1975-04-22 and numbered 412 thru 549 and totaling $97, 776. 76 is hereby approved.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Streeter
Noes: None
Absent: Mr. Barber
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully "submitted,
Donald A. Chase
Town Clerk
Gordon Streeter-Supervisor
Daniel Olson; Councilman
Robert Barber-Councilman
Harold Robillard-Councilman
Hammond Robertson-Councilman
J. David Little-Town Counsel
TOWN OFFICIALS-George Liapes , Harold Boynton, Thomas Flaherty, Robert
Lilly, Ray Buckley
GUESTS: H.R. Clark, League of Women Voters, Mr. Jim Dempsey, Mr. Charles
Trombley, Mr. Einzig
Meeting Opened: 7 : 30 P.M. Salute to the Flag.
Application of John Edward Einzig to live -in a mobile home owned
by Mr. William W. Maille of West Mountain Road-mobile home located
on Luzerne Road-hardship shown- Building & Zoning Recommended approval . . .
Notice Shown. . . Agreement between parties was shown. . .
Hearing Opened: 7: 33 P.M. No one spoke against the Application-Mr. Einzig
spbked on his application. . .Hearing closed 7 :35P.M.
RESOLUTION NO. 94, Introduced by Mr. dzwho moved Iits
adoption, seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson:
WHEREAS, John Edward Einzig has made application in accordance with
paragraph' 2' (c) Section 4, of an ordinance of the Town of Queensbury
locate a mobile home at property situated at Luzerne Road, and
WHEREAS, this town board has conducted a public hearing in connection
with said application and has heard all persons desiring to be heard in
favor of or against said application, and
WHEREAS, it is hereby determined that the facts presented in said
application and at said public hearing are sufficient to authorize
the issuance of the permit requested by said application, therefore
be it
RESOLVED, that pursuant to the provisions of the above mentioned
ordinance, permission is hereby given to John Edward Einzig to locate
a mobiek home at property situated at Luzerne Road, and that the Building
Inspector is hereby authorized and directed is issue such permit in
accordance with the terms and conditions of s&id ordinance.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter
Noes : None
Absent: None
Town Counsel J. David Little explained the proposed ordinance
noting that in effect a written notice of a road or sidewall defect
must befiled with the Town Clerk oar Superintendent of Highways
prior to filing a claim against the Town for damages caused by the
'— defect that had not been fixed. . . .
Notice Shown. . .
Hearing opened: 7 :35 P.M. No one spoke for or against the proposed
Ordinance Hearing Closed: 7:38P.M.
RESOLUTAONNO. 95 Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its
adoopti secoon det by Mr. Robert Barber:
WHEREAS, the Town Board deems it necessary to adopt an ordinance
WHEREAS a proposed ordinance was presented to the Board and after
due notice a public hearing was held thereon by the Town Board on
the-22nd. day of April 1975 at 7: 30 P.M. at the Town Office Building,
Bay Rd Haviland Roads, Glens Falls, N.Y. , and that the Town Clerk
(� gave notice of such hearing by publication the eof in the official
town newspapers at least once prior to the dat specified for such
hearing, specifying the time when and the place where such hearing
will beheld and in general terms describing said proposed ordinance, and
WHEREM no ,one spoke in favor of or opposition to, therefore be it
RESOLVED that Ordinance Number 42 by the Town Board be as follows :
Section 1. No civil action shall be maintained against the Town
of Oueensbury (hereinafter referred to as"the Town") or the Town Super-
intendent of Highways of the Town, or against any improvement district in :.
