Site Plan Application w/deed & drawings ry V17. , TOWN OF QUEENSBURY [4AR 15 2017 Site Plan Review Application "FOWN 01" QQEEMSMX"1,, PLANNING OFFICE Review Process; 1. Requ i red Pre-subm ission meeti ng with, staff to determ ine general comp letenesg Ig '§e, held R2 later than I week prior jo deadline day. all (518) 761-8265or(518) 761-8220for anappoiauto ent. 2. Submittal of complete application: I original and 14 copies of the application package, by s onthly deadline. 3. Deurmination of application completeness. All necessary infonnation must be provided and appropriate fee(s)paid for consideration for placement on an,agenda for that month., 4. Incomplete Etpplicalhorts will not beMnWered for placement on any agenda until all mi information has been ybnajt W. 5Submittal to Warren County Planning, if applicable. 6. Planning Board meeting, generally the third, & fourth Tuesday of each month. You will be advised in writing as,to which meeting to allend 7. Following the meeting you will be, provided with a copy of the resolution stating the Board's decision on your application. If your application was approved, the next likely step is a Building: Permit. Final drawings must be provided for the next phase ofreview. If your application was,denied, your project cannot proceed as submitted. DOCUMENTATION RE QUIREMENTS,fhard copy, & electronic); Please submit I ortainal & 14 copigq of the completed application package to include: a Completed&,Vgagon pages -9, signed,& dated Pre-Submission Meeti!!g Notes: signed by staff Cony f Deed Checklist&Plot Plan Environ mental Assessment Form for any non-residential project Ym:' $100 (0 — 10,00sq. ft); $250 (10,001 —30, f1 sq. ft.,), S500 (30,001 -100,000 sq. $1,000 (100,0,00+sq,ft.) Staff& Contact Information.- Craig,Brown,Zoning Administrator Laura Moore,Land Use,Planner Ej.u'aet Sunnwt, Office Specialist—Planning S:unnysny queensbury.net (518)761-g220 Visit our webMte atnww.gueensbU,EX.net for further information and farms, Site Plan Review application—Revised October 2016 Town o f Queensbury P.1 ann ing Offlce-742 Bay Road,Queensbury,N Y 12804 General. Inf6rm t Zoning Distric,L. 9 1=9' dot size, Detailed Description of Project [includes current&propo d uze],:. Loan"at on of project: P" I--Ue Phone mm '-/,D Cell- �"" 576 5)a 6 7 577 Wor�k Phone Fax -Nail. " e�7/_ Agent's Name- � Address; tlomme Mono celk Work Phone Fax E-mail Owner's:Name Address Dreams Phan � Cell .. rurl�P'lv�ata Fax i E-mail 2 Site P]an Review application—Revised October 2,016 Town uf'Queens ury Planning ffic -742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 02, Site Dever u-nnt Data Area/Type Existing sq,.ft. Proposed Total;sggA. . Addition sq. Vit. A, Suildingfootprint eeaaory trumetuare]s) .,. Fav+ed, gTavel err,other Imno�l »�ur>i"a�ed are t'mand � � F, Other G. Total Non-Permeable [Add A F] K Parcel Area [40560 sq,Vit..were] L Percentage of Impermeable ,Tea of Site (I=fin„ ] f, 0' Setback Requirements Area Required, Existing Proposed FrdntI lir!ant[2] Shoreline ;Side Yard (I Sidle Yard) [2] Roar Yard (I] 2- 0 ,R ar Yard 1[2] I ra�^ lCora-idler .......W Hellmt [max] Permeability No,of paTking spaces 3 Site Plan Rev!ew appi[cation—Revised October 20,16, Town ol'Queensbury Planning OMce-742 lay tread,Queembury,NY 12,804 Additin.al Pr'oiect Information I Will the proposal require,a Septic Variance from the Town.Board of Health'? A10, 2. If the parcel has previous,approvals, list application number(s). 