1975-04-08 810
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Donald A. Chase, Town Cldtrk
Gondon S. Sxneeten-Supenvi4on
Danie.t O.teon-Councitman
Hano.td Robit.tand-Councitman
Hammond Robenxaon-Councitman
1 David Littte-Town Couna e.t _
Roben,t Banben-Councitman
PRESS: LeeeCo.teman-Post Stan
Noaman M f aa.ty edt
GUESTS: Mn. Mattay, Cant Dingman, Mt. Seybo.tt, Mhb. C.tank
Mt. B.tackmen, Mn. Ovit4 MA. Mobhen, League of
Women Voteks
TOWN EMPLOYEES: Geo&ge Liapeb, Hano.td Boynton, Ray Buck.tey, CaAt
Ganb, F.to yd MaAtinda.te
Meeting Opened-1: 30 P.M. Sa.tute to the F.tag. . .
Roy E. B.tackmen 1n. of 39 Gregwood,Circle to place a mobile
home on property owned by Roy E. Blackmer Sr. -VanDusen Road-
Mr. Blackmer was present. . . hardship shown. . .Building & Zoning-
approved for the one year permit.. . .
RESOLUTION NO. 84, Intuaducdd by Mr.Harold Robillard who moved for
. its adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson:
WHEREAS, Roy E. Blackmer Jr. has made application in accordance with
paragraph 2 (c) Secttdn 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury
locate a mobile home outside at property situated at VanDusen Road
WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that said application complies. withf {
the requirements of said ordinance, and
WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in skid
application are sufficient to justify further consideration by this
board, therefore be it.
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the abobe mentioned
ordinance, the town board shall conduct a public hearing on said
application on May 13, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. in the Queensbury Town
Office Building, Bay Road, and that < the Town Clerk is hereby-
authorized and directed to give proper notice of said public hearing
. . in accordance with the provisions of said ordinance.
Duly adopted by the following w@te:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Robillard, Mr Robertson, Mr. Streeter
Noes : None e
Absent: Mr. Barber
William & Marion Maine of R.D.#2 West Mt. Road to place a mobile
ho` tLen property owned by Martin C. & Ruby J. Mosher -Minnesota Ave.
Mr. Mosher was present. . .Building Inspector recommended approval noting
it was a change in ownership. . .hardship shown. . .
M-SOLV,T,IQ$ NO. 85, Inteeduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson:.
WHEREAS, William and Marion Maille has made application in accordance
with paragraph 2 (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queens-
locate a mobile home outside at property situated at Minnesota Avenue-,
WHEREAS,'-=lt is hereby determined that said application complies with
the requirements of said ordinance, and
WHEREASy�, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in sild
applig$titon are sufficient to justify further consideration by this
board, therefore be it
RESOLVED-, ,that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned
ordinance, the town board shall conduct a public hearing on sand
application on May 13, 1975 at 7: 30 P.M. &n the Queensbury Town
Office Building, Bay Road, and that the Town Clerk is hereby authorized
and directed to give proper notice of said public hearing in accordance
with the provisions of said ordinance.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olsnn, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter
Noes none
Absent: Mr. Barber
Stephen Seybolt of Luzerne Road requests a one year permit to
leave his mobile home on Luzerne Road. . .Mr. Seybolt was present. . .
hardship reasons given. . .Building and Zoning report: The trailer of
Mr. & Mrs. Seybolt was inspected by me when the original permit was
granted. The septic system was also approved at that time, being in
my eetimationaadequate for the purpose it was to serve on the assumption
that a home was to be built in one year. At that time a new system has
to be installed when the cellar is excavated. If a new modular home
is not installed within a period of six months from this date then I
would recommend disapproval and present trailer be removed.
Mr. Seybolt-noted loss of job and lack of funds . . . do not want to
go to modular home would like to build own home. . .
w Mr. Robert Ovitt-I am against the application-he cut- the barrier down
and he has not started his home. . .