the Town for Damages or injuries to person or property (including those
arising from the operation of snowmobiles) sustained by reason of any
highway, bridge, culvert,',highway marking, sign or device, or any other
property owned, operated or maintained by the Town or any property owned,
operated or maintained by any improvement district therein, being defective,
out of repair, unsafe, dangerous or obstructed unless written notice of
such defective, unsafe, dangerous or obstructed condition of such highway,
bridge, culvert, highway marking, sign or device, or any other property
owned, operated or maintained by the Town, or any property owned, operated
or maintained by any improvement district, was actually given to the Town
Clerk of the Town or the Town SupertAtendent of Highways of the Town, and
that there was a failure or neglect within a reasonable time after the
giving of such notice to repair or remove the defect, danger or obstruction
complained of; and no such action shall be maintained for damages or in-
juries to persons or property,'sustained solely in consequence of the
existence of snow or ice upon any highway, bridge, culvert or any other
property owned by the Town or any property owned by any improvement district
in the Town unless written 'notice thereof, specifying the particular place,
was actually given to the Town Clerk of the Town or the Town Superintendent
of Highways of the Town and there was a failure or neglect to cause such
snow ooice to be removed or to make the place otherwise reasonably safe
within a reasonable time after the receipt of such notice.
Section, 2. No civil action will be maintained against the Town and/
or the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town for damages or injuries
to person or property sustained -by reason of any defect in the sidewalks
of the Town or in consequence of the existence of snow or ice upon
any of its sidewalks , unless such sidewalks have been constructed or are
maintained by the ,Town or the Superintendent of Highways of the Town
pursuant to statute, nor shall any action be maintained for damages or
injuries to person or property sustained by reason of such defect or
in consequence of such existence of snow or ice unless written notice
thereof, specifying the particular place, was actually given to the Town
Clerk of the Town or to the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town
and there was a failure or neglect to cause such defect to be remedied,
such snow or ice to be removed, or to make the place otherwise reasonably
safe within a reasonable time after the receipt of such notice.
Section 3, The Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town
shall transmit, in writing, to the Town Clerk of the Town within
five (5) days after receipt thereof, all written notices received
by him pursuant to this law, and he shall take any and all corrective
action with respect thereto as soon as practicable.
Section 4. The Town Clerk of the Town shall keep an index record,
in a separate book, of all written notices which the Town Clerk shall
receive of the existence of a defective, unsafe, dangerous or obstructed
condition in or upon, or of an accumulation of ice and snow upon any
Town highway, biidge, culvert or a .sidewalk, or any other property owned
by the Town, or by any improvement district, which record shall state the
date of the receipt of the notice, the nature and location of the condition
stated to exist, and the name and address of the person from whom the
notice is received. The record of such notice shall be preserved for a
period of five (5) years from the date it is received. The Town Clerk,
upon receipt of such written notice, shall immediately and in writing
notify the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of the receipt
of such notice.
Section 5. Nothing contained in this Ordinance shall be held
to repeal or modify or waive any existing requirement or statute of
limitations which is. applicable to these causes of action, but on the
contrary, shall be held to be additional requirements to the rights
to maintain such action, nor shall anything herein contained be hald
to modify any existing rule of law relative to the question of. contri-
butory negligence,' nor to impose upon the Town, its officers and
employees, and/or any of its improvement districts , any greater _J
duty or obligations than that it shall keep its streets, sidewalks and
public places in a reasonably safe condition for public use and travel.
Section 6. If any clause, sentence, phrase,paragraph or any part
of this ordinance shall for any reason be adjudged finailrby a court
of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect ,
impair or invalidate the remainder of this ordinance but shall be con-
fined in its operation and effect to the clause, sentence, phrase,
paragraph or part thereof directly involved in the controversy or action
in which such judgment shall have been rendered. It is hereby declared
to be the legislative intent that the remainder of this section would
have been adopted had any such provisions not been includdd.
Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect immediately.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, M.r Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter
Noes : None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 96, Introduced by Mr. Gordon Streeter who moved its adoption,
seconded y 1�"r!a. ond Robertson.
WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, New York by Resolution
No. 30 for the year 1975 advertised for bids for four-wheel drive, front
end loader for use by the Water Department of said Town and thereafter
by Resolution duly adopted authorized the Town Water Superintendent to
purchase such machinery for Water Department usage at a cost of Twenty-
Nine Thousand Four Hundred Forty Five Dollars ($29,445. 00) , and provided
that such cost was to be paid from the proceeds of obligations to be
issued pursuant to the local Finance Law, and
WHEREAS , a contract of purchase for such machinery was duly entered
into by the -Water Superintendent and this Board desires to finance
the sum of Twenty Nine Thousand Four Hundred Forty Five Dollars
($29 ,445. 00) from current funds and the issuance of a capital note in
the amount of Twenty Nine' Thousand Four Hundred Forty Five Dollars
($29,445.00) ,
RESOLVED—by the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury, New York this
22nd. day of April, 1975, as follows:
1. The specific object or purpose for which obligations are to
be pursuant to this resolution is to finance the cost of one John Deere
JD544B wheel loader for use by the Water Department.
