Staff Notes Packet PLANNING BOARD STAFF NOTES JANUARY 17, 2017 Mir 15, 2,016, Draft resolution — grant deny minutes approval Site Plan n '-2° 17 @ 63 Quaker Road No Public Hearing Draft resolution - Planning Board recommenclation to the Zoning r Appeals Town of Queensbury Planning Board Community Development Department Staff Notes January 17, 2016 Site P Ian 3-201'7 MICHAEL FIACCO 63 Quaker Road/ CI —Commercial Intensive/Ward 2 SEQR Unlisted—Short Form Material Review: application, narrative, survey, site plan drawings, architectural drawings, lighting information, stormwater review Parcel History: SP 59-200,10 Tele. Equip., SV 16- 013 Sign setback, SP 53-2015 & AV 49-2015 Loading dock canopy RNuested Action Recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for relief sought for setbacks& FAR. Resoludon_s 1. Planning Board recommendation Pro iect Destription Applicant proposes to upgrade five main facade entries for tenants in a building complex® Second story entry door to be a frame enhancement,r Facade improvements include newlighting, building edge landscaping and roof extension at entrances. Pursuant to Chapter 179,-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, upgrade of exterior fKade and addition of new entryway shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Staff Comments Location-The project is located at 63 Quaker Road as in an existing business complex with multiple:tenants. Arrangement- The applicant proposes to modify the exterior ofthe existing buildingand,will upgrade five main entryway areas. There is an existing entry-door for the second floor that will, also be upgrade and to be consistent with the new facade. Building—The plans show new entryway overhangs and a new display window will be added to the Bennington Furniture entryway area. The:new overhang is to be 6 ft 8 in where the:existing is 4 ft Bin. Tine entryway fronts will be enhanced with a cedar siding for a portion 12 ft +/- x 16 ft+/- and depth of I ft 11 in. The building is to 'be painted dark gray color and the, second story area will be painted a light gray color. The second story windows will also have a cedar awning placed over them. Signage-The plans show new signage for each tenant to be an internally lit LED signage lettering. Signage size varies,on location some are 24 in high lettering and others are 11 in high lettering. Site condhionThe applicant intends to maintain the existing configuration of access points, parking,and loading/unloading areas on the site. This includes 126 parking spaces. Gring and drainage—The applicant has provided a letter frons,engineer indicating there is a sheet flow for, much of the site that drains to the perimeter. The information explains there are two drop inlets but it is 'unknown their discharge points as well as the roof that has an internal drain system. The new landscaping is identified in the letter that may assist with adding pervious area,and the storm water from the new entryway features. The engineer does note that,the site is not subject to,routine floodingpmblems. Landscape plan-The applicant proposes,to add a landscape area at the edge of the building,that will follow the front,fagade of the whole building. Site lighlingplan—The applicant has included details on.the, fagade lighting and the existing site lighting. There are four existing pole fixtuies on the west end of the site and one pole light with two, lamps at the south side adjacent to,Quaker Rd. The applicant has indicated all the fixtures were, replaced in 2014 with.new LED cutoff fixtures and that it does, not exceed the 2.5 foot candles code requirement. Elevations—the plans submitted show the:elevations and color scheine of the features being added to the building. Floor plans—the plans submitted show the floor plans for the ex i sting tenants and the second floor area. Pu.isuant to Section. 1.79-9-050 the Planning Board may grant waivers on its own initiative or at the WTitten request of an applicant. The application, forum identified a,s "Requirements" outlines the items, to appear, on tile site plan or included as attachments. At the time of application the applicant has either requested waivers, indicated the item not applicable or has not addressed the: item/ left check box blank. 