Staff Notes PLANNING BOARD STAFF NOTES APRIL 18 , 2017 Queensbury Planning Board Agenda _- First Regular Meeting: Tuesday, r l�ril 18,2017/Time 7- 11 pm Queensbury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road Approval of Minutes Dates- February 14" and February 21u,2017 Administrative Item: Subdivision PZ 23 6-20 17(Final Stage)-Maurice Combs request fbr 6 month extension to complete NY DOH application and review process. Old Business Applicants) J MAGICAL SHORE AOR Application Type J Site Plain 20-2017 Owner(s) Same as applicant SEQR Type I pe H Agcnt(s) Dennis MacElroy Lot size _J 3 2.63 acres —� LocationT10 Woods Point Lane ; bard: I ,� Zoning Classification: WR Tax I leo. J 239.18-1-21 Ordinarm Reference 179-13-010 Croes Reference SP 18-1992,AV 34-1992,SP 8-1997 Warren Co, Referral March 2017 476 sf tes.addition,2013-313 Res. const.;AV 20-2017 _ Public Hearing AprEl 18,2017 1 S i#e informatianAPA_ -- Project Description: Applicant proposes a 1,284 sq. ft. floor area residential addition. The project includes construction of a 960 sq.ft., 3 car garage with new access pathway from existing driveway to a new 336 sq.ft. carport and new house entryway area. Project also includes site work for stormwater management and retaining walls-Pursuant to Chapter 179-13-010 of the,Zoning Ordinance,expansion of a nonconforming strucWe in a CEA shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Planning Board Recommendations Applicant(s) DAVID F. D1SCENZA _-- I 4ML=b nj a -- Site Plan 24-2017 _tv��cr(s} I Ss�r«e:�c appGcaut - I SEAR Type— I TPe 11 _Agent(s) .— -J- n."a �T Lnt size - _J 2.29 aeras_ Lavation I I SLL!v&LS Rpad 1 Ward: 4 - I Zoning Classificatiam MDR _Tax 1D No. I 308.20-1-18 � Ordinance Reference 179-3A40 Cross Reftrennco SP 35-1991,SP 4-1992,AV 23-2017 I Warren Co.Rertrral nift Public Hearin nla for reanrnmcndallon ] Site Information - Project Description. Applicant proposes to maintain a 4-unit apartment building where 3 units reoeived approval. Previous approval in 1991 for a duplex and in 1992 for a third unit. No changes are proposed to the site or building- Pursuant to Chapter 179-3.040 of the Zoning Ordinance,request to maintain a 411 apartment unit to existing structure shall be subject to planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is requested for density in a MDR zone of 2 acres per unit. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Applicants) I DDDJ OTERPRISES --i Application Type Site Plant 26-2017 -Owner(s) I Same as Applicant —I_SEQR Type j Unl€steel _ Agents) I Ethan Hall _I Lot sire I`5.18 acres Y� Location Lot#3 West Drive —_ _I 'Warr!: 4 IZoning Clasai catiorn: CLI Tax 1D No. 308.17-1-7-13,348.12-1-7.2,308,12- Ordinance Reference] 179-3-040 1-7.12 Cross Reference SP PZ 93-2016 4800 sf cold stozage, Warren Co. Referral � April 2017 SUB Mod.PZ I I0-2016;DKC SUB 4-2012 3 lots,LH SUS 15-2005 2 lots,SP 10-2004 Storage bldgs-, SP 5- 20 12 material storage area;Disc. 2016;AV 25-2017 - Public Hearing - ! rda for recommendation _� Site Information I -- - Project Description: Applicant requests approval of a contractor storage yard and construction of an 8,400 sq.ft. enclosed pole barn for equipment and material storage for contractors" yard. Project includes additional site clearing for outside storage and a new access road from Luzerne Rd.through an easement with the adjoining lots. Project disturbs more than an acre and is subject to a SWPPP, Preject is '. associated with site plan modification of Sp 93-2016 parcel 308.12-1-7.12 far access. Pursuant to Chapter 174-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, contractors' yard and new building shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for road frontage, Planning Board shal I provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. App l€cant(s)— ;MATOI�I PROPERTY HOLDINGS Application Type � Site Plan 27-2017- - - Special Use Permit 7-2017 Owner{s} -- -Same as applirarnt SEQR Typo _-- _� Unlisted .... Agents} -�I Ethan P.Hall Wsize 9.54 acres Location _J 308&310 Corinth Road Ward: 4 Zoning Classification_CL[ _Tax ID No, 308,16-1-55,- 56,-58&-61 Ordinance Refareryoe 179-3-040 Cross Reference SP 27-2006 Self storage bldgs., SP 65- Warren Co.Referral April 2017 2013 A-1 Treeworks,DISC 1-2017;AV 28-2017 Public Hearing) ria for recommendation J Sita Information Project Descrip#on: Applicant proposes operation of a wood processing facility with a new 15,000 sq, ft. enclosed pole barn for wood products and to install two 1,200 sq. ft. kiln units on the site. Project includes merger of lots 308.16-1-55, -56, -58 & 61. Project includes continued auto facility for C& J automotive and current use of expanded material storage area. Project includes maintaining 4 existing buildings. on the merged properties, additional clearing, installation of a gravel parking area and material storage area (logs, woodchips etc.). Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 and 179-10-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, light manufacturing - wood products, logging company, and Special Use Permit for wood product facility shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: relief requested from minimum lot size requirements for the firewood processing facility in the CLI zoning district were 100 ac is i required. Planning Board seal l provide a recomme ndation to the Zoo ing Board of Appeals. _ Applicants} -� CHRIS CARTE � Application Type I S€tie Plan 25-2017 J Owner(s)j SamD as applicant TI SSQR Type I Unlisted Aget,tr „T� n�a _I Lot size E X66 acres _ --- - - Location J 1067 State Route 9 V4�ard: 2 i 2:onin Classification: Cl Tax ID No. 296,9-1-5 Ordinance 179-3-040 Reference Crass Reference Several signs, interior alt., AV 24- Warren Co.Referral April 2017 - 2017 j Public Hearingnfa for recommendation _� Sltie information - Project Description: Applicant proposes a new fagade,on an existing 6,000 sq. ft. building for a new addition of 125 sq, fl, and width of 24 inches. Project includes new parking arrangement.Pursuant to Chapter 179-3.040 of the Toni ng Ordinance,rause of existing retail building,new parking and new facade shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval.Variance: Relief is sought for front setback. Plianning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Hoard of Appeals_ Applicant($) JAMES R-GLENDENING I Application Type I Site Plan 29-2017 _ Owner(s) ]—Glendening Realty,LLC SEt R'l pe I Unlisted Agent(s) Andrew Parsons,JMZ Architects Lot size I 2.12 acres._ 1 Location 1 462 Ridge Read I Ward: 2 1 Zoning Classification: MDR 1 Tax ID No. 1 297.18-1-1 Ordinance Referenoe 1__179-M40 � Cross Reference SP 4 1-88 w/UV;DISC 4-2.417; Warren Co. ReferralJAV27-2017 S Public Bearing J n1a for recommendation 1 Site information Project Description: Applicant proposes construction of a 165 sq- fl, new entryway addition and a 465 sq. ft. new covered walkway for the entryway access. Project includes new signage, parking arrangement, landscaping, stormwater, clearing, and other site work. Pursuant to Chapter 179- 3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, neva fagade and now entryway shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for travel corridor setbacks. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Honing Board of Appeals. Now Busi es - Applicarrt(s) —14{I CAREY ROA1 ,_Ll, �. . Application Type Site Plain 34-201" owner Same as applicant SPQR Typo 1 unlisted Agents)_ I Vision Engineering,LLC Lot size 6.454 aeras Location I 140 Carey Road Wwd4 Zorlutg� lassi#ication. CL[ Tax ID Na. J09-Q-2-311.111 3-2-31.111 — Ordinance Reference 179-3-040 _ l Cross Refe!race_—SUB 6-1987,SUB 10-2010(Mod.) 3 Warton Co.Referral _ Public HeaTing ARM 18 2017 J Site Information Project Description, Applicant proposes to construct 15,375 sq. fL building with 4,000 sq, ft, of office and sales and 11,375 sq, ft. maintenance arca. project is for the sales and maintenance of snow grooming equipment facility. Project includes disturbance of 2.3 acres for clearing, building construction and other site work, Pursuant to Chapttr 179-3-040 of the Toning Ordinance new industrW uses in the C] zone shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Applrc°np(s) 0_L41Z>;RIYE 1tOLo1EVC5 j ApplicaSion Typo 5{tc Platt Mod)35-2017 — - Owner(s) Sarno 03 appl trot $ Qk Type J_Unlisted _ Agent(s) f place Enginocriug W sfxe 1 .6-46 Acres r Locution West Drive& Luzenie Road Ward: 4 Zoning Classification; CLI ----n 1.... . . — 1—-------.-........ --...-_.. Tax ID No, 308.12-1-7.13 j Ordinance Reference J Chapter 179 Gross Ref'ercr<ce 1 5F 93-2016 -� Warren Co.Referral 6j?jl 2417 1 Public Hearing April 18,200 Sits In-Ibtmation Project Description: Applicant proposes a site plan modification to include an easement area that is to be used as an access roast tc norlhern lot 302.12- 1-7,12, Purs'umtto Chapter 174 of the Zoning Ordinance modifications to existing approved site pians shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval- Discussion items: Applicants) TrCtrtt155�GLC Application Typo DISC 5-2019 Owner(s) J&T Tsai,Mo, SE R Type Unlisted I Agora#(s} Bonier Engineering Lat sine .76 acre Location 662{',len Stre Ward: Zoning Classification: Cl 1 Tax 11D No- f 342.7-1-28 — Ordinanoc Refb=ce Cross,RoForcnoe Several sign permits,several epmm. Warren Cm Referral n1a for discussion — - restaurant aEteradou permits as Friendly's and -� as Fit Food Fast — - — Public Hearing A For discussion f Site Information Project Description: Applicant proposes demolition of existing restaurant and construction of a new+f-7,500 sq. R.auto parts retail store- Pursuant tol Chapter 179-9-040 of the Zoning Ordinance,applicant may submit Information for Planning Board discussion. JI Page Applirant{s} J.AVIATION HOSPITALITY LLC ApVli=iDn.TY_Pe... DISC 6-2017 Owner(s) PCGF NewCo,LLC SEQR Type 'Unfisw Agents} ....._j_BohIcrEng]n"dn& 4,57 acresLot SiXL Location 524 Aviation Road I Ward: 2 Zoning CIRMSMIMCW, Tax ID No. 302.5-1-96.1Ordinance Reference -A Cross ReFefence Demolition permits For Former Howard Warren Co.Rtferral n1a for discussion Johnson Buildings 2002,2005&2010 Public Hearing I n1a for discussion Site Information — Project Description: Applicant proposes cwtstrurfion of a new 41- 15,665 sq. ft,4 story,92 rwm hotel. Pursuant to Chapter 179-9-040 ofthe Zon! j ardinnnot,applimt may submit information for Planning Board discussion- Anyfurther business which may be properly brought before the Burd- P uj-Nn g e 4 f 4 Minutes f February 141" and 2111, 2017 Draft resolution — great/deny minutes approval • ee ON s Subdivision PZ 236-2016 Final Stage) Maurice Combs - Request for 6 month extension Draft resolution — grant/deny extension tes \6eJ�jokx Town A QuuunsbLk1-)' ("')II1111unily C]cvQloJ)1)1L2134 (. lkti 9&,s 74? Bay RO'Lld, Q tleensl3ury, N Y 12804 ,0�� 6 Town of ueensbury Planning Board �,io -/' s RESOLUTION— Wrove BinaI Stage for Subdivision 2236-2.016 70 Maurice Combs Tax Map ID 308.18-1-I / Property Address: 636 Corinth load subdivision application has been made to the Queensbury Planning Board for the following: Applicant proposes subdivision of a 9.24 acre parcel into 5 lots ranging in size from 1.37 to 2.02 acres. Project includes a private drive and easement for utilities. Pursuant to Chapter A-183 of the Zoning Ordinance subdivision of land shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbur ?zoning Code-C hapter -183, the Planning Board has determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; SE RNegative Declaration on 5-21-20I5; A public hearing was scheduled and held on 4-21-2.015, 5-21-2015, 6-16-2015, 8-18-2015, 10-20-2.015; 5- 19-2016, 8123/2016 & 10118/16; This application is supported with all documentation, public comment, and application material in the file cf record; MOTION TO APPROVE FINAL STAGE FOR SUBDIVISION PZ 236-2116 MAURICE COMBS, Introduced by Paul SchonewoIf who moved its adoption. Per the draft resolution prepared by staff with the following: gr#rFfir ear ternTwaer m'=::... gr-ad..- -= --g------g •---- -= 2. 'Ch(,- Iirnits of clearing will run Aitute a no-cut buffer zone, orange construction fencing shall be installed around these areas and field verified by Community Development staff 3. Engineering sign-off rNuired prior to signature of Planning Board Chairman. 4. The applicant must submit a copy of the following to the Town: a) The project MIDI (Notice of Intent) for coverage under the current NYSDEC SPDESGeneral Permit or for coverage tinder ark individual SPDES prior to the start of AU site work. b) The project NOT(Notice of Term i nation) upon completion of the project; and 5. The applicant must maintain on their project site, for review by staff- a) The approved final that have been stamped by the Town Zoning Administrator. These plans must include the project SWPPP (Storni Water Pollution Prevention Plan) when such a plan was prepared and approved; and b) The project NOI and proof of coverage under the current NYSDEC PDES General Permit, or an individual SPDES penrrit issued for the project. Page 1 of 2 I'M iiQ; 518.761.82201 Rix: 54a.744_44.')7 742 13,l%' ROUL1, 0LIL'U31s11uny, NY 1290 4 1 ,Vww.gLKhAlsbklry.hie I 6. Renal approved plans, in compliance with the Subdivision, must be submitted to the Community Development Departrnent before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes personnel. 7. The applicant must meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit and/or the LN-=ginning of any site work. S. Subsequent issuance of further permits, including building pertrtits is dependent on compliance, with this and ail other conditions of this resolution; 9. As-built plans to certify that the subdivision is developed according to the approved plans to be provided prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy; Motion seconded by Brad M ago an. Drily adopted this L 8th day of October, 2016 by the fol loving vote: AYES: Mr. Magowan, M r. Perone, Mr. Traver, Mr. Shafer,Mr. SchopewoIf,M r. Deeb, M r. Huns inger NOES: NONE C, + o 1s Page 2 oft I'lim ie 518.7f}1_R2(11 Pax, 5 18.745 A 437 1742 11a}' Reuel, C Limisbury, NY 12 8 0 4 ' +ywmgticeilshtiiymct Site Plan -2017 Magical Shore Acres, LLC Public Hearing Scheduled Draft resolution — gra nt d n r site plan a pproval v Town of Queensbury Planning Eoard Community Development Department Staff Motes April 1 , 2017 Site Plan, 20-2017 MAC]ICAL SHORE ACRES, LLC 10 Woods Point Lane f WR—Waterfront Residential I Ward 1 SEAR Type 11 Material Review. application, Sheet S-1 to Sheet 5-4, and five elevation drawings. Parcel History: SP 18-1992, AV 34-1992. Sig -1997 476 sfres. addition, 2013-313 Res. const.; AV 20- 2017 Requested Action Planning Board review and