Mr. FredtKaiser-I live nacross the road from Mr. Seyb6bt I think he
should have another year because I know the man was out of work his water
froze up this winter. . .his wife has been sibk. .I feel the man shotld be
given another chance. . .
Mrs. Glark-I live doyen the toad . . .all last summer we had a unsightly
smell in the neighborhood because there was no septic system there.
It was running out on to the ground under the trailor. If he put in
a modular home and kept up the lawn better than he has more power to
him. . .As far as the trailer itself and his attidude towaud 'the people
I would disapprove of. it. . .
Carl Dingman-questioned the hardsUp in this application. . .
Councilman Robillard-question Mr. Seybolt as to a six months perm it?
Mr. Seybolt-. . .within sit months I am either going to starVny home
or put a double one in. . .
Mrs. Clark-If we go six months on this it will take it into- October
there will be cold weather and an inability to do any work as far as
pouring a foundation. . .
e7 X tj
Sharing Funds of Planning and Zoning maps in the amount of $2,000, and
the billing to date has been in the amount of $1,274.40, therefore be it
RESOLVED,, that the sum of $1,274.40 be paid from Entitlement Period #3
of Revenue Sharing Funds.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter
Noes: None
Absent: Mr. Barber
RESSOLUTIION NO. 89, Introduced by Mr. Gordon Streeter who moved its
a opt on, ,secon ed by Mr. Hammond Robertson:
WHEREAS,;. the Town received a check far $207.16 from Unigard Insurance
as payment for damages to a police patrol car, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that this recovery be transferred to Account A3120.4,
increasing Ythe appropriation from $13,101. 25 to $13,308.41.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter
Noes None.
Absent: Mr. Barber
RESIN, NO. 90, Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved
Sts adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson:
RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to conduct a carnival
operation as follows:
;,Sponsor: Oriental Shrine Temple
Carnival: Clyde Beatty-Cole Bros. Circus
Place: Fireman' s field West Glens Falls
Date: Jao •15, 1975
and be it further
RESOLVED, that -the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to
issue a permit to the aforesaid sponsor upon receipt of proof of
liability insurance in the amount of*pt less than $500,000/$1,000,000.00
bodily injury- liability and $50,000 'property damage liability insurance.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter
Noes : None
Absent: Mr. Barber -
RESOLUTION NO. 91, Introduced by Mr.Daniel Olson who moved its adoption,
seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson:
RESOLVED, that permis%ion is hereby granted to conduct a carnival
operation as follows:
Sponsor: Northway Plaza Merchants Association
Carnival: Robert D. Kellogg, Amusements, Inc.
Place: Northway Plaza
Date: April 219t. to May 3rd. 1975
Law that .a petition signed by:
Edwin J. McEnaney
Irving W. Chambers
Augusta M. Ramsay
John Esposito
Josephine Esposito
Margaret Hills
John N. Hills
Edward G. Brown
Marie C. Brown
Stephen B. McCormac
James T. McEnaney
for the annexation to the Town of Lake George of certain territory ad-
joining said Town has been received by the Town Board of the Town of
Lake George, that being the Town to which the said territory proposed
for annexation is to be annexed, which territory is described as follows :
All those certain pieces or parcels of land described on Warren County
Tax Map No. 8 of the Town of Queensbury thereon numbered as follows:
Q29-1-9 Q-29-1-4
Q29-1-10 Q-29-1-17
Q-29-1-11 Q-29-1-18
Q-29-1-12 Q-29-1-19
Q-29-1-13 Q-29-1-3
Q-29-1-14.1 Q-29-1-1
Q-29-1-16 Q-29-1-2
Q-29-1-15.1 Q-29-1-14.2
Q-29-1-15. 3 Q-29-1-15.2
On April 29, 1975, at 7: 30 o'clock p.m. on that day at the Town Hall
of the Town of Queensbury located on Bay Road, Town of Queensbury,
New York,. a joint hearing will be held by the Town Boards of the
Town of Lake George and the Town of Queensbury, upon said petition.
