SOLAR-000048-2017 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number: SOLAR-000048-2017 Date Issued: Monday, April 9, 2018 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number SOLAR-000048-2017 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 302.14-1-62 Location: 24 PERSHING RD Owner: Howard LaRose Applicant: Apex Solar Power This structure may be occupied as a: Solar Panel System 540 s.f. No Rafter Upgrades By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 +� Community Development-Building& Codes (518)761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: SOLAR-000048-2017 Tax Map No: 302.14-1-62 Permission is hereby granted to: Apex Solar Power For property located at: 24 PERSHING RD In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Tvce of Construction Owner Name: Howard LaRose Solar Panel-Residential $25,000.00 Owner Address: 24 PERSHING RD Total Value $25,000.00 Queensbury,NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Demarse Electric 64 MAIN ST Queensbury,NY 12804 Plans&Specifications Solar Panel System 540 s.f. No Rafter Upgrades $30.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Friday,February 23,2018 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town ofueensb ur;s6 F 3,2017 SIGNED 6Y: (A,Yjdf'/ /•VJ for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement Office Use Only ACCESSORY STRUCTURE APPLICATION Received DATE 2/10/17 Tax Map ID TAX MAP ID 302.14-1-62 Permit No. �EQtJafL- ��- ?111�' ZONING Permit Feed R�G.6ee� �r.ipC.� � 141e� HisroRic SITE _Yes _No Approvals SUBDIVISION NAME Lot# APPLICANT _Apex Solar Power 0arNE Howard Larose ADDRESS 64 Main St.,Queensbury, NY 12804 ADDRESS 24 Pershing Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 PHONE (518)309-2786 PHONE (518)260-8960 CONTRACTOR Demarse Electric Inc. COST OFCONSTRUCTION(EST/MATEOP $ 25,000.00 ADDRESS: 64 Main St.,Queensbury, NY 12804 BWLD/NGAODRESS: 24 Pershing Road,Queensbury, NY 12804 PHONE: (518)309-2786 CONTACT PERSONFOR BUILDING&CODES COMPLIANCE Greg Demarse(Demarse Electric Inc.) pyONE(518)309-2786 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Check all that apply Please Indicate measurements as required below Boathouse 18'floor sq.ft. 2n'floor sq.ft. Total sq.ft. Height Boathouse with Sundeck Deck Detached Garage(#of cars Dock FEB Pole Bann Poroh-open TO CODE •• Porch-3 season,Covered,Enclosed Shed Other Accessory Structure(s) -540 sq ft(1 array) ••Considered floor area&must comply with FAR(floor area ratio)requirements If located In the WR zone DECLARATION: I acknowledge no construction activities shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit. I certify that the application,plans and supporting materials are a true&complete statement description of the work proposed,that all work will be performed in accordance with the NY State Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances; and in conformance with local zoning regulations. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed, I or my agents will obtain a certificate of occupancy. I also understand that lAve are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. ✓I have read and agree to the above: Print Name: Olivia Baitinger Date: 2/10/17 Signature: $ Date: 2/10/17 1 Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Accessory Structure Application July 2014 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING & CO S PT. Reviewed y: UTAH OFFICES � Date: Sandy vECTOR TOWN OF QUEENSBUR11ayton BUILDING DEPARTME6H George E n G I n E E R s Based on our limited examination,compliance with our comments shall not be construed as h ans and 6pecifications are in Project Number: U1942-0322-171 PliW Y9q( with the Building Codes of February 9,2017 [ECIEU �y eve