1975-01-28 G67 -Mr. "Lifurray- could we have the results of the phone callwith Mr. Buckley with the federal departments. . . -Supervisor Streeter-yes . -Mr. Sundburg-what was the cost to place the water line from Bay Road to Meadowbrook. Road. . . what do they plan to do with the mess that was left. . . I would like to know how they expect to fret the water from the Harvest Rest. to the Half way Brook eince they filled in the ditch? -Councilman Robertson-I just have a rough idea what the price was . . . I do not wish to go on record . . . I will research this. . . -Councilman Barber-The Highway and Water Dept. are waiting for the �Jeather to break for repairs. . . RES0LUTION TO APPROVT AUDIT OF BILLS RESOLUTIO-1 110. 46 , Intdaduced by Mr.Robert Barber who moved its Td—option, secoia-Te—d by 1.1r. Harold Robillard: P,27 SOLVED, that the Audit of Bills as listed in Abstract No. 75-1 and numbered 1 114 and totaling $269 ,253 . 2.6 is hereby approved. Duly adopted by t1.e following vote : Ayes : zlr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter toes : None Absent : 1 none T0714 BOARD-Signing of Annual Reports : On motion the meeting was adjourned. v Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase, ToT;.n Clark REsLJ'.i�">R 'IEETING JANUARY 28, 19 7 5 ME�'1 HERS PRESENT: Gordon S. Streeter-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman J. David Little-Town Counsel ABSENT: Harold Robillard-Councilman Robert Barber-Councilman PRESS : Lee Coleman, Sue Burzynski, WWSC GUESTS : 11r. Robert Nolan, 11r. Ceorge Kurosaka, Mr. Robert C. Green; Mr. Sundburg, 11r. 'Murray . Fleeting .Opened-7 : 30 P.M. BID 0PE 1II1G-WI JG BOX-FRONT PLOW MOUNTING BRACKETS-HIGIPJAY DEPT. Notice Shown. . . Bids opened by Town Clerk. . . One Bid- Burley Machinery Inc. 42 A Morris Lane Elnora, N.Y. 12065 $ 7, 477. 00 Councilman Olson-Is the item in stock. . . Representative from Burley Nachinery-No it will have to be ordered ba in our location in approximately 30 days . . . Councilman Olson-requested that the bids be turned over to the Highway 268 committee and Elirhuav Supt . for further study. . . Bid Tabled. . . PUBLIC HEARING-COLONIAL T.V. E,;Ai'E ! CR E,,ASi;- Notice Shown. . . Hearing Opened: 7 : 35 P.M. lobert J. '11Iolan, President of Colonial Cablevision Inc. presented the board with copy of PROFIT AEvD LOSS STATEMENT SCHEDULE OF COST OF OPEFATIONS , and SCHEDULE OF DEPRECIATION (on file in Town Clerk' s Office) The firm is asking for a 4^'i rate increase. . . customers will pay $7. 00 a month if accepted, for service. . . also an additional installation charge for underground lines is being; considered. lr. Nolan stated rising costs mandated the rate increase, Also submitted to the Board was an unaudited Balance Sheet -12.1-31-73 comparative 'figures for December 31 , 1972 and a information sheet stating charge figures. . . (on file in Town Clerk' s Office) Supervisor Streeter read the following letter: , Mohican Motel, Route 9 Lake George, New York 12845 January 23, 1975 TO: T014N BOARD, TO1,P1,T OF OUEENSBURY GENTLEMEN: iIy name is Lew Cuddeback, My wife and I own the .Mohican Motel on route 9, just north of the Route 149 intersection, in the Town of Oueenshiary. I am unable to attend tonight ' s meeting of the Board since I am attending a dinner for State Legislators in Albany. I would respectfully request that this letter be r6ad into your minutes. In June of 1974 the enclosed petition was raad before the ' Queensbury Town Board and I would like once more to have this V petition read: We, the undersigned, residents and business people or the Town of Oueensbury, petition the Town of Oueensbury to insist that Colonial Cablevision furnish cablevision service to homes and businesses on