approval for a 1,284 sq, ft. floor area residential addition. The project includes construction of a 960 sq. ft., 3 car garage with new access pathway from existing driveway to a new 336 sq. PL_ carport and new house entryway area. Resolutions 1. Planning Board decision Project Description Applicant proposes a 1,284 sq. ft. floor area residential addition. The project includes construction of a 960 sq. ft., 3 car garage with new access pathway from existing driveway to a new 336 sq, ft. carport and new house entryway area. Project also includes site work for stormwater management and retaining walls. Pursuant to Chapter 179-13-010 of the Zoning Ordinance, expansion of a nonconforming structure in a CEA shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Staff Comments * Location-The applicant proposes a 1,284 sq ft residential addition to an existing home. a Arrangement-The addition is broken into fill in areas of the existing building, a new garage, a new 6 ft wide gravel path, and a new covered entryway. * Site Design- The exterior areas of the site include a new 6 ft wide path that extends from the existing driveway to an existing entry area to the home. There is a 336 sq ft car port associated with the new access path and a new entry way 387 sq ft upgrading the existing entry. The existing carport is to be removed and a 960 sq ft garage is to be constructed. * Building—The applicant has shown two areas of the home that will be filled in for additional space in the home. One is the court yard infill where 197.3 sq ft is within the 75 ft setback with total infill is 447.3 sq ft; titer, there is 187 sf addition where 91 sq ft is within the 75 ft setback. • Site conditions-the project occurs within 50 ft of 15% slopes. * Grading and drainage plan/Sediment and erosion control—the plans show the grading to occur and the retaining walls to be installed. • Landscape plan- The applicant has shown the existing vegetation on the site trees on the existbag site to remain or removed. Signage--no signage is proposed—as it is a residential project. • Elevations/Floor Plans—The applicant has provided elevation and floor plans. The interior alterations are shown where the fill —in area are located Pursuant to Section 179-9-050 the Planning Board may grant waivers on its own initiative or at the written request of an applicant. No waivers have been requested. Nature of Variance Gnmted 3129117. The applicant requests setback variance at the shoreline inhere the courtyard area is 61 ft and the lower level is 65 ft setback where 75 ft is required. Relief is also requested for a second garage. Sumarn► The applicant has completed a site plan application and has received an area variance for the}proposed residential addition of 1,284 sq ft, a 960 sq ft new garage and a new 336 sq ft covered vehicle area at the entryway. eetin History: PBR 3!28117, BA 3!29117 Site Plan -2017 vW . O'Ncenza No Public Hearing Draft resolution — Planning Board recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals e 450\'5 de6e ve 00e Town of Queensbury Planning Board Community Development Departnicut Staff Notes April 18, 2017 Site flan 4-2017 DAVID P. DISCIFi�NZA 3 Stevens Road /MDR—Moderate Density Residential / Ward 4 SEQR Type II Material Review: application, septic inforination, floor plan for bascmcnt area and upper are5,1, elevations, survey include in file packet Parcel History: SP 35-1991, SP 4-1992,AV 23-2017 Requested Action Recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for relief requested to maintain a 4-unit apaTtinent building where 3 units received approval. Resolutions 1. Planning Hoard recommendation Proieet Description Applicant proposes to maintain a 4-unit apartment building where 3 urnits received approval. Previous approval in 1991 for a duplex and in 1992 for a third unit. No changes are prTosed to the site or building. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, request to maintain a 4t apartment unit to existing structure shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is requested for density in a N4DR zone of 2 acres per unit. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Staff Comments • Location-The existing building is located at 3 Stevens Road off of Corinth Road south side. • Arrangement- The existing building is located at the end of Stevens Road and the site contains existing site development. 'There is a 1887 +1- sq R existing garage and a parking area for the existing tenants. • Building—The existing building is approximately 2,530 sq ft(foot print) with a 3060 sq ft floor area for the 4 units that are existing • Signage-There is no signage at this time • Site conditions-The applicant has indicated there is no plans to alter the existing site or building. • Traffic- The site already has existing tenants that access the building through Stevens Rd and no new traffic is anticipated. • Site layout and utility plan—the applicant has provided the site plan information showing the location ofthF. existing septic system arrangement. Confirm septic system compliance for the number of units. • Grading and drainage plan and Sediment and erosion control—there are no changes for the site and should confirm existing tree line area to remain as part of project. • Landscape plan- to be reviewed for compliance • Site lighting—to be reviewed to confirm compliance • Elevations—The plans provided are from the 1992 materials and is the same as the recent photo in real property. • Floor plans—The plans are provided from the 1992 submission materials and is as described by the applicant Pursuant to Section 179-9-050 the Planning Board may grant waivers on its own initiative or at the Vnitten request of an applicant. The application farm identified as "Requirements" outlines the items to appear on the site plan on included as attachments. At the time of application the applicant has either requested waivers, indicated the item jaot applicable or has not addressed the lteml left check box blank. This includes the follow items listed under Requirements of the applicant's application: g. site lighting, h. signage, j. stormwater, k. topography, 1. landscaping, n traffic, o. oornmercial alterations/construction details,p floor plans, q, soil logs, r. construction/demolition disposal s. snow removal. Nature of Variance The applicant proposes to maintain a 4 unit aparUnent building where current regulations of the MDR zone wire a minimum of 2 ac per unit if not connect to Town sewer and water. The existing building is only connected to water and the site is 2.28 ac where 8 ac's would be required. ummary The planning board is to provide a recommendation to the zba in regards to the relief requested for density of an existing 4 unit apartment building. Teetiug History: First meeting FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE Tout n of Quemsbury 742 Bey Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 " Hopne? of Nra rjrar Beaarty — A Good Plac:L Fa) Lizie " PLAN REVIEW Discenza Stevens Road P 24 - 2017 3!27!2017 The following comments are based on review of the submitted play: 1) FM has no site issues at this time. Fir 11 fsh Michael J Palmer Fire Marshal 5187618206 fi rem arsha l(i�queensb tjry.net Fire Marshal 's office • Pisone: 518-161-8206 - F t. 518-745-4437 re�rrr�rs�rr� C � °a?1lslra�l� ,��et ovap-guee??s�� ni,liet Site Plan -2017 DOW EnWpflSeS No Public Hearing Draft resolution — Planning Board recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals V . 