1974-08-22 164
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : 'Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin
Noes : None
Absent: None
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk
John Austin Supervisor
Daniel Olson Councilman
Robert Barber Councilman
Harold Robillard Councilman
Gordon Streeter Councilman
J. David Little Town Counsel
Meeting Opened. . . 7 : 30 P.M. Salute to the Flag.
GUESTS: Lee Coleman, Greg Johnson, Mr. Glenn Greeno, Mr. Rothermel,
Mr. Richard BarHin, Mr. Sweet, Mrs . Clements, Mr. & Mrs . Glenn Greeno,
Mr. VanVallis, Mr. Paul Qibbins, Mr. Ken Parker, Mr. Arthur Turnbull,
Mr. Lewis, Mr. John Stewart
Public Hearing on the application of Mr. Glenn G. Greeno to place
a mobile home,:on 1;nzerne Road-Ha*hip shown-Notice of Publication
shown-Building Inspector approved of the application-Mr. Greeno
was present. . . property owned by Donald W. Clements . . .
Hearing Opened 7: 30 P.M.
Mr. Daniel Sweet; question the evalution of mobile homes . . .
Supervisor Austin-before the end of the hearing that information
will be supplied to you. . .
Mr. George Liapes-noted several callers on this application and requested
that the hearing be closed until they could arrive. . .
Supervisor Austin-the hearing will -be adjourned for a few minutes . . .
Public Hearing on the applicatiorof Mr.John H. Rothermel of West Mt.
Road to locate a mobile home at West Mt. Road on property owned by
Ethel and Dan Cronin. . .Mr. Rothermel was present. . .HaiAship was shown. . .
Notice of Publication was shown. . .Assistant Building Inspector noted
his approval of the application. . . 1 year permit requestdd. . .
Opened-7 :41 P.M.
Adjourned hearing for a few minutes. . .
Supervisor Austin-noted that assessments on trailors depended on several
variables such as-Age of mobile home-condition-type-ect. . . several examples
were Given. . .
Application of G1enn. "Greeno-Hearing re-opened 7 :45 P.M. ,.
Mr. John Heck builder of Clendon Ridge. . . questioned the devaluation of
- his homes because of a mobile home going into the area. . .questioned if
this mobile home could be seen from Luzerne Road. . .
George Liapes-it will not be seen from the Luzerne Road. . .
to determine
Mr. Vamvallis-builder in the area-felt is was up to the boardnin which direc=
tion the Town wis?-.ed- this area to be developed. . .
Mrs . Clements-noted that there were several mobile homes on the other end
of Mr. Vamvallis property when he bought it. . .
Mr. Glenn Greeno noted that he would take pride in his property and
keep it up. . . some time he would like to build on to it. . .
Supervisor Austin inquired if a one year permit would be agreeable to him. . .
Mr. Greeno I would take a one year permit-.btt I would not have it finished
in one year. . .
Mr. Vamvallis-would a mobile home in the area change the erelation of
the homes in the area?
Supervisor Austin- In Assessments they would look at a house in the
contex of its neighborhood and form an evalution. . . if conditions in the
neighborhood changed then when a new evalution was done this could have
-- a bearing on it. . .
Closed 8: 00 P.M.
RESOLUTION NO. 202 Introduced by Mr.Daniel Olson who moved its
a doption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber :
WHEREAS, Glenn G. Greeno of R.D.#3 Lamplighter Mobile Acres, Fott
Edward, N.Y. has made application in accordance with paragraph
2 (b) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled
home outside of a duly licensed mobile home court at property situated
at Luzerne Road, and
WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said
application are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit
requested by said application,
WHEREAS, it is requested that a buffer zone be left bnteach side
of the adjoining properties and in the front, the buffer zone to
consist of the existing trees, . therefore be it
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned
ordinance, temporary permission is hereby given to Glenn G. Greeno of
R. D. A3 Lamplighter Mobile''Acres , Fort Edward, N.Y. to locate a mobile
home outside of a licensed mobile home court for a period of one
year at property situated at Luzerne Road, Town of Queensbury, and that
the Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue such
permit in accordance with the terms and conditions of said ordinance.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin
Noes : None
Application of John H. Rothermel, Mr. Rothermel was present. . .