and adjacent to Route 9. Route 9, the main highway thru Queensbury from Glens Falls to Lake George, is lined with businesses which depend upon services such as cablevision in order to compete with like businesses in Glens Falls and Lake George. These competitive businesses are similiarly located on the outskirts of their towns , but have not been discriminated against as we izave been! The refusal of Colonial Ca ision to furnish such service to these residences and businesses because it is not financially favorable to them shows complete irresponsibility and poor faith in their contract with the Town of Queensbury. The cablevision service is necessary right now, when the tourist season is gettin- underway, and in June of 1973 we were ASSURED that cable would be operational here by this time ! At the time Colonial Television once more, at the request of Supervisor Austin, promised to give this matter their attention. As a matter of fact Mr. Robert '-Nolan, owner of Colonial TV, stated to the press that he "hoped it (cable TV) would be accomplished by eariv fall. " Supervisor Austin also said he would work with Sullivan Cable to possibly get service from Lake George into this area. To this date nothing has been accomplished in either direction and the businesses in this section of Queensbury face another summer tourist season WITHOUT CABLE TV: a season which may be not up to par, as it is . I request, therefore, that the Town Board not only deny Colonial TV' s petition for an increased rate but that the uoard immediately arrange a meeting with Sullivan Cable TV, negotiate a contract with Sullivan 269 to service the northern end of ()ueensbury includin Clen Lake. Once more i?iay I emphasize that this Cable TV is NECESSARY to my business and, as a taxayer in Queensbury, I feel I sl.ould receive the same service that is riven to similiar businesses so that I may be competitive. Thank you. LT7,7 CUDDEBAC?e sir, Iolan-stated Mr. Cuddeback is in an isolated area and it would take approximately 520, 00%0 to get to him. . . i1r. Otavio-owner of Mr. Chips-noted that the Cable T.V. Company told him to have a petition signed and this was done but no service has been received. . .we have a lot of people that need the service. Peter i,zarshal-Is there any alternative to underground? Could we have pole in back yard? Whippoorwill Drive. 14r. Nolan-We were stopped from stringing wire in Whippoorwill because of a complaint. . . .we will look at the problem in the spring going thru the back yards. . . iir. Robert C. Green-Noted the advantages of translators over cable T.V. and the advantages of both to a community. . . Tyr. John Bodette-I feel that 4070 rate hike is too high. . . in view of the economic situation now, and what the Presidefit is trying to do . . . . I think 40 is way out of line. . . suggested larger connection costs in stead of monthly service charges increased. . . Mr. George Kurosaka-reviewed his problems with Cable T.V. . . ,.fir. Murray-questioned Cable T.V. as a utility and should go where they are requested and when Cable T.V. is in a profit margin will they reduce their rates to reflect this? 11r. Nolan requested a joint meeting with the four municipalities concerning; the increase. . . i Supervisor Streeter-agreeded to a meeting. . . .Hearing Closed. RESOLUTION TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR NUMBER. 