J� Trinity Solar 2211 Allenwood Road FEB 15 2017 tri Wall Township NJ ATTENTION: Jim Minogue TOWN OF OUEENSEBURY BUILDING & CODES _ REFERENCE: Howard Larose Residence:24 Pershing Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Solar Panel Installation Dear Mr.Minogue: Per your request, we have reviewed the attached layout and photos relating to the installation of solar panels at the above-referenced site.The following materials and components are proposed in the installation of the solar panels. Roof Structure in Area of Panels:2x4 Rafters at 24 in.O.C. Roof Material:Composite/Asphalt Shingles Mounting Connections:5/16"Lag Screw with 2.5"Embedment at 6'O.C.maximum. ti Based upon our review,it is our conclusion that the installation of solar panels on this existing roof will not adversely T' to affect the structure of this house.The design of solar panel supporting members and connections is by the manufacturer N O and/or installer. The adopted building code in this jurisdiction is the 2016 NY State Uniform Code Supplement,2015 1 It International Residential Code,Section R324 and ASCE 7-10. Appropriate design parameters which must be used in Go L the design of the supporting members and connections are listed below: O N O � Ground snow load:50 psf per NY snow load map(verify with local building department) p 1` Roof snow load:35 psf per NY snow load map(verify with local building department) Q Design wind speed for risk category R structures: 115 mph(3-sec gust) O Wind exposure:Category C J O .. Our conclusion regarding the adequacy of the existing roof is based on the fact that the additional weight related to the N E C6 Oj solar panels is less than 3 pounds per square foot.In the area of the solar panels,no 20 psf live loads will be present. W O >' Regarding snow loads,it is our conclusion that since the panels are slippery and dark,effective snow loads will likely 3 of (n be reduced in the areas of the panels.The attached calculations verify the capacity of the connections against wind,the N O tT— goveming load case. Solar panels will be low profile, thus, it is our conclusion that any additional wind or seismic CQ = C C loadings related to the addition of these solar panels is negligible. d L C6 tF N L CL Duringdesign and installation,particular attention must be paid to the maximum allowable spacing of attachments and r O N " the location of solar panels relative to roof edges. The use of solar panel support span tables provided by the N W EL M manufacturer is allowed only where the building type, site conditions, and solar panel configuration match the Q M d' O description of the span tables.Attachments to existing roof joist or rafters must be staggered so as not to over load any M J CV (n existing structural member. Waterproofing around the roof penetration is the responsibility of others. All work performed must be in accordance with accepted industry-wide methods and applicable safety standards. Vector Structural Engineering assumes no responsibility for improper installation of the solar panels. Very truly yours, VECTOR STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING,LLC OF NE►�-y Wells L.Holmes,P.E. w O� - 7 Project Engineer Z O 2 Certificate of Authorization:0012807 / 090183 aP WLH/geg I� ROFESS%O 02/09/2017 9138S. State St., Suite 101 /Sandy, UT84070/T(801)990-1775/F(801)990-1776/www.vectorse.com E C T O R JOB NO.: U1942-0322-171 E n a I n E E R S PROJECT: HOWARD LAROSE RESIDENCE SUBJECT: WIND PRESSURE Com onents and Cladding Wind Calculations Label: Solar Panel Array Note: Calculations per ASCE 7-10 SITE-SPECIFIC WIND PARAMETERS: Basic Wind Speed [mph]: 115 Notes: Exposure Category: C Risk Category: II Importance Factor, I: ADDITIONAL INPUT& CALCULATIONS: Height of roof, In [ft]: 25 (Approximate) Comp/Cladding Location: Gable/Hip Roofs 7*<6!5 27° Enclosure Classification: Enclosed Buildings Zone 1 GCP: 0.9 Figure 30.4-213 (enter largest abs. value) Zone 2 GCP: 1.7 (enter largest abs. value) Zone 3 GCP: 2.6 (enter largest abs. value) a: 9.5 Table 26.9-1 7g [ft]: 900 Table 26.9-1 Kh: 0.945 Table 30.3-1 Kr: 1 Equation 26.8-1 Kd: 0.85 Table 26.6-1 Velocity Pressure, qh [psf]: 27.2 Equation 30.3-1 GCP;: 0 Table 26.11-1 (largest abs. value) OUTPUT: P =9l, GCn — GCS, Zone 1 Pressure, p [psf]: 24.48 psf(1.OW, Interior Zones*) Zone 2 Pressure, p [psf]: 46.24 psf(1.OW, End Zones*) Zone 3 Pressure, p [psf]: 70.73 psf(1.OW, Corner Zones* within a) (*a=assumed=3') E C T O R JOB NO.: U1942-0322-171 E n G I n E E R S PROJECT: HOWARD LAROSE RESIDENCE SUBJECT: CONNECTION CAPACITY Lag Screw Connection Capacity: Demand: Lag Screw Size: 5/16 Ca: 1.6 Pressure Max Max. Trib. Max. Uplift (0.6 Wind) Spacing Area Embedment: 2.5 in (psf) (ft) (fe) Force (lbs) Grade: SPF (G = 0.42) Capacity: 205 lbs/in. emb. Zone 1: 14.7 6 18 264 Number of Screws: 1 Zone 2: 1 27.7 1 6 18 499 Total Capacity: 820 lbs Zone 3: 1 42.4 1 6 1 18 1 764 Demand< Capacity: CONNECTION OKAY INSTALLATION O F NEW PERSHING ROAD* ROOF MOUNTED PV SOLAR SYSTEM N s 24 PERSHING ROAD QUEENBURY, NY 12804 s I �. t•1 VICINITY MAP SITE NO 0EO1^I°" wn SCALE:NTS nye: IAROSE,ND WAAD Talxm Aare 2Dnaanaam Onw®: 28 PERSHING ROAD QUEENBURY,W 12861 GDMF.xe.E3 9ExER.L xDrE.EGx"x„aD oExERALxDTa,LGxrM,,::D M,RE„n„artea„w,En SHEET INDEX cwmu;rwle .. rHE«vprAGE Fxpu TxE anrvmla 1.. •CVMEXL MEvxumumm a xwvnx edpmvl 1xe: pE;l�"a,IveiEFw,,,n,uu,oxL. uwnva„rcaEwnr nlLx m .µr«vAao«u w�rrlwlnluancw«vuw PV-1 COVER SHEET W/SITE INFO&NOTES aalRUExrMDFouamxaAu aacowrecrExacauREMDrxE« REwm EnvoL*.i.aE PV-2 ROOF PLAN W/MODULE LOCATIONS rno9DsyDwmu3srsrtna cnoxe MDlxerR«rws rewwuvTxelxvERraR Duwxo XTMREVFREo°F`"a xnvEEEx Lw ..M.Ix IK dUx1M°/tMOEN9 dYWM MLPe.ALL°D.. FOX THE MRPoEOF YAN wGwnn"aa1 oRwnox n�cE -mwmmnrv, xweaxowdlx+aLveowmrlle a wxm°uMDAGFx YREHEwMo L PV-3 ELECTRICAL 3 LINE DIAGRAM zT OOxrMOrORa RHorovoLrl«evarERIMEwMxm Mwrovu.mmssEroFRvxsawu m uw a°emeur°RX�A. AP APPENDIX Drz oevlrtamatlone E9°WyBLE0FMLNNG GL1 EIMLINIeGMNcgnFn ME �Twe¢Vn16pIRCWDrWcrlCx SEL oa4v MREI .E� A"75"OCrpY1L XFAaaEp MNENEVEA r1EYME HGSIMRRMSEOiOINddrE M10 ]Mfi11 CpIrnIM1ED EYWEOrouaxT 1�SaVF0ial coxslRUC1NNf. 1110 sliHecwRiEriuAwu� R xsRwrroxadrlaawM rowaxomuuareE E xewnnunndcaxlucraxa agrdsLrucarerEu•wLED rouRE FOR xm wTx]x.LmCIWGLwDE REvoxselt FORISALenAro IllE aunvMALKI9VK£rnm caarwnuxnclmllca yG IlorxcOxrxlcr n M0.Ymi u�.e°�nErtiv auuiu.Le MfLw'.a Nm1EoicrleGLL COEE Iq° MMER 5 Iwn lnlGmellM: PRRlR. nxMeaLwElxn.W.aIDX In MpL ro 1xE.13T11. FMR REELrnrRRrt "n "OrroeGVP STRUCTURAL ONLY assaw mxrweraea]uoEwnmwLe RxnwoLrxc snrex.rxE x•y� am ovERawwenr Monrnd :oa•aanrrro.uwrrFo.f wnuun9xcaxrR.acrd eXui i urwcaem3 m w«. +mauoanaoa3m >a oBrlwxmmm wuwm°xaro rrEw AME.xsrnunox uEarxa nRmuurloxdAuwE eeMaa swrlFReFwcF rxE wsTMnmx o OF NEIY rwm araaox+9E.n• wnEa1RE3.eaxwxEe.aFEnuo 11 AmrfF"Ano®aooR � aoLr.wmalLomEwwr fb .oDIRa EnE.. rvzmomun ..axsrERlmo.¢rAlc.Rnue3Me ceeRywnrlwa iso R«vEFwmma"._ my a�wlRmv �� HQCy .�. 9nlnaa..... R.no• .wnen.rEwarwwmu u. Rm•rorxaa.erwnMru°>IF wo uFwr IxFFauva Xro woouvArmoerEu ummAara. mxmncrwruwwas A.•sRRIw RxrxaArronroxln9crd ax9i c maRrlmewc TvwoF ( ♦ Lwr.m acalEemowwnxuArrvomA xmrwaeuaw.orulvLw .maaM aA3o� 3 nMrrnRF r.sRLm «LxL..oraarApwerxunyx xumwMea<aeuo«wrmuA1uume: u..un aRIREonere mucmarvaaw w caw`�°vFXeox uoa w aDFinaren9orwrRn w s Fwexm.rtoEr�ordr a FwrEMa.wu9nExMa:Am aG' aw,vrt r.eeRrtAmrpxcEwxwn w.FA RaLAroxw rxEwvEMEXs ABFEnro wF eIEAlEIancCs 2 ura.aFr•arDmwawoxan xe¢IDIAnoxmacEDLREe MrrF n aarenrwMEmweX naRL rR.wfawEx g Rw.fb. 9Mn T9Der..mM9rwreua.oRrE aeRAnw uwwu w m°°D' •n sewrrz.nFa roeorrou 2 IXRIYn141aEW LQBOEIMam la MLOV.IUNff°ROt05[OmCrr4 ed aFNDYFiW1EOnawd q OpBR� F(I N.RTIONOOR MOrE1ER4EITLln[SAPE AAfLr ORRE 'a �' nrus«uRnoraarncamasm mFwnMwavuoE nre � �yarmwemuLw pACFE851�' Ewrtnsmroupwwv.t M.awwAaevnurvcw.,A.