Durlacher Site Plan Application TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Site Plan-Review Applicat n Review Process I. Required Pre-submission meeting with staff to determine general eornplu teness_tobj veld no 1 tell Il wire dour to d 41ine d e Call (518)'763-8265 oT( 1 )I rl- 2 tt for an appointment. Submittal of complete applleation. 1 original and 14 copies of the application package by monthly deadline. . Determination of application cQunpleteness. All necessary information must be provided and appropriate 1 ( ) paid for consideration for placement on.ars agenda,for that month. 4, Incomi2lete M uplicateons will not be c2asidered for,plaement 2M anLpmda u ntia allMWIngiaformon has been hmitte�d. . Su4mittal to Warren County Planning,if applleable. 6. Planning board meeting,,generally the third &fourth 'Tuesday of''eaelw month. You will be advised in writing as to which meeting to attend. 7x Following the meeting your will be provided with a copy of the resolution stating the Board's decision on your application. if yourapplication was approved, the next likely step is a Building Permit,. Final drawings must be provided for the next phase of review. if°;youur application was denied,your profi t cannot proceed as submitted, DOCUM '1"�T. T ION REQUIREMENTSIhard X & electronic Please submit I pricinal& 14 copies of the completed application package to include. 'orn fetedlinea ' n es - , signed & dated 0 r"ubmrn Zion beet' . z Notes. signed. staff' 0of; ee �"oit�rwr + hesm&Plot Plan rMvironmental Assessmet Form for any non-residential project , y- yy 10 0— 10, 0 std. ft.), $250(10,001 —30, sq. f .); 5500 .,001 -100,000 sq. ft,); 1,00 Staff& COntact Iftf6rma'ti n Craig.Brown, Zoning Administrator Laura Moore, ',Land Use Planner Sunny Svveet, Office Specialist—Planninga l 'i 13- � 1- 0 ' ���. Visit our website at et for further information and forms Site Plan Review application—Revised October 2016 Town Of Queensbury Planning Office-742 day Road,Queensbury,laid" 12804 -518-761-8220 General Inform,RtIon Tax Parcel ID: Zoning, Di trill: Lot size, Current Use: Proposed Use: Project Location: Addruwss: , i � Home Phone, call'. Work Phone Fax 723 j� It E-Mail: ,Agenfs Name: Address" Hornie Phone Celt Work Phone Fax E-mail 17 Roane Phony � Cell Work Phone Fax Sft Plan Review Revised October 2016 Town of Queens,bury Planning ffi � 74,2 Bay Road Queensbuury, NY 112804.518-761-8 o 2 Area I Type Existing sq. ft Proposed Total sq., ft, Addition,m s , ft, A. Building footprint �� ,O i B., Detached Garage ON C. Accessory tractur ,(s ro D- Paved, gravel or other haird surfaced area E. Parches I Decks F., Other , Total Non-Pe rmiea bile j, dd -F] H. Parcel Area [43,560,sq�ft, f acre L Pere ritaga of Impermeable Area of Site [1=1GMj Le ii r ' Area ReWked Existing Proposed Front 11 Front[211 hor lar Side Yard (i� w Side Yard'_Q ] i Rear' acrd' [11 Pear"hard [ ]I ! Teal Gorridor P r aa�billit o, of Parking spaces � r. Site Plan Reviiew Reprised Cdober 2016 Town of Queensbuiry P'ilanniing,Office-742 Bay Road-0 ue nisbury,NY 112804-518-761-8220 3 ,Additional Proiect Information 1 Will the proposal require,a Septic Varia nice from thie To" 8 Oard of Hea llth'� 2m ff the pa ricell ha is previous approvals, I i:st app I lbation niumiber(s):- 3. Does this project require coverage under the Ne�w York Staite Pollutant Discharge Elimination[ System (SPDES) Permit Program? ..... 4, Estimatedprojest cluratiom $tprtoate End Data 5. E stimiated total cost of proj ec�t.O�ntobb, 6, Total area of lead d'isturbance for project, Floor Area Ratio Worksheet FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) --The reWiori of buffding sizeto lot size, derived by dividing the total building floor area by the lot size in square feet, y�ieliding a percentage. Zoning, DistriO Symbol Floor, Ratio[FAR] Waterfront Residential WR 0.22 L C o mimercia I Moderate I Com miercia I I Me insive CKtD ' — 10.3 A. The combined area of all square fbotage, as, measure from exterior walls of all structures on the property,,including all floors of the strAictures, garages., basements and attics with more than five (51), feet of ceil'ingi height and covered poor hes,. Building square foctage does not include: Open, deck, docks and' that portion of covered doirks extending oyer water, and ofle storage shed of one hundred J�Wernty (120) square feet or less,. Any additional sheds will be included. (Seye"FLOORAREA RATIOIT B. Commercial' or industrial: the total area in square feet as measured from the exterior of the outside wall$ of a, building or structure, and when appfluablel, the sum,total of all floor areas of the principal and accessorybuflIdings or structuires on the projectsite. A. Parcel urea6 4.0� ft,. 