2. The maximum cost of such machinery is Thirty Eight Thousand
Sik Hundred Ninety Eight Dollars ($38,69$.00) and the plan of financing
such cost is as follows : Nine Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Three Dollars
($9,253.00) is to be provided by machinery traded in and the balance of the
, cost is t9, be provided by the issuance of a capital note in the amount
of Twenty Nine Thousand Four Hundred Forty Five Dollars ($29,445.00)
pursuant to this resolution.
3. =That following determination are hereby made:
a. ) The period of probable usefulness for such object or purpose
is determined to be five (5) years. The subdivision of Paragraph A
of Section 11 of the local Finance -Law which is applicable to the
circumstances is Subdivision "32". The proposed maturity of the
obligation authorized by this resolution will not be in excess of
five (5) years.
4 ' That the Town of Queensbury issue its capital note in the
amount of'Twenty Nine Thousand Four Hundred Forty Five Dollars
($29,445. 00) to finance such cost in accordance with the financial
plan set forth above. Such note shall be dated approximately as
of the date of this resolution, and the power to fix and determine
the "exact date of such note is hereby delegated to the Supervisor.
5. Such capital note shall be numbered 1 (one) and
shall mature one -(1) year from date hereof, The power to fix and
determine the date upon which said not shall become due and payable
is hereby delegated to the Supervisor. This note shall be issued
in bearer form and shall not contain a power to convert to registered
form, -and ,shall bear interest at a',-- -rate not exceeding four and three
quarters per cent (4 3/4%) per annum payable annually. Such note
shall be in substantially the following form:
No 1 $29 ,445.00
The Town of Queensbury, in the County of Warren and State of
New York,`' hereby acknowledges itself indebted and for value received
promises to pay to the bearer of this note the sum of Twenty Nine
Thousand Four Hundred Forty Five Dollars ($29,445. 00) on the 23rd.
day of April, 1976 together with interest thereon from the date Tereof
at the fate of four and three quarters percent (4 3/4%) per annul payable
annually. Both principal of and interest on this note will be paid in
lawful money of the United States of American at the office of the
Chase Manhattan of Eastern New York, N.A. , in Glens Falls , New York.
" This note may not be converted to gegistered form.
This note is one of an authorized issue, the aggregate principal
amount of which is Twenty Nine Thousand Four Hundred Forty Five Dollars
($29,445. 00) .
This note is issued pursuant to the provisions of a resolution entitled
"Resolution for Bond Antitripation Note to Finance Purchase of John
Deere Loader for Water Department Purposes" adopted by the Town Board
of the Town of Queensbury on the 23 rd. day of April, 1975.
The faith and credit of such Town of Queensbury are hereby irrevocably
pledged for the punctual payment of the principal and interest on this note
according to its terms.
It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, acts and
things required of the Constitution and Statutes of the Stateof New York
to exist, to have happened and to have been performed preceddnt to and
in the issuance of this note, exist, and have happened and have been
performed, and that this note, together with all other indebtedness
of such Town of Queensbury, is within every debt and other limit Is
prescribed by the Constitution and laws of such State. ...
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Town of Queensbuty, New York, has caused
this noted to be signed by its Supervisor, and its corporate seal to be
hereunto affixed and attested by its Town Clerk, and this note to be
dated as ofethe 23rd. day of 'April, 1975.
(Town Seal) is Supervisor
Town Clerk of the Town 66 Queensbury
New York
6. The Supervisor is hereby delegated the power to prepare such
note and to sell such note at private sale at not less than par.. 'and
accrued interest, and at such sale affix the interest rate to be borne
by such note within the limitations set forth in this resolution. The
Supervisor shall delivery such note to the purchaser hereof. I The
powers delegated to the Supervisor by this resolution shall be exercised
in conformity with the provisions of the local Finance Law.