The nape#ers of the aforesaid governing boards of the Town of Lake
George an4 the Town of Queensbury will meet at the time and place
above specified and will hear any objections which may be presented
against such petffean for annexation upon any of the following grounds :
(a) That a person signing the petition is not qualified therefor, or
..,(b) That the persons signing such petition do not constitute twenty
percentum of the persons residing within such territory qualified to vote
for town officers, or
('c) That the. persons signing such 'petition do not represent the
owners of a m*jority in value of the property within such territory
assessed upon the last preceding town assessment roll, or
(d) That the petition does not otherwise substantially comply
in form or content with the provisions of Section 703 of the General
Municipal Law of the State of New York.
(e). . That the proposed annexation is or is not in the over-all
public iniierest of the territory proposed to be annexed, or of the
local government or governments to which the territory is proposed to be
annexed, 4r of the remaining area of the local government or governments
in which such territory is situated, or of any shhool district, fire
distract or other district corporation, public benefit corporation,
fire protectioiz district, 'f'ire alarm district or town or county improvement
district, situated wholly o partly in the. territory proposed to be annexed.
Objections, based upon subparagraphs a,b,c or d, above must be in
Gordon Streeter
Supervisor of the Town of
-Ltr. from Warren Co. Dept. 6f Public Works re: Resident Recreation Demand
than is anticipated here. I was wondering why they can not do the job?
And now we come to a man that is going to do the job locally, he is a local
man, Hudson Falls I understand who haw--worked for Hercules on different jobs
over a great number of years which may or may not prejmdice him in Hercules
favor in any possible results he might get. . .Now first of all this is a
summary of our situation at the present time. . .I would like to know on the
down payment which we gave to Environmental Fivehas it been returned,how
much has been returned and to what account has it been returned?
Supervisor Streeter: I do not have here but I can show you . . .
-Mr. Murray- I mean we have not been informed of that fact. . .
Supervisor Streeter: I do have on file Mr. Murray my letter to Environmental
Five`*eking them to return the down payment which they said that they would
return`'td us on our request. They have not as of this time returned that
money, I do have that letter on file and I would be glad to show it to you.
Mr. Murray►-Have you paid Empire Anything and have you gotten any results
from then? .
Supervisor Streeter: We have paid them nothing, I also have on file
a letter from them withdrawing from the project saying that they had
expended ' in excess of $6,000 dollars for which we agreed--1 to pay
them $3, 060 and for them to continue to project it would cost them'
in time and equipment etc. at least another $4, 000 dollars do they withdrew
themselves with nckenumeration to be given to them.
Mr. Murray-We have not gotten any results from them?
Supervisor Streeter: They did provide us with the samples that were
taken as far as they had proceeded in the project but they did have mARY
difficulties, they broke off bits they balloned out their casings trying
to drill they were hitting these cobble roaks . .I am subject to
correction from our Town Engineer or any one else who knows the facts. . .
it was auger drilling type. . .which in the particular unsorted mass of
cobbles and rocks which they were encountering some where down near the
100' level, they just broke so much equipment and spent so much time
that they withdrew from the project.
Councilman Robillard.I would like to ask Mr. Murray a question?
You insinuated that maybe something was a little b4fishwy there
between Empire Soil and Woodcock doing business with the Town, I wish
you would make that clear. . .
Mr.'� Murray- No I did not mean to. . .I can not understand if you are going
to hk,#e this done why you do not have this done by company that has
absolutely nothing to gain what so ever . . .
Councilman Robillard- You are implying that Woodcock has something
to gain, and I do not like that imposition. . .I have no coramection with
Woodcock I have no connection with Hercules. . .
Mr. Murray1l understand that but I understand that Mr. Woodcock has done
a number of jobs for Hercules. . .
Councilman Robilaard-I would understand that Mr. Woodcock being a local
contrattot' has done- a lot of work locally.