'This includes the follow �items, listed under Requirements of the applicant's application- L utility systems,, J. stormwater —applicant leas supplied a letter from an engineer but no calculations have been provide, k. topography, n traffic, q. soil logs, r, construotion/demolition disposal s. snow removal. Nature of Variance The applicant requests relief for front setback on the south side of the building where 44 ft is proposed and a 75 ft setback is required,. Summary, The Planning Board is to provide a recd minen.dationto the ZBA in regards setback requirements for setback. relief requested. _Z _ 7 12 [kr�l 161�lcl, W 'Town of Queensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION -Planning Board Reconunendation to Zoning,Board of Appeals Area Varia nee ,3-2017 MICHAEL FIACCO Tax Map ID 296.1.8-1-15 /Property Address: 63 Quaker Road /Zoning. Cl The applicant has submitted an application for the following: Applicant proposes to upgrade: five: main fagade entries for tenants in a building complex. Second story entry door to be a frame enhancement, Fa0de improvements include new lighting, building edge landscapiqg and roof extension at entrances. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, upgrade of exterior fayade and addition of new entryway shall be subject to Planning,Board review and approval. The To of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance, per Section 179-9-070 J 2 b. requires the Planning Board to provide a written recommendation to the Z,oning Board of Appeals for projects that require: both Zoning Board of Appeals& Planning Board,appmval.; The Planning Board has, briefly reviewed and discussed this aP plication, the: relief request in the variance . application as, well as the potential, impacts of this project on the neighborhood and surrounding cornm.unity, and found that. TO MAKE A. RECOMMENDATION ON BEffik.LF OF THE PLANNING BOARD TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FOR,AREA VARIANCE NO. 3-2017 MICHAEL FI.CLO.- Introduced by who moved its adoption, and a) The Planning Board,, based on a limited review, has not identified any significant adverse impacts that cannot be mit igAted with current project proposal - OR b) The Planning Board, based on a limited review., has identified,the follomng areas of concern; 1) Motion seconded by Duly adopted this 17'day of January,2017 by the fbIlowing,vote; AYES: NOES: 1111wic, fl8.76L8220117av 518.745 4437 1742 Bay Road, Qttecnshury, NY Site Plan -2017 @ AssemblyPoint Road No Public Hearing Draft resolution - Planning Board recommenclation, to the Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Queensbury Planning Board Community Development Department Staff Notes January 17, 2016 Site:Plan 4­2017 FRANK PERROTTA,JR., Assembly Point.Road /WR—Waterfront Residential/Ward I SEQ R Type 1I Material Review: application,narrative, site drawings,,elevations, floor plans Parcel History: Sunset Hill SUB 11- , SP 38-2004 boathse w/sundeck Requested Action Recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for relief for height,. Resolations 'I. Planning Board recommendation Project Description Applicant proposes a 3,800, sq. ft. (footpririt), 8,361 . ft'. (floor area) single family`home. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance,major stormwater and project within 50 ft. of 15% slopes shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Staff Comments, Location-The project site:is lot 6 of the Sunset Hill FarmSubdivision with access from Knox Road next to a home at 54 Knox Rd. Site Design- The project is for the construction of'a 3,455 sf home that is located within 50 ft of 15% slopes. The, land disturbance is 27,300 sf with the home being built with slopes of the property. The driveway is a shared driveway as part of the Sunset Hill Farm Subdivision that will have access,on Knox.load. Shallow grass swales are prospered on,the site and new grading is dirested to the swales,for stormwater. Retaining walls are also proposed Building_ The new home is,to have a basement level, main floor and an upper level floor. Sitelayout andwifityplan -The well locationis west side of the home and,the septic is on the east. There are existing overhead utilities for neighboring homes: The applicant may choose underground utility that would be decided a later time. Grading and drainage plan and s,ediment and erosion control—The project is subject to a,major st,ormwater permit due to the amount of disturbance. Landscape plan The applicant has,indicated residential plantings,will be installed around the hem, e. Site lightingplan—The applicant has indicated there will be typical residential lighting at door entry areas,post lights,for the:driveway and wal�ay and a floodlight for the driveway all to be cutofffixtures. Elevalions—the elevations show the home being constructed using,the slope of the site. The west side of the home will have the main entry way, garage access, and driveway area; the east side will include the outdoor patio area, main floor deck area and view towards the lake. The engineer