3, Does this project require coverage under the New York State Pollutant DischargeEfirnination System (SPI)ES), Permit Prograrn ? _ 0 -4--) 4, Estimated project dur,atio n., Start Date , ', / 7 End Date 5. Estimated total cost of project: ,�:2"§� 0"P 0 6. Total area of land disturbanct for project-. )b 2) " X 0) N, Floor Area Ratio Worksheet FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) -- The relationship of building sizt, to lot size, derived by dividing the total building floor area by the:lot size in square feet, yielding a percentage. oning District Symbol Floor Area Ratio [FAR] Waterfront: Residential WR O.22 Cornmercial Maderatei Intensive CMJ CI 0.3, Ar., The combined area of all square footage, as measure: from exterior walls, of all structures on the property, including all floongof the structures,, garages, basments and attics with more than five (5), feet of ceiling height and covered porchie*. Building square footage does,not include, Open deck, docks and that, portion of covered docks extending over water, and one storage shed of one hundred, twenty (1 20) square feet or less, Any additional sheds Wri I I be included. See "FLOOR AREA RATIO"). B., CIOMI-flerCiarl orindustrial: the toltal area in square feet as measured from the exterior of the outside walls of a building or structure, and when applicable, the surn total of all floor areas of the principal and accessory buildings or str-actures on the project site, A. Pare e I A r e a sq, ea B, Existing Floor;Ar, sq, ft, [see aboyp definition] C. Proposed Additional Floor Area ft. R. lir oposcdlotal Floor Area sq, ft., ........... 'E. TotalAflowable Floor Area reun see above table] *If D is larger than E. a variance or revisions to your plan may be needed. Consult with Staff. 4 Site Plan Review application-,Revised October 201 Town of Queensbury Planning Office-742 Bay Road,Queensbuiy,NY 128014 § 179-9-080 Requirementsfar, Site,Plan. Approval. The� Planning Board shall not approve a, She Plan urns it first determines that such site plan meets, the follawing Standards. Plmse. prepare responses,to each of the fallowing top s- DA RD,S A. Tbc proposed project furtkTs or is consIstent with the pohoies of the Town's Comprehensive Ptan. B, The proposed project complies with 411 other requirements of this Chapter,inoluding the site plan rcview standards as,set, forth in Paragraph, F,of this section,the dimunisional,bulk and density,regufa4ions of the zoning district in wh ichi it is proposed to,be located(Article 3 and 'fabk 1),the applicable requirements of all other Articles that apply, Y&—y The site plan oncoorage�s pedestrian activity iniemally and.UpTocticable,to and from the site ww ith pedestrian paths or sidewalks counecled to adjaccat areas. D. The,%At plan must conform to Cliapt07 136 Sewage and Sewage DiSposa],,Chapter 147 Storm water Managcmcnt Local Law,and oth.ff applicable local laws. the proposed use shall be in harmony,with the gmtr4l purpose or intent of this Chapter,specifically taking into,account OiL location, character and size of the proposed use and the description and purpose of the tiLquict in which such uw is proposed,the natun and intensity of The activities to be involved in or conducted,in connection with the prnposcd use and the nature and rate of any increase in the burden on supporting public servites and facilities which will follow the approval of the proposed use, A—!�ts R The cslabllshment,niainteoancc and operation of the proposed use wil I out create public hazards ftarn,traffic,traffic:congestion or the: parking of vehicles and/or equipment or be otherwise detrimental [a,the health,safety or general welfare of persons residing or wvorking in the traffic neighborhood%vior to fliegeneral welfur of the town. 'traffic access and circulation,road intersections,rood OanaldTivcway width),and controls l I be adequate, /4/ eta-street parking and Hkad'18r facilities Mll be appropriately located and arraqed and suMlient W meet traffic amfieipotcd to be generated by the new usc- The establishrneM of vchicle links,between parking,areas of adjacent properties are provided where feasible, This furthers the Town's goal of reducing curb,cals and reducing congestion, A twrnty-fbot wide connection is required. if adjacent properties are either undevehaped or previously developed without having made provision for future,linkage,,amen a future tamiettion must be ideofifi�ud and provided,for in the site plan under review for such filtUre linkage:when the fime arises, The Planniq Board may require proof that time UPPlicant has made contact with Odimcni property owners fbr purposes of wordinoting linkages,with adjacent properties. H. 