2 FUEL OIL RESOLUTION NO. 47, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury has recommended that we advertise for bids for number 2 Fuel Oil for several departments of the Town of Queensbury, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury solicit for sealed bids for the purchase of Number 2 Fuel Oil and that the following notice be published once in the official Town, newspapers in the following form: NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Torn of Queensbury will receive sealed proposals on #2 Fuel Oil, specifications will be available in the office of the Town Clerk, bids will be received up to 5: 00 P.M. on the 13th day of February, 1975 at the Town Clerk ' s Office, in . the Queensbury Town Office Building, Bay and Haviland Roads, Glens Falls, New York, 12801. Bids must be submitted in sealed opaque envelopes marled "a�2 Fuel Oil Bid" and there shall be included in such bid the certificate of Non- Collusion required by Section 103D of the General Municipal Lase. The To-,m 'hoard will ipeet at the Queensbury Town Office Buildings at 7 : 30 P. l. on the 18th day of February, 1975 at which time the bids will be opened and read aloud. The Town Hoard reserves the right to reject any or all bids . Dated: January 28, 1975 Donald A. Chase Town Clerk-Director o_ Purchasing �!7 a, Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes : 11r. Olson, 1-1r. Robertson, 1,11r. Streeter 'does : 'done Absent : Mr. Barber, Mr-L Robillard CO'j'IFLJNICATIONS : -Letter from Mayor Robert J. Cronin. re: assessment for the storm sewer service in Western/Sherman area-not paid. . . -Letter from Edward Rosa-requesting permission to start a bus service running from Fort Edward through Hudson Falls , Glens Falls and to the Oueensbury Plazas . . . turned over to Councilman Robertson -Petition receivdd-re: Water for E. Meadowbrook Road request turned over to Water Supt. Thomas Flaherty for cost estimates . . . -Letter from Fire 1Zarshal re: fee permit system turned over to Councilman Robertson -Application for l:e-Zoning from Jolin Kubricky Co. and LeRov i. Kubricky and Joan Kubricky . . . turned over to Planning Board. AN14OUNCEMENTS : Supervisor Streeter noted meeting with Congressman Pattison a weed: ago Saturday— spoke a few minutes to him about Postal Identity for the Town. . .at no time did I ask for or expect any reassurance that he would get us a post office—he said he would do what he could Congressman Pattison noted on revenue sharing basis on income tax returns address and also amount of income in a particular community. . . the Supervisor noted that he would continue to work toward gettinf; a post office for the town as well as better service. . . -Supervisor Streeter attended Supervisor' s and County Officers School January 19-21st. . . in Johnstown. . . -Last Wednesday Evening-work session with the Town Planning Board re: Land use plan. . . in a few months the plan should be completed and ready for Public input. . . -Attended meeting with other municipalities re: Federal Urban Aid Boundary under the 1973 T4ighway Act . . . agreeded on tentative boundaries and they will be submittdd to Federal Agencies. . . -Councilman Robertson and Supervisor Streeter met at the Water Filtration Plant with McManus:; and Joseph A. Kestner Jr. Consulting Engineers work schedule. . . construction will be completed on or before February 20, 1975-system operated in either a manual or semi automatic mode for purposed of evaluation . . .On or before April 1, 1975 the plant is expected to be in automatic mode and ready to process an high quality effluent. . . -The Town has been conducting interviews under man power contracts the town will end up with several employees . . - -There will be a Special Torrn Board meeting February 4, 1075 at 7 : 31 P.74 at that time there will be a Hearing on the Fire Contracts. . . REPORTS : SUPERVISOR'S SU1-MARY OF YEAR EldD 3ALA�-'CES GE dEnJIL TO4 d FUN 11) Bank Balance $118, 731 . 84 Certificate of Deposit 83 , 000. 00 Loan to Vest Glens Falls Water 3 ,419. 00 Total 205 , 150. 34 Encumbered 1, 464. 