SP 5-2017 Great Escape Staff Notes et Town of Queensbury Planning Board Community Development Department Staff Notes January 17, 2016 Site Plan 5-2017 GREAT ESCAPE THEME PARK, LLC 1172 State Route 9 /RC—Recreational Commercial/Ward 1 SEQR Unlisted Material Review: Parcel History: SP 6-2014 Super Nova ride, SP PZ 23-2015 "Greezed Lightnin" ride, Several more Requested Action Planning Board review and approval to install a new waterslide ride, where two slides are proposed. Resolutions 1. SEQR—short form -no further segr review is required per Finding Statement adopted 7/2001 unless the board finds the project exceeds established thresholds —staff notes no thresholds have been exceeded 2. Planning Board decision Prosect Description Applicant proposes to install a new waterslide ride, where two slides are proposed. The project is an addition to the Alpine Free Fall complex. The facility currently has five slides and this project will add two additional slides. Pursuant to Chapter 179-9 of the Zoning Ordinance, new ride attractions shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Staff Comments Location-The project is located in the Great Escape Amusement Park at the existing Alpine Freefalls waterslide complex, near the wave pool. Site Design- The applicant intends to add two new slides known as the Bonzai Pipeline to the existing five slides. The plans show the existing five slides and the placement of the two new slides. The access to the new slides is to be the same pathway to the existing waterslides with the addition of 430 sq ft of new stair way and decking. Site conditions-The plans show the project area to be 7,500 sq ft that includes an existing planted sloped area and sidewalk/fenced areas. The area will consist of a portion of the existing planted area; another portion will be under the new slide area and consist of landscaping stone, and a new impervious for the exit area. Grading and drainage plan and sediment and erosion control—the applicant has explained the stormwater is to be managed on site and will drain towards the existing wave pool. The applicant has requested a waiver from the preparation of a stormwater report. Landscape plan—the applicant proposes to install new landscaping that is consistent with the type and amount to be removed for the installation of the ride. Shown on sheet C-5. Site lighting plan—the applicant has requested a waiver from lighting as there are no new exterior lights for the ride. Elevations-The plans show the height of the new platform area as 35 ft to access the new slides. The bonsai pipeline are shown to be enclosed at the top of the ride and then open up to a splash area at the bottom. The plans indicate twister 1 is 280.4 ft and twister 2 is 268.3 ft . The Great Escape Theme Park completed a Generic Environmental Impact Statement and the Final was adopted on 7-11-01 and subsequent update in 7-04. No additional SEQR review is required as long as the proposal is consistent with the impact assessment and thresholds adopted in the Findings Statements. • The applicant has indicated the new ride is within Park Area A noted as 237.6 ac and an area for siting new rides. • The thresholds items include: Traffic —the proposed ride is not intended to generate new or additional park attendance; Sound—the proposed ride is interior to the park as well as an enclosed where the noise generated is from riders and would not exceed the noise threshold; Stormwater —the applicant has indicated new impervious surface would be created and drainage would remain the same towards the existing wave pool. The applicant has requested a waiver from preparation of a stormwater report; Wastewater no wastewater generating facilities are proposed for the project; Soils, Geology, Topography and Ecology —the project does not disturb any existing natural wooded area and new plantings to be consistent are proposed near the new ride and the existing planted area. Pursuant to Section 179-9-050 the Planning Board may grant waivers on its own initiative or at the written request of an applicant. The application form identified as "Requirements" outlines the items to appear on the site plan or included as attachments. At the time of application the applicant has either requested waivers, indicated the item not applicable. This includes the follow items listed under Requirements of the applicant's application: g. site lighting, h. signage, i. utilities —wastewater described in standards j. stormwater stormwater is described in the application as being managed on site where a waiver is requested for preparation of a report, n traffic, o. commercial alterations/ construction details, p floor plans —elevations where provided, Summary The applicant has completed a site plan review application for the installation of two new enclosed waterslides at the Alpine Freefall and associated site work platform, landscaping, etc.