1975-02-04 SP 273 SPECIAL MEETING FEBRUARY 4, 1975 EMBERS PRESENT: Gordon S. Streeter-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman Robert Barber-Councilman Harold Robillard-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman J. David Little-Town Counsel PRESS : Lee-Coleman, Sus. Burzynski `— GUESTS: Members of the Fire Companies of the Town, Mr. Murray, Ray Buckley Meeting Opened 7: 30 p.m. Salute to the Flag. . . PUBLIC HEARING-FIRE COMPANY CONTRACTS- Notice Shown Supervisor Streeter-passed out copies of the agreement to the five fire companies. . . Hearing Opened; 7: 36 P.11. Glen Gregory-noted the certified audit was in the contract but questioned why other provisions that the contract committee gave the Town Board as to -future year take into consideration population, number of buildings-building structure along with the . 0015 was not in the contract. . . Supervisor Streeter-Did not have any idea that that was a part of the contract, I thought that was a suggestion that was made when we get into negotiate for- another years 0antract. . . not GL0-ri Gregory- The Certified Audit does^appear in the contract. . . J. David Little-The Audit request does appear in the contract. . . Glen Gregory-This is a request that the Town Board gave us that there be a certified audit one of the provisions that we gave the Town Board was that they take into consideration in next years pay was to take into consideration other aspects of the population, number of buildings, type of buildings, in the town. . . Supervisor Streeter-I believe it was common agreement of the Town Board that we should discuss these areas another year. . . It was not my impression that it be a part of the contract this year. . . Councilman Olson- It was not mine. . . I did not realize that it was to be in the contract. . . Councilman Robillard-This is not a provisions of the Town Board it is provision for the resident of the town who are paying for fire protection to have a right to know where the money is being spent, it is not for the town board. . . . I think the Town Board and the Five Fire Companies agreed to the figures along with a certified audit and not any avenue for opening the contracts next year under a different formula except for the fact that we would consider this aften,, the fire protection met and discussed it. . . RESOLUTION FOR FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACTS RESOLUTION N0, 49• Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber : WHEREAS, there has been duly established in the Town of Queensbury a fire protection district known as "Town of Queensbury Fire Protection District" embracing all of the territory of said Town, and WHEREAS, it is proposed that contracts be entered into with Bay Ridge Volunteer Fire Company, Inc . , West Glens Falls Volunteer Fire Co. , North Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co. , South Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co. and Queensbury Central Volunteer Fire Co, for the furnishing of Fire protection to such district and 274 WHEREAS , due notice has been given of a public hearing to be held'at the Town Office Building, Bay and Haviland Roads in said town on the 4th day of February, 1975 at 7: 30 P.M. to consider such contracts the notice duly specifying the time and place of the hearing as aforesaid and giving in general terms the proposed contract, and WHEREAS, said hearing having been held and all persons appearing having been heard, it is hereby RESOLVED, that this Town Board contract with the said Bay Ridge Fire Co. , West Glens Falls Fire Co. , North Queensbury Fire Co. , South Queensbury Fire Co. , and Queensbury Central Fire Co. , for the furnishing of fire protection to such district, and it is further RESOLVED, that the said contracts be executed in behalf of this Board by the Supervisor. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Noes : None Absent:None Hearing Closed: 7: 46 Contracte signed. . . Recess- Meeting Opened: 7 :55P.M. RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT BID ON WING BOX, WING AND FRONT PLO14 MOUNTING BRACKETS RESOLUTION NO. 50 Introduced by Mr. Robert Barber who moved its adoption, seconded y Mr. aniel Olson: WHEREAS, Carl Garb, Highway Superintendent did request the Town Board to advertise for bids for a new wing, box, Awing and front plow mountiftgr brackets and after proper advertising one bid was received from Burley Machinery Inc. Elnora; New York the amount being $7,477. 00, Now, there- fore be it RESOLVED, that the bid of Burley Machinery Inc. of Elnora, New York be accepted with the following stipulations , that a Certificate of Insurance while in care and custody for installation be provided for fire and casualty and that the wing boa be installed f.o.b. to and from Glens Falls, New York. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber , Mr: Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Noes : None Absent: None RESOLUTION AUTHORIEING SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION AT LANDFILL RESOLUTION NO. 51 Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its adoption, secon- de-ft by Mr. Hammond Robertson: WHEREAS, the Town Board deems it necessary in the public interest to conduct a subsurface investigation regarding the town landfill, now therefore be it .... RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury employ the services of Empire Soils Investigations Inc. to do this job, a schedule of fees is as follows : 1. 'LZobilization and Demobilization to the site Lump stun $ 150. 00 2. Auger Drilling - per foot 5. 00 3. Well Pint piezometers - each 50. 00 4. Casing per foot 1.25 5. Drilling with NL-100 coring - per foot 10.00 6. On site stand-by or mobilization on site in 2' excess of one hour between boring locatiana per hour $ 40. 00 and be it further RESOLVED, that the cost of this project is not to exceed $3, 000. 00 Duly adopted by the following vote : Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Noes : None -- Absent: stone Mr. Murray-Who is Empire Well drillers . . .where are they from? Councilman Robertson-Empire Soils Investigations, Inc. -These people are hereto take detailed soil samples on the way down, they are not ordinary.; well drillers, that is why we used them, they come out of Groton, New York Supervisor Streeter-They have an office in Albany, N.Y. Mr. Murray-What will be their function actually, they will take samples on the-way down with the drilling? Mr. Buckley-They will take samples of the soil the water samples will be taken later. .. Mr. Murray-They will take samples at what intervals? Mr. Buckley-Every ten foot or every significant change in the material. Mr. Murray-You have contacted E.P.A. of course, what recomendations did they make for samples of soil. . . Mr. Buckley-They simply suggested that we retain samples of the soil in case any later testing was suggested, the testing they recommended was on the water itself after Empire completes their work. Mr. Murray- Have you made any request to E,P.A. if they would send an individual to the area to give you recommendations on the whole operation, how it should be conducted? Mr. Buckley- No, I have reviewed our approach with them and they are in concurance on the approach we are taking here and they have agreeded to review the results of the data. . . Mr. Murray-You have not requested that anyone come, and actually visit the area. . . . see what the situation is? Mr. Buckley-1 did not make that request. The people from the State will be up to review the procedure. Mr. Murray-I believe it will be 4n excellant Idea to have;_someone come from the Federal Government to review the over all procedure on the whole operation rather than do it piecemeal, to actually see what the situation is. Mr. Buckley-I think they are satisfied that by taking the data in the method that we are doing here that they could make their judgement after the data is collected. Mr. Murray-I do not see how they could be satisfied unless they hadecom- plete information . . . . if we are going to spend 6250 dollars for an inde- pendent agency to come in and make a survey for us even if we had to pay them a per-diem and transportation fee I am sure would not come anywhere near as much as independent survey would cost, I think they could do a lot more efficient job and a better survey and an over all operational techniquem My thought on that is how far down actually should that well go, I think could only be determined by an onsitte inspection, of the. area and the period of time . . .material were dumped into the area, not that I G' do not believe this is a good idea. How deep the wells should go is the problem. There are several differenntlayers you can contact water on in different elevations and depths, so how far it should go is a matter of importance I would think. Among other thinks of course the samples and other suggestions that you might have to make, and I think the cost of inviting one of the men from E.P.A. might be absolutely zero I do not know -Itther they would charge anything at all? I think they would spend a day or two with you and different men of the Town Board and your own Environmental Committee. . . and they might be able to come up with . . . . a lot more beneficial than going at it piece meal because you would get an overall picture, you would know just where you stand. Councilman Barber-It is my appreciation of the matter that as far as com- parison of the "two agencies. . . as far as the Federal E.P.A. and the N.Y. St. Dept. of Environmental Conservation is that the Dept. of Environmental"' Conservation of the State of N.Y. have more stringent regulations and guide lines for solid waste controls and landfills than the E,P.A. does. . . Mr. Murray-I have contacted D.E.C. and there has been an admission that perhaps their analysis in the past as not been all what it should have been, and as a consequence it is my feeling that the feberal govern- . ment should get into it, as a reforcing factor. . . Mr. Buckley-I believe N.Y. State has been envolved in establishing these regulations longer than E.P.A. . . . Councilman Barber-noted thru his experiences that E.E.A. is just in the drafting stages , N.Y. State has stringent regulations. . . . Mr. Murray-Noted that Environmental Council information on Mud Pond was in error-Mud pond being frequently dry. . . it is my understanding that at most times Mud Pond is at least 10' deep in the middle. D.E.C. who was present when the error was mentioned Note if water was polluted that( could be polluted. . . Councilman Barber-noted that before 1972 there were no rules for landfill operations after 1972 rules were set up. . . Mr. hurray-Questioned that if 25% addition to a landfil - then DEC would have control. . . noted that land has been purchased for the landfill. . . Mr. Buckley-The way_ they interpret this is addim.g- to the land area that the landfill services . . . Mr. Murray- You are going to have a permit as far as the whole landfill is concerned=.- w74ha.t I understand Mr. Streeter said at a perftous meettigg. Supervisor Streeter-That is not my understanding Mr. Buckley-The Statement had been made thAb-ve_Vwrk-d" offer to apply for a permit, the State has determined that no auch application is necessary. Mr. Murray-That statement was also made at the last meeting, that one was not neceasary but one would be applied for, a permit. . . . Mr. Buckley-We understood that it was 1Rnt manditory that we apply we offered to apply in spite of the fact that it was not manditory and they said they did not consider it appropriate to receive such application. They would take part in the hearings here in an advisory capacity, but in an instance such as this they are not issuing permits for existing landfills. Mr. Murray-Could you tell me the name of the individual that told you that Mr. Buckley? Mr. Buckley-Don Corliss the Regional Director and also Mr. Wilkie Mr. Murray-Then this means that you are not going to apply for a permit? Mr. Buckley- We were told not too. Mr. Murray- You were told by Don Corliss not too, specifically not to. 27 Councilman Barber- That it was not necessary. Mr. Murray- You admitted that it was not necessary. . . Supervisor Streeter-I am afraid I am going to have to cut this dialogue °o£f we are getting a little far a field from the resolution that is here, I know we do not have that many but I should give anyone else an opportunity here to. . . Mr. Murray-Unfortunately, Mr. Streeter in your original notification to the press you did not notify them that anything in regard to the landfill was going to be brought up and I am sure if you had done so there would have been other persons here to speak in this regard. . . Supervisor Streeter-I have to say to you Mr. Murray that it was my undertanding that Mr. Buckley had talked with you concerning this matter, is that correct? Mr. Murray-We hdd a meeting in the hall but he did not say anything about it coming up at any meeting. . . . Mr. Buckley-You did not realize that it would be on the agenda to authorize this work but you did realize the work would be done. Mr. Murray-I had understood that you were contemplating this but I did not know that it was going to be brought up at this meeting. . . Supervisor Streeter- I think we have tried very hard Mr. Murray to keep you informed, if you feel that we have let you down here or the people. . . Mr. Murray-. . .It is unfortunate that . . . I am not the spokesman for that group— there would have been other people here and I am sure they would have had other statements to make. . .are you going to have a board meeting next week? Supervisor Streeter-No, our next regular meeting will be the 18th. Mr. Murray-I would appreciate it if you would investigate the possibility of bring an E.P.A. man up here before you invest in this quite large expenditure. . . . Supervisor Streeter-. . .We have an industry that is waiting and has been very gentlemenly. in all their conduct with us we have nothing signed that says that they will wait off and they have waited and waited just as you people have waited for our informational hearing now we are involved here with an industry that ,..is vital to this community and this area and we have got to move ahead expediently and it is the intention of this Town Board to try to do this in the best manner possible. This is the vehicle that we have chosen to go ahead on. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase Town Clerk SPECIAL MEETING February 7, 1975 MEMBERS PRESENT: Gordon Streeter-Supervisor Daniel Olsnn-Councilman Robert Barber-Councilman Harold Robillard-Councilman Hammond Robertson-Councilman Meeting Opened: 12 :00 noon RESOLUTION TO APPROVE AUDIT OF BILLS RFSQUTION N0. 2, Introduced by Mr. Gordon S. Streeter who moved its adoption, seconded by Harold Robillard: RESOLVED, that the Audit of Bills as listed in Abstract No. 75-2 :and numbered 117 and totaling $148.40 is hereby approved.