Mr. Murray-What it would seem to me is that actually you should get
somebody who has no possibility what so ever of any influence wEaanyri -
Councilian Robillard-1 believe Mr. Woodcock is the man, as far as I am
conserhied , I do not think he would try to withhold anything.
Mr. Murray-Mr. Buckley If you yould recall you had a-meeting with
Hercules, the Department of Environmental Conservation and I believe
that Mr `Woodcock was at that'meeting several months ago and we approached
your group do you` recall that?
Mr. Buckley-Yes
Mr: Murray-If I recall correctly we had a discussion at that time and
Mr.` WOoddbck to the best of my recollection. . .stated something to the
effect . . . that Environmentalist are holding up too many things in this
Mr. Murray- Has he also approved the system, I understand that he approved
the Empire system which you are going to use. Has he approved the system'
that you are now going to use?
Mr. Buckley-DEC is not interested in our methods of obtaining the samples.
. . . . . . . . . .
Mr. Murray- You have drilled how many wells so far? Two, are you are on
the second'-one now.
Mr. Buckley-We made one effort that was aborted. That was Empires. We
have samples from that, however they were unable to get to the point
where they could get water samples. . . .We drilled a second well adjacent
to that to a greater depth, Woodcock did that, that was completed only
Mr. Murray-How .far from the original well?
Mr. Buckley.-About five feet. They started another well today which will
hopefully be the second successful effort, on the northerly side of the
Mr. Murray- Is there any drilling t o-be done where the material has
been dumped.
Mr. Buckley-No.
Mr. Murray-Did the State approve that there should be none?
Mr. Buckley-they agreed with me that it would be impractical to try it.
We are making an effort to get very close to it. . . . . . . If we made an
attempt to drill in the areas where waste and garbage have been dumped
it is quite likely we will encounter matee#al that we can not penetrate.
Instead of doing that we went adjacent to the oldest area of the landfill.
Mr. Murray-and the third one will be drilled where now?
Mr. Buckley-T-he decision as to how far we will go is being made one well
at a time. I do not know whether there will be a third well drilled or not.
Mr. Murray-You are going to give core samples to the State as well?
Mr. Buckley-They have not asked for it, and I did not intend to.
Mr. Murray-Well originally your plan with Empire was to take core samples.
Mr.° Bucleley-1 have not made any committment to turn them over to the State.
They were being collected for my own information.
Mr. Murray-At the meeting you said they were going to the State.
Mr. Buckley-They will be available to them to review them, but they have
not asked for them and I have not agreed to turn them over to them.
Mr. Murray-Has anyone from the State been up here recently?
Mr. Buckley-Not to my knowledge.
Mr. Murray-How recently were they here? I am asking these questions because
some of the members of our committee were in contact with DEC yesterday.
We want to see what they have said is in accord with what is going on here.
Mr. Streeter-In my conversation with Mrs Corliss today, it is my impression
that the things that DEC is going to do in all of this is to take
analysis of the water we are going to obtain.
. Mr. Murray-Did they give you any indication that they would analyze
any of the wells adjacent to the area?
Councilman Olson: Private Wells?
Mr. Murray— Private home wells. . .
Mr. Buckley- yes.
Councilman Robillard-Well I am surprised that if they are poisonous or
contaminated that the State has not closed us down, and we have not had
a word that they are going to.
Mr. Murray-I should hope they would not. I should .hope that they are not
that severe.
Mr. Robillard-I do not Think that they are going to close us down.
Mr. Murray-We 'enot trying to get you closed down.
Mr. Robillard-I think it would make you very happy, Mr. Murray if it was
closed down.
Mr. Murray-Mr. Robillard, you have the wrong impression.
Mr. Robillard-It is my turn all right. I have listened to you now for
six months rap this town board, we are trying to solve a problem.
Mr. Murray- I am not rapping the Town Board.
Mr. Robillard-It is my turn okay. I do not interrupt you when you are
Mr. Murray- I have never said anything derogatory about you.