9. Existing Ploor Area, J,3 _- sq.ft. (see definition above) C., Proposed Additional Floor Area ............ D, Proposed Total Floor Area E. Total Allowable Floor Area (Area x_) (see aloe table) If D is larger than E, a variance or revisions, to, your plan may be needed. Please oonsult lstaff. SRe Plan Rev L-w Revised October 2016 Town of Queensbury Planning Office,742 Bay Road 4,ueensbuiry', ANY 12,804-51a-:761-82201 4 § 179-9-080,Require rnents fot-Site Plan AV]2mval. The Planning, and shall clot approve a Site Plan unless it first determines that such site plan meets, the following Standards, :please prepare responses to each of the Folin ing topics; STANDA.Rbs A The proposed project furthers oris consistent with the po I[cies o r lbe To wn"s Comprehensive PUT" B, The proposed"project comphes with,all other requirernents athis Chapter.including the site plan review standards as set forth in Paragraph F of this section,the dinlensional,bulk and density regulations of the zoning district in which it is proposed to be located(Article 3 and Tmb4c I),the:applicable requirements of all offier Articles that apply. C. The site pian encourages pedestrian,activity internally and,,if practicable,•to and from the site with pedestrian paths or sidewalks conirec4ed to adjacent areas, D 'Me site plan must conform to Chapter 136,f3owagc and Semage Disposal,Chapter 147 Slorrnmalcr Management Local Law,and-other applicable local'la':& F )flue proposed,use shall'be in harmony with the general purpose or intent of this Chapter,speciFically to:king into account the location, characterand s4e ofthe Proposed use and the description and puirpose of thie district in which such Ime:is proposed,the:nature and inteusity o f the actio ties to be in volved inor conducted,in connection with flie.proposed use and ffie nature and Fate o f any increase in the burden on supporting public services and facillti"as which will follow the approval oaf the proposed use, The establ ish men t,mainlenance and operation ot_rhepropm�d use will FIN Creole public hazards frown trafflo,tm fric congestion or the parking of Yell[cies andlor eqvi pmcn t or be otherwise deir i menta 11 to the health,safety or general we]fare of persons residing or wo,A•ing in the neighborhood or to the general welfare o IF the to�wn. Traffic access and ci reu lotion,road intersections.road and driveway widths;and traffic controls will be adequate,. G. Off-street parking and l9oading facilitieswill be appropriately 10401cd and airmigod and 5uMcicnt to meet traffic anticipated to, be:generaled" by[fie new we. The c5lablishment ofvehiole links between,parking areas of adjacent properties are provided Mmere feasible., This furthers the Tovai's goal of reducing curb cuts and reducing,congestion, A twenty-root wide conniection is required. If adjacent properties are:either undevelloped or previously dcvelloped without hawing made provision[Jbir future linkage,then a Ntore connection musl be identified and provided for in the site plan u rider, review'for such future linkage when,the time arises. The Plan n ing Board may require Proof that the applicant has made contact wilb adjacent property owners for pUrpoScs ofr000rdinating linkages with adjacent properties., The project shall not Ina we an undue adverse impact upon the-natural,scan ic,aesthici[c,coologheal,wi Idii Fe,historic,reemofional or open space sources of'the town or The Adirondack Park or upon the adequate provision ofsupporfing facilities and services made necessary by the project,taking into,account the commercial,i ndustria 11,residen fia 1, recreationa I or other benefits that in k9bi