1975-01-14 247 REGULAR HEETING JANUARY 14, 1975 MEMBERS PRESENT: Gordon Streeter, Supervisor Daniel Olson, Councilman Robert Barber, Councilman Harold Robillard, Councilman Hammond Robertson, Councilman J. David Little, Town Counsel IZeetingOpened-7 : 30 P.M. TOWN EMPLOYEES ; GUESTS : Mr. Murray, Mrs. Murray, Mr. Kubricky PRESS: Lee Coleman, IT4SC, Sue Burzynski PUBLIC HEAPING-Over 65 Exemption-5, 000. 00 - Notice Shown. . . Hearing Opened 7 : 30 P.M. No one spoke for or against the proposed change from 4, 000 to 5, 000. . . Hearing Closed. . . AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A PARTIAL TAX EXEMPTION OF REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY CERTAIN PERSONS WITH LIMITED INCOME 14HO ARR SIXTY-FIVE YEARS OF AGE OR OVER, PURSUANT TO SECTION 467 OF THE REAL PROPERTY TAX LAW OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK RESOLUTION N0, 29. Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Harold Robillard: oFHEREAS, Section 467 of the Real Property Tax Law has been amended to increase the limitation of income the owner or the combined income of the owners of real property may earn and remain eligible to apply for said partial exemption, and IRIEREAS , the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury desires to amend the existing ordinance extitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A PARTIAL TAX �`— EXE1,1PTION OF REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY CERTAIN PERSONS WITH LIMITED INCOME WHO AI:E SIXTY-FIVE YEARS OF AGE OR OVER, PURSUANT TO SECTION 467 - OF THE REAL PROPERTY TAX LA�­l OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK" to increase the income limitation from $4, 000. 00 to $5 , 000. 00 to conform to Section 467 of the eal Property Tax Law of t��ie State of New York, as amended, with respect to the increased exemption; and Iv'ITIEREAS , by Resolution No.. 278 of 1974 said Town Board of the Town of Quennsbury caused the Town Clerk of the Town of Oueensbury to publish and post notice of a public hearing to be held at the Town Office Building in said Town of Queensbury on January 14th, 1975 at 7 : 30 P.M. to consider the adoption of the amendment to said resolution; and WIIEREAS , the said public hearing was duly held and those in favor and those opposed to such resolution were duly heard, and due deliberation having been gad; Now, on motion duly made and seconded, it is hereby RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury Ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR A PARTIAL TAX EXEMPTION OF REAL PROPERTY OWNED BY CERTAIN PERSONS WI %i LIMITED INCOME WHO ARE SIXTY-FIVE YEARS OR OVER, PU- SUANT TO SECTION 467 OF THE REAL PROPERTY TAX LAW OF THE STATE OF NEW"YORK" I be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows : SECTION 2: (b) The income of the owner or combined income of the owners must not exceed five thousand dollars for the income tax year immediately preceeding the date of making the application for exemption. Income tax year shall mean the twelve month period for which the owner or owners filed a federal personal income tax return, or if no such return is Filed, the calendar year. and be it further RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect as provided in Section 133 of the Town Law of the State of New York. -248 ;duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Noes : none Absent: 'None RESOLUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR A FOUR WHEEL DRIVE FRONT END LOADER. RESOLUTION NO. 30, introduced by Mr. Robertson who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Olson. WHEREAS, Thomas Flaherty , Water Superintendent has recommended to the Board that we purchase a Four Wheel Drive Front End Loader, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury solicit sealed bids for the purchase of the above listed item and that the following notice be published once in the official newspapers in the following form: NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury will receive sealed proposals for a Four Wheel Drive Front End Loader for the Water Department. A copy of the specifications will be available in the Tcww Clerk' s office. Bids will be received up to 5 :00 P.M. on the 18th day of February 1975 at the Town Clerk' s office in the Queensbury Town Office Building, Bay and Haviland Roads, Glens Falls, New York, 12801. Bids must be submitted in sealed OPAQUE envelopes plainly-marked "Four Wheel Drive Front End Loader" and there shall be included with such bid the Certificate of Non-Collusion required by Section 103D of the General Municipal Law and the bidder must state the approximate date of delivery. Trade in of one 1953 Hough Hr30 Loader. Inspection of Hough Loader may be made at the Water Department Maintenance Center on the Corinth Road, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 A.M.and 4 P.M. The Town Board will meet at the Queensbury Town Office Building at 7:30 P.M. on the 18th day of February at which time the bids will be opened and read aloud. The Town Board reserves the right t1b reject any or all bids. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and . Mr. Streeter. Noes : None. Absent: None. Mr. Barber requested a set of the specs be given to Mr. Buckley, Town Engineer. RESOLUTION TO POSTPONE TOWN BOARD MEETING RESOLUTION NO__ 31,E Introduced by Mr. Robillard who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Olson. RESOLVED, that the Annual Association of Town' s Convention falls on Tuesday, , February 11, 1975 which would be a regu it-Town Board meeting night, the meeting is therefore postponed. Now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the first regular meeting of the month will be held on February 18, 1975. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Streeter. Noes: None. Absent: None. dy9 RESOLUTION TO RECOGNIZE QUEENSBURY POLICE ASSOCIATION REWLUTION N0. 32. introduced by Mr. Robillard who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Barber. WHEREAS, Jay D. Morey of the Town of Queensbury Police Department has delivered to the Town Board of- the Town of Queensbury a written authorization and designation for representation, authorizing and designating the Queensbury Police Association as the employee organization to enter into collective bargaining on behalf of the Queensbury Pblitee Department pursuant to Article 14 of the Civil Service Law, and WHEREAS, said authorization and designation has been executed by the majority of the members of the Queensbury $olice Department, to wit, eight members thereof, NOW, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby recognizes the Queensbury Police Association as the exclusive bargaining agent for the Police Department of the Town of Oueensbury for the purpose of collective negotiations and settlement of grievances with the said town. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Streeter. Noes: None. Absent: None. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE CONTRACT WITH MOUNTAINSIDE FREE LIBRARY RESOLUTION N0, 33, introduced by Mr. Barber, who moved its adoption seconded by Mr. Robertson. WHEREAS, the 1975 budget of the Town of Queensbury provides for an item of $300.00 to be paid to the trustees of Mountainside Free Library in return for which said trustees will furnish library services to the residents of said town; now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that a contract between said town and said trustees for furnishing such service during the year 1975 is hereby approved, and be it further RESOLVED,that the Town Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract on behalf of the Town, and that a copy of such contract duly executed, shall be filed with the Town Clerk. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Streeter. Noes: None. Absent: None. RESOLUTION TO APPROPRIATE YEAR END AND SURPLUS BALANCES WITHIN THE HIGHWAY ACCOUNT RE__SQLUTION NO. ' 34, introduced by Mr. Barber who moved its adoption seconded by Olson. Item I Transfer from Dr5110. 1 $6 ,453.73 to DR5110.4 Transfer from DR9030.8 543.51 to DR5110.4 Transfer from DR9040.8 778.00 to DR5110.4 Transfer from DR9060.8 90.57 to DR5110.4 Transfer surplus unappropriated 50,396.61 to DR5110.4 Transfer from DE Improvement for services $14,390.58 to DR5110.4 Transfer from Item IV DR5142.1 the sum of 9,178. 71 thereby increasing DR5110.4 to 168,366.06 and deceeasing DR5110.1 to 77,546.27; DR9030.8 to 4,370.49; DR9040.8 to 2,582.00; DR9060.8 to 4,086.43 Item III Transfer and appropriate from surplus $3.60 to DM9740.7 Transfer from 5130.1 3,612.50 to DM5130.4 Transfer from 5130.2 3,927.00 to DM5130.4 a S� Transfer from 9010.8 200.00 to DM5130.4 Transfer from 9030.8 265.18 to DM5130.4 Transfer from 9040.8 80.00 to DM5130.4 Transfer from 9060.8 241.05 to DM5130.4 Transfer from surplus 1,676.92 to DM5130.4 Transfer from IV DS5140.4 2,050.00 to DM5130.4 Transfer from IV 9010.8 2,852.00 to DM5130.4 Transfer year end balance and surplus of Item IV 1,656.91 Transfer from 9040.8 1,531.80 to DM5130.4 Thereby increaaing: DM9740. 7 to 2,109.60 and decreasing DM5130. 1 to 130387.50 DM5130. 2 to 6,073.00 increasing DM5130.4 to 53,290.80 decreasing DM9010.8 to 19000.00 DM9030.8 to 728.82 DM9040.8 to 600.00 DM9060.8 to 598.95 Item IV Transfer 2,050.00 from DS5140.4 to DM5130.4 Transfer 9,178. 71 from DS5142. 1 to DR5110.4 Transfer 2,852.00 from DS9010.8 to DM5130.4 Transfer 1,656.91 unappropriated surplus and year end balance to DM5130.4 Transfer 37.94 from DS5142. 1 to DS5152.4 thereby decreasing DS5140.4 to 450.00 DS5142.1 to 56,503.35 DS9010.8 to 3,148.00 and increasing DS5142.4 to 18,187.94 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Streeter. Noes: None. Absent: None. RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE AND ATTEND APPROPRIATIONS IN TYE GENERAL TOWN FUND FOR 1974 -RE_SO_L�UTION NO. 35, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, seconded by Tor. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS there remains unapporopriated money in the General Town Fund for 1974 and varims accounts will be overexpended, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the following transfers and appropriations of surplus funds be made: Justice - Transfer $430. 00 surplus to A1110. 1 thereby increasing A1110.1 to $15, 723. 35/ Transfer $564. 00 surplus to A1110.4 thereby increasing A1110.4 to $2, 205 . 85. Tax Collector - Transfer $430. 00 surplus to A1330. 1 thereby increasing A1330. 1 to $8,163. 00. Transfer $140.46 _fromA1330. 2 to ' A1330.4 thereby decreasing A1330. 2 to $50. 5 + and increasing A133 0 . 4 to $2, 740. 46, also transfer $90. 00 surplus to A1330.4, thereby increasing; A1330. 4 to $2 , 330. 46. Assessor -Transfer $380. 79 from A1355 . 1 to A1355 .4 decreasing A1355 .1 to $17 ,469. 21, also transfer $411. 00 surplus to A1355 .4 increasing A1355.4 to $2, 166. 79 Engineer -Transfer $298. 00 from A1440. 2 to A1440.4 thereby decreasing A1440. 2 to $3 ,202 . 00 and increasing A1440.4 to $5,498. 00 Shared Services - Transfer $900. 00 fro A1620. 1 to A1620.4 thereby decreasing: A1620. 1 to $10, 600. 00; also transfer $800. 00 from A1620. 2 to A1620.4 thereby decreasing A1620. 2 to $2, 600. 00; also transfer- surplus $2, 686. 00 to A1620.4 thereby increasing; A1620.4 to $24, 336 . 00 Police- Transfer $1 , 658 . 58 from A3120. 1 to A3120.4 decreasing A3120.1 -to $87, 341.42 ; transfer $641 . 55 from' A3120. 2 to A3120.4 decreasing A3120. 2 to $8, 230. 45; transfer surplus fo $1, 214 . 20 to A3120. 4 thereby increasing; A3120. 4 to $15 ,474. 33. Traffic Control - Transfer surplus or $3 , 323 . 91 to A3310.4 increasing A3310. 4 to $13, 823. 91 . F+-re Marshal - Transfer surplus of $207 . 00 to A3/A10 Fira Marshal personal Service. Street Lighting - Transfer surplus of $4, 573. 47 to A_518? .4 thereby increasing; A5132 .4 to $9, 578.47 . Youth Program - Transfer $459 . 73 from A7310. 1 to A7310.4 thereby decreasing A7310. 1 to $21, 240. 22; transfer $377. 00 from A7310. 2 to A7310.4 decreasing A7310. 1 to x.573 . 00; transfer surplus of 52,494. 33 to A7310.4 thereby increasing A7310. 4 to $8, 341. 11. Research - Transfer surplus of $658. 43 to M030. 4 thereby increasing? A3030. 4 to $4, 987 . 38. Refuse and Garbage - Transfer 54, 685. 12 from A8160. 1 to A8160. 4 decreasing A3160. 1 to $26, 314. 88 and increasing: A8160.4 to $20, 360. 32 . Beautification - transfer $47. 24 surplus increasing> A8510. 4 to $347. 24. Employee Benefits - Transfer $1, 005 . 72 from A9015 . 8 decreasing A9015 . 8 to $5 , 988. 28. Transfer as follows : 540. 23 to A9030. 8 increasing it to $17 ,040. 23. $965. 49 to A9060 A increasing it to $11, 765.49 . Publicity - transfer surplus of $117. 50 to A6410.4 increasing A6410.4 to $7, 117. 50. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Noes : None Absent : None RESOLUTION TO AMEND APPROPRIATIONS AND TRANSFER SURPLUS FUNDS WITHIN THE OUEENSBURY WATER DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO, 36, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Harold Robillard: RESOLVED that budget changes be made as follows : Appropriations Increased Decreased Total SW1 8310. 1 139. 60 0, 797. 60 SW 8310. 2 3 � 1 ,083. 00 Sz-;��0.4_ _ 113. 52 SWl 8320. 3 7,027. 22 28,156.22 ST-11 8320. 2 ; 5- 17 ; ST,?1 3330. 1 10, 618.47 10 ,510. 53 SWl 3330. T- 933. 67 ST'll 5330. 7+,9 3 SW1 8340. 1 15 , 727 . 64 55 ,477. 64 SW1 8340.E 1,633. 79 _ ), 7 . 7 5TJ1 3340. 4 10, 951 . 30 _ 51 ,373. SW1 9010. 3 1 ,223. 0n, 8 ,856. 00 SWl 9030. 8 3 5 , 9 6 7.7,77 SW1 9040. 8 105. 00 1 ,402. 00 SWl 9060. 8 SW1 9730. A 44, 150. 00 18q , 650. 36 SW ,�_ � 3 , SW 5 0 50,800. 05 SW1 9730. T _ _ SW1 9740. 7 66. 27 738.98 SW1 9750. 7 3. 75 Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Noes : None Absent: None RESOLUTION TO AMEND APPROPRIATIONS IN THE SHORE COLONY WATER DISTRICT RESOLUTION NO. 37, Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: ' 5.2 RESOLVED, to transfer $15. 00 from 3330. 4 to SW4 8320.4 thereby decreasing SW4 8330. 4 from $15. 00 to 0 and increasing SW4 8320.4 to $65 . 00. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Noes : None Absent : None RESOLUTION REGARDING UNPAID OBLIGATIONS OF 1974 RESOLUTION 140. 38, Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond 'Robertson: RESOLVED, pursuant to Section 110 of the Town Law of the State of New York, the attached lists of unpaid obligations as of December 31, 1974, for various departments of the Town of Oueensbury are hereby accented and filed, and the applicable appropriation account balances are encumbered to the extent of such unpaid obligations . Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Noes : None Absent: :None (Chief of Police investigates Junh Yards for Licenses for approval . . . ) RESOLUTION TO ISSUE JUNE: YARD LICENSES FOR CALENDAR "EAR 1975 RESOLUTION NO. 39, Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoption, secon ed by Mr. Hammond Robertson: :THEREAS, the following applicants have made application to the Town --� Board of the Town of Queensbury for the renewal of their Junk Yard Licenses for the year 1975 , and said applicants have been accompanied by the proper license fee of $25 . 