Site Plan Application l General Information Zoning District: Lot size; Current Use. 4 Proposed Use: Va c x i i , Project Location, —,I, r ®v, ► tie , Al?' Applicant Naga Address, C 51 Home Phone CONI 7 w" J— `' ' 'Work Phonic Fox sw-- 3 SI- 5- ali in e ~ gem Name; Address: Home Hon ii Work Phone Fox E-mail Owner's Name. 13eeroa maid Address r L Home Phone Cell 'Work Phone Fax -mall 1"OVIi/N OF SU Kin Roues:Ravlead June 2016 lfupwn of Qu embvr,y,Fla nulng OMm,742 Bay Roar -Quaweenslbury, a+nY 12 •51 761-8220 2 Additional Project Information I a Will the proposal require a Septic Variance from the Town Board of Health? ye .5 2,. If the parcel has,previous approvals, list applicaffon number(s): &vile. 3. Doesthis project require coverage under the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SINE S) Permit Program? Alin 4. sorra ted proJect duration: Start Date p2g1/9 End Date_f 5. Estimated total cost of project: 116., b6d 6, Total area of land disturbance for projed Floor Area Ratio Worksheet �FLOOR AREA RATIO(FAR)--The relationship of budding size to lbt size,derived by dividing the total building floor area by the Ilett size in square feet,yielding a percentage. Zonlng lstrM Symbol -Ro—or Area Rafto[FAR] Waterfront Residential WR 0,22 Commerc4alModera,telCom,mercialintensive CM/Cl 01,31 Main Street MIS 013 A, The combined area of all square foo*e, as measure from exterior,walls of all structures on the Property,including all floors of the structures, garages, basements, and attics with mors than firma (5) feet of ceiling height and covered porches., Buildkq square footage does not include: Open deck, docks and that portion of covered docks extending over water and one storage shed of one hundred twenty (120) square feet or less. Any additional sheds will be inckided-(See"FLOOR AREA RATIO')- B, Commercial or industrial. the total area in square feet as imeasured from the e)derior of the outside walls of a building or structure, and,when applicable, the sum total of all floor areas of the principal and accessory buildings or structures on'the protect site. A. Parcel Area suf.ft. J ........ .......... B. Exist Ing Floor Airea 1134- ,sq.ft.(see definition above) C. Proposed Additiona I Floor Area LZ 0 Sq.ft. D. Proposed Totat,Floor Area sqft. E. Tota I Allowa b le Floor Area 8 4 (Area x_.2 4(see above table), *if D is larger than E, a variance or revisions to your plan imay be needed. Please consult wistaff. ft,Plan Review Refted June 2016 Town o(Queensbury Planning Ofte.7'42 Bay Road Queensbury',NY 128D4-518-761-8220 3 Sde Development Cute Area I! Pe- 6FistIng sq, ft ' Proposed Total sq.ft. Addition ,ft, A. Building footprint -7 1 ' 71yo (0 r B. Detached Garage C. Accesgory Structure(s) D. Paved, graval or other hard surfaced area E. Punches I Deis, thi r , Total l l on—Pert ri able [Add A-F] H. Parcel Area [43,56 0 sq,ft, I scrod I. Percentage of Impermeable Area of Site [I®GIH, A 1 Remove, 144'0 On t 1rTe- arlbairlra r l >It Area Recluted Existing rop � New Front[I,I Front 11 1 Shoreline I Side Y rd [ 1 car Yard [11 1 Rear Yard [ ] Travel orrlid r Height(max] Permeability No., of paWng spies Is Plan IRWew Ravlsed Aim 2016 Town o,f o, QwftnO P11"rAng Offite,742 Osy'Road oeensboq,NY 12804,518-761-82,20 4 1,79-9-080 11112glaMpts for Site Plan ADDroval. The Planning Board shall not approve a Site Plant mess it first diaerriiines that such she plan rneeui the. following Standards. P'lease prepare re9ponses to each of the! folloin topics,-, NDARDS AThe proposed projeot furtliers or is consistent with the policies ofthe Town's Comprehansive Plan. Ye & The proposed project complies:with all either requirements ofthis Chapter,including the site Man rcvi4-w standards as set forth fri Paragraph F of this section,the dimensional,bullk axed density regulations of the zoning district in which it is proposed to bc located(Art ele 3 and `Table 1),tbee applionble requirements of a]I other Articles that apply., &Al The Site plan encourages pedestrian actiw it internally and,if practicable,,to acid fieom thesile with pedestrian paths;or