Mr. Robillard-I have never said anything derogatory about you. I am just
saying that this Town Board is trying to solve a problem.
Mr. Murray-1 am not rapping the Town Board.
Mr. Robillard-And I say that we do have to help industry and I am
saying that I know what a thousand job loss can do to this community,
I have seen it in the last four or five weeks when Hercules was closed.
I have seen these people- on unemployment, I have seen them not being able
to make their payments, and I know what it can do. You sit out there
four or five months ago and said Hercules would never move. I wish I
had that much faith because I think that they move, and if we do lose
Hercules I think that we are in trouble.
Mr. Murray-I do not think that that will happen.
Mr. Robillard-I wish that I was as sure as you.
Mr. Murray-1 am interested in the people of the town too.
Mr. Robillard- I am also glad to see that you have changed your opinion
of DEC two weeks ago you` wevn' t quite sure they' were the agency that they
were crakked up to be, now all of a sudden they give you the answer you
want in regard to EMPIRE and they are good guys again.
Mr. Murray-I am sorry to say Harold I was not at any meeting two reeks
ago I have not been at a meeting for four weeks.
Mr. Robillard- It was one night here, you made the statement. . .time goes
by so fast,'. .
Mr. Murray-1 did not make any statement about DEC I do not believe.
well be that as it may I was not here two creeks ago—The only thing
now that I am interested in, I am not trying to rap the Town Board
the facility is there and Queensbury is here the facility will have to
handle Queensbury, there is no question about that. To introduce into
the facility extranious factors which may cause harm to the Town is what
we are against.
Mr. Robillard-Right but I will not hurt the town, I will do anything legally
within my power to keep industry in this town and if it means using a
sludge pit at the landfil then my vote is going to be to use the sludge pit.
providing we get the recommendation from DEC, and I mean that.
RESOLUTION N0. 93, Hammond Robertson who moved its adoption, seconded
by Mr. Daniel Olson:
RESOLVED, that the Audit of Bills as listed in Abstract No. 75-4
and numbered 412 thru 549 and totaling $97, 776. 76 is hereby approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter
Noes : None
Absent: Mr. Barber
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully 'submitted,
Donald A. Chase
Town Clerk
Gordon Streeter-Supervisor
Daniel Olson; Councilman
Robert Barber-Councilman
Harold Robillard-Councilman
Hammond Robertson-Councilman
J. David Little-Town Counsel
TOWN OFFICIALS-George Liapes , Harold Boynton, Thomas Flaherty, Robert
Lilly, Ray Buckley
GUESTS: H.R. Clark, League of Women Voters, Mr. Jim Dempsey, Mr. Charles
Trombley, Mr. Einzig
Meeting Opened: 7: 30 P.M. Salute to the Flag.
Application of John Edward Einzig to live;--in a mobile home owned
by Mr. William W. Maille of West Mountain Road-mobile home located
on Luzerne Road-hardship shown- Building & Zoning Recommended approval. . .
Notice Shown. . . Agreement between parties was shown. . .
Hearing Opened: 7:33 P.M. No one spoke against the Application-Mr. Einzig
spoked on his application—Hearing closed 7:35P.M.
RESOLUTION NO. Ni, Introduced by Mr. ;31600W
mho moved, its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson:
WHEREAS, John Edward Einzig has made application in accordance-with
paragraph' 2' (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury
locate a mobile home at property situated at Luzerne Road, and
WHEREAS, this town board has conducted a public hearing in connection.
with said application and has heard- all persons desiring to be: heard in
favor of or against acid application, and
WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said
application and at said public hearing are sufficient to authorize
the issuance of the permit requested by said application, therefore
be it
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned
ordinance, permission is hereby given to John Edward Einzig to locate
a mobiee home at pamperty situated at Luzerne Road, and that the Building
Inspector is hereby authorized and directed is issue such permit in
accordance with the terms and conditions of slid ordinance.
Duly adopted by the following vote: