46248 - POIRIER - ISLAND VIEW DR RIVERSIDE DR SUBDIVISION - FINAL APP. r Final Stage Revised April 2010 POIRIER - 4 LOT SUBDIVISION Subdivision Review Application Final Stage REVIEW PROCESS: 1) Required Pre-submission meeting with staff to determine general completeness to be held no later than 1 week l2rior to deadline ft Call (518) 761-8220 for an appointment 2) Submittal of complete application: 1 original and 14 copies of the application package by monthly deadline. 3) Determination of application completeness. All necessary information must be provided and appropriate fee(s) paid for consideration for placement on an agenda for that month. 4) Incomplete applications will not be considered for placement on any agenda until all missing information has been submitted. 5) Planning Board meeting, generally the third & fourth Tuesday of each month. You will be advised in writing as to which meeting to attend. 6) Following the meeting you will be provided with a copy of the resolution stating the Board's decision on your application. If your application was denied your project cannot proceed as submitted. 13u001�I ENTATION REQUIREMENTS: 1) Please submit 1 original & 14 co ides of the completed application package to include: Cora leted A lication: pages 1-5 completed, signed & dated Pre-Submis;sioni Meeting Notes: signed by staff Copy of Deed: 1 Survev Fee: $100 + $50 per lot ZONING STAFF& CONTACT INFORMATION: • Craig Brown, Zoning Administrator crai b- ueensbur .net • Keith Oborne, Land Use Planner keitho ueensbur .net • Pam Whiting, Office Specialist 518-761-8220 pqmwD ueensbur .net Visit our website at www.gUeensbury.net for further information and forms Town of Queensbury Planning Office- 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804 • 518-761-8220 0 Final Stage Revised April 2010 General Information Tax Parcel ID Number: -409. 4-1 -4e Zoning District: WR Application Stage check one Sketch Plan Stage Preliminary Stage Final Stage ✓ Indicate the following: Number of lots proposed 4 Residential or Commercial R Total Lot acreage 18.5 ACRES Proposed lot sizes 2 .1,2.1,4.9 & 9.4 Project location WEST OF RIVERSIDE DR. Detailed Description of Project [include current& proposed use]: CONSTRUCT A 4 LOT SUBDIVISI_ON WTTH ACCESS TO 3 TOTS FROM A PRIMATE DRIVE OFF OF TRT,ANn VTRW nR ANTI l LOT FROM RIVERSIDF DR Applicant Name: PAUL POIRIER Address: 2635 RUE SANDMORE QUEBEC, CANADA JZT2B1 Home Phone 450-458-8035 Cell: 518-244-9774 Work Phone Fax E-Mail: PPOIR@CAE.COM Agent's Name: NACE ENGINEERING Address: 169 HAVILAND ROAD QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 Home Phone Cell: 518-796-2515 Work Phone Fax 518-745-4400 518-792-8511 E-mail TCENTER36@YAHOO.COM i Owner's Name Address Home Phone Cell Work Phone Fax E-mail Town of Queensbury Planning Office- 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804 • 518-761-8220 1 ITEMS TO BE IDENTIFIED BY STAFF DURING PRE-SUBMISSION MEETING Final Stage Revised April 2010 You should use this page for guidance when drafting your application; however, it will be completed by a staff member. Submittal of a preliminary plat depicting existing and proposed conditions shall include the items as noted below. Failure to include all required information may result in a determination of incompleteness and a delay in the processing of your application. § A183-16. Plat details and requirements. The applicant is required to submit one (1) original and fourteen (14) copies of the final plat application. Such application shall include the following documents and/or information: A. FINAL PLAT. The final plat shall be laid out by a licensed professional engineer with a properly executed New York State Education Department Exemption N or a licensed land surveyor. Such final plat shall be prepared at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet zero inches, clearly showing: (1) The bearing and length of all straight lines and the radii, lengths and central angles of all curves along all i property and street lines. (2) The area of each lot in square feet or in acres, if such lot is larger than one acre. l (3) The connection by proper measurement between street center lines where such streets are not straight across an intersecting street, both within the subdivision and where opposite existing streets or subdivisions. P (4) A systema of monuments to be located at all corners of intersections and angle points. (5) The building setback lines for each lot. f(6) Fire and school district boundaries within the subdivision area. (7) Existing zoning, with the location of any district boundaries within 200 feet of the property to be subdivided. /(8) The boundaries of the property, the lines of proposed lots, streets and parks, and the lines of all adjoining streets, their names and exact survey locations. �(9) The names of all subdivisions immediately adjacent and opposite or, if not subdivided, the names of the owners of record of adjacent and opposite property. (10) A statement that the plan is in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Zoning Law. (11) A statement reading as follows: "Approved under authority of a resolution adopted _, by the Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury, New York. ......