bt derived Front the project. In making the determination hereunder,the Planning Board shall'consider these factors Pertinent to the project contained i ni the development considerations set forth fie in under§ 179-9-080 ofthis:Chapter,and in so doing,the Planning Board shall make a net overal'i cvalVafion of the project in relation to the:development objectives and&MeTal guidtlines set forth in § 179-9-0M,ofibls Arlicle. The provision for ands arrangement of pedestrian trall'ic access and circulation,walkway struictures,control of intersections Mth vehicular traffic and Overall pedestrian convenience shall)be safe and adequate for piedestrion movernent. Pedestrian connections between adjacent sites shall be provided to encourap pedestrian[Use. j. Stonnwwer dTailflAgo facilities Will prevent orli I ncrease of post development drainage plows as compared to pre-developmentdrainagve flows' I Drainageotthe site shall rccliarp groundwoter to the extent practical. Surface waters,flowing off7situ shall not degrade any streams or adversely affect drainage on adjacent properties or public roads. Facilities shall be in,con fo rmianicc with the drainage standards of Cilapter 147 of the Town Code:and the Town Fal Queensbury Subdivision Regulations Miete applicabit. K. The water supply and sewage disposal facffllijeswill be adequate and will meet all applicable and current requirements set forth�by .. .............. Dep+odlrnent of Heafth regulations and Chapter 136 otthe Town Code. L. The adequacy,type andarrangerent of treas.shrubs and other suitable plantings,landscaping and screening$11110111 effectively pr�ovide�o vismaJ and/or noise butTer between the applicanits and ad�join.lng lands,including,the maxinNum retention afexisting wcgctaflon and mainwnancc, including replaicemicrit of dead or deceased plants. M. Hre lanies,emergency zones and fire hydrants will be adequate and meet the:need$and requirciments of ernergency service�pToviders, N, Thedesign of slru4turts,roadways and landscaping in wean•miscep,tib]a to ponding, nooding,andibir erosion will m in i rain Orr avoid such impacts to the maximum ax tent practicable, 0. The site plan conforms to the design standards,landscapiqg standards and performance standards olf thJs chapter. lute Plan Review Revised Oviober 2016 Town,of Queensbury Planning Office-742 Bay Rood,Queensbury,NY 128,04 -519-761-8,220 ,5 §179-9-050 Al2p1jeation for Site Plan Review Application materials and the site plan II all' Ole sufficient information for the Board to review and provide a decision. 'Fh,eapplicaiitiste ,provideasitf, - plan drawing and all attachments that addrm items A-V. The applicant can request a waiver frorn A-V a ad is to provide reasons for waiver(s), requested. Please Jabel information to be wbmittied. REQUIREMENTS Shut# A. A vicinity maps drawn st'the scale that shows the relationship ofthe proposal to existing cominun ity fee ilitics,w1i iciTa—R —i -7 or serve it,such as toads,shopping areas"schools,etc. The map Shall aho show @III properties,Identify owntrs, subdivisions,streets and easernients within 500 Pett of the property. Sooh a sketch may be superimposed oin a United Stages GoologicatSurvelearra ofthe area. The site,pian shall be:drawn at a scale of foray Feet to the Inch(1"=40,feet)or such other scale as the manning Board may deem appropriate,w standard 24"'x 316"sheets iwithconfirlu ation 8',n on 8 "x I I"sheets as:nemsary for written inforniation. The htWmafion listed bclDw sha I[be'shown,can the site Rlan and cortlinuadan sheets, C. Name:ofthc prGjcct,,boundaries,date,north arrow,and—sealc of the p1mi. D, Name and addressof the owner orrecord,developer,and seal of the engirimr,architect or landscape architect, [f1hc app]icant is not the record owner,a letter 0 f OuthoriZatiOn shall requi red from the owner, E T"location and use of a]I existing and proposed structures within the:pmperty including all d Irnens[uns,of hicIght and flalor are,a all exterIor entrances,and all anticipated future additions and alterations. The location of all present and proposed public and private ways,0 rf-stmet parking areas,driveways,,outdoor storage,areas, sidewalks,ramps,curbs,paths,tandscaping,walls