10 S - Town of Queensbury Planning Board Community Development Department Staff Notes ot April 18, 2417 Site Plan 26-2417 DDDd ENTERPRISES Lot 03 Nest Drive 1 CLI — Commercial Light industrial 1 Ward 4 SEQR Unlisted Material Review: application, plan sets C-1 to C-6 and -1 to A-2, stormater report and stormater pollution prevention plan. Parcel History SP PZ 93-2416 4804 sf cold storage, SUB Mod. PZ, 110-201 ;DK SUB 4-2,012 3 lots, LH SUB 19-2005 2 lots, SP 14-2404 Storage bldgs., SP 5-2012 material storage area; Disc. 2016; AV 5-2417 Requested Action Recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for relief sought for road frontage. Resolutions 1. Planning Board recommendation Proicet Description Applicant requests approval of a contractor storage yard and construction of an 8,400 sq. ft. enclosed pole barn for equipment and material storage for contractors' yard. Project includes additional site clearing for outside storage and a new access road from Luzeine Rd. through an easement with the adjoining lots. Project disturbs more than an acre and is subject to a S WPPP. Project is associated with site plan modification of SP 93-2016 parcel 308.121-7.12 for access. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-440 of the Zoning Ordinance, contractors' yard and new wilding shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: belief is sought for road frontage. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Staff comments • Location-The project site is the rear lot at the end of West Drive, near to the Luzeme Storage Buildings at 240 Luzerne Road. • Arrangement- The project consists of construction of an 8,004 sq ft contractor's storage building. The project is located as lot 3 of the DIC Holdings Sub 4-2012. The project includes access by easement on the west side of the property and a request for a vailance for road frontage on west drive. • Site Design- The plans show the existing location of a soil stockpile, The plans show extensive clearing on the site were additional information or locations noted for exterior equipment storage should be noted on the plans. • Building— The building is to be 34 ft in height and contain an office area and restroorn area. The remainder of the building is for vehicle storage. Overhead dooms are shown on each end of the building, one side is to have windows and the other side two man doors are proposed. • Signage-The applicant has indicated there will be no signage for the project, • Traffic-The applicant has indicated there are 4 dedicated parking spaces at the building. Clarification of the required parking should be addressed -,as total parking has not been identified. The site has a 208 sq ft office area with a 117 bathroom area then the remainder is 7,675 sq ft is vehicle storage. Project may be considered a construction company where 2 spaces for the office area and then 1 space per company vehicle will be required. Utility plan -The applicant proposes a wastewater system. Information on water, communications and electric will need to be shown on the plan. Comments have been received from the Water/Wastewater Department requesting additional information on the water-connection, # Guading and drainage plan—the plans indicate signnificant site clearing and grading is to occur. The plans show a portion of the site to be already cleared and a note indicates there is existing topsoil being stored at the site. The plans on sheet -5 do not indicate the final grading to occur on the site. The grading plan should be updated to reflect the final grade over the, site, • Sediment and erosion control —Sheet C5 show location of silt fence and sediment trap areas. Landscape plan—The applicant has indicated the project occurs on a wooden lot where a portion of the site has been cleared where topsoil storage area exists. The applicant intends to limit clearing to the property line areas with some buffers ten select trees near to the building to be saved. The slormater plants shows areas to be lawn. The plans note a 50 ft buffer at the north property line and on the east property line for 550 ft+/-, The west property lime only shows a 30 ft buffer where a 50 ft buffer would be required adjacent to a residential subdivision,. • Site lighting—Six wall mounted lighting fixtures are to be installed on the building ends with overhead doors. No pole lights are proposed. Light fixture to be noted on final plaits. • Elevations—Elevation plans show the overhead door locations at the end of the building then windows on one side and two doors on the other side. Floor plans—The floor plan shows the location of the office area, restroom area. Pursuant to Section 179- -050 the Planning Board may grant waivers on its own initiative or at the written request of an applicant. The submission should be clarified for item such as snow removal, snow removal, grading, landscaping and buffer. Nature of Variance The applicant requests variance for road frontage where 71. 4 ft is provided and 100 ft is required for the Commercial Light Industrial zone Summary The Planning Board is to provide a recommendation to the ZBA in regards to the request for relief for the road frontage requirements. The Board should consider additional information for site grading, site clearing, storage area size and use, waivers from buffer requirement, and water connection. MeetingHi tory: Discussion 11/15/1 , this is I"meeting since FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE Town?� of Queensbury 742 Bay Roar., Queenobury, NY 12804 ° F-t (rmP of Natural Beauty .., A Good PlacL, to Live " PLAN REVIEW DDJ Enterprises Nest drive P 26 - 2017 4/3/2017 The following comments are based on review of tate submitted plain: 1) FM has no site issues at this time. Fire Marshal Michael J Palmer Fire Marshal 518 761 8206 firemarshal@,queensbury.net Fi r e, A4 a r s h a Is 0 f f i c v - P JR o x e: 518-761-8206 ■ F 516-745-443 7 re���rrrs �r� i�uee7 sf�� ry. �e� 0 W70MAyeensbun Seaton Property HoWhgs Site Plan 27-2017 & Special Use Permit -2017 308 & 310 Corinth Road No Public Hearing Draft resolution — Planning Board recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Q uccasbury Planning Board Community Development Department Staff Notes April 18, 2017 Site Plan 27-2017 SEATON PROPERTY HOLDING Special Use Permit 7-2017 308 & 310 Corinth load 1 CLI— Commercial Light Industrial I Ward 4 SEQR Unlisted Material Review: Application, Plan sets 01-C6 and A-I to A-3, machinery detail, stormater report and stormwater pollution prevention plan, Parcel History: SP .7-2006 Self storage Bldgs., SP 65-2013 A-1 Treeworks, DISC 1-2.017: A 28-2017 Requested action Recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for relief requested relief requested from minimum lot size requirements for the firewood processing facility in the CLI zoning district were 100 ac is required. resolutions 1. Pluming Board recommendation Prolect Description Applicant proposes operation of a wood processing facility with a neve 15,000 sq. ft. enclosed pole barn for woad products and to install two 1,200 sq. ft. kiln units on the site. Project includes merger of lots 308.16-1-55, -56, -58 & 61. Project includes continued auto facility for C& J automotive and current use of expanded material storage area. Project includes maintaining 4 existing buildings on the merged properties, additional clearing, installation of a gravel parking area and material storage area(logs, woodchips etc.). Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-{}40 and 179-10-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, light manufacturing—wood products, logging company, and Special Use Permit for wood product facility shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief requested from minimum lot size requirements for the firewood processing facility in the CLI zoning district were 100 ac is required. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. tafr comments Location-The project location is at 308 and 310 Corinth Rd where there is ars existi-ag wood products activity occurring at 308 Corinth Rd. + Arrangement-The project area contains four parcels that are to be merged. The existing buildings on the site are two homes, a residential garage, an operating auto repair building and a future building to be constructed for equipment storage for -1 Tree arks. The new building is to be located on the current parcel 308.16-1-58. + Site Design- The existing buildings are to remain with no changes to access or associated area. The applicant has indicated the equipment storage building 5,000 sq ft is to be built in the future. The previous site plan included the clearing of property for storage of wood material. The applicant proposes to expand the log storage area--an approximate area should be included on the plans. Additional storage areas noted on the plants are a wood chip and vehicle storage pad area—note approximate area should be noted on the plans. « Building--the project is for a 15,.000 sq ft building. The plans show overhead doors on the east side of the building and on the north-side of the building. Signage-the applicant should olarify signage as there was no information provided on C 1. 0 Site conditions-The existing site has buildings and lawn area to the road side and the applicant has cleared additional area for the log storage where the current project includes more site clearing. The plans shows some vegetation to remain on the east border and north border about 30 ft. The west bard appears to be cleared to the property line. The applicant should provide a clearing plan to confirm the vegetative butler distance that is o remain. • Traffic, The applicant has indicated the site would accommodate 30 vehicle spaces—the plans do not delineate parking areas for the wood processing operation, the existing homes, and the existing auto repair. The plans should be updated showing parking. 4 Utility plan—the applicant has indicated the new building will be connect to a septic system—plans should be updated to show septic. • GTading and drainage plan and Sediment and erosion control- The applicant has submitted a stormwater report and a stormwater pollution prevention plan for engineering review and comment. The project includes site work of 4.82 ac and about 153, 202 sq ft of storage area, dtive ay, and building footprints. Landscape plan—no site landscaping is proposed. • Site lighting plan light poles area shown on Sheet C 1 and building lights on A2. Additional information on futures will need to be provided. • Elevations—Elevations show the building at 29 ft and the application indicates a 40 ft building —information should clarify height. + Floor plans—The floor plans show a 240+1- sq ft office area and 148 sq ft restroom area—the remainder of the building is an open floor plan. Pursuant to Section 179-9-050 the Plaianing. Board may grant waivers on its own initiative or at the vnitten request of an applicant. The applicant proposes no waivers. The board should clarify if landscaping will be requested. Special Use Permit Criteria: A special use permit is required as outlined in section 171-10-010 genera! criteria: Harmony with the Comprehensive Pian — The project is located in a commercia] light industrial zone where the applicant has provided supporting materials about the size and operations of the wood processing use. The new use is consistent with a lighting industrial use Compatibility —the projcct site is in a pvdomiiiately mixed use area associated with commerciai, health care, light industrial uses, and storage. Access, circulation and parking —the applicant proposes to maintain the existing access onto Corinth Rd, — parking for the uses should be clarified. The applicant has indicated employees pick up work trucks ftoin the project site for tree service. work. In addition, some employees will remain on site for the firewood processing. Infrastructure and services —the plans should show on-site septic and utility connections for electric/gas, water and coninttlnications. Environment and natural feattu-es —the applicant has indicated the, new project activities will oocui- internal and will not cause odor or noise. Long-term effects—the proposed project brings a new processing operation to the area. S12ecific Criteria W. S'a}vrrtills, chipping mills, and pallet wills. Sawmill, chipping or pallet ?W118 erre allowed on lots of at least 100 acres in size, (Defined as SAWMILL, CHIPPING and PALLET MILL -Any building, site or place used for the cutting or milling of raw timber into dimensional lumber, pallets, chips or other wood products.) • Lot size -required 100 ac proposed 9.54 Nature of Variance The applicant requests variance lot size requirements of a Iogging operations}processing wood where a 100 ac is required and the project area is 9.54 ac Summary Tht, Planning Board is to provide a recommendation to the ZBA in regards to the request for relief from area variance for the building and signage, The Board should consider additional information for storage areas of inaterials size, landscaping, utilities—septic, signage, and parking. Also to include as a condition parcel merger 308.16-1-55,56,38 &. 1, eetinIg Hi story, Discussion 1!17117, this is I"meeting since FIDE MARSHAL'S F.FI E TOU111 Of QtlCC 15bUt 'J 742 Bray Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 PLAN REVIEW -1 Treeworks 308 — 310 Corinth load P 27 - 2017 4/5/2017 The following comments are based on review of the submitted plan: 1) Site plan Drawing C2 does not indicate any driving surfaces or access for emergency vehicles to operate or egress from the site, in accordance with IFC Section 2803.6 Fire Marshal Michael J Palmer Fire Marshal 518 761 8206 ftrem arsha l(q)queensbu ry.nct pi?