant the following Four courses from an iron pipe found in the ground at the northwesterly corner of parcel of land conveyed to Vincent R. and Regina L. Reis by Edward and.Patricia T. John by deed dated July 17, 1961, recorded in.Book number 411 of deeds at page 31 in the Warren County Clerk's Office; (1) south 45 degrees and 23 minutes west along the southerly bounds of lands of Helen I. Stewart, 20.00 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground; (2) South 36 degrees and 03 minutes East along the southerly bounds of the said proposed right-of- way, 75.85 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground; (3) South 44 degrees and 05 minutes East, still along the southerly bounds thereof, 75.00 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground;thence(4) South 67 degrees and 31 minutes East, still along the southerly bounds thereof, 75.00 feet to an iron., . pipe set in the,ground; thence running from said point of beginning South 67 degrees and 31 minutes east, still along the southerly bounds of the said.right-of-way; 25.00 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground; thence running South 75 degrees and 32 minutes east, still along the southerly bounds of the said right-of-way, 47.34 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground; thence running South 14 degrees and 28 minutes West, 100.00 feet to an iron pipe set in the ground in the northerly bounds of proposed townroad; thence running North 72 degrees and 34 minutes West along the northerly bounds of the said proposed town road, 86.16 feet to an iron;pipe set in the ground;thence running North 22 degrees and 29 minutes East, 100.00 feet to the point or place of beginning. Containing 0.179 of an acre of land,be the same more or less. Bearings given the above description refer to the magnetic meridian as of July 12., 1966. The party of the second part covenants and agrees with the party of the first part, their heirs and assigns,that no automobile, trailer will be parked on the premises hereby conveyed, including house trailers. The grantor also grants and conveys to the grantees, their heirs and assigns,an easement or right-of-way to be used in common with nine other lot owners of subdivision now in the process of completion,to a certain lot of land bordering on Glen Labe as shown on a mala made for the,grantors Dewey by John B. VanDusen, Licensed Land Surveyor, which lot is known as the Beach Lot and is adjacent to the lands or lot of one William Merritt. Said leach Lot shall be used in common with all other lot owners of the subdivisionand their heirs and assigns for recreation, bathing and boating purposes. The grantees agree with the grantor for the benefit of other lot owners that the lot herein being conveyed shall be subject to the following restrictions: 1. No lot shall be used except for residential purposes. 2. No dwelling shall be permitted on any lot which shall cost less than$10,000.00. 3. In the event a cottage or house is built on said lot, it is to be up and under roof within a period of six months, and the entire structure is to be wholly completed within a period of two Fears. These covenants shall run with the land:and are binding on the grantees,their heirs and assigns. The grantees shall have a right-of-way for themselves and their heirs and assigns over the front of said premises running generally westerly to a proposed read and then easterly aver said proposed road until it connects with what is known as the Birdsall Road. Being and hereby intending to convey the same premises as conveyed by Harley F. Dewey and Rita R. Dewey to the party of the first part herein by deed dated September 27, 1996, and recorded in the Office of the Farren County Clerk on September 27, 1996 in Book 995 of Deeds at.Page 124. LOT L THAT CERTAIN PLOT,PIECE OR PARCEL LAND, situate, lying and being in the Town.of Queensbury, County of Warren,located on the Southerly shore of Glen Lake and approximately 3 50 Feet.Masterly of Birdsall Road, in said Town,, and which parcel is bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe marking the Northwest corner of those premises conveyed by . Harley F. and Rita R. Dewey to Stephen C. Miller, by deed dated September 27, 1996 and recorded in Book 995 of Deeds at.Page 125 and which iron pipe also marks the Northeast corner of lands of Richard L. and Jane S. Bartis; running thence North 22 degrees 29 minutes Bast, for a. distance of 24.47 Feet, to the Southerly lire;of land of William Merritt, Jr. and ethers;thence South 54 degrees 55 minutes Bast, a distance of 18.57 Feet to an iron pipe marking the Southeast corner of said lands of Merritt; thence North 33 degrees 04 minutes East, along the Easterly lisle of said lands of Merritt; and crossing a roadway running Westerly to Birdsall Road,for a distance of 138.64 Feet, to an iron pipe, thence continuing North 33 degrees 04 minutes East, for a distance of 15 Feet, more or less,to the shore of Glen Lake;thence Southeasterly along said shore line, a distance of 40 feet, more or less;thence South 01 degrees 17 minutes Bast, along the Westerly line of those premises conveyed by Michael A. and Paula F. Battiste to Paula.P. Fitz, by deed dated June 25, 1994 and recorded in Book 918 of Deeds at Page 313, for a distance of 20 Feet, more or less,to an iron pipe, and which iron pipe is located at a distance of 50.00 Feet, Easterly, from the last mentioned iron pipe, thence continuing South 01 degrees 17 minutes East and crossing said,gravel roadway,for a distance of 148.37 Feet to an iron pipe xarking the Northerly line of lands of William C. and Adele T.Andrews; thence North 75 degrees 32 minutes West, along said Northerly line,for a distance of 82.21 Peet to an iron pipe marking the Northeast corner of said lands of Stephen C. Miller; thence continuing North 75 degrees 32 minutes Vilest, for a distance of 47-34 Feet to an iron pipe, marking ars angle point; thence North 67 degrees 31 minutes West, for a distance of 2.5.00 Feet to the point of beginning. Containing. 0.34 acres. Being and hereby intending to convey the same premises as conveyed by Robert R. Cross to the party of the first part herein by deed dated January 23, 1998, and recorded in the Office of the Warren County Clerk on January 16, 1998 in Book 1052 of Deeds at Page 1.