Survey Map TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bray Road, Queem,9hury, NY. 12804-5902 March 27, 2017 Robert Fulmer 54 C 0LID try Club Road Queensbury,NY 12804 Re: Second Garage 54 Country CIub Road Tax Map Parcel: 296.14-1-49 Dear Mr. Fulmer: I am writing you with regards to my review of the above-referenced project and to document the recent conversations between you and Laura Moore of my office. Upon my review I find that your }proposal will require an Area Variance and a Freshwater Wetlands Permit prior to the commencement of the project. Specifically, 1m Area Variance is required as your plan offers the construction of a second garage on the same parcel where only one such structure is allowed per the Town Zoning Ordinance, A Freshwater Wetland Permit is needed for the disturbance of land within 100 feet of a regulated wetland. I understand that you have compiled or may be compiling the necessary application. This letter serves as the required denial letter for the processing of your application package. Please note our established submittal deadlines when completing your application papers. Should you have any questions or comments regarding your application, please da not lies itatc to contact this office. Sincerely, C;�3 Craig Brown Zoning Administrator CB1sh !_;C=raig Bro%tml3 17 LeruerslDenial Fulmer 3 27_l7_don " Hoare of Natail-fif Beauty — A Good Place Io Live " �» v 4rCZ ei b o " x,� � 6 a A " -: " V Lwa IQ'm I V ou"00 m VRAMON 0 0MG h I ui @Lwklg M uow lm, + , ipi Azvu' � r a� 10 a Fm duKa ��i a 9mmi Qum ry s �°9O&A w� f mow; aps X*D"Ops 'c sowul%:40 GAN ARE W ourr mKoDswo ooimqp.Ao Alowo 9 owu N?) aa4 z .m s rrro JQ of UACW WPOW D .I 0 GAN la On PWDJ dNCW AD �OWN1 «I ,, G r4 �" wr. OP Zo 1 , WN gwm PO" r -ova 9WOOPKV uOvuDP43 1,a Ag cuwidog a *—I 4 os 0 40 drr4