•e M n ?,s)� a I ' s Off i c g • P h a n e. 518-761-8206 • F ax: 516-745-4437 (Chr'M C e Site Plan -2017 @ 1067 State Route No Public Hearing Draft resolution — Planning Board recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals V. .. � Town of Queembury Planning Board Community Development Department Staff Notes April 18, 2017 Site Plan 25-2017 CHRIS CARTE 1067 State Route 9 1 Cl— Commercial Intensive I Ward SEQR Unlisted Material Review: application, site plan drawing, elevations, facade dctail, photo of existing; building Parcel History, several signs, interior alterations Requested Action Recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for relief requested for front setback. Resolutions 1. planning Board recommendation Protect Description Applicant proposes a new fagade on an existing 6,000 sq. ft. building for a new addition of 125 sq. it, and width of 24 inches. Project includes new parking arrangement. pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, reuse of existing retail building, nein parking and new facade shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for front setback, Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Staff Comments * Location-The project is located at 1067 Stake Route 9 adjacent to the existing Wood Carte stone. * Arrangement- The project involves the upgrade of an existing building exterior and to add additional parking to coincide with the adjacent property to the south. • Site Design-The project includes Utilizing the existing building and parking area. The applicant proposes additional 4 spaces with sidewalk access to the front door. * Building—The applicant proposes front facade alteration with a wood detail that is similar to appearance to the store on the Southside Wood Carte. The current fagade is a mix brick appearance and the new would be wood siding with new entry fagade face. The existing covered entry will be removed. The width of the new fagade is 24 inches, * Signage-There is a detail of the signage location but final tent has not been provided for the facacde. The building site has an existing free standing sign that may require a sign variance if the panel is to be changed. Traffic" The building is to be associated with the current operations of the Wood Carte furniture store for sales of furniture. The applicant proposes to utilize the existing rear parking area and appears that it would access the current Wood Cyte furniture access drive. * Site layout and utility plan—There is no changes in the utilities ; existing building is connected to Town sewer and water. Grading and drainage plan and Sediment and erosion control- There are no changes to the site * Landscape plan- The applicant proposes removal of existing lawn area at the front of the building for parking. No additional landscaping is proposed. Site lighting plan No changes to the existing site lighting is proposed; the board should request clarification if there is to be building lighting. * Elevations- The applicant has provided a sketch of the facade appearance from frontside and side view. Floor plans—The applicant has indicated the interior of the building will be set up for furniture sales similar to the neighboring bW lding. Pursuant to Section 179-9-050 the Planning Board may grant waivers on its own initiative or at the written request of an applicant. The application form identified as "Requirements" outlines the items to appear on the site plan or included as attachments. At the time of application the applicant bas either requested waivers, indicated the item not applicable or has not addressed the item/ left check box blank. This includes the follow items listed under Requirements of the applicant's application: g. site lighting, h. signage, j. stormater, k. topography, 1. landscaping, n traffic, o, commercial alterations/ construction details, p floor plans, q. soil logs, r. construction/demolition disposal s. snow removal. Nature of Variance The proposed new facade will be located 41.3 ft from the front property line where a 75 setback is required. Permeability is to be IS.3% where 30% is required and existing was 20.5%. Summary The planning board will provide a recommendation to the zba in regards to the variance request for a front setback and permeability, Meeting History_. First meeting FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFI CE Tonus of Queensbury 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 " Ho1p1e of Natural Beauty — A Good fllac, r to Live ' PLAN RE' 1E Chris Carte 1067 Route P 25 - 2017 3/27/2017 The following comments are based on review of the submitted plain: 1) FM has no site issues at this time. re mai ar Michael J Palmer Fire Marshal 5187618206 firemarsbal@qneensbury.net Fr r e MarS 11,2 1 's Off ice ■ Ph o r1 e: 518-761-8206 Fax, 5IS-745-43 7 �'rr.}r�rr�7•s��r�i�c�rree�asbrrr��� � �������t�.r�Gteerzsbr�r7f.rret James R. Gendening Site Plan -2017 @ 462 Ridge Road No Public Hearing Draft resolution — Planning Board recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals SA s Town of Queensbury Planuing Board Community Development Department Staff Notes April 18, 2017 Site Plan 29-2017 JAMES R. GLENDENING 462 Ridge Road /MDR—Moderate Density Residential / Ward SEAR Unlisted Tateilal Review: narrative, application, survey, site photos, elevations, site drawings C-Ito C-2 and A-1,A- 101, -401 Parcel History: SP 41-88 wlU '; DISC 4-2017; A27-2017 Requested Action Recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals for relief sought for travel corridor setbacks, Resolutions 1. Planning Board recommendation Proieet Description Applicant proposes construction of a 165 sq. ft. new entryway addition and a 465 sq. ft. new covered walkway for the entryway access. Project includes new signage, packing arrangement, landscaping, stormwater, clearing, and other site work. Pursuant to Chapter 179- 3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, new fk9ade and new entryway shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief is sought for travel corridor setbacks. Planning Board shall provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Staff Comments • Location-The project is located at 462 Ridge Ave near Beacon Hallow Way. • Arrangement- The existing building and site will be updated for improved access on the site and building. • Site Design- The project includes redevelopment of the existing site, parking area and building area. • Building—The new additions include 165 sq ft new entryway area and a 465 sq ft covered walkway. The renditions show the location of the walkway to the new parking mea • Signage-The plans show the free standing sign location and design. • Traffic-The plans show the existing site to have 17 parking spaces and the new parking arraignment will allow for 26 spaces. In addition, the plans show the existing drive area will remain and will connect to the new parking area. • Site utility plan—The existing power line is proposed to be buried. The site has an existing septic system— location should be shown on plans. • grading and drainage plan and Sediment and erosion control—The plans show the proposed stormwater features for landscaped swales, landscaped berm, infjltrationlretention areas, and edge drain locations • Landscape plan—The applicant proposes new landscaping and to retain some of the existing vegetation on the site. The Narrative includes a request for a 10 ft landscape buffer to the north of the property. During discussion the applicant had explained that the northern, neighbor is the same as the animal hospital. The pians show a line of shrubs to be planted in this area as pati of the project. The site also includes pedestrian walkway from the parking area. • Site lighting plan-Tbe plans show the existing pole lights at the front access drive, two new pole lights in the new parking area, and building lights to remain. o Elevations—The applicant has provided the elevation for the facade and new entryway covered walkway and door. + Floor plans- The Moor plans provided are for the new entryway area. Pursuant to Section 179- -050 the Planning Board may grant waivers on its own initiative or at the written request of an applicant. The application form