has also noted the height as 35.7 ft to the lowest adjacent grade—where:height relief is requested from the ft requirement fi'loorplans The floor plans show the basement area to include, a family room, bedroom, bathrooms,, mechanical room, cold storage etc; the main floor will include the great room, master bedroom, kitchen, covered porch, garage etc;the upper floor will include bedrooms,bathrooms, and options for the owner for bedroorn/storage:areas over the garage Pursuant to Section 179-9-050 the Planning Board may grant waivers on its, own initiative or at the written request f'an applicant. The application fon-n identified as "'Requirements" outlines the items to appear on the site plan or included as attachinents,. At the time of application the applicant has either requested waivers, indicated the item not applicable or has, not addressed the it in/ left check box blank. This, includes. the follow item,,fisted under Requirements of the applicant"s,application., h. signage, parking, and.loading areas. Nature of Variance The applicant requests,relief for height where 28 ft is the maxim umal lowed and 351.711 is proposed. SUMIna The Planning Board is to provide a.recommendation to the ZBA in rrds setback requirements for height relief requested, -2 - C 7,12" I ia. Road., NY 17..',8,04 Town,of Queensbury Planning Board RE SOLUTION -Planni�ng Board Recommendation to Zoning Board of Appeals Area"Variance 4-2017TRANK PERROTTA, JR. Tax Map ID 2;39.7-'1-3 8 /Property Address: Assembly Point Road/Zoning: WR The applicant has submitted an application for the fell owing'. Applicant proposes a 3,8100 sq. ft. (footprint), 8,361. sq. ft. (floor area) single family home. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, major stormwater and project within 50 ft. of 15% slopes shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval, The Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance, per Section 179-9-070 J 2 b, requires the Planning Board to provide a written recommendation to the Zoning, Board of Appeals for projects that require both Zoning Board, of Appeals & Planning Board approval; The Planning Board has briefly reviewed and discussed this application, the relief request in the variance application as well as the potential impacts of this project on the neighborhood and surrounding community, and found,that: MOTION TO MAKE A RECOMMENDATION ON BEHALF OF THE PLANNING BOARD TOTHE ,ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FOR AREA VARIANCE NO. 4-2017 FRANK ILLI I; JR: Introduced by, who moved its,adoption, and a) The Planning Board, based, on a limited review, has not identified, any significant adverse impacts that cannot be mitigated with current project proposal - OR b) The Planning Board,,based on a limited review, has identified the following areas of concern: I) Motion seconded by Duly adopted, this 17"day of January,,,2017 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: Phone- 518.76 1 M20� F'ax: 518.741.4437 1 7 2 Bay Road,Queensbury, NY 12804 1 Site Plein 52017 @ 1172 State Route Public Hearing Scheduled SEAR II Draft Resolution, — grant/deny site plan approval Town of Quftnsbury Planning Board Community Development Department Staff Notes Ow January 17, 2016 Site Plan 5-2017 GREAT ESCAPE THEME PARK, LLC 1172 State Route' /RC—Recreational Commercial/ Ward I SEQR Unlisted Material Review- Parcel History: SP 6-2014 Super Nova ride, SP PZ 23-2015 "'Greezed Lightnin"ride, Several more Realuested Action Planning Board review and approval to install a new waterslide ride, where:two slides are proposed. Resolutions 1. SEQR short herrn -no further seqr review is required per Finding Statement adopted 712001 unless the board finds the project exceeds established thresholds —Staff notes no thresholds have been exceeded 2, Planning Board decision Project Description Applicant proposes to install a new waterslide ride,where two slides are proposed. The project is inn add:tion to the:Alpine Free Fall complex. The facility currently has five slides and this project will add two additional slides. Pursuant to Chapter 179-9 of the ning Ordinance,new ride:attractions shall be subject to Planning Board review and, approval. Staff Comment$ Location-The project is located in the Great Escape Amusement Park at the existing Alpine Freefalls waterslide com, Alex, near the wave pool. Site Design-The:applicant intends to add two new slides known as the Bonzai Pipeline to the existing five slides. The plans show the existing five slides and, the placement of the two new slides.. The access to the new slides is to,be the same pathway to the existing waterslides with the addition of 430 sq ft of new stair way and decking. Site conditions-The plans show the project area to ibe 7,500 sq ft that includes an,existing planted sloped area and sidewalk/fenced areas. The area will consist of a portion of'the existing planted area; another portion will be under the new slide area and consist of landscaping stone,and a new impervious for the exit area. Grading and drainage plan and sediment and erosion control—the applicant has explained the storm water is to be managed on site and will drain towards the existing wave pool. The applicant has requested a waiver from the preparation of a stormwater report. Landscape plan—the applicant proposes to install new,landscaping that is consistent with the type and amount to be removed for the installation of the ride. Shown on sheet C-5. Site lighting plan—the applicant has requested a waiver from lighting as there are no new exterior lights,for the ride. Elevations-The plans show the:height of the new platform area as 35 ft to access the new slides. The bonsai pipeline;are shown to be enclosed, at the top of the ride and then open up to a splash area at the bottom. The plans indicate twister I is 2811.4 ft and, twister 2 is 268.3 ft . The Great Escape'Theme Park completed a, Generic Environmental Impact Statement and the Final was adopted on, 7-11-01 and subsequent update in, 7-04. No additional. SEQR review is required as long as the proposal is consistent with the impact assessment andthresholds,adopted in the Findings Staternents. * The: applicant has, indicated the new ride is within Park Area A noted as 237,6 ac and an area for sit�ing new rides. * The thresholds iterns include: Traffic —the proposed ride is not intended to generate new or additional park attendance; Sound —the: proposed ride is interior to, the park as well as an enclosed where the noi.se generated is from riders, and. would not exceed the noise threshold; Stormwater —the applicant has indicated new impervious surface would be created and drainage would remain the same towards the existing wave pool. The applicant has requested a waiver from preparation of a stormwater, report; Wastewater —no wastewater generating facilities are proposed for the project; Soils, Geolo , Topography and, Ecology —the project does not disturb any existing natural wooded area and. new plantings to be consistent are proposed near,the new ride and the existing planted area. Pursuant to Section 179-9-050 the Plamiing Board may grant waivers on its own initiative or at the Written request of an applicant. The application, forin identified as ":Requirements"" outlines, the items, to appear on. the site plan or included as attachments. At the time of application the applicant has either requested waivers, indicated the itern not applicable. This includes the follow items listed under Req�uirernents of the al application: g,, site lighting, h. signage, i. utilities —waste%,afer described in standards j, stormwater stormwater is described in the application as being managed on, site -where a waiver is requesied for preparation of a report, n traffic, o. commercial alterations/ construction details, p floor plans —elevalions where provided, Summa,ry The applicant has completed a,site plan review application for the installation of two new enclosed waterslides at,the Alpine Freel.'all and associated, site work—platform, landscaping, etc. Town of Queensbury Planning Boarid SEQR RESOLUTION— Site Plan 5-2017 Great Escape Theme Park, LLC Tax Map 11 285.20-1-20 Property Address: 1172, State Route 9 Zoning: RC The applicant proposes to install a new waterslide ride, Where two slides are proposed, The project is an addition to the Alpine Free Fall complex. The facility currently has, five slides and this project willadd two additional slides. Pursuant to Chapter 179-9, of the Zoning Ordinance, ne:w ride attractions ll be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Whereas, The Planning Board has determined there's no need for site specific or separate specific SEQRA review because the proposal falls within.the thresholds previously approved as part, of theGeneric Environmental Impact Statement. The Planning Board has determined, the proposed Site Plan does not result in any new or significantly different ern vironra, ental impacts from the previous Final General Environmental Impact Statement of 7/11/2001 and the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement of4/10/2 . MOTION THAT NO FURTHER SEQR REVIEW IS NECESSARY FOR SITE PLAN 5-2017 GREAT ESCAPE THEME PARK, LLC., ntroduced by who moved for its adoption, seconded by As per the resolution prepared by staff. Duly add peed this 17°h day of January,2017 