and Fences,. Location,type and screening,details for all waste disposal containers Shall also be shown. The location,,height,intensity and bu[b type,(sodiurn,incandescent,etc.)of all external lighting fixtures- "The direction of illuminationand methods toeliminale glare onto a olnin ro rties must also be shown in corn H. The location,height,size,materials and design orall proposed signs. Tht location of mil present and proposed utility systems including: Z I., Sewage or septic sys1cm, 2. Water supply system, 3. Telephone,cable andl electrical systerns;and 4. Storm drainagt system incitiding existing and proposed drain lines,culverts,,catch basins,hcadwalls,endwalls, hydrants,manholes and drainage swales. Plans to prevent the pollution of gurface or grwndwolcr,erosion of soil bib doring and after construction,excessive runofr and flooding ofolher propertiles.as applirabife. A Stormwatey Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPF)for all land development aedyides(excluding agricultural socivities)on the site that results in l"ddiMuebarwe of un,c acre or more. ASWPPPshall comply with die req uiremeras of the,DEC SPDES MS-4 General'Permit and Chapter 147 of the Town,of Queensbury Code, It shall)be at the discretion of the Planning Rcard as to whether 0,SWPP'P or tun erosion and controll,plam,shall be required for a site plan review project land 41iStUTbarice of less than one acre:, Existing and proposed topography at two-root contour intervals,or such other Contour Interval Ss the Planning Board shall ;allow. Al[elevations shall reF&to the nearest United States Coastal and:Geodetic Bench Mark, Ifany portion orthe parcel is within the I'00-year floodplain,the area will beshowo,and base flood etevations given. Areas,shall be Indicated willhin the proposed silt and with I ni 5d feet of the proposed site where soil removal or ri ffing is requ I red,showing,the approximalt volmov in,cubic yards. L A landscape Plan,Showing all existing natural land features lban,may in flUence the design of the proposed use such as roc outcrops,,stands of trees,s�i ngle trees eight or more inches:In d ismeter,forest cover and water sources arid all proposed chaflifes to diese reatures,"nClUd"18r SIUS and types ofplants. Water solarcin include ponds, lakes,wedands and N watercourses,aqulferfloodpla ins;and drainage retention areas, M. Land Use Distriel boundarics within 500deet of the site's c per[mtcr shall be dram and identified loa the sitc; Wal plan,as l as any Overlay Districts that apply to the roperty. Site Plan Review Reviser)October 2016 Town,of'Queensbury Planning Office-742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 1280,4.;51'8-761-8220 6 7F�-EQUIREMENTS, (CONTINUED) Steed 4 M i Traffic flow poveras within the site,entramces and,exits, loading and unloading areas,as well as curb,outs on the site and within 100,11W of the site. The Planning Soard may,at its discreflion,require a detailed!traffic study ror large deve[opments or 7 for those in heavy traffic arCOS,whichi shall.[nclude: l- The projected number of moto;r vehicle trips to enter or leave[lie site:,estimated for weekly and annual peak hour traffic levels„ 2. The prujocicd ftafflIC flOW paAICM including vehicular movernews alall major intersections likely to be affcctcd by the proposcd use oft ic sim, 3. The impact ufthis traflTc on,levels of'servire on abutting public,SITOttS and at all' cted intersections. Existing and proposed weekly acid anntial peak hour traJIJ4 levels and road capacity Jewels Oul] also be given- For new construction or alterations to any structure„a table containing the rollDwing,infonnalion Shall be included: I, Estimated area ofstructure to,be used fror particular purposes such as retain operation,office, Storage,014c.; �2. Estimated maximum number ofernployees, I Maximurn seating capacity,,where appli"ble',and 4, Nu jr,ber or parking spaces existing and required Ibr the iweri4ed use. P, L Floor Plans. 