RESOLUTION NO, 203. Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Gordon Streeter:
WHEREAS, John H. Rothermel of West Mt. Road has made application in
accordance with paragraph 2 (b) section 4, of an ordinance of the Town
to locate a mobile home outside of a duly licensed mobile home court at
property situated at West Mountain Road, and
WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said
application are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit
requested by said application, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that purusant to the provisions of the above mentioned ordinance,
temporary permission is hereby given to John H. Rothermel of West Mt. Road
to locate a mobil& home outside of a licensed mobile home court for
a period of one year at property situated at West Mountain Road, Town of
Queensbury, and that the Building Inspector is hereby authorized and
directed to issue such permit in accordance with the terms and conditions
of said ordinance.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : ' Mr. Olson, Mr. Ratbit, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin
'V V
Noes : None
Supervisor Austin-Announced- Sept. 14-21 First Aid Week in the Town of
Queensbury Thanked the volunteer services for their great service to
the Town of Queensbury. . .
(Mr. Phil Buttley-Thanked the Emergency squad for a recent service. . .)
Application of Richard E. Bardin of R.D. #1 Glens Falls , New York to
renew his one year permit to locate his mobile home on the property
of Erwin Bardin' s Faroast Sunnyside Road-Harship reasons shown-
Building Inspector gave his approval of the application-Mr. Bardin
was present- ..
RESOLUTION NO. 204, Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its
adoption, secon e by Mr. Gordon Streeter :
WHEREAS , Richard E. Bardin of R.D.-'t1 Glens Falls, New York has made
application in accordance with paragraph 2 (b) Section 4, of an
ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE FOR THE
QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home outside
of a duly licensed mobile home court at property-'situated at
East Sunnyside Road, and
WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said
application are sufficient to authorize the issuance of the permit
requested by said application, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned
ordinance, temporary permission is hereby given to Richard E. Bardin
of R.D.#1 Glens Falls, New York to locate a mobile home outside of
a licensed mobile home court for a period of one year at property
situated at East Sunnyside Road, Town of Queensbury, and that the
Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue such
permit in accordance with the terms and conditions of said ordinance.
Duly adopted by the following vote: —'
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin
Noes : None
Absent: None
MOBILE HOME APPLICATION of Heldeberg Bluestone and Marble, Inc.
of East Berne, New York to locate a mobile home on the Coutty
Line Road-applicant is owner of property-Reasons for application
given-Assistant Building Inspector has given his approval- this is
a temporary application-
Councilman Barber moved for approval . . .
Councilman Robillard noted that the application could be invalid because
the applicant is not the one who will be in the mobile home
Supervisor Austin-this will be used for construction only. . .
Mr. Paul Gibbins President of He:ldeberg Bluestone Inc. present . . .
Councilman Olson-are you using this yourself while you are re-
molding the home?
Mr. Gibbins-yes we are applying for a six months permits needless
to say we can not stay in the camper when the weather gets cold. . .
Councilman Olson-noted that at the Zoning Board of Appeals hearing there
was quite a lot of opposition to the mobile home. . .
requested a public hearing. . . .
Mr. Gibbins-if we do not have the construction: trailor it will effect
the construction of the home. . . we are concerned about the equipment
being moved in. . . this is a very critical time. . .
Supervisor Austin- how much time do you need. . .
Mr. Gibbins- Three months could do it. . .