'the project shal I not have an,undue adverse impact upon the nadurol,s4x-nic,aesthetic,ecological,wildlife,historic„ree 2 or Op", space resources of the to%Nm or the Adirondack Park or upon the adequate provision of supporting faci fities andservices made necessary'by the project,taking into accountthe commercial,industrial,resiticniial,recreational or other benefits that might be deriVed from the project, In rm&ing the determination hereunder,the PI anning Board shall consider those tactors pertinent 10 the pRiject contained in the deveIGprilent considerations set forth herein under 179-9-On of this Chapter,and in sodaing the Planning Board shall make a net overall oval uation of the project in relation to the developinent objectives and general guidelines set forth in§ 179-9-080 of this Arlide. '17he provision,for andl arrangement of Pedestrian iTuffic access and circulation,walkvmy structures,control of intersections with vehicular traffic and overall pedestrian convenience shal I be safe and adeqivate for pedestrian movement. Pedewiw connections betvielm;7M' sites shall,be provided to encourage pedestrian use. A j- Slorrnwwer drainage facilities will prevent an increase of'post:development drainage flows as compared to pro-Ovelopmmr.)t drainage flow& Drairtogcofthc site:shall recharge ground Water to the extent practical. Surface Waters flowift8 off-silo shall 1101 degrade any streams or adversely afiect drainage on,adjacent properties or public roads, Facilities shall be in conformance with the drainage standards,o,i"Chapter E47 of the Town Code and the Town of Qwensbary SuNlivision Regulations where applicable, K. Ilic water suppi y said wwogc disposal facil Wes wil I be adequate and wil I meet all applicable and current requirements set 9brth by pamnent of Health regulations and,Chapter 13,6 of the Town Code., The sdcquacy,typ'e and atrangeunent of trees,shrubs and other suitable plantings,landscaping, vis�ual andhir naise buffer botwten the app]ictints and adjoining lands,ineloding the max imurn retention of existing vvgclation and MaiDeanaoce,including rcp1acementof dead or ax,,eased plants M. Fire lands,emergency zones and fire hydrants wiff be adequaAe and meet the oeeds and requirernems of cmcrgency service providers N, Ille 4esig�n of structures,roadways and I andscaping,in areas susceptible to poDding,flooding anchor erosion wi I Ir minimim or avoid such impacts to the rnaximum,exitnt practicable. 0. 'ne site plan conforms to the design standards,lodscaping standardis and performance,standards of this chapter. 5 Site Plan Review app]ication - R(Msed October 2016 Town of Quee�nsbury Planning Office-742 Bay Road,Queeitsbury,NY 1804 § 1,79-9,450 Checkfist-Application for ite Pl;an .Review. Application materials andsite plan shall' inc,lude sufficientinfonnation for the Board to review and provide a decision. The applicant is to,provi&a site plan drawing and all attachments that address ittrrls A-V. The applicant inn y request a,waiver ftorn, A- and, is to provide reasons for waiver(s) requested, Please label information to,be Submitted,. REQUIREMENTS, A. A vicinity reap drawn at the scale that shows the relationship of the proplosal to existing community facilities which affect or serve it,such as roads,shopping areas,schools,ctc, The map,shall also show all jimperties,j&-nfify owners, s0divisions,sti-cets and easetnervL%within 500 fout ofthe property. Binh a,sketch ma be superimposed on a United States Gcologicad SuCO n�ap of Ote area,, —B The site plan shall be drawn ill it scale of fort feet to die incb(I"-4,10 feet �OT such other scale as Elie:Planning Board inay deern approriate,on, s4andaTd 247'x 3F'sbeels,witb continuation on 8 Inc"x I F sheets as necessary for written informatioln. The information listed below shall be shown on the site plan in.dcontinuaWn sheets" -Kame-of the Project,,boundaries,date,norlb arrow,and scale of die p9m,i. M r V D, Nanie and od&ess of the owner of record.develu(per,and seal of the engineer,welil tect or Emldwape architect, 'If t S not the,record owner a letter o