1975-04-29 SP 832 J. David Little-Town Counsel Meeting Opened-4:00 P.M. Salute to the Flag. RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER FUNDS FROM GENERA'I; TOWN FUND TO HIGHWAY ACCOUNT RESOLUTION NO. 103 Introduced by Mr. Harold Robillard who moved its adoption, secon a by Mr. Daniel Olson: WHEREAS , additional monies are needed to meet current expenses in the Highway Account and highway funds will not be available until May 7, 1975 therefore be it � - RESOLVED that $12,000 be transferred from the General Fund to the Highway Fund to be repaid May 7, 1975. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Noes : None Absent: Mr. Barber On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully, Donald A." Chase Town Clerk SPECIAL MEETING APRIL 29, 1975 MEMBERS PRESENT: Gordon Streeter-Supervisor Daniel Olson-Councilman Robert Barber-.Councilman-Absent Harold Robillard-Councilman --+ Hammond Robertson-Councilman J. David Little-Town Counsel LAKE GEORGE TOWN BOARD Robert Flacke-Supervisor Richard C. Fish-Deputy Supervisor Dennis Galloway-Councilman William Millington-Town Counsel Caryl Clark-Town Clerk GUESTS : Mr. Charles Troiab]W, League of Women Voters -.. COUNTY OFFICIALS : Thomas Murphy PRESS: Lee Coleman, Norman Mjaatvedt, JudyrCollins Meeting Opened: 7 :34 P.M. Salute to the Flag. Supervisor Streeter welcomed the visiting Town Board from Lake George. . . RESOLUTION TO APPOINT CHAIRMAN OF JOINT TOWN BOARD MEETING 833 RESOLUTION NO. 104 Introduced by Mr. Robert Flacke who moved for its adoption, secon a by Mr. Harold Robillard: WHEREAS A jdIdt meeting between the Town Boards of Lake George and Queensbury is being held to discuss annexation of land to the Town of Lake George, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that Gordon S. Streeter be and hereby is named Chairman of this meeting. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes : Mr. Olson, Mr. Robillard, Mr. Robertson, Mr. Streeter Mr. Flacke,. Mr. Galloway, ' Mr. Fish Noes : None Absent : Mr. Barber, Mr. David S. Malcolm, Mr. Richard A. Willmen Notice of. Publi.c Hearing was shown. . . Supervisor Streeter turned the meeting over to Mr. Flacke to explain the{annexation. . . Supervisor Flacke; Referring to the Tax map, Supervisor Flacke noted that the subject property is in the Town of Queensbury but has always been taxed by the Town of Lake George, and all services have been from the Town of Lake George. There are 481 acres that appear to be in Queensbury but serviced by Lake George according to the Warren Co. Tax Map. Seven families in this area have petitioned to be placed in Lake George. . .The subject area is in the Lake George School System and Lake George Fire Protection area. . . Supervisor Streeter: Negotiations have been going on for some time, former Supervisor John Austin started the negotiations and before leaving his position expressed the hope that this problem could be consumated. . . �- J. David Little- Has there been any objections filed with either Clerk? L Deputy Town Clerk Miss Dougher- No objections have been filed in our office. Lake George Town Clerk Mrs. Clark- I have received two phone chIls both in favor of the annexation. . . Supervisor Streeter-Opened the meeting to the public. . .no one spoke A list of Assessments of parcels being annexed were presented to both Town Clerks to be placed on file. . . The Hearing was closed at 7:45 P.M. Supervisor Streeter noted that all legal fees ect. will be paid for by the Town of Lake George for the annexation. . . William Millington-Town Counsel for Lake George-I will prepare a resolution and turn it over for your attorney' s approval and we shall have it ready to be acted on at the May 13th meeting. . . Supervisor Streeter: asked by Attorney J. David Little-Town Counsel- findings in regard to the possible action for injunction against the City of Glens Falls Landfill. . . j Town Counsel-B. David Little-At this time I have nothing concrete to submit to° the Town by way of a statement. During the past week I did obtain a great deal of information on it but I aw Bot now in a position to give any conclusions or answers or recommendations to the Town Board. I would ask to have a short period of time to permit me to come in with a good sound legal opinion rather anon a casual answer. Supervisor Streeter: I have been in contact with the agencies that were requested by the Town Board and I have some answers back but the Depart- ment of Environmental Conservation is not at this time ready. . . the information from DEC will be ready for the May 13th meeting. . . COUNCILMAN ROBILRD: Noted he was in complete argeement with the Town Attorney to await his complete opinion on the landfill matter. . . It seems like the City Counsel last Wednesday evening following the executive meeting, sort of took me to task. They made me the ogre of the Town Board as far as relations go with the city. This could be further from the truth, I thought I made myself very, very clear that evening that the incid8t.t in which the papers, debris blew from the landfill only focused attention to the problem that we have on Luzerne Road, which I say is very very severe. They have taken everthing I said out of contex I believe and they make me out like I have forgo#bn more than I ever knew. " It is not a single incident we have had many many problems on the Luzerne Road formerly Sherman Avenue the whole complexion of the landf-ill has changed many years ago the landfill was on Sherman Avenue and now it hae grown so it is over on Luzerne Road and Sherman Avenue does not get the debris that it had 20 years ago. If they felt that I hadediatrod against the city and they were shocked, well I was angered and I an very very upset about the situation. I feel that they have left a scar on the Town of Queensbury that can never be buried. The term Lanfill means according to Webster's dictionary a system of trash and garbage disposal in which the waste is buried between layers of earth to build up low lying lands also catled .a sanitary landfill. I know the' land they purchased) 25 acres from Ricciardelli� the front ten acres are perfectly flat and there is a small gully about half-way between Sherman Avenue 'and Luzerne Road which was created 90% by the City of Glens Falls who took the fill and put it on the present landfill there is no way on this earth that we can reclaim this land for proper use if we continue to let that mountain clift,. They also bought this property to expand this landfill this is their business but I think in good common prective if you buy something you know what you ,can do with it before you buy it. I cannot get involved with why they bought the land if there is some constructive approach to this problem to solve it I would be more than happy to sit down with the city, but as far as I am concerned the only way this .problem can be licked is if the landfill ' is csed and that land is leveled. What really upset me is after this statemeri was issued out in executive session the Mayor went on the radio and said that and I think he was referring to me, like a bunch of spoiled children, I am not a child and I am up here to represent the pe&pie of the Town of Queensbury I have rel4tives, my mother . . lives in the City of Glend Falls and I have an obligation to the Town of Queensbury and its taxpayers and that is what I am trying to carry out. I do not want to have any relations with the City of Glens Falls severed as many avenues that we can cooperate in water, recreation, sewer but this landfill problem is one that we have to " lick and if we have to go to the courts to do it then this is where I want to go. Thank you. Mr. Streeter indicated that he did not think that a motion was needed to table this subject. Mr. Streeter indicated that he did kacei e'-Ane heMail this week the official designation that we are a Bicentennial Community. There will be suit able ceremonies at a time to be announced in the near future. Mr. Flacke stated that he had enjoyed being here this evening and the cooper- ation that has existed between the boards in several fields. Councilman Galloway- noted the joint sewer project . . the twonTowns have realized a common problem and are jointly trying tb solve it. Supervisor Streeter: noted his concern over the rev=anue Sharing funds. . . the City received a considerable ,increase in comparison with the Town of Queensbury. . . PUBLIC FORUM: Mr. Charles Troimblgy-48 Luzerne Road-presented the Town Board with a folder filled with papers that blew over from the City Landfill onto his, property-noting that this is a common occurance. . . Countyy Supervisor-Thomas Murphy-Noted with pleasure the Town Boards of Lake George and Queensbury working together. . . Councilman Galloway-extended an invitation to the Town Bard members to come to their, open house when they open their new offices early in September. . . On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Donald A. Chase, Town Clerk