-......_................... Chairman." 2) A title block, showing the name of the subdivision, the owner, the scale, the date and North point. (13) A certificate of the licensed) engineer and/or land surveyor making such plan to the effect that the plan is correct and made from an actual survey,; the license number and seal of the engineer and sand .surveyor shall be affixed to the drawing. B. ENDORSEMENT OF STATE AND COUNTY AGENCIES. Evidence shall be supplied that any proposed water supply and sewage disposal facillties associated with the subdivision plat requiring approval by the Department of Environmental Conservation and'/or New York State Department of Health have received at NA least preliminary approval(s) of such facilities and that any special district extensions required have been authorized by the Queensbury Town Board. Any proposed water supply and sewage disposal facility shall meet the Town of Queensbury design and construction standards for such facility. Editor's Note: See Ch. 136, Sewers and Sewage Disposal, and Ch. 173, Water. The plat shall not be stamped approved until all state-or county- required approvals for each lot of the subdivision have been received in writing by the Planning Board. Town of Queensbury Planning Office- 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804 • 518-761-8220 2 Final Stage Revised April 2010 C. OTHER PLANS AND REPORTS. Other plans and reports shall be submitted as follows: (1) A planting plan illustrating species and location of proposed tree planting. (2) A tree clearing plan illustrating areas and methods of protection of existing trees to remain. (3) An erosion control plan illustrating methods and location of erosion control devices and schedule of maintenance of such devices and other actions to reduce erosion. (4) A st;ormwater management plan and a pollution prevention plan consistent with the requirements of Town tC n of Queensbury Stormwater Management Local Law, and with the terms of preliminary plat approval. 4 5) Construction plans showing grading and other site improvements and details of those site improvements. D. If the subdivision is to include any PROTECTED OPEN SPACE, all appropriate easements, deed covenants, conditions and restrictions approved by the Planning Board and/or the Town Attorney related to such protected lands. HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION OR CONDOMINIUM AGREEMENTS. If the subdivision is to be managed by a homeowners' association or condominium, copies of their regulations and agreements, indicating any ,astrictions required by the Planning Board, shall be submitted. If the subdivision is to be sold fee simple, copies of deeds indicating any restrictions required by the Planning Board shall be submitted. (4\0- F. STREETS, RECREATION LAND OR OPEN SPACE. (1) The plat shall be endorsed with the necessary agreements in connection with required easements or releases. Offers of dedication to the Town shall be presented prior to plat approval. Formal offers of dedication to the Town of all streets and parks, not marked on the plat with notation to the effect that such dedication will not be offered, shall be filed with the Planning Board prior to plat approval. If the owner of the land or his agent who files the plat does not add as part of the plat a notation to the effect that no offer of dedication of such streets, highways or parks, or any of them, is made to the public, the filing of the plat in the office of the County Clerk or register shall constitute a continuing offer of dedication of the streets, highways or parks, or any of them, to the public, and said offer of dedication may be accepted by the Town Board at any time prior to revocation of said offer by the owner of the land or his agent. (2) The approval by the Planning Board of a subdivision plat shall not be deemed to constitute or imply the acceptance by the Town of any street, park, playground or other open space shown on said plat. The Planning Board may require said plat to be endorsed with appropriate notes to this effect. If the Town Board determines that a suitable park or parks of adequate size cannot be properly located in any such plat or is otherwise not practical, the Board may require, as a condition to approval of any such plat, a payment to the Town of a sum to be determined by the Town, which sum shall constitute a trust fund to be used by the Town Board exclusively for neighborhood park, playground or recreation purposes, including the acquisition of property. The Planning Board may require the filing of a written agreement between the applicant and the Town Board covering future title, dedication and provision for the cost of grading, development, equipment and maintenance of any park or playground area. G. FEES. (1) The application for final plat approval shall be accompanied by a fee as established by the Town Board by resolution and as listed on the correct schedule of fees for the Town of Queensbury posted in the Planning Office. (2) In addition to the fee listed on the schedule of fees, the Planning Board may charge a fee to developers of projects requiring legal and technical review, provided that the fee charged reflects the actual cost of the legal and technical assistance to the Planning Board. Town of Queensbury Planning Office- 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804 • 518-761-8220 3 Final Stage Revised April 2010 Pre-Submission n Co of rernce Form 1. Tax Map ID 6 2. Zoning Classification R 3. Reason for Review: 4. Ordinance Section#: 5. Pre-Submission Meeting Notes; y " 1. Deed Yes No 2. General Information Yes No 3. Final Plat Details & Requirements Yes No 4. Final PlatYes No 5. Endorsement of State & County Agencies Yes No 6. Other Plans & Reports l o44, 6 - Yes No 7. Protected Open space documents Yes No 8. Homeowners Assoc. or Condominium Agreements �Y�s -'✓NoeQSH� 9. Streets, Recreation Landor Open Space Xl 11Yes No C, 10. Fees es o 11. Signature Page es o M x CL " .., Pb P ` � W _ Staff Representative; jeco C� Applicant/Agent: Date: Town of Queensbury Planning Office- 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804 • 518-761-8220 4 Sketch Plan Revised April 2610 Signature Page This page includes: 1.) Authorization to Act as Agent Form: 2.) Engineering Fee Disclosure; 3.) Authorization for Site Visits; 4.) Other Permit Responsibilities; 5.) Official Meeting Disclosure and 6.) Agreement to provide documentation required. OWNER'S AGENT FORM: Complete the following if the OWNER of the property is not the same as the applicant Owner: PAUL PCIRIER Designates: E3-P.S.R- ATTORNEY; NACE ENGINEERING; VAN DUSEN & STEVES As agent regarding: Variance Site Plan-0—Subdivision For Tax Map No.: 309.14 Section - I -.,,-Block - 4 6 -Lot Deed Reference: ............. -Book Page ­­­­­....., Date OWNER SIGN�TLIR�': DATE: APPLICANT'S AGENT FORM: Complete the following if the APPLICANT is unable to attend the meeting or wishes to be represented by another party: Owner: PAUL POIRIER Designates: B.P.S.R. ATTORNEY; NAGE ENGINEERING; VAN DUSEN & STEVES -1............. As agent regarding, Fv(1 Variance Site Plan V Subdivision For Tax Map No.. 309.14 Section I Block 46 Lot Deed Reference: `_��....... Book Page —....—Date OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE: I) ENGINE gRJNQ FEE DISCLOSUR Applications may be referred to the Town consulting engineer for review of septic design, storm drainage, etc. as determined by the Zoning or Planning Department. Fees for engineering review services will'be charged directly to the applicant. Fees for engineering review will not exceed$ 1,000 without notification to the applicant. 3.1 AUTHORIZATION EOR SITE V12LS. By signing this page and submitting the application materials attached herein, the Owner, Applicant, and his/her/their agent(s) hereby authorize the Zoning Board or Planning Board and Town Staff to enter the subject properties for the purpose of reviewing the application submitted. 4.) _0THKR PERMIT RESPONSIBILITIES, Other permits may be required for construction or alteration activity subsequent to approval by the Zoning Board or Planning Board. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain any additional permits. .L_QFFICIAt. MEETING MINUTES DISCLOSURE: It is the practice of the Community Development Department to have a designated stenographer tape record the proceedings of meetings resulting from application, and minutes transcribed from those tapes constitutes the official record of all proceedings. 6) AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE DOCU NTATLON REQQLRED: 1, the undersigned, have thoroughly read and understand the instructions for submission and agree to the submission requirements, I acknowledge no construction activities shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit. I certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement(descripfion of the existing conditions and the work proposed, and that all work will be performed in accordance with the approved plans and in conformance with local zoning regulations. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed, I or my agents, will obtain a certificate of occupancy as necessary. I also understand that I/we may be required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy haye read and agree to the above. ,Signature [Applicant] Print Name [Applicant] Date signed THOMAS CENTER Signature [Agent] Print Name [Agent] Dte signed Town of Queensbury Planning Office, 742 Bay Road - Queensbury, NY 12804 - 518-761-8220