fauthorization shall be required from die ovmer, k I-1& I E. "Them location anid use afl, existing and proposed biructurcs thin die property,inel udiftg,WI dimemieris of height Orad _Sliv—ye floor area,all exterior entrartm.,and all anticipmed,future additions and 2dwrations- The location of all present and proposed public and,private ways,off-street parking areas,k1riveways,outdoor storage arm, sidewalks,ramps,curbis,paths,landscaping,walls,and fences. Locali",type and screening details for all waste disposal containers shall also be shown, M l'V-dy' G. The location,heigheftt,inteds nsity and bulb type(sodiurru i ii descent,irto.)of all extcrnal lightirig,fixtures.. The d irectionof il turnination and vnto eliminate are onio 04jioining properties must also be shown in cam fiffil.ce:With 4 179-6-�20 H. The location,height,size,rmacrikils and design of all proposed signs, F N49 The location of al I Present and proposed Liffifty Fystems;jnolutliri& L Sewago Or Septic system; 2- Water mipply systern; 0 h )? I Telephone,cableand electrical systems;and ��- 47 4. Stomi&ainage system including existing and Proposed drain-finks,culverts,catch ba-girls,headoalls,emdvvalls, hydrants,manholes and drainage swales, ....................... Plans to Prevent the pollution of surfer or groundwater,erosion of soil bath during md 4OCT construcli'mi,cxccssi Vc ruanoff and Gooding of other properties.w applicable, A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPP,P)for all land development activities(exciudingagricvltkgralactivitiios)on the site that results in land disturbance ofafleacreormare. ASW11PP'sli-all4r"P 11�1 comply%Afli the requinmcnis of the DEC SRDES MS-4 Cycncral:Permit and Chapter 147 of Tw the onof'Queensbuj)p )el-VIA 0 Code. It shall bar at the discretion of the Plarting Board as to whether a S,WPPP or mi erosion and corurol Vim shall be required for a site plaza review project land disturbance of less O=one acre,. :fe M K, Existing and proposed tcpaigaphy at two-foot contour intem,Is,or such other coraour interval as the Planning Board shall allow, All elevations shall referjo the nearest United Skates Coastal"Geodetic Bench Mark. lFany portion of the parcel is within the 10-year floodplain,the area will be shown and base flmid elevations given. Areas shall be indicated within the proposed site mid within 50 feet ofthe proposed site%Nhere said renwval or filting is:required,show itig the approximalc wd unie,in cubic yards Wk�,we- L Atandscapeplu showing all existing natwmf land feaAuTcs than ntay influence the design ofthoprop osed use mjcb as rock ffd outcrops,stands oftrees,single(fees eight or more inches,in diarlieter,lbrest cover aurid.water sourcics,and all proposed chongcs to fic thesealures,including sizes and types of plants_ Wati;r sources incluck-Ponds,lakes,wetlands and watercourses,aqui J�rs,flouldplains and drain e:mferiiion aivw" Liffld Use District boundaries within 500&et o f the sile's peri�inelcr shall I be dmwn and identified fied on the site plan,as wel 1, as any Overlay D�qjrjci,%that within the roperty, ra Site t IMI lkeview application-Revised October 2016 "l'ownofQueensb,uryiplaniii;ng0iffice-742B,tiyRoad,Queensbury,NY 12804 REQdi.MEMIE NTS (CONTINUED) Sheet# T raftic flow pottems within the sfte,entrances and"its,loading and unloading areas,as wel.1 as curb cuts on the site and within 10()feet of the site. ',,nje:Planning,Board may,at its discretion,require a dewiled tromcstudy f)6T largoacvoopments or for ftse in,heavy traffic areas,,which shall includc: I. Tice projected number of motor w4i icle trips io enter or leave the site,estimated for week]y and annual peak hour traffic:levehq, 2. The projoumd traffic flow pattern including vehicular nitavernewsat all major intersections I ile] to be affected by thL rr'(1posud use of the site, 3, The impact of this traffif c on levels of service on abutting public streets and at alTecs,.4 intersections. Existing onrl proposed weekly and annual peak hour traffic levels and road capacity levels shall also be given, A 5eq, 0, For new con5mclion or alterations W,any structure,a table containirig die:followiq inform Mion shall bu included; I. Estimated area of s1rucurre to be used for parflcvlar purposes,such as retain operation,office, stovagt.etz'-, 2. Esfirnoted maximum nurriber ofemployees, I hwiaxinm ium seating capacity,where app]icablo,and 4. Number of parking spaces existing and required ror the inten,dorit uso, ............