2. Elevations at a scale ofortc-quarltr inch equals,one foot(1/4"= I fba,t)for all exterior facades ofthe proposed structure)(s) ture'(E arucl)ar allerations to or expansions of existing,facadcs,showing design features and Indicating the"Le and c:o�lor of materials to be used. Q Soil logs.,water supply Well and perpolalion test resift,end storm water rurEoftcalcOatiom, as:needed to determine and mitigate project impacts. R. Plans for disposal ofconsiruction and,dernotifion wasle,cit4cr en-site or at an approved disposal Facillity. SI, P lens for snow Ferrioval.including locatio ni(s)0 F on-site snow storage. T. An Environmental Assessment Forin C'FW­),as:required by the,SEQRA regulations,with Part I oompleted by the Applicant shaH k submitted as part ofthe application. Ifthe proposed project requiresa special use permit and on EAF bas been, C, s4milledl in mnjunclion with a special use permit application,a duplicate EAF is not required for the site plart appljoaOon' U. Tfon application is liar a parcel or pau)celi or,vAhith more than one use is proposed,the applicant may submit a single application for All Such uses,provided the proposed uses ore accurately daUrteotedl on asite plan drawn pursuant to the requirements set forth above- The Planning Board may grant the:application wIth respect to some proposed uses and not others. For purposes ofreviewing,an applicalibn(and for SEQRA compliance)all proposed uses on a single pared or on contiguous parcels shall be:considered together. V. A briernarLive statement on how[lie project proposed for Tevlaw furthers or is consistent with the yision,goals mid p-olicies C-, in the To Comprehensive:Plan, S� Site Man Review Revised October 20+6 Town ofQ,ueensbury Planning Office-,742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 -518-761-8220 7 Pre-lSubmission Conference Form I Section 179-9-040 e S4 2. Tax Map,ID 13" Loco tion: C)e C 3. coming g Cl a ss ifica tion C-T— 1 L a/ � c4e c, 9d.c-A 5�. Zoning Section N.- 6. Pre-Submission Meeting Notes: Provided Outstanding, 'Please prol by Deed 411*1 General Information complete Site Development Data Complete SetbackRequirements Complete Additional Prqjct '1nfbrm,ation Complete FAR addressed Complianve VIL ��Op, Chl items addressed ua Environmental Form completed Signature Page completed cucc-,-)l 14 cl �-1 C.C, �-C Cr 01 `5 d rk b(l A 'l T-V L n f",j C G C-1 S, CAL C2L lZ E �e�Ccl C,),/l ............... r� nel V C J( 4z.-I %. ci) C, 2), 4 lccif�tt in 6-7 Staff Representative.- Applicant I Agent-, at : Site P'I@n Review Revised.Ocetobef 2016 Town ofQueenqbiuiy Planning Office- 742 Boy Rood,Quicl NY 1'2804 l 518-1161-8220 Signature Page This page ili,the 1)Authorization to Act as Agent Form, 2.), Engineering Fee Discl 3.)Authorization for Site Visits:, 4.) Other Permit Responsibilities;1 5) OfIl Meeting Disclosure and 6.,) Agreement to provide dr, cumentalion required- OWNER'S AGENT FORU Coirnp4ete the following if the OWNER of the property is not the same as the applicant Owner: Designates, As agent regarding: Variance Site Plan Subdivision, For Tax Map No.- mow. Section Block Lot Deed Reference: look Page Date OWNER S[GNATURE-:: DATE: APPUCANT'S AGENT PORK Complete the following if the APPLICANT is,unable to attend the, meeting or wtshes to,be represented by anon Cher party Ownel Diesignates: As agent regardilng: Variance Site Plan Subdivision For'Tax Map No-, Sedion Block Lot Deed(Reference.- Book Page Date APKICANT SIGNATURE; DATE: �2.) ENGIII EERMI-EE-E Q$CLOSURE: Applical may be referred to 'the Town consulting engineer for review of septic design, storm drainage, etc, as determined by the Zoning or Planning Department, Fees for engineering review services will be charged' dil to the applicant, Fees for engineering review willi net exceed$ 1,000,without notification W the @Ppil 3.) AUTHORIIZATfON FOR SITE `ASITS,, By signing this page orad submitting the application materials aflached herein, the Owner, Applicant, and Iiis1hedtheir agents) hereby authorize the Zonirvq Board or Planning Board and 'Town Staff to enter the subject propertles,for the purpose of reviewing the application submitted. 4) THER PERMIT RESP0NS1SIQ1T1E$., Other perinnits may be required'for construction or alteiation activity subsequent,to approval by the Zoning Board of Planning Board, It isthie applicant's responsibility to obtain any additional pernl 5.) OFFICIAL MEETING MINUTES DISCLOSURE: It isthe practice of the,Community Development Deparirnant W have a designated stenographer,lape record The proceedings of meetings,resulting from application,and minutes tianscribed from those tapes constitutes the offici all record of all proceedings. 6,-) AGR E EMENT TO Il DE DOC UME NTATION REQUIRED: 1,the undersigned, have thoroughly read and understand the, instruclJona for submission and agree to the submiiuion requirements, I aanlowtedge vio,construction actl shall be commenoeid prior to, issuance of a vallid permil, I certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement1description cvf the existing conditions and the woik proposed,, and that all work will be performed in a=rdance with the approved plans and inconformance with local zoning regulations. I acknowledge thiat prior to, occupying theJacilitles propoWx I or my agents,will obtain a certificate of occupancy as necessary. I alto understand that I may be required to p4oMb An as-b0t survey bly ,a licensed IaW surveyor of all newly constructed farAties, prior to issuance of a cedificate of occupancy I Ihav read and agree to the above. Si -6a— Si ure[Aplopp Pr[nt Name [Applibant) to igrued Signature [Agieflt] Print Name [Agent] int ,signed Silo plan Review Revised October 20116 Town of Queensbury Planning Office. 7'42 Bay Road -Queeinsbury, NlY 12804 �518-761-8220 9 Short Eq nvironmental Assessment Form Part I - Project Information Instructions for Comvlefipg Flart 1 - Project Information. The Applicant or project sponsor is responsible for the coin,pleflo n of Part 1. Responses become part of the application for approval,or funding,are subject to public review,andmay be subject to further verification, Complete Part I based on information currently available. If additianal research or investigation would be neededto Fully respond to any item,please answer as thoroughly as possible based on current information. Complete alt items in Part 1. You may also provide any additional infbrmation which,you believe:will be needed by or useful to the lead agency;attach additional pages as necessary to supplement any item. Part I - Project and Sponsor Information Name of Action or Project. Project.Location (describe,and)attach a location map): Brief'DeSCTipfiOn of Proposed Aetion, Name of Applicant or Sponson Telephone: E-Mail: Addresst city/Po: State; Zip Code, NO 1.Does the propiosed action only involve the legislative adoption of a plan, local law,ord[nance, NO YES admi n istrat ive ru[a, o,r re,gu latilon? Z If Yes,attach a narrative description of the intent of the proposed action and the environmental resources that may be:affected in the mu n ici pat it,y,and proceed to Part.2. If no,continue to question 2, 2. Does;the proposed action require a permit, approval,or fundi'ng from anyother governmental Agency? NO YES If Yes, I ist agency(s)name and permit or approv a h 14 N_ n I C U��,A 0� Qoe 3.a.'Total acreage of the site of the proposed action? 1 acres b,ToW acreage to, be physically disturbed? Q acres e.Total acreage,(proj e0 site and any con,tiguous properties),owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor'? —"acre$ 4. Check all land Iiises that occuir on,adjoining and near the proposed action. [3 Urban, EJ Rural (non-agriculture) 01ndustrial oCommercial EIResidential(subu an), UForesl ElAgri, culture El Aquatic W01ther(spccify), CIParkland Page 1 of�3 5. Is the proposed actiorn, NO ,! a, permitted use under the zoniing regulations? b„ Consistent with the adopted connprehensiv" planil a. 1s the pircposcd action consistent with the predominant character of the existing buHt or rnatural N YE,g [andscaape?' 7, IIs the site of the proposed action located in,or does it adjoin,a state listed Crpticall Environmentall ,area? W 'YES! if Yes.,identify: g� a. Will the proposed act:[on resna[t in a substantlanll incrersst in traffic above present levels? 