identified as "Requirements" outlines the items to appear on the site plan or included as attachments. At the time of application the applicant has either requested waivers, indicated the item not applicable or has not addressed the item/ left check box blank. This includes the Follow items listed under Requimnents of the applicant's application: g. site lighting, h. signage, j. stonnwater, k. topography, 1. landscaping, n traffic, o. commercial alterations/construction details,p floor plans, q. soil logs, r. construction/demolition disposal s. snow removal. Nature of Variance The, new entryway to be constructed at the front of the building is to be located 63.9 ft from the front property line where a 75 ft setback is Sommary The Planning Board is to provide a reccimnendation to the ZBA in regards to the request for relief from the setback requirements of the MDR zone. Meeting HistM. Discussion 2J2V17 � 40 Carey Road, LLMC Site Plan -2017 @ 140 Carey Road Public Hearing Scheduled SEP II Draft resolution — grant/deny site plan approval ` I Town of Queensbury Planning Board orrununity Development Department Staff Noses April 18, 20 17 Site Plan 34-2017 140 CARRY ROAD, LLC 140 Carey Road 1 CLI — Commercial Light Industrial 1 Ward 4 SEAR Unlisted Material Revic : narrative, application, site plan drawings, stormwater pollution prevention plan Parcel History: SUB 6-1987, SUB 10-2010 (Mod,) Requested Action Planning Board review and approval to construct 15,375 sq. ft, building with 4,000 sq. ft. of office and sales and 11,375 sq. ft. maintenance area. Resolutions 1. SEAR 2. Planning Board decision Piroiect Description Applicant proposes to construct 15,375 sq. ft. building with 4,000 sq. A. of office and sales and 11,375 sq. ft. maintenance area. Project is for the sales and maintenance of snow grooming equipment facility. Project includes disturbance of 2.3 acres for clearing, building construction and other site work. Pursuant to Chapter 179-3-040 of the Zoning Ordinance new industrial uses in the C1 zone shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Staff Comments • Location- The project site is located at 140 Carey Rd,noted as lot 15 of the Northern Distributing subdivision. • Arrangement-The project occurs on a vacant 6.454 ac parcel in the Carey Industrial Park. The project includes construction of a new 15,375 sq ft building, parking area and associated site work. • Building--The building includes a 4,000 sq ft office and sales area • Signage-The plans show the location of the sign and the size. There is no sign design or text detail. • Traffic- The plans show 30 parking spaces with 9 of them located near the sales-office area as lined spaces. The remaining spaces are unmarked and allow for the applicant to have • Site layout and utility plan—The plans show electric, gas communication connections available for the project. The applicant received a septic variance from the Board of health to install a 3000 gallon sanitary sower holding tank, 43l017, • Grading and drainage plan and Sediment and erosion control —The applicant's plans indicate 2.3 ac of disturbance and a stormwater design for a 100 year storm has been provided. The stormwater pollution prevention plan and submission have been forwarded to the Town designated engineer for review and comment. • Landscape and lighting pIan—The plans show 7 pole lights at 20 ft and 8 wall mounted lights at 12 and 14 ft height. Landscaping includes a planter bed at the sign location then the front building plantings. + Elevations—The elevations shove the north side with lmrge access doors at the parts and maintenance. garage. The office area shows windows an access doors. There air, overhangs proposed at the access doors and associated concrete walkways. The building height max proposed is 25 ft, 0 Floor plans —The office area includes sections for office and a show room area. The maintenance arca includes repair shop, parts . welding and a storage area. Pursuant to Section 179-9-054 the Planning Board may grant waivers on its own initiative or at the written request of au applicant. The applicant has not requested any waivers for the project. summary The applicant has completed a site plain application for the development of a vacant lot with a 15,375 sq ft building to include an office area with a showroom and the remainder of the building for maintenance and repair of snow machines. Meetin2 I1i*M, First meeting FIRE -MARSHAL'S OFFICE Tort+I1 of QucenSbUry 742 Bay Road, Queensbuny NY 12804 " Howe of Nrrtura• 8vrri� fy — A GOOd F' hTCV ria PLAN REVIEW 140 Carey Road LLC 140 Carey Road P 34 - 2017 3/2712017 The following comments are based on review of the submitted plan: 1) FA4 has no site issues at this time. Fire Marshal Michael J Palmer Fire Marshal 518 761 8206 irtremarshal@queensbury.net Fire Mr? rshrrI 's Office - Phone: 518-761-8206 - Fax, SIS-745-4-437 Luxeme Hddngs Site Plan ( Modification) 5-2017 @ West Drive Luzerne Road Public Hearing Scheduled SEAR II Draft resolution — grant/deny site plan approval . ee loth a 00 No Town of Queensbury Planning Board Community Development Department Staff dotes April 18, 2017 Site Plan 35-2017 (Mod.) LUZER E HOLDINGS West Drive& Luzerne Road/CLI— Commercial Light Industrial 1 Ward 4 SEQR Unlisted Mzu-sial Review; application, site plan drawings Parcel History. SP PZ 93-2016 Reauested Action Planning Board review and approval of a site plan modification to include an easement area that is to be used as an access road to northern lot 302.12-1-7.12. Resolutions 1. SEQR—reaffirm SP PZ 3-2016 _ Planning Board decision Project Description Applicant proposes a site plan modification to include an easement area that is to be used as an access road to northern lot 302.12-1-7.12. Putsuant to Chapter 179 of the Zoning Girdinancc modifications to existing approved site plans shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. Staff Comments The Project under Site Plan PZ 93-2016 remains the same where the applicant proposes a new 4,$00 sq, ft. cold storage building on a 6.46 acre parcel with access from.Fest Drive. The existing storage facility is to remain on site with no changes. The project now includes the right of ay easement so the northern pzoperty can have an access from Luzerne Rd to the property. The adjoining property proposes an 5,000 sq ft building for vehicle storage and exterior storage area for contractors }yard and business. • Site plan overall—The applicant proposes the,construction of a cold storage building for equipment storage_ • Site layout and utility plan -The building is to be 4,800 sq ft with 4 bays. The access to the building will be from West Drive. The project site had labeled an area easement right of way 40 ft wide—the modification now includes the 4,868 sq ft of drive access to the parcel to the north as part of the project data. « Grading and drainage plan The project will utilize the existing stormwater retention area for bath the existing storage buildings, the proposed building and site work Sedimem and erosion control—silt fencing will be installed along the area of the existing storm ater retention area and a construction entrance is to be installed on West Dr. Included in the files for Site flan PZ 93-2116_ • Landscape plan —the applicant proposes limited cutting areas to be around the bui lding parking and septic area—with no new landscaping to be installed. The modification includes clearing in the area of the easement access drive. + Site lighting plan—the applicant proposes wall mounted lighting fixtures at the access doors and loading areas. Included in the files for Site Plan PZ 93-2016. 