by the following,vote: AYES: NOES; llhow-, 51&70 220 1 Fax- 518.745.44 37 k 747 Buy 11oad,Ouieensbur�)% NY 12804 1 °tl1dVIu.6;tl )IhICI�D , a Town of Queensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION— Gram /Deny Site Plan Approval SITE PLAN' -2017 GREAT ESCAPE T1 EME Pte, LLC Tax Map Ili; 88.20-,1-20 / Property Address: 1172 'State Route 9 f Zoning;. R, The applicant has submitted an application to the Planning Board for Site Plan approval pursuant to Article 9 of the Tenn zoning Ordinance for. Applicant proposes to install a„new wrraterslide ride where two slides,are proposed. The project is an addition to the ,alpine Free ball complex. The facility currently has five slides and this project will add two additional slides. Pursuant to Chapter 179-9 of the Zoning Ordinance, new ride attractions shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Code-Chapter 179.9-081, the Planning Board has,determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code, As required. by General Municipal Law Section 239-rn the site plan application was referred to the Warren County Planning Department rtment for its recommendation; The Planning Board dete mined no additional S QR review required, as project does not exceed any threshold established in the ISIS of 7/11/2001 or Supplemental BIS of4/10/20 4. The Planning Board opened a public hearing on the Site plan. application on 18712017 and continued the public hearing to 1/17/2017, when it was closed, The Planning board has reviewed the application materials submitted by the applicant and all continents made at the public hearing and submitted in writing,through and including 1/17/21117; The Planning Board determines that the application complies with the reviews considerations and standards set forth in Article 9 of the Zoning Ordinance for site Plan approval, MOTION TO APPROVE / DISAPPROVE VE SITE PLAN 5-2017 GREA'l<.' E SCAPE THEME LLC. Introduced b -,ho moved for its adoption Per the draft provided by staff conditioned upon the following conditions: lei Waivers request ranted/denied. Adherence to the items outlined in the follow-up letter sent with this resolution. a If application,wall referred to engineering,, then engineering sign-off required prior to signature of Zoning Adrn nistrator of the approved plans; b) Final approved plans, in compliance with the Site Plan, must be submitted to the Community Development Department before any further reviews by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes personnel; c) The applicant must meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building ;Permit and/or the beginning,of any site work Page 1 of Phone., 518.761.8220 � Fat. 518.745A437 i 74Z Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 128,04% wwwqueens ury,tn r d) Subsequent issuance o'17 further permits,,, including building permits is dependent on compliance with this and all ollier conditions of this resolution; e) As-built plans to certify that the site plan isdeveloped accordhig to the approved plans to bprovided prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy-, f) Resolution to be placed on final plans in its entlirety and legible. Motion seconded byDuly adopted this 17" day of Januaty, 2,017 bytbe following vote: AYES, NOES: Pag 2 of 2 P,honer 18,761,8220 ! Fax: 518.745,4437 1742 Bay Road. Queensihiry'. NY 128,04 � wwwqueensburymet Site Plan 2-20,17 & Special Use Permit -2017 2,599 Ridge Road Public Scheduled Draift resl tiuu rant/deny tabling site elan special use permit Town of Queensbury Planning Board et Community Development Department StaffNotes January 17, 2,016 Site Plan 2-2017 HALLIDAY CAPITAL,, LLC Special 'Use Permit 1-2017 2599 Ridge Road /WR—Waterfront Residential/Ward 1 SEQR Unlisted Material Review- application, narrative, special. use permit,, toren ter report, site plan drawings, elevation, Parcel History: AV 2' -1996 THE APPLICANT HAS REQUESTED TOTE TABLE TO THE JANUARY 24,, 2017 meeting--public hear to be opened and remain open. 'Requested Action Planning Board review and approval to,construct a 3,600 sq. ft. commercial boat storage building. Resolutions I SEQR 2. Planning Boarddecision Proiect Description Applicant proposes to construct a 3,600 sq. ft. commercial boat,storage building. Project is subject to special use permit—where applicant needs to confinn screening per 179-10-070. Potential storage fbr five boats which requires a special use permit. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 & 179-10-070 of the Zoning Ordinance, commercial boat storage shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval, Staff comments Loca-tion-The project site is at 2599 Ridge Road of an existing residential parcel. Arrangement- The 3,600 sq ft building is to be located to the rear of the propertybehind the existing dwelling. Site Design-,'The site has an existing 2-family dwelling, 3 existing sheds with one to be removed, and a driveway that has two access points on 9L. Building­The applicant has explained the 3,600 sq ft building is an existing building located on the owners pamel in Washington County, The owner is working with the Adirondack Park Agency to resolve violations and has proposed to relocate the building to the Queensbury parcel. The building is 60ft x36.6 ft with a carport 60 ft x 20 ft. The main building is 25.75 ft in +/- in height and to have 3 overhead garage doors. The carport will be an open car port as the drawings show post locations and open ends. Site conditions-The location of the new building is,a elevation 60 to 361 so minimal, grading,is,anticipated. The existing driveway is,to remain and the building,will.be:accessed by an existing,dirt,driveway, The applicant, has indicated the only area to be disturbed is the 11,000 sq ft for the placement of the building and storrnwater management. Traffic- The building is to be utilized for commercial boat storage where the applicant has indicated a potential for five boats for storage. The applicant has indicated there will be no boat sales and no boat service at this site. There is,one parking space:designated for the owner operator. Sita,layoul and utilily plan- The applicant has indicated, electric wil I be installed from the main road as an underground line to the building. There are no changes to the existing septic and water that will remain as is. Grading and drainage plan and sedlinent and erosion, omvrol-The applicant has,provided a stormwater repand for a minor project. The plans show stone trench areas around the building for stormwater management. Landscape plan—the site conditions planting are to remain as is. Sifelighfing plan- the plans indicated a wall mounted light on the east side of the building., Elevations—the plans include elevations and photos of the building Floor plans—The floor p Ian is open with.no divisions,. No waivers have been requested —,applicant has provided responses to items listed, in rNuirements detailing if infomiation is provided or status of item. Review will follow the Criteria for a Special Use Pennit listed below: 1. Harmony with the Comprehensive Plan: Commercial Boat Stora.ge is an allowed use in the Waterfront Zone through a special use permit. The applicant has, indicated thebuilding is used only for lboat storage and no service or sales of boats is to occur. 2. Compatibility: The :haat Storage facility site is nean°by to Lake George, and is located arnon.gst single family dwellings,vacant, ].and, and a commercial property. 'The parcel, is located in the APA, in the Lake Ge!orge Park Commission review area and is within the Critical Environmental Area. 3. Access, circulation and parking: The: Boat Storage Facility is accessible by, the owner operator and is, to not have access to the site by,the general public. Only five boats are proposed 4, Infrastructure and Services: The owner has indicated trash and other nuisances would not be occurring, on the site. 5. Environment and natural features- The building site had a 4,67 sq ft garage and, the total area disturbance is 11,000 sqft. The site design has addressed storm water management and boat storage locations. The applicant has also indicated it is over 150 ft firorn the road and existing vegetation screens the location., 6. Long-term effects. The Boat Storage Facility provides a place for those who need to store a boat at a site near the lake. Storing boats is, a relevant service to the area to safety store boats, in a to of sufficient size. 7. Specific criteria for on Boat storage facilities, A. Boal be SC)VCFM��dl- 7'he app,ficcuit hass indicaied the viesvftoin1 is sereened ky,existhig vegetation that isnot to be removed, SUMMARY 'T'his applicant has completed, a site: plan application and special use permit for the placement of a 3, O sq ft commercial boat storage building on an existing residential lot. The application reviewed under the requirements of a Special Use Permit and can require one of the following terms of validity. Permanent, Temporary, or Renewable. Staff would suggest a pemianent permit, for boat storage only on the site and any new activity such as boat repair or sales would require a special use permit review. (ELFIRE WRSHALSOFFICE Tmn of Queensbury 742 Bay Road, Quecmshunj, NY 12804 " Hanle of Natural B'ea, uty ... A Good, P'lace to Live " PLAN REVIEW Hall,iday Capital LLC Ridge Rd 2- 