1 .11 b.Are prablm"c,transportation services)available at or near the site:of the proposed action? �{ cv Are any,pedestrian accommodations or bicycle routes available on or near site of the proposed action? �I , Does time pn'oposed action Meet or exceed the state energy code requirements � VC If the proposed)action wvill'exceed requirements,describe design featnrres and technologies: Li 110, Will the proposed action connect to an existing;publ 6p iVate Water supply? ; NO YES ' if N o, describe method for providing potable water: ��l 11. ''Full the prcpcasedl act[on connect to existing wastewater utilities? If No,describe method for providing wastewater treatment,. 120 a. Does the site contain a structure that is fisted on either the State or National Register ofHistoric NO YES Places? �l b.. 'is the proposedactuon,located in ars archeological sensidvearea? I _a,, Doesany portion of time.site of the proposed action,or [ands adjoining the proposed action„contain 01 YES wetlands or other waterbodies regulated by am federal,state or local agernpy'I' b. Would the proposed action physically alter,or encroach into, any existing wetland air aterbody"? If Yes, identify the wetland or waterbod,y and extent of alterations in square feet or acres: 14 Identify the typical habitat types that occur on,or are likely to ba found on the project site. Check all thatapply: EIShoreIirne El l"orest Dl Agric:ulturaligrass.larnds Ell Early rnid-successioanua[ El ?wetland 0Urban ❑Suburbarn 15.Does the site of the proposed action contain any:species of animal, or associated h,abltats,listed NO Y by the Mate or Federall government as threatened or endangered? Ell 16. is the project site located in the 100 year flood plain ' NO YE9 11 7,WHI the proposedaction create storm water di harge,e`mtber from point or morn-point sources? NO YES If yes,, a® Will storm water discharges,flowto adjacent properties' OI YES AT I CJI, b,Will storm water discharges be directed to established c�onvcyance systemsTurnoff and storm drains)? Yes, briefly describe: O S, i Page 2 ori' proposed �,i dude construction or activities that result iau the impoundment of _ VES; ' 1 . �� the �ce�1 a�ti��rm include t. water,or tauter liquids(e.g, ern pe�nid,waste Iagaaen,dam)? If Yes,expla'irn purpose and size. 19. Has,the site of tile proposed action or arra adjoining property been the location of an active or closed -IV-E-; ' s l"udl waste management facility' If Yes,,dleseribe: 20. Has the site of the proposed action or an adjoi n[ng property betn the sus ject of remediation (ongoing or PCO YE completed) for hazardous waste? if Yes, describe. Li ._. I AF'FIC+tM THAT THE, IN F0RMAT[ON P"ROVII ED AIIOVE IS TR.F,IE AN1),A CCU RATET HE BEST F MY KNOWLEDGE Applicant/sponsor name Crate: Signature: PRINT FPage 3 of 3 A&en cy Use On] C a pp lic�Able Date- ,Sh on Environmental. s ss nt Form Part.2 - Impact Assessment P11 rt 2 Is to be com,l)leted by the Load Agen Cy. ,A aswer AI olf the foil low iing questions hi, Part,2 Using the i nformation coirgained:in Part I and other rnated als subm,i tted by the project spon5or or otherwise available to,the reviewer., When answering the questions the reviewer shioluld be guided by the concept"Have miy responses been reasonable considering the scale and context of the proposed action?" No,or, Moderate Small to large impact impact may May occur occur, 4, Will the proposed action create a material conflict with an adopted land use plan or z—oning -- 0 2, Will the proposed action resu It in a change in the use OT i n te:nsi ty of use of 11 and? 3. Wil] the proposed acdon impair the character or quality ofthe existing communky? Li 4. Will the proposed action have an impact on the environmental characteristics that caused`the establishment ofa Critical Environmental Area(CEA)? 5, Will the proposed action result in an adverse change,in the existing level oft ffic or affect ex i'st ing i n fr�astructu re for mass transit,biking or walkway? 6. Wi I I the proposed'action,,cause—an i ncrease in the use of energy and it fall to i noorporate reasonably avai I abi e energy conservation or reinewable energy opportu nits es? 7., Wi I I the proposed acti on impact ex is,t public I private water suppfies?ing�' b. public!private wastewater,treatment utilities? Will the proposed.action,impair the character or,qu�llity of important fiistoricarchaeological, architectural or aesthefic:resources'? 9. Will the proposed action result in:an adverse change to natural resources(e.g., wetlands, waterbodies,ground water,air qua]i ty, flora and Fauna)? 10., Will the proposed action result in an in In the potential!for erosion,flooding or drainage problems'? IL Will the proposed action create:a hazard to environmental resources or human health? E� �D............. PRINTFORM Page: I of 2 Age'Cy Use On y P Jir a I, 11cable Date-. Share Environmental Assessment Form Part3 Determination of Significance For every question hi Part 2 that was answered"moderate to large Impact, may occur", or if there is a need to explain why a particular element of the proposed act on may or w�ill not result in a significant adverse environmental ipact, please ournplete Part 3,Part 3 should, in,sufficient detail, identify the impaict,includingany measures or design eterneRts that. have been included by the project sponsor to avoid or reduct impacts. Part 3 should also explain how the lead agency determinedthal the Impact may or will not be sign[ficant. Each potential impact should be:assessed considering its setting, probablility ofoccurring,duration, irreversibility,geographic scope and magnitude. Also consider the potential for,short- t,ermi, long-term and cumulative impacts- Check this box if you have determined,,based an the inforamflon and analysis above,,and'any supporting documentation—, that the proposed action rn,ay result in one or more potentially large or si gil ificant adverse I nVacts and an environmental i mpact statement is required, LChKk this box if you have determined,based on the information and analysis above,and any supporting documentation,, that the proposed action,w!I I not result in any significant adverse environ, rnen tal Impacts. Nanmof Lead Agency Date print ort pe'Name of Respon sjlbl e Officer In LeadAgeney 'Gide of Respon si ble Oifficer, Signatu re of Responsi b4c Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(if different from Responsible Officer) =PRIINT' FORM pogf,2 of 2 Site Devel t Area I Type inting sq. ft. PrD r6 d' Total .Ift. Adds ior� fit, a ,. Buildingfootprint p � �•m� .wx, DOa zed Garage . D. !Paved, gravel er ether ftard suirfaceld area 1! ` � E.-Porches I Decks x fher * G. oral Nlon,-Permeable [ dd -F] � j H. Parcel'Area 143,560 e .ft.. Inacre] r.r 1. Percentage of Impermeable area of Site [iI=&H] Area required EXristing Prop sed' 1 Front[ ] Shoreline Side Yard Side Yard [ ] Near Yard F1J Near"hard [ ] Travel Corridor le Leight[ a ] ability - o, of parking spa , w f, w Site Nan Review Revised)0dober 2016 Town of Queensbury Manning Office,742,Say Rroad-Queaens,buiry» NY 12804-:518-761-8220 3 Glenn,Standards for Site Plan Approval. . Tree A. I, will be moving my existing business t 1084 ' t Rt 9 Thr have been located for years to Great Escapes axillary parking, lot next t Martha's lee Cream. Turning the existing parking lot into a sculp'ture garden with a new dynamic tree sculptures. 4 The project will comply pith all site plan standards r C. The existing fence by the side walk parallel to RT 9 will be removed t allow for easy pedestrian access to site. There will be no disposal 1 of sewerage. E. This plan will not increase the need for additi nal public services,. F. My business is low traffic maybe a dozen cars a day 1 or 2 at time. G. The curb coat will make for easy entrance and exit oftraffic and parking. H"'.. The sculptures will encircle and, be on top of existing planter 20'-25'p with the old maple tree enhancing, the nature sting® M10'-12' esti shed will be located to the right and behind the planter. 1. Easy pedestrian access.. . There will 'be no digging andthere will be n impact on,.storm eats;r. K. The landscape will be enhanced by the sculptures, .Tli.ere will be no impact on fire Ian s as a portion of the fencing, new entrance will, be plasticlink. . N. There will be no changing of the landscape that will cause ponding or create erosion. . The site plan willonf nn, and exceed all design and landscape Stan dards. Requirements Two site plan mapswill be provided to show the location Glen TreeArt h existing Great Escape parking lot Testa will be, no need for either sewer or water supply. The ,existing topography will not be changed or altered.