35 Res. to transfer recreation land purchase reserve 30, 500. 00 Budget Anticipated 100, 00n. 00 Surplus balance 73, 186 .49 73 , 186.49 271 J rlAY Bank valance 20, 514. 79 Encumbered 14, 197. 63 Surplus 6 , 317. 11 PI':,EVIEW C1 '1E'TERY ?dank Balance 19, 618. 15 Encumbered 454. 30 Budget Anticipated 12, 070. 00 Surplus 7 , 093. 3.5 QUEEJS4UrA7 FIRE PROTECTION, Bank Balance 1, 957. 19 Budget Anticipated 1, 900. 00 Surplus 57 .19 P�EVE.1U.I S71API'`3G Bank Balance 27,630. 09 Entitlement Period III 3,473. 50 Entitlement Period IV 2 ,654. 03 Entitlement Period V 21,497 .44 r,-TEST %LE dS FALLS EXT. �El Bank Balance 4. 01 Budget anticipated none Surplus 4. 01 nUEEN?SBURY WATER Bank Balance 14, 211.44 Encumbered 1,719. 59 Budget Anticipated none Surplus 12 ,491. 35 WEST GLENS FALLS WATE Bank Balance 17. 34 Encumbered none Budget Anticipated none Surplus 17. 31, SHORE COLONY Bank Balance 297. 07 Encumbered none Budget Anticipated 500. 00 202. 93- WATER BO ND ACCOUNT So. Queensbury 42 Bond Account 26 , 041. 59 Queensbury hater Storage & Dist. 3, 942. 60 LIGHTING DISTRICTS BANK BAUNCE 11, 517. 20 Fort Amherst =arrison Road Bank Balance 137. 99 Budget Anticipated none Surplus 137. 99 Cleverdale Bank Balance 47. 05 Budget Anticipated none Surplus 47 . 05 Pinewood Bank Balance 13. 56 Budget Anticipated 10. 00 Surplus 3. 56 South Oueensb-ury Bank Balance . 26 Budget Anticipated none Surplus 474. 26 472/CD West Queensbury Lighting Bank Balance . 03 Budget Anticipated C.D. none Surplus 473. 03 478/CD Queensbury Lighting Bank Balance 11, 318. 31 272 Budget Anticipated none PEiRSHING-ASKILEY-COOLIDGE SEWER Bank Balance 477. 74 Budget Anticipated none Surplus 477. 74 RESERVOIR PARK SEWER RESERVOIR Bank Balance 1, 071.49 Budget Anticipated 1,000. 00 Surplus 71.49 QUEENSBURY DRAINAGE Bank Balance 656. 69 Budget Anticipated none Surplus 656. 69 POLICE/HIGHWAY GARAGE 337. 99 LANDFILL EQUIPMENT T RESERVE 14,000. 00 CAPITAL FUND Bank Balance 4, 334. 18 Highway Sweeper . 73 Certificate of Deposit 414. 00 PineView Roads 4,333. 40 -First Annual Report of Queensbury Conservation Advisory Council On File Town C1ekk' s Office. OPENED TO PUBLIC: Hr. Woolsev-Farm to Market Road - ouestioned if there was an increase in sales tax revenue. . .objected to Clemshaw Re-appraisal. . . Supervisor Streeter-will get exact figures to you on sales tax. . . Mr. Murray-asked if a sign could be placed on the Northt.•?ay to Identify Queensbury- Supervisor Streeter-Councilman Robertson-both stated that they have tried but in order to place a sign the Town must have a Postal Identity. . . -Is there plans for expansion of the landfil. . . Supervisor Streeter-not to my knowledge. . . Osar Sundbur ;-asked for figures on the lleado-wbrook water job and clean-up Councilman Robertson-apologized for not ::laving the figures but he will have them soon. . .noted the `iown, will clean up the road ect. when the weather breaks . . . Hr. '.,lurray-aske-cl, the Board to Hake sure the have the Cable T.V. return to the Board when the business pays- off and reduce the rates. . . Supervisor Streeter-Town Clerk Donald A. Chase and myself will be going to N.Y. City on February 5 , 1975 to sign the Bond Anticipation notes . . . RESCLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF 'FILLS P.ES0T UT10 1 i�0. 49, Introduced by I7r. iaminond Robertson w io moved its adoption, seconded by 'Mr. Daniel Olson: RESOLVED, that the Audit of Bills as listed in Abstract No. 75-1.A. and numbered 115-i16 and totaling `.339 4. 05 is hereby approved. Duly adopted by tse following; vote : Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Noes : Saone Absent : Mr. Barber, 11r. Robillard On motion the meeting; was adjourned. Rasnect.fully submitted, Donald A. Chase, Tot..7n Clem-.