Deed o V�� ,, �.. W m, � A a,a E Worm Cwq LIaTk RECORDING I"! VSK$"HEST pmt Town b AiM.Fee dl&1.Names Iw HEOE TMMW Tu Aml. re r Tx Slamp APR S TRANSPER10 M KMP EP'Tgx Amt Moagw'Tox Slamp Munpp Tax r Recucing yyrr44 yy ,.tee 9. �i1��Pf NASA PKMf yPy pNy'RT���W�f� � RejUmfrg Alan R. nadian � Waah.ngtaafltreat +� Gimme! Fallu,, Now LTufk 12801 Upon rewdinS Ah page becomes n pnn of ftftcu memtl 00), rAPR—I I NVr 112 BPS&R Vhrm:36921 ii rV Iffigamix Olga WITH LIEN 99906NIT THIS II^Il�ENTURE Inaaudo I '1"rd o',r. ,��'�he � �vnVw�a��THOMAS�IIW�C� and MARILYN JACOBS,holh of 8 North Road,Gjans IFalha,Now York 12801,parblos of tho IRIA pad,and M GLEN;STREET PARTNERSHIP,o Now York Po lnurshIp,having an Who of 090 n . Glen Stoll,Ouueenebur r,Now Yo;k 12,004,PodY of 1110 o"rad pur'„ WITNESSETH,that the parll'ss of the lltrst poll,111,conWoraftn d Ono Dollar($1.0lavdduI money of the United omod and olhsr ondi and vahmblu consideration poll bye p", of Ileo ascond ped,dries hafeby grant and Memo unto the party or trho soaond part,Its s u000ssore and siona foraaaarl, p ALL that,certain place or pates of land slftffile, Ilyft and bolngr In,lho Toy of Quueen^uslaurr,Warren Coual ;, New Yofh, and ndaoro purtlaulerlyr d'eao bud to the ararmed Schedule A, � SUBJECT to o aaoritage to Glans Fddtd el!Bank and Trust CoMpany dalodl January 7,1987'Brad ramded Irt the Warren CauMy Claft Office on January 9,1987 In Libor 407 61' ivioditages at Pago 763, 'Togethu Wlh all rIgN,u thin and I'nter'est.hf any,or thio psrltos of Ihn Ilml port In orad to any sleeels and meds abutting lho above4esufbad promises,to fl o contotilno Mated. w Together with the appurfammes and all the allele and rights of tho parerdloa of Ipge first purl fei and to said prernllsss, To have and to hoyd the pmrolees harain girt„tad unto fho party of the suoo d pan, Ills suoxmsord and esslpns'rorev'er. And sold pMles or the oral pearl covenants as follow: Fkat,dant the prrrtyr o'l'lfue isocoind,pan Shall quietly uaNay Blau scald proNsoe; 6eaond,,that sold psrll'es or iho fust pearl will 1,of ur or warrant fhol Idle to suaid prouatleors, Subject to Me(rust fund provisions of eaction Thirteen,of Clue talon Law, I:`. m I IMV"MMMT ESS WNPHERE P,Me peke of 019 Ofert Pert has duly exerted We deed the day and year W ah iva w filtem -Tbemee Jacobs � .. M ally n Jacobs STATE OF NEW YORK )ss." d COUNTYOFWARREN On able, )v dey of—L—' 1s9A before erre personally, a Thi Ja ms and MEdlyn Jacobs, lial me'I rw and knmyn Mo roe to be MMra IndMvtdueMe dee bed In ends Vft execuWd Mfie above Msastru�me ,and1hey dulyy adknoAedged to that t hey essecuMect thesome. Nolary Pubile b w FA PAI Dom to 1 I.218 ii w , w N i q�p����q An that carton,Plate or parptl orgauid eylwttr��1 f1lo iiroa n orQu eus Miry+,end Chyy of iN�Mtnis VAN 1 kRt ua, any F��e�wr Yml p d u mr� mt� �� 1 �� y p t l p���d p� a .Cpl w Tymo nai'prt p fA 'n 0 .r9 duumwa N 1' 63,oim� aiN CtMly�o k aurcah Cminl�yl�OMNI m rpm 4.l^361 Ln d dF7��f I3�nlNa pu N�apy yld,mo aydUq L� nalt9 �am F p1 w s dMY3tT Tin .4 do�Ir °' idhEil9p :Lmu itbo fWFttm i mpmmm m'r y, r' h @ pmt, w ahb dm@@xi cd [�l�, Itmrly bouumdo od Now kirk a'. utam " Mira® fl. 1Wm 'i�w 1W, 19«i3" 4sm�r a�ommrmto ocmmrwem mm