00 in accordance with the Oueensbury Junk Yard Ordinance as adopted on June', 1966. NAME ADDRESS Robert Sanders VanDusen Road, Glens Falls , N.Y. West Side Auto Supply Inc. Corinth Rd. , Glens Falls, N.Y. Herbert Anderson VanDusen Road, Glens falls , N.Y. WHEREAS , the applicants have agreed to comply with all of the provisions of said ordinance, subject to certain conditions therefore be it RESOLVED, that the renewal of the Junk Yard Licenses of the above listed applicants for the calendar year 1975 , be and the same are hereby approved. RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to issue said renewal: licenses and deposit the fees in the General Fund of the Tom. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Noes : done Absent: None RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE TRANSFER AND APPROPRIATION OF REVENUE SNARING FUNDS FROM THE FOURTH AND FIFTH ENTITLEMENT PERIOD RESOLUTION NO, 40. Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Harold Robillard: RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be authorized and directed to transfer the sum of $45 , 323. 52 to the Police/Highway Garage Building Account from the 253 Revenue Sharing Fund as follows : $2 , 654. 08 from the Fourth Entitlement Period $42 , 669.44 from the Fifth Entitlement Period. Duly adopted by-the following; vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, 14r. Barber. Per. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter -Toes : done Absent : None RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE PARTICIPATION IN COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYEE ;— TRAINING ACT TITLE VI RESOLUTIONd NO, 41 , Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is hereby authorized and directed to sign the necessary contracts for the Town of Queensbury to participate in the Federal program for Comprehensive Employee Training Act Title VI. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mrr Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Noes : none Absent: None RESOLUTION. TO ATTEND CONFERENCE PESOLUTION NO, 42 . Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: RESOLVED, that Roger G. Hewlett, Fire Marshal of the Town of Oueensbury be permitted to attend the Fire Inspector School at the Office for Local Government, Academy of Fire Science, Montour Falls , New York from Feb. 3rd. through Feb. 7 , 1975 and be it further RESOLVED, that the necessary expenses incurred for this school are a proper town charge. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Noes : None Absent: :lone RESOLUTION TO SET PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING COLONIAL CABLEVISION INC. RATES „SOLUTION NO. 43 Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Harold Robillard: WHEREAS Colonial Cablevision, Inc. has been franchised by the Town o-F r)ueensbury to install and operate a community television antenna system in the Town of Queensbury which said franchise provided for a guarantee of installation charges and rates to customers , and 1�91EREAS the franchise has notified said Town that prevailing; economie conditions impair the continuance of such service at the guaranteed charges and rates prescribed and have requested an opportunity to be heard in respect thereof, and IHLREAS Town Law, Section 130 requires a public hearinm on amendments of ordinances , rules and regulations , NOW TIIEREFOPZE BE IT RESOLVED, that a public hearing on the proposed change of guaranteed. rates and charges of COLONIAL CABLEVISION, INC. , be held January 23, 1975 , at 7 : 30 P. 1. , EST and that the clerk give notice of such hearing by publication thereof in the official town newspapers onee 254 at least 10 days prior to the date specified for such hearing , specifying the time when and the place where such hearing will be held and in general terms describing the proposed change. Public hearing to consider the amendment of the contract between COLONIAL CABLEVISIONS , INC, and the Town of Oueensbury in respect to guaranteed maximum installation charges and rates to customers in the Town of Oueensbury. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olsnn, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Noes : None Absent: None Resolution to Set a Public Hearing relating., to Highway Defect Liability and Prior Notice-Councilman Barber requested that this resolution be tabled for further consideration in committee. . . RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE TEMPORARY LOAN FROM THE GENERAL TOWN FUND TO THE POLICE/HIGHWAY GARAGE BUILDING CONSTRUCTION ACCOUNT RESOLUTION NO. 44, Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its a option, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson: RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be authorized and directed to transfer the sum of $22, 000 from the General Town Fund to the Police/Highway Building Account on a temporary loan basis. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Noes : None Absent: alone RESOLUTION TO SET PUBLIC HEAR_1NG ON f-WE C oNIAAc�fS RESOLUTION NO. 45 Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoption, seconded y Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, there has been duly established in the Town of Queensbury a fire protection district embracing all of the territory of said tom of ueens- bury and the Town Board has provided for fire protection therein by con- tracts with five (5) volunteer fire companies and NTHEREAS, the said contracts for fire protection expire December 31st, 1974 and the Town Board deems it in the public interest of the residents of said town to provide for such fire protection service and WHEREAS , Section 134 of the Town Law requires a public hearing upon the contract provisions for such fire protection service, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that a public hearing on said proposed contract terms will be held by the Town Board of said Town, at the Town, at the Town Office Building, Bay and Haviland Roads in said Tocm on the 4th day of February, 1975 at 7 : 30 P.M. of that day, and that then and there the said Town Board will hear all persons interested in the matter and will then and there take action in the matter and the Town Clerk of this Town be and hereby is directed to prepare and have published in compliance with the law, the necessary notices of such hearing. Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Austin Noes : None Absent: none 255 C01'111UNI CAT IONS -Letter from Tri County United Way, Inc. -noting; the contribution made by _-1c11anus , Longe and Brockwehl to their campaign. . . on file . . . -Letter from Dr. Robert Reid Health Office of the Town-re: Regency Par1r Apts. . .problem garbage and trash removal . . . on file (Councilman Barber noted that problem is being corrected. . . ) -Letter from N.Y. State Department of Environmental Conservation- re: Proposed Warren County Sewer District- issuance of project number C-36-970. . -. on file. . . -Supervisor .Streeter noted several letters regarding the naming -- of a new street connecting Qsby. Shopping Center and Lafayette Street. . . on f.ile. . . -Supervisor Street&r-noted receiving several letter on the Cable T.V. rate increase and overhead vs . underground lines . . .on file. . . REPORTS : ( all reports read-on file in Town Clerk' s Office) -Supervisor' s .:monthly report Total Receipts-$1 ,401 ,526. 68 Total Disbursements $905 ,474. 53 month of December 1974. -Police Dept. Activity Report for December 1974 -Town Clerk' s monthly Statement-December 1974 -Building & Zoning Department-monthly Report-December 1974 -Dog Warden` s Monthly report-December 1974 ANNUAL REPORTS : T014N OF OUEENSBURY Receiver of Taxes and Assessments January 1 , 1974 to December 31, 1974 RECEIPTS : Water Districts Oueensbury 5110. 417. 32 Shore Colony 724.50 West glens Falls 3 , 910. 50 $115 ,052 . 32 TAKES Town & County 968, 728. 24 School-Lake Geo. 589, 168. 29 Oueens . 2, 022, 937.41 Hudson Falls 3 ,621. 02 3, 584, 504. 96 PENALTIES : [later 856. 20 Town & County 1, 163 . 95 School 5 , 324.48 7 , 349 . 63 Total receipts $ 3, 706. 906 . 91 PAYMENTS : Supervisor 957 ,494. 70 Co. Treasur-r 133 , 635 . 49 Lake Geo. School 58n , 168. 29 Queens . School 2 , 022, 987.41 Hudson Falls School 3, 621. 02 Total payments $ 3 , 706 , 906. 91 S/S _ Betty Eggleston Dated: Jan. 14, 1975 Rec. of Taxes & Assessments Town and Countv Taxes Tax Levy of 1973 for Tax Year 1974 Amount of Warrant S1 , P9 , 708. 81 Less : Taxes collected by Treasurer $ 93, 803. 65 Payments to Supervisor 335 ,092. 75 Payments to Treasurer 133 , 635 . 49 1 ,067 ,531189 Total returned taxes $ 132 ,176 . 92 Union Free and Central Schools 1974-1975 An' t of Total Taxes Taxes Tax Levy Collected Returned —' Lake George Central 656 , 559. 72 589,168. 29 67 , 391. 43 Union Free School 2 , 211,556. 46 2, 022, 987.41 188, 569. 05 Hudson Falls Central 3 , 621. 02 3, 621. 02 Respectfully submitted, s/s Betty Eggleston Rec. of Taxes & Assessments 1974 ANNUAL REPORT TOSd:1 COURT COMBINED FINES, FORFEETURES, ETC. PAID. TO AUDIT AND CONTROL JAN. -DEC. 1974 BY JA?ZES A. DAVIDSON, & JOHN S. CARUSOIE, TOWN JUSTICES , TOITN OF OUEENSBURY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $74, 225. 61` COMBINED CASES T,.EARD JAN. -DEC. 1974 BY JAMES A. DAVIDSON, <S, JOIIN S. CARUSONE, TOT '1 JUSTICES, TO J1 OF 11UEEISBURY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 310 . Respectfully submitted, s/s Phyllis E. Joslyn, Court Clerk T041d COURT 1974 ANNUAL REPORT TOWN JUSTICE JAMES A. DAVIDSON FINES, CIVIL ',FEES, BAIL MONTH 1t0. CASES FORFEITURES FORT-TARDED TO ANC JANUARY 267 $ 4, 065. 00 FEBRUARY 139 1, 59(1. 00 MARCH 247 3, 387. 00 APRIL 151 2 , 602 . 00 illwz 174 2 , 191 . 00 JUNE 189 2, 441.10 JULY 170 3 , 045 .00 AUGUST 225 4, 375. 00 SEPTEMBER 185 2 , 966. 00 OCTOBER 174 2, 652 . 00 257 NOVEMBER 139 2, 765 . 07 DECEMBER 175 2 , 530 . 00 TOTAL 2 , 335 $ 34, 609 . 10 Respectfully submitted, s/s Phyllis E. Joslyn, Court Clerk 1974 ANNUAL REPORT TOWN JUSTICE JOHN S. CARUSONE FINES , CIVIL FEES , BAIL MONTH NO. CASES FORFIETURES FORWARDED TO A&C. JANUARY 16 3 $ 2 , 5 7 0. 0 0 FEBRUARY 162 2,420. 0? 14ARCH 1 .00 1) 805 . 00 APRIL 201 3, 970. 00 i�L'T 163 3,495 . 00 Jul IT" 147 3, 296 . 50 JULY 199 3, 37? . 00 AUGUST 203 4, 155. 00 SEPTE 1i3ER 236 5 , 360. 00 OCTOBER 163 3, 863. 00 v0VE''IBEP. 113 2 ,335 . 00 DECEMBER 120 2, 970. 00 TOTAL 1 ,975 $39, 616 . 50 Respectfully submitted, S/s Phyllis F. Joslyn, Court Clerk January 2, 1975 The following is a list of activities in the office of the Town Clerk during the Year 1974: Licenses Sold: 2116 ?'Male 6& Spayed Female Doffs 193 Female Dogs 2.4 Kennel Dols 5 Kennel Licenses 24 Lost and Transfer Licenses 3 Transfer to New Owner Licenses 1 Void Don License 1324 Resident Fishing 469 Resident Hunting, 593 Res . Hunting & Fishin- 1126 Res . Big; Game 99 Archery 9 Lost License Certificates 17 Trapping, Licenses 26 None -Res . Fishing 24 Non -Res . 7 Day 26 Non -Res . Hunting Non -Res. Big dame 47 Free Fisting Licenses 54 Free Hunting Licenses 58 Free Big Fame Licenses p 958 91 Marriage Licenses 1S2 License and Ordinance Permits 23 Serrch & Certified Copies 1 Delinquent Dog Report Fees ;paid to the Supervisor as a result of the sale of Conservation Licenses : 1960. 25 Share of Don Licenses Dog Licenses : 590. 90 from Counter-1973 Marriage Licenses : 202 . 50 ($2, 545. 98) Search « Certified Copies : 46. 00 License Ordinance Permits : 5 , 589 . 14 Delinquent'.Do7 Report : 17. 25 Paid to the County Clerk for Conservation Licenses : a 17, 820. 00 Paris. and Recreation: 2.55 . 00 County Treasurer for Dog Licenses : 5 ,504. 60 Dept. of Health for Marriage Licenses : 40. 50 Respectfullv submitted, s1s Donald A. Chase POLICE DEPT. ACTIVITY REPORT FOR YEAR OF 1974 Complaints received ------------------------------------------31.00 Escorts----------------------------------------------216 Fires------------------------------------------------ 40 Missing Persons-------------------------------------- 19 Drownings-------------------------------------------- 1 ATUL------------------------------------------------- 2 ACCIDENTS INVESTIGATED: Property Damage -------------282 Personal Injury ------------- 69 Fatal ----------------------- 6 Snowmobile------------------- 3 VEHICLE & TRAFFIC TICKETS ISSUED: 743 Parkin; tickets ----------------- 233 ARRESTS : Driving while intoxicated ----------------------105 —' V&T Misdemeanors-==----------------------------- 16 Criminal Arrests : Reckless Endangerment---------- 5 Public Intoxication-----------26 Petit Larceny-----------------169 Sexual Abuse------------------ 2 Bad Checks-------------------- 12 Child Abuse------------------- 1 'Zriminalr..Trespass------------- 18 Local Ordinance---------------23 Burglary---------------------- 23 Assault-----------------------19 Harassment-------------------- 14 Forgery----------------------- 3 Criminal Mischief------------- 13 Agravated Harassment---------- 4 Poss , of Controlled Disorderly Conduct------------ 3 Substance---------- 25 Resisting* Arrest-------------- 5 Rape-------------------------- 2 Poss . Of Dangerous Obstructing Govt. Process----- 2 Weapon--- 5 Poss. of Stolen Property------ 4 Family Court------------------ 4 Public Lewdness--------------- 2 Grand Larceny----------------- 9 Conservation Law-------------- 1 Possession of Fireworks------- 3 Loitering--------------------- 4 Viol. of Probation------------ 2 TOTAL CRIMINAL ARRESTS-----------------------------------------------41.0 Mileage Travelled--------------------155 , 2.14 Value of Recovered Property----------$43, 342. 41 Fees Collected-----------------------;&420. 0 ? Respectfully submitted, s/s G.A. Schlierer Chief of Police -Dr. Reid' s Year End Report Read and on file in Town Clerk' s Office. . . December 5 , 1974 Queensbury Town Board Queensbury Town Office Building Bay and Haviland Road Glens Falls, New York: 259 Gentlemen: I request reappointment to the position of Oueensbury Building Inspector for 1975. A brief summary of the Oueensbury Building Department report for 1974 and 1973 is as follows : 11 mos. 1974 12 mos . 1973 Single Family Dwellings 9"� .� ' Building Permits `544 627 Estimated Value of Construction 5 ,416, 561. 00 6, 624, 834. 00 Fees Collected 12 , 262. 00 16, 866 . 38 Variance Applications 55 7ti `J Single family construction was down over 307'. The total estimated value of construction for 1974 was $1, 200, 000. 00 below 1973. The Queensbury Building Department has excellent rapport with the Oueensbury Planning Board, Warren County Planning Board and the Oueensbury Zoning Board of Appeals . I commend the members of there boards for their unselfish devotion to Oueensbury. I wish you and your families a Haplw - New Year. Respectfully, s/s George P. Liapes Building Inspector GPL: eb Town of Oueensbury January 13, 1975 Town Board Town of Queensbury Dear Sirs : I would like to take this opportunity to thank the board for my appointment for the coming year. The following figures should give a fair picture of my activities for the past year. There were 828 complaints answered showing; an increase of 155 over the year 1973. I picked up a total of 259 dogs for an increase of 53 . A total of 19, 107 miles traveled showdd an increase of 2, 596 miles. Seven cases were brought before the Town Court, resulting in seven suspended sentences . The enumeration for the year 1975 showed 2, 575 dogs in the town.. This is an increase of 416 dogs over 1974. I stand ready at any time to discuss these figures or any other questions the board may have. I am looking; forward to serving the Town again in the coming year. Respectfully submitted, s/s James Davison Doi; Warden ANNOUNCEMENTS : January 14, 1975 TO: Town Board FROM: Ray Buckley RE : Ridge Road Landfill In response to public criticism of the town landfill a decision was made by the Town Board to obtain an independent evaluation of the procedures used for solid waste disposal at the Ridge Road site. On October 15 , 1974 Environment Five, Inc. of Cheshire, Conn. was hired to perform the study. �!6Q January 8, 1975 the Town Board received written notice that Environment Five, Inc. wished to be released from the contract -for the study. I recommend that this request be granted and that Environment Five, Inc. be instructed to refund $21330. 90, which they ha -d received from the ToT,•,m of Oueensbury. I have investigated several methods of resolving the remaining; problem of possible dangers from the landfill. 1. I have an appointment with Mark Kestner on January 2P at the landfill to review the project. Mr. Kestner will then suggest what services he could offer and review the costs . 2 . On September 23, 1974 Don Corliss , DEC Re?ional_ Engineer, sent tyre an application kit for a landfill permit. He suggested that we make application for a permit although it is not mandatory under current regulations. If an application is -filed the state can hold a hearing to compile all available data from any interested parties . The Department of Environmental Conservation must then evaluate this data and reach a decision to either deny a permit and explain why or to issue a permit (possibly subject to some conditions) I reviewed the status of the project with the permit agent for this area today. I wanted to conform that DEC would consider the application and hold the hearing if requested by the Toxin. . It is a somewhat unusual situation for anyone to request a permit from DEC which is not mandatory. They agreed to review their regulations and procedures and meet with me January 21 to resolve the matter. 3. Saturday January 11 at the press meeting Mrs . Alice Murray furnished the names of two individuals she felt could offer assistance in this project. I contacted Mr. Gordon Robeck with E.P.A. in Ohio. Mr. Robeck listened to my explanation of the project and then toldd a me he would be the appropriate person to talk to if we had contaminat&d a ,_, water supply. He referred me to Mr. Robert Stenburg. Mr. Stenburg was out but I explained the project to his assistant Mr. Albert Clay. Mr. Clay said that their department handled landfills where processing or recycling was done. Fe transferred my call to Mr. Norbert Schumaker. Mr. Norbert Schumaker is doing research on potential contamination of ground water by landfill leachate. The title of tho research program is "The Migration and Attenuation of Pollutants in various soils" The results of this study will be forwarded to the Washington, D. C. office of EPA to be used in the drafting of regulations for sludge disposal. This will take about 2 years . The regulations will not have the force of lava unless New York State adopts them. At this time the EPA does not have jurisdiction over our project. Mr. Schumaker agreed to discuss the problem with the program manager Mr. Mike Roulair for the above mentioned research project. He felt they could offer an "advisory eommentary" on our project if we furnished all the specific data they needed. This data should be submitted via the Washington, D. C. office. (This was the second phone number firs . Murray had supplied) Ile suggested we delay contacting '�ashimgton until this data was available. Mr. Roulair will call tomorrow to explain what data is needed. -The Town Board has turned down the request made by Mr. Cudd=eback for fund for the Lake George Winter Carnival . . . ._..+ -February 5th in N.Y. City bids will be opened for Bonding Notes-Water Districts. . . -.Town Counsel J. David Little-noted that the Courts upheld the Town' s rezoning decision of the Aronson property-Bay Road. . . MEETING OPENED: -Mr. Murray-Will the EPA still do tests for us? 26 -14r. Buckley-There position on this was that although they do not do testing they would evaluate testing and give us an opinion on how we should proceed. It would not carry the force of law. . . they would make their expertise available. . . I suggest that we do that. -11r. Cuddeback-questioned that if there were funds available what was the reasons that the Lake George request was turned down. . . -Mr. Robillard-this was not a budgeted item. . . there are funds there but by the end of the year they may be depleated just by the economy. . . -Mr. Murray questioned the survey being; done by Rist Frost in the area of the landfil. . .what is its purpose. . .what has it done to date—when and by whom was it authorized. . . and at what expense. . . -Mr. Buckley-If you- are correct in saying it is being done by Rist Frost I have no knowledge of what the project is . . . I would say it is not bein'a done for the Town. . .However we have authorized survey where i!- is to be done by John VanDusen. . .This is topographic survey mapping of the landfil . -Councilman Robertson-To further clarify this thing I believe. . . that John VanDusen contracted with Rist-Frost-Warneke out or- Watertown which is a separate partnership from Rist Frost. . . .These people do aerial mapping , which is one of the methods of rapidly creating topographical maps. . .I believe John VanOusen authorized that survey in connection with his own so that he could complete his work. . . -Mr. Hurrav-That answers one part of this what is the purpose but what has been done to date on it, when and by whom has it been authorized and at what expense. . . -Mr. Buckley-the project is to come up with accurate/--Spographic mapping of the landfil property. . . I requested that the Board authorize this which they did. . .The reason that I wanted the survey is that we could determine the life expectancy of the landfil there has been a lot of estimate., I have never made any estimate of how long the capacity of the landfil has. In making£ an application for a permit it would be necessary to have this data. . . . i -Mr. Murray- A permit for what. . . -Mr. Buckley-A landfil permit by the DEC . . . -Supervisor Streeter—This survey will serve several purposes . . . establishins, a landfil program . . . -Mr. Murray- At what expense? -Mr. Streeter- . . . in the area of $2 , 000. 00 -Tlr. Buckley-Less than that. . . -Mr. Murray-This was money appropriated by the Board in an open meeting? -Mr. Streeter- . . . that would be the proper proceedure. . . -Unknown- . . . Is this a permit to keep operating the landfil or to change its status to become an Industrial site, what is the use of the permit? -Supervisor Streeter-I can see why you would be confused. At this point it has not been decided by the Board that this is the avenue of approach that we would take sir. It is one of the areas of consideration and I think the underlying reason behind it could. be explained by Mr. Buckley or Mr. Robertson if he cares to fret in at this point but the �aay I under- stand it is that we were trying as was suggested to us at a press meeting that really resulted into a form of open forum which I think helped us , a good deal, but it was suggested that we try to investigate every avenue where.we could get some agency of the state to take over and decide on some of the material that could be presented in a public hearing- and make some recommendations. I think this is the basic idea. -Mr. Murray-But this was done long before the meeting. The Survey was made long before. . . -Supervisor Streeter-We are not talking about the survey now Mr. Murray. . . -Mr. Murray-You are talking about the survey in relation to what "av said. . . -Mr. Buckley-The survey would also sirve, , it would be necessary if we do proceed to file the application for the permit, we needed the permit anyway. -^1r. Murrav-According to Mr. Streeter at the last little group meeting we already have a permit. -Supervisor Streeter-No. . .We didn' t need one, and we do not need one. -Mr. Buckley- We do have permit indirectly, it was issued to Hercules for the Sludge disposal project only what I am auggesting by this report is to obtain a permit for the entire landfil . Hercules obtained a permit for their section. -Mrs .Murray- Has the agreement with Hercules been signed yet? -Mr. Buckley- A contract no. -Supervisor Streeter-1 do not think a contract has. . . -Mrs. Murrav-Has the agreement been signed? -Supervisor Streeter-I doe not believe so Mrs. Murray, I think a statement of intent, which I think your husband shot a copy of . . . -' rs . ?Murray- That was unsigned ' -Councilman Robillard- That was what was said it was unsigned. -Mrs. Murray- So nothing has been signed, as yet with Hercules . -Supervisor Streeter- No not what I know of. -Mr. Murray- At the meeting the other day you said something to the fact that the State had given the permit, and so that the agreement has already been signed. -Supervisor Streeter-Between Hercules and the State agreements have been made. -Mr. Murray-No. . .has ever .-been given to the Town of Oueensbury and Hercules to permit the dumping of Industrial Waste Material into the old landsite area, no permit has ever been issued by anyone for that? -Councilman Robillard-They do not need one. -Supervisor Streeter-As-long as they meet the requirements , my understandinm Mr. Murray , as long as they met the requirements by the Department of health and DEC Hercules would be permitted for one year. . . -Mr. Murray-You are talking about the sludge. . . -Supervisor Streeter-Right. . .here again we have to define the areas. The only quotation marks , "Permit" as I know of as such, is the conditions which the state is provided for the operation of the sludge pit, as far as dumping; of materials and any other part of the landfil there is no agreement permit or anything else that I know of. . . -Councilman Robillard-None is needed. . . . -Supervisor Streeter- Because none is needed. { -Mr. Buckley-Although is it the suggestion that we obtain one although it is not mandAtory, that we do. -Supervisor Streeter-This is our Engineer' s suggestion which has not been acted upon, by the Board. We are waiting to hear these other items of information. Are there any .further questions? . . . -Mr. Murray-I thought that Mr. "Buckley was coming; up with some other recommendations in regard to this Industrial 'Taste that is now being dumptdc'in the landfil. . . -Councilman Robillard- It was explained in the letter. . . 233 ASR, T:�[urray-I have not written this very well, but anyway, , , , I would seem to us the members of the concerned citizens for Queensbury as a mroup of citizens from all sections of Queensbury and concerned for w&laare of the whole town t1at this industrial waste problem is so complex, complicated and tedhical a problem that it should not be incumbent upon the citizens of Queensbury to undertake the expense , ' time and difficulty to the Town of another survey by an independent outside agency, as we have already mentioned there is one survey already going on, by Mr. VanDusen. God knows if we start netting surveys and they start dumping this material into the landfil how many more surveys at Town expense will have to be made to keep check on what is go-ing; into the landfiland how it is being handled. Even though in the contract it says something to the fact Hercules is supposed to send water samples . . . to the State every month, there are many other test that will undoubtedly have to be made in order to protect the welfare of the community. It would also seem more logical that any future surveys , test and testing undertaken by federal agency' s whose addresses we gave you the other day, or other agencies of the federal government or by the state rather than by the Town. These agencies have the facilities and the man power to make far more complete and all encompaming" surveys and analYSIas than any private company which the Town might hire. . .any company the town might hire if they hhd the technical knowhow I am sure the cost to the town of hiring one of these environmental groups would be prohibi+lvlely high to the town. The Town has been more than accomodating and has bent over backwards to help solve this companies self created problems and we have been deceived time and time again as to what hhs been dumped there. Incidentally , as you said Mr. Streeter there was an accident a week ago last Saturday in which some of the material was dumped :; there and there was another accident the following wednesday and I am sure that if t ese. were accidents that came to light in view of all logic that there must gave been many other instances whale material was dum, e..d... there un be known to the Town because this material as I understand it immediately as it comes to the dump is covered up. In the mean-time as a company which has invested over 5n million dollars in plant and equipment and who if they went anywhere else would still have to solve there own self created environmental -problems without the use of anyone class landfil. . . i+ther words what we feel is we definitely are agreed that we want 1-11ercules here, or any company here. ?however, when they have a problem which is so encomTfasing and so large a problem as this it is there problem and not our problem f and no matter where they move. . . . .They can well afL.ord to soly their own problems at their expense and without the potential of doing; rtreat damage to the water supply of Queensbury and the surrounding communities . Streeter - Does that complete your statement Mr. Murray. Zr. Murray - Yes if does. Unknoi:7n - Z wonder if the Board has discussed any kind of Board action that might detour further disposal of Hercules Toxic waste? We talked Saturday about some kind of binding; procedures . Has this been looked into or discussed? Nr. Streeter - Yes Sir, it has. I met with the management of Hercules on Monday morning. He discussed this violation of the agreement, dumping of materials who might be possibly toxic and other minor residue like powder from a barrel or something like that but in any quantity. . f4y understanding is that they have a new procedure which they believe and we have every right to believe which will control these accidents which have happened in the past. I understand that the containers in which the Material from the various buildings in the plant are put will only have refuse and trash which is most of the material that is going to the landfill now, will be only be put in these locked containers No. 1 , during the day and No . 2, only in the presence of a foreman in the plant. In other words they have had to scurry around and try to find some way of stopping these two things that have happen recently, so this is there plan for preventing that from happening.Number two, in the event that anything in the future does get up there which by their agreement with us was not susposed to be there, it is to be removed and taken care of entirely at Hercules expense. Does that answer your question? Mrs. Murray - Monday was yesterday, correct? Mr. Streeter - Monday Morning. 'Ars . Murray - Material was brought to my home yesterday afternoon, a half a coffee can of it that was dumped at the dump yesterday from Hercules Plant. This same material that we are talking; about I have a great collection of material that has been dumped there, I have the dates on it. and I have another coffee can of it that was dumped up there , so it is not just residue in barrels. This is much more than residue, and if it lands in the 3vound how are you going to get it out? It has been dum^ ed . in there long enough -that" is the point. -Mr. Streeter: My only coitntary here would be , and we do have to 264 draw this to a close now, I am not trying to shut. youzoff, but if you obtain any material and have an- .7 evidence that this material is dumptd,ifrom this point on, right here tonight I wish you would contact us immediately that that did happen. -Mrs . ?Murray-'Mr. Streeter what was done with the material-that my husband brought to the Conservation Committee, the local Conservation Committee. Two sandwich . bans full of it what was done with that? -:Mr. Murray-about a month and a half ago. -firs . hurray-It was given to ?Mr. Jones . . . Mr. Buckley was it given to you? - Ir. Buckley-It is in the store room down stairs . -l.Irs . Murray-What are you -oin7 to do with it? . . . . . .-h.-y are dumpin7 —' quantities , this is not wall quantities , this is ray point. -Mr. Srarray-Another_ question along that line, if you do not mind Mr. Streeter. Is it incumbent upon the I'oT-m to open every can that comes from Hercules to find out whether or not they have dumped any toxic materials there, I mean how are we to know so that we can send it back to them? How are we to know if they are sending any to us? Are vou going to stand up there and open every container? -Supervisor Streeter-Certainly not ilr. Murray, but where they has been any ob4vious violation and I did talk personally on Saturday when the occurance was brought to light actually from a Friday before, that I or somebody should be notified, Mr. Robillard I° believe was with me, and I since taikedrwith out Highway Supt, who is presently in charge of the landfil, that we wanted to know immediately that anything of this type occurred. Mrs. Murray - 71r. Streeter you keep saying, you are reported over the radio as saying that Hercules is an ethical company. . . Mr. Streeter - I believe they are. IMrs . Murray - Then why do they keep doing it? You talked with them yesterday morning, it was up there yesterday afternoon, now that is not ethical. Alot of the other stuff is not ethical , it has been going; � on now for months and months . We were told in September this was going to be stopped. It is now January, the middle of January and it is still going on. Mr. Streeter - I believe this company did try to stop it but I do admit to you Mrs. :Murray that occurrences happen there that they did not want and we did not want either. Hrs. Murray - But this is continual every day. Mr. Streeter - I think we have to take consideration this is an important part of the Town of Queensbury and also there are some basic questions that I stated on Saturday. They are a very large taxpayer in this town, it has not been determined that your statement of -the toxidity are correct. It has not been determined that they are incorrect. Mrs. Murray - That is correct. Mr. Streeter - So at this point of time, I believe we have to treat the industries of this town in the same manner as we would treat any citizen of the town, they pay considerable tax dollars and they provide a great -part of the economy of the Tom of Queensbury. I an certainly -o along with the business and ind,istry as far as I feel as I can go. And with this I take the statement:.: of the management yesterday that they have � come up with a solution to solve this problem and I am foing to give them a chance to prove this to me. !:Toc.T this , what you alleged could have happened yesterday afternoon, I say could, I do not know, You did not notif'r us you take samples or do anything you want with them and then notify us o-� all these occurances and we have not been a part of it or understand where when or how you arrived at these samples , In fact '?rs. Murray. . . . alright but that' s not when it happened, in fact ,irs.Murray I rememl;er very empliatictlly tMy.back TAThen thisp`&meto light you offered to show ,dome of there samples to John Austin at 3 : 0n, in the morning at your residence , and he went there and he could not get any of the samples . 265 Do you recall that? Mrs . Murray-Yes , I do , we had decided that , we had got together and decided to get them tested ourselved because the samples were readily available at the landfil and they have been everyday and you could have gotten them, Mr. Buckley could have gotten them, anyone could have gotten them we can go and get them anyone could go and net them. Now we were chased out of the landfil at that time , and that is why I wa$ not keen on going back again. -Supervisor Streeter-Persay, that is a normal regulation of the landfil that we do not have dump pickers , and if you were mistaken for one of those I beg your pardon. 1 1r. Robertson - Can I interject something? One of the problems that industry has , and I have been in industry and I know their problems with employees is that I as a supervieer in industry or you as a person on the outside can have the best intentions , our employees have been known even sometimes delibey play games with us quite frankly for one reason and another they think it is fun they think they are doing something, it is not the managements fault at Hercules and a great many of these instances these things come, they are sincere as you are, but unfortunately with a plant of 6 or 800, Mr. Willis is sitting there, he can tell me the exact numbers , now I do not know but with 6 or 800 people doom there, I am sure there are a half a dozen people who would think it was great quite frankly to throw something in and probably send the word up to let you know that something was going on, I am being realistic. Now, there is nothing that the management of Hercules can do to stop that . It is just like a bank teller, a bank will tell you that you are not suppose to steal money but once in a while we have somebody that turns up in thinks it is a great game to embezzle money. We always have a certain amount of this problem where People get careless. . Thev are very wellintentioned, here is a can of it somebody does not even think and into the trash can it goes and it shows up. Now I do not know the solution,quite frankly I do not know the solution to that problem from either your standpoint of industry standpoint but it is a real problem. I do not think it is completely deliberate. Mrs. Murray- Well Mr— Streeter I am not a dump nicker although, maybe I look like one to you I am not.We went up there it was lying right on the -- road that we picked up the first time. You do not have to be a dump picker in order to find this material it is all over up there. IIr. hurray- at times. -Unknown- I respectfully suggest to the Town Board that they might wore: out some kind of mechanism to determine whether these locked or covered barrels do contain may be on a random basis of checking that this material which is seemingly hazaradous as documented as anyone here will vouch for in some of the documents from DEC this material should not be in the 1and-L"ill , it behoves the Board to work out a mechanism of,- some kind to check periocitaIly the nature of material we are burying otherwise no oae knows what is happeninm . �Iurray-That TJa- jwt ri�.i point before, if there were several accidents they are various obivious , but what is going in that we do not know about. You see Mr. Streeter I am not trying to pin you down , but this is a very serious health problem if it continues , it could be a serious health problem for the community, not only for the purple in that area but for the whole community. , it is a serious health problem and this is an expense for us in Queensbury. We are footing, the bills on these surveys and everything else and the men at the dump that have to watch. There is a company which is a large company, no matter what their employees do , I have worked for large companies too Mr. Robertson and I can assure you that no town ever let us dump toxic waste their materials in their landfill and also if we were ever caught doing it we would be very heartily fined. And a company is responsible for its employees no matter what. Unknown - This may sound antagonistic but I do not mean it to be. I would like to point something out. I think a company would not go to an expense in the first place to dig a pit and plan on using . . . to line it and drill monitoring; wells if they felt the material was non-toxic. I think Hercules by doing what they have done spending the money they have suggest that the material is toxic. Mr. Streeter.-- I do not think, you see that is really on the other side. 26,Q We have two icebergs . One is the material that is dumped daily, the other is the sludge pit, but I think your remarks as to the sludge pit are absolutely correct. I don't think: there is any question about that or the amount of money or expenditures and the safety devices which were outlined by State Health and DEC Depts, would not have been necessary. I think what you say is correct . -11r. Murray-This gentleman here is from the Town' s environmental board. I think you might ask him:- if he has any information at all if the material it toxic, that is being dumped there at the present time.. . -Unknown: The analysis of the material that you ha* at your home . . that is stored down stairs— these analysis are not available we have a meeting the 23rd that is the reason I speak now in absence of a meeting in the near future knowing the problem the phone calls the conversations with people at ??ercules knowing from the :Murray report that the material that might be going; into the dump should not be going into part of the dump that they are goin.g. into we should some how or other check some. -Mr. Hurray-I can assure you that the report that we have says that t'..Ze,r are toxic and I an sure that if T•.7e were lying and Hercules knew differently and I an sure that they would know differently some action had been taken in this case. . . so you can be assured that this type of material that has been dumped into the old landfil area . . . -Mr. Sundbur"-I am not envolved as close as there people Gordie but if they think it is coming in in closed containers , why don' t you just have Hercules mash up these containers flat then you will gain two ways you will have a 55 gallon drum that is not taking up 55 gallons worth of empty space in your dump plus you will have something that can' t. . . . lr. Streeter - I think that is a good suggestion and I will not be. . . tIr. Barber - . . . g - I am not a dumppic�;.er but I do go there to _ems my burn Mr. Sundberg � n t barrels. J 21r. Streeter - I hope that Mrs . ?'Murray will take the illusion, as not a personal one but we do have and have had a problem with people w1io come in and scavage the landfill , and from time to time it is serious and the employees there have been instructed that anybody coming in there unless they are depositing material etc . to take proper action. Mr. Sundberg - I think the town and the city are very foolish in not getting together with the other communities around here in findin out some method of dumping process that everybody can use rather than bury-- it in a gully and bury it with sand. over in Japan for years they have been putting their garbage snd compressing it into a smaller volume. You are going to come up with something like that sooner or later. HM�E To Mr. Streeter - There is no doubt that this is trul17 a problem. Mr. Sundberg - It will be about ten years before you will be going down into Mud Pond. 'Mr. Streeter - Well I would like to draw this portion of the meeting to a close now. Mr. Sundberg - This a little over a year ago Stafford asked the State Senate to eliminate the tax or have it reduced on fuel oil and electric plates. Mr. Streeter - I think, there were a number of bills-:prefiled, perhaps the media could help out on this , Lee can you help us . ? Mr . Coleman said the bill could have pushed aside but could possibly be brought before the Senate again. Mr. Sundberg - Asked Mr. Streeter if he could approach this through the Warren County Board of Supervisors. Mr. Streeter said that he would inquire about this through the County Attorney. 26.7 -Mr. Ifurray- could we have the results of the phone callwith Mr. Buckley with the federal departments. . . -Supervisor Streeter-yes . -Mr. Sundburg-what was the cost to place the water line from Bay Roar' to 14eadowbrook Road. . . what do they plan to do with the mess that was left. . . I would like to know how they expect to get the water from the ?harvest Rest. to the Half way Brook since they filled in the ditch? -Councilman Robertson-I just have a rough idea what the price was . . . I do not wish to go on record . . . I will research this . . . -Councilman Barber-The Highway and Water Dept. are waiting for the `-' weather to break for repairs. . . RESOLUTIO'`I TO APPROV' AUDIT OF :BILLS RESOLUTIOa 110, 46 , Inteaduced by Mr.Robert Barber who moved its Td—option, secon ed by 11r. Harold Robillard: R SOLVED, that the Audit o:F Bills as listed in Abstract No. 75-1 and nullbered 1 114 and totaling $269 ,253 . 26 is hereby approved. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : 1,1r. Olson, 'Mr. Barber, 11r. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Noes : None 151sent: Done =TN BOARD-Signing of Annual Reports : On Notion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase, ToTfan Clark IEETING JANUARY 28, 1975 ME TUBERS PRESENT: Gordon S. Streeter-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman J. David Little-Town Counsel ABSENT: Harold Robillard-Councilman Robert Barber-Councilman PRESS : Lee Coleman, Sue Burzynski, 1,7WSC TUESTS : 1r. Robert Nolan, TZr. George Kurosaka, Mr. Robert C. Green; Mr. Sundburg, 1.1r. Murray Meeting* Opened-7: 33 P.M. 1IiIG-WING BOX-FRONT PLOW 'MOUNTING B .ACKETS-HIGH14AY DEPT. BIB OPE Notice Shown. . .Bids opened by Town Clerk. . . One Bid Burley Machinery Inc. 42 A Morris Lane Elnora, N.Y. 12065 $ 7, 477 . 00 Councilman Olson-Is the item in stock. . . Representative from Burley 1achinery-No it will have to be ordered be in our location in approximately 30 days. . . Councilman Olson-requested that the bids be turned over to the Highway