sidewalks connected To adjacent areas, The site plan must oDnfDrm to Chapter 136 Sevagt and Sewage Diisposai,Chapter 147 Stonrlwater Maoagemeilt Loa Law, and.other applicable local laws, yg L7 71-0p poscopZestiall be in harmony purpose or intent ofth is Chapter,specifically taking into account the location, character and size of Vie proposed use:and thedescriptibn and pwposa of the district in which such use is proposed,the:naturo and,intensity ofr the activities to be involved in or conducted,in otinitection with Ote proposed use and the nature and rate of any increase ill the burden on supporting public seTv ices and.facilities which will follow the:approval of the limposed use. F The establishment,maintenance and,operation oftha proprmd use vidil not create public hazards from.traffic,traffic Conge,s,i0 0 n or the parking of vehicles amid/or equipment or be otherwise deld mental to the heatlb,safety or gluncral welfare of persons residingor working in the neighborhood or to the:S"eral welfare of tDwn, Traffic access and 6ircu laflbu..road intcrnctions,road and d riv�eway widths and traffic.Controls will be adequate. OMstreet parking and 19oad ing facilities wi I I be appropriately located and arranged and sufficient to meet traffic anticipated to,be. generated by the new use- The lestablishment ofvchicle links between parking areas ofadjaccrrt properties are provided,where feasible. This fLdhcrs the Town s goal of reducirt curb cuts and reducing congestion. .A liventy-toot vvide connection irs,required. If adjacent prvPerties are either undeveloped or previously developed without having made provision for fialure linka:ge,then a future connection must be identifiedand providedfor in the site plaii under review JR)r such futiore linkage when the time:arises. Tile Planning Board may require proofthat,the applicant has made contact with adjacent property owners for,purposes of coordinating linkRges with adjacent properties H, The project she I I not have an undue adverse impact upon the natural,scenic,aesthetic,c*WogicaE,wi 141i'le,historic,recruationat or aspen space resources of the town or the Adirondat*Park or upon the adequate prov Lsion of supporting,facilities amid Services made necessary by the project,taking into wount the commercial, 1nAL1$1fiOl.,residential,morodional or other bcneffis that rni(ghtbe derived from the project. in making,the determination hereunder,the Planning Board shalt consider those factors purfinicnt,to,the project contained in the development considerations set forth herein under§ 179-9-0810 of this,Chapter,said in so doing,the Planning Board s,ball make a netoverall evalliatior)Ofsho Project iin relation to the development objectives and general guidelines set fords in 1 M-9-080 of this,Article, Yes Provision for and arrangement ofliedestrian fraffic success and.circulation,Walkway structures,,control ofintersectiorm with vehicular Irak and overall pedestrian convenience shall be safe and adequate for pedestriOn movement. Pedestrian connections betwe"adjacent sires shall be provided to encourage:pedestrian use. 1101mIllater drainage facilities Will]PTcvc,,, in increase of Post leveloprriont li-sinn1c:flows as,compared to pre:-development drainage flows. DrainaV ofthe site shall reobargc;ground water to the extent practical, Surface waters flowing off-ske shall not degrade any streams or adversely affect drainage on adjacent properties or,public roads- 17wifilies shall be in conformance with the drainage stard's of Chapter 147 of the Town Code and file Town of Quccrisbury Subdivision Regulations Aiere applicable, 9,6e, 5, K. The water supply and sot"ge disposal facilities will be adeqv;i;and will meet alt applicable and current requirements set forth by Department of Health regulaflorm;and Chapter 136 of the Town code_ I .—.— rer 'I'lie adequacy,type and arrangement oftrees,shrubs and other suitable plantings,landscaping and screening shall effectively providb a visual and/or noise buffer between the applicants and adjoining lands,including the Maximiam retention ofcxisfing Vegetation and tie maintenance,including replacement of dcad or deceased plants. re,y M. Fire lancs,entergency zortes arul fire hydrants will be adequate and meet-the oea&and requirements of emergency service providers. 