-- P,, 1. Float Plans, I Elevations W a scale oone-quarteyinn equals one fbut(1/4"= l foot)fbi all exterior facades ofthe and, alterations to,or expansions of existing facades,showing design features,and indicat ing the type and color of materials 'to be u5cd,, '0)4L)i Q, Soil logs,wWtrsupply well end percolation test results,,,andstorm wvater rumaofl calculagi¢rmas as needed todelermine tind miligntic project impam, demolition wwe,either on-site or at an appFaved disposal facility. Plans,for snow removal,,including location(s)of on-site snow'storage. T. An Envirounlemal,Asseumcnit Form("EAV"")as reqUired by the SEQRA regulalions,with Part I completed by the Applicant shaft be submitted assert of the app][cation.. I r the proposed Project requires a spec:U use penn It and an EAF has biwil. submiaod in,conjunction with a special use permit appfication.a dupikate EAF is not rcquimd for the site plan application, U, I f mi.appicatjon is for a parcel or parcels on wfilich more than ane use is proposed,the applicant maysuhrnit a OppI ication For all such uses,,proviclod the proposed uses are accurately delinooled on a 54c Plan drmvn pursuant to,the requircments set IbAh,above, Tic Planning Board may grant the applioatkm with rtspcel,Io some proposed uses and,not ,others.. For purposes Of revicwing an 4"Heation(and for SEQRA compliance)all proposed uses on a single parcel o�r on configuous parcels sfialli be:considered togetfwr, VT. :A:br:i:c:�fnanmflve statement on how The project proposed fbT reVieW furthers,or is consistent with,the vision,goals and policies in,tfic'fown's Comprehensive Plan. —71 ri IV 4 rA e-- 7 Site Plan Review applicatickni-Revised Occtobar 2016 Town ofueensbury Planning Offlice-742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 'Town of Queensbury Site Plan Pre-Submission Conference Form Section 179-9-040 L Applicant Name- 0 Q 21, Tax Map,ID aq(o, jq- I -q,.I, Location; 3. Zoning Classification 4. Reason for Review: army _ 5. Zoning Section M. ................t 6. Pre-Submission l eeling Notes: Provided Outstanding; Please pivvide by General Information complete V Site Development Data C=pIete Soback Rcquircments Complete Additionid Project In.fbmmtian Complete FAR,addrd .Rquirernents for Site Plan-Standards Checklist it=s addressed. Environmental F6rm coompleted VA Signature Page completed L/ ............. l lJC, `j d C( C' vc CILU1 - ',,-e c f pp(A-ek�-e(l n (W�(CIL �'V St/ 104- (",1 C(I �F C -s',C Cy AHE- (Y—r Staff Representative- Applicant Agent: Date: �h 8 Site PM Rcview application-'Revised October 2016 Tooff wn,of Que"sbury Planning toe-742'Bay Read*Queensbury,NY 12804 Signature Page This page:includes the 11.) Au thorization to Act as Ageng: F'orm: 2,.)Engi nuring,Fee Disclosure; 3.)Authorization for Site Visits; 4.) Other Permit RespoiWbi I ifles;,5.)Official Meeting Disclosuro and&)Agreement to provide documentation requ i red. OWNER'S AG.ENT FORM'.' Complete the following If the OWNER of the propertyis not the saine as the applicant Owner- Designates: As agent regarding. Variance ........Site Plan Subdivision Fr T oax Map No.,.' Section Block Lot, aed RLffirence: Book Page Date DATE. P UCA""sACENT FORM' Complete the following 11fthe APIPLICANT'is unable to attend the meeting or wishes to be represented by another party, Chvner: Dcsigratvs- ..................................... As.agent regard lqg�: Variance S[tel?lan ___Subdivision For Tax Map,No, Section rilock Lot Deed Reference: Book page Date OWNER SIGNATUM: DATE., 2.) ENgjff—XMNG FUE DISCIL0,91JEF; Applications, may be rekrred to the'Town consLdtiq engineer, for revew of wptio &Sigril, storm drainugc,ctc. as deterilluned by time 7�oning or Planning Department. Fees fear eagiwriag voview secrvious will be charged directly to the apipficafft. Fees for c4necring review wifl not cxcccd.$ 1,000 WillIOUt D06 11=60n to tht applicant. 3.) AUT11QR1ZATJQN FQ _ R SITE VISITBy signing ibis page and submitting the appHeation rnaterials attached hemin,the Owner,Applicant, and hiss' cr1their agent(s) hereby aoghoruzx the Zoning Board or Planning Board and Town Staff to cntcr ft stxNicct piop"tics for the purpose of mviewiRg the application.w4mitled, 4.) OTHER 01hCT pCrff1i1S may be requimd Jbr construction ar alteration activity qubsequens to rtlypTovni by the Zoning Board or Plaruning,Board. It is ike applicant's responsibility to obtain any additional pormits, &I CUFF]CIA L MEETM ,MI]NUTES DlSC1,05URLE,, It is the practice of the Community Development Department to have a desjgnalod stenographer tape record the proceedings of nieetiqus resulting fforn application,and mi nlites transcribed *oni those tapes constitutes the official moord of all proccedings- C), AGREEMENT TO PI DE DOCUMENTATION REQtJI'M 1, the undersigned,have th0r()Ugl11-y read and understand time instruaioro for submission and agree to the:submission rqu4cments, I acknoMedge no,construction activities shall be commenced prion to issuance olf a valid ptn7nit. I certify that tile application.plans and supporting materials ae trrw and cornplcte stAttmunUdc8cription of the existing conditions and the vwrk proposed, and that all wofk wi,H be performed in acco.Manoe with the approved plans and in confbnnance with local zoning regulations. I acknowledge:that prior W occupying the facilities praposed,,I oT my agents.,will obtain a=ificate of occupancy as necessary. E also understand 1hot Uwe may be requimd to provide mi as-built surwy by a ficcnsod land surveyor of all rtowiy constructed facilities prior to issuance sera"Ttificnic of' occopanq I have read and a t 'the b 311&117 Signature[Applicant] Print Name[Applicant] Dafe signed Signature [Agent] Print Name[Agent] Dato signed 9 Situ Plan Revkw application–ReAsed October 201 6 Town of Queensbury Planning0filiec-742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 11 ,3-p 30 WARRANTY DEED WITH LIEN OV ANT 0 ViL.- THIS INDENTURE,made the r/i day Of'SePtembor.2014, 4$ 0,00 BETWEEK JOSEPH L. SOPRANO and CLEMENTINA Country Club Road, Queen SOPRANO, residing at 54 sbury, New York 12904, and LETMA PETRUZZO of sarrto address,as life tenant, parties of the first part,and 31C Hil ROBERT FULMER and SUSANNE FULMM husband and wife,residirtalat and 80,1198 Road,Qu"nsbury,,New York 12804, Parties ofthe second part WITNF-SSETSI,'that the ofthe first pad,in consideration Of One and 00,1100 Dollars, ($ 1.00' lawfut moncY of the United States and other ood and valuable comideraflon paid by site Parties Off fin second part,do hereby grant and release unto the parties,of` rue second part, their heirs and,assigns,forever premises situate,aj:� 54 Counlub Road Town of Queeasbury County ofWarren State of New York Tax M,ap,Number 296.14-1-49 (THE PROPERTY BMNG DESCP,1BEr)MORE FULLY IN THE, TTA CHEDSCHM1.11'-Al The cOnveyance is made subject to any and all Mstdclions,of rmord. cOvenanN,,, easements. condidom: ,and, EI,ErN'G the:agam premises described in a,ronveyance from Valente Builders,lnc.to Joseph L,;fop OMO and Clementina Soprano by,Warranty Ned d1atedJuly 5, 199,5 , , Wed" the Warren County Clark's Office on July 7, 1995 in Book 951 of Deeds and recorded In execufionheTeof,,fhediff tenent,Ledz!aPeu,,u=volun at Page �194�By tan andextinguishesthe life estate Created and reserved for her benefit in a,Quit Cigirn,Dm Joseph L.Soprano and itmentind Soprano to Joseph L-90prano,Clemerntina Soprano arid Lefizia Petnazo dated June 30,2008 and recorded in,the Warren County Clerk's Office on Septernber 15, 2008 in Book 3635 of Deeds at Page 83. TOGEMER with the Wurtm=ces and all the estate and rights of the parties of the flrsl Part In and to said prises, TO HAVE ANDTO HOLD the Pren1ises herein&=red unto the parties of the:accond per; their heirs and assigns forever, And said