i'nut mirm In @"..ori @,�� tM�mu ��oJio�rly bwammdo �� ooId ki�a p wit`# 011 imm�mrJillnorly mmrpmrmtlon l,lmo of tium 43i of 'Diane 17111141f ttacdW thaftg"o It, Pd" 53' 1 200 h00 loot to m Ndint COT m corWw111711 LINSIM 73w ; � 31� ON 2042 fact to aa, i imtNrtmaimi thoocm On llwn�Lm� two c�ootmmm And diotarmr000w Iy It. 389 0141 31" W. ldi. ' E# �mn Lrmwu Opp 2' di. 29" 39" W VI315 feet � to 1:1I mouthorly book of IMaiiwwmp BTookj tlwmruoo wostorly allpmg M1mIoy" fivo 'k on it wind@ awmd r.ornm 2950, foot to A point for a moemorl tlwmmcm 6. 07" dpw' V. 331.5'* i'oot oto mm iron P�Lpm Iomndl t.komoo 'Mi 23* 964 R. Willi6w aloml lands wmf t1m1 w3iJiy of Cited Pallet thomco R. 04" 060 3. 11.0.54 fact along Iamdm maw or fusimortr, of U maomma Auto Ra�lmm, tea. to, m rmil found for a �cormonru tlmommi; u . " H.i pp'" 16 1. 755"00 Coot to tile wmatmNI tmwndm of lieu Pork R, Mi ,09 and the piece mL' bangUnimg, i THE imboviaw portal nrautmtawc 5.+1 datum more or land and Lm miaawmi om a MIP entitled n 11alp SIC o pII N'mdm for limum'ld 1, rlm"" by Pmmtweom omd Stccm@-, Land Murvm(yormw d,Atno January 'lin:, L9165, tapt wraiii Nartmn 0, I,MIN add int@mndcd to b ILLmd Lrw the W'mrran Cli Clarkin office airAuTt000n4joly with tkia immttmRwmmt,. "MITIMIR WI,'M AIMUMT FOR INGRISS AM Imli to dm Owed im cmmmmom with Grantor and him mwLmmcmorc mad +m"Ldaao manna 010, roiimwiwg paratilu ALL twat pareIat of L.nsmd in tllum Trf" @ir W'Mrrmm Comity. Raw York, doocr,iblod Am Loll ar ',["HING at o point in the womtorly bpmoido of, How Work U. 8. Route 091 ]lying the Iwollpi two cons@@ ir@@w a em"I&XIM reomnaARAP rwaarrkiinll the Intersection of Luc wm,nra�riy Ibmmdo of mmLd biyliwdy w+Itlu 1012 mortborly anmr,pormUmm limo of tbim oity of Glomuo yell l I) N. 190 191, W. lbI d 9J, m. 260 53" W. 2010.00" to a'bc point Of be i i i procomdim6 041 '731, 36, 301, N,w '205.'x'9" Jio m Polmti tkomvc;a 11 ��� �� " 31" W., 12.16311 to a PolamtL timmmm N. 730 360 WIN 1S«, 201,741 oto opoint on Old wast mid* of Now Yolk, Ip, s. nm uta Oil timed, S. '20m 531 R. 12,041111to tyrm Point oil imialmminik. Vooj6'ri'l" To m cAsslutNl' 1 VL 711 A," NIGRIMp to be oamd 'by Grantor amid haul mmmcommmrre moms mooi,g,m In common wig, g'irmmt�oo @nlri III; mwcoommoro and aootPpief nmrop the ioillaoimlg m,djAncmmt pormmin ALT, -Ji1emJi paroml of load in, Jibiof Ti Of �mmomebmr Warren Countii, llov Work, d@ntr,Lbod on #oilloviiwu iu11'GIMPING At a Imaixnm In time voctotiy inorumd@ Of iii York 1 - V. o. edi i#0 IyLn the COLIcii two mpmrmsm from a Concrete rmammumeunt ria6los elnm imtioromotlom of tine wootmriy bounds of tmLd 1w.t6';bwru� wi�tw mo tiuo irtMr@rly corjormgii I, @ or tion City of otiprin Pm11e1 Ly U., I6 W N., leiward 9'i N. stip" 63'11 W., 200,06" to the point Or bomain,;i p,poc di 16 Wim, 16,1 30111 N,. � "5.61,n to n � �Iwriz,l tlmo o 6. W 041 331 1.a 13.9116. to 4 PolRutp khomem LI. 73" 361 J,,qm 14, 202091 to it Poirot muu tlum kramt olUuo tri New Work U. M., Memo 09I Jilwomoo N. 2111" 6311 11.1 12.03A1 to thin point Or bp6,lgickII . w 3dN6d u 'TO a 33.,L16 dopy wide rtiglRt, of tiny CUM@di by Jilwm ait,y of G,Iome P@yIe, t�wmt lira@ alomgg Jilin volitbarl^7,aide Ni MAIrwayi 711`015iu, w a aW 9N - ,