17 Site Plan review bas,ed on submittal: 1/9/2017,—After discussion with the Owner and a site visit, FM has, no issues with this site plan. Michael J Palmer Fire Marshal 742 Bay Road Que:ensbur�y NY 12804 firemarshal@queensbury.net Fire Marshal"i Office, -, Phone: 51,8-761-8206 - Fax: 518-745-4437 fireniarshalftygensbuni.mt - 7punu.,queensbua Of QUeensbury DE""ADJOPI-1101"11, OffiCe 742 Ray Road, Ch,,�eensbwry, NY 128,04 'I'own of Queensbury Planning Board RESOLUTION— GPANTIDENY TABLING SITE PLAN 2-2017 & SPECIAL USE PERMIT 1-,2017 HALLIDAY CAPITAL, LLC.. TAX MAP ID 240.5-1-32/PROPER TYADDRE SS. 2599' RIDGE ROAD /ZONING: WR MOTION TO TABLE SITE PLAN 2-2017& SPECIAL USE, PERMIT' l-2017 HALLIDAY CAPITAL, LLC. Introduced by who moved for its adoption, seconded by Tabled until the Planning,Board meeting with inforrnation due by Duty adopted this 171h day of January,2017 by the following vote- AYES: NOES: Phone- :5)1 °61.8x'?() 1 Fax. 518.745.4437 � 74213ay Road,, Queembury, NY 12804 1 Subdivision -2017 Sketch Plan Stage @ 77 West Mountain Road No Public Hearing SEAR 11 Draft Relsolution — r nsubdivision sketch 1 Town of Queensbury Planning Board Community Development Department Staff Notes January 17, 2016 Subdivision 1-2017 (Sketch) DOUGLAS & MARIE BAERTSCHI 77 Old West Mt. Road / RR-5A —Rural Residential 5 Acres/Ward 3 SEQR Unlisted Material Reviews application, existing survey, proposed survey, previous topo survey Robinson Estate Parcel History: 1998 Single Family residence Reauested Aefion, Planning Board review and approval for a 3 lot subdivision of a 60.68, acre parcel. (Sketch Plan) Resolutions 1. Planning Board decision Proiect Description Applicant proposes a 3 lot subdivision of a 60.68 acre parcel. One lot to contain existing,home with 50.2 acres. Lot 2 is to be 5.1 acres & lot 3 is to be 51.4 acres,. Pursuant to Chapter 18,3 of the Zoning Ordinance, subdivision of land shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval.. Staff Comments The applicant proposes, a 3-Iot subdivision of a 60.68 acre parcel. The site has an existing home on lot 1, that is to,be 50.2 acres. Lot 2 is to be 53 acreand Lot 3 is to be 5.4 ac, The parcel is located in the Rural Residential 5 ac zone on West Mountain. The project shows a shared driveway between, lots 2 and 3 where the code requires new lots on WestMountain. to have shared driveways. The plans also note there is approximately 38 ac of 2011/o slopes where:the density calculation would allow for 4 lots and the applicant proposes 3. The Design requirements for RRSA include the following from: 179-4-010 Residential DesignRequiremenis D, Rural design. New residential subdivisions, construction and/or development that occurs in the LC, PR and RR Zoning Districts shall comply,with the followi a,g rural, design requirem ents- (1) Subdivisvions. (a) Existing stone walls, established, hedgerows and/or mature tree lines shall be preserved and utilized for establishment of lot lines and considered in the lot layout for design of s,ubdivisions. (b) Flag lots shall be allowed in order to provide more flexibility in design, provided the, following standards are -rues: [l] A maximum of one flag lot 'for every three fi-ontage lots. [2] A minimum of 60 feet of road frontage shall be: required for the flag, lot and, if applicable, an easement shall be provided to allow for future connections off of the flag, lot or its road frontage. [3] All buildings on the flag lot, shall be set back at, least 125 feet fiom the closest rear property line of the abutting parcel ;s]. [4] Private roads are allowed in order to minimize public road ftontage development and to increase flexibility of design. The road frontage: along a private road that is approved by the Planning Board and is constructed in accordance with Town specifications may be used to satisfy the minimum road frontage requirements set forth in Article 3 above, Variance items The plans have also ideritified variances that may be needed this,include • Road ftontage -400 ft required L,ot 2 proposed to be 25 Ft and Lot 3 proposed to be 218 ft, • .,average lot width 400 ft required Lot 2 proposed 2, t and Lot 3 proposed to be 220 ft Summa Chapter 183 Article 4 provides an outlineof the review procedures for sketch plan— The Planning Board shall study the sketch plan in conj uncti on with 'the ni aps and infbrnnation as may be appropnateto determine if the pioposed subdivision.includes areas where there are severe limitations to develoPmeat. The Planning Board shall make advisoiy recommendations which shall be applicable to the proposed subdivision. Discussion Item -20'17 @ 308 & 310 Corinth No Public Hearing Scheduled