RESOLUTION NO. 205, Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved for
its adoption, seconded by Mr.John Austin:
WHEREAS, Heldeberg Bluestone and Marble, Inc. of East Berne, New York
has made application in accordance with paragraph 2 (a) Section 4,
of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled ORDINANCE FOR THE
BURY, WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK, to locate a mobile home outside of a
duly licensed mobile home court at property situated at County Line Road,
�— WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said
application are sufficient to authorize the issuance of thb permit
requested by said application, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned
ordinance, temporary permission is hereby given to Heldeberg Bluestone
and Marble, Inc. of East Berne, New York to locate a mobile home out-
side of a licensed mobile home court for a period of three months
at property situated at County Line Road, Town of Queensbury, and that
the Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to issue
such permit in accordance with the terms and conditions of said ordinance.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olsnn, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter, Mr. Austin
Noes : None
Absent: Nhne
-Activity Report of July 1974 for the Water Department was read and
filed. . .
-Highway Fiscal report of July 1974
-Complaint received from Robert Abbey regarding the drainage on Seelye
Road-referred to Highway Committee. . .
-R-dceived a petition from the Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Company
re: separate Fire Proteetion Districts . . .
referred to the Fire Protection Committee. . .
-Letter -Mr. Woolsey of Farm to Market Road regarding the installation
of a Street Light on Pole 103-1 "very big improvement"
-Chusing, Choppa Associates-Job Meeting report #1 regarding Highway/
Police Garage. . .on file. . .
-Residents of Cherikee Lane called and thankel' llighway Dept. for the
improvement to the road. . .
A letter was received from the Dept. of Transportation stating that the
two signs reading "UNLAWFUL TO LITTER" were recently installed on Route
9L in the vicinity of Warner Bay.
The Supervisor was presented a report from the Dept. of Assessments
showing Total parcels, and Total Assessments on the following streets :
Garrison Road, North Road Fort Amherst Road, Hughes Court, Griffing
Place, Pershing Road, Bentley Place, Spruce Court, Queensbury Place,
Ashley Place, Broadacres Road, Luzerne Road and Coolidge Ave.
This was done with the possibility of creating a Special District on these
particular streets as a special test project to create a leaf and brush
pickup similar as the one that they have in Glens Falls.
The matter was referred to Mr. Streeter to report back to the Board as
to the cost of such a district.
-A letter was received from Jane (VanDusen) McQuade requesting a 35 mile
per hour speed limit on West Mountain Road and Mr. Austin explained that
a request was already in the hands of the State to lower the speed limit
in that area.
-Mr. Austin announced that the Office for Local Government was having
a Management Conference in Plattsburgh on September 5, 1974 co-sponsored
by Assemblymen Andrew Ryan, Jr. . and Gerald Solomon. Many subjects will
be discussed during the course of the all day .program.
-Mr. Austin turned over to the Town Clerk a copy of the Freedom of
Information Law permitting Public Access to Records effective September
1, 1974.
-A letter was received from Stanley Miller a former Councilman requesting
information on the bill from the City of Glens Falls for the alleged
services in connection with the connection of a drain line down upper
Coolidge Ave to the storm sewer in Western Ave.
Mr.. Austin said this bill was incorrect and he will get the correct
information for Mr. Miller.
-Letter from Mrs. Robert Stott of 193 Aviation Road regarding drainage
problem--referred to Town Engineer Ray Buckley.
Mr. Donald A. Chaee
Town Clerk
Town Of Queensbury
Glens Falls, New York 12801
Dear i�1r. Chase,
Relative to Resolution #190, adopted by your Board on August 6th,
a copy of which was received at this office on August 9th, it is
requested that you kindly advise your Board Members that this office
has been continually active in its effort to secure appropriate loc-
ations .for the discontinued contract stations in your township.
Public .otice has been made, this date, soliciting bids from inter-
ested people.
I believe the Board Members should be made aware of the fact that, at
no time, present or past, has any, customer service been made available
to the public through the Sectional Center Facility located at the North-
way Shopping Plaza. Were it to be relocated at some future date, such
relocation would have absolutely no impact on Postal Service to your _J
This office will be in contact with your Town Supervisor concerning
future activity in this regard.
John J. Collins
Sectional Center Postmaster
Glens Falls, New York 12801
cc: Mr. John Austin, Queensbury Town Supervisor
Mr. Charles E. Jackson, District Mgr. , USPS, Springfirld, MA.