'Thedesignofstruclures,roadway's at'id landscaping in aTcas suseeptible to pondinp, Nod ing,aodlor erosion vd 11 minimize or,avoidsuch itripacts to,the maximurn extcnt practicable- Ye r 0. The site pitan conforms to the design standards,lanAficaping standards and perfonnance standards ofthis chapter,I Ye 5 Site Plan Review Revised June 20,16 Town ofQuetnsbury Planning Office*742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-518-761-9220 179.9-011)Al2glicali2g, Lor ije Elan 11eview Absent any waiver or waivers, an application for She Plan Review shall include the:following: REQUIREMENTS 81p t# A A vicinity map drawn at the scale that shows the relationship ofthe proposal to"isling.commun ity facilities which affect or servc:it,such a & s,roa ,shopping areas, hoof,,etc.. The:map mall also show all properties,identify owners, solidivisions,streets and easements within 500feet of the property. Such a sketch inay be superimposed on a.United States are& /v The site:plan shall be dravhi at a scale of forty feet b the inch(11"=:40 feet)or such other scale as,the P lanning Board may deein appropriate,on slandard 24"x 361 sbects,with continuation on 8 U2 N.I P sheets as necessary for written information. The information listed below shall be,shown on the Site plan and confinuation sheets. S(r C. Name of the project,boundaries,date,north arrow,,and scale of the plan. 6urve-v D Narne and address of the owner of record,de )raper,and seal of the engineer,aTchilcut oT landscape amhitcct, Ifffic — applicant is not the record owner ,a letter of authorization shall be required rroun the io"ier, E. T'he location wid use of all existiria and proposed strurtures,within the property,including all dimensions of height and floorarea all exterior entrance and all anticitrated(Wore,additions and alterations, F. The looe4ion(of a]I tinserit and proposed public and private ways,off-street parking areas,driveways,outdoor storage areas, sidewalks,ramps curbs,,paths,landscaping,walls and fences. Location,type and screening details for all waste disposal containers shall also be shown, 'rhe location,height,iatensity and bullb,typir(sodiurri,,incandescent,ctc.),Df all external lighting fixtures., The direction of illumirw6an and undhods to eliminate glarc ontoadjoining properties must also be showri in compliance with§ 179-6-020. IVA' The l-00WI Ti7n,Wight,Sim,materials and design of all proposed Signs. /V/q The location o f all present and proposed utility systems including: I Sewage or septie system„ 2. Water supply systern; Gr 3. Tolt-phorit,cable and electrical systerns;and 4, Starin drainage system hicloding,exisOrig and proposed drain lines,cu Ncrts,catch basins,litmdwalls,cridwralls, hydrants,manholes and drainage swales- Plans to prevent the pollution of surface or groundwater,erosion of soil both daring and after excessive raft0q, and flooding of other properties,as applicable. A Stormwater Pollution Preverifian Plan(S PPP)"for al I land development wtivities(excluding agricultural activities)on the site that results in land disturbance of-ohne:acre or more. A SWPPP shall comply-with Me requiterrienis of the DEC'.SP SES MS-4 General Permit and Chapter 147 ofthe'TQwn of Queensbury Code. It shall be:at die discretion of the Plowing Board as to whether a SWPPP or"an erosion and control plan shalll bic V requ iced fora site plan review project land disturbance acre- '5 of less than one K. Exisling and proposed topography at two-foot contour intervals,or such other contour interval as the Planning Board shall allow. All elevations shall refer to the,nemst United States Coastal and,Geodetic Bench Mark. If any pordun of the parcel is within the I00-year floadplain,the area will bo shown and base flood elevations given. Areas shall be indicated Within the proposedsite and within 50 feet of the proposed site Where,soil removal or filling is required,showing,ft,approximate volume in cubic yards. L A landscape plan sliawjog all existing,natural land features than may intl uence:the design of the proposed use such as,rock outcrops,stands af trees,single trees eght or more inches in diameter,forest cover and YeatcT sources and all proposed manges to these features,including Sizes and types of plants, Water SOUFCCZ include ponds,lakes,wcdand's and watercmirses,aquifers,floodplains and drainage retention areas, NJ M. Land Use District boarAsTios within 500 feet of the site'spe rinieter shall be drawn and identified on,the site plan,as well as any OOverlay Qi5tricts that appy to the property. Site Plan Review Revised June 2016 Town of t; ueensb ury Planning Office-742 Bay Roac1,Queensbury,NY 12804 -S 18-761-82201 6 REQUIREMIEN7,17S (CONTINUED) Sheet 4 tet ac ftanwv patterns within the,site,entrances and e�its, and unloading areas,as well 09 curb cuts on the site and ­ within 100 reel of the site, Ilia Planning Board may,at 113 discretion,require a detailed trafric slaty for large developments or for those in heavy traffic areas,which shall inch0c; I. 'Re pmjoaed number of motor vehicle trips in enter or leave the site,estimated forwcckly and annual Peak hour traffie levels, 2. The projected traffic flow pattern includ Ing ve hiouljor movements at all MRjUT intersections likely to be,afftcltd by the proposed use of the site; 3. The impact of this traffic on,levels ofservicc on abutting public streetsand at affected intersections. Existing and proposed weekly and annual peak hour traffic levels and road capacity levels$ball.also be given., AIA 0. For n4w ouns1ruction or alterations to any structure,a table containingthe following infunnaflon.shall,be includel-- 1. Estimated area of strurtare to be used f0T particular purposes such as retain operation.,Office, Storage,etc., 2. Estimated maximum,number of employees; 3. Maximum seating capacity,wbem aPplicab1c;and 4, Number of parking spaces existing and required For lbo untended use. A p 1. Floor Plans. 2. Elevations at a scale of one-quarter inch equals one foot(114"= I f6art)for all exterior facades of the proposed structure(s) and/or alterations to or cxpansions,of cxisflng facades,,shomirjg design features,and indicating the type and color of materials to be used. Dramo,13- Q-"-§-Oil­log;"'—Zt—Cr supply well and immolatloo test resulti,and storm water runoffcalcu Eations as needed to delerinine and rnitigate project impacts, Od R. 1 919 COT d iSPOSarl ofconstruction and dentol Won waste,either On-site or at an approved disposal fWl hy. V 041 & P tarts for snow removal.includirig,to tions)of on-site snow storage. T. An Environmental Assessment roe r ("EA17"),as required by the SE RA regulations,Nwitb Part I completed by the Applicant shall be submitted'os part of the application, If the proposed,Project requires a Special use permit and an EAF has been submitted in conjunction wit'll.a special use permit app]ication,a duplicate TW is not required for the site plan application. U. If an application is for a parcel or parcels on which more than one use is proposed,ibe;applicant rrmy submit a single application for all such uses.provided the proposed uses are accurately delineated Ott a site plan drawn pursuant to the requirements set forth above. Tice' Planning,Board may grant The application with respect to sorne proposed uses and not others. For purposes of reviewing an application(and for SEQRA compliance),all proposed uses on a single parcel or on conlig000s prrmcls shall be considered together- A brief nartati we sjajejoaTjt on how the project prognosed for review furthers or is consistent with the vision,goals and policies in the'rown's Comprehensive Plan. A Site Plan Review ReVised June 2016 Town of Queernsbury Planning Office-742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804.518-761-8220 Pre-Submission Conference Form "0401 1, Tax Map ID ;aQ 1 _ Z79 2., Zonling Claseffloation U'D (Z 3, Table of Allowed Uses kj®raubjwto Site PlanaReview 4, OrdInance,Seeflon# 5. Pre-Submission Meefing Notes, Outstanding Items,To Be Add ressed I nclude Deed No General Information camp6te No Ske Development Data CompWo No S,etback NqviTements CompleteCA5 J'V No Additional Project Wbrmation CornPlbte e No 'Coverage under DEC SWPEE_Ergg= No FAR.Worksheet compLele at It Standards addressed Yes Cheoklist Berns addressed 'fid 0 Environmental Form wmpleted Myes No Sl� inure Page completed Yes a dch 4�tg/\ V r MS Ve� 1� eWA C 0/L to—I Ova 0 C - %CCf!Atd 64 P ce, ect� re\.2" - 4' — - Jopt.L-) -Cer e)QO&n.%iOA CPLC�........ W4 r- -M A Q. C. E A ggccucsul-lvi 0 stuar's. ec- ue'N-& --'4F L-� L"e'-,a� ( '-'� t wq'�.' & hat vt"At se+ Vax;,e-L,%-WJ AV apok,"t cJ-L V' A 4 'Wj 4— C—A WOOLSLAP-11L ll, i AV �Yvx L-LWPK(- L/- , ,( lssWng A,pp,licant mbst prml -pAEmh DgM�gK Notite of Tarr inatim (NOT)Staff Repressintative.,, M Applicant /Agent: Date-. Site Plan Review RevNed Jone 2016 Town of Queenabury Flanning Ofte.742 Day Road Queenabury,,NY 12804.518.761.622 Signature Page This page Includes the 1)Authorizdon to Act as,Agent FormZ),Engineering Fee 01sidosuraw u)Authorization for Site '' sits„ ) Other Permit eaponslbliltlas:t ,,p WOW Meating 01sttpsu re and .)Agrearnont to provide d otlrrtantation required OWNEMSAGENT FORK Complete the follovidng Il the OWNER of The property is not the sameas time applicant Owner: Designates: As agent regarding: Variance Site plan Subdivision sign For Tax Map N'rr.. Section Block Lint Deed.Reference: Book Page Date, OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE., APPLICANT'S AGENT FORM, Comp[ble the following iI t1i APPLICANT is unabte to 'attend the meeting or wishes to be represented by an Luther party wner. [designates: As agent regarding. Variance Site Plan Subdivision For Tax Map No.: 5WW IBWck Lot [deed Reference: Rook o Date APPLICANT SIGNATURE: DATE: 2_) ENqtJEEjRjtqP2 lEgE ENSCLOSURE, Applications may, be referred to true Town consulting engineer, for review of seplic design„ st�= drainage, etc. as determined by the ,honing or Planning I artrne t. Fees for engineer review services 'wurill be charged dlrectty to the applicarrL Fees for engineering reii will not excei I p0la wifficii notification to the applicant. ,) MTHORIZZATIOIN FOR SITE VISITS" Ey signing this page; and submitting the application materials attached hereliri,,,the owner® Applicant, and hdsJher lr agenttet he" aurthorize the Zonha Bard or Planning Board and Town Staff to enter the subject properties for the purpose of reviewing the eplAicat#era submitted. ")M R PERMIT RESE N519ILI"rtE ; Other pemri to may be reqWm4 for construction or allarafloi WAily subrmeqtmM to appri 'time Zoning I owdlor Planning IBowi It41hie appll Ws res iponslblllty 1.0 OWAIA"offlonal ptirMIK OFRCI L MEE71ING MINUTES DISCLOSURE- It Is the prat c*Of the COMMUnlity 0eurelopur e t t apar(rrtartt to hove a d"Ignaled stenographer tape record the,prooeedingra of rn etlnrgs resulting from application,and nein s trans ribe+d frorn'those tapes cQn0twtes lkta oftl Dat record of an preoeieoni 6) AGREEMENT ' 'PRQVIQE DOCUMENTATION"'ATIO REQUIRED' t.the undersigned, have thm ughq,� reed and understand the I trruoticns far submission enol ,agree to the submission requair paents,,, I ackn ge nc coma tion actiarlties shall he coramenced prior to Issuance of a valid permit. I r.,e that tree appikation, plans and supporting urea Is are a true and cornptete statemnent1descOptlon of the existing conditions and the work proposed, and that all work will be perrormedl In u�ordance suite the approved plaans, and hconforrnance with local zoning regulations.I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed, I or my agents.wlll obtah a ceri of occupancy as necessary. I also understand that Ili may be required to provide an as-buuNt survey by a licensed WW:surveyor of 41 newly consinucted facilities prior to issuance or a ceri of occupancy I reed and agger: to the above. don keli iglrp tore[Applic IPrdrd Name[Applicant] bAte gione Signature[Agent] Print Name [Agent] Mate signed Site Plum Review Reed June 2016 Town of Queensbury Planniing - 742 IBay Road -Quueensbuu yr, NY 12804 ,.518-761-tM,