parties of the first part covenant as follovirs., FIRST,that the pardesofthe=0W Pmt shall quietly enjoy the said promisea; SECOND, that the said parties of the first; part wih forever WARRANT the title to said prenlim, THIRD,that in compliance with Section 13 of the LienLaw,thopartim of the firstp h t, Fier this conveyance and shall hold the right to reocive such receive the consideration �f art$ al consideradco as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the,cost of the imp re rovement and shall apply the same first to the Nyment oo of the� st of the Improvement beusing any part of the total of the sarne fbr aly o�purpose. WITNESS WHEREOF,the Parties of the f t part have duly executed this,deed the day and Y=first above written., IN FIRESENCE OF: LP "�"" P s. iTiA PU ZO', fe Tenant STATEr NEW FORK) COUNTY OF ARRE ss.: On this day of September in tits year20 i,4,i rre me,the uturdersig,ured, to Public in and fbr said state,personally appeared JOSEPH,L SOPRANO,penonauily known TO me or provided to rare r n the bWq of satisfactory evidehtee to be the inudivi.dtauui whose name is subscribed to the within instruurnertt and a % t led ed that he muted. the,same in,his capacity,and that by his signature tett the instrument,the individual,or the Pewn upon behalf of which the individual acted,executed the instrument, No Punblie; HARLA dllN HURLEY Notary PuNjo,State or Now York Wamm County,40tt IUN0314 TATE OF NEW YORK) ComrM®®w Ei0rea Jan.t%2D COUNTY OF WARREN)ss.,; On this day of September in,the year i,i 4,,before hivatary Public in and for said state, Personally appeared CLEMENTINA'SOPPLANO, puumnallyy known to Me or provided to me on the basis-uo 'satisfy tat evic ruse to be the Indiviriutal whose name is suubsuribed to the within instrument i nowliedged to,uru.a that. s be executed the same in her capacity, and that by her signature an the 'instruumentthe Individual,or the Person upon behalfrafwhich the individual acted executed the instruuturent, Flalctary Puubli CHAIR NN Mtt,Rt_I +' +t� Ndar k ok,,stato of t'ta'w York STATE'OF NEW YORK) CoMmIselon larstataas jam ttt, COUNTY Or,WARREN)ss.,, On this dad of September in the year 20K before me,the undersigned,a Notary Public in and fear said state,personally appeared LETI,ZIA P [RU ,Petsrrnail knoern ane Or provided to r,a an the basis ref kisibatory o idenoe to,be the individual hese namIs s4bscfibed TO the within instrument and acknowledged to rase that she executed the sarne in hercaaa=4,and that by her signature can the Instrument,the Individual, 'Or the icer n utpon behalf of which ttt .individual acted,exec the' strutruu=L Notary i"urbho CIIARt "t p�IttRtIrWy 'o t�4 ICe,'Beata cat Naw York I EEi �Ida�ruora u�riP#�7tH�Y�� ci°l4�l oro�N891on plresJam.taP 2a, 2r SCHEDOLEA ASL THAT CLPPT41N PZM OA P;MSL OF i hs lying and ei� 9 W eensbUry, Warren County, dew yo, , aM"O Of C'O=trY Club Manar" PhOM ag 140t MOCOZOAtZk, dated Oltor i pro ared ,, � f e"SbO �Pla ,�nRYoat ��� a �; � Ate �, Nave er 1 1993, a Palled in, ari-en C�p��� ���� �� Office on Nrov"r r I ", V)831, More pa ticula.r b t Cal' k" S Off ;o t010,wa a EMUNTRO, at a Point whichla, tt Lot algo the ste�rly boundary of Country Club load right of, v , then4a the following . `our cou u g aftd diaxt aG;j3" Ul SOuth 0711 and 0 " Nest,, a � istsatc� of two h j red aixt -mix 3.S/1,0,0 feat (266.18,)i to point fOr 14, corner then ( ) North 750 111 20", est, A i tAnce o�� � hundred ninety- aur til 27/3,0'0, � t � �,. ��� to POInt for atai, ,o tta�s� 3) Worth 21,0 541 Rest, a, dijmt&n Q of two hundred thirty-three And, 23/:L00 feet ('233.25,,) t.t poi„tit fox ik cbrnjthen, (4) South Tae, 41, 10" Ha.mt, a diiRtance of five ndrad thirty toot and 63/:L00 jq3 . '$ to the point md place of baginning., ' It"ni ' aacres of' lanLl, b0i the 196me more or Japs. tea Declaration Of ftvQftlmtff lomat B�;iiders Inc. t9” NOve Or 7 � ��t84 aid rielo OVe er 29 1904 in ', 6,66, f Zeds but Page 726 Or on RR-3A MDR MDR � R PAHO' R R MDR !z � . MDR , 'SDR , MDA DR '° r rb 0 m d� MDR MDR 0 Ns.RawCoENERALPREFERENCE ONLY, 8�F 1 .. 5257 panp