- Building Inspector reports a dangerous condition on Glen Lake Road
in regard to speeding, Sullivan Beach Area, the condition was referred
by a Business man in the area. . .referred to Police Committee for report
back to the Board. . .
-Letter to Town Engineer from Niagara Mohawk regarding right of way over
property owned by Niagara Mohawk for Fire Lane is not possible on the
Sherman Avenue - Luzerne Road property. . .Supervisor Austin noted jthat
other areas were being looked into . . .
-Notice of Application Completion from the Adirondack Park Agency-
Mr. Robert C. Morris and Theodore P. Zoli, Jr. - hotel conversion -
to three lot subdivision-Warren : Queensbury
-Town Board will meet with Thomas Flaherty after tonights meeting regarding
the extension of Water service on West Mountain Rod.d. . .
-The Police Department is still surveying the area of Owen and Sunset and
Owen and Lynnfield in regard to the Stop Signs. . . a report should be forth
Meeting Opened to the Public. . .
Arthur Turnbull of Sunnyside Road complained about motorcycles in his
area. . .he again asked the Town Board for its helf. . .
Mr. John Stewart of Sunnyside Road also complained about motorcycles
running on private property at all hours —could the Board help,. -
Supervisor Austin noted that the cooperation of private land owners
is the nniy answer. . .
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk
John Austin Supervisor
Daniel Olson Councilman
Robert Barber Councilman
Harold Robillard Councilman
Gordon Streeter Councilman
J. David Little Town Counsel
Meeting Opened 7 : 30 P.M. Salute to the flag.
Residents of the Bay Areas of Lake George, Greg Johnson, Lee Coleman,
George Liapes, Carl Garb, Harold Boynton, Residents of Owen Avenue
Area, Local Fire Company Representatives
Mobile Home Application of Eli: Thorpe to locate a mobile home
on Glen Lake Road , owner of property Eli Thorpe- Building; Inspector
approved of the application-Mr. Thorpe was present-1 year permit requested-
Councilman Robillard moved for a public hearing, Councilman Olson seconded.
Eli Thorpe-requested to speak. . .after due consideration noted that he did
know of a better location that could not be-seen from Glen Lake Road. . .
Supervisor Austin: because of the question of a new location, I would
suggest a one week tabling of this application so as to look at the location
Councilman Robillard withdrew his motion. . .
Public 11 aring on the Proposed amendment to Ordinance Number 33
Notice Shown, . .wn, . . Opened 7 : 33 P .M.
Helen Gallagher-of Sandy Bay in favor of the 200 ' . . . gave several sugges-
tions 11.) place the existing five mile an hour buoys out to the 200'
distance thus using them for two purposes . . . 2.) place four more further
in the bay for guide lines . . . 3. ) suggest curfew for the bays. . .
Supervisor Austin: Property owners may place their own buoy (one only)
100' from shore if more are needed they must get a permit from the State. . .
The use of the five mile per hour buoys for a dull purpose would be a
matter for the Park Commission . . Over night mooring, the Town has
no authority in this matter it Would be up to the State. . .
Helen Gallagher-could the Town contact the State in regard to the over
night mooring. . .
Supervisor Austin-The Town will try. . .
Bill Hall-President of the Kattskill Bay Association. . .urged the passage
of the 200' anchorage. . . reiterated the statements of Mr4, Gallagher
noting the support of the Association in her suggestions . . .
Mr. Hall noted personally that he did not see how a curfew would be legal. . .
Elliot Lawton-could see no harm in using the present five mile per hour
buoys for a du41 purpose but noted that the use of more in the bays would
be confusing. . . is in favor of the 200' anchorage. . .
Supervisor Austin: noted that the 200' anchorage does not effect the owners
of lake property using their own lake shore and mooring less than the
200 ' . . . the ordinance is to effect boaters and restricting them from
mooring in front of private property. . .