0 ,Signage —no new signage is proposed • Elevations-The applicant has provided a photo showing a sample building included in the files for Site Plan PZ 93-201 Floor plans —the floor plans show an open bay area, and sectioned areas for a bathroom, storage and tool room. Included in the files for Site Plan PZ 93-2016. The applicant has requested waivers for the following items g. site lighting, h. signage, 1. landscaping, n traffic, r. constructionldemolition disposal. Included in the files for Site Plan PZ 93-2016. Summary The applicant has completed a site plan modification for the use of a 4,868 sq ft right of way access easement that crosses onto this property and extends to a property on the west side and north side. Meeting IIistol Mods kation of SP PZ 93-2016--4/28116 O'Reilly Auto Enterprises, LLC Discussion item -2017 @ 682 Glen Street No Public Hearing Scheduled err Town of Queensbury Pianning Board Community Development Department Staff Notes April 18, 2017 DISC. -2017 'REE.LY AUTO ENTERPRISES#LLC 682 Glen Street 1 CI - Commercial Intensive /Ward SEAR nfa Material Review: narrative and site drawing Parcel History: Several sign permits, several comm. restaurant alteration permits as Friendly's and as Fit Food Fast Pro iect Description Planning Board discussion of a proposal to demolish existing restaurant and construction of a new +1- 7,500 sq. ft. auto parts retail store. pursuant to Chapter 174- 9-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, applicant may submit information for Planning Board discussion Staff Comments 179-3-040 Establishment of District --Commercial Intensive Cf). The Cl Districts comprise that area of Queensbury that already has intense commercial development. The purpose of this district is to provide for continuing infill development of this type, while encouraging the overall improvement and appearance of these areas. —The project is a teardown rebuild of an existing 0.73ac site that is a corner lot of Upper Glen St and Glendale kd. 179-7-050 Design Standards Route 9 South District: applies to the commercially zoned lands from Sweet load to the{ ens Falls City lime. It is an area of very intensive commercial development with shopping centers surrounded by acres of parking lots. Currently the Route 9 South corridor is characterized by an overabundance of asphalt, smaller shopping plazas, with one row of front parking, and large stores with poorly landscaped parking lots, variable setbacks, limited plantings and no continuity. To help offset traffic congestion, minimal curb cuts and shared drives are encouraged.—The existing curbcuts are to remain whore there is a full access on Route 9 and on Glendale it is an open curbut or non-defined curb access.-The board may have further discussions so this is a defined curbeut on Glendale. Primary shop entrances will be lcoated on the street frontage. —The plan view indicates there is a front entrance on the building facing Route 9. Most of the parking will be accommodated in the front along the building face and landscape strips. The plans show additional landscaping at the front of the property and it should be noted the Right-of-way arca is large in this area. Parking is shown in the front of the building and rear of the building separately —no connection to the front and rear parking. Parking provided primarily in the front with minimal curb cuts reduces street congestion, provides convenient vehicle storage, and promotes a pedestrian-friendly corridor on route 9. The plans show curbcuts to remain the same, existing sidewalk areas to stay the same-no sidewalk path to building shown, plan shows a 'bike rack on the norib side of the building. Locating truck routes, loading docks and employee parking in the rear while providing two rows of angled parking in the front allows maximum use of existing space. The plans show a delivery area at the rear of the building. Parking is not shown as angled parking Signage clutter needs to be addressed here. The plans show a new sign location Summary Pursuant to Chapter 179- 9- 040 of the Zoning Ordinance, applicant may present a sketch to receive comments and feedback from the Planning Board. The board may wish to discuss site landscaping, parking location, and stormwater. Meeting History: Initial discussion FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE Tortyn of Queensbury 742 Bray Road, Queensbury, NY 72804 " Holpic of Nottiral Beajofy ... A Good Place to Live " PLAN REVIEW O'Reilly Auto Parts Glen Street P 5 - 2017 4!312017 The following comments are based on review of tete submitted plan: 1) FM has no site issues at this time. Fire Marshal Michael J Palmer Fire Marshal 518 761 8206 firemarshal aqueensbury.net Fire erslinj 's Office - Pfi:olde: 578-7614206 ■ Fax: 518-745-4437 Aviation Hospitality, LLC Discussion Item -2017 @ 524 Aviation Road No Public Hearing Scheduled Town of Queensbu7 Planning Board 1 Community Development Department Staff Notes April 18, 2017 DISC. -2017 AVIATION HOSPITALITY, LLC 524 Aviation load / ESC—Enclosed Shopping Center 1 Ward SE nla Material Review: narrative and site drawing Parcel History: Demolition permits for former Howard Joluison Buildings 2002, 2005 & 2010 Project Description Planning Board discussion of a proposal for construction of a new fl- 15,665 sq. ft. (footprint), 4 story, 92 room hotel. Pursuant to Chapter 179- 9-040 of the Zoning Ordinance, applicant may submit information for Planning Board discussion. Staff Comments 179-3-040 Establishment of Districts inclosed shopping venter. The intent of this district is to ensure that shopping center development, as well as compatible commercial infill development,provides safe access points, coherent and safe traffic patterns, efficient loading and unloading, aesthetically pleasing shopping environments and safe pedestrian circulation. The project site area zoning was recently changed to allow lodging uses in the encosed shopping center. The project will involve an interconnect to the existing pyramid mall property and access sharing with the Ambrosia Diner. The interconnect and the access will be onto Aviation Rd. The applicant has already indicated the special use permit is require for the project as well as area variance for setbacks. Summary Pursuant to Chapter 179- 9- 040 of the Zoning Ordinance, applicant may present a sketch to receive comments and feedback from the Planning Board. The board may wish to discuss site landscaping, parking location, and stDrmwater. Mie ting History: Initial discussion FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE Touln of Queensbunj 742 Bay Road, Queensbary, NY 12804 " Nouse of Natural Seas iy— A Good Place to Lure " PLAN REVIE Aviation Hospitality 524 Aviation Road P 6 - 2017 413/2017 The following comments are based on review of the submitted plan: 1) FM has no site issues at this time. Fire Marshal Michael J Palmer Fire Marshal 518 761 8206 r[r�manhitl@queensbury.net .net Fire M a ?.-s jr rr 1 's Office ■ P h o g� 528-761-8206 - F irx: 518-745-4437 F�x����r[rs�rr�d �r[���rsb[tly,atet 7�a7ta7!#,r��rE'E'�2Sbrr��.����