7. This resolution shall take place immediately.
Duly adopted by the 661lowing vote:
Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter
Noes: None
Absent: None
Councilman Hammond Robertson: noted that we have no predetermined
course in mind for the communications system-we wish to have the most
economical communications we can. . .
RESOLUTION NO. 97 Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson, who moved its
adoption, seconA-e-d by Mr. Harold Robillard:
WHEREAS, the Town of Queensbury has currently under construction a
new Highway-Police buildiUg and desires to establish a telephone
communications system in said new structure co-ordinating the same with the
existing Town Hall Building, now therefore be it
RESOLVED that the Town of Queensbury solicit sealed bids for the purchase
or lease of a new telephone communications system in the present Town Hall
Building and Highway Police Building of the Town of Queensbury and that
the following notice be published at least once in the official newspapers
of the Town in the following form:
Notice is hereby given that the Town of Queensbury will receive
sealed proposals for the lease or ,sale or a telephone commun cations
system in the Town -Hall and Town Highway-Police Builiding. A copy
of the specifications will be available in the Town Clerk' s Office.
Bids will be received up to 5 p.m. on the 13th day of May, 1975
at the Town Clerk's Office in the Queensbury Town Office Building,
Bay and' Haviland Roads , Glens Falls, New York 12801.
Bids must be submitted in sealed OPAQUE envelopes plainly marked
"Telephone Communications System for Town Hall and Highway-Police
Building" and there shall be included with such bid, the certificate
of non-collusion required by Section 103D of the General Municipal
Law and the bidder must state the 'approximate date of delivery and
completion of performance.
Inspection of the building may be made at the Queensbury Town Hall nn
Bay a4d Haviland Roads in the Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New
York Monday through Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
The Town Baard of the Town of Queensbury will meet at the Queensbury
Town Office Building at 7: 30 p.m. on the 13th day of May, 1975 at
which time the bids will be opened and read aloud.
The Town reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
Duly adopted by the following ovte:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Rth li
Noes: None
Absebt: None
RESO UTIONNO_ 98 Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its
aTt'd seconded by Mr. Daniel Olson:
RESOLVED_ , that hhe Supervisor be authorized and directed to transfer
the iutt "of $21,172.00 plus interest from CD in Revenue Sharing Funds
received for the fifth entitlement period to the Town Police/Highway
Buf'l.dng 'Construction Account.
Duly_ adopted by the following vote:
Ayii: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter
Noes: None
Absent.,: None
RESOLUTION NO. 99 Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber:
WHEREAS ,i.n order to meet the Retirement System's new payroll requirements
concerning service days , it is necessary to determine the actual time of
service for all employees , and
WHEREAS, certain employees are not on a regular or hourly basis , therefore
be it
RESOLVED, that service days for these employees for a standard or normal
pay period of two weeks be established as follows :
• Councilman 6. 67 days
Justice 6
Fire Marshal 6
Historian 2
Clerk for
Assessor 4
Town Clerk
2nd deputy 2
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. If, Introduced by Mr. Daniel Olson who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Hammond Robertson:
WHEREAS, the 1975 town budget has made provisionsfor a continuation of
the Town Recreation Program, and
WHEREAS , it is believed that the Town is eligible to receive State Aid
from the State of New York Division For Youth, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the application to the 'New York State Division for Youth
for approval of the Recreation Project is hereby authorized, and the
Supervisor is directed to execute such application on behalf of the
Town of Queensbury.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter
Noes : None
Absent: None
RESOLUTTON NO. 101 Introduced by Mr. Hammond Robertson, who moved
its adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber:
WHEREAS, Thomas Flaherty, Queensbury Water Superintendent has .'requested
that the Town Board solicit sealed bids for water department pipe,
to be used in the installation of service lines on Bay Road, ;therefore
be it
RESOLVED, that the Town of Queensbury solicit sealed bids for the purchase
of the above mentioned materials and that the following notice be published
once in the official 'town newspapers in the following form:
Notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury
will beceived sealed proposals on water pipe for the water department
to be used in the installation of service lines on Bay Road.
A complete copy of the specifications will be available in the
office of the Town Clerk.
Bids will be received up to 5 : 00 P.M. on the 13th day of May, 1975 at
the Town Clerk's Office in the Town of Queensbury Office Building, Bay
and Haviland Roads , Glens Falls , New York, 12801.
Bids must be submitted in sealed OPAQUE envelopes marked "Water
Department Pipe Bid" and there s4all be submitted with such bid
a certificate of Non-Collusion as required by Section 103D of the
General Municipal Law and bidder must state approximate date of
ThheTown Board will meet at the Town Office Building at 7 :30 P.M.
on the 13th day of May, 1975 at which time the bids will be opened
and read aloud.
The Town Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids.
Dated: April 22 , 1975
`Donald A. Chase
Town Clerk
Town of Queensbury
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayeri Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertseq, Mr. Streeter
Noes : None
Absent: -None
a. ) City of Glens Falls
New York
Office of the Mayor
April 17, 1975
Honorable Gordon Streeter, Supervisor
Town of Queensbury, and Honorable Members of the Board.
Queensbury Town Hall
In order to allay -any misapprehension for recent
news articles , may I advise you that references to possible
action for annexation represent the personal judgement of
a member 'of our Urban Renewal Agency, and do not in any way,
explicitly or implicitly, represent the policy of this
administration. Mrs. Liddle has made an excellent study
of the problems and prospects of the business community,
with the 'thoroughness characteristic of all the work she
has done in her professional capacity, and I am deeply
appreciative of her conscientious efforts in the interest
of the City'. I do not, however, envision any initiative
by my administration to seek annexation of this or any
other area of the Town of Queensbury. I am confident
that we shall continue to work together as sister munici-
palities, as we have these several years, for the mutual
benefit of all of our citizens.
Robert J. Cronin
b. ) Supervisor Streeter noted receiving several letters from residents
of the Town of Queensbury approving the new Land Use program. . .letters
James .-
B. Ayers, William H. Desormeau, Samuel C. Wilson, Mr , and Mrs.
A.E.' Schuman, Ken Freebern-on file
c.) Mr. Norman W. Mead sent the Town several copies of the Calendar of
Events of- the Warren Co. BiCentennail Commission-copies on file.. .
d. ) Supervisor Streeter-The Town of Queensbury will file for Flood
'msmrance Program to protect the residents of the flood prone areas. . .
noting that there are 'several areas in this plan that are not in the
opinion of the Town' s Engineer a flood prone area the Town will file
for amendments in the maps . . . . The Town will file under protest. . .
e. ) Ltr. from Dr. Robert A. Reid M.D. Health Officer re: litter
the letter was filed. . .
f.) Ltr. from Sykes Galloway 'and Dikeman - Finial Advisors to the
Town of Queensbury - re: the best wa,1p* of financing the Town' s various
up coming pro j ects•. . .
g. ) Geriatrics Foundation, Inc. invitation to 16th Apn#aWsery Tea and
Open Hbuse- May 4th from 2 :00 to 5 :00 P.M.
h. ) Meeting with Niagara Mohawk on April 30th at the Lake George Holiday
Inn-members of the Board will be attending. . .
i. ) Ltr. received from Mr. Gary Greene regarding dog complaint-turned over
to Dog Warden. . .
j .) ltr. Joseph A. Restner Jr. Consulting Engineer-re: Water Treatment
Plant-built in accordance with terms of construction permit issued by
N.Y. State Health Department. -
a. ) Joint meeting with Lake George Town Board April 29, 1975 at 7 :30 P.M.
re: annexation
b.) Mr. Streeter announced that he had a letter in hand from Mrs. Sylvia
Dougher announcing her retirement May 1, 1975. She came to work in January
1962. Mr. Streeter commented on the quality, the effort and the attitude
in which she worked. She was a devoted worker day in and day out.
Mr. Streeter stated that the Town is going to lose a person who is really
irreplaceable. The Town of Queensbury in no way can truly replace her.
Along with her duties as bodkeeper she always made sure that everything
was running smooth at the Town Hall. I am sureethat official appropriate
action by the Town Board will take place after her retirement.