+u uo Fay F°�E `clmTwAwcnro wx.Er3xwaaF TMEwnoxu oww3n ECMGLNLE MruMYl flaE Il NLwrENN4. T.1 1p FFSREEr.FEcwwL awarR9crwx rox rHE STTE ow G`�wx.m 07109/2017 reeoEr�F.lEsx MT xERuxswi ,,,LTlxln u°IEn xEwmw:ron mueo2 r mwFlLreroE EM..ccmoMCEnrx rccmrn� r1ErmEUMaroE µwwaxTRREvwLwGua.aRK EEcan Tri uTxmRo.uLEawFlrtwuE.e9, Do3rnwrvaREaRld,ww. ��/ECTOR aXan000XdrmuxEm.nowm, nwawoe A.m REOLRffxExn ° ` E 9)333.AIrt3111ar.3Wrt 101 1B01199PI]]3 SOLAR Fg9.EapMNNJµWaSD WlrxnREV19]IIbW VCr[POrIERnNX'K.RFAYaEAR 9EOrINT FW1641R1£MMdMI BYarEYpVAnLRM4XLBAEMILrm UUM^Sd1E mAVM4WrCFaOl FMEM. 3MM.NM 3J0]O 1301199PI]]6 f.. W.EMi.MnllY w.n.l,ryu�xn wrtn'MxG�tD�i"uw immurwwMC/c 8w➢xw4xtuw NMnllwNenava 'w ICrfxm F011OIfyOA[ I,OgNM11Ex BOIMMOdIIE MlNI4�ME 1gNIW IWxArt/pxEtir wewlPwMIETlIIIMmm WIMNMCItt'PMT xovnw[ rt'xsw x". Rw PMIw y, x¢nmmmw maa N 4' m M(REFEAMa .rro e°rEmwrareciriwEa°NV+r"a AwuR8 P immrowwx'a IT PIMLEFNAM $ rt __ — EEencnrarwMweerwn unov Enanxo MFfEn 99pEMPNOW�aaWEW - wi mnrow.s:xlcx IILWDP OTPIL awwiwl War_MTmeWx pWmWG[ UAETONHO AQYr IW"EIReHebe GR NOACCEW xo. EFSOINRCN oPrz T� Tme: IT IANOBE,IIOWRRD reem PEnw:vvmavxv AEEime: Q 20 PE ING ROPD 3 QUEENBUM,Nr 1} STRUCTURAL ONLY ne: pF NE PRQPoseowwuR srsTEM IINEnrIEUon v M 3 MwxAwwn: w+m. W x P d 2� s �ntrwtlm �pRO8FES \�' �wTrxnm K 02/09/2017 PC NEWYORB'�OOlS xwnAm xniemr ,VECTOR Mm " a�Pwureawwroora.rmwa.F.cru"xmecurw. e e a�PuwcEmnuauronwrePwr"wEesmrc�sxwTwra V.x.caeov.ccrewasm"smrmm Fnmru�e�MG PRUIO. 9r09 b.srEsrE¢L EERr[rOr !8011 PPPrTIJ RN.No. SRmL u uLwmorneax.�rwwaswwmMMmwnuxewmurEn vxo..urxe�mu reov sso-rrEss w RLw,x.,w�, ,x,,,,b,M.rNP_ar.,MLxwE.rzbeL,�R,�E�.,w,IMx�E�L P1 PV - 2 MMYBDFG:WLE SYMBOL LEGEND PLIIBmING SCHEDULE EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE TMArOYMP1CN.irf ®MIwIEE IICfi L6YTWMN.R[FPm Efl idNE"M1rrRi1M6f NEE Rr FRCI Fnw.ar xwPVgIEW FM KilewrCaaaxw ® br4Lm0UreOE p TEW.]Ef G31A]MEWEAMI EOxARtMMNYJIMImM6MD Wf4En 3 ffHtlMVS ry tCC.EIPDEMNflIp Firm LYPMN � wwwrz FPreETwTueMagxFEmmE -- � mwroE"warnR"PeFarea 3 sLxeoRnws ® Ww,rw eARxEe1KIRCY.AMIM xYwrvxEwwYpCMN1ETERros OTHER OBSmU0vON3 P wrtwulrwuwort. SOLAR QD emwrarxwwxoMwiGr .® emuromw"+eMmroM .x .... . xnwtowwuMxxr :rt.w,�.re.,e o EwnweMxxEw�EFwvEea w.ort�E EnpYMe,l Limi•e HDI M; A m`aiisrtrLiei¢i.z111 ioN,.Hs ui A... 51nwvTN M wm 41xIN n[CDR4MmrF[ sq.ER M00u16 M11.AmMAN. ME, n.>15W MJ A, W/..SAMED RM4DUIF TSMC MKIFRSfRM4 3.1LED ADEDDR3EDMn01FM.,.AD.WEDOX AEIIME MINIMVMM[M MALM[eMeY10 ISAH40E IE MOOYI331NNRRs-3awx. 414' -i IEMpEMNMiORI1NRK LOGI"XMOSELMIIMttI •ILRMYnrtO1161q IXYFRMI IxnwAn4xwcR."x.inwXsrENEaEDAMMLxr H luaX4 ox C nx x _____________n eql I I 1)xAAMCT fOA`DAL.5.W0NxrYEMRMELPf MSFn 1s1RM4MMMmuIBMSERIES.ss°V.w Y - CAP AOXMLHIfiRSiMDNM3NAM,HAD 'IfRYWr[ppOIgIMAIM3 11 ANNMEATC C IMhAFR01 D RMf[MML MACH MIDEAST NAME. 2•�• L �2•�• LL11 0 A.1).\SMIMmxDMIEMxx M4 . ♦� T rvmmwIAMEEED4rcwnlA. 2•e r__l �1 S r__N "AmpuMVRYxq.un . RCCAQF 1MX9 IIJJ NRREM4RMNGmXOVCie16m RRmF,YXlxrt6 �00 � 000 � IYYMIHMBLIN wxmmnMMKLFMierAww RDAMm usM4 ��"Tf NE olf mmR 4Eswx rzMwMrvRE q m<q Hss I I S.INSYS .."CAPRIMIMIEOAAWRNMHfS UMI fONR SP..KCON6LCiq "DINFAMMOMR WTI ______________________ ___ n a..x.w�......-.. ..v-• ` 1 x[c6n.lxllllMMu4N s 6m1OPUIWOLTANiWADMARPHOAD EVERMRiN EMR WON VM4RWMDN pXDiDV64iNf .IIID if¶Ile; wVRtf IHDOIPpV1CIHCYlI4E V[XM[[MeR xxneoA'nY NDttMMYrtcoxDxc3DAMISH WROSE,HOWARD T1E.HAE 0VRP XNI4X' NIMF CDXDVRAS.RFD rtr 2CR R:31O)dIJ193R LfoxWLTOM•el.•df A I. E1IXON1 RREM fYVIN4<ONWfIOPf AEUm ' I ."MNOMMCAOVLLMFNANRRMAAA�OftlMM.C.A lAE Ra IT.AmMEMK.T.IXTCY 24 PERSHRING _ SLMUCATAR TON HDUEENSURY.NT f28W.SAN. C. 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OKRCWF"MDRCI"N4VMW iEwM3m3n �xin1,38Nx® MATERIAL LIST -•muW% (FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY) e * JOB NAME: LAROSE, HOWARD tyo ADDRESS: 24 PERSHING ROAD SOLAR QUEENBURY, NY 12804 2211 ai,.woad Ro,e 877-79;-2978 Wall,New leery 07719 www.Tnniry 5o1n.eum 48.17 ESTIMATED MAN HOURS 2.01 DAYS(3 1.51 DAYS(4 1 DAYS(6 MEN) MEN) MEN) • 30 TRINA 285's(8.S5KW) • 1 ARRAY • 24'PEAK TO GROUND • 30 PORTRAIT&0 LANDSCAPED • NO PIPES OR VENTS BEINGS RELOCATED OR REMOVED • 2 INVERTERS INSTALLED IN BASEMENT • NO TRENCH ESTIMATED SENT TO JOB USED ❑ TRINA 285(TSM-285 DD05A.05)---P300 SE OPTIMIZERS 30 ❑ SE380OA-US 1 ❑ SE380OA-US 1 ❑ 4-SPACE SUBPANEL I INDOOR) 1 ❑ CUTLER HAMMER BR 2p4OA BACKFEED BREAKER 1 ❑ 2p20A BREAKER 1 ❑ 2p20A BREAKER 1 ❑ (SUNRUN)METER AND METER PAN 1 ❑ SOLADECK BOX(ES)&HAYCO CONNECTOR(S) 1 ❑ 14'SECTIONS OF RAIL 18 ❑ FLASHINGS 60 _ ❑ CASE(S)OF BLACK SPRAY PAINT 1 ❑ CASE(S)OF TAR 1 ❑ PV LEAD WIRE 100' ❑ T-BOLTS ❑ MID CLIPS ❑ END CLIPS ❑ SPLICE KITS 0 GROUND LUGS Tr in i S-�� INSTALLATION OF NEW ROOF MOUNTED PV SOLAR SYSTEM LAROSE, HOWARD 24 PERSHING ROAD QUEENBURY, NY 12804 APPENDIX CONTENTS LABELS,STICKERS,AND PLACARDS EQUIPMENT DATA SHEETS CAIfTION:SOUR ELECTRIC SYSTEM CONNECTED AluRxmx.wneue�t r r• pCo-ANUT�OH - «.wu�N,NG .,o O WARNING npCAUT�ON'- .em ..w - WARNING • - . .ew>o.....w....a.w O WARNING CAUTION:SOUR ELECTRIC w"^^�^•+`^`• :..c..u.wocxnunvo aVaTpI OOMNECI[D SYSTEM CONNECTED ...o-.^«.w.o-..,. .. .. .w.....n+w., +L•vRriuwvo �C�UT�ON CAUTION:SOLAR ELECTRIC p CAOT10N BVHTEY CONNECTED Q� 4 WARNING NOW q- 1 .• Main Service Panel Utility Meter Fusible Solar Meter Unfused Service Inverter Combiner Panel Socket Disconnect Socket Disconnect MAT, 11 MtP.On¢f WIiMIY1F3R(1CVNM•tPROMMf 6A zl slRvn.uxnulon.a.Mn NMLLRa w•IwxlwuxlmmwlwTUAM uvw.mni..uno. Mono MUIII SOIVpon3 THE ALLMAX®PLUS MODULE Iro0UC,3 IOwn e.rv4tFrFC,rIn Wd W �C , AWIn.snx,l ]H �Vwa 0a11r0.0 MDl• „0 „f .1 t''� I '�F rsM.poosn..mna em.avow w..r ae...,a.,�x...-.rvl o-.s THE MAX°t�LvJ w n—r,.w S M ole a3 Mea..nee.sanwnx..W S. 9.,e e.N e.» ear Om Wexsioxi orrvMoeur[ ooenewwrvdroosva ry 6e.. u, »a ».3 ».s ""' snsnoo.ro.r.m.rW v.re su +ss v.0 ,s6 vss MODULE , M YMPnU'r wmnb4eu m°:,, ¢r rm W FIFR4�CAl W41MOCr1 60 CELL . G av v.P lwp mi am m to n. sm xmYnmNnerwnysV...M ]0.e A.] AA A.. In I..] T.n�Ii .ienr.r+.IN 0.Po )m Ir0 - >]) ,.M MONOCRYS7ALLINE MODULE •' � Oprnacurvpee4vs rvl u1 »o sea SY w S0.s >w,ri.un GynnrAn 1711 sn I.B ess ,W ,eJ In _. °.•'^"' .ze.am...nwn...u�,,..o.a.+.me.w.aea..e ii,,. 270-295W — Q POWER OUTPUT RANGE ® Mazlmlu limited apace with top-end efficiency OAU ency � � sus eMe ,nontt,r•mNm ru�isemmunsrorr _ mien wrm•po«e�aen;av ..rnpmm coelndemslm g•emer enerpr MOOuniomm�on expMrorkn weW la•iol 18.0% mn premp«ewr« �xo� „� ,.6,mmlaea.»r.,mi MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY - „Mo xm. w.qM ie..wlnaq Highly reliable due to stringent quality control a°`+ >v„mio.u'.mmm.xgnu,„ma,n nv<oorcar.me.,vacae Q .O.e,]Orn.lwu.o rem nicxf. nemonr, ercw.e, ,rmai0..A.oeurReu6l0oofn45mn O'A'�'SW � e�nouw r«n.ggo«wen oerpna eeni6calavequ"xmOnu xome aan ioowwmxil.omu.mlrel POSITIVE POWER TOLERANCE ' ,xzELmxweimpem.n Il.dl� i.eo. o,Meemr.a .. Co., ,000�.m"n::,rc""•'1%coewe.Omrl00oe Ncror.1. ® Certiged to withstand challenging environmental s„inn, 's' lno 1 mm condflons ' M wi "a..,Anow,.ixwM eeou vc w�na loop 35 5W Peon npnme.Pepe ,eMnmmnnnxm one. unrve3 • mm sl «m °^°'O vlsmm NO"""mO'"°0"s Cetl rcuxi "0AO"•me.m,... .w-•est ,eme«=u«Iwrn ' M�snumreirw. ;mwocrv�u \ _ om=CwMcbM orVv .0.]i1V•C m uu mn0 • T—rmuo e<wl. .e Oa551•C Comprehensive products and system certificates - rn o, oax,m+ew, iosa.xwe r.osM.w,cw.,"m, c A1715,Ec 617.V/UI 110311"6 rornEC 67716 nrwm.xo. uen 10 1W,a rsn ,n F - So".: o msnrom r 10'.O6 C G [ 's.n,Ve,iI20,On t _ PAc[nOrvG CONIGYvnr ON S,lBm i " 'n en^O Solery MonOpOmOnr �1 R OHSn3 P..J.,. NNUWMWn.30ptter -w MMJM,Porb iMblM'40p4tY A Q .