Mr. Robertson stated that he seconded the Supervisor' s statements .
c. ) The Corner Stone for the John Lawrence Patent was re-discovered
this landmark will be- Fe' , _ -located at Queensbury landfill. . . .
d. ) The Town of Queensbury is now a Federal BiCeneennial Community
ltr, from Congressman Pattison confirmed this. . .on file. . .
e. ) The Warren County board was given a presentation from Fourth Sink
Plan 66r Solid Waste-Disposal-further consideration will be given to this
plan. . .
COUNCILMAN ROBILLARD-Requested the Town Board to ask the Town Attorney
to look into the possibility of an injunction against the City for
the use of their landfill. . . . answer forth coming-April 29, meeting. . .
Also-he requested the Supervisor and Town Engineer to Contact 'Encon
and the Health Department on their views of the further kength of use
by the City of their landfill in Queensbury. . . .
Mr. Robillard noted that we must protect the residents of Queensbury
noting that if a building, was built in this area it would not be allowed
to be built as high-as the City landfill hill has grown. . . .
Supervisor Streeter noted that Councilman's Robillard requests would
be enacted. . .
Mrs. Pauline Tougas-noted the bad condition of Jenkinsville Road being
covered with litter-requested that something be done about it. . .
Councilman Barber-A highway Crew will be theka in the morik1gg to clean
up the litter. . .
Mr. Jim Demsey-questioned the Town Board in regard to the previous
attempte between the City and Queensbury for a ,Joint landfill. . .
and Will the Town loose control over the landfills asking for
State help?
Councilman Robillard-We are asking mearly for their suggestions
and knowledge in regard to the life of the City landfill and its
operation. . . .
Supervisor Streeter-The town has not come to an agreement with the
City but seeing the size of the landfill we have, and what the- city
use of it would be with our use the life of our landfill even if it
was compacted would be''41imited—the issue was dropped. . .
Transfer stations with compacting has been suggested. . .
Incinerations was suggested-The Federal Government stated that there
has never been a sucessful inc4i4eration process inthe United States. . .
Incinerators have several problems such as when one breakos down
what happens to the materials— it would not take care of Cars or
large stumps. . .
Transfer Stations is a process with regard to the Fourth Sink Process
in which the County is viewing. . .
Mr. Charles Trombley-48 Luzerne Road complained about the cover being
used by the City on their landfill that it was blowing around and could
this be stopped.
Councilman Robillard-This will be taken up with DEC and N.Y. State Health
Department. . . .
-- Mr. Robert Guyette-noted his concern over Federal and State Controls
over our community and their take over without notifications. . .Noting
the Flood Control application in which he would have a direct interest. . .
questioned the implications to residents of these flood control areas. . .
Town Engineer Raymond Buckley-The effect of not complyimgWtth the
Flood Insurance Program would be that after September 20th of this
year anyone that wanted any type bank mortgage from the Federal Deposit
Insurance System could not get that mortgage for a purchase of a home
or home improvement loan unlessr they obtained flood insurance, if we
have complied this insurance could be purchased at a Federally subsidized
rate if not the rate would be much higher because the Federal subsid*
would not be available in this area. . .
Mr. Robert Guyette-requested that the agenda be made public. . .
Su (ar.
Supervisor Streeter-noted that Agenda's may be picked up in the Town Clerk's
Office, Monday or Tuesday before each meeting. . .
-Highway Report for the motth of March 1975 was placed on file. . .
-Budget Control Sheets were placed on file. . .
-Report of the Temporary State Commission on State and local finances
booklet on Revenue Sharing Funds will be on file. . .
RESOLUTION 102, Intoruced by Mr. Hammond Robertson who moved its
adoption, seconded by Mr. Robert Barber:
RESOLVED, that the Audit of Bills as listed in Abstract No. 75-4A
numbered 550 and totAling $29, 445.00 is hereby approvdd.
Duly adopted by the following vote:
Ayes: Mr. Olson, Mr. Barber, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter
Noes : None
Absent: None
On motion the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk
Gordon Streeter-Supervisor
Daniel Olson-Councilman
Robert Barber-Councilman-Absent
Harold Robillard-Councilman
Hammond Robertson-Councilman