®a C E M r4p A yy V Trtnasolar Vmasolar solar • • Single Phase Inverters for North America solar=s SE3000AUS/SE3800AUSISE5600AUSISEB000A.US/ . . SE7600A-US/SEIOOOOA.US/SEI1100A.US MGNd-0S I SENNAHs.SESacol I SF00MA-0s SF]E00e us SE1WePEr-Ys 1 E_E1_IW04US mm XRa emoemeltee,SolarEd a Single Phase Inverters N.AC Asm ]m —,I:W A For North America =•w a$ar.I ....... 10950 @z.w KPYbm MUMPNWNomJ.b.�'• ! ! SE3000A-US/SE380OA-US/SE5000A-US/SE600DA-US/ -- SE7600A-US/SE10000A-US/SE1140OA-US 2Wham Ml Nnrr#Ivl^ ul xn.111 __ KE Mlrt-Mbn.M¢^ xO.z 59.3�EO� .!!.TR.^.FT. ....... ae AIDNv _.... -' Mn CwlbuanOUtMdfirrtM tss i0 xAP v x9 3z As sev a).s A 4Eq 16mYgtl 1 p I VA_YY MonXnrlrW lYanaMRW[a11m.CMnYEUIfiMaNITrtNdEs......._.._ Yer Yer IMPUT Matlmun pCP.xerlSlC ae5p SJW 6J50 IW 10}50 I)SW IS35lr N �1 TmY1Pmm.kb VrIjMrM1eE .... �•12YA@,,,$y Mu'IWaI.YWtaF SaJ VC[ %an M pC Nyulsenen 3)3@ /)Se p]COv VC[ a MY MCunnlq ...I a5 ... )j I65@}O6v 1° •3 33 a' V < AC[ �] ................................................... ..............I.E55@xdP] ln'v@]90V MU IrIPM5lmn CbaR Gmfllt <s AE[ a ' RMrMMarYy Rd¢ibn........... ............... Fin amwtlHYIIISWatlan amembrl._...� . ........ Kpu Sens.nveY Mad Imtrill EXklMy I 9]) __ 9Ax i 593 [ 99I 99 eP 99 e.. CFE%kIE11Ma EXbenry ...so- ... . 9E 9J@laaV a]s 9I. 11 }0aV n]5 R ..... .. ........ ............... .............. ..................�.@.$?,QY. ........... 1',•.N}1r, ApORI_O_XNIFGTYNFs _ SurparlaE Cam Xn Imerlaaa wVOz,x5]31 net]SOee lopeonal Revenue 4mC<Deb AN51 C121 sTAHDARO COMPLIANCE tri-uufiase uu?9e cun$ Grla(a Nensbmbrd .......I............... ............. ••••• IEFEWJ .... g ons KCoan6 tlna0 INSTALLATION NST IT SPECIFICATIONS Acosg.pWtsi./A".w 3/Y Ilmu /]6fi AN'4 3/a Imum/}3 PKG CEMFYIrM11R[slb/I Wfldrigy/ - --' 3/a ImYm/IxsMnPil F AWG �.... ..3/i•mlNmwn/IIIInnP/36fi AW4 14fi AWG pmanapnaw116yMy SYR[II• ••.•••••• 305Y1$Sa3]/1]Sa315e]M ...... 30.9e1x.S�l n/ (XaY/Apl..... ...... ....-. ...... ]AJA190]W (A mm wdprt,wpevkrys.+w ,,,,, sia/xa2___ I................ sA)/a] _ ui/rpt. le/Fe. • I Naunl The best choice for SolarEdge enabled systems `°°""' MaWrMEMnadlan ;�.iv%;I nm baa[,.w,r.aMel 0 Integrated am cult proteetlon for NEC 1011 Egii Compliance xal - - -...........I ss- .... .. ..... .<sp.. J. - Bapid shutdown for NEC 1014 W0.12 Mm#lar.ope nen nmxmuw-- ---... -. ....... ......... -- "' - - Barye, Il Ivo/-x5NKO14alY�m MNanm4de'° 'Ff/'. [ Superior eificienry 190%1 --- --- - -- ----- - - RYIe[n^n.WnnE NEMA3R - Small,lightweight and easy to install on Provitletl bracset - - - --- -- --_-'--' -- -'---" Built-in module level monitoring - Internet commo on through Ethernet or Wireless - Outdoor and indoor Installation _ - Fixed voltage—rec DC/AC caovemion only - Pre assembled Saler,Switch for aster installation Optional-revenue grade data,ANSI Cl2.1 smsac USA-GERMANY ITALYFRANCEJAPAN CHINA-AUSTRALIA THENETHERLANDS UK-ISRAEL WWW.solaredge.us solar " @ � • solara @ � SolarEdge Power Optimizer Module Add-On for North America P300 / P320/ P400 / P405 SolarEdge Power Optimizer --- - - v300 vg=o v4o0 i vaos Module Add-On For North America bnswaXmee"JR �aem,.,.,1 m9uulnl �.,,, _ INPUT ca w(eemput Pe Power" 900 azo xpo nos w M P300 / P320 / P400 / P405 AW mM"Mum Input viMaee 8 9C 125 Vat — (y«nsperl Fxatpre) MPP.O.e nRange P-.tµ 0-tl0 125-1GS AVda LL Mulmum Shin Cltcoent XHI 2 11 SD.1 ALL Mpamem DCliym Surrmt_...__, 1zE 1]25 ]z ca nXt Maelmum EM 1 99.5 M wel8heen Erosin. f ........_. rise %_ CddNullagi Category 11 OUTPUT DURING OPERATION(POWER OPTIMIZER CONNECTED TO OPERATING SOLAREGGE INVERTER) Mas ".11-1 Cur om 15 All, mm I r M (mum Outpu",Mage......... so 85 Vat _ _OUTPUT DURING STANDBY HOWER OPTIMIZER OISCONNE(TFEO_ROMSOIAREOGE INVERTEROR SOLAREOGE INVERTER OFF) Safely Output V°Itaec per Power Optimser 1 Vas STANDARD COMPLIANCE EMC F[[pttlS ClassB IECfi1W06-Z,IEC61WDfi-3 S.Fd' ._... _. IEC621M1(W IlsaleN).U.1741 .._.. PnHS _ Yes .... _ _ INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS � tlmAllowedSY,trum Voltage ... VEc ConesNel rs A115° EtlgSY,1Y Phase ad Tbee Inasumpenners DYYm%WxLx H) 128.152.27S 128.152 35/ 12811152x a8 ] 1 mm/In 5.59108 5.597x137 5.59]x1.99 wiioi(ilKiutlal bksl ... 760/17 .30/18 101 2.3 It input('gnnechr_...................... Mfe Compatible outpm Wim Type/CMnel Gable Insulated,MCE C°mpanXle .Outputwre length.__.....__..... 0.95/3.0 ].t/3.9 m/h Opera 111%Te.Pa!W?Ium Pn1B?.._.... _ �s0�185/.x0..185 'C/.1 PmteLapn n.u.^.g................... IF66/NEFor AnP Rdatlye HumMlty o.soG _ u . . A SOY EMOESBIGNUSING SINGLE PHASE THREE PHE2= THREE PHASE MV ASOIARDGVERTENa AS Mlnlmum String Lengm B 10 18 PV power optimization at the module-level Matlmum String Length 25 25 50 IPS D.ppmh.n) — Up to 25%more energy M Im mFowerperSMDg. szso I 6000 lino -w- .I...... — Supedor efadenLry 199.5%I PanIIelSmnp of OlRerem L¢nlRhz You — 1,4111pal all types Of module mismatch lOsses,from manufacturing tolerance to partial shading — Flexible system design for maximum space ubliva n Fast lastalladin with a single bolt Next generation malntenance with midule-level monitoring Module-level wltage,shutdown for installer and firefighter safety GSA-CANADA GERMANY ITALY-FRANCE-JAPAN-CHINA-AUSTRALIA THENETHERLAROS-UR'ISRAEL www.solaredge.us PAGE 51 FE� IGREAVES Grounding connections wp POWER DISTRIBUTION TYPE:u Lay-In Connector gt ' �• CU9AL CMC+11-S ground mnnectom are manufactured from high strength 6061-T6 BUG-BITES- 90'c aluminum allay to Insure both maximum strength and mnductiWty.They are On plated Insulation Piercing Connectors �L SP _ °o proyia low mfor o Rpreslrtan¢and protection,,er and aluminum palnrtdmrrosloam n Trey ere Elhnlmlea heed lar olrldud4 Weubtlon sidppilg u5TF0 designed for use on condult grounding bushings.The open-famd!design allows No taming reguimd saw trataltdom the Installer to qui&ly lay-in the grounding conductor as a Jumper to multiple For copper W copper,mp¢r to Mummum,or aluminum t0 aluminum apgkatlms ` conduits with no break In the ground mndumr. For use on Imukt9d conductor only 90< RATING(4868 LISTED) IPC SERIES Mw MAm GLLLOa Mm NxaF 1pgpyF M Mrs W . xuYem xOY9En -YNN ri,v wx.Te eOtia PI.H aT' nElaRryq uwr C.plee Cune.Rena. ohn.a.nr,tnMb M10 Ile 1. w-0 2-e bx 1 le fP 243 CIN numbs. Flg'Nw awe Rud alze• N w L 1310, •IPe.d1e w-. ..N w 1 13 12 1.m M Ism. .1p.MLO w.z x13.6 em xi Is .m cm uses ! 4-1e 1 0.22 0.98 o.5a 1m 131w •hP xw xso-I w.0 em 1 n e .m mN u-12M 1 1 110-14 1 0.13 ].v 1 0.6 1.s 13113 Ve. ..w w-lo 30 1 as e an qm 13". lns No-w m-w 310 2 25 e ms cltl 13113 tuP all mo.xn 16-12 aro 1 N . 2es qTg 113005 2 3/0-6 0.33 1.56 0.8 3 131" -IPCems '0133 x13.. em 1 as . .m cm 1310' -In Nes, s00 3m 136-xw em 1 n 1CAIRION 11.25]5 2 250-6 1Pm0.31 1.J9 O.e 2.2 131N ' c hall , .sao son-3m .m 1 n 213 G um Bug•&W.on 'e66ala 41.oitd'AY•11s.ew awmr ryuns) insuleW rebb aHyl 1 Xa CSR umr•a D1 Erol Install m Gere Cepa. w � 11.•29 dre'Iax.53M rH. plNnQll QTkIwmIN D,lnW C( GUTTER TAP CONNECTORS �L SP Dual-Rated WEAL 1 --f High strengthaluminum al6061-T6,tin-palled ulTE 800V 90.0 -� 111111 -{- a+SiA.ist Ley-In designed main mldudar remains mnlinuws II I II II Tap pemllel or perpendimler to mein m GP SERIES wk.111 / [1,15k11I "No CATALOG COXm1CrOR RANGE 1PAOx091FMpI19 pXl CIN pl,whims � 40"1 199SA16 ///// n-0Ik381 (I81f.211 \_II+n x 42,In.MA.INuels X la", NUMBER Nyx TRP N Na L A WElpxr141 NNn /�/® 5}gLYpRO5p2w 1311, OPS 2.13 ..1x50. ,A Na 1-A N IA3 CIX LM.JN! [a%d10231(RtgD) 1311. .1. ,q-x Iq.1250. 1 . 11 12 1.10 CIN w.lek Jtt effifICIFeORW PIIF 13X. OP 2W 316.1. - 11 M 12 LL CM mw`IhN 13121 al u6 3w.w iso-6 aI. 11 er. a z9s 0131 For copper-to-mPP.r, uta mmN son-x0 M-z w. 1v. rr. s 110 civ Ie12s OPT. m-sao 9111.2 x an . a v 9131 rapper-toaluminum. •gRelsaeue..... aluminun-toaluminum II II oaesasltRa M..mm.dd 4a1,e6 m,®.Pem,. 600V 901C I11p901� ,--MM10xiI 4I. lsnapan Nalatlnp coven Brum lMOh GP alnnectoro Far lnd0¢uw any \ D.%.J uas cwt GPC SERIES p.L,uaN 1x9'1 kJsl t� nA® Gi FORWE4_wgx_WIlIYg1 L1Fq 12 Cry gLWmPOIG 1 MWkRG 11r�5 MCO2 N1je3137 Mile mEOIORr(M LOVA IL W. 11 1YYEX31r� Cm A''IAAr9%//O\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Ca`T\\ �rtOlQS� 0. \\\ �pa2J Qi1 wt) wt 13136 mli 13 oPw oED 1v. 21 V. a ox cTX ,,, lauf.ul FwnN:nNNAn N5g1 13141 mhe. w= RED 1% x'r. 3% . 0.0 mN AAAA/Illnl\U\\\\\\ 131.2 OPC 391 aPi$1 YELUE V. 11 3 0.2 CM L --- 111.2 `^ 13,.2 aPc 316 cnm .LOE n. V. .m a o.e cox ®® 1 32/2009 � LAYIN WG LI.50.5 131N on Tab gms0 oRAmcE n. V. ek a ass 0131 a ! � 1 60661-T61-7S NLMg01M 2.25X NwN13-From ro use.mn OaLSRp6aMCE.- • 11 Her4pePM,CF0e01J•PIwtm,CT N8806&Im5•Fn e605ers5,1e TOLL FREE 1-006b}11)0(OWNS Cn Snap rack Snap rack- Solar Mounting Solutions Solar Mounting Solutions Series 100 Residential Roof Mount System The SnapNrack Series 100 Roof Mount System is engineered to optimize material use, labor resources and aesthetic appeal. This Innovative system simplifies the process of installing solar modules,shortens installation times,and lowers installation costs; areake .... craw _ maximizing productivity and profits. a,..eW.a. asnv .rlr The Series 100 Roof Mount System boasts unique,pre-assembled,stainless steel"Snap- mrs Moemm � In"hardware and watertight flash attachments.This system is installed with a single tool.No cutting or drilling means less rail waste.It is fully integrated with built-in wire �L, management,solutions for all roof types,one-size-fits-all features,and can withstand , extreme environmental conditions. Series 100 Is listed to UL Standard 2703 for Grounding/Bonding,Fire Classification and Mechanical Loading. UL 2703 Certification �r�w•"s. a,.n and Compliance ensures that SnapNrack installers can continue to provide the best in rna..nu pad Oanm class installations in quality,safety and efficiency. a�w .".nar. • Appealing design with built-in aesthetics •No grounding lugs required for modules seen rd.rwlr ' Q V .� • All bonding hardware is fully Integrated d • Rall splices bond rails together,no rail jumpers required "°�"' Lr::'.. as,em Lrest aNiamerkwia x.0 arab. • No drilling of rail or reaching for other tools ^° required • Class A Fire Rating for Type 1 and 2 modules •6000 Series aluminum Materials •Stainless steel •Gelvanaeei steel and aluminum flashhq System Features Include •silver and black arwaizeo aluminum •Mill harsh on select products Material Finish •Silver or black coated hardware Note:Appearance or mill figen products may very and change evertlme. Snap In smgm mal Easy No Cunene Wind Loads 110-190 mph(ASCE 7-10) Nndwen Imtolla,ion Leveling or orange 11 Snow Loads 0-120 psf y1 Array Pilch O-60 delpres IntpMed Win Pnooemblod Mtep2ted Mpolog UL 2703 Onelaad Maga"goom hardwne Rasou¢as snaperack.com/resources 0.19n,repnrackcom/configurator - NTan to 6uysnnsnreckwer/whearetc-buy 877-732-2860 www.snapnrack.com I contact@snapnraekcom 2016